View Full Version : Oh dear

03-24-2006, 01:23 PM
I cannot seem to delete this thread now I've pressed the button. Please help???
Apologies :confused:

Oh well now its here for a while I might as well take the opportunity to agree with all that complained about the kicking a dog in the nuts thread.

I also agree with all that complain about this darn thread.

Your mission is to (please) turn it into a useful contribution.

03-24-2006, 11:47 PM
Your mission is to (please) turn it into a useful contribution.
Ten Ways to Get Colin Busted

10. Sic Julie18nz on him.

9. Tell Agnetha that he said the opposite of what he just said.

8. Grab him, gag him, and stuff him into a REALLY BIG envelope. Mail the envelope to femaledom.com, attn: new volunteer.

7. Tell his girlfriend that he's been complaining that her tits are too small.

6. Tell his girlfriend that you are surprised that she is still going out with him, after he nailed her sister/best friend/some cheap ho bag at the bar.

5. Give him a business card that reads: "Name: Trouble" amd encourage him to hand it out to the ladies he meets.

4. Empty out his girlfriend's KY tube and replace with toothpaste. Then tell Colin that he should tell her he got her a SURPRISE GIFT!!!

3. Grab him, gag him, stuff him into a GREAT BIG sock, label him "target dummy" and deliver to women's self-defense class with his groin area marked, "groin area".

2. Have him visit the high school I went to.

AND! The number one way to get Colin's nutsack busted ===>

1. Tell Jennifer Aniston that Colin introduced Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt to each other.

(Consider your disgrace of a thread potentially revitalized.)

03-25-2006, 08:48 AM
What a gentleman!
Thank you kindly for constraining my embarrassment.
You’ve done so in such inimitable style too. :ibow4u:
I quite like the ingenuity of #4 :)

03-30-2006, 12:01 AM
I suggest we make up a bunch of business-card-sized pick-up lines for Colin's benefit. You know, for those times when he runs into a hot chick and is too flustered to say something devastatingly clever. These should get him what he wants... or maybe just what he deserves. :Baahaha:

Ten Pick-Up Lines for Colin:

10. Hi! If I said you had the most boyish body I've ever seen, would you hold it against me?

9. Yo, Sweetness; what can you do fo' THESE? [point to nads]

8. Howdy, Ma'am! I never seen no lady wearin' cowboy boots like them; what're they good fer on a lady?

7. Couldn't help noticing your booty shaking, 'cuz that is a LOT of booty. You think maybe some exercise, like maybe some knee bends, might help reduce that?

6. Hey, babe. I just met this chick who was really hot, I mean, you're pretty decent, but I mean a wicked awesome totally HOT chick, and I flubbed the pickup line, and -- get this-- she KICKED me! Like, in the sack! So, uh, can you suck on these [point] and make them feel better?

5. OH! My God, you look JUST like my last girlfriend, your sister, the one who's almost 18, except you're not as pretty.

4. Yowza! DAAAAYYYY-YUM, baby, my dick almost shot my wad just from lookin' at you! I need to put this wad someplace, quick! Couldja help a brother out, yanno, take care of his balls?

3. Hello. If you have any **** fantasies, or even if you don't, I can help you out with that. What do you say?

2. Couldn't help noticing the botched boob job. You know, I was able to hook my last girlfriend up with a specialist I know who might be able to reconstruct... something...

AND the number one pick-up line for Colin!!! ===>

1. Now that we're married, would it KILL YOU to blow me while screwing my homeboy Stan and giving hand jobs to my friends Jim and Ted, and letting Billy Boy here use you for nasal sex? We could make some MONEY, honey!

03-30-2006, 10:36 AM
here's a moral one for all you ballbusters and bustees:

if you check out all the videos on YouTube, you will quickly learn that ballbusting is quite prevalent among the Junior High set. In fact, I would have to admit that some of those clips are quite arousing; no doubt there are many in these forums who feel the same way.

So here's the question: Is looking at, and getting excited by, a 14 year old girl busting a classmate wrong? Does it fall under the category of kiddie porn? It could be argued that kiddie porn is a visual depiction of that which you wouldn't do with a child in the flesh. So if looking at a 14 year-old girl is OK, then would it be OK to get busted by one for real?

I'm curious to read your responses.


03-30-2006, 05:36 PM
the fact is if i were so inclined to, i could jerk off to the kiddie section of the sears catalog and it would not be illegal (I am NOT so inclined). But clearly if I were to do anything I had imagined or done with the pictures to or with the kiddies in the pics, it would be illegal, immoral, and disgusting.
Same goes for ballbusting. Yes it is just kicking, not sex, but it doesnt matter. You like getting kicked in the balls becuase it sexually arouses you, many statutes making sexual conduct with a minor illegal define sexual assualt as an act meant to arouse, thus the fact that it arouses you is enough. But how would they know, well your erection would probably be a clue. Plus I find it quite likely that if anyone is so inclined as to have a minor kick them then they may find it difficult once in that situation to limit their activities from there on out. I like to jerk during a busting, clearly you could not do that, or even rub yourself through your pants with a minor.
Alsom imagine if someone were to find out, how do you explain yourself to another adult, let alone the authorities, that you were alone with a 14 yr old having her kick you in the balls. Oh and your erection.
Not to mention, kids are not dummies, a 14 yo will likely be able to tell you are aroused and may later or right then feel uncomfortable, used, gross, violated whatever. Dont do it, it is not ok to get you rocks off with a minor no matter what your kink or fetish is. I'd suggest you be careful about viewing pics and speaking to minors online as well. It is innapropriate and very likely illegal too, you really dont want that on your conscience and your criminal record. Prison folk dont take kindly to those who engage in sexual conduct with minors. And imagine if Bubba found out you got your rocks off with a kick, you might expect some prison style poetic justice (ie, Bubba bustin your nuts into oblivion).

Again, no it is not ok for you to have a 14 yo or any minor kick you in the groin!

03-30-2006, 06:00 PM
* Trouble has not seen the clips, so he is commenting on the general idea, not the specific segments *

The thing of it is here that you are looking at minors of nearly the same age busting each other, no? If it is illegal, which one does the cop arrest? (The camera person, right? Well, the camera person, just for the sake of argument, is ALSO a minor. So, you arrest everybody's parents, right? Bad idea, bad idea. Just leave the kids to kicking some balls around.)

IF a person is a minor, then play with minors. If one is a major, then order a colonel to do it. Wait, I'm metaphoring my mixes -- if one is an adult (yeah, that's what I meant to say), play with other adults.

There is a very brief time, around 17-19, when you get to pick from, pretty much, adults or minors, and the laws in most states are vague and rarely enforced around this era. Once that time is over (and it expires very quickly), it's gone.

I thought this thread was about alleviating and/or amplifying Colin's embarrassment. :D

03-30-2006, 07:06 PM
I presented the question as one for discussion; I am not seeking approval or support to indulge in play with children.

I have my own take on this matter. I will post it in the coming days. In the meantime, I continue to look forward to your responses.


03-31-2006, 08:53 PM
There is a very brief time, around 17-19, when you get to pick from, pretty much, adults or minors, and the laws in most states are vague and rarely enforced around this era.Yanno,
It always amazes me how that 17-19 y/o age group in the US are treated as ‘minors’. It seems bizarre that this age group are not considered adult enough to drink alcohol but are considered adult enough to be sent out with state-of-the-art weaponry as the front end of the US armed ******.:confused:

I will agree with all above in saying that it’s not OK to enjoy being kicked in the nuts by a child.

Oh, and Colin – its OK to fuck up. I do it all the time. This has actually turned into quite an interesting thread.

04-03-2006, 12:08 PM
I hope nobody thinks I'm some pedophile but it feels like it's hitting the spot here...


04-04-2006, 07:12 AM
Thanks guys (I think). Who’d have thought that I’d started a pedo thread!

04-04-2006, 10:24 AM
Here's what I was getting at (in greater detail):

When I was 14, I saw a girl kick a boy in the balls during Earth Science class. The victim was in pain for about 15 minutes, and the female teacher (a hottie, in many respects), seemed indifferent to the assault and proceeded with class. At the time, I was resentful that the girl "got away with it", for if the boy had struck the girl, you could bet he would have been suspended. What had me intrigued was the look on the teacher's face - a kind of smirk which indicated a certain level of amusement. I did go home that night and rub one out while thinking about that teacher, but not the busting itself - just her reaction to it.

In fact, the threats of girls busting me in Jr. high, and well into adulthood never appealed to me. I always looked at BB with resentment. And even if i did enjoy BB directly, I don't think I would have survived the embarrassment of not only being publicly busted, but of developing a reputation of a guy who LIKES being busted. High School was tough enough without wearing a figurative bullseye on my pants.

Now, many years later, I look back and see what I missed. Yes, I enjoy the bust now, but I enjoy the giggles so much more. I can experience this right now, if I want, with girls as young as 18 (if I'm willing to pay).

The difference between adult busting and adolescent busting is that teenage boys don't eroticize it in the same way as adult men. I see movies of kids playing "nutball" and I ask myself, "why aren't they at least stripped down to their skivvies?" I mean, at the very least, that's how I would play it.

As for teenage girls, I don't know if they ever eroticize it, even into their adulthood. I think they regard a man's vulnerability as a source of continual amusement, and in the context of a BB fetish, that's quite alright with me).

When I originally asked the question, It was after watching a video clip where some teenage girls walked through the mall videotaping the painful reactions to guys they just kicked in the balls. I have to admit, the idea of that happening to me at the mall sounds quite appealing, but I can't see me being the instigator - they would have to do it on their own and surprise me with it. If that happened, it would be too quick for me to enjoy, and therefore, of no pleasure for me. So now I'm back to the video.

Truthfully, I enjoy nude busting the best. If I'm being busted, I like to "shake off" the pain with a good stroking. If I'm watching vidz, I like to see the man's goods flop about wildly and return to their original position, just as vulnerable as they were at the start. If I care to, I can fantasize being with 14 year old girls, but only if in the fantasy I am 14 as well. And that's as far as that fantasy would ever go.

04-04-2006, 07:23 PM
Well,............................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ...that's Bro Colin for ya.:D :D :D

TonyR 'da Rambler':D

* Trouble has not seen the clips, so he is commenting on the general idea, not the specific segments *

The thing of it is here that you are looking at minors of nearly the same age busting each other, no? If it is illegal, which one does the cop arrest? (The camera person, right? Well, the camera person, just for the sake of argument, is ALSO a minor. So, you arrest everybody's parents, right? Bad idea, bad idea. Just leave the kids to kicking some balls around.)

IF a person is a minor, then play with minors. If one is a major, then order a colonel to do it. Wait, I'm metaphoring my mixes -- if one is an adult (yeah, that's what I meant to say), play with other adults.

There is a very brief time, around 17-19, when you get to pick from, pretty much, adults or minors, and the laws in most states are vague and rarely enforced around this era. Once that time is over (and it expires very quickly), it's gone.

I thought this thread was about alleviating and/or amplifying Colin's embarrassment. :D

04-04-2006, 11:46 PM
The Top Ten Ways to Get Colin in Trouble With a Minor

10. Alcohol! Duh!

9. Pay the minor to kick Colin in the nuts, and pay the photographer to give the photos to her parents. Yeah, he didn't do anything wrong, but her parents will put out an APB pn him. Muah hah hah...

8. Ask Snoodles if she has a younger sister. Cousin. Neighbor. We're not picky.

7. Advertise in a Girl Scouts magazine for a "dominatrix" to use as a present. Wrap her up and give to Colin.

6. Fake ID.

5. Sign Colin up to be a test subject for a viological experiment. Mak sure the biology teacher is female, and give her some ideas about what experiments might, yanno...

4. Find a 16-year-old chick. Tell her Colin has a crush on her, is too shy to admit it, would never cross that under-18-barrier, so she should LIE ABOUT HER AGE!

3. Get Colin a job as a stuntman in a flick where some young chick kicks guys in the balls a lot. Like Legend of Billie Jean II: The Second Crotchening.

2. Tie Colin up outside the High School i went to (SO not kidding).

And... The number one way to get Colin in some kind of trouble with a teenager...

1. Clone EvilGrl and wait about 17 years. She'll be a chip off the old block.