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View Full Version : A day in the life...........of a sissy sub

02-20-2006, 06:04 AM
This morning my sissy sub brought me breakfast in bed. He was wearing a very pretty pink PVC Little Girl dress with a Barbie logo on the front and a big pink bow on the back, white knee socks, black school shoes and a pretty pink bow in his hair, and underneath theres had better be a pretty white trainer bra, frilly pink plastic rhumba pants, disposable nappy and CB3k. God help him if he doesnt dress his best for me at all times. I quite like him dressed like that, its pathetic and very funny, especially as hes also having to suck a dummy. Rule one of dummies - they are for sucking. If he doesnt suck it continuously and plainly visibly, its a waste of money buying him one, so he gets a nice whipping for wasting money. So he also knows to make sure I can see and hear him sucking it.

There three places he can sleep. Very occasionally, he can share a bed with me (but god help him if he gets an unathorised erection, or touches me without permission), he can sleep in the single bed in small bedroom, or if he being punished, he gets an old matress and one blanket on the cellar floor. No heating, lights off. My choice of place.

Thats where he was last night, but he still had to make sure he was up in time to bring me breakfast. I told him I was going to whip him later until he cries, just to keep him focussed. He ran the bath for me, then I told him to kneel in the bathroom corner, hands on head , making sure he was dummy sucking until I wanted his services.

I had a nice long bath, and then wandered into my bedroom. After i dried myself, i called him in, and made him kneel and watch while i masturbated. Oh he wants to touch me or wank so badly, he hasnt had a come for 10 days.....

After, he helps me dress, selecting the clothes I tell him to. I raise his hope sby getting him to select PVC knee boots, black suspenders, sexy low cut bra, and stockings, and a PVC long sleeve goth dress, and hold it up, asking him if he likes it. I let it rub against him, watching to see if he gets a hard on without asking.

After making him suffer for a few minutes, I make him select instead some ordinary street clothes -a pretty blouse and white cotton skirt, woollen coat and plain black leather boots. Dissapointment spreads across his face.

Once dressed, i tell him to lay face down on the bed, and pull up his dress, and pull down his nappy and plastic pants. I select a nice thin swishy schooling whip (my fav instrument of pain) and give him a dozen really hard stripes across the buttocks.

He has to go to work this afternoon, but he has alist of housework to do. Work is not much better, he works for my lady friend's cleaning business, he's the only male cleaner they have, and at my request he's permanently kept on cleaning toilets.

Im going to work as well. When I get back, my tea had better be ready, else he'll get another whipping.

I LOVE dominating and having total control like this. I can (and have sometimes) made him wait months for an orgasm. Ive just started prostrate milking him, thats even more fun, the feeling of ejaculating without all the pleasure of an orgasm almost makes him cry with frustration, and maintaining the sexual frustration is what its all about. Ive never seen him beg and grovel so much when I tell him im going to do it to him.

Ill post some more later.......enema time later, i think!

02-20-2006, 06:47 PM
Tea was ready, as usual. Hes been whipped for not having tea ready before, he knows better. he was trying to please me, because I said I was going to whip him till he cries, so he was kneeling in the corner, hands on head, sucking his dummy, waiting.

See, im a real bitch. He's a sub ,and he likes being whipped. But only gently. Which is a shame, becaus eI like whipping hard. SO he wants me to whip him, but he always scared, cos he knows Im going to whip him far harder than he wants. What a dilemma he's in!!!

I ate my tea, and while he washing up, i got changed to tease him. White PVC thigh boots, white pvc long sleeve dress, white pvc gloves.

When I came down, he was back in the corner, what a well trained sub I have.

So I ordered him downstairs into the cellar. Ove the whipping horse, straps nice anf tight round thighs, waist and arists, and a nice thick leather collar, followed by a ball gag and a black plastic breathe control hood. I gave him a long slow hard whipping over the next hour. First the paddle to redden his cheeks, then a tawse to start the bruising. Then a hand shaped riding crop, then a nice thin swishy schooling whip to leave the more permanent marks. I closed off his air for the schooling whip. You cant scream when your gasping for air. Then, we set up a nice enema for him, two pints of soapy water.

We have a toilet in the cellar, with straps and restraints, just for fun things. After the enema, i strapped him onto it, and went and watched TV fgor an hour. When i went down again, he had been crying. Gid, im good.

I released him, and he was so grateful he spent 20 minutes licking my boots clean., but then the silly boy got an unaothorised hard on in his CB3000, whic hwas quite painful, and obviously I cant allow that, so he now has to wait ANOTHER 14 days for an ejaculation. Poor boy, I wonder if I can make him come in his restraint from sexual frustration? I'll have a go in a bout a week. Its so funny watching him come in his restrainer, it so humiliating for him.

He can sleep in the spare bed (because hes got quite a red sore bum) but I think 20 minutes of pussy licking before he makes breakfast tomorrow morning will be nice. If i wear plastic pants he'll be so frustrated!!!

I love my life as a dominant bitch.

02-21-2006, 03:50 AM
He knocked on my door at 7 AM, and waited for permission. When i told him to enter, he came in on all fours, and got in bed. I took his dummy out and pushed his head down between my legs and lay there half asleep, enjoying his tongue. Trouble is men are no good at sex. Men cant kiss pussy as well as other women can. After 20 minutes hed aroused me enough for me to do something about it.

I have a nice strapon with a clit stimulator which gives me gorgeous shivering orgasms. It works best when i have male rectum to hold it in.

I pushed the dummy back into his mouth and told him to suck. Obediently, the dummy started to gently rock about. I warned him to keep the dummy moving or else, and he nodded, and then I told him to bring the strapon. Because he such a girlie sissy, i KNOW he secretly LIKES having a nice stiff cock up his bum, but he likes it to be gentle and slow. For me to get most pleasure, unfortunately for him, I need to fuck him long hard and deep with the strapon for a nice delicious orgasm.

He knees at the edge of the bed, and I push him face down and handcuff his wrists behind his back. After lubricating his rectum with a big blob of vaseline, I give him a long painful anal fucking, going full length in with the 12 inch dildo all the way up to the 2 inch diameter base, and cumulating in me having a delicious multiple orgasm. He screams and squeals like a pathetic little girl during his anal ******, and i had to put a plastic bag one his head, closed round his neck with an elastic band - after all, if your going to waste air making an unecessary loud noise then you are not entitled to any. I kept him gasping for air till I came, the clear plastic sucking tight up against his nose and mouth, and then he then got a whipped bum for failing to suck his dummy without stopping as I told him to, and i put a proper breathe control hood on him and told him to keep it on until he went to work. He was then sent off, tears running down his face to make my breakfast.

The girls where he works already know he wears pads and plastic pants, I send him to work like that, and my friend has made sure the girl there know he wets the bed. I even have photos they have taken of him cleaning the toilets. I do so like a man who can clean toilets!!! Ive also made sure they've seen pictures of him on his blacl PVC maids drss, and his pretty pink pvc little girls dress. Apparantly those pictures are pinned up in the staff room.......

Humiliation and sexual control, thats what its all about,. All men need it, and we superior ladies will give it. Its what we were born to do.

02-22-2006, 04:32 AM
Day off today, so I made the sad little sissy drive me over to my good friend Emily.

She has this big house in the country. She not a full blown dom as such, but she certainly wears the pants in her home, and she knows all about how I treat Sissy Bum Boy Steve. Her husband is bisexual. Im going over to see her because I havent seen her for a while, and Im going to let her husband give my small cocked little sissy a good bum fucking, just because I can. I must admit I quite fancy Emily secretly, I always have. She is tall and willowly, with gorgeous long blonde hair down to her waist, wonderfully innocent looking, 32B breasts, and a nice round smackable bottom. She always looks so virginal..............

We had a coffee in her conservatory, while Des took sissy boy upstairs, stripped him, tied him up and pumped him full of spunk. Afterwards, I let Des give me a long sexy kiss and feel my tits in front of sissy boy, just so he could see what he wasnt allowed to touch.

When we got back, I decided to give him some more homo training. Im trying to turn him totally homosexual, just to show it can be done. I handcuff him naked, and sit him on a stool with a nice thick dildo pointing up. Because hes just had a good bum fucking, hes nice and loose, and I lubricate the dildo and he slips down onto it, making him gasp. Then the dummy goes in ,and I press play on the dvd, and he sits and watches a gay porn film. About halfway through, i unlock his cock from the CB3000. I ask him if he would like to be allowed a hard on, and he nods vigourously. I say he may, and immediately, it get stiff.

I stroke his cock. "Wouldnt you like to go to bed with the guys on the screen? " I say, as I stroke his hard on, getting him REALLY excited. "Now dont you dare come, will you, or ill make you sorry...." . I tease him like this for 20 or so minutes, getting him excited by the idea of being whipped and raped by another man. He wants to come SO badly, but im not going to let him, and he wont dare unless I say so. I get him to suck a dildo, he really does it like he wants it to be real. Another 6 months Ill have him totally homosexual.

After half an hour, I tell him to lose the erection. I make him stand up, pull the dildo stool out his rectum, and then give him a cropping to 'encourage' his cock to go down, then i slip the cage back on and click the padlock in place. He now so sexually frustrated hes nearly crying. I tell him hes going to wait another 12 days for a come...he starts to cry......

After the tears have subsided, we spend a while cleaning boots. I put on a pair of boots or shiny wellingtons, he licks them clean. Finally, i lay on the settee, and push his head between my legs. I dont have to say anything, he knows what to do in there! I have a mediocre orgasm, and send him off to change and make coffee, cheese and biscuits for me. He returns in his black PVC maids dress, cap and shiny PVC knee boots, sucking his dummy. After he sets the tray down, i send him to kneel in the corner, hands clasped together on head, and warn him to make sure I can see and hear the dummy being sucked.

After I've finished the coffee and cheese, I fancy going shopping, so I take him down into the cellar. I put the handcuffs back on him, attach a 24 inch leg spreader, and lock a steel collar round his neck, and padlock him to a ring in the wall. For these occasions I usually ball gag him, and then i turn the light out, and shut the door, leaving him in the pitch black. I might let him out this evening, or i might just let him sleep there .........after all hes only a sissy sub male with a very small cock.....

02-22-2006, 09:10 AM
I let him rot till 10 AM.

Then i dressed in a short leather miniskirt, black leather thong,, black leather over the knee boots, and a black leather skintight crop top. He'd better not get a hard on without asking....

I went straight down to him. Without a word, I turn the light on and go down the steps, over to him,and give him 24 hard and rapid strokes with a schooling whip.

Then my hand goes down into his disposable nappy and his oh-so-babyish nursery print pink plastic pants. He is dry. I tell him its waste of my money putting him in nappies and plastic pants every night if he doesnt use them - now!, unless he wants another 24 stripes on his back. He immediately wets his nappy, through and through. I warn him I dont ever expect to find him in a dry nappy this time of the morning.

Next I take his handcuffs and CB3k off, I put the dummy back into his mouth to suck, I hand him a picture of a hunky man wearing just a thong. I instruct him to look at the picture and masturbate for me. He wanks furiously, He's SO grateful to be allowed to play with himself, even if it is about another man, sexually frustrated men will turn homosexual if you keep them frustrated for long enough, thats my theory. I wait until hes on the brink of coming, then I say "Don't you dare come..........". He nearly cries again with frustration. I tell him he's had enough, and get rid of his hard on by the simple act of squeezing his balls till he screaming in pain. His erection goes away. I make him lock himself back up in the CB3k, unlock him from the wall chain and leg spreaders, and tell him to get to work.

02-27-2006, 03:18 AM
On Staurday, we played at Gautanamo Bay........

I was going shopping, and I don't want him thinking he can actually do what he likes when im out!!!

So, down into the cellar with the pathetic little sissy. Firstly I make him change his disposable nappy, and put on tranparaent plastic pants. I like him to have the humiliation of wetting his pants, so next, encouraged by a few stripes with the riding crop, he drinks three pints of water

. Next, a pair of elbow length black rubber gloves, and black rubber socks. Then, a transparent plastic one piece overall with hood - its nice thick plastic, elasticated at the wrists and ankles, and with a draw string hood, and is nice and hot and uncomfotable to wear. he hates it, which is a very good reason to make him wear it - arent I a nasty cruel bitch!!

Next, I pop a dummy in his mouth, and tape it in place with some duck tape. "Suck it, and keep sucking, wanker", and I give him a few encouraging stipes across hi buttocks with my handy little riding crop. I look straight into his eyes and ask "Well, arent you a pathetic sissy homo wanker?". He nods, looking down. "No, look at me! You really are sissy bum boy, arent you?". He looked me in the eyes and nodded, sucking his dummy.

Next I fit a gas mask. Thich heavy black rubber, with a fine filter, hard to breathe in, on top of the fact his mouth is sealed anyway. I pull the straps nice and tight, making sure its airtight, and then pull the plastic hood over, and pull the drawstring tight and tie it in a bow under his chin. Now hes all cut off from the world, we need to make him feel restricted and captive. On to his hands I slip thick leather mittens, with a strap round the wrist. I pull the straps tight, so the mittens cant be removed.

Now, a chain round the waist, tight, and padlocked at the back. Then i handcuff his wrists behind him, and attach them to the chain with anoth padlock. I push him ove to the middle of the cellar, where there is a eye bolt in the floor, and put ankle cuffs on him with a short chain, and then a padlock through the chain and eye bolt. He's going nowhere now, and just to make sure, i put a thick leather collar round his stupid neck and attach it to another eye bolt, in the beam above him with another chain. He helpless, captive, hot, and uncomfortable. He cant see properly, and he has to work to breathe.

I lift his chin end peer into his eyes through the plastic lenses of the gas mask. "I want you in a wet nappy. Wet your pants boy, now!!" Obediently, i see the nappy wet strip indicator go dark blue through the transparent plastic. "Good boy".

"Now, when i get back MUCH later, im going the enema you, fuck you, and then whip you till you cry. Understand, you sad little bum boy ?". He nods, sucking his dummy. "Now stay there like that, and make sure your nappie's nice and wet for me, or else - and I want to see tears when I get back, just to show your sorry for being so pathetic.". I turn the light out, and lock the door. he's helpless, prisoner, and totally under my control.

02-27-2006, 06:31 AM
Well, I had a nice day with my friend Alice. She delicious, really sexy. Long leggy, waist length blonde hair, gorgeous figure. She wore black knee boots, a knee length red leather skirt, fitted red leather jacket and a little black rubber crop top, that showed here nipples off.

I wore skin tight black leather trousers, black ankle boots, shiny PVC cropped jacket zipped up, because I had nothing on underneath, as she found out came back here for a coffee afterwards, and unzipped my jacket, and we had on the settee having a wonderful time kissing and making love to her. Within 30 minutes of getting here I was fucking her naked with a strapon. I had a great multiple orgasm at the same time she did, and when she left we had a gorgeous long deep lingering kiss on the doorstep. My sissy sub would have given anything to watch us fucking, but im strict on only allowing him ONLY homosexual activity. He's going to be a bum slave, whether he likes it or not.

AFter she went, i had a little sleep on the sette and then decided to have some more fun with Sissy Bum Boy. First of all, i want to make sure he gets a hard on, so I can whip him. I change into a thin skin tight transparent rubber catsuit that hid nothing, shiny PVC ankle boots, and matching transparent rubber gloves .

Without a word, I selected a long thick leather strap four foot long, and inch and ahalf wide and about a quarter of an inch thick.. I stood and looked him up and down. I could see he had wet pants. "Are you crying?" I said, "if I take the gas mask off, will I see tears?". He nodded hid head vigourously. "I think your lying" I said, "im going to flog you for ten minutes, and then take your gas mask off. If I dont see tears running down your cheeks, im going flog you on and off all day. Ill give you two thousands strokes with this strap, and youll stay like this till tomorrow."

I unlocked his hands, unzipped his clear plastic suit and pulled it down to his ankles. Then I pulled his wet nappy and plastic pants down (noting with pleasure he had nappy rash), and then locked his hands back above his head to the beam chain.

Then I swung the strap hard and it wrapped round his body with a loud 'WHACK' and he winced. It left a lovely red mark. I then laid into him,whipping and flogging as he writhed . I could see him sucking his dummy, i wondered if there were tears.

After ten minutes, I stopped. "are you ready to show me your tears?" I asked, and he nodded vigously. "You want the whipping to stop now? and he nodded again.

I unstrapped the gasmask, and lo, there was a tear stained face sucking a dummy. I pulled the duck tape off, and took the dummy out.

"Say thank you for the whipping"

"Th-th-thank you Natasha"

"Now beg me to fuck you"

His face dropped. "P-p-please fuck me Natasha"

"Not good enough.", and i stepped back and gave him another stripe with the strap. He howled, "P-p-please Natasha, please im begging please, please fuck me till your satisfied. Please, im begging you, I want more than anything for you to fuck me. Please please fuck me"

"Why do you want me to fuck you, sissy boy?"

"Because Im a sissy bum boy and I like cock, please please give me cock, i want cock inside me so much, im you pet homo bum boy and i need you to give me the cock that I want"

"GOOOOOD boy". That was a nice bit of grovelling. I didnt say anything to him, but I noticed that making that confession gave him a hard on in his restrainer, which then made him wince. His compulsory homo training is working nicely.

I unlock him, he strips naked, and I remove his CB3k.

"As a reward, you can wank when im fucking you". he was so grateful.....

he bends ove rthe whipping horse as i put a strapon on, I lubricate him, mkae him roll a condom onto the dildo and then onto little cock and then start pumping the dildo in and out his bum. "Ok, wank - the fucking lasts until you come for me." He began wanking his hard on, and he was so sexuall frustrated, he came within about two minutes. I pulled out of him, took off th e strapon, and thentook then condom off him and held it up in front of him.

"Drink it and lick it clean". He emptied the spunk into his mouth and swallowed it, and then sucked the condom clean.

I took him upstairs, made him shoeer and wash his genitals, and then made him put the restraine rback on, telling him that the next come will be mid April. he nearly cried again.

I sent him off to make my tea whilst I mastubated in my sexy rubber catsuit on the Settee again.....

03-16-2006, 01:12 AM
Well, hes gone nearly three weeks without a come, hes almost crying with sexual frustration. Im making it worse because im wearing more rubber and PVC when he's around. He tries to get a hard on, but the KSD on the CB3k soon puts a stop to THAT!

Im wearing a pink shiny plastic jogging suit and pink patent zip up knee boots at the moment, and he just served breakfast in in pretty pink maids dress and boots. I know the shiny pink plastic turns him on, so I make him lick my boots clean, every square inch, and then polish them.

I realised he was getting a cheap thrill from playing with his own nipples, so we've stopped that. i took him to the Piercing Parlour. He was SO embarrased at having to remove his top in front of the female piercer, to reveal his pink frilly bra. We had a good laugh, and as she pierced his nipples I explained that he was a sissy bum boy slave, and gave her a full desription of how he wets the bed. Then, once he had pierced his nipples, she fitted two silver nipple caps, about 3 cm across. Those will stop him playing with himself, after all we cant have sissy bum boys getting an unathorised thrill, can we ?

As an after thought, I also had him given a pretty little girls pink Belly stud, very effeminate and childish, and then watched his humiliation as he got redressed in his bra whilst we watched on. It was throughly humiliating for him, and very entertaining.

When we got back, we had a little face sitting session, making sure he got the fullbenefit of my plastic jogging pants over his nose and mouth, followed by a nice hard caning with breathe control. Its amazing then fun you can have with a bamboo cane, a plastic bag and an elastic band.

04-29-2011, 05:45 AM
You stupid, sick cunt. What did that man ever do to hurt you? How about you try to pick on someone really strong like ME. I'll knock your teeth out and whip your bitch ass with my bare hands so hard that you'll never dream of hurting or humiliating another person ever again. Lowlife cunts like you are the reason the world is fucked up. You dumb cheating whore, go fuck up your own life. I bet that man could kick your bitch ass to the curb if he wanted to and end you slut. Cunts like you are the real inferiors, you're not even a sub woman, just a fat, ugly, carpet munching feminist cunt.