View Full Version : tim's thread on who you want to bust you the most and how,for how long

06-18-2006, 04:16 PM
it changes for me now and then but i would like for the one who playes Carrie on the King Of Queens to bust me good by squeezeing,kneeing,and standing on my balls and other ways she thinks of as well and for how long about a good hour or two maybe longer have to see how it goes

06-20-2006, 12:36 AM
This Chick
or the chick who plays louies wife on lucky Louie on HBO
I think she is hot

06-20-2006, 11:09 PM
hey the link diden't work

06-21-2006, 10:10 AM
Snoodle, for as long as she wants. :o

06-21-2006, 06:01 PM
It has to be Angelina Jolie, for as long as she want to. Then after that yeh, Snoodle :)

06-21-2006, 06:42 PM
Snoodle, for as long as she wants. :o

Hehehe, i'm flattered. :D

06-21-2006, 08:53 PM
Evilgrl, Cynthia Rothrock, Snoodle, Shannon Tweed, Julie18nz, a couple friends o' mine, a couple other friends o'mine, and, of course, Lucy from Peanuts. One kick each, then start over again with EvilGrl.

I forgot SnakeGirl! Shame on me! Let's see, add Tabitha, aughty Joannie, Jen... Oh, yeah...

And Sharon! How could I forget Sharon? Her knees need to stay in practice and top shape.

Of course, I probably would not survive the kick from Rothrock, so maybe I should move her to the end of the list... If it's a fatality, they are welcome to continue.

06-21-2006, 10:52 PM
yea i would let snoodle bust me for a real long time as well

06-23-2006, 12:42 AM
And I forgot Aggie! Sorry, Agnetha. Not that you probably WANT to be in the list of "Chicks by Whom Trouble Wants to Get Kicked", but I hate it when people forget you and, if I use the term broadly enough, I count as people, too.

06-24-2006, 10:28 PM
Vida Geurra, Jenna Jameson, the highclassass girl on myspace, Kendra Wilkinson. I would let them knee, grab, squeese, kick me as long as they want, as long as I dont bleed, throw up, pass out, or have permenant damage.

06-29-2006, 07:22 PM
I want Snoodle to do an experiment on me, see if it's really as hard to pop a ball as they say!

First she kicks and knees me a bunch, until she's bored of it. They probably aren't gonna pop that easily. She feels my nuts to see if they are intact, rolling them around in her small hands, noticing how they are cooler to the touch than the rest of my body. Next she wraps one hand around each testicle and SQUEEZES as hard as she can, her knuckles turning white and beads of sweat on her forehead from using all her strength to squeeze, meanwhile I'm obviously screaming (she can wear earplugs).

If what everyone says is true, her hands will probably get tired before either of my balls pops... So next, now it's time for the coup de gras, we're pulling out all the stops now... I sit on the floor, she picks one of my nuts to sacrifice to her curiosity, and takes off her shoe, carefully centering the heel of one foot right atop the testicle, and slowly applies partial pressure to make sure it's not going to slip out from under her heel... Then, one, two, THREE! Balancing on one foot with my ball under her heel, she tromps down with all her weight on her heel, crushing my ball with hopefully at least 100 pounds of force (that's supposedly what it takes to pop a ball, hope Snoodle weighs that much). Now I am in a level of pain I didn't know existed until now, the mind-bending waves of torture burning through my entire abdomen... When suddenly... almost anti-climatically... a faint sound is heard... *SQUICK!* The pressure was too much and the tough outer membrane of my ball has finally torn apart under the weight of Snoodles's heel. Now the jelly-like tissue inside my ball, that miraculous stuff that manufactures sperm and produces the male hormones that make me a man, squirts out of the broken membrane and into the loose skin inside my scrotum, making a mess of fluids and juices in places they don't belong, leaving the remains of my destroyed testicle flat as a deflated baloon under Snoodles heel. I pass out from the pain and Snoodle takes me to the hospital so they can remove the shattered mess she made inside my ball-sack before it gets infected or gangrene or something. For the rest of my life I am only half a man because of Snoodle, the girl who had a dream of ruining my manhood and took that dream to the half-way point... Maybe some day she will finish what she started and destroy my last remaining testicle, leaving me a high-voiced eunuch, a destroyed shell of a man...

Just a thought :)

06-30-2006, 01:35 AM
not a bad short story

06-30-2006, 02:10 AM
From what i hear a busted pair of nuts is the least she expects in return for a mere glimse at those naked bodacious pair of tits. I'd let her bust me long enough to see everything else she has too. Which i suspect would be mighty costly.

06-30-2006, 05:54 AM
Hey testiclats, Remember that Snoodle keeps reminding us that she’s is a real person and all that. It might be a little creepy for her to read all of these stories about herself so you’d best check out that she’s OK with it first. Snoodle is the last person I’d want to see leave this place (:iluvu: I’ll keep BBP too is I can have 2 faves *weg*)

Taran Beast
06-30-2006, 06:00 AM
:bananad: Snoodle and BBP would be quite a team! :bananad:
One for each ball.

06-30-2006, 07:14 AM
From what i hear a busted pair of nuts is the least she expects in return for a mere glimse at those naked bodacious pair of tits. I'd let her bust me long enough to see everything else she has too. Which i suspect would be mighty costly.
Jessica Simpson is really a good choice! And after her,Snoodle,Angel from the site,and Avril Lavigne,Julia Roberts,Claudia Schiffer are the other good choices i think..Or may be a group of all of them busting my balls! Wow! It would be really nice.. They are dressed in sexy clothes,and i am the naked slave of them at home!They can do everything to me,and all of them are sadistic ballbusters! :ibow4u:

06-30-2006, 03:09 PM
Hey testiclats, Remember that Snoodle keeps reminding us that she’s is a real person and all that. It might be a little creepy for her to read all of these stories about herself so you’d best check out that she’s OK with it first. Snoodle is the last person I’d want to see leave this place (:iluvu: I’ll keep BBP too is I can have 2 faves *weg*)

I wrote that little mini story mostly FOR her... lol... and for anyone else reading. I thought she would like it. You notice I didn't write about her doing anything sexual. I dunno how that would be creepy but tell me if I'm wrong, it wouldn't be the first time I made a bad judgement call. I can understand it would be creepy if I wrote about wanting to have sex with her or something. Anyways sorry if I offended you snoodles, I was trying to write something you'd like.

07-01-2006, 06:24 PM
Oh My! I got a mention, twice! Awwwwwwww....*flattered*
I dont know what to say! :)
Ive not been here long and already it seems I may have a teeny tiny group of fans! Yay! Dunno if I deserve one yet, Ive not done much yet.....I guess

Either that or your just looking for any gal to bust ya! *giggles* heh, but thats ok!

Hmm for me that story was to graphic. I mean, a nice read, but I wouldnt want to be involved in that.
First off, that would only leave one ball left!! 50% of the fun is gone!
And as for me and snoodle sharing, one ball each?
Yeah I think that would be fun, especially for me, Id like to just watch her work over a testicle in her special ways.

But I think my hunger would be the better of me and Id want to play with both balls!
yeah Im a greedy gal! :P

Oops....am I suppose to be here?
Hmm....not really posting on the thread topic am I?

*tip toes out*

la la la ........*grins*

kisses and kicks


07-01-2006, 09:24 PM
you sound like a fun gal

life is pain
07-02-2006, 04:56 AM
Who do I want to kick me in the balls?....Hmm... Right off the bat, Victoria Silvstedt. Following in the celebrity catogory There would be Precilla Barnes (from "Three's Company") for a seductive bust, and Kelly Hu for acrobatic and hard. In fantasy casting to this site I would want to be paired with Shania for the tease before getting her foot pressed to my balls. Melinda and Nicole because the have the best pair of legs I can imagine kicking the crap out of me. From a competing site, (footfighters) Trinity, Tatum, and Mandy.

07-02-2006, 08:26 AM
Oh My! I got a mention, twice! Awwwwwwww....*flattered*
I dont know what to say! :)
Ive not been here long and already it seems I may have a teeny tiny group of fans! Yay! Dunno if I deserve one yet, Ive not done much yet.....I guess

Either that or your just looking for any gal to bust ya! *giggles* heh, but thats ok!

Hmm for me that story was to graphic. I mean, a nice read, but I wouldnt want to be involved in that.
First off, that would only leave one ball left!! 50% of the fun is gone!
And as for me and snoodle sharing, one ball each?
Yeah I think that would be fun, especially for me, Id like to just watch her work over a testicle in her special ways.

But I think my hunger would be the better of me and Id want to play with both balls!
yeah Im a greedy gal! :P

Oops....am I suppose to be here?
Hmm....not really posting on the thread topic am I?

*tip toes out*

la la la ........*grins*

kisses and kicks


I am really sorry for not to add you to my ballbuster girls' list! But i have an idea! You and Snoodle would bust my balls by the way in the story. And because of my fault, my scrotum would be your pouch..Not big as a kangaroo's or a bull's,but you may be the first girl having a pouch made by a man's scrotum..:ibow4u:
Here are the pouches of kangaroo and bulls scrotum..
And your scrotum pouch is here by man scrotum..my scrotum.. :iluvu::ibow4u:

07-02-2006, 01:45 PM
yea those two wouldmake a great team

07-02-2006, 03:55 PM
you sound like a fun gal

Thx Tim! :)

I am! *giggles*


07-02-2006, 04:00 PM
Awwww Eggsforcrush....

Its ok, I wont it against you for missing me out....maybe Ill just scramble those eggs of yours*takes out whisk and starts it up* weg*

*giggles* Nah its ok, really.

Hey, you didnt take that pic of those balls of yours just for me did ya?
Thx for the offer, Ive never had a guy offer his scrotum to me before! lol :)
But if I have that, your balls will be all in the open....
swining about... hmm....*weg*
Maybe that could be interesting...

Anyone for a game of conkers? *g*

Thanks for all the compliments all, but Im nowhere near in the league of snoodle.
She rocks.

kisses and kicks


07-03-2006, 02:49 AM
Awwww Eggsforcrush....

Its ok, I wont it against you for missing me out....maybe Ill just scramble those eggs of yours*takes out whisk and starts it up* weg*

*giggles* Nah its ok, really.

Hey, you didnt take that pic of those balls of yours just for me did ya?
Thx for the offer, Ive never had a guy offer his scrotum to me before! lol :)
But if I have that, your balls will be all in the open....
swining about... hmm....*weg*
Maybe that could be interesting...

Anyone for a game of conkers? *g*

Thanks for all the compliments all, but Im nowhere near in the league of snoodle.
She rocks.

kisses and kicks

BBP, Yes, i took that pic just for you bbprincess.:ibow4u: And,after you take my scrotum as a pouch,you would play with my really dangling! balls for a while,and then,you got to bust them! :cryingblu :)
I have no suspicion about that i am the only guy offering you his scrotum! :) And you are going to be in the league of snoodle,don't worry. First step to that league,could be taking your pic here ;):ibow4u: You dont have to take your face in it of course.. We would like to see you bbprincess.. Especially i would like to see the owner princess of my scrotum pouch ;)

And.. Your Welcome BBPrincess.. my scrotum and one of my balls are yours..The other is Snoodle's :):ibow4u:

07-04-2006, 09:46 PM
your welcome ballbusting princess what is conkers maybe i will play with you

07-05-2006, 05:44 PM
Tim, conkers!
Y'know? Those spikey round green things that are on trees, then they fall to the ground and then inside are like brown hard chestnut things?

Kids then tie string through them and then try swinging them at another conker and the one that breaks loses?
People use wines and vinegar to make them harder...?

You know what I mean?

Thats what I ment.
Swinging the loose balls like conkers into one another...Im sure that would get some interesting results.
Maybe dunking them in vinegar would to....
*scrunches nose* Maybe they would go all prune like....Eww... :)

i do like balls in their cosy sac tho....



07-06-2006, 01:26 AM
yes i have heard of this game before

Taran Beast
07-06-2006, 02:23 AM
Here's the BBC page on the 41st Annual World Conker Championship! It looks like some folk take their conkering very seriously.

07-06-2006, 04:32 PM
LOL OK ppl!!
We've gone off topic here! *g*
My fault! :)


07-08-2006, 06:08 PM
first shania twain would quite gently bust my nuts because i was acting like a bit of an asshole. she would step in, grab my shoulders and give me a good knee in the balls then let me crumple to the ground. then avril lavigne would come by and ask me what had happened. when i told her she would be really angry with me for being an asshole with shania. she would just lay right into me, kicking, stomping, kneeing me until my balls were pulp and my penis was destroyed.