View Full Version : dropped
05-05-2006, 02:48 PM
Does anyone here like to get hit hard enough to drop, (or for that matter pass out) just as they come?
Conversely, do any of our female members like to deliver a blow that hard?
05-06-2006, 01:14 PM
Bro KevinSmith,
If you're very relaxed in a bust or totally not expecting the high level of impact of a bust, then it can result in one losing conciousness or momentarily, control of one's body, resulting in what you term as, drop. The issue of coming has been discussed already in the forum, but in a NUTSHELL, (kindly excuse the pun), if you are refering to come as in orgasm, this should be separated from ejaculation or release of semen. With Ballbusting, if one has not ejaculated for sometime or if one is highly arroused during a bust the release of semen during such, increases. Obviously the more direct and forceful the blows, the greater the posibility of this happening. But be WARNED, the harder the blows, the greater the possibility for potential INJURY. More so, if the administrator of the blows, lacks accuracy and/or care for whom is the recipient of the impacts.
This thing of Ours, is fun. But always go with safety at the forefront of one's mind. Fantasy can play a big part and can add much to any experience, but never let it control the realities so that what you're doing becomes DANGEROUS!
Does anyone here like to get hit hard enough to drop, (or for that matter pass out) just as they come?
Conversely, do any of our female members like to deliver a blow that hard?
Does anyone here like to get hit hard enough to drop,
yes altough it never happened
05-09-2006, 07:39 AM
not for real, still want some more kids :-)
i let my wife do it up to my personal limit, and that's still far away
from passing out.
As long as both are having fun, where is the the fun for the girl when you
are laying passed out on the floor not beeing able to walk nomal for days :-)
05-09-2006, 02:33 PM
I have been "sent" out quite a few times just after cumming: the lady whom it happened with was a tennis player, with a terrific grip in her hands (at least in the right one!) and she was into BB. She loved squeezing my balls , and that was great! One day, I came too quickly for her to get her pleasure and got immediately limp (It was not my first nor second ejaculation of the day!) She became extremely angry and squeezed my balls with both hands as hard as she could, for what seemed to be ages.
Probably due to the recent orgasm, I was unable to resist and I passed out.
When I came to, she warned me never to do that again (not fainting, but climaxing without her!)
She told me that, instead of "ages", I had passed out after less than one minute serious squeezing, and that I had remained *********** for about two minutes.
That was a great experience, and she has often, afterwards, sent me "out" after orgasming, even when we both climaxed together (which happened most of the time).
05-10-2006, 01:20 AM
where is the the fun for the girl when you
are laying passed out on the floor not beeing able to walk nomal for days :-)
Knowing that she was the one who did it is her fun. :)
05-13-2006, 02:38 AM
I have kids and am getting ready for the next addition to the clan.:D :D :D
I walk more normal after a good busting than when too busy to enjoy a good session.
A good Ballbustress will know what she is doing and she is not about ruining the ballbustee. It is very much about sensory overload.
What's the sense? Everyone is different, with wide and varried thresholds to various sensations. My thresholds are never the same, so one goes about it with this established reality, just like your preference for staying within your personal limit.:thumbup :cool: It ain't about getting damaged. By being safe by escalating the intensity and having clear communication between the parties concerned, keeps it cool. :thumbup
not for real, still want some more kids :-)
i let my wife do it up to my personal limit, and that's still far away
from passing out.
As long as both are having fun, where is the the fun for the girl when you
are laying passed out on the floor not beeing able to walk nomal for days :-)
05-13-2006, 02:40 AM
:Baahaha: :Baahaha: :Baahaha: :Baahaha: :D :D :D
Knowing that she was the one who did it is her fun. :)
05-16-2006, 04:48 AM
I myself don't go for beign dropped, but I am thinking of having a woman go harder until I plead 'mercy'.
I was wondering about you all.
I woulnd't do anything underfoot, or even kicking, as it's a bit much, but I like seeing vids (and even cartoons) of that kind.
05-27-2006, 03:28 AM
Sometimes it just happens. That's why it's wise to have the area of activity clear for one to reach the floor without crashing into something along the way. Crash mats or lots of cushions or busting on the bed. Perhaps placing the matress on the floor. The drop results from the sensory overload. Busts are often arresting to the body.
Your pleading 'Mercy' is a goodway to control and communicate your tollerences to the Ballbustress. 'Mercy' is a spurring on word, it might be better to have a clear non spurring safety word that halts all action immediately. I have experienced my tollerences being pushed beyond my immediate levels of desire. This is quite an experience but is very much a blurred line with regards to one's wishes. Ballbusting is an consensual act of domination. Domination is an exchange of power. Power is often a very addictive thing. The key thing is safety. The Ballbustress needs to control her natural urges to dominate, even if she is aware that the bustee's limits are way beyond his point of submission.
It is like I said, a very blurred line and very intoxicating. The body releases drugs that can often totally alter one's levels of tollerance and perception during a bust.
What we often see in videos is real but very much controled for the camera action. When in a pure session, the dynamics are very much different. The alter egos of roleplay can overide all the planned safety factors pre planned. It's best to move forwards, slowly and with safety always there.
I myself don't go for beign dropped, but I am thinking of having a woman go harder until I plead 'mercy'.
I was wondering about you all.
I woulnd't do anything underfoot, or even kicking, as it's a bit much, but I like seeing vids (and even cartoons) of that kind.
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