View Full Version : BB Games
05-31-2006, 03:59 PM
Anyone have any ideas for BB Games. I have a few ideas, but would also like to hear what others think...
05-31-2006, 04:31 PM
here's one i always liked...have a meat tenderizer attached to a string and a hinge. the hinge is attached to a board which is placed under your ass and the string run through a pulley on the ceiling. the idea is to have the one end of the string clenched in your teeth with the tenderizer over your sac while someone either mounts you, or jerks you off attempting to get you to open your mouth either in ecstacy or pain (which can often be the same thing.) When i'm at work i get alot of down time...needless to say i have an active imagination.
05-31-2006, 09:04 PM
For example girl holds guys balls between her fingers and guy holds girls nipples between his fingers. 1,2,3 squeeze. Who gives up first?
06-01-2006, 07:21 PM
my favorite game, so far my only, is to get my partner to slap my balls harder until I use the word 'mercy'. The game is she tries to get me to do it four times a minute.
life is pain
06-02-2006, 04:13 AM
There's a an elaborate one I suggested in the 'Ball Kicking Sessions' thread you might like. However I would change some of the rules if you're not seeing a proffessional dom. I based most of them on trying to keep a relative stranger interested enough to want to keep playing. If you have a girlfriend who's into it it wouldn't be all that necessry to give out a full tank of gas, she'd probably be into it if the prizes were leaving the toilet seat down. And as far as pictures and getting busted in the buff go, she might be down for that anyway.
06-02-2006, 09:02 AM
This one's a bit more difficult but quite feasible (the hardest thing being to get 3 girls together). It requires minimum 3 girls + one man.
Starting count is 9 and it takes minus 1 with each kick.
The girls take turns in kicking the man every 30 seconds. Whenever he goes down (or is unable to stand for the following kick) the one that has kicked him too hard gets the the count as penalty. So they will try to kick not too hard, but hard enough for one of the others to lose.
However, when the man gets down, the two winners will hold him, and the loser can take her penalty out on him as number of kicks without needing to be careful. So he will be highly motivated to keep standing as long as possible.
Of course there can be many rounds, especially when there are more men around.
Feel free to add some detailed rules, or make up a better name for it, if you like it.
06-03-2006, 10:29 PM
This might be a fun carnival game
Lets call it "Test of Love"
Wall with a Circular hole cut in it maybe 6 inches
Guy stands behind it with the hole exposing an unfortunate place
His GF or anyone for that matter gets a couple of throws...beanbags maybe?
2 out of three gets to go again...
06-04-2006, 08:55 AM
My fantasy is to watch a fooball game with 2 women who kick me each time their team kicks the ball - punts standing from the front, and doggie style from behind for each field goal, point after, or kick-off. :cryingblu
06-08-2006, 05:18 PM
maybe pick card's from a dech and she get to hit your balls as many times as the number on the card times 2 and a king can be 20 a queen 50 jack 15 a joker means she get to do what she wants for a long period or 100 hits
06-08-2006, 08:19 PM
I think just about any game can be enlivened by a bit of BB.
For some reason the other night my girlfriend started quizzing me about 'Lost' plot twists and trivia. This was when we were in bed and seemed to be taking the place of sex...
So I introduced a forfeit that she was very happy to play along with: she held my balls in her hand, and for every question I got wrong she would squeeze them just a bit longer and harder than I wanted her to.
She never needs and excuse to play with them, but I was glad I introduced that element, and the game finished with both of us getting excited and ... etc etc
06-09-2006, 04:57 PM
A pair of dice can really be exciting
The number on the dice could be the njmber of kicks
Or the position
Or the type of kick
or hit or knee
06-13-2006, 12:49 PM
Someone should write a BB computer game. Sort of like a board game for 2 (or more if you're lucky;) ). Fully customisable of course.
06-17-2006, 01:02 AM
A game I played when I was young was a mixture of hide and go seek but will ball busting. Well, the girl would be it and have to find one of the men hiding. Once she see the guy, she has to try to grab or kick the guys balls before he can get back to safe.
Getting caputure by the women, was great, you'll end up hiding in a area, where escape wasn't easy. She'll end up grabbing you in the balls and all I could do is fall to my knees from the pain. It is obvious to everyone, if she got you. :)
06-17-2006, 08:04 PM
that sounds like a cool way to plat hide and seek
06-19-2006, 06:05 AM
Contact games can always be fun especially if the girls like to go for the balls. Football, soccer, even basketball, if you change the rules so that below the belt is not a foul
06-19-2006, 09:47 PM
How about 'wrestling' where the women are on their knees and the man is standing, punching and squeezing of the balls is allowed whereas he can only defend against their arms and try to off-balance them.
Perhaps one in front of him and one behind.
Hardcore types will allow the women to gently 'throw' the man using his balls!
Okay, whatever!
06-20-2006, 10:09 PM
Nice idea or to make it even more fun the guy has to keep his eyes closed...
06-21-2006, 11:51 AM
Pantheer sounds kind of brave.
I'm a visual kind of guy, so I'd nee to watch - but then - you dont' see what's coming from behind.
06-23-2006, 02:03 PM
This should be good for at least a few good hits and its easy
Deck of cards, shuffled
One person takes a card the other has to guess red or black
If they are wrong then get a kick
Make it harder have to guess hearts or speades, etc
Or for advanced player get the number of kicks on the card
here is a simple no one came up with
using one of those hard bouncing ball, try to hit your partner. both must be naked and sitting on the floor would be easier for targeting... see who can get more throws...
anymore ideas?
life is pain
06-28-2006, 03:58 AM
If you're into 'South Park', think back to the episode with Robert Smith. You can Roshambo people.
06-28-2006, 09:37 PM
here is a simple no one came up with
using one of those hard bouncing ball, try to hit your partner. both must be naked and sitting on the floor would be easier for targeting... see who can get more throws...
anymore ideas?
Seems there was another thread on this topic. Lots of good ideas on that one.
My wife and I have done the above except she uses tennis balls. She throws them from across the room so if contact is made it really does have effect. She gets 10 throws. Each hit gets her 1 minute of me going down on her. If she doesn't come the she throws 10 more times, this time each hit gets her 2 minutes, then next time 3, and so on. The game continues until I give her an orgasm.
We've also played backgammon where each time I send her to the bar she hits me in the balls. When she rolls with a piece on the bar and can't bring it back into play I get two more hits. Each time I bear off a piece I get hit. Finally at the end of the game, if she wins I get hit once for each piece I still have or more depending on if we used the doubling cube.
Still another game is monopoly. If I get thrown in jail I get a good ball busting. Each time I have to pay rent I get busted. You get the idea.
Games can be a lot of fun when played correctly. :thumbup
06-29-2006, 08:36 AM
well bouncingballs...
no get out of jail free card for you.
06-29-2006, 08:37 AM
07-01-2006, 02:56 PM
Great ideas everyone, especially bouncing balls
07-01-2006, 03:01 PM
Anyone every try to practice bunting at the batting careful with the fast machines...
07-02-2006, 11:17 PM
The bouncing ball reminds me of one of the JackAss episodes, at the end they used one of those big dog bones against the last two. There was one great episode, where johnny knoxville asked several girls to kick him in the nuts, while in the alleyway, i think.
07-05-2006, 06:39 PM
You must guess her weight. If you guess right you get off easy, if not, however far off you are is how much weight is hung from your balls, if you guessed high, the weight is doubled due to insulting her.
07-05-2006, 07:19 PM
Contact games can always be fun especially if the girls like to go for the balls. Football, soccer, even basketball, if you change the rules so that below the belt is not a foul
I have a true story about basketball! Even if you don't change the rules if you play with girls they will stop you the hard way!! This friend of mine asked me if I wanted to play a match with the best feminine basketball squad of a nearby city. I accepted, but I got a little suspicious when he said he would not come with me... fortunately I did know where the place was, so the phone-call was pretty short!
That evening I went to the court and the match started. Guys... girls suck at basketball!! I did lots of score! So after a while, during the second quarter, this girls squeezed my balls damn hard while I was attacking! I went down and the referee stopped the game for the foul! The squeeze was really terrible, but I continued... after all they could not continue squeezing me all the match!!
And here comes the trick: they did not do it! After the first squeeze they continued FAKING hits to my balls for all the match while I was attacking! They did it at least other 15 times!
Girls suck at basketball but are quite smart sometimes!
07-07-2006, 05:21 PM
Any other sports games? Lots of games give girls or guys a great chance to go fo the balls and make it look like an accident. Any other ideas for games where balls are on the line?
07-18-2006, 08:54 PM
I have thought of a game of dodgeball where there were two teams of players made up of men and women with the object being for the women to hit the balls of the players on the other team. Anyone getting hit in the balls was "out" and then really got grabbed and squezzed until the next player was out. The team that lost all its male players really lost with the losing women going to the showers with their men left at the mercy of the winners.
07-24-2006, 03:35 PM
Here's what I would love to be involved in....
The game involves 2 or more couples. The females are given a pre-sized metal ring which is 5mm diameter larger than either of her partner's balls. She then has to bust his balls any way she likes until neither of his balls fit through the ring. When she thinks she's achieved this she must get her opponent female to try her best to get the balls through. If she can, the game continues, if not a winner is declared. I haven't thought of a suitable prize for the winning couple, but maybe she can stand on the loser's balls??
07-27-2006, 11:48 PM
Great Post
Someone mentioned using dice. I think a good part of any game is that fait is determining that the girl must do what she does not want to ... that she is ****** into it. I guess it can be fun to ask for it or beg for it from the guys perspective, but it is fun to put it on cruise control too.
here is my wife and I do with dice ... as well as some other variations
-3 dice are used
-1st die represents strength of kick (1-6 obviously)
>Strength if 1 – she can’t use more than one leg ... has to extend leg and just bend at knee
>Strength if 2 – same as 1 but with 2 legs with more of a flutter kick
>Strength if 3 – 6: her discretion =)
-The next 2 are how many times I get kicked
>Doubles double the amount of kicks; if doubles happen 2x in a row, I can’t remember what happens, but I’m getting excited thinking about it =)
Using hands
>Same as above … she kinds of lifts her hand back like she is going to wind up and the suspense builds … she’ll have one arm around my back while I’m standing and the other ready to go to work on me
>Another version is she traps my balls in one of her fists with index finger and thumb … only 2 dice are rolled. Because the balls are trapped and they could be hurt, the strength die isn’t used … always a quick slapping motion … I swear I could cum from this, but she doesn’t keep it up long enough … that or I can’t take it
-Other rules: I role the dice and I have to keep count as I am hit … I think it would be nice to mix this up but I usually end up rolling and counting … I guess rolling too slow or counting slow when struck give additional excuses for me to in the wrong and require more discipline =)
-I like it when she gives me a hard time for not being able to take it. She’ll tell me to take it like a man after she gets a good hit in and I kind of crouch. Its also effective and builds suspense when she makes those kind of comments in between rolls. If the strength die is somewhat high, like a 5 or a 6, she starts to question if I can take it … then when the number comes up, she talks about it a little more. Sometimes she’ll give me a quick lecture after dice are rolled … “now, you can’t move or its not going to count” … then if I move, she’ll stop or remind me that that hit didn’t count or start again … or just give me a really swift one to keep me in line =)
-If I need a break I request that I can kiss and rub her feet (love those beautiful soles =)
-Another variation that drives me crazy (this is really for hands, feet or whatever) … she will wind up and then stop right in front of my balls … sometimes she’ll then rub my balls with her hands or feet … sometimes she continues the sequence of winding up and maybe hitting me … maybe not … ahhh
-Another variation is me on my knees or me standing … on your knees you really can’t avoid any hits … if you’re standing, there could be more room to pick up speed, but I think sometimes if your standing the kick might be slowing down by the time it gets to you
-One more variation is what she is wearing … I think my favorite scenario is her in heels, bra and panties with a negligee … I like for her to kind of stand there and bask in my horniness … then I’ll crawl up to her and she’ll turn the other way … start off by kissing up and down her legs … then she slowly walks away, slowly leading me on .. then we get to the next stop and I get to continue … we move on, the negligee comes and the heels at some point … usually when I need a break between kicks … each spot could be a little different … some her standing … some her lounging in a lazy boy – crossing and uncrossing her legs mixing in work on my balls … me kneeling … me standing
We’ll that’s what we do with dice and then some =) … everyone is great here … looking forward to more ideas on this board
07-30-2006, 11:39 AM
I have always wanted to participate in games where ultimately the goal is for women to get the guy in the nuts.
-A very simple one is to put a guy and a girl in a ring for a certain amount of time, the guy is naked, the girl only if she wants. She must wear boots or at least shoes. The goal is for her to get the guy down by pain to the nuts, anyway she wants, kicks, knees, grabs, as hard as she wants.
The guy can't fight back, no punches, slapping or grabbing the girl in any ways, he can only block or push her back with his hands (No fist.).
I could see 2 couples playing this game and of course each girl fighting the other couple's guy. To make sure the girls fight hard, the loosing couple would give something to the winning gal, like cash, or clean her car or whatever.
It would be cool to have an audience that of course cheers wildly when a girl downs a guy.
More to come....
07-30-2006, 11:48 AM
This one is very simple and somewhat mentionned by someone here. It just involves smacking each others during foreplay.
While my wife is laying naked on the bed, I'll start by exposing my pair to her reach and I slap her very softly on the butt, she knows the deal and slaps me back not on the butt of course but on my balls, then it's my turn again and I slap her a little harder. Her answers now are really starting to get vicious and for each little slap on her butt, I get seriously wacked in the package. As you can imagine, I lose everytime and we both like it like that. It's really fun when I can last and have to endure 7 or 8 hard slaps to the balls.
Sometimes I will pinch her tits or slap her in the face instead of smacking her ass. I never go hard on her at all but I get my balls seriously slapped. :wooow
08-09-2006, 10:25 PM
Sounds awesome steve!
08-12-2006, 07:13 PM
Product: No joke--the Mego Toy Co. introduced it in 1976 as "a family game that's loads of fun." It consisted of wire stalks attached to a gridlike base. Each was topped with a hinged red plastic ball. The object, according to Mego, was to "use your balls to bust your opponent's, if you can. Break 'em all and you're a winner!"
Problem: Somehow, Mego thought it could get away with the name. But the first preview of the ballbuster TV commercial--shown to buyers from major toy and department stores--ended that illusion. The ad showed a family playing the game, after which the husband turned to his wife and said, "Honey, you're a real ball busteter!" "The Stunned silence that followed,"Kirchner writes, "triggered the fist suspicions that Ballbuster was not destined to displace Parcheesi in the pantheon of classic games."
I read this in "Uncle John's Absolutely Absorbing Bathroom Reader," and thought I should share it with all of you.
08-15-2006, 04:16 PM
Here is an idea give the buster something to use to bust that can sting a little but cant do any serious damage. For example something spongy or soft. They get a time frame to try to make you give in using only that soft object. If they suceed they get something special. Any thoughts?
08-15-2006, 08:46 PM
Product: No joke--the Mego Toy Co. introduced it in 1976 as "a family game that's loads of fun." It consisted of wire stalks attached to a gridlike base. Each was topped with a hinged red plastic ball. The object, according to Mego, was to "use your balls to bust your opponent's, if you can. Break 'em all and you're a winner!"
Problem: Somehow, Mego thought it could get away with the name. But the first preview of the ballbuster TV commercial--shown to buyers from major toy and department stores--ended that illusion. The ad showed a family playing the game, after which the husband turned to his wife and said, "Honey, you're a real ball busteter!" "The Stunned silence that followed,"Kirchner writes, "triggered the fist suspicions that Ballbuster was not destined to displace Parcheesi in the pantheon of classic games."
I read this in "Uncle John's Absolutely Absorbing Bathroom Reader," and thought I should share it with all of you.
Here is the ll%2Dbuster%2Dboard%2Dgame%2F
08-23-2006, 03:58 PM
Very Nice!
08-25-2006, 12:15 PM
In the "Pirates of the Caribbean 2"-Game for PS2 can you play as Elisabeth Swan and kick guy's balls...very sexy! 8)
08-25-2006, 07:27 PM
Would love to have 2 gals playing a game of poker.
winner gets to add torture to their nut.
First they place 2 elastorator bands around their nut.
One band with each win of a hand.
then 10 - 20 pins thru their nut (amount can vary of coarse)
One pin with each win of a hand.
than a shock wih a cattle prod.
To finish.
The winner than gets to put the losers remaining pins in that persons nut and shock the nut for a finish.
For winning the person may recive some oral or other presents
09-09-2006, 07:22 PM
Since the topic has moved to a party how about this party game.
Since parties cost money there should be a fund raiser to help pay. Borrowing from a popular school carnival event, play a version of dunking booth.
A guy takes his position at the end of a hall, either standing or laying on back with feet toward the throwing line. Party goers can pay may be 25 cents for 3 balls. You can figure what the targets are. Guys can switch out and stay for a given period of time or maybe until so much money is raised.
Not sure what type of balls would be best. I've swung, and have had swung, a ball in a sock into mine. Why I don't know but it seems a tennis ball hurts worse than a base ball. Maybe a higher velocity is obtained, I don't know but I can say from personal experience that a tennis ball from 10 feet, thrown with just a bit of authority, can have you writhing in a not small amount of pain. Love the game. :iluvu:
Kick me UK
09-21-2006, 02:27 PM
A lot of people like to use dice, cards, toys, boots, bands, clamps etc. But I think simple is best. Here's a game that I would love to try, but all girls Iv'e met are into giving only. Anyway here it is:
Stand naked in front of a naked girl (no boots either). you gently tap her privates with your foot, and she does the same to you, do this about 5 times, before increasing the hardness of the kicks. This continues until one of you hits the floor. This would be total proof that a man cant take as many hits as a women can, which would be the biggest turn on ever. Then she could comment on how weak men are and finally rubs you better with her feet.
P.S. Im not into hurting women, but i dont think it would hurt her that bad, compared to you writhing on the foor and cupping your balls.
Its a shame, but I think I will ever get a girl to do this (even if you pay a dom).
09-22-2006, 05:24 PM
Party games...ah the possibilities
Guy is blindfolded and someone gets to kick him. He has to try to guess who. If he guesses wrong then he gets kicked again. Game goes on until he guesses correctly.
For example girl holds guys balls between her fingers and guy holds girls nipples between his fingers. 1,2,3 squeeze. Who gives up first?
Thanks for suggesting this fun game. I tried it many time with my girlfriend, and we came up that I succeed in winning only 1 time every 5 "matches"!
09-23-2006, 04:21 PM
Was surfing and saw a "weighted ball" used for execise looks kinda soft and they also come in larger sizes and weights.
Such as the one here
Now can anyone imagine if this thing happened to land in the "wrong" place?
10-01-2006, 02:51 AM
A current favorite of my gf is to get me hard and then have me start jerking off while she begins steadily tapping, then slapping, then punching my balls as I get closer to orgasm... the fun to her is trying to hurt me so much that I lose rhythm and we have to start over... which of course usually results in a couple of extra punches/squeezes/kicks as punishment for stopping (depening on her mood and the position).
Then of course... if I DO manage to come despite the barage of blows landing, she beats them just that much harder for a few minutes after the spurts stop. :iluvu:
I wrote a BASIC game out on my old 8bit classic many, many years ago. I was too scared to express my bb fantasies to my g/f of the time (a nieve 16yr old that i was). So, figured I would make a game up. It's been so long now, I forget the vast majority of it, but it went something like this:
An electronic dice was rolled upon depressing the spacebar and a random number was generated. This would move your counter x spaces around the digital board. There were two options to each location, one for male and one for female.
The male half would contain instructions of sexual servitude, such as three minutes oral, 2 minutes foot worship, 2 minutes ass worship, 3 minute panty-praising, etc.
The female half contained various mixed instructions such as "2 minutes clit stimulation in panties, 3 minutes thigh high boots, 4 minutes facesit, 1 minute tap balls of opponent player, etc."
The idea I worked on was that it would 'introduce' my kink without scaring the life out of her, though I must say she was a very obliging girlfriend for every other kink of mine that I was brave enough to divulge.
We only tried it out a few times, because soon after, we lost the tape it was stored to...foolishly, I put a copyright on the footer of the program so anyone who might be unfortunate to locate it - will know my dirty dark secrets! :eek:
10-02-2006, 02:51 PM
Speaking of a video game reminded me of something else we do!
We play online games together (MMORPGs like WoW mostly - we're geeks lol) and we have devised various ballbusting games based on what happens in the video game. I don't know how many of you play these online games, but for those who do, here is an example of last night...
(A) Each time a party member who dies - 1 punch to balls with her other hand holding my balls in place and squeezing them
(B) Each main goal or "boss" defeated - 30 seconds of clapping on balls
(C) Complete party wipe (everyone dies) - 10 kicks and 10 punches with me standing
Certain special items found:
(D) Uncommon - 1 quick slap each
(E) Better - 2 slaps each
(F) Rare - 1 backhand with balls bound/held in place
(G) Epic - 20 knees (10 from each leg)
(H) Specific item she needed found - 5 punches with balls held in place each
(I) Items found for reputation/faction in-game - 3 slaps each
Now, this may not look like much to those who do not play, but here are the results from last night:
A - 15 held/squeezing punches
B - 2 minutes and 30 seconds of her clapping as I held my balls in place between her hands done in 15 second intervals with 45 seconds recovery in between (she now calls this a "Standing Ovation")
C - 10 kicks and 10 more punches
D&E - 112 quick smacks
F - 15 backhands while my balls where bound tightly
G - N/A (no epics)
H - 50 additional held/squeezing punches (this was hard to make it through)
I - 198 slaps... during which I almost came
She was giggling and grinning the whole time.... I'm already sore as hell from all that and we're supposed to play again tonight! :eek:
10-10-2006, 11:51 AM
My wife and I have a game to see who gives first, her wrist or my balls. I either kneel or sit on a small stool so that my balls hang down for her. She then starts slapping them up to moderately hard. Often she tires of hitting my balls from just one side so she'll move around and hit them from all sides. Also one of her favorites is to clap them, she just loves the extra pain it causes me when causes me balls to grind against each other and she'll get some punches in too. Often I jack off inorder to be able to take more hits. Some times her wrist gives out and sometime my balls give out. She especially likes it when she can get me to cum. That way she gets to bust my balls during and after I cum. She really enjoys busting me then, something about them being even more senistive at that point.:iluvu:
10-12-2006, 02:29 AM
My wife and I have a game to see who gives first, her wrist or my balls. I either kneel or sit on a small stool so that my balls hang down for her. She then starts slapping them up to moderately hard. Often she tires of hitting my balls from just one side so she'll move around and hit them from all sides. Also one of her favorites is to clap them, she just loves the extra pain it causes me when causes me balls to grind against each other and she'll get some punches in too. Often I jack off inorder to be able to take more hits. Some times her wrist gives out and sometime my balls give out. She especially likes it when she can get me to cum. That way she gets to bust my balls during and after I cum. She really enjoys busting me then, something about them being even more senistive at that point.:iluvu:
fine game!!! I'll try it with my wife :iluvu:
10-18-2006, 03:34 PM
Great ideas!
10-18-2006, 10:16 PM
Both start out nude, and agree on the next move (fondle, kick, squeeze) for the loser of the nest hand!
10-19-2006, 07:37 AM
Something would like to try is a game where you take a large piece of cardboard with a hole in it big enough for your nuts to be pulled through so just your nuts are exposed. The female would then stand at a predetermined distance away and throw a tennis ball with your nuts as the target. She can throw as hard as she wants but each time she throws and misses she has to remove clothing until she is naked. Then of course the sex starts. I think it would be even better if you played with couples so the women where throwing balls at the other guys nuts. First woman that gets naked gets to have sex with the guy she was throwing at.
10-19-2006, 06:21 PM
Something would like to try is a game where you take a large piece of cardboard with a hole in it big enough for your nuts to be pulled through so just your nuts are exposed. The female would then stand at a predetermined distance away and throw a tennis ball with your nuts as the target. She can throw as hard as she wants but each time she throws and misses she has to remove clothing until she is naked. Then of course the sex starts. I think it would be even better if you played with couples so the women where throwing balls at the other guys nuts. First woman that gets naked gets to have sex with the guy she was throwing at.
We've done something similar with this and it is a lot of fun!
10-19-2006, 09:36 PM
Heres one for beginners who are not sure how much they can take
Take an item that would only hurt a little, like an empty soda bottle or the last half of roll of paper towel.
They can do to you what they want for like 5 minutes, but can only use that one item.
If you pass the challenge, then can move on to heavier objects.
10-20-2006, 01:26 AM
Have been once hit regularly with a pencil, not hitting very hard, but always at the same spot on the ball.
One soon becomes crazy!!!
10-22-2006, 11:46 PM
I remember at school (many moons ago) there was a girl called Hilary Baxter,
if a boy had stressed her out for whatever reason she used to challenge him to a game.
The idea was...she would take a ball in each hand, and he would take one of her nipples in each of fingernails. At a predetermined moment they would both squeeze until one gave up. The loser had to endure a kick to the groin/crotch. She usually won, but many times you would see her doubled in pain clutching herself.....maybe she didn't always like to win.
Wish I knew then, what I know now. I would have stressed her out alot, but I never did.
11-01-2006, 02:51 AM
I remember a g/f who, besides working heavily with my balls, liked very much to pinch and twist my nipples. She had observed it excited me a lot, and she often used this ... torture to induce a new hard-on almost immediately after eaculation!
11-13-2006, 04:50 PM
I had an old gf, an older woman, who used to love to get off by guys eating her out..and she always got off. She would position herself with easy access to their balls. If they didnt make fireworks for her, slam, her fist would come down every few minutes. They would eventually get it right...
11-27-2006, 10:46 PM
These are party games I dreamed up as part of an old computer game:
1. Cock tug of war: A female player is rewarded by selecting two male players, stripping them and tying their hands behind their backs. She then ties the tug rope between their cocks and balls, and they have to try to drag their opponent across a center line.:D She gives the loser a random number of blows to the balls.:D In order to encourage them during the contest, she may whip contestants, and there is a time limit - if there is no winner by the time it expires, BOTH lose.:jumpsmile
2. Co-ed tug of war: A player of either sex (the ringmaster) is rewarded by selecting one male and one female player. S/he strips them, and ties thir hands behind their backs. The tug rope goes from the male's cock and balls between the female's pussy lips, up her ass crack and tied around her waist. Needless to say, this setup favors the female contestant.:) Other conditions are the same. If the female loses, the ringmaster gives her a random number of blows to the crotch.;)
3. Couples tug of war. The ringmaster selects two M/F couples, strips them and binds their hands behind their backs. The tug rope is tied bewteen the two male players' cocks and balls as in #1. The female players are positioned between the males with the rope passing through their pussy lips and their partners' cocks nestled between their butt cheeks.:) The ringmaster may whip them to encourage them during the contest, and s/he will beat BOTH of the losing players a random number of times in the crotch.:D As in the other games, if the time expires without a winner, ALL contestents are beaten in the crotch. :jumpsmile
4. For symmetry, a male player can be rewarded by selecting two female players and setting up the the tug of war with the contestants as for the female in #2. Or you can stack the deck (as I did) by eliminating this card, thus giving advantage to the female players.;)
12-01-2006, 09:26 PM
4. For symmetry, a male player can be rewarded by selecting two female players and setting up the the tug of war with the contestants as for the female in #2.
At one point I did have a video of this setup.
It was from a HOGTIED spinoff site, they gave it up as far as I know because the contestants were determined to win and going over the top, so there was a potential for some serious injury.
If I ever find it in the gigs of stuff on my machine I'll post it.
12-03-2006, 01:25 AM
check google. There probably are some computer games
12-11-2006, 02:16 PM
I've been searching online for a computer Ballbusting game, but can't find anything. Has anyone else found anything?
12-15-2006, 01:01 AM
I found one of my old wrestling games the other day and I was just looking at the characters when one of them caught my attention... in the original Raw Smackdown you can play as trish stratus... her specials are kick to the groin and low blow... other than that shes got at least 15 different move that hit in the groinal region... plus she's got big boobs :thumbup
01-04-2007, 08:34 AM
I have two possible games one extreme, the other how you like,
Darts: take a bristle(Professional style) dartboard. Remove the wires. Take a cookie cutter of the appropriate size and very carefully drive through. Leave in place to support and remove the bulls eye. Replace with balls and penis for 25 and 50 points. If desired pin in place to keep still. Partner can use for practice or girly night in with her mates. For added spice different finishes can carry a penalty to be carried out in place finish can carry an additionlal penalty - smaking, crushing, burning etc (********** for nine dart check out!
Fortune cookies: write out assorted sexual scenarios bake into fortune.
cookies. Hand out after diner party (chinese New Year? If lucky see in New Year as eunuch!) Can be as extreme as you like. More elaborate fantasies can be put into jumbo straws or the plastic containers from Kinder suprise eggs. Alter the number of copies fo affect the odds.
01-12-2007, 12:50 PM
we used to play a sort of game (just boys) of picking each other up and dumping each other on the grass, but then the girls started playing, and because we were to bulky to be lifted up they just resorted to smacking us in the balls. one girl just LOVED to grab people...she was a right terror!
01-24-2007, 11:42 PM
At one point I did have a video of this setup.
It was from a HOGTIED spinoff site, ...
Fehya, excluvius, I think these are samples of the video you remeber:
01-28-2007, 08:20 AM
Me and my gf made up a game, we wrote on deck of cards things to do such as 1 minute of squeezes or front kicks etc then used another pack for the amount, so 8 in 1 pack and say 4 diamonds would be 8 kicks from front etc. Got most ideas from files downloaded. They include standing on balls when lying face down, SOFT taps with hammer, kicks, nail brush etc. Would like more ideas though of things to try, not really hardcore than can do permanent damage but enough to hurt
01-31-2007, 07:04 AM
The Tug-O-War game mentioned above reminded me of a few pictures I have. Sorry, I don't know where I found them.
01-31-2007, 07:10 AM
Sorry, It didn't work. They weren't too large. Actually I think that I probably found them somewhere on this forum. I guess a little repetition won't hurt?
02-21-2007, 08:34 PM
I have a game. Though it takes two guys and a woman at least. The woman offers something that the men would like. This could range from a flash of breast to a blowjob to sex (if the winner is able). The woman controls the currency of bidding... kicks, punches, squeezes etc. The men bid how many kicks, punches etc. they'd endure for the prize offered. There is of course a minimum required by the lady. The highest bidder gets the prize. Of course he has to pay up first. If he can't sustain his bid he doesn't get the prize. Both bidders get their highest bid to prevent cheating. If the runner up can sustain his bid he gets the prize (at the discretion of the lady)
This is just a thought.
02-22-2007, 09:41 AM
Great idea, if the Lady is attractive enough, we can be sure there will not be any cheating in the way the blows are given...
02-23-2007, 01:41 AM
I love the tug of war games. And those pictures were excellent. NICE GAME:)
02-23-2007, 06:11 AM
isnt there any online ballbusting games? or simply any Pc ballbusting games?
02-23-2007, 08:58 AM
very good!:bananajum :bananajum :bananajum :bananajum
02-23-2007, 01:52 PM
These games seem kind of insane!!!
02-23-2007, 06:22 PM
This one requires at least one woman but is better with more.
You also need a large pool of (semi) willing men
The women go to a festival like a rock concert or a fair or something similar.
The object of the game is simple. The girls go around busting balls.
The winner is the woman who collects the most phone numbers or date proposals... from men she has previously busted.
There is also a secondary scoring system. Busts with hand or fist get 1 point
knees two, kicks more and so on.
date proposals before busting don't count.
Whatdya think?
07-09-2016, 10:12 PM
running kicks. The girl who launched further the testicles win. They wear special shooting shoes. light weight shoes with a blade tip.
07-15-2016, 09:29 AM
This probably belongs here..
My wife and I have a game that we have had some fun with for quite some time now.
You need a deck of cards and piece of paper. Normally we select whether we are going to have somewhere between 5 and 10 rounds.
So you pull 10 cards out of the deck (if you choose 10 rounds), e.g. A-10 of hearts and A-10 of spades. We then decide which colour is representative of who (I'm normally black for some reason).
The piece of paper you write out the cards for each colour, so my side a-10 and her side a-10.
We then get to decide which things we are in the mood for for each other. Usually I let her pick first what kind of ball busting things she would like to do to me, but often I can influence what she might want to do to me too. Her red cards are her choice for what I do to pleasure her. So predominantly she chooses what would please her most on any given day. Normally each card lasts for a few minutes, we don't time it, but I'm sure you could if you like.
I'll do a 5 card example for simplicity:
So for example: options for me are:
A: Kicking (she tells me what position to get into and she gets to kick away until I can't take more or she downs me to my knees
2: Crusher - we have a clear ball crushing device that she gets to tighten down on me and poke at my balls until I can't take anymore
3: Her choice - this one is fun because I have no idea whats coming, and I'm often blindfolded. She often combines all kinds of attacks on my balls, squeezing, slapping, biting etc. sometimes waiting extended periods of time until I relax... then WHAM she will go to town until she has me completely curled up in a ball.
4: whip - Whipping the balls fun! We have a riding crop type whip.
5: stepping - she gets to step and knead my balls into the floor. Normally she decides whether she goes barefoot or with boots/shoes, her mood dependant
Her options often are:
A: massage - a real massage (no joke. lol)
2: oral - go down on her to make her happy
3: toy - use one of her vibrator toys on her
4: fingering
5: teasing - usually blindfolded and I get to choose what assortment of things to do with her.
Each draw of the card requires you do to that action. Now the challenge is the game is to actually get through all of the cards before one of us calls it quits, or we can't take the build up any longer (in that, we are too riled up and have sex).
Hopefully some of you can enjoy this one too!
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