View Full Version : Is there a common connection with foot fetish and Ballbusting?

Kick me UK
07-23-2006, 05:50 PM
Hi all,

This is my first thread on this site so please go easy on me LOL.:weryfun

Anyway, I was wondering if the love (or should I say lust) for the female foot and Ballbusting have an uncanny connection for most people who are into this fetish. For me, women always threaten you with a “kick to the balls”, so the thought of getting floored by a petite female foot seems kind of natural in a strange sort of way.

I have had a massive foot fetish ever since I was kicked in the nuts by a beautiful girl whilst at school. I remember her warning me not to tease her, as we didn't get along and thought it would be good to give her a bit of verbal. Anyway, she didn't like it that much and said "If you don't go away I’m going to hurt you", I stupidly said "what can YOU do to me then" and next thing this pink blur shot straight up between my legs. After feeing her bare foot crush my privates, I remember feeling very shaky, my heart pumped hard, I couldn't breath properly and I felt a sudden excruciating pain in my balls. This pain quickly went up to my gut, and I felt sick. The next thing I knew I desperately grabbed myself, looked up and fell to the floor.:soomad She just look down, smiled and said "i bet you never thought my little foot could do so much ehh, I said I’ll hurt you" and then slowly walked away laughing.

I was down for over 10 minutes and felt shaky and ill for about 40 minutes after, and have been aroused by ballbusting with a female foot ever since:loveeyes.

My question is, how many of you (men and women) think it is more erotic to get kicked by a female foot (light or hard) than other forms of abuse like squeezing, punching etc (mind you it’s still sexy though providing the girl gives plenty of threats while doing it LOL). Please share your stories (real) if any.

07-24-2006, 01:12 PM
I thinks it's all as erotic as the giver makes it. However I have a definite favorite, being kicked or kneed by a small lady. You know the who could she hurt type.

07-24-2006, 01:46 PM
I notice at least half of the people who are into bb are really mad about bare feet especially, to the point where a kick only really works for them if the foot is nude. I've often wondered whether they consider themselves more into bb or feet in general.

I'm definitely much more interested in kicking and kneeing (and also trampling) than punches or squeezes, but I don't really like bare feet at all. I much prefer something like black leather platform boots. This doesn't mean I don't have a foot fetish though, because I definitely notice if a girl is wearing big boots, for instance, or even just spiky high-heels of any kind. So for me, there definitely is a connection between boots/high-heels and bb. It's hard for me to see a booted foot and not think about being kicked by it.

David B.

07-24-2006, 02:02 PM
Works for me I do have both feet fetish and bb fetish. For me they're connected, there are many ways for ballbusting and definitely feet are involved in many of them (as well as hands, knees, calves, etc) such as: stomping, kicking, standing, grinding, pressing, even w/strings... etc.

07-24-2006, 03:22 PM
i've noted that most people's post about why they started liking ballbusting is because they were actually kicked by a girl and been entranced by the memory ever since.

so KickMeUK, was that that 1st sexual memory you had? so like the theories about imprinting. if not it must be some deeper reason.

personally i think bb isn't absolutely synonomous with feet, i mean there are more ways to hurt someone than just feet. if done by the right person then anything goes.

personally i like stockings or high heels better than bare feet

07-24-2006, 08:12 PM
I think that there are some people into both, but I think that there are a lot of people who don't. I, for instance, have no interest in feet. The difference is that people who are into ballbusting and feet tend to talk about both ball busting and feet on ballbusting boards. Those of us who aren't into feet don't tend to talk about not being into feet on ballbusting boards.

Guys who are into feet or legs will talk about being busted by feet or legs. Guys who are into boobs or asses or so forth aren't likely to talk about being busted by boobs or asses. It just doesn't work anatomically. So we don't talk about it as much.


Kick me UK
07-25-2006, 04:30 PM
Wow what a resonse. Anyway, I kind of get what The One was saying about the first time it happend. Maybe if I got kneed, I might be more into legs, but I think that mine stems more because a women always threatens to kick more than anything else. If she was wearing boots, I might prefer them to bare feet, but I'd probably had gone to hospital if she did (it hurt enough with a bare foot). I do remember not liking the idea of being kicked before it happend, and at the time I was defently not enjoying the situation, but now it turns me on like hell. I like ballbusting because I know a women can disable me with a well placed kick, and most women usually don't stand much chance of doing that easly any other way. Also if a women kicks you there, she is attacking your sexual organs, so I think it is more sexy than getting your arse smacked or something.

what do you think?