View Full Version : A couple of questions
01-24-2006, 12:08 AM
1. Are there any women who actually enjoy hurting testicles? To be specific, sadists whose agenda and motivation is to see men quaking and rolling around in pain because of the testicle pain they themselves have inflicted on the man. I can think of QueensofHeartsNY and perhaps Melanie, but I don't think any woman in my experience has had more interest than I in hurting me down there.
2. Have you ever literally squeezed the cum out of a man? I know the balls don't store semen, but the pressure can make a man shoot. This has to be without penile stimulation, with only violent or forceful stimulation of the nuts: or example, squeezing or slapping of one or both balls.
Gentleman, feel free to respond as well.
01-24-2006, 12:36 AM
In my opinion, there's 2 types of girls who, "enjoy" this treatment of balls. The first, and most common (i think) are the women who think it's fun to see what it can do to the guy. I hate to sound self-indulgent, but my girlfriend is like this. They'll ballbust once and a while, once or twice a month tops. The second type know that the balls are a weak point for guys, and their interest in domination actually heightens their sexual pleasure. I think I made sense, but it's been a late night. Hope I answered.
01-25-2006, 01:17 AM
I think there is a third type of women, which is probably more common: the Ladies who like to ballbust their man because they know he loves that, but who do not get DIRECTLY any pleasure from ballbusting. They are only concerned in the pleasure they bring to him, knowing that they will be rewarded ... if he is a decent lover!
01-25-2006, 06:09 PM
All of the women I know who bust balls because they like it (as opposed to the fact that I might be paying them a model fee) do so because it gives them a feeling of power- of being in charge and able to control and overpower a big guy so easily. They get a power rush, but it is not in any way a sexual thing (in their own words). They realize we would like it to be, but it just isn't.
I think there is a third type of women, which is probably more common: the Ladies who like to ballbust their man because they know he loves that, but who do not get DIRECTLY any pleasure from ballbusting. They are only concerned in the pleasure they bring to him, knowing that they will be rewarded ... if he is a decent lover!
I agree with this. Both my ex and my current girlfriend would do it pretty much whenever I wanted them to, but didn't really get any immediate enjoyment from it. Their enjoyment has always been from knowing I was enjoying it. And yes, my g/f definately gets rewarded. :)
01-26-2006, 11:10 PM
I have had some personal experience where I asked my girl to abuse my nuts. She did so by squeezing them really hard after I ejaculated. I'm not quite sure that counts as "squeezing the cum out." But that's what she thought she was doing.
01-30-2006, 02:22 AM
I have had some personal experience where I asked my girl to abuse my nuts. She did so by squeezing them really hard after I ejaculated. I'm not quite sure that counts as "squeezing the cum out." But that's what she thought she was doing.
Wow, post-ejac squeezes really hurt! What I think is missing, and very necessary, is a place where women, who are not giggly men, but actual women seriously into hurting testicles can swap stories, and compare notes.
03-07-2006, 06:19 PM
Oh, come on! They ALL do!
Okay, maybe not quite *all*, just the ones who have actually spent some time with men and figured out what a bunch of lecherous thugs we all are. :D
Sadistic Sara: Commented on enjoying causing pain to balls.
Julie18nz: Commented on liking exchanging painful kick-for-kick sessions with men (and women, and horses, and...).
EvilGrl: Commented once or twice on specifically finding a bit of a sexual, yanno, Thing about it. (She also mentioned that Snake Girl told her that she fantasized about coming across a naked man whom she did not know and kicking him in the nuts.)
Every woman I ever met: They were coy about it, they were shy, they were hesitant, etc., but after I got them going, they kept hammering away.
Yes, kimos, chicks WANT to bust your balls, and plenty of them get a Thing from it -- most who do will not admit it, just like they won't admit it when they look at your penis (which you think of as a massive, throbbing cock) and think, "Gee, I wish I could meet a man with a REAL dick."
03-09-2006, 03:54 AM
I will say sometimes when my wife gets me really squeeling, she just starts laughing. For years she never would do it hard, now that is the first thing she does.
03-09-2006, 12:43 PM
No amount of model fee is going to make a woman whom is no good at ballbusting into a Ballbustress. The fee is business, fair exchange for services employed. I filter them out early and then the one's whom are with that innate thing, we work with. Ballbusting is sexual, some may say not so, but it is very much a sexual act. Perhaps because some percieve sex within a tight remit, they do not see it as sexual. Ballbusting is an exercise of power exchange in a domination scenario, but in a pure session it is often a mutual merging of the senses between those involved in the session. The power rush that females gain in a more dom oriented session is clearly evident and often it can take them over big time. That's why Ballbusting is not an act to take lightly. If a lady has no control over her emotions and actions, it can be bad news for all parties. I pay a lot of attention with recruits with regards to this aspect. If she is such a hater of men, or really enjoys inflicting suffering, then I'm inclined to by pass them for someone whom can sense and feel what she is doing and its effect upon the person that she is busting with. They do slip through the net though. I had to drop camera and body check one of our recruits recently when the rush and the buzz of the male's submission spurred her on to work on him even harder and beyond his acceptable threshold. She was starry eyed for about ten mins after. The dude she was kicking and crushing was surprisingly
appologetic to her. I guess roleplay on both sides can be heady stuff.:D
All of the women I know who bust balls because they like it (as opposed to the fact that I might be paying them a model fee) do so because it gives them a feeling of power- of being in charge and able to control and overpower a big guy so easily. They get a power rush, but it is not in any way a sexual thing (in their own words). They realize we would like it to be, but it just isn't.
03-09-2006, 03:15 PM
about the first question - I have no more to add... unfortunately I havn't met a women yet who is getting a turn on while obusing male testicles...
the second question - yes, I've seen movies where testicles where squashed underneeth a high heel so that the cum was dripping from mans cock - it was more like a steady stream then a shot... and I also managed to squeez my balls so that I would cum... but I think it's not about how hard you do it... (well that too of caurse but not mainly) - its more about how much it turns you on and how much the tought of having your balls stood on and crushed with high heels excites you sexualy... (this is what I was thinking about anyways ;) )
03-21-2006, 12:55 PM
... and I also managed to squeez my balls so that I would cum... but I think it's not about how hard you do it...its more about how much it turns you on and how much the tought of having your balls [squeezed hard] excites you sexualy.
I agree. I often get off by squeezing my balls but it usually takes quite a long session to slowly build up to the level of distortion I put my nuts through before I start to cum. I usually stimulate my eggs by manually squeezing them or by applying some of my clamping devises for more than an hour, all the while building the pressure and the feeling in my mind...observing visually just how much pressure I am putting on my balls.
I have one quite insensitive ball that I can squeeze quite hard right from the beginning, but it's when I've worked a while on my sensitive ball and can put more and more pressure on it that that wonderful release happens.
My guess is that if I was being ball-tortured by someone merely trying to overreach my limits, I wouldn't cum. It seems to me that the pressure has to be increased slowly and sensually until it reaches a mental threshhold.
The Geezer
03-26-2006, 10:40 AM
my ex girlfriend and my wife enjoy ballbusting,my girlfriend before i met my wife needed no encouragement to kick my balls when we had a fall out she thought instead of not talking or sulking a good ball kicking cleared the air.My wife first ball punishment was first night we met i was kissing her and trying to get inside her pants i unzipped and pulled out my hard cock rubbing it against her she said dirty bastard and knee`d me hard in my balls she noticed although in pain my hard-on was infact harder she did laugh and said "thats not a cock,its a winkie" hence my nick name i have to this day,so she knee`d me again and again with asmile on her face untill i orgasmed this was first time i spunked this way it left me on the floor,since then she punishes my balls for pleasure and disipline.
04-01-2006, 03:23 PM
In my regular dating relationships over the years, I have successfully introduced some sort of ball abuse to most of my partners. I do believe that I was, in each instance, the girl's first victim, and they all seemed to like it. In the past, I was into squeezing & slapping; it's only recently that I've graduated to kicking. Regardless, I cannot tell you how many girls I've asked to slap my balls and after slapping them once or twice, went into "speedslapping mode" and had me squirming and yelping to their amusement.
However, I haven't met anyone who is interested in doing it for more than 2-3 minutes in any one night. My experience with these women (including my wife) has been that it's a novelty that quickly fades (for the moment). In a day or two, the girls might be interested in abusing my balls a bit more, but generally, in my experience, the girls do it a little, then want to move on to other activites that involve conventional sex.
This is where it makes sense to pay for bb services, since it seems that girls are almost universally intrigued by causing ball pain. And by paying for it, you can get exactly what you want, and perhaps a little more than you bargained, without the girl expecting to move onto more conventional activites before your finished getting busted.
As I write this, I'm seriously thinking about hiring a girl to come over and help my wife bust my balls. Now that just might work - show my wife how I REALLY like it.
...Hmmm - got to think about this one.
Ace Hardlight
04-02-2006, 06:11 PM
...girls are almost universally intrigued by causing ball pain.
I have heard the same thing from many before. It actually makes sense though and would explain why most women become histerical at the sight of a man on the ground clutching his balls. Even though obviously all women like it on different levels, I have yet to meet a woman who isn't fascinated by ballbusting or think that getting busted is funny [not that I would ever want to].
04-02-2006, 08:10 PM
laugh and said "thats not a cock,its a winkie" hence my nick name i have to this day, ...
So I take it your wife is not a size queen?
04-03-2006, 11:30 AM
Yes, I can see with your point of being arroused and not about the force of being crushed. The issue of force is intriguing because the force is contact, in this case with the balls. Force is contact which results in sensation. Is the sensation being experienced able to make a man come purely through physical stimulation rather than mental stimulation. Its a very blurred line. I think if a man hasn't come for a prolonged period of time, it will increase the likelyhood of this happening (via pure physcial interaction). If a man was not turned on by being busted and had cum perhaps just a short while with someone other than with the one that was busting him and that he had no turn on factor with regards to who was now busting him, if he came via a kick or crush, etc, then that could be proof that the physical aspects was what made him cum I've cum on a kick and via being crushed, but there was always on big turn. I liked the ladies that I was busting with, bigtime and what they were doing, in terms of style technique and force, were big contributary factors. Sometimes I've been a period of time without cummming, but this has also happened when I have cum frequently in the run period to the bust.
A bit of a long winded tongue twister, but its well meant. Very, very interesting.
about the first question - I have no more to add... unfortunately I havn't met a women yet who is getting a turn on while obusing male testicles...
the second question - yes, I've seen movies where testicles where squashed underneeth a high heel so that the cum was dripping from mans cock - it was more like a steady stream then a shot... and I also managed to squeez my balls so that I would cum... but I think it's not about how hard you do it... (well that too of caurse but not mainly) - its more about how much it turns you on and how much the tought of having your balls stood on and crushed with high heels excites you sexualy... (this is what I was thinking about anyways ;) )
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