View Full Version : One explanation for why some men like ballbusting?
07-01-2006, 02:49 PM
If you don't bother to visit the site linked below, here's the thing in a nutshell: If men are made insecure about their masculinity, they will behave in an extremely masculine way as compensation.
"Men overcompensate when their masculinity is threatened, Cornell study shows" (Robb Willer, a sociology doctoral candidate at Cornell University)
Of course the studied group was small (only 100 men) and the actual testosterone samples were not taken, but this could give us some clue. Almost every male body (and mind) "likes" high testosterone levels, so if they are suddenly arised, it could be experienced like some good stimulant. Testosterone is the elixir or youth, strength, aggression and manly charasteristics.
Ballbusting is a very severe threat to manhood. If the testicles are attacked or the person knows that they are in danger to be attacked, could it be that the body produces testosterone rapidly, which brings that somewhat euphoric satisfaction? And especially if the attacker is an attractive female the "testosterone shock" could be even more intense.
Don't take this too seriously, this conclusion just came to my mind...
abused berries
07-01-2006, 09:11 PM
the idea that the testicles can produce an appreciable shot of testosterone in an instant is ridiculous. testosterone and sperm production would likely decrease from getting wailed in the balls, although, similarly, not in an instant.
07-01-2006, 11:31 PM
is it true that ballbusting lowers sperm production and testosterone levels? maybe ill try calling loveline and see if they got any info on the subject, i dont go to doctors or else i'd ask one of them.
07-02-2006, 07:54 AM
I read it.And i think it may be an explanation for "just some of the bb fun males".
I am a medical doctor.And i was really curious about the roots of my ballbusting fanatism in the past. And I finally found it!
I live in Turkey.Most of people in Turkey are muslims.My family is muslim too.And as all you know,muslim and jewish men get circumcised when they are children.And also these people kills animals as victims to the god once a year..
When i was 3 or 4 years old,we were at my cousin's circumcision (let me say circumcision party,be cause they make parties for this event!) and i saw my cousin was lying on a medical table,a female doctor was cutting his "peepee"!And lots of women in mini skirts and men were there watching this! They think being circumcised is becoming a real man and he and his family should be proud of that! Yes,i was only 3 or 4 years old,but i still remember those interesting scenes!
And i saw male animals (usually goats or a rams) are being killed as victims.Some of them are cutten by female family members.And after they are killed,they flay it's skin and cut its meats into pieces.If you have ever seen a male animal's skin is being flayed, its large balls would catch your eyes first.
Imagine that.. You see a women cutting a boy's peepee and some women in mini dresses or skirts are watching it and clapping for it!When you are 3 years old!
And you see lots of male animals are being killed,some of them are being killed by women,and you and the women see the animals' dangling huge balls!When you are 5-6 years old.
According to Sigmund Freud; Children can take every event in their environ,to their developing sexual fantasy world when they are between 3 and 6 or 7 years old.Because of that, parents got to be careful what their children can see/watch/live and what they can't.
This is my story.
I think that article on the link can't explain our ballbustin fetishism.If you think,may be you can find what made you a bb fun.Everybody would find something in their childhoods,i am sure that.
And finally an other example, i forgot where i read it,but it was a girl explaining her ballbusting fetish's source.She says her mother had a farm where there are many animals,and our girl (how she got started i dont remember her article) used to have fun by kicking the bulls balls and something like this.And now,she is a real ballbuster girl!:) :ibow4u:
If you find something about sources of your ballbusting fetishes,please write in this thread,we would like to read and talk about. ;)
07-02-2006, 07:59 AM
is it true that ballbusting lowers sperm production and testosterone levels? maybe ill try calling loveline and see if they got any info on the subject, i dont go to doctors or else i'd ask one of them.
Hi bro.. Yes,hard ballbusting reduces sperm production and sperm quality in your testicles.But this need really hard ballbusting,not some light or slightly hard kicks etc.. Especially be careful when you get your balls tied up. Because this would reduce the blood circulation in your testicles,would cause to hypoxy,and necrosis.(some of the cells would die in your balls)
But generally ballbusting is not harmful..And it is fun;)
07-02-2006, 08:23 PM
thanks for posting a reply, EggsForCrush. so only hard ballbusting does damage. the cells can grow back though right? and when you say hard ballbusting you mean like on the ground for 20 minutes, unable to move, or bring you to your knees hard.
07-02-2006, 10:16 PM
EggsForCrush -- You are relating only what got YOU into it. What you are saying is not necessarily true of anyone. The "study" was inconclusive, but showed a general trend: that is, a case for doing a more exhaustive study.
Additionally, not all Muslims have ritualistic genital mutilation, and not all of us have ritualistic animal sacrifice. Since those both sound formulaic, I would think that they would be Sunni traditions, but since they are barbaric, that makes them sound Shiite. Not that there's anything wrong with being formulaic and barbarous; most religions are so old that they revolve around barbarism and formulaic traditions.
What you experienced is plenty good enough and understandable enough reason to be into BB. I was abused by an older woman when I was 14; not Sigmund Freud's predicted age group, but still young enough to be impressionable. I suspect that if we did a scientific study, and used Snoodle as a placebo (letting her drive her knee UP between a guy's legs... and stop just short of making contact), we would find that there were almost as many men in the control group (who got placebo busts from Snoodle) as in the group that got busted hard by some other chicks, and that each and every one of 'em would have a different reason for why he finally got into it.
Please take the Haddism with me and may Allah guide you, Brother.
07-03-2006, 02:40 AM
EggsForCrush -- You are relating only what got YOU into it. What you are saying is not necessarily true of anyone. The "study" was inconclusive, but showed a general trend: that is, a case for doing a more exhaustive study.
Additionally, not all Muslims have ritualistic genital mutilation, and not all of us have ritualistic animal sacrifice. Since those both sound formulaic, I would think that they would be Sunni traditions, but since they are barbaric, that makes them sound Shiite. Not that there's anything wrong with being formulaic and barbarous; most religions are so old that they revolve around barbarism and formulaic traditions.
What you experienced is plenty good enough and understandable enough reason to be into BB. I was abused by an older woman when I was 14; not Sigmund Freud's predicted age group, but still young enough to be impressionable. I suspect that if we did a scientific study, and used Snoodle as a placebo (letting her drive her knee UP between a guy's legs... and stop just short of making contact), we would find that there were almost as many men in the control group (who got placebo busts from Snoodle) as in the group that got busted hard by some other chicks, and that each and every one of 'em would have a different reason for why he finally got into it.
Please take the Haddism with me and may Allah guide you, Brother.
I know that is my story.You are totally right.But,i mean that,that scientific article is an explanation for something else i is not enough explanation for ballbusting fetish.But this is my opinion.
And Trouble; you are really really an intelligent person.Your suggestion is influential! But,if we read more people's roots of bb fetish stories, we would have more idea about it. And secondly,i am a muslim too,and i am not criticizing islam. I just said that,when people make their ritualism,they have to be careful about their children.
07-04-2006, 01:18 PM
I agree that there would not be an instant hormone increase if somebody is unexpectedly kicked to the balls. But the "drug-like feel-good hormone shock" could happen if the man knows that he'll soon be ballbusted.
As I stated, don't take the idea too seriously and this could just explain why some men like having their balls busted.
Personally I do not want to be kicked to the balls, at least not a real hard kick. Maybe if I had very small testicles it could be nice. Now I just like being massaged-twisted-pulled and mildy busted by a woman.
07-04-2006, 10:08 PM
I don't know about all the technical stuff, I just know that the first time I ever saw a guy being kicked in the balls I was aroused, that just thinking about it got me hard and just the thought of me being kicked still gets me hard!:) Don't know why, don't care - just know it's for me!:bananajum
07-05-2006, 11:47 PM
Kicking a guy in the nuts should also trigger release of adrenaline and other chemicals that area often released in fights; these chemicals can be a stimulant.
But, rather than get into the technical details, i say we all just go out, find Snoodle, and get her to kick Skipperbob in the bobooshkas.
07-06-2006, 03:30 AM
Yes, adrenaline is a "fight to survive" hormone. Some people can be addicted to the adrenaline rush that comes from dangerous sports etc.
To return the conclusion of the study, "men overcompensate when their masculinity is threatened", another thought came to my mind. If a man is suffering from low libido (sex drive, lust) which can also cause erection problems - could it be that - instead of the commonly advised "understanding and praising his manhood" the woman should bust his balls and/or threaten with **********? That should rock the testosterone levels up? ;)
07-06-2006, 03:40 PM
and this is a very interesting thread. I think that the Freudian interpretation is understandable as bb could be seen as acceptable through the formative event and the attendees. I was introduced to it by a person who I trusted and respected, and I know that her daughter also enjoys bb. We began our bb experiences together so perhaps its been subconsciously acceptable from the start. Its never felt strange even though it has come and gone with different partners over the years.
For my bf, he wasn't into it and is very deeply so now. To him it initially worked as a competetive thing and this carried over into sex, perhaps the adrenaline made him as enthusiastic as he was:o (and still is:o :o ).
Aggie xx
PS the archives have my initial posts and the icey cold one where my bf begins his bb. I read it today and it did make me smile :bananajum
Taran Beast
07-06-2006, 05:31 PM
Welcome back Aggie
We've missed you. :)
07-06-2006, 05:34 PM
It does seem like bb is almost entirely related to childhood and/or adolescent experiences, so Freud was indeed probably right in that respect. I sometimes wonder how much if any of the interest/desire could be genetic. We are probably too early in the history of bb (or in the history of its cultural recognition and analysis) to have any even anecdotal data about sexual proclivities like bb being passed down in any way. Though I suppose certain familial or genetic traits, like the emotional/sexual confidence to make oneself vulnerable before a woman, and maybe physical things, like greater tolerance to ball pain, could be passed down.
On the topic of Freud: he has been of service to us, but also set things back in a number of ways - specifically I am thinking about his redefinition of ********** as representing (symbolically) an attack on the penis, rather than the balls. For one thing, this relocation of 'manliness' from the balls to the 'weaponized' penis is deeply unsexy, and of course fits into his nonsense about female penis envy.
I could say more, but I'm probably boring people...
07-06-2006, 05:38 PM
Agnetha: Can you link to the icy cold post?
Just curious.
Taran Beast
07-06-2006, 05:43 PM
Just use the 'Search' link above.
07-07-2006, 02:55 AM
On the topic of Freud: he has been of service to us, but also set things back in a number of ways - specifically I am thinking about his redefinition of ********** as representing (symbolically) an attack on the penis, rather than the balls. For one thing, this relocation of 'manliness' from the balls to the 'weaponized' penis is deeply unsexy, and of course fits into his nonsense about female penis envy.
Yeah, the only person I can think of who would envy a woman with a penis would be Snoodle, who'd like to have one.
07-07-2006, 09:05 AM
why would she want to have one when there are so many for her to have?
as far as the threat and testosterone or adrenilin release under presure or threat or araousal i would have to aggree there is definatly a quality the male body has that can increse testosterone levels into the blood streem at short notice. take the sudden erection in the morning aroud 4 or 5 am for instance.
07-08-2006, 02:53 PM
Maybe ballbusting will some day be a publicly accepted adrenaline sports like benji jumping?
After viewing the content of this forum it seems to be that ballbusting is a hobby for guys with smaller testicles. No wonder, though. I think small raisins can take more punishing than big coconuts. If ballbusting became for example a famous sport involving money and betting, I'm sure there would soon be fake balls (huge implants) to make the sport look more... erm... stuffed.
Perhaps ballbusting is someday an olympic sport in this world that has already gone nuts (pun intended)...
07-09-2006, 03:34 AM
I dunno about small testicles, but I definitely have noticed that the guys in the ballbusting vidoes I have seen, have mostly had small penises. I bet there is a connection. In fact, I dunno why more videos don't feature a girl making fun of how small the guy's penis is, and at the same time busting his nuts... Hehe...
07-14-2006, 06:19 AM
Hello,I like this discussion, its perhaps not surprising the issue of size has come up:o, it must be a man thing !! The arousal point is very interesting though:
[/QUOTE] as far as the threat and testosterone or adrenelin release under presure or threat or araousal i would have to agree there is definetely a quality the male body has that can increse testosterone levels into the blood streem at short notice. take the sudden erection in the morning aroud 4 or 5 am for instance.[/QUOTE]
I'd add that my bf is a very competetive person both at work and play. I'm convinced that it is the challenge, and being able to overcome the pain of bb that makes him into it. The surprise busts that happen, well, whenever, just add to the little mountains that he so likes to overcome, and I do like to make some climbs so very hard:D
He only has one failing, embarassment ! He wouldn't look Amy in the eye when they last met, I think he is afraid of his "secret" getting out !
Oh, my "competetive touch" post of an age ago explains more on my bf's adrenaline hungry ways!
Aggie xx
07-14-2006, 10:04 PM
Hello,I like this discussion, its perhaps not surprising the issue of size has come up:o, it must be a man thing !! The arousal point is very interesting though:
A guy thing. Yeah. Kinda like how small-breasted women are SOOOOO quick to add something like, "But they are FIRM!"
Your boyfriend is probably ino it because you are and because it is a Sexual Thang. I doubt that you would be able to find many men who enjoyed cunnilingus if women did not enjoy it. If a woman tells me she doesn't like that, I give up right away. No offense, but women are GROSS (!!!!), unless the guy knows she enjoys that kind of thing, in which case, we do not usually mind or notice.
I'm having Trouble trying to imagine the world if I were not obsessed with BOOBS (!!!) (which, by the way, are not gross at all, and they are warm and the feel is amazing and I really like them), but if I and almost every other guy had no interest in BOOBS (!!!), the world would probably be different.
Same goes for stuff like fellatio: if we did not like it, most women would probably quit the habit.
The sordid tale of why I am into BB has been retold enough by me that even I grow tired of reading it (but never tired of remembering...).
07-14-2006, 11:23 PM
This is a copy of a post that I made in another thread
I was brought up on a farm. I knew all about Gelding. Why it was done, Etc. Mom was in charge.. Gramps old, Dad deceased. The method Mom used to ******** was quick, but it was bloody!
On day I was playing in the barn, pretending to be Tarzan swinging from the vines (ie) chains and ropes. It was past my bedtime, but it was summer, and still quite light. Like Tarzan, of the books, not the movies, I was naked as I played.
Mom came into the barn. I thought she was looking for me to send me to bed. No she began to prepare 4 young colts for what I knew was to be gelding. I had seen it done many times before and always enjoyed watching it. She looked around for the smock she always wore when doing "it", remembered that it was on the line after being washed, not dry yet.
Always the practical woman she simply undressed. I had never seen a woman naked before. I felt strange (wonder why) in a pleasant way that I had never felt before. Mom then proceeded to ******** the first young horse. I had an erection, my first. I guess boys have an instinct, because I began to masturbate. By "good , lucky, pre-ordained?" timing , I ejaculated just as the fourth horse lost his testicles.
That night I had my first wet dream. Mom was ********** in the nude, but this time four little boys.
And the boys were all me!
07-15-2006, 05:49 AM
I watched an interesting documentarry during the week. It didn't have any content relating to BB specifically but it did deal with sexual fantasies. The presenter was aparently a sexual therapist from London. He presented his theory that sexual fetishes arise as a way of dealing with childhood trauma. He proposed that we created sexual fantasies to help us overcome the experience.
For example, a woman who had been raped in the past may fantasise about being dominant and in control.
It got me thinking about my own BB fetish and it certainly seemed to fit. When I was still at primary school I had my first crush on a girl called Rachael. We were all playing football one day when somebody took a shot on goal and unfortunately my genitals got in the way. I still remember the embarrasment and humiliation of lying on the floor in front of Rachael clutching my balls and gasping for air. The fact that she saw me like that was worse than the pain in my balls.
I just wondered if anybody else had experiences like this that could have turned them to BB? Is there any sense in the therapists theory?
Castratrix's pet
07-15-2006, 10:36 AM
This is a copy of a post that I made in another thread
I was brought up on a farm. I knew all about Gelding. Why it was done, Etc. Mom was in charge.. Gramps old, Dad deceased. The method Mom used to ******** was quick, but it was bloody!
On day I was playing in the barn, pretending to be Tarzan swinging from the vines (ie) chains and ropes. It was past my bedtime, but it was summer, and still quite light. Like Tarzan, of the books, not the movies, I was naked as I played.
Mom came into the barn. I thought she was looking for me to send me to bed. No she began to prepare 4 young colts for what I knew was to be gelding. I had seen it done many times before and always enjoyed watching it. She looked around for the smock she always wore when doing "it", remembered that it was on the line after being washed, not dry yet.
Always the practical woman she simply undressed. I had never seen a woman naked before. I felt strange (wonder why) in a pleasant way that I had never felt before. Mom then proceeded to ******** the first young horse. I had an erection, my first. I guess boys have an instinct, because I began to masturbate. By "good , lucky, pre-ordained?" timing , I ejaculated just as the fourth horse lost his testicles.
That night I had my first wet dream. Mom was ********** in the nude, but this time four little boys.
And the boys were all me!
Please excuse me for asking, but could you please describe what your mother looked like at that time in her life? Could you describe the smock she always wore when doint "it" and how she usually dressed when doing "it"? Also could you please describe the method she used step by step how she performed a ********** and about how long it took her to perform the **********?
On the subject of why some men like ball busting or why some men have femdom ********** fantasies, for me it is something deeply spiritual.
I have always just naturally percieved of God solely as female, as Goddess. I worship women who have performed a ********** or castrations of any kind, I especially worship women who routinely perform castrations of any kind. In my femdom ********** fantasies, the castratrix becomes and IS God with God being solely female, being Goddess, and there is something deeply spiritual about it all to me.
07-15-2006, 12:40 PM
I watched an interesting documentarry during the week. It didn't have any content relating to BB specifically but it did deal with sexual fantasies. The presenter was aparently a sexual therapist from London. He presented his theory that sexual fetishes arise as a way of dealing with childhood trauma. He proposed that we created sexual fantasies to help us overcome the experience.
For example, a woman who had been raped in the past may fantasise about being dominant and in control.
It got me thinking about my own BB fetish and it certainly seemed to fit. When I was still at primary school I had my first crush on a girl called Rachael. We were all playing football one day when somebody took a shot on goal and unfortunately my genitals got in the way. I still remember the embarrasment and humiliation of lying on the floor in front of Rachael clutching my balls and gasping for air. The fact that she saw me like that was worse than the pain in my balls.
I just wondered if anybody else had experiences like this that could have turned them to BB? Is there any sense in the therapists theory?
Sure Kneetarget,the therapist is right. İf you read my first post in this threat,you can see i also have some childhood traumas causing bb.
07-15-2006, 09:59 PM
I just wondered if anybody else had experiences like this that could have turned them to BB? Is there any sense in the therapists theory?
Yes, I think so; so am in agreement with EggsForCrush and the terapost in London that early childhood trauma can cause deviant sexual practices later in life.
I ain't no rockit dentist, but I have observed that some of my friends engage in behaviours that pretty much assure that whatever childhood traumas they may have mentioned to me at some point are CERTAIN to happen again. In response to traum, the body reacts differently than the brain: the body reacts by trying to heal. The brain heals by "getting used to it" -- get hit in the balls? Hey, get used to it and then wonder why you are not getting hit in the balls.
07-15-2006, 10:53 PM
I guess I could give my educated guess.
-=Dominating Women=-
In my experience, women usually are very timid and don't like taking control even when given a chance. I personally would love the idea of a women that takes the initiaitive. Heck, I think most men would love the idea if women would treat them like sexual objects. The idea that a women would walk up to a man she likes and just grabs his privates is erousing.
-=In the mind=-
I rarley ever hear women talk about men's privates, like men do. The idea that a women would hit a man in the balls, is a reasuring idea, that the women that just busted the man in the balls, actually thought about his privates, and maybe how big they were, and how they were hanging, etc...
The male ego makes us competive, hence losing to a women in anything is a major embarassement. Bringing in the weakness of the balls, and when a women uses them to her advantage is arousing, since all men know they would have failed also if a women just did that to them. The embarassement is still there, even to lose beacuse of a shot to the balls.
Pain and sex has always been a fine line. Anyone who has continued to masterbate, after cumming would know that it would begin to hurt. Nothing has changed, the motion and friction is still the same, just the chemicals given from the brain has ceased. Given that the man/women is sexually aroused, the pain seems to be more of sexual pleasure.
Well, those are some of my guesses. The concept of putting one pyschological belief into BB, is just redicuolus. These 4 above are my reasons, and I'm more into softcore ballbusting. I'm not into the castraction, and some of the other ideas here, so I would guess they have their own ideas.
07-16-2006, 04:34 PM
I think that BB has its roots in power. Some guys like to feel powerless sometimes, especially someone with a powerful job maybe or someone physically powerful. I think its a release to submit sometimes to an obviously physically weaker partner (no offense to any ladies meant) and the pain caused can lead to a huge orgasm as pain and pleasure nerve endings fire at the same time.
I'm not so sure about the ********** thing though. Once its gone its gone right?
J :)
07-16-2006, 05:41 PM
There are an infinite number of motivators but only a finite number of outlets. Perhaps, also the very notion of needing or desiring fantasy is where the answers lie, not in dissecting the highly individualised fantasies of each one of us. I remember when I didn't need fantasy to get off. And I remember times when I wasn't interested in sex, times when I was purely vanilla and times when I was solely into S&M.
But really, are all of you talking of a desire for reason or a desire to justify fantasy? For example: a few have thrown the term 'male ego' around, which may have some significance to you as a fantasy concept, but is self-contradictory in reality. I mean, take someone like Ayn Rand who preached Ego-ism, which in it's pre-conservative sponsored form was something like the quest for total self-actualisation would certainly disagree that many men have an ego of which to speak. What you call 'male-ego' is a set of rules specifically designed to squash the very individual and expressive self. Men's clothing, sexuality, male bonding, business, war, sport..... yadda yadda and so on. Suppress, restrain, obey. What you mean is 'male-egolessness'. It's egolessness that causes us to 'act tough' and do everything else that you describe in a self-deprecating justification for female domination, or feminism or communism or whatever; even conservatism. A healthy individual doesn't do things to protect their vulnerable inner child that's been damaged by the harsh male conditioning because they simply don't need to.
I'm into this because of what happened to me as a kid most likely, but I stay into it because I lack ego, purpose.
I'll shut up now.
07-16-2006, 06:54 PM
There are an infinite number of motivators but only a finite number of outlets. Perhaps, also the very notion of needing or desiring fantasy is where the answers lie, not in dissecting the highly individualised fantasies of each one of us. I remember when I didn't need fantasy to get off. And I remember times when I wasn't interested in sex, times when I was purely vanilla and times when I was solely into S&M.
But really, are all of you talking of a desire for reason or a desire to justify fantasy? For example: a few have thrown the term 'male ego' around, which may have some significance to you as a fantasy concept, but is self-contradictory in reality. I mean, take someone like Ayn Rand who preached Ego-ism, which in it's pre-conservative sponsored form was something like the quest for total self-actualisation would certainly disagree that many men have an ego of which to speak. What you call 'male-ego' is a set of rules specifically designed to squash the very individual and expressive self. Men's clothing, sexuality, male bonding, business, war, sport..... yadda yadda and so on. Suppress, restrain, obey. What you mean is 'male-egolessness'. It's egolessness that causes us to 'act tough' and do everything else that you describe in a self-deprecating justification for female domination, or feminism or communism or whatever; even conservatism. A healthy individual doesn't do things to protect their vulnerable inner child that's been damaged by the harsh male conditioning because they simply don't need to.
I'm into this because of what happened to me as a kid most likely, but I stay into it because I lack ego, purpose.
I'll shut up now.
No need to shut up...That's a very interesting post.
07-16-2006, 07:54 PM
Well, I believe I have posted about this in the past but every time I talk about it I remember a new thing by streaming out key events. BTW I absolutely agree with the childhood trauma theory.
I've always had this fetish as far as I can remember, it sure did started at my early childhood. Its a long story I'll try to make short, ok, so here goes therapy:
First key event: There was this maid at my aunt's house where I was sent on vacations for a couple of months, a very beautiful hispanic young woman, she used to step on my chest with one foot to keep me steady as she moped the floor, it was sort of a funny thing, I remember her not wearing any shoes when doing this, I liked her feet very much and she knew it, we also used to play this game at the stairs where she stepped on my hands with those sexy wedge sandals (pretending a movie scene where the good character is hanging from a building and the bad character steps on his hands) all this later evolved into a game she called "premio-castigo" (reward-punishment). My aunt was single and worked all day long, so the maid was on charge of the house and me for the whole day. So she deviced this game to control the situation, if I behaved during the day, my "premio" would be to suck her feet clean covered with chocolate cream (that I still enjoy very much nowadays, on a bread or on a woman) if I was a naughty boy I had to wash her flip-flops so good she made me lick the soles to prove them clean. Though she never touched me sexually, all those games and secrecy we had got me very excited, when I remember them I still feel this sensation from chest to throat, a sort of adrenaline. This is no fantasy, it was real, so beware who you hire to take care of your kids, you never know.
Second key event: I specially remember this next door neighbor girl, a SnowWhite look alike (I still have a thing for brunettes), she got me into a "I'll show you mine you'll show me yours" situation. Its a long story too but to make it short then's when I got my first ball squeeze, she was gentle anyway, didn't hurt at all, she enjoyed it very much she often got me into doing this things, by now I was fully aware of what we were doing, needless to say, I loved it and I loved her too. I wanted to die when we moved to another city the next year, I had a big crush on her.
Before you ask: for the "Ballbusting Women Profiling Record" sake... What could have possibly been her motivation to do this??... I don't know, but I remember she did have a very controvertial family: an absent father and a dominant mother, a fat, fanatic prude, nasty, selfish woman that used to beat the soul out her with a hose, so I guess I was some sort of scapegoat... or at least a scape of some sort for her.
Third key event: When I was a teenager I saw this ballbusting scene from a movie called "Class of Nuke 'em High", man that really turned me on. That very same year, a skinny redhead gave me a tremedous kick in the nuts by accident, I pushed her playfuly towards a sofa as she landed on her butt the inertia of one leg landed exactly on my nuts, that was my very first BUST, what a BLOW man, it was so hard I couldn't breathe and almost puke my guts on the livingroom's carpet, anyway right there I remembered the movie scene and it made the accident a pleaseant experience even thouhg I was curled on the floor feeling lot of pain. Eventually she became my girlfriend, but didn't last much anyway, we were adolescents.
Fourth key event: As an adult. I really needed to know if this was MY THING, so I got busted by a very attractive with awsome legs black prostitute, she kicked me, stomped me, trampled me and squeeze me hard right on the nuts (on a role play of course), then I just confirmed it, without any doubt:
... well and the rest is history, So I guess how someone ends up into ballbusting its sort of a process, such as everything else in life, you just live through it, a compilation of "momentums" or key events that define one's personality.
07-19-2006, 05:08 AM
Thank you for sharing your experiences (and traumas). Could the final verdict be that men like ballbusting just because it is fun?
Castratrix's pet
07-19-2006, 08:12 AM
Thank you for sharing your experiences (and traumas). Could the final verdict be that men like ballbusting just because it is fun?
I think there is a lot more to it than "just because it is fun." Maybe the real question should be, "why ball busting, why not some other activity?" Why is it that some men like an activity where they suffer physical pain at the hands of a woman or of women and that puts the woman in a dominant position over the man? I think psychologically there is a lot more to it than "just because it is fun."
That is just my sense of it, but I think there is something deeply psychological going on with ball busting and other such activities that causes it and makes people like it.
12-06-2006, 07:24 PM
These are very interesting observations and I greatly appreciate much of the information. As a reason for ballbusting, I am far from convinced. The one dude I have no time for is Sigmund Freud or Fraud. Check out Wilheim Reich.
I read it.And i think it may be an explanation for "just some of the bb fun males".
I am a medical doctor.And i was really curious about the roots of my ballbusting fanatism in the past. And I finally found it!
I live in Turkey.Most of people in Turkey are muslims.My family is muslim too.And as all you know,muslim and jewish men get circumcised when they are children.And also these people kills animals as victims to the god once a year..
When i was 3 or 4 years old,we were at my cousin's circumcision (let me say circumcision party,be cause they make parties for this event!) and i saw my cousin was lying on a medical table,a female doctor was cutting his "peepee"!And lots of women in mini skirts and men were there watching this! They think being circumcised is becoming a real man and he and his family should be proud of that! Yes,i was only 3 or 4 years old,but i still remember those interesting scenes!
And i saw male animals (usually goats or a rams) are being killed as victims.Some of them are cutten by female family members.And after they are killed,they flay it's skin and cut its meats into pieces.If you have ever seen a male animal's skin is being flayed, its large balls would catch your eyes first.
Imagine that.. You see a women cutting a boy's peepee and some women in mini dresses or skirts are watching it and clapping for it!When you are 3 years old!
And you see lots of male animals are being killed,some of them are being killed by women,and you and the women see the animals' dangling huge balls!When you are 5-6 years old.
According to Sigmund Freud; Children can take every event in their environ,to their developing sexual fantasy world when they are between 3 and 6 or 7 years old.Because of that, parents got to be careful what their children can see/watch/live and what they can't.
This is my story.
I think that article on the link can't explain our ballbustin fetishism.If you think,may be you can find what made you a bb fun.Everybody would find something in their childhoods,i am sure that.
And finally an other example, i forgot where i read it,but it was a girl explaining her ballbusting fetish's source.She says her mother had a farm where there are many animals,and our girl (how she got started i dont remember her article) used to have fun by kicking the bulls balls and something like this.And now,she is a real ballbuster girl!:) :ibow4u:
If you find something about sources of your ballbusting fetishes,please write in this thread,we would like to read and talk about. ;)
12-06-2006, 08:13 PM
Mainstreme porn is so hung up on finding the well hung dude that most other aspects that make a porn film good have been washed down the drain. Penis size, balls size,is very much a visual thing from the perpective of the viewer. It has fuck all to do with ballbusting. This mentality pushes itself into the realm of what should the woman doing the busting look like,
a playboy centerfold or the plain jane down the road?
It is preference but it is also predjudice.
Of course, individuals will have preferences, visually or personally in the the act with a person but preferences can end up totally predjudicing one's own pleasure if not faced with the the ideal choice of preference.
Small penis equalling the majority of ballbustees, is not an accurately assessed viewpoint or fact. A guy being mocked because of his penis could be turned around to be a guy being mocked because of his big penis. It is a perception that a large penis is better than a small one. The same argument goes with all aspects of life's comparisons,big balls vs small ones, the guy being erect vs him being not erect while being busted.
Viagra or its equivalents is used in quite a few ballbusting productions for this effect. The viewpoints and arguments presented are interesting, that is part of individuality.
But to somehow try and make a connection between small penises and ballbusting, the connection I can't find. Ballbusting is primarily about the sensations derived from the testicles being impacted/manipulated. If someones dick gets hard during this process it by no means says that they are more turned on than a dude that doesn't get erect duing a session.
One of the things I like about ballbusting content is that much of this male driven ego endowment stuff doesn't come into it. It is about the act of ballbusting. I hope that ballbusting doesn't end up like the sad templates of modern day porn. Visual Entertainment gone seriously wrong.
I dunno about small testicles, but I definitely have noticed that the guys in the ballbusting vidoes I have seen, have mostly had small penises. I bet there is a connection. In fact, I dunno why more videos don't feature a girl making fun of how small the guy's penis is, and at the same time busting his nuts... Hehe...
12-07-2006, 04:55 PM
In my opinion addiction to ballbusting hardly has got anything to do with the balls size. Though it's quite possible that some guys got into BB because of the size of their genitals. But I don't think they are the majority. As for me my interest in BB started very early, when my balls were exactly of the size as of all other boys' of my age. Nor bigger, neither smaler. It was not comparison that made me BB addicted.
12-08-2006, 01:16 PM
Man, I'm into ballbusting because I like it. Whilst being busted, the last thing on my mind is the size of my cock or balls. Away from a bust, it is equally not of importance. I enjoy the experience and sensations derived from ballbusting. If I am watching some ballbusting clip or movie, etc, the physical endowments of the bustee is of no importance. What matters is the quality of the action. The Ballbustress is of more importance when watching content.
As for what made one get into it. What makes anyone get into anything?
In my opinion addiction to ballbusting hardly has got anything to do with the balls size. Though it's quite possible that some guys got into BB because of the size of their genitals. But I don't think they are the majority. As for me my interest in BB started very early, when my balls were exactly of the size as of all other boys' of my age. Nor bigger, neither smaler. It was not comparison that made me BB addicted.
12-11-2006, 09:44 PM
When I try to think back I can't think of a specific event that got me interested in it.
I think though that I had a friend online about 5 or 6 years ago that used to supposedly always get kicked in the balls and he would tell me about it. I would have mixed feelings about it, I was kind of mad that girls have such power over men, intrigued especially since I had never been busted before, and the thought of a group of girls laughing at a busted guy turned me on somewhat.
12-18-2006, 06:09 PM
Well I'm a guy who gets really turned-on by ballbusting. Its more my secret fantasy than anything I'd want to try. In fact, I'm very ambivalent about it. After jacking off to sample clips and movies I usually feel like I need to go read some men's activists websites. I don't really want to get into that too much but a few words are in order. Often when scouring the net for pictures and stories I see all kinds of people saying that this sort of thing is totally OK, its healthy, just an orientation like any other taste. I can't agree with that. Its a fetish. It just has that immediate emotional attraction to some, what gets you off can't be denied. But if they take the fetish too seriously, as many who write about it seem to do, they end up claiming that violence is a sound basis for getting your way, punishing children and keeping order in society, so long as it is violence by women directed at male genitals.
Reading about this has made me realize that my experiences are different from many others. I tend to agree that childhood trauma has something to do with it, and the common basic factor seems to be humiliation. When this humiliation is mixed with sexual arousal a taste for this fantasy takes shape. But it is also clear that there is no cutoff age of impressionability. People's sexual desires seem to get stranger with age and with attention paid to them. A lot of it seems to have to do with mere exposure to a possibility that in past years would usually be hidden and forbidden. I think we are witnessing a mushrooming of interest in ballbusting today. It started with movies and to some extent feminist ideas and the increasing popularity of women's self-defence classes but today is spread mostly through the internet.
Its obvious that there have been directors in Hollywood for many years who were just a little turned-on by ballbusting. They made it seem sexy kind-of like how the diamond cartel made diamonds seem valuable, by having sexy women do it righeously and enjoy the hell out of it. Yet it was able to remain guised as merely action, rather than a sexual fetish. The most sucessful vector for it though seems to have been as a slapstick comedy move. (Where did the old poke-in-the-eye gag that the 3 Stooges made so famous go?) That got it into all kinds of family movies and television to the point where you can hardly find an animated movie without it any more. People are doing what they see. Girls who think they are having fun or a good laugh, and boys too, for that matter are busting nuts in school and must have been doing so at an increasing rate for years, driving up the number of children who come of age with traumatic experiences in their past that they then try to normalize by playing at it in their sexual relationships as adults.
Something else that might shed light on the issue is to note that while getting hit in the nuts is indeed painful the impact also triggers sensations that we experience at sexual climax. Indeed I remember when I was a teenager and a girl asked a guy what it felt like to be hit there and he replied, "it feels like a really cheap orgasm that hurts." I agreed. Like a poke in the eye produces sensations of light as well as pain pressure on your balls provides strong sexual feelings mixed with the pain too. Disn't there something in the testicles that contracts when you cum to push the semen through the system of tubes? Or do the muscles in your pelvis suck semen up out of your balls when you ejaculate?
As for my own experiences, I don't think anyone ever busted my nuts, ever. I wasn't in many fights. I didn't run with the bad kids. No girl ever tried to take out her feelings of inadequacy on me. No hazing, god, if that isn't a reason to keep your kids out of school! And only one accident, my dad threw me a pear from across the room and I failed to catch it. Just he and myself in the house, no sexual overtones at all.
I was molested at the age of 5 by a dark haired teenage girl who lived next door. Lick me, close your eyes, and I'm going to make your dick wet (her mouth) stick it in me, move it in and out, play with it. Nothing testicular, not even threats. But I've often wondered if my attraction to strong bitchy women doesn't trace back to her somehow.
Perhaps the earliest definite clue was my excitement at seeing Whoopie Goldberg chomping on that South African guy's balls, (through his trousers, you couldn't really see anything but the implication was very clear.) In Jumping Jack Flash. Come to think of it that's when I started squeezing and thumping my balls when I masturbated, which I've done off and on over the years.
From no definable instance my interest in ballbusting has just continued to grow. Partly its the violence that attracts me. I know I work out fears in the bedroom, and in time they do seem to lay to rest. The hotter the sex the more I feel healed afterwards of whatever I'm confronting. It has just grown from a sense of attraction to women who laugh at guys misfortunes in the movies to seeing ball stomping on the internet my first time and being very excited. Now it is my undeniable attraction to a single-greatest excitement.
So I think part of the attraction to ballbusting is just an increased tolerance of vulgarity and fetish actions as people age. You get used to things and it takes more to help you get it up.
So, am I even a "real" ballbusting fetishist if I haven't done anything? Well I've Squeezed and thumped myself. I had one girlfriend squeeze my balls while I jacked off one time. She wouldn't do it a second time. She had the same problem I'm having now with the duality between wanting to and believing it to be wrong, a terrible temptation. My current girlfriend has been amenable to very light squeezing, occasional sucking and once, very gentle biting. I don't bring it up often. She doesn't really realize how I feel about it, most of this is secret from her because if she knew, I'm sure she'd insist that I seek treatment. I've mostly just been interested in toothy blowjobs anyway, which she has no problem with. If I ever left her it wouldn't be over this secret desire, but if I ever did get together with a woman who was into busting I'm afraid she could make me go much farther down the road than I really want to go.
12-18-2006, 08:03 PM
Why be ambivalent towards ballbusting dude?
Well I'm a guy who gets really turned-on by ballbusting. Its more my secret fantasy than anything I'd want to try. In fact, I'm very ambivalent about it. After jacking off to sample clips and movies I usually feel like I need to go read some men's activists websites. I don't really want to get into that too much but a few words are in order. Often when scouring the net for pictures and stories I see all kinds of people saying that this sort of thing is totally OK, its healthy, just an orientation like any other taste. I can't agree with that. Its a fetish.
What's wrong with fetish?
It just has that immediate emotional attraction to some, what gets you off can't be denied. But if they take the fetish too seriously, as many who write about it seem to do, they end up claiming that violence is a sound basis for getting your way, punishing children and keeping order in society, so long as it is violence by women directed at male genitals.
This is not so, Ballbusting is consenting adults activity. The assault or male downing is fantasy roleplay. If it is anything else, it ceases to be ballusting and becomes assault. I take the fetish as you term it 'very seriously' and I write about it, run a site and shoot content behind and in front of the camera but will not ever claim that 'violence is a sound basis for getting your way, punishing children and keeping order in society, so long as it is violence by women directed at male genitals.'
You are far too generalising and more. It may be better to stay clear of ballbusting period for if it generates these perspective within you, then that can't be good.
Reading about this has made me realize that my experiences are different from many others. I tend to agree that childhood trauma has something to do with it, and the common basic factor seems to be humiliation. When this humiliation is mixed with sexual arousal a taste for this fantasy takes shape. But it is also clear that there is no cutoff age of impressionability. People's sexual desires seem to get stranger with age and with attention paid to them. A lot of it seems to have to do with mere exposure to a possibility that in past years would usually be hidden and forbidden. I think we are witnessing a mushrooming of interest in ballbusting today. It started with movies and to some extent feminist ideas and the increasing popularity of women's self-defence classes but today is spread mostly through the internet.
Stay away from it then. It seems that it clearly is not for you but your back onto the gross generalisations that are far from correct of remotely reflective of those who are into ballbusting.
Its obvious that there have been directors in Hollywood for many years who were just a little turned-on by ballbusting. They made it seem sexy kind-of like how the diamond cartel made diamonds seem valuable, by having sexy women do it righeously and enjoy the hell out of it. Yet it was able to remain guised as merely action, rather than a sexual fetish. The most sucessful vector for it though seems to have been as a slapstick comedy move. (Where did the old poke-in-the-eye gag that the 3 Stooges made so famous go?) That got it into all kinds of family movies and television to the point where you can hardly find an animated movie without it any more. People are doing what they see. Girls who think they are having fun or a good laugh, and boys too, for that matter are busting nuts in school and must have been doing so at an increasing rate for years, driving up the number of children who come of age with traumatic experiences in their past that they then try to normalize by playing at it in their sexual relationships as adults.
There well may be a lot of truth in this section of what you are saying but for the last two lines. Theyt are very strong generalisations. Some may have discovered an inclination for ballbusting but how much of it is derived from traumatic experiences? It is very much too Fraudian.
Something else that might shed light on the issue is to note that while getting hit in the nuts is indeed painful the impact also triggers sensations that we experience at sexual climax. Indeed I remember when I was a teenager and a girl asked a guy what it felt like to be hit there and he replied, "it feels like a really cheap orgasm that hurts." I agreed. Like a poke in the eye produces sensations of light as well as pain pressure on your balls provides strong sexual feelings mixed with the pain too. Disn't there something in the testicles that contracts when you cum to push the semen through the system of tubes? Or do the muscles in your pelvis suck semen up out of your balls when you ejaculate?
Ballbusting is very much about the pleasure principle for most people. A session is very much diferent from being hit in the nuts away from a session. Sport experiences confirmed that too me only too recently.
As for my own experiences, I don't think anyone ever busted my nuts, ever. I wasn't in many fights. I didn't run with the bad kids. No girl ever tried to take out her feelings of inadequacy on me. No hazing, god, if that isn't a reason to keep your kids out of school! And only one accident, my dad threw me a pear from across the room and I failed to catch it. Just he and myself in the house, no sexual overtones at all.
I was molested at the age of 5 by a dark haired teenage girl who lived next door. Lick me, close your eyes, and I'm going to make your dick wet (her mouth) stick it in me, move it in and out, play with it. Nothing testicular, not even threats. But I've often wondered if my attraction to strong bitchy women doesn't trace back to her somehow.
Shit, I wouldn't read too heavy into that. Give yourself some credit for being able to decide that you like strong bitchy women.
Sigmund Fraud has really got you hooked on all that shit.
Perhaps the earliest definite clue was my excitement at seeing Whoopie Goldberg chomping on that South African guy's balls, (through his trousers, you couldn't really see anything but the implication was very clear.) In Jumping Jack Flash. Come to think of it that's when I started squeezing and thumping my balls when I masturbated, which I've done off and on over the years.
:Baahaha: :Baahaha: :Baahaha: :Baahaha: So what, it made you realise that there was some pleasure principle to be had. Get over it and get on with it.
From no definable instance my interest in ballbusting has just continued to grow. Partly its the violence that attracts me. I know I work out fears in the bedroom, and in time they do seem to lay to rest. The hotter the sex the more I feel healed afterwards of whatever I'm confronting. It has just grown from a sense of attraction to women who laugh at guys misfortunes in the movies to seeing ball stomping on the internet my first time and being very excited. Now it is my undeniable attraction to a single-greatest excitement.
Stay away from all movies that feature violence and sex!!!
Dude, relax. Chill the fuck out and enjoy consenting adult sexual activity with respect for those and yourself involved.
So I think part of the attraction to ballbusting is just an increased tolerance of vulgarity and fetish actions as people age. You get used to things and it takes more to help you get it up.
That means that in twenty years time......:Baahaha: :Baahaha: RUBBISH
Get real society is getting back to basics. The fucking church has been pumping so much gulit with sex for ages. Meanwhile the church bigshots have left a legacy of true sexual vulgarity and peversion. The RC church has just settled a ton of cash for all the child abuse in the U.S.A. As for Worldwide, the fuckers will be broke if justice is to be really done.
So, am I even a "real" ballbusting fetishist if I haven't done anything? Well I've Squeezed and thumped myself. I had one girlfriend squeeze my balls while I jacked off one time. She wouldn't do it a second time. She had the same problem I'm having now with the duality between wanting to and believing it to be wrong, a terrible temptation. My current girlfriend has been amenable to very light squeezing, occasional sucking and once, very gentle biting. I don't bring it up often. She doesn't really realize how I feel about it, most of this is secret from her because if she knew, I'm sure she'd insist that I seek treatment. I've mostly just been interested in toothy blowjobs anyway, which she has no problem with. If I ever left her it wouldn't be over this secret desire, but if I ever did get together with a woman who was into busting I'm afraid she could make me go much farther down the road than I really want to go.
It sounds like you and you chick are with a guilt with regards to sex type of thing. Chill out and be truely you and she.
Too come and try and use your above words as a potential reason why dude like some sexual kicks, etc in da balls is interesting but far fucking out and off.
That is sadly a revelation of your brainwashing. Its time for you to step free and sto step free minus guilt.
Oh yeah, by the way. Fetish is an attraction to an inanimate object
12-19-2006, 02:15 PM
... "it feels like a really cheap orgasm that hurts."
I like this quote in your post... reminds me of how the french reference an orgasm as "la petite morte" (the little death) I guess in that context ballbusting would be like heart attacks, or some sort of "the tasty rattles of the little death".
Format C
01-01-2007, 09:28 PM
When I was a child, I was shocked by what I opened about the world -
the world can be cruel and everyone (including me) can become a victim of acts of sadistic aggression.
But I really did not want it. So, I started to look for any psychological defence and I noticed, that a figure of a pretty female, who is quite intelligent and not so strong physically, could be an excellent person to protect me from any sadistic agression, agitated my mind.
Finally, I went from fire to be tortured by cruel aggressor to possibility being tortured by pretty female. And I was ready to give to my desired executor any rigths, including ball sqeezing and "needles under my nailes".
Only one thing is important :
sado-woman should be more pretty, sly and intelligent comparing typical cruel persons of real world.
Yes, it is fantasies.
But some of these (for example, ball squeezing by hand of my sexual partner) are already realized.
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