View Full Version : The Future Of BallBusting & CBT
02-23-2006, 06:59 PM
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Where do you all see BallBusting, 'Our Beloved ART', ten years from now, in terms of sites, video and still images and in both men and women, being truely aware.
Do you think that the average Joe and Josephine will ceased to be shocked or prentend to be/ on seeing or hearing about ballbusting?
Will ballbusting ever become mainstream?
Do you ever want it to become mainstream?
Can you percieve a time when moral attitudes could shift to the point that ballbusting was on the recieving end of a censorship clampdown?
What would you do if this was ever to be?
Would you do the Judas? Or would you join the underground?
02-23-2006, 07:14 PM
Ball busting and cock and ball torture has been around a long time, you may have even seen old black and white pictures from the 30's or 40's. I'd say in 10 years it'll be about the same except you might be able to go online and order a ballbusting woman to make a house call :bananad:
02-23-2006, 07:33 PM
Ball busting and cock and ball torture has been around a long time, you may have even seen old black and white pictures from the 30's or 40's. I'd say in 10 years it'll be about the same except you might be able to go online and order a ballbusting woman to make a house call :bananad:
It has most certainly been around for a long time I've seen dipictions from the Hanovarian period.
House call for ballbusting woman, 10 years from now. I kinda thought that has been around as long as one of the oldest proffessions, give or take the mode of ordering.:D
As for why I ask? Why not, it is one of the uses of this forum.;)
That's a pretty interesting question, although I'd have to agree with what male4her2cut was saying, that it will mostly be the same in 10 years.
I can imagine that in 10 years though that there might be a site that offers HDTV quality cilps with 5.1 surround sound :D . Mmm... it would be like you're actually there. I'd enjoy that kind of quality.
03-06-2006, 01:11 AM
I think ballbusting will never becoame anything like "mainstream" or "common" like all other fetishes. But I think it will be more excepted by Joe Sixpick or else. I know that this may sound terrible to you, but I can't believe that even in ten years you won't be able to tell anybody on the street that you're into ballbusting without being called a pervert or anything like that.
03-06-2006, 02:17 PM
I think it will be pretty much the same but more documented. There is a limit one can do to the body parts without destroying them. There is some additional development in the areas of electricity because of technology. This will in my opinion continue to evolve.
I think it already is in mainstream culture. Even childrens TV and films have groin kicks, women playfully threaten men with a kick in the balls and sometimes jokingly raise a knee towards a guys crotch.
03-07-2006, 07:54 PM
I think it already is in mainstream culture. Even childrens TV and films have groin kicks, women playfully threaten men with a kick in the balls and sometimes jokingly raise a knee towards a guys crotch.
I looked through the bb database started by Needacup and calculated that bb in movies and tv has been doubling roughly every 10 years. The database is, of course, terribly incomplete, so there is a lot of margin for error. However, it looks more like a rapid advance toward a more mainstream status.
In ten years, it will be more common for nuts to get kicked in both real life (schoolyards, bars, at home, etc.) and in the media (movies, TV, comics, and so on), but the underlying fascination with it (why chicks like to kick them and why some of us appreciate that) will continue to go unexamined.
03-08-2006, 11:46 AM
I'd agree with most of what's been said above - I think it's probable that ballbusting will never achieve the 'high-street' recognition that some of the better-known fetishes possess, but given time it may well enter the national psyche at a slightly more private certainly seems to be more acceptable to put busts in movies (and indeed to laugh about said busts or even -rarely - make them a little sexy) and on television than it was when I was a lad. Maybe I just notice more these days.
As an interesting aside, on the seedier end of one of the mainstreets in my town is a poster advert for a mistress specifically advertising ballbusting and trampling. Although it's placed quite high on a building, it's a damn great thing, and quite hard to miss. Can't quite remember the wording, but I'll have a gander at it next time I'm in the area. Makes you think, many people know about it already? How many people are there out there simply afraid to speak up about it? This forum represents only those with the courage to go looking for what they want. The downtrodden masses presumably share a few of our perversions...
03-08-2006, 02:19 PM
Well IMHO, I think one reason it has become increasingly popular is because men, especially white men are being portrayed as idiots or losers or something of the like more and more (Al Bundy, Homer Simpson, etc) often. Look at many of todays commercials on TV and you will see exactly what I mean. They show that most guys can't think, cook or take care of themselves. This makes it much easier to physically hurt a guy if you take away the human portion of him. I may not be explaining this quite like I mean it but it degrades men in general and where there is no real respect then who cares if a guy gets hurt, it doesn't bother people as much it makes it funny. Can you imagine if movies showed women being kicked in the Vagina by a man? There would be a huge protest of violence against women. Now, do I really care or doe's it bother me? Absolutely not, the more busts the better (fake or consentual) and the more it's accepted the better. Just my 2 cents.
03-08-2006, 03:17 PM
I also think that ballbusting will never be taken in as seriously as other fetishes. I think its because it does take a lot more out of you than simply being whipped on the ass, eating crap, or licking various objects. I simply think that it will slowly become more acceptable but still it won't quite reach that superstar status, even though it may already have... :confused:
03-08-2006, 03:19 PM
Well IMHO, I think one reason it has become increasingly popular is because men, especially white men are being portrayed as idiots or losers or something of the like more and more (Al Bundy, Homer Simpson, etc) often. Look at many of todays commercials on TV and you will see exactly what I mean. They show that most guys can't think, cook or take care of themselves. This makes it much easier to physically hurt a guy if you take away the human portion of him. I may not be explaining this quite like I mean it but it degrades men in general and where there is no real respect then who cares if a guy gets hurt, it doesn't bother people as much it makes it funny. Can you imagine if movies showed women being kicked in the Vagina by a man? There would be a huge protest of violence against women. Now, do I really care or doe's it bother me? Absolutely not, the more busts the better (fake or consentual) and the more it's accepted the better. Just my 2 cents.
That's a damn good point, Magnum...I agree with your HO completely :) So then...just to raise another point for discussion...why's that happening? I refuse to believe it's because men are actually getting worse (although it's possible they're acting like it just to get busted ;)), so why is it becoming more acceptable for us gents to be portrayed as incompetent, bumbling idiots? More than that, pleasurable busting aside, is it going to lead to more violence against men generally, or at the very least, a good deal more sexism directed at men? Time will tell, of course, but I'd be interested to know what the rest of you chaps (and chapesses, of course) think...
03-09-2006, 09:56 AM
I very much agree with all of the points being raised.
Ballbusting as a physical act is as developed as it will ever be. Afterall, the balls and handling them with various actions, is more that well established in terms of techniques, etc.
Ballbusting becomming mainstream, is perhaps the worst scenario I could ever imagine, and I'm a site owner. The reason I am very much against it becomming mainstream is based partly on seeing what has happened to other genres, sexual or not, once they have become part of the main.
Ballbusting as part of the mainstream would have try anything merchants reeking havoc and bringing unwanted attention to a genre that is already mistaken and misunderstood by many of those whom come across it. Societies values with regards to sex has and is always hypocritical and this will be the same with ballbusting. Too much attention from the mainstream would bring out the moral do badders whom always think they are doing good for those whom supposedly can't think for themselves and we all could do without jerks like them pimping their screwed up values and ideology in our arena. Ballbusting in the mainstream would bring on the anything for money cats and there I feel it would loosethe genuinity that exists now. I am amazed at the amount of dommes whom profess to know about ballbusting and promote themselves as skilled practictioners, only to find on meeting and interacting with them, to be quite the opposit. Ballbusting for many is another angle to make money. Ballbusting is fun but is also potentially dangerous, so the more the genuine and serious followers lead it, is the better it will be for the genre as a whole.
If it ever got thrusted into the mainstream, I most sincerely hope that its serious followers and do-ers would go underground and keep it real. There are endless amounts of material that are being released in which the busting is false and very mcuh cosmetic. I most truely hope that the followers can see through this get rich quick crap and show loyalty to those that are producing true material rather than those whom are with devious intentions thus trying to out the genuine sites and producers of 'Our Art'.
Equally, the true ballbusting sites and producers need to wake up to the challenges that are ahead of them all. There is too much clique-ism and not enough solidarity and unison. The end result of this is best seen by looking at the amount of dead and shitty results form a search in most search engines with regards to ballbusting.
Too many of the site owners have mistaken the plan against ballbusting and are to busy being one ways streets thinking that they will end up with the biggest slice of the pie. I was contacted by one site owner to be in their next production, with no regards to the fact that I had really placed their link on my site for good flow through where as they placed my link on a secondary links page that wouldn't be seen by most. On top of it, they never placed my banner and wanted me to travel overseas to their country not be paid expenses or a fee for being in front of their camera for them to make money. Not interested in offering some incentive for being there other than some crappy kicks in the balls by some misguided and uninitiated femmes.
My Dear, I am so well versed with ballbusting, I am very much for bloody real. Male hating females make the worst entrepeneurs and ballbustresses. I am glad to say that I pay all whom work for me and will always help any other genuine site operator. The notion that I would jump at such a piss take opportunity, is a revelation of the mentality of much with regards to ballbusting. The good thing is that you will inspire the better and the more genuine to come forth and stem your misguided flow.
A good ballbusting production is more than not very much detached from ballbusting for pleasure as is the film production process. Hence I always make this aware to any recruits. Males in particular, many whom are looking for a pure pleasure session rather than being a performer, which is what being in front of the camera is all about. At this level, it is a business, I ain't no a provider of personal services.
The requirements of law with regards to the internet and adult productions makes this so. Thus whether you are in the USA or not. USA law is so clearly defined about this issue, so any producer or site owner that thinks not so is in for a big big surprise. Models and performers have to be over the age of eighteen for most countries and a few even older and need to provide Nation State issued identification as proof of being and age and also need to sign a model release. The business is a business with unfortunately a few fucking idiots whom are running the risk of fucking it up for everyone else.
Ballbusting in the mainstream, not fucking thank you. Once only has to look at some of the fucking idiots whom are comming onto the scene now to realise that mainstreaming would be very much a R.I.P. for what has the potential to be a cool genre with real followers at the healm rather than all the negatives that come with mainstreaming.
I look forwards to the responses and comments of those whom are true to BALLBUSTING 'OUR ART'.
03-09-2006, 01:09 PM
Bro Trouble,
I can see with that. There is a rise in the on street busting clips that are for real rather than contrived. One site has even got to the stage of holding BB parties, where they film each volunteer as he lines up and gets kicked. The clips are funny but with a disturbing element to them as well. The females are very much going for broke many times and the guys are often laid out and dazed and confused for a while. The reaction of the on lookers is a strange mix of shock, surprise, humour, and arrousal. The reality slant I think will rise but with it will come the realities and results of careless and uneducated ballbusting. Bigtime injuries and worst still fatalities. That is where the backlash might come forth if there is a bigtime exposure onto the mainstream.
As for the media, as in television and cinema, if it remains as a bust in a fight sequence, then there is no real change from where it is at now. If a mainstream media film or show shows ballbusting as it is between a couple or features it as a main scene of torture, then it might rile the censors and/or critics and thus bring forth draconian response from the authorities. More so, if a spate of copycat real life situations were to arise from the release of such a production.
I looked through the bb database started by Needacup and calculated that bb in movies and tv has been doubling roughly every 10 years. The database is, of course, terribly incomplete, so there is a lot of margin for error. However, it looks more like a rapid advance toward a more mainstream status.
In ten years, it will be more common for nuts to get kicked in both real life (schoolyards, bars, at home, etc.) and in the media (movies, TV, comics, and so on), but the underlying fascination with it (why chicks like to kick them and why some of us appreciate that) will continue to go unexamined.
03-09-2006, 01:37 PM
I hope so as well.
As for Joe sixpack, history has proven that he and is fellow people are not people but sheeple, so I'll just go wherever the powers direct him to. Jst look at his performance at present. Though he may surprise us, yet and that would be great for humanity at large.
As for the response of someone in public that you'll inform in general conversation that you loved being kicked in the balls, I had the most negative of reactions and equally I have a great partner for ballbusting through the most general of conversations with someone that I just happened to get talking to on a train journey.
Life is so full of contradictions, I guess.
QUOTE=nippili]I think ballbusting will never becoame anything like "mainstream" or "common" like all other fetishes. But I think it will be more excepted by Joe Sixpick or else. I know that this may sound terrible to you, but I can't believe that even in ten years you won't be able to tell anybody on the street that you're into ballbusting without being called a pervert or anything like that.[/QUOTE]
03-12-2006, 06:22 PM
That's a damn good point, Magnum...I agree with your HO completely :) So then...just to raise another point for discussion...why's that happening? I refuse to believe it's because men are actually getting worse (although it's possible they're acting like it just to get busted ;)), so why is it becoming more acceptable for us gents to be portrayed as incompetent, bumbling idiots? More than that, pleasurable busting aside, is it going to lead to more violence against men generally, or at the very least, a good deal more sexism directed at men? Time will tell, of course, but I'd be interested to know what the rest of you chaps (and chapesses, of course) think...
Why it is more acceptable to portray men as incompetents: population density increase is usually accompanied by increases in violence in most mammals. The population density is increasing, for certain.
The down side of "women's lib" is that it comes with an unfortunate side-effect: liberated groups tend to look to pick on either their former oppressors or someone more downtrodden than they are. Since people see each other in categories and not as individuals, men who were not or are not responsible for the actions of others are held just as culpable.
Lots of other reasons. People in the United States, for example, tend to be childish; bb starts, for most, during childhood, where it is a fascinating (albeit painful) experience. In the U.S., it makes sense that childlike adults would want to continue to experience childhood events.
I'm all in favour, of course. >:)
Number 3
03-13-2006, 02:33 AM
First he goes AWOL for 10 weeks and then he returns ‘off-color’. It's good to see that the Troubled gentleman now back to his (ab)normal self.
03-13-2006, 03:26 AM
We need more like Bro TROUBLE, then perhaps the world and this forum would be even better.
First he goes AWOL for 10 weeks and then he returns ‘off-color’. It's good to see that the Troubled gentleman now back to his (ab)normal self.
03-13-2006, 10:09 PM
I Believe One Aspect Of The Ballbusting Scene That Is About To Really Take Off Is The Computer Generated Graphics Allowing You To Put Anyone In Any Situation That You Would Like, Just Check Out Batmons Work On The Cartoon Thread! Digital Pics And Videos Of Anything Imagineable Can Be Created On The Computer And There Will Be A Huge Market For It. As Good As The Real Thing? Not Really, But For Many This Will Be A Fantasy World Come True, You Can See Anything You Want!
03-14-2006, 12:04 AM
We need more like Bro TROUBLE, then perhaps the world and this forum would be even better.
You guys are really disturbed -- no where else in the WORLD does anyone say that having more people like me would be a good thing. Yes, I'm THAT bad. Now, if only someone would punish me... :bananad:
03-14-2006, 03:11 AM
I've just recruited a six foot tall Russian lady that i'M SURE WILL PUNISH YOU, more so if you dare call her a male hating communist. She scares me as she smiles whilst unleashing Ballbusts.:D
You guys are really disturbed -- no where else in the WORLD does anyone say that having more people like me would be a good thing. Yes, I'm THAT bad. Now, if only someone would punish me... :bananad:
03-14-2006, 11:12 AM
The funny thing about us guys that are into ballbusting is (I think I speak for most) that we aren't into BDSM. That means we are in are own little catagory because I have been to many BDSM sites and when I mention a kick in the nuts they think I'm crazy. This was a good topic Tony because it really separates us from even CBT. I really wish more gals would get the courage to come forth because I know they are out there. Many fantasize about it but when women are arrested for kicking a guy in the balls it sure doesn't help us much.
Number 3
03-14-2006, 01:47 PM
You guys are really disturbed -- no where else in the WORLD does anyone say that having more people like me would be a good thing. The world would be a MUCH better place if more politicians would agree to get kicked in the balls. Hell, I’d luv to have a go at those muppets in the Whitehouse myself :D
03-15-2006, 08:35 PM
I've been trying to put the words together, but I can't figure out how to say "male hating Communist" in Russian. Try calling her a "black hole".
The world would be a MUCH better place if more politicians would agree to get kicked in the balls. Hell, I’d luv to have a go at those muppets in the Whitehouse myself :D
Um... Cheney volunteers to go first Unless it's EvilGrl, in which case, >>I<< go first.
03-16-2006, 02:58 AM
I couldn't agree more Bro Magnum.
bdsm is keen to incorporate BALLBUSTING but many in that scene don't really know that much or remotely uinderstand it. Many dominas quote that they are into ballbusting but my own experiences and the feedback I have generally recieved is that manyof them are ultimately quite clueless with regards to 'Our Art'. There is often an assumption that a dude that wants to be busted in a 'pure 100% gimp', who will accept any punishment and buy tons of gifts from a wish list. Well that may hold true for must subs but ballbustees aren't subs.
They are men whom know what they hell they want and will quickly deck anyone out whom tries to short change them or inflict something that they do not want.
Doms and the general bdsm scene work more on the basis that you are a sub and that you are truely and forever grateful for the attention of a dom.
That shit doesn't carry anything but a stink, with true ballbustees.
Being a dom, doesn't guarantee being a good BALLBUSTRESS. A good BALLBUSTRESS doesn't need to be some lifestyle dom. Hence those whom try to jump on the bandwagon whom are not true and real to ballbusting, always fall to fuck off. Those who are into ballbusting for real see through bogus a mile and a half away. We are not lifestyle subs or doms. We are humans whom like and respect genuine ballsplay. Too many others are just trying to ride the crest of a wave at the expense of genuine ballbusting. We, the genuine ones will be around at the peak of the wave or at its lowest trough.
WE ARE FOR REAL!!! So we don't need too much else other than serious Ballbustresses and Ballbustees.
All that needle and sack piercing shit and aloof mentally distrubed dom sub crap should really create a forum elsewhere and let us get back to where it is REALLY AT!!! for they are doing true ballbusting no favours.
Also, the file sharers or to be accurate, the copyright infringers, cameras and video cams are so cheap, why don't you all invest and put up some genuine material of your own rather that weighing down this forum with either what is not pertaining to it or what we serious ballbusting participants having seen over and over for years and actually doing. Ask Bro's like Magnum and Trouble about ballbusting, they won't sell you short or tell you some lie. We're for real.
Its a forum but there is no respect for even the site that is making it all happen. How many have ever joined and supported the site so that it can continue to turn out top ballbusting material. I own my own site but I love many of the other genuine sites content. I join their sites and enjoy the content. I don't post it all over the net. Those that operate this way are damaging Ballbusting.
We the genuine, don't respect or need that mentality in what is 'Our Art and Our Thang'
Over but not Out!!!
The funny thing about us guys that are into ballbusting is (I think I speak for most) that we aren't into BDSM. That means we are in are own little catagory because I have been to many BDSM sites and when I mention a kick in the nuts they think I'm crazy. This was a good topic Tony because it really separates us from even CBT. I really wish more gals would get the courage to come forth because I know they are out there. Many fantasize about it but when women are arrested for kicking a guy in the balls it sure doesn't help us much.
03-16-2006, 03:01 AM
That would really making them straighten up and fly right.
Any lies or fuck ups, and some serious kicks would make those dudes fall into line and do the job right. More so if the busting was for all to see.:D
The world would be a MUCH better place if more politicians would agree to get kicked in the balls. Hell, I’d luv to have a go at those muppets in the Whitehouse myself :D
03-17-2006, 04:49 AM
This is true Bro skipperbob, the increase in proccessing power of affordable computers in the home, combined with user freindly applications, has lead to a situation where CGI has become cheap and easy to use with results that are attainable and quite impressive, even for those whome are not art/computer versed being able to produce work of this nature. this stuff is great and a good laugh at the sametime. I ultimately hope that it leads to more becomming for real ballbusters, rather than just virtual. It is so easy to escape into a fantasy world of viewing and not enjoying and experiencing for real. Afterall, that is truely what it is about.
I Believe One Aspect Of The Ballbusting Scene That Is About To Really Take Off Is The Computer Generated Graphics Allowing You To Put Anyone In Any Situation That You Would Like, Just Check Out Batmons Work On The Cartoon Thread! Digital Pics And Videos Of Anything Imagineable Can Be Created On The Computer And There Will Be A Huge Market For It. As Good As The Real Thing? Not Really, But For Many This Will Be A Fantasy World Come True, You Can See Anything You Want!
03-17-2006, 08:20 AM
That's a pretty interesting question, although I'd have to agree with what male4her2cut was saying, that it will mostly be the same in 10 years.
I can imagine that in 10 years though that there might be a site that offers HDTV quality cilps with 5.1 surround sound :D . Mmm... it would be like you're actually there. I'd enjoy that kind of quality.
It will probably take more than 10 years, but eventually, hopefully in my lifetime, we'll have 3D hologram videos which will be so lifelike, you won't be able to tell if it's real or if it's Memorex. :bananajum
03-21-2006, 09:01 PM
The technology is all there for this. Its really about when the Sages feel its time to give the consumers a taste.
It will probably take more than 10 years, but eventually, hopefully in my lifetime, we'll have 3D hologram videos which will be so lifelike, you won't be able to tell if it's real or if it's Memorex. :bananajum
03-24-2006, 07:10 AM
Bro Magnum,
This is a very interesting observation. BDSM if anyting, is eager to claim Ballbusting under its own banner. We are definately our own little category and this pisses many off, that's why you'll clearly note a series of actions to try and shift this forum away from its core.
BDSM has a lot going for it but when it comes to Ballbusting, they are not on the same level as us.
It ain't even the same game, the same ballpark or even the same sport.
Ballbusting is very much on its own.
And that sits cool with me.
A dom is not automatically a BALLBUSTRESS
No amount of dungeon, leather, and sadism qualifies Ballbusting. The Yes Mistress syndrome is fine for those whom are with that, but BALLBUSTING stands tall and very much proud. More so it is very much far and away from the maddening crowd. It is for us, the GENUINE, to protect and ensure that this continues so. Too many are just looking for the next wave to surf on. We the genuine, are there during the times of flat seas as well as the times of super breakers.
The funny thing about us guys that are into ballbusting is (I think I speak for most) that we aren't into BDSM. That means we are in are own little catagory because I have been to many BDSM sites and when I mention a kick in the nuts they think I'm crazy. This was a good topic Tony because it really separates us from even CBT. I really wish more gals would get the courage to come forth because I know they are out there. Many fantasize about it but when women are arrested for kicking a guy in the balls it sure doesn't help us much.
04-05-2006, 04:59 AM
A manequin's leg connected to some form of motor arm that one could set the speed, angle, and follow through, and also place one's favourate shoe on and take a good shot. One could get replicates of various ladies legs and feet. Perhaps even some voice simulation as well. I have created a basic prototype and would like very much for Bro Colin to do the guinea pig thing, for the betterment of ballbusting, of course.
By the way, I have set the leg to travel at 10mph but it always seems to be 100mph.
TonyR 'da Rambler' :) :D ;)
I think it will be pretty much the same but more documented. There is a limit one can do to the body parts without destroying them. There is some additional development in the areas of electricity because of technology. This will in my opinion continue to evolve.
03-30-2007, 04:51 PM
I don't want to be all boring about this but surely BB is bound to become more popular due solely to the influence of the internet. People are more likely to get into BB if they are aware of it and lets face it the internet is the ultimate educational tool.
CFNM my own favourite ftish started out from a "standing-start" about 5 years ago and has rocketted in popularity as proven by the number of CFNM websites now available.:thumbup
03-31-2007, 02:46 PM
What exactly is CFNM
03-31-2007, 06:42 PM
What exactly is CFNM
Clothed female naked male
04-05-2007, 12:00 AM
I have been posting and lurking in some fem dom sites for a while, BB being one of my interests. A watcher, not a doer(I do have a standing offer out to my SO, a complicated story in itself) but I have some comments on this interesting thread. Electrical play is mature, just ask the guy strapped to the chair with his balls tied and a hot sound down his urethra. The dominant female(not neccesarily a fem dom) is needed to avoid either gay or self absorbtion. With women poised to take more power in the workplace, I see anything under the fem dom umbrella becoming more prevalent in the future. I just don't see the connection between licking shoes/boots and sex.
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