View Full Version : Passed out experiences
08-13-2006, 01:08 PM
The other day I was watching a comedy show on TV. The young woman that was on got into a session which started with "I read in a woman's magazine that if your twist the scrotum really hard the guy will pass out". She went on about how she wished she knew about this earlier in her life and how she would have used. For the rest of her act she made several references by using an imaginary grab and twist and saying "you're going to take a little nap".
Now I know it is actually the pressure on the testicles that may cause a man to pass out but has anyone actually had it done to them? How about the ladies, every done it to a guy?
abused berries
08-13-2006, 10:22 PM
if you receive enough trauma, "passing out" may be followed by "shock," which may be followed by "death." probably better not to roll the dice.
08-14-2006, 08:33 AM
Testicles are not vital organs and they can be removed or completely crushed and it will not cause death directly. Now a ruptured testicle could become infected and this could cause death. I know of a fellow that ruptured one of his testicles in an accident, so badly it had to be removed. However he did not pass out at all. So why would squeezing which is MUCH less force cause someone to pass out?
08-16-2006, 12:46 AM
Testicles are internal organs that pass through the muskle wall and descend out into the open, but they are still internal organs. Ruoturing a kidney or whatever can cause unconsciousness and/or shock, and, thereby, have a chance of being fatal -- even 'though you have a second kidney which is more than a person needs.
Never been knocked out by having my nuts squeezed, and I'd prefer not to try it. :)
08-16-2006, 12:54 AM
I think it is the pain that caused him to pass out. Nothing needs to be wrong with your body, I pass out on plane rides out of fear. Sensory overload
Testicles are not vital organs and they can be removed or completely crushed and it will not cause death directly. Now a ruptured testicle could become infected and this could cause death. I know of a fellow that ruptured one of his testicles in an accident, so badly it had to be removed. However he did not pass out at all. So why would squeezing which is MUCH less force cause someone to pass out?
I'm not exactly sure either. One would think that it is kind of like trauma to another part of the body, like say a finger. I guess there are those who would pass out when they crusg a finger, and there are those who would not. Perhaps it is kind of the same thing with groin inhuries -- with varying tolerances?
08-23-2006, 12:06 AM
I'm not exactly sure either. One would think that it is kind of like trauma to another part of the body, like say a finger. I guess there are those who would pass out when they crusg a finger, and there are those who would not. Perhaps it is kind of the same thing with groin inhuries -- with varying tolerances?
No, nothing like a finger. Most of the internal organs are encased within the torso, protected by abdominal muscles, a ribcage, and suchlike (throughout the torso, there is either bone or muscle that helps protect most organs). About the closest comparison is the kidneys, which are relatively poorly protected; but they still have some muscle wall to hide behind. Due to the shape of the back (it's kinda flat) and the position of the kidneys (nearer the part where the back is flat than the part where it curves around and leads to the area commonly known as the "front"), a person really can't walk up to you, grab one or both of your kidneys, and squeeze the suckers.
Can't squeeze the eyes without plucking 'em out (but you CAN press them back against the retro-orbit), can't squeeze the brain, can't squeeze the liver. Hmmm. So what internal organs CAN you squeeze?
The limbs, all the way down to the fingers and toes, are really different from what the internal organs are like. Balls begin their wee little lives in an ovary-ish position, and descend down into this Brave New World to begin their careers as target practice. Yah'll have nothing to compare 'em to.
Squeezing balls like squeezing a finger? Oh, please.
08-26-2006, 02:42 PM
and very good Trouble !
I don't think that its the simple pain in the testicles during bb that would make a man pass out, that's too easy an answer.
I think that it is to do with the build up of fear through his knowing what I could do, and do with him in a session. At the same time he loves, and is afraid of, my control over him.
I play with these real and anticipated layers of pain and release so they build and build so that later the unexpected agonies of an almost full punch or a good slap as he ejaculates send him into temporarily shock. Whilst I find it normal for my bf to come very hard after bb I don't think he has every truly passed out, just tried to stay with a very intense feeling for as long as he can. However, if I let him come when he is inside me as I squeeze his balls hard, he comes very heavily and my closeness to him (and a few soft words to let me squeeze every last drop etc) make him fully lose himself for a good amount of time, he seems to be there in body only.
Only one man has truly passed out on me and I don't regret it one bit, its in this thread
Aggie xx
07-01-2009, 10:36 AM
I pay for a lot of BB experiences. One of the things that I always ask the women is about this. About three or four women have said that they have busted someone until they passed out. Two of them were in fight situations where they kicked full force. One was in a domination session and the guy loved heavy ballbusting and always wanted her to go harder, she was a strong girl just under six ft and naturally very strong. She gave him a really hard blow (punch or kick) and she floored him and he was holding his nuts and in pain and she jumped on him and ****** his hands aways and squeezed him for about 20 seconds. I still remember her describing his face and body reactions before he fainted. Unfortunately that traumatised her a little as she thought she had really hurt him so she was not keen to do it to me even though I asked her.
07-02-2009, 08:04 AM
Its not the pain in your balls, although that is bad enough. It is the pain that goes right up into your lower abdomen, makes you vomit and affects the central nervus system. it seems to paralize your legs so that you fall down. In extreem cases the paralisis goes further up the body and can affect breathing first, further up and maybe stop the heart and cause death. So go carefull.
07-03-2009, 08:03 AM
Yes it is possible and It happend to me just like that. She tied my balls up and wile I was laying down she squeezed my balls as hard as she could, she had a very strong grip. After 15 mins of squeezing and brutal smacking and punching , I began to black out. She saw that I was slurring alot more and looked like I was falling asleep. It is possible.
07-03-2009, 08:41 AM
Actually, one of life's little cruelties is that you don't really pass out from pain. On the contrary, pain is a powerful stimulant by design. Now, lack of oxygen to the brain does make you pass out. So, if some lovely lady does things to you so vicious that you tense all your muscles or can't manage to breathe, that will render you quickly unconcious.
07-06-2009, 09:18 AM
I accept that oxygen maybe a factor in many cases. But there seem to be some cases where someone passes out and breathing is not impaired for example where it is excessively hot or when too much alcohol is drunk.
I have always been told that an overload of certain input (pain, emotions, shock, etc... ) may cause passing out.
I am intereseted to know from juggalosnyder what the main sensations were before you passed out was it pain, inability to breathe etc...
07-07-2009, 01:55 AM
I read in a newspaper yesterday about a detainee being tortured and having three of his fingernails pulled out. If a person can stay conscious through that, I doubt very much if it is very common for nuts being squeezed to make a man pass out. The advice from the magazine seems pretty bogus to me.
07-07-2009, 11:55 AM
I've done it to black out, which is different in that I just don't remember what happened. That was from a squeeze during orgasm when I made the woman swear she was going to do it as hard as she could. She had each in a hand and a thumb on top of each and I jerked it and right the instant before I came, I yelled "NOW!" and she really did bear down on them as hard as she could. Felt great, but the orgasm on top of it made me lose a few seconds of consciousness. :)
07-10-2009, 04:14 PM
I once read some years ago, that a femdom squeezed the balls of a guy so much in the moment when he came, that he past out und went on squirting :D
07-17-2009, 10:27 AM
I am really keen to experience this at the point of cumming. Can anyone give me contacts of such women.
08-27-2010, 08:57 AM
Recently I was with another girl who is quite good at squeezing and I also asked her and she told me that she recently had a guy in that attached the maid and he would not get off her
She was so mad that she grabbed his bAlls from behind and she was really angry because of what he was doing and she really squeezed super hard she says that at first nothing happened as he was so excited and even when she grabbed his balls her did not stop.then as she got even
more angry so she squeezed with no mercy and I know from experience that she is really strong and also knows how to squeeze. He then started to shake and in a few seconds he was passed out. She says that he was out for about twenty seconds and when he came to he was still sore but a lot more compliant. I sometimes feel that it is a shame that it does not happen to me. One day I am tempted to go to her and offer her a bonus of say thirty pounds if I pass out.
I pay for a lot of BB experiences. One of the things that I always ask the women is about this. About three or four women have said that they have busted someone until they passed out. Two of them were in fight situations where they kicked full force. One was in a domination session and the guy loved heavy ballbusting and always wanted her to go harder, she was a strong girl just under six ft and naturally very strong. She gave him a really hard blow (punch or kick) and she floored him and he was holding his nuts and in pain and she jumped on him and ****** his hands aways and squeezed him for about 20 seconds. I still remember her describing his face and body reactions before he fainted. Unfortunately that traumatised her a little as she thought she had really hurt him so she was not keen to do it to me even though I asked her.
snack marvin
08-28-2010, 02:39 PM
As far as I know pulling the testicles causes passing out and possibly death – as it seems to have a direct effect on the nervous system which also controls heart activity and so on...
When it comes to pressing the nuts I agree that it might have to do probably with a sensory overload, too much pain which can't processed – the more when there seems to be no way out.
@ darthsidius: Could you please tell us the names (and websites?) from the ladies you were talking about...?
greetz, snack marvin
09-27-2010, 12:33 PM
For A long time I have wanted to experience this. However I recently had an experience that has almost changed my mind. There is a prostitute that I have been seeing for a while and she does not appear excessively strong. She is probably about 5" 6 and a bit stocky/curvacious she does have fairly broad shoulders.
But .... She is the strongest squeezer that I have ever met and she does not seem to tire like most women. I have been going harder and harder with her. One problem is her English is v.poor this means that it is hard to communicate to her that I really want her to stop.
The last time I met her she was really on form and when I asked for a rest from her ballbusting she kept getting me to continue, as if she was impatient to get her hands on my balls again. There were a few times she really got a good grip and just kept squeezing harder and harder. I reached a point were it was difficult to breathe and when I started pleading with her she did not stop for quite a long time (perhaps 10 seconds). I must admit I got to a point where I was both genuingly scared and now completely helpless. I can now understand how a man at the hands of a completely commited and angry woman can be overpowered (if he does not act fast). At the worst point of the squeeze I probably had much less than half of my strength. She eventually let me go but at one point I started feeling light headed and I think had she continued for another 10 - 20 seconds It would have been lights out.
I am both scared of her and yet drawn to her. I am not sure what I will do next. Sometimes when I am really aroused I think that I will make it clear to her that she must not stop until I faint. But I know that if I say that she will genuingly do it and I will not be able to stop her even if I change my mind. I am really in two minds now.
Alec Anaconda
09-27-2010, 01:54 PM
Sometimes when I am really aroused I think that I will make it clear to her that she must not stop until I faint.
Maybe you will not pass out, but remain entrapped in unbearable agony until your meter time runs out.
Perhaps that is even more of an erotic challenge.
Alec Anaconda
10-24-2010, 03:12 PM
It happened to me. I was kneeling before my Mistress. My balls were in a humbler in the rear position. My arms were tied together behind me in a sleeve of some sort. My head was trapped between her thighs, which was a stretch cos she's 6'2" without heels, but she had 4" heels on as well. Then she reached for my arms and pulled them up.
Talk about a Stress Position!
Then she began cropping my humbled balls.
I didn't pass out immediately, but when she'd finished I began to fade out and alerted her. She gave me some care and we were OK to carry on. She went easy on me after (a very relative term, mind you! What I mean is that she didn't go as far as using the surgical stapler she'd been looking forward to!)
I'd say it's OK to do this sort of thing as long as you have confidence that your partner will look after you.
11-24-2010, 08:49 AM
Unfortunately it took me awhile to build up the courage to go back to the girl that I referred to before. When I went back she had left that place I really regret it now.I realise that I have built an high tolerance to squeezes and it is difficult to find a girl that can do it hard enough. The other day I managed to hook up with a female bodybuilder and she said at one point she used all her strength and Ihad not fainted
11-25-2010, 02:31 PM
Sometimes it's not just how hard, but what technique. Constant pressure is one thing, even from a very strong Domme. But for me max pain is when she lets them squeeze out of her grip under pressure and repeats and repeats. That can force me into a state of physical shock and fainting.
11-26-2010, 02:34 AM
Hello everyone,
I remember having passed out once: In the middle of the night (we had already made love a couple of times in the evening), she woke me up and wanted more sex. Thanks to good health and fitness, I got hard almost immediately, and began to work her. But I shot my load to quickly for her and got almost instantly limp!
She was very angry and started squeezing my balls, as she often does during foreplay. She plays a lot of tennis and has very strong arms and forearms (I usualyy get very mucu excited simply stroking her arm muscles...).
No visible (nor "feelable") reaction on my side. She got more and more angry, saying she would crush my balls as they were obviously useless... And she went on squeezing them harder and harder.
Probably due to exhaustion with the previous ejaculations, I lost consciousness with the ball pain.
When I was back, she told me that she had "almost" immediately stopped pressing them (we have such an agreement, without the "almost"!) and that I had been totally out for more than one minute...
No injury occured.
(End of the story: she facesat me, and an new hard-on soon occured !)
12-02-2010, 01:03 AM
To those that have been lucky enough or unlucky enough to experienced this. I would like to know more details. I am curious to know what it felt like just before the lights went out. In the experience that I related where I thought I was just about to black out I can remember getting to a point briefly where the pain almost stopped and I felt a little bit distant from my body and less aware of my environment. I was tring very hard to keep breathing and also pleading with her but my voice was fading. I think I was very close at that point before she let go.
I would also want to know how much pain you felt when you revived?
12-02-2010, 09:16 AM
I saw a bloke briefly pass out after being hit by a cricket ball. He presumably forgot to wear a box and whilst batting he got hit in the balls. He quickly came round but was in so much pain he had to be carried off the pitch and was left to slowly recover by the side of the pitch. Whilst this was extreme I am sure a severe ballbusting session could end up with same result.
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