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View Full Version : men - hard slaps

03-23-2006, 11:12 AM
a question for the men here -

Do you like hard slaps, taps, punches and kicks?

Do you like it hard enough to drop you to the ground, or hard enough that you can still stand through it?

Do you like the idea of a woman dropping you to the ground, and then spreading your legs for a few extra kicks or slaps before letting you curl up?

03-23-2006, 03:21 PM
ALL OF THE ABOVE, from time to time.

03-23-2006, 03:58 PM

03-23-2006, 04:47 PM
English please.

Liquid Cheese
03-23-2006, 06:34 PM
I like it where I can still stand usually, but there are some exceptions. A lot of soft rapid blows opposed to few hard hits. That way the feeling is consistent instead of to overwhelming.

03-23-2006, 07:19 PM
I like it hard enough to hurt, sometimes more than hurt!


03-25-2006, 12:40 PM
Well, I'd rather like soft kicks or slaps.
I could imagine a final harder kick to get me on the floor. But no more kicking when I am down. Mocking and laughing of the girl is much appreciated...

03-26-2006, 10:20 AM
my wife punches,slaps,kicks uses whips,batans sledge hammer shafts on my balls with the intention of flooring me be it the first hit or twenty or more.

03-27-2006, 10:42 AM
Great replies!

Whether you replied saying you liked heavy beating or light,

What objects do you like the balls to be struck with?

Which object is the least 'bearable'?

03-27-2006, 10:07 PM
I enjoy hard slaps delivered by hot women with "hard" hands. Some people have solid heavy hands. I visited this Russian mistress and she was terrific at hard slaps. She paused between each slap as I lay on my back, chained to her rack. I couldn't see her hand, and each slap was harder the one before. I hope to find her one day, and have her slap my balls till I pass out.

Another time, I visited a black very solid lady from the Caribbean. It was a massage parlour, but I, as usual, could not come. I told her to slap my balls as hard as she could as I jerked off. Now this woman had "man hands". She was swinging freely and furiously. I think I took at least 10 HARD slaps before I blew my load.

03-28-2006, 01:40 PM
I love recieving slaps from the perspective of, I being taken to task but the sensation results in a mixed reaction. Slaps I find result in an accute sensation that has me confused and very much on the retreat in a session. I become quite concessionary in comparison to being kicked or crushed. A Ballbustress will quickly gain the upper hand with me in any session, once she flows forth with a succession of slaps.

03-30-2006, 04:31 AM
My wife uses slaps early on. Usually when I am on my hands and knees sucking on her nipples. I get just enough warning when she stops squeezing and takes her hand away. I make sure to get my teeth off her nipple before her hand hits my danglers. I thinks she does this mainly to save her hand because she has some carpal tunnel syndrome and prolonged squeezing hurts her hand. I think she also likes when I bury my face in her breasts to recover from the shock.

Although not slaps, I also like it when she "plays the drums" on my balls with two pieces of small plastic pipe.

04-03-2006, 12:32 AM
I prefer lighter, faster slaps, like having my balls slapped back and forth, rather than heavy handed whalloping...

04-03-2006, 11:05 AM
Amazing, 'the lighter, faster slaps, like having my balls slapped back and forth',
is the style that wimperises me very quickly. The 'heavy handed whalloping',
I have quite a resistence to and enjoy more.

I prefer lighter, faster slaps, like having my balls slapped back and forth, rather than heavy handed whalloping...

04-04-2006, 01:17 PM
The lighter the slap, the faster the frequency needs to be to heighten my feeling of vulnerability.

The same concept applies to knees and kicks - the harder they are, the more time inbetween I need to recover. But who knows - soon enough I may be seeking a merciless ball beating at full volume.

04-04-2006, 05:13 PM
My wife punishes my balls regularly. I can handle quite a bit. But when it's time for serious discipline, she brings out the bonger. It's a fairly hard, heavy rubber ball on the end of a springy strip of metal with a handle. They are designed for use in massage. But applied to the balls... wow... they strike with a deep thuddy blow that makes your testicle feel like it's exploding from the inside. I can handle kicks and slaps, but the bonger brings me to my knees immediately.

04-04-2006, 07:16 PM
I would not like to get on the wrong side of some Ballbustress with those in her hands. Yep, I would find myself being most compliant with her demands.:D

My wife punishes my balls regularly. I can handle quite a bit. But when it's time for serious discipline, she brings out the bonger. It's a fairly hard, heavy rubber ball on the end of a springy strip of metal with a handle. They are designed for use in massage. But applied to the balls... wow... they strike with a deep thuddy blow that makes your testicle feel like it's exploding from the inside. I can handle kicks and slaps, but the bonger brings me to my knees immediately.

04-05-2006, 11:02 AM
Those bongers look really neat.

Of course, they need not be applied with as much force as a paint stirrer or less substantial club.

Although they could be, for those who need extreme sensation.

I'll let you know what I think if I get hold of one and convince someone to try it.

04-05-2006, 11:20 AM
I'm thinking of buying those Bongers - they're only $19 for a pair, and I can use them for regular massages too.

04-09-2006, 05:10 AM
I have a pair of bongers too, and they're used most often. My girlfriend and I spend a lot of time apart, so it's usually orders from her--200 hits, 500 hits, a thousand--with the bonger. Lightly, 300 hits is bearable, but recently she's been making me hit progressively harder and harder, until i'm crying for the last 50 "as hard as I can." She likes seeing my balls swollen and red when I'm through, and if I'm lucky she might even let me cum.

04-12-2006, 07:01 AM
Hadn't heard of bongers before but now need a set to work my poor balls, sounds like a good pain causing device. Always looking for that type equipment

04-13-2006, 09:13 AM
I think punches are more stimulating. The only problem is that they have to be delivered harder and and harder to keep the stimulation and intensity up.

04-14-2006, 09:26 AM
i enjoy both hard underhanded slaps softer slaps mixedup so i dont no what to expect,and need longer intervals between the hard ones .my ability to breath is also part of the reason i need time to recover.i have a bonger also and they can be very intense,being a plumber i fashioned a device made of a pneumatic plug used for static pressure test,(they are pushed into the pipe and pumpedup with a tire pump,the great part about this is you can bouncf it off your head and barely feel it but your ballz are totally different .i like how its so harmless except when my ballz are struck.i really enjoy hearing the lady or ladys laughing and mocking me, as i suffer from the intense blows alot as well.

Ace Hardlight
04-14-2006, 11:15 AM
The bongers look like they are a step or two below a hammer. They look extreemely painful.

I have a pair of bongers too, and they're used most often. My girlfriend and I spend a lot of time apart, so it's usually orders from her--200 hits, 500 hits, a thousand--with the bonger. Lightly, 300 hits is bearable, but recently she's been making me hit progressively harder and harder, until i'm crying for the last 50 "as hard as I can." She likes seeing my balls swollen and red when I'm through, and if I'm lucky she might even let me cum.

^ The man with balls of steel :D ^

04-15-2006, 01:46 AM
The bonger isn't as threatening as it sounds (though repeated bashes will definitely make you regret it)--it feels like, and might actually be, a racquetball on a plastic handle. You can hit yourself pretty much anywhere else as hard as you like and it won't hurt too much; I think it's originally intended to loosen up muscles. The advantage is that it's very dense, blunt and carries a lot of momentum, so it hurts your balls and not the scrotum as much.

We actually don't bring out the ping-pong paddle as much these days, since it does more to just sting the skin than to actually smack balls. Of course, sometimes she really wants to make my balls bright red... :mad: :mad:

04-19-2006, 02:56 PM
I prefer to have my balls slapped but my wife loves kicking my balls. If she does slap my balls, she usually has me get on all fours on the bed. If she ties off my balls, I know she is going to give my balls a long hard slapping. And she never stops until she is satistfied, no matter how much I beg her to stop.:soomad

04-27-2006, 08:17 AM
I finally worked up the courage to tell my girl what I really like the other day. We were by the refridgerator and I asked her to slap my balls really hard. She got this excited look on her face and said "really?" then she reached down my bathing suit pulled my dick out of the way and let me have it 5 really hard times. It was freakin awesome!! For the next few hours she was so into it we had the greatest sex on earth, filled with her punching, slapping, squeezing, kneeing, kicking and even biting my balls. I was in heaven. She even had me bite on her clit and suck really hard on her breasts! I can honestly say it was the greatest day of my life! As an added bonus I've been reminded of the night by looking at my bruised balls for the last 2 days. The best part of this is it taught me to get over being shy about the whole thing, I like it way to much to never not tell any girl Iam with again!

04-27-2006, 11:38 AM
I like it when my girlfriend starts out with soft slaps, then out of nowhere slams her fists into my nuts, then goes back to soft caresses.

05-01-2006, 02:17 PM
Im guessing that most of you feel punches and slaps more intensely when the balls are tied or wrapped up?

05-03-2006, 11:32 AM
Slaps are about the same. Punches are much worse tied. I like my wife to hold my balls at the base and punch with the other hand.

05-03-2006, 02:39 PM

Great story. Inspriational.

I have used a gradual approach, telling a girl she can play/massage,then later telling her to slap, then, when I feel she won't mind, asking her to slap harder or use a club.

I look forward to the day when I can tell a girl like off the bat and have her get excited and want to try something strong.

05-05-2006, 11:42 AM
i would say i enjoy all of the above.

06-17-2006, 11:04 PM
this is a good thread and i think i like all of what is said on this thread i am willing to try new things as well