View Full Version : Julie's Fetishes (Part 3)

05-22-2006, 12:40 AM
She's kinky.

She's dreamy.

She's New Zealand-y.

Introducing Julie18nz, the awesomest chick in, like, EVER!

"But does she like to kick balls?"

Brother, she LOVES to kick guys right where it hurts!

"Wow... Anything else?"


"WHOA! R U serious?"

Giving and getting CB, BB, plus loooooves pornography. She's sleek, she's unique, and the last two threads that were ALL ABOUT HER got gosh darned full up! Yes, she's THAT HOT!

Julie: Girl, you are ssssssssssssss-mokin'!

05-22-2006, 12:53 AM
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Only Bro Trouble, the Burt Bacharach of da BallBusting World:) :) :thumbup

05-22-2006, 05:28 AM
Why, thank you Trouble :iluvu::iluvu::iluvu:

05-25-2006, 07:59 PM
Cuntbusting. Got any links. I've been trying to find stuff on cuntbusting for ages now.

I found this site when I typed cuntbusting on google. And it's some yahoo group. SoI'm waiting to see what happens with that.

05-25-2006, 10:40 PM
Cuntbusting. Got any links. I've been trying to find stuff on cuntbusting for ages now.
Julie's Fetishes Part I (http://forums.femaledom.com/showthread.php?t=2347&highlight=julie%27s+Fetishes) and Part II (http://forums.femaledom.com/showthread.php?t=2511&highlight=julie%27s+Fetishes) contain lots of links and pics and weird stories of all the stuff that Julie likes and drooling comments from me (being a lecherous type who has other plans than busting for her... um... well, never mind. I started Part III here because so much stuff gets posted about her -- this thread has yet to start acculating its own stockpile of smut.

I suppose that rather than break her down into generic "Part A, B, and C" we could have broken her down into "Part Knee, Breast, and Crotch".

Oh, Joooooo-lee! Would you rather be deconstructed into alphanumeric parts, or into specific body parts? If we start a thread about your boobs, do we have to limit it to 34 posts? Inquiring (and dirty) minds want to know.

05-25-2006, 11:21 PM
Allybuilder: www.cbaforums.net is what you're looking for. CBA is for Cunt Busters Anonymous.

abused berries
05-25-2006, 11:54 PM

abused berries
05-26-2006, 03:42 PM

06-17-2006, 03:02 PM
Anybody seen Julie? Electronically speaking, I mean.

08-07-2006, 12:16 AM
How about clit crushing?

08-07-2006, 01:12 AM
Clit crushing? I'll volunteer Julie18nz for that!

She doesn't seem to be around and a boot much. We'll have to come up with a Grail for her.

08-09-2006, 08:52 PM
Anybody seen Julie? Electronically speaking, I mean.I have seen me a couple of times, does that count ?:p I havent been here much, or anywhere lse really, coz I have been rather ill, but hopefully I am getting better so may be able to get back to posting :)

08-10-2006, 03:43 AM
I have seen me a couple of times, does that count ?:p I havent been here much, or anywhere lse really, coz I have been rather ill, but hopefully I am getting better so may be able to get back to posting :)
Oh, come on, tell the truth, out with it: you're not looking forward to posting, you're looking forward to reading about what lecherous ideas other people have and see if there is any great new porn. ;)

*WE* are the ones who will be lucky when you start posting again. (Do I sound whipped yet?)

08-10-2006, 06:39 AM
There is one problem im in to cuntbusting for 5 years and you post here pussy torture movies which is wrong ...Cuntbusting is not cunt torture like waxing ,electro pussy torture etc.. Its kicking, kneeing,punching ...SO it just wrong ...Becacouse you don`t know what cuntbusting is... see this links:


And one more thing join www.cbaforums.net --the best and only one forum with cuntbusting

08-10-2006, 07:46 PM
There is one problem im in to cuntbusting for 5 years and you post here pussy torture movies which is wrong ...Cuntbusting is not cunt torture like waxing ,electro pussy torture etc.. Its kicking, kneeing,punching ...SO it just wrong ...Becacouse you don`t know what cuntbusting is... see this links:


And one more thing join www.cbaforums.net --the best and only one forum with cuntbusting

I see no problem as this is NOT solely a CB thread. Yes, I LOVE CB far more then BB to be honest. I am not sure where u got the idea that my threads were only about CB and nothing else. I LOVE pain, so there are articles and clips and vids about breast torture, clit torture, pussy torture as well as CB :)

You, urself, posted an 'off topic" .Rar file. Off topic by YOUR stipulation as it didnt have one single kick in it at all, just mainly pics of 'camel toes', which I myself find totally disgusting. I did, however like one or two of them.

Oh, believe me when I say this, I have been in BB and CB since I was 14, so that is TEN years, and I do both on a VERY regular basis, so HOW DARE YOU have the audacity to tell ME that I have no idea what I am talking about. At least I dont get off on overly fake WWF crap believing it to be anything but the over acted, waste of space, that it is :)

Is "Best and only" like "New and improved" ??? :p

08-11-2006, 01:03 AM
You, urself, posted an 'off topic" .Rar file. Off topic by YOUR stipulation as it didnt have one single kick in it at all, just mainly pics of 'camel toes', which I myself find totally disgusting. I did, however like one or two of them.
Julie: Have seen the phrase "camel toe" many times. Pardon for asking but wtf is camel toe?!? Is this one of those female problems that have to do with menstruation, the thing ladies do that I find drives me out of the house and back into the wild?

Femaledom (http://www.femaledom.com) -- the other best and only board for yammering about CUNTBUSTING!!!

08-22-2006, 09:54 AM
wtf is camel toe?!?

10-30-2006, 11:04 AM
what are they going to come up with next?????

10-30-2006, 02:32 PM
what are they going to come up with next?????

More of the same, one can only hope :) I couldnt belive her comment of "I cant belive he would do that to a girl" Girls do it to guys all the damn time, nice to see the tables turned for once :)

Now we need to see some REAL CB :bananajum

10-30-2006, 07:08 PM
More of the same, one can only hope :) I couldnt belive her comment of "I cant belive he would do that to a girl" Girls do it to guys all the damn time, nice to see the tables turned for once :)

Now we need to see some REAL CB :bananajum
I know a cunt that really needs an introduction to a kick; sadly, we have this general, nague, sort-of thing about "consensual" BB and CB... So her cunt is probably going to remain where it is, and NOT flying over the goalposts...

We need more chicks like Julie. JULIE!!! Tell your boyfriend to knock you up, already, and raise every one of your daughters to be a chip off the block. Thanks, dear.

10-30-2006, 07:15 PM
More of the same, one can only hope :) I couldnt belive her comment of "I cant belive he would do that to a girl" Girls do it to guys all the damn time, nice to see the tables turned for once :)

Now we need to see some REAL CB :bananajum


10-30-2006, 11:34 PM
I don't rate it up there with male bb, but I loved seeing it for a change of pace. Thanks for the link.

what are they going to come up with next?????

10-31-2006, 07:55 AM
I couldnt belive her comment of "I cant belive he would do that to a girl" Girls do it to guys all the damn time, nice to see the tables turned for once :)

Now we need to see some REAL CB :bananajum

You know it's funny how we casualy mention dick, penis etc. to one another, but the mere insinuating of how one's cunt looks like will set a woman into rage. I rarely hear women mention a vegina although the word dick is said often even by women.:confused: .
when i was 15, back at the parent's house, the mentioning of the word cunt ment a grave punishment and between friends the word dick was mentioned every other word.

10-31-2006, 10:55 PM
You know it's funny how we casualy mention dick, penis etc. to one another, but the mere insinuating of how one's cunt looks like will set a woman into rage. I rarely hear women mention a vegina although the word dick is said often even by women.:confused: .
when i was 15, back at the parent's house, the mentioning of the word cunt ment a grave punishment and between friends the word dick was mentioned every other word.
Oh... you mean... you think we just might live in a world with a number of DOUBLE STANDARDS, this being one of them? Well, allow me to clariefy: we DO live in a world with double standards, and this is. indeed, one of them.

Don't you feel so much better now that your suspicion that we live in a world of double standards has been affirmed? Well, it shouldn't: because we still live in a world of double standards. Affirmation does not change anything. Now, go out and change the world: KICK A CHICK IN THE CUNT! Start with Julie.

11-02-2006, 08:33 AM
Oh... you mean... you think we just might live in a world with a number of DOUBLE STANDARDS, this being one of them? Well, allow me to clariefy: we DO live in a world with double standards, and this is. indeed, one of them.

Don't you feel so much better now that your suspicion that we live in a world of double standards has been affirmed? Well, it shouldn't: because we still live in a world of double standards. Affirmation does not change anything. Now, go out and change the world: KICK A CHICK IN THE CUNT! Start with Julie.

what suprises me is the insight of how far and deep it runs (saying cu*, oh sorry, I ment female body-parts)
"women and children are first to the lifeboats"? screw them...I don't see any feminists fighting that double standard :jumpsmile...

11-03-2006, 01:10 PM
I, personally, dont like the word 'cunt' mainly coz it has been used in such a foull way and as an insult for so long adn there are so many other names that can be used, like pussy, twat, mick, etc.

As far as the lifeboat thing goes, it should be children first, then who ever is next in line, be it a man or a woman :)

11-03-2006, 10:39 PM
I, personally, dont like the word 'cunt' mainly coz it has been used in such a foull way and as an insult for so long adn there are so many other names that can be used, like pussy, twat, mick, etc.

As far as the lifeboat thing goes, it should be children first, then who ever is next in line, be it a man or a woman :)
[Gets "I WUV JULIE" banner out of closet, marches down Main Street waving it, passes out stickers at airport to people boarding flights to New Zealand that read, "Kick Julie in the [something crossed out] TWAT!"]

Do DOUBT! Women are so NOT the same as children. One thing that some of the feminists do not realize is that there is a hidden price to the few privileges that come with the societal prejudices about male and female roles: whether a woman is being discriminated AGAINST or discriminated IN FAVOUR, she is still being treated paternalistically. "Women AND children?" So, don't we have an underlying assumption there that women can't take care of themselves and need to be given a helping hand to the short bus?

One of my favourite societies to read about, despite its many, many flaws, is Sparta: men and women compted in sports -- no stooooopid gender-division. They both were trained to fight and they both fought (although this was where a bit of that ol' discrimination pops up: women were in the "home" army defending Sparta and men were in the "attack" army that went out and pillaged those Athenian wimps). Best of all, they competed (in sports) nude. BOOYAH! Nothing like mixed wrestling with nude athletes!

11-06-2006, 04:14 AM
I guess "the great equalizers" helped in Sparta. I have read where in Olympic wrestling, going for the balls was considered "poor form" but was not prohibited. Only biting and gouging of the eyes were illegal. Maybe only the Athenians thought this. One wrestler was so good at it - presumably ruining some guys - that some opponents simply forfeited when they found he was their opponent. Maybe this guy was a Spartan and had learned to protect his own balls from his female opponents in Sparta.

I wonder how often the women won in Sparta?

If a gal did manage to ruin a guy, was he then part of the attack army or the defense one?

11-08-2006, 12:32 AM
If a gal did manage to ruin a guy, was he then part of the attack army or the defense one?
I don't know, but remember that the laws in Sparta were few, but strict -- doubt that they covered every possible situation in advance.

I suggest we start by re-creating a Spartan town somewhere in... well, Australia would work, they are used to having their populace do nutty things. ;)

So we'll need some naked guys, some naked gals, we'll start some naked wrestling, and then send all the guys out to storm and pillage the nearest convenience store while the women defend the dwellings.

(Traditionally, since transportation was usually done on foot, it took real Spartans months and sometimes even years to march out, fight a war, kick ass, and come home; they generally arrived to find a bunch of children that the female population had created using the, er, slaves [which will all be convenience store clerks if our foraging goes well]. The Spartan-slave offspring were not looked upon well by the returning males and usually got sent out of the city before...)

...let's back up and try a simpler plan: we'll need some naked chicks, naked guys, and some Olympic sports to do naked. Like wrestling, ballbusting, running, ballbusting, throwing things, and more ballbusting.

Convenience store clerks in Australia: beware.

Bok the Gargoyle
11-09-2006, 08:22 PM
Now we need to see some REAL CB :bananajumI couldn't agree more. Tie her spread. Gag her. Beat that cunt in anyway you can. This girl seems happy enough with the swollen results of her session. :D

Bok the Gargoyle
11-10-2006, 04:50 PM
As Hot Rod Hundley would say:

"Yoooooo've Gotta Love It Baby"


There's just so many wicked ways to hurt a cunt :D

abused berries
11-23-2006, 01:43 AM

wooden pony

12-07-2006, 02:18 PM
here's a request from a girl sub... very gory but with interesting outcome. see the other results: http://orz.gurochan.net/req/kareha.pl/1165007459/l50

Ps. sorry if too gory for this site :letsplay

abused berries
12-23-2006, 04:50 PM


12-23-2006, 06:48 PM


Those were very nice, thanks :)

Now all I need to do is hope that some site will make ones were the girls are getting REALLY kicked, like me and my gf kick each other :) We certainly can NOT stand and giggle after a kick, but these vids are a good start and we have to start somewhere :)

abused berries
12-23-2006, 09:34 PM
Those were very nice, thanks :)

Now all I need to do is hope that some site will make ones were the girls are getting REALLY kicked, like me and my gf kick each other :) We certainly can NOT stand and giggle after a kick, but these vids are a good start and we have to start somewhere :)

yes, they are a very good start, glad you enjoyed them. it seems that there is at least the beginning of a trend toward real female busting, as opposed to the fake cat fight stuff that has dominated the genre for so long. i found this material on the cbaforums.net board. it was in the "extreme" subforum, which of course speaks volumes about where the fetish is right now. this is, in fact, extreme and cutting edge in relation to other content available right now. hopefully more is coming. :thumbup

12-24-2006, 10:12 AM
Verry nice clips, i almost forgot how much Cuntbusting turned me on :P there used to be a nice Ballbust / Cuntbust site but its gone now :( if you can find more clips post em or links :P ty.

12-28-2006, 10:49 AM
I also find CB to be a turn on. Almost as much as BB. Would definately like to see more clips like these. :)

01-01-2007, 12:24 AM
Those were very nice, thanks :)

Now all I need to do is hope that some site will make ones were the girls are getting REALLY kicked, like me and my gf kick each other :) We certainly can NOT stand and giggle after a kick, but these vids are a good start and we have to start somewhere :)
I say it's time to put our size 12 Red Loggers down. That's right: let's film Julie and her girlfriend and send that vid out on the net! YES! YES! YES!

Speaking of size 12 Red Loggers, think we can come up with a scenario in which the two of you walk up to Magnum and kvetch at him until he leans back and cunt-punts both of you at once? Think we can raise the money to ship him out there?

02-17-2008, 05:36 PM

10-25-2009, 12:25 PM

Can someone reupload this?:)

10-30-2009, 02:52 PM
I dont think I have seen this video on any of these pages..

really makes her pussy swell.