View Full Version : Squeezed till you cried
02-04-2006, 12:25 AM
Has any guy in here ever been squeezed till he cried? Was it a hand squeeze? Did you involuntarily weep, moan, yelp or mew?
Or have of the ladies - because only a true lady would squeeze a man mercilessly - ever squeezed a guy he dropped all pretence and actually cried, rather than just begged to be let go?
02-06-2006, 03:57 PM
A girl-friend (should I say Mistress?)of mine has, several times, squeezed my balls till I pass out. The fact happened after I had orgasmed, and probably too early for her, and I have read somewhere that once he has orgasmed, male body is much less pain resistant than before.
I must add this lady was heavily muscled, played tennis at a competition level, and had a dreadfully powerful right hand.
She told me, every time this situation occured, that I remained "out" something around one minute or two. Once, she was very impressed becaused I remained hard while I was out.
Hoping to have added to the debate.
02-06-2006, 04:52 PM
A womans legs can be an awesome weapon - I have been moved to panic more than once!
02-07-2006, 01:17 AM
I didn't really cry tears while being busted, but I did cry-out in pain and my right testicle was extremely sore for about an hour afterwards, that I feel like crying.
02-07-2006, 12:13 PM
Crushee, please tell us who this "well built" gal is so I can make an appointment.:D
02-07-2006, 06:05 PM
One of the threats/promises/fantasies my girlfriend tells me about it squeezing, punching or kicking me until I cry...
But then she also wants to have children with me one day, so she has never gone on long enough or hard enough to actually make me cry. And then, being a man, I haven't really cried for years: except, you know, in movies where someone is being incredibly brave or self-sacrificing or something... then it is more getting choked up and wiping away a small tear. I wonder if pain would ever make me cry now?
Anyway, I appreciate her sentiment (wanting to cause me great pain in the balls) even if nothing further comes of it.
02-07-2006, 10:45 PM
A girl-friend (should I say Mistress?)of mine has, several times, squeezed my balls till I pass out. The fact happened after I had orgasmed, and probably too early for her, and I have read somewhere that once he has orgasmed, male body is much less pain resistant than before.
I must add this lady was heavily muscled, played tennis at a competition level, and had a dreadfully powerful right hand.
Wow that's hot. Tennis players have great grips I hear. The balls are pretty tough though. I don't think I could take very much after cumming! Did you moan or wail uncontrollably? I find I writhe too much and need to be restrained. I still need a good cry though! As in "AAAAAAAAAAGH!"
02-08-2006, 02:53 AM
Never cried....Screamed, once, really loud.....I've always wanted to be brought to tears, then brought to orgasm to counter it!
That is one of the hottest things to hear about; When a girl tells me she has made a man cry.
I don't think I could be brought to actual tears from a kick or sqeeze in the nuts, simply because I get off on it.
02-10-2006, 06:40 PM
If you did pop or really crush someones balls...They would have to be removed right? The testicles wouldn't be able to heal right? Why would a guy want to do that and rid themselves of future ballbusting pleasure!?
02-10-2006, 10:08 PM
it depends. its not really a risk most would want to take, but depending on the severity of the ruoture the testicle can heal itself. A small ruoture does not neccessarily lead to the tubes inside leaving the testcle. If this is the case, or even if there is a more severe rupture but you have a surgeon skilled enough and concerned enough too really try to save your testicle it can be stiched up. This requires that the inside of the testicle, the seminefrious tubules (great name huh) not be too damaged. But, the healing process would be extremely painful, way more painful than just having the popped nut removed. Think bedridden on serious painkillers for weeks on end. I cant cite to any specific source other than pictures of repairs I have come across and accounts Ive heard, one from an individual not a ballbusting enthusiast but some poor schmo who fell on a log in the woods, giving his story a little more credibility. Ouch.
02-12-2006, 08:17 AM
My wife does not have the strength to squeeze both balls at the same time enough to make my cry but she can really work over one. I showed her how to hold one nut between two fingers, stretch it away from my body, then push on it with her thumb. She builds the pressure. I squirm and roll around until I finally ask her to quit. She will keep it up a few seconds more and then let go. A couple of times when she had me from behind she held on much longer.
We never do hard impact (knee, solid fist, kick) and always build up so rupture unlikely but I can be sore for a few days and aching for several minutes after she releases.
BTW, she never would squeeze hard until after she had a hysterectomy. No worries about more kids.
02-12-2006, 07:12 PM
My wife does not have the strength to squeeze both balls at the same time enough to make my cry but she can really work over one. I showed her how to hold one nut between two fingers, stretch it away from my body, then push on it with her thumb. She builds the pressure. I squirm and roll around until I finally ask her to quit. She will keep it up a few seconds more and then let go. A couple of times when she had me from behind she held on much longer.
I think the whole point is that she doesn't let go and keeps squeezing until you submit, that is squeal and cry like a man pig :)
02-13-2006, 04:48 AM
As a long time ball abuser, I have learned to start slowly and increase the pressure on my testicles over a long session before I climax just from manipulating my balls. Although one of my testicles is extremely sensitive to squeezing, the other one can take a lot of pressure right from the beginning. The longer I manipulate my less sensitive ball, the softer and mushier it gets...sometimes till it almost feels if I've squeezed all the blood (and any other fluids) from it. After twenty or so minutes I can squish it back and forth between my hands as I pinch the edges.
When I start to apply pressure to it, that dull gut pain is totally absent but it is very pleasurable to apply hard doubt my body still intreprets the pressure and produces the same endorphines as if pain were felt. I also believe that there is a psychological "glow" gained as I can apply a huge amount of manual pressure to it without severe pain.
My other ball is a totally different story. When I start manipulating it, it's extremely sensitive and feels very hard...and stays hard for a long while. As I start to squeeze it, I have to back off after about fifteen seconds of light to medium pressure which is perceived as both that wonderful deep gut pain but also a sharp stab in the kidney area on that side. As I continue, that ball too seems to loose it's hard texture and the sharpness of the pain subsides some. I've also noticed that if I stretch it (singly) away from my body as I apply the squeeze, I can squeeze harder with less pain perceived. Similarily, if I grip the base of my scrotum with my fist and stretch both balls into a tight sack, I can apply a lot more pressure to both balls simultaneously than I can to my sensitive ball alone.
Recently, I've concentrated on making my insensitive ball mushy then starting to work harder on my sensitive one as I gain the benefit of the endorphines. The longer and harder I squeeze it, the softer it gets and the more pressure I can apply to it with less pain. I haven't been able to last long enough to get it as mushy as my insensitive ball because once I've climaxed, the pain seems to increase...probably because my body doesn't continue to release the endorphines...but who knows why.
I have enjoyed using a wide variety of clamping devises on my balls and most enjoy the ones that can put pressure on the ball while allowing it to distort and expand around the edges of the location of the pressure ...pressing my thumb into the center of a trapped ball allows the edges to expand as if I was pressing on a small gel-filled rubber ball. When I use a large surface clamp, such as, say, plexiglass plates that crush over a large area, the ball doesn't get a chance to stretch as much as it does when I apply pressure to a small area. I've modified a large "C" shaped locking Vise Grip with several layers of glue and a thin coating of silicone rubber and can center those surfaces on a ball isolated with a few metal rings or wraps of light cord. After locking the Vise Grip on my insensitive ball, I can increase the pressure using the screw adjustment in the handle, little by little, until my distorted ball is bulged all around the faces of the jaws of the clamp. (I'm sure that I've posted some pics of this in other threads.) For more pressure, I have to release the lock, tighten the screw then reapply the clamp...the click of it locking is quite a real psychological turn-on.
I also like to use a homemade dowel humbler with a crusher bar that I can tighten with thumb screws once I stretch and trap one or both balls in between the two main dowels...I even apply the Vise Grip to one ball when it is totally immobile protruding from under the crusher. WOW!
My favorite squeezing devises are Lobster Claw Rubber Bands (about 3/4" diameter and 1/2" wide) that I apply either individually on each ball (once I have ringed or wrapped them so they don't escape under the pressure) or over both balls simultaneously after they are isolated together in one pouch. Unlike my hands, the rubber bands don't get tired...they keep on squeezing until I take them off or my ball pops or oozes back through the ring leaving the LCRB around an empty pouch of scrotum.
When my wife was alive, she'd watch me manipulate my nuts and would participate (half heartedly) sometimes. I think that she couldn't comprehend the pleasure/pain thing as she didn't have but a very low pain threshhold herself. I've never had a sexual relationship with anyone else...and probably won' I just do myself when I want to.
I've never been able to bring myself to apply pressure to my nuts until I passed out or cried...I do have to tighten my stomach muscles sometimes and grunt some though. Most of the devises that I have used on myself are quite easily removable, except the LCRBs. I have learned that it's best to put some kind of ring or loop of material through the lumen of the LCRB before applying one to my sensitive nut so as to be able to remove it once I release it...without a way to grap and pull it off, it is extremely hard to remove because it squeezes my nut so tightly it sort of "waists" it like a dog-bone and if I've not worked up properly and isolated it properly, there's no where for the ball to ooze or pop. Occasionally I have to squeeze it harder just to get the LCRB off. Sometimes in that scenario, I almost have tears.
The Geezer
In the attached pic, the blue LCRB is mostly centered on my less-sensitive nut and is exerting enough pressure to "waist" it. My more-sensitive nut is merely isolated from my body by another LCRB holding it in a pouch of scrotum, but isn't under much pressure itself (except when I choose to squeeze it manually). To remove the LCRB that isolates it, I gently squeeze it back through the band until it pops back out of the pouch and the LCRB falls off. I often apply two or three more bands simultaneously on my right ball (over the blue one) but usually can apply only one on the sensitive one. Getting the ball isolated in a TIGHT pouch and applying the LCRBs centered is important else the ball slides (oozes) to one side of the scrotal pouch and is under less do need a little leeway though so the ball can distort enough to allow the LCRB to waist it.
I'd sure like to see some close-up pics of some truly mishappen and distorted nuts, not just some where the squeeze isn't truly apparent.
02-13-2006, 10:27 AM
Wow Geezer, why don't you use the lobster that you took that band from? Sorry to hear you lost your wife. I can't even imagine. Just being curious, do you have any desire to meet another gal? I don't know how long ago your wife passed away and I'm not being nosey but perhaps you could find another partner to share your life (and fetish) with. I hope I haven't asked anything to sensitive. M
02-19-2006, 06:17 AM
Wow Geezer, why don't you use the lobster that you took that band from? Sorry to hear you lost your wife. I can't even imagine. Just being curious, do you have any desire to meet another gal? I don't know how long ago your wife passed away and I'm not being nosey but perhaps you could find another partner to share your life (and fetish) with. I hope I haven't asked anything to sensitive. M
Lobster probably wouldn't enjoy it much and I'd rather do it myself.
She was a good old gal but wasn't into sexual stuff much...brought up Baptist, you know. She croaked about ten years ago so I've been doing myself ever since. When one's alone, one has to use his own imagination more and I guess that I've been working overtime on my ballbusting methods and devises...they work pretty well even if I do say so myself.
I guess that I'm too conservative to go back out into the community to find someone who would enjoy my fetishes...if I could find a nice gal near my age who'd like to squeeze my eggs, she'd probably croak on me have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find the right one. I think that I'll just continue to satisfy myself without all the other problems a relationship would bring.
Anyways, no offense taken.
The Geezer
01-07-2011, 04:51 AM
Give up Mister!
Has any guy in here ever been squeezed till he cried? Was it a hand squeeze? Did you involuntarily weep, moan, yelp or mew?
Or have of the ladies - because only a true lady would squeeze a man mercilessly - ever squeezed a guy he dropped all pretence and actually cried, rather than just begged to be let go?
03-27-2022, 02:09 AM
Give up Mister!
Love thisg girl squeeze my balls very hard and i beg she stopped
03-31-2022, 08:49 AM
Love thisg girl squeeze my balls very hard and i beg she stopped
My wife took a phone call while squeezing my balls. I was not pleased. She started squeezing way too hard and it took a while to get her attention to make her stop.
But I've never shed a tear over having my testicles hit or squeezed.
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