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View Full Version : women - intensity

03-20-2006, 01:58 PM
Another question for the women here -

(didn't find anything by searching)

How hard do you like to punch, kick, or slap the balls?

Do you like to hear your man beg you to stop?

Do you like it if he screams?

If he drops to the ground a few times in a session?

(if your username ends with "pet", please remember I asked this question of the women here!)

03-20-2006, 06:25 PM
My oppinion probably dont count much as I am NOT into the whole Domme/sub thing. I just do BB/CB for the shear fun of it and I love giving and receiving pain.

I like to get a reaction out of the person I kick or knee. I dont punch or slap. I just keep going till I get the reaction I desire. Going down for a few minutes is always a bonus, but if I am busting someone new, then I always start off softly :)

03-22-2006, 07:39 PM
Wise Lady you are Julie. Raw recruits deserve a tiny little amount of TLC to ease them in. You style seems to be graduated in intensity. Most of the fantasy ballbustees seem to revel in guys being kicked as hard as the Ballbustress can. As they are not recieving the kicks and merely watching they get off on seeing someone suffer. The fatasy mob should practice what they preach and experience the type of kicks they love to see others recieve.
Then perhaps they will realise what a maximum full force kick can do to them.

My oppinion probably dont count much as I am NOT into the whole Domme/sub thing. I just do BB/CB for the shear fun of it and I love giving and receiving pain.

I like to get a reaction out of the person I kick or knee. I dont punch or slap. I just keep going till I get the reaction I desire. Going down for a few minutes is always a bonus, but if I am busting someone new, then I always start off softly :)

03-23-2006, 10:40 PM
I don't like to knee too hard just enough so he feels pain. Eventually we go up in how hard I hit. The reaction and feeling of it is what keeps me going.

03-24-2006, 06:38 AM
This is the wise way forwards. It is so easy to get carried away and before one knows it, what should have been fun becomes something far more dangerous and with lasting reprocussions.
It is all about feelings and sensations. A good ballbustress works with this and becomes a GREAT BALLBUSTRESS>

I don't like to knee too hard just enough so he feels pain. Eventually we go up in how hard I hit. The reaction and feeling of it is what keeps me going.