View Full Version : Women's femdom ********** fantasies, women who fantasize about ********** a man
06-10-2012, 10:45 PM
One time I think - if he realy no move then, maybe, I can use a cork screw carefully. One hand must hold one testicle still while the other roate this thing and push it in. I think he probably will try and move a lot, so I do not know if it es really a possible way to make a change in his testicles. I think if it start going in - I can keep it going, even if he move but to get it started seems very diffcult (don't ask me how I know this)
06-11-2012, 02:48 AM
Wow, I have to admit, I totally love the creative way you think about killing testicles :)
I think you might need to tie the balls and fix them somehow, so they cant move away. Maybe you will have to push the beginning of the screw in the testicle first with some force, and then start rotating. I just fear there is no good wine comming out at the end, just some blood and sperm hehe
I just imagined how much damage you could do to a cock with that screw, because the cock already has an opening to push it in ;)
06-14-2012, 03:26 AM
One time I think - if he realy no move then, maybe, I can use a cork screw carefully. One hand must hold one testicle still while the other roate this thing and push it in. I think he probably will try and move a lot, so I do not know if it es really a possible way to make a change in his testicles. I think if it start going in - I can keep it going, even if he move but to get it started seems very diffcult (don't ask me how I know this)
what a delightful and painful way you think.
02-26-2013, 11:32 AM
you can cut mine
02-26-2013, 11:38 AM
you can cut mine
02-27-2013, 03:34 PM
I do not think to cut off because that is to easy for him.The ice pick - just sit there andpuncture and puncture and puncture over and over as he try moving and movingaway. He squeals and maybe he will plead, but just keep going - puncture againand a agains.
The corkscrew you really have to hold the testicle in thesack firm so it don’t move and screw it in, I no think this is possible as theman will move about wild., and why handle him like that. That one I fear wouldbe bloody.
Before you read I think of the injection. You get manready and – stick! Yes just stick needle in there, really not to bad, no? Yes,but then slowly add the pressure. I say a weak acid or peroxide in the needle.I think as I slowly add he just shake with emotions and pains. The thing I seemy effort it is very low, but your reaction is very high. That is the thing, Ido easy work, I push the fluid into to you but you react very big work. What iseasy for me, is not easy for you. This is the opposite of most situation whereman is pushing woman around, with words and sometimes with hands, ther he findsit so easy to push her. This time, she finds her work easy, she is smart, let theperoxide or acid do the work, let it eat his testicolos and make themdestroyed.
I do not think to cut off because that is to easy for him.The ice pick - just sit there andpuncture and puncture and puncture over and over as he try moving and movingaway. He squeals and maybe he will plead, but just keep going - puncture againand a agains.
The corkscrew you really have to hold the testicle in thesack firm so it don’t move and screw it in, I no think this is possible as theman will move about wild., and why handle him like that. That one I fear wouldbe bloody.
Before you read I think of the injection. You get manready and – stick! Yes just stick needle in there, really not to bad, no? Yes,but then slowly add the pressure. I say a weak acid or peroxide in the needle.I think as I slowly add he just shake with emotions and pains. The thing I seemy effort it is very low, but your reaction is very high. That is the thing, Ido easy work, I push the fluid into to you but you react very big work. What iseasy for me, is not easy for you. This is the opposite of most situation whereman is pushing woman around, with words and sometimes with hands, ther he findsit so easy to push her. This time, she finds her work easy, she is smart, let theperoxide or acid do the work, let it eat his testicolos and make themdestroyed.
Love it ajg.
02-27-2013, 07:39 PM
These last few posts remind of a story I read some several months back....
It was I believe 2 nurses working some around 3 mens balls.
Not sure of the general premise of story but the nurses were really sadistic and they loved to torture balls to destruction.
They did things like these injections and exposing the balls naked and using needles and other things on was a hot read and I didnt save it.
Does this bare any likeness to a story anyone knows of?
All I can remember is that they were nurses of some sort...
Would love to read it again.
There was another as well were a prisoner kept going to be interogated by this woman who loved the idea of busting balls. I remember one bit she was looking at a diagram of male sex organs and told the guy she was gonna use a corckscrew on the epididumis area, but she also worked his balls great.
Sorry its slightly off topic for this thread.
Love the idea of causing the balls pain tho rather than just simply cutting them the imaginations of some here! :)
02-28-2013, 12:43 AM
The Viet Cong loved to use females to torture POWs. A favorite was to slide a glass rod into his penis and break the glass inside.:soomad :jumpsmile
12-06-2013, 11:44 AM
do you want to do mine like that
Thoman Jerry
12-22-2013, 09:14 AM
The word ********** is kinda odd to me, a bit of a turn-off because I think of it in the medical sense with the scalpel and stuff...
But the idea of crushing a man's balls into oblivion with my hands takes me to higher places :iluvu:
I love the experience of having my balls squeezed by a woman, but I want to do it again and again, so actually having them destroyed is suboptimal for me.
02-08-2014, 12:52 PM
I would think that's why women would prefer using a burdizzo, it's bloodless.
03-12-2015, 10:36 PM
Any more girls want to post their fantasies? :)
03-15-2015, 08:08 AM
Ellen Page Strips Down To Her Underwear, Talks About ********** In Sexy W Magazine Spread
03-18-2015, 01:34 AM
^This video is just some reporter talking about ellen a bit. Don't waste your time with the video.
03-18-2015, 08:24 PM
Original article:**********-in-sexy-w-magazine-spread+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca (**********-in-sexy-w-magazine-spread+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca)
Has a brief comment about Hard Candy, where she plays a girl who castrates a pedophile.
Page explained that she never fails to see the positives in delving deep into a character's psyche. "At 17, I co-starred in Hard Candy, about a pedophile and his victim, whom I played. My character had to ******** the pedophile. I've always loved learning things for a part, and I remember researching ********** and thinking, 'This is so interesting,'" she explained. "I'm a nerd that way: I love the challenges of this job."
03-28-2015, 08:00 PM
too bad ellen page turned out to be a lesbian , she was cute as a button... and still is
in medical school i was the only male member of that particular class and all the women in medical scrubs were talking about testicular exams and every once in a while they took a look at me , and we had a medical table , so HARD CANDY was the first thing to come to mind , ..... i'd be willing to switch places with Patrick Wilson for a minute
Night Traveller
12-05-2016, 10:35 AM
Cross Your Legs, Guys: 18 Women Share
Their Explicit Сastration Fantasies**********-fantasies/
Night Traveller
12-06-2016, 06:18 AM
Cross Your Legs, Guys: 18 Women Share Their Explicit Сastration Fantasies**********-fantasies/
Oops! :soomad
Sorry, you have to insert the word " c astration" without space manually.
02-07-2017, 04:04 AM
If the male has his testicle's he will always be a threat to commit ra pe. He will always harbor the urge to mount and be top while screwing a female. He will always be a threat to stray and have an affair. A male in a dedicated Female Lead relationship who demands on keeping his testicle's is holding back from the female and not giving himself completely to her. Many men, either through sickness or disease do not have their testicle's, there is no medical barrier to living without them. As he ages, bone density checks can be done and he might need medication, just as many older women do, to fight off osteoporosis. Other than that, he's good to go, he can lead a healthy productive life with out his testicle's. In a committed female lead relationship it is a natural and beneficial step that she, with her own hands, remove her male's testes and take possession of them. For the male's part, he needs to be disposed to offer this sacrifice to her. He needs to be a willing partner in this exchange. To lie there submissively as she uses whatever method suits her to take his precious testicle's from him. To quietly endure not only the extreme physical pain, but also the crushing humiliation of having a woman physically castr ate him as he simply lies there and weeps.
With this act he would be irreparably renouncing his will to lead the relationship and have dominion over the female. He is capitulating and relinquishing his very masculinity to her.
ps thanks to Anna for the "million dollar words"
02-07-2017, 11:35 AM
If the male has his testicle's he will always be a threat to commit ra pe. He will always harbor the urge to mount and be top while screwing a female. He will always be a threat to stray and have an affair. A male in a dedicated Female Lead relationship who demands on keeping his testicle's is holding back from the female and not giving himself completely to her. Many men, either through sickness or disease do not have their testicle's, there is no medical barrier to living without them. As he ages, bone density checks can be done and he might need medication, just as many older women do, to fight off osteoporosis. Other than that, he's good to go, he can lead a healthy productive life with out his testicle's. In a committed female lead relationship it is a natural and beneficial step that she, with her own hands, remove her male's testes and take possession of them. For the male's part, he needs to be disposed to offer this sacrifice to her. He needs to be a willing partner in this exchange. To lie there submissively as she uses whatever method suits her to take his precious testicle's from him. To quietly endure not only the extreme physical pain, but also the crushing humiliation of having a woman physically castr ate him as he simply lies there and weeps.
With this act he would be irreparably renouncing his will to lead the relationship and have dominion over the female. He is capitulating and relinquishing his very masculinity to her.
ps thanks to Anna for the "million dollar words"
Hello there,
A very strong fantasy to be sure. This is quite differentfrom mine. Female lead relationships (or female supremacy for that matter) have never appealed to me. Also, (save in fantasy) men need their testes. In real life, osteoporosis is but one of many (serious) health conditions, afflicting males who have lost the organs producing the bulk of the body's testosterone. For example, loss of muscle mass is another effect of castr ation, Eventually, (absent hormone treatments) this will lead to muscle atrophy. Also, the body (minus testicles) will experience 'night sweats' or 'hot flashes'. There are psychological and emotional consequences, as well. A 'modified' male body will experience clinical depression. If untreated, this can often lead to suicide. The loss of the 'man bits' and the ability to procreate (and screw) often has devastating emotional effects. There are often tremendous mood and personality changes. This is the part that intrigues and 'excites' me!:D
My fantasies revolve round castra ting ra pists and wife-abusers. The idea a judge (preferably female) could sentence these kind of recidivist miscreants, to be neutered is empowering and arousing.:o Also, the idea the victim could have a say in the method (or do it herself) is enticing. Then, observing all the emotional / physical changes would be... er, 'stimulating'. That is, seeing an; abusive, burly 'tower-of-power' full of braggadocio.. become a 'small' soft-spoken, mild-mannered, timid little 'kitten'. Then, knowing it is all due to the removal of those two precious little 'jewels'!:weryfun
02-17-2017, 03:13 PM
Very exciting!
04-02-2017, 11:05 AM
04-02-2017, 11:09 AM
AJG is
Your preferred methtod still injection or have you a different way you would remove his testicles?
05-23-2018, 11:50 AM
First things first: if you ever want to contact me again you will address me as Mistress, is that clear? Secondly I do not excuse the length of your message; do you really think I want to waste so much of my valuable time on you? I have no interest in the pathetic details of your fantasies, and if you wish to understand my views on the ********** of males then I suggest you read everything I write and study every piece of art I post until you know them by heart.
I am not a surgeon or vet; I don't need to be. Do you really think it takes medical skill to cut off a man's balls? Your testicles are so pathetically vulnerable I could have them off with a blunt table knife faster than you could scream for help; and anyway, where's the fun in ********** a man neatly, or under anaesthesia? If I cut a man I want to squeeze every ounce of terror and pain out of the experience; I want every morsel of that power and enjoyment.
But you are right about one thing: you do need to learn to do a better job of serving and worshipping. Work on it boy, and some day you might actually be worth **********
wonderfull, you are cruel ! i like...
05-23-2018, 12:06 PM
What a cute little boy, with all your little guns!
I think it's time for you to go to bed isn't it?
About a crashxnow say, is bullshit...
A Woman, only thing you need to be, a woman, woman is like a godines, perfect, is beautifull, smart, sexy, complete and a woman can make all she wount without need ask permission for a man, a man is patetic, a real sexy fragile, you dont thing that ? simple, ask to a girl to kick our balls and you know how powerfull over a man a woman is..realy, a ball, is pathetic, 2 unwearied things hanging! fragile as glass :)
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