View Full Version : Thanxsman Returns!
09-14-2006, 10:21 PM
Yep your eyes heard right, I'm coming back with more stories. I hope you'll all like them and I'm really happy about the way this one is coming along. However on a sad side note I'll be dropping the vampire story and others I was doing, it was getting confusing with all the plot lines. But this new one I have basically incorporates all of my old ideas in one story :D
I don't want to spoil the whole thing but devil-girls and such do show up. If anyone wants a specific synopsis then just ask and I'll do a quick one for all to see. It'll still be a week or two before I can actually upload the first chapter but I like to tease :o
Also Sharon and Snoodle I was able to work the stuff you guys wanted into the busting part of the plot so hope you guys like. ;) Also if anyone has a specific type of bust they want to see I'll see what I've already finished and see if I can add it in so it all makes sense. But unfortunately that's all. I can't really do commissions and huge request due to class and work schedule...
also before I depart I want to clarify and give a little preview of the girls...kinda. Since there are devil girls and cat girls I just want to clarify they ARE NOT furries or anything with bestiality. If that's your thing then I'm not knocking you for what you like, but this story is just primarily mythical creatures with human/animal appendages (elves, demons, nymphs, were beasts) and humans. I say this just to avoid confusion.
Any who the pics attached are pics I found that look very similar to a few characters and I just want everyone to get a quick look-see at what kind of stuff to expect. Hope you all enjoy it, and have fun with it. :thumbup
09-14-2006, 10:47 PM
It is good that you are back on the forum and even better that you intend to be contributing storities.Although I do not wish to impose my opinions and preferences on you I was wondering if you could perhaps just focus on fighting type situations between men and women where the traditonal/stereotypical gender elements are highly evident. In this sense the fights would involve women exploiting the vulnerability of the men with very prevalent and painful ballbusting techniques. Elements such as female laughing, taunting, and cooperation would be important elements. Perhaps a senario like the assassins arena of death from Either way I really think that a spin off continuation of this concept or a general pattern of what I suggested above would be highly appreciated and welcomed in this forum I think most of us would agree for the most part with this suggestion.
Thanks for your time and consideration.
09-14-2006, 11:02 PM
welcome back thanxs man
09-14-2006, 11:33 PM
actually Darkmaster the whole premise is a very Lord of the Ringsish journey thing so you can expect a lot of dirty fighting but with actual plot involvement
09-15-2006, 07:59 PM
:bananad: I can hardly wait!
09-17-2006, 03:19 AM
Ok so now I at least have a date when I'm going to be uploading part 1. Ir should be up by Tuesday when all my school stuff is done. So here's a quick plot synopsis though.
Weird dorky guy goes to hell and meets some people. They go on journey ala Lord of the Rings and you see him grow up. There are various busting and regular vanilla scenes. Alos there is a lot of plot details and there is an actual a lot of story to it. so see ya Tuesday :)
09-19-2006, 07:32 PM
Well I said it would be up Tuesday and guess what part one is up on Tuesday ;) anywho there isn't a lot of bb for this part and it only mentions the futas so far but it's mainly introducing things like chacracters and all that, Plus I like to focis on story too so there:p
*Disclaimer* This work is a work or erotic, comedy, and action intended as parody and entertainment. It is not for sale or distribution. So when you read anything hee and it's strange don't get offended, it's just a story and calm down :thumbup Also I don't own Naruto or Friday the 13th or any of the other stuff that I'm parodying and referencing (although it would be cool if I did) But I do own the characters that I've made up and so on. With that out of the way enjoy :D
By Thanxsman © 2006
A car drives along the streets at night. Two young men sit in the car. The first person is the one driving the car who goes by the name Mike. He speaks to a second person, and for certain reasons is called Chouji. They speak of silly things and laugh as they drive, Chouji, in a brief moment of stupidity covers Mike’s eyes so he swerves on the rode. Mike shouts as Chouji removes his hand, “You cockbite! You could have killed us!”
“Oh blah blah blah”
‘Don’t talk like that Ni…”
“It’s Chouji.”
“Why so you insist on everyone calling you that?”
“I don know I like Naruto? Why do you care?”
“It’s just weird. People will like you more if you go by your real name.”
“We both know why people don’t like me.”
Mike sat in silence remembering the reason Chouji is primarily a loner. They drive in silence for a few moments. Chouji looks out the window and at the houses at night. His eyes drift up and he sees the stars. Chouji states, “You can see the stars tonight. It’s strange, normally the city lights are too bright for you to see them.” Mike sat there in silence, he was slightly concerned. Chouji continues, “I’ve been thinking about leaving soon.”
Mike responds confused, “Like to another town? You have a hard enough time convincing state officials you can live alone at 18 and you want to leave?”
Chouji continues, “Not this town, this world.”
“Well that’s… what the fuck did you just say?”
“I’m thinking of traveling to an alternate universe.”
“Oh well that’s ok then I thought I heard something stupid. Are you insane! Do you have any idea how crazy that sounds?!”
“Why because it’s different? There’s a theory going around that an alternate universe can exist in the same time and space as ours but at a different frequency of vibration.”
“I know the theory but just cause it’s there doesn’t mean you have access to it.”
“O rly”
“Don’t even start that stupid forum joke.”
The car pulls up to a small one story house and the two young men get out. Chouji goes to the front door and unlocks it. He motions for Mike to follow and the two enter the house. Chouji tells Mike, “I want to show you something.” Mike waits curiously as Chouji kneels down to reaches under his bed. The room itself made Mike feel uncomfortable. It was dimly lit and the only light that was visible is from the many candles surrounding the room. Mike knew his friend was harmless but the issues concerning his past made this transaction all the more awkward. “Here we go,” Chouji exclaims. Chouji has a small box in his hands, he opens it and reaches. Mike’s eyes widen when he sees Chouji pull out the object. Chouji pulls out a human sized skull from the box, however there is a noticeable difference, the skull has horns.
Mike responds shocked, “What the hell is that?”
“It’s a skull.”
“I know that, but why the horns?”
“I found it when I was on vacation. It was brief but I made a successful jump between realities.”
“Mike looks at the skull, “Bull shit. Quit messing with me. The horns are obviously fake.” Mike turns the skull around and looks inside a small hole and sees that the horns are actually part of the skull. Mike stares at it in awe, “What is this…”
Chouji states, “A demon’s skull. I don’t know where I went but it was lying on the ground so I too it.”
“This is insane.”
“Hey Mike I know it’s hard to believe but trust me, I think I found a way out of here.”
“Mike places the skull down, “Why would you want to leave?”
“There isn’t anything for me here. I’m just a walking reminder of my father to most people. I don’t have a real shot for a normal life here. I need to restart somewhere where I can fit in.”
“And your trying to get back to the place you visited?”
“Well what’s wrong with being here with me and Jessica?”
Chouji stops for a moment then continues, “Mike, you and Jessi are my best friends. Nothing will ever change that, but I need to do this. I’m sorry.”
“I should get going…”
“I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“Yeah…, “Mike states as he slowly walks out of the room in disbelief. Chouji watches as Mike leaves the house and slowly gets into his car. When Mike drives off Chouji goes into his closet and retrieves a few supplies. Chouji emerges wearing a black robe holding chalk and an old tome. He walks to the center of his living room and draws a pentagram on the hardwood floor with the chalk. Chouji puts the chalk down and leaves, when he returns there are several unlit candles in his arms. He places one candle at each point of the pentagram. Lighting the candles with a burning candle he sits at the center of the pentagram. Flipping through the pages of the old tome, his middle finger traces the outline of the skull on the cover of the ancient book.
Chouji stops flipping through pages and stops near the middle of the book .His eyes trace the text and he finds the passage he’s looking for. As Chouji reads he starts speaking the lines on the page. Concluding the lines Chouji close his eyes and repeats what he read. As the repetition goes on one of the candles starts to flicker. The flame whittles the wax on the candle and causes it to lose balance and falls. It begins to roll and the flame of the candle touches Chouji’s robe. As he continues to say the incantation his robe starts to catch fire. The fire creeps up Chouji’s robe, after a few moments Chouji takes a deep breath. He opens his eyes to the fire around him. He falls down and stumbles a bit and tries to put the blaze out. He flails around on the ground in an attempt to stop the burning. Then there was a sudden realization, Chouji had been too startled before to notice but the fire didn’t hurt. Yes it was burning but it was only affecting him and not . Chouji draws his hand close to his face to confirm his theory. There are no burn or scorch marks at all just fire melting away the robe. As the fire spreads throughout his body Chouji sits down in the middle of the pentagram and waits for the fire to consume him.
A single light elf is standing in a dark room. She has dark blonde hair in a ponytail, blue eyes, and is about average height. She approaches a human male tied to a chair with his mouth covered with cloth to prevent him from screaming. As she walks up to the man and raises her leg. She slams it down right on his balls. Valeria teases, “You like? You know if you offered me a little more money I woulda taken your pair out of your pants for this.” She grinds her foot against him as she speaks. Valeria lifts her leg several times and slams it into his groin hard. Valeria gives the middle aged bald man a sly smile as she starts to grind her foot again. She increases the force of her grind, the man moans through the cloth and begins to cough. Valeria uses such force on the stomp to the man’s balls she almost lifts her other foot off the ground. Valeria coos, “Oh I’m sowwy, did that hurt?” As Valeria finishes her sentence she removes her foot from the man’s balls. She then grabs them through his pants and starts to roll them around as best she can. The man buckles his legs and braces himself for what he knows will happen. Valeria stops rolling his balls around and squeezes them as best she can. Valeria smiles a wicked grin as she squeezes. Valeria suddenly lets go and balls up her right fist. Looking at the man gives a wink and punches the man three times as hard as she can. On the final punch she grinds her fist hard against him making his balls roll against the top of the chair. The man lets out a loud groan and goes limp. Valeria lifts up her fist from him and sees a wet spot on the front of his pants. Valeria exclaims, “Gross…” As she pilfers her hand through the man’s pockets she finds his wallet and takes the money he promised her, plus a little extra for him cumming in front of her. Valeria walks to the door and opens it. Before walking out Valeria states, “Bye, it was fun.”
A cloaked woman walks through a brightly lit hallway. She enters a room and removes her cloak and meets with her allies. The woman in general has light green skin and dark green hair. Her demeanor and eyes are kind. A red flower is attached to her head by the ear and draws attention to her emerald eyes. A man with orange skin, pure black eyes and spiked dark orange hair speaks, “Jurin your late.”
Jurin the goddess of earth responds, “Sorry Haishi, I was lost on the path of life.”
A woman with light blue skin and long dark blue hair stands next to a woman with white hair and peach skin. A lone man on the opposite side possesses a huge muscular build and grey/purple skin, he is bald with white eyes. These along with Jurin, the earth goddess, make up the gods and goddesses of fire, water, wind, and lightning respectively.
Kaisui, the water goddess speaks, “Can we get started now?”
Aori, the wind goddess, questions, “Yes is it time?”
Denkou, the lightning god, replies, “Well seeing as we are all here I don’t see why not.”
Aori starts, “Well from what I can tell the humans and the demons are abut to start a huge war. The demons on one side the humans on the other.”
Kaisui continues, “Yes but several demon and humanoid factions are assisting the humans such as the light elves, several dark elf villages and the were beasts.”
Denkou looks down, “Yes but that’s mainly because they have ties to the human world. The demon side is primarily made up of the more distant cousins of the human species. However some of those are considering assisting humans.”
Haishi looks at his fellow gods and goddesses, “Out of curiosity just who is everyone supporting here?”
Jurin responds, “What do you mean?”
Haishi continues, “Well who is helping the humans and who is helping the demons?”
Jurin angrily responds, “Well Aori, Kaisui, and I are remaining neutral. The way it should be!
Haishi interjects, “So you enjoy the way the humans are polluting the world?”
Jurin replies, “Demons do the same.”
“Yes but they at least make an attempt to fix the forest and places they wreck. I don’t see the humans doing it.”
“They’re starting to.”
Kaisui interrupts, “Actually Haishi I’ve been thinking of supporting the demons.”
Jurin responds shocked, “Kaisui why?”
“The humans have begun polluting the ocean. Yes demons eat the animals but they don’t do nearly as much damage as the humans do.”
Denkou speaks, “Well if we are choosing sides I’m going with human.”
Haishi retaliates, “Denkou I’m surprised.”
“You shouldn’t be. I’m impressed with the human’s initiative and drive. They are weak yes but even so they don’t give up. Yes they are polluting but I believe they will develop a way to repair the damage they’ve done.”
“So says you.”
“Yes I do say so.”
Jurin interrupts, “This is bad we shouldn’t be involved this is there conflict not ours.”
Haishi retaliates, “No. I’m tired of the way things are going. If things continue then everything we worked to create will be destroyed. You can stay neutral if you want or help the humans I don’t care but my position will not change Jurin.” Haishi turns around and finishes his speech. “That will be all, thank you for coming,” answers Haishi. The others leave the room Jurin stays behind and looks at Haishi with shame. Jurin lowers her head and leaves.
Persephone looks at the shadow demon that was just captured with an evil grin. Her long black hair hid have of her face. The pale skin she had shows the amount of time spent in the dungeon with the prisoners. Her wings were neatly folded as she approached the shadow demon. Persephone states, “A futa eh? I’m going to enjoy you aren’t I?” Persephone questioned the terrified woman and reached down and grabbed her balls. She smiles, “Yes a lot of fun.”
On the other side of the fortress a demon by the name of Eve sits and strokes a scar running across her forehead. The scar was visible especially due to her short hair. Her red eyes flashed with sadness and then anger. Eve stands up and her tail coils and lashes. She unfolds her wings to their full length and speaks, “Never again…” Eve jumps from the ledge she is standing on and leaps. The image of Eve flying through the inner workings of the giant fortress could be seen by all that were present, thus confirming that war was coming.
The morning sun shone brightly as Valeria walked along the street. She lifts her head and sees a cat creature in the distance. Valeria muses, “Aiko you eager vixen.” Aiko waits patiently for her friend. Not an uncommon feature for her, being one of the were beast shinobi. Her dark purple ninja gi matches her violet skin tone. Her perky cat ears protrude through her short black hair. She waits with her eyes closed, as Valeria approaches Aiko’s eyes flash open and the beautiful yellow color of the iris shows.
Aiko complains, “You can’t sneak up on a ninja. Especially one with amazing hearing.”
Valeria responds as they start to walk, “Gay. Almost had you this time.”
“You should have arrived earlier. I don’t want to be late for the audience with the duke.”
“Please were a few days early, all we’d have to do is wait until then.”
“what were you doing that took so long anyways?”
Valeria reaches into her satchel at her side and removes some money. Valeria asks, “What do you think?”
“Vicious little ball breaker.”
“Eh it’s good for them and I get my fun.”
“And you don’t feel bad about it?”
“Not really, unless they didn’t have it coming.”
“Wow your morals are astounding.”
“Aren’t they though?”
As the two women walk they start to get in the more secluded parts of the town. Aiko looks over her shoulder and sees a young male lying o the ground. Aiko states, “What the hell is that?” The two women walk over and inspect the body. They notice he is wearing strange clothes. They look at his face and notice a small scar on the side of his head near the hairline. His hair is dark brown and his body isn’t exactly tiny.
Valeria exclaims, “Kinda chubby huh?”
Aiko replies, “He’s not that fat.”
“Not skinny either.”
“Leave him alone.”
“He wears funny clothes, where do you think he’s from?”
“Not from anywhere I’ve been.”
“You don’t think he’s a crosser do you?”
“He’s not wearing women’s clothes.”
“I mean he’s not from this place.”
“You mean a he’s someone that can cross the realms Aiko?”
“Yeah. Let’s wake him up.”
The two start to softly push his body and looks closely at his face. There is some movement from behind the boy’s eyelids. Chouji opens his eyes but he can’t focus his vision right away. He looks around and sees that he isn’t in his room anymore, the smell of grass and trees is all around him. Two figures are in front of him, they begin to come into focus. Chouji is slightly shocked when he sees the faces of the two creatures waking him. Valeria speaks, “Welcome to hell.”
Back at Chouji’s old house Jessica and Mike walk around the living room. There is no trace of Chouji in the house, the only remains are a few ashes, some burnt cloth, and remaining candles. Jessica looks around the house and looks depressed. Jessica speaks, “I don’t believe it. He’s gone.”
Mike replies, “He wasn’t happy here.”
“That didn’t give him the right to leave.”
“Jessica he really did care about us, but he needed to leave.”
“You knew about this?!”
“He told me last night. I didn’t think he meant so soon.”
“I see,” states Jessica. She walks off with her head hung in sadness.
Mike looks around the house of his missing friend. Mike thinks to himself, “I didn’t think you actually do it. Never really thought you’d leave. Well we’ll miss you Chouji, and where ever you are good luck.” Mike looks around one last time remembering his departed friend and walks to the door. He closes it and locks the door behind him.
The story of Chouji, the hero of this would be epic, goes way back to before he was born. The theory about the alternate realities is true and he isn’t the first to cross the border. However his story is one of the more unique ones. Born as a product of **** between a madman and a kind hearted woman he has always been alone. With this new land to explore he has a chance to actually start over. What plans does this new place have in mind for Chouji, well that yet remains certain.
09-22-2006, 05:17 PM
You know everyone here can leave feedback/comments if they like... Hell I'll take what I can get.. feedback, comments, hate comments...just give me something to go on. Oh and I should be posting chpt 2 once I get a chance to look over grammar and all that, well asuming my school schedule permits it but should be a week or 2 or so...
09-24-2006, 03:19 PM
Hello Thanxsman,
Even though the story is just starting, it is already a fantastic achievement. I think this is the first time a bb story has ever been attempted on this kind of epic level. I look forward to the next part when you are ready.
David B.
09-25-2006, 06:36 PM
Thank you David :D I'm planning on doing a lot with this story I just needa find time to post. I liked the way Kerscroll had his stories set up on a different forum so I wanted to do something like that in an Epic, boy lost in a D&D scenario. Thanks for the encouragement
09-30-2006, 05:58 PM
Just to let you know I haven't forgot about the story, I'm just swamped at school right now so it might take me another week and a half to put the next chapter up.
09-30-2006, 06:34 PM
Just to let you know I haven't forgot about the story, I'm just swamped at school right now so it might take me another week and a half to put the next chapter up.
We'll be here, waiting patiently. :D
10-03-2006, 09:41 PM
Woot! I'm back told you I'd get it up on Tuesday (that sounded dirty...) And 8 o'clock is still today :o Any whos hope you guys like this next part. Just a heads up though there is a slight probem with my computer so it might take a little longer than ussual to get the next chapter up till it gets fixed. Also just so everyone knows I hate teasing everyone saying the next chapter will be up on a certain date and being late but if I don't bump it up the topic might get washed away with new stuff. Anyways comments, feedback, suggestions, and angry mail is accepted anytime, now on with the devil-girl bb goodness! ;)
*disclaimer* This work is a work of erotic, comedy, and action intended as parody and entertainment. It is not for sale or distribution. So when you read anything here and it's strange don't get offended, it's just a story and calm down Also I don't own Naruto or Friday the 13th or any of the other stuff that I'm parodying and referencing (although it would be cool if I did) But I do own the characters that I've made up and so on. With that out of the way enjoy
By Thanxsman © 2006
Valeria and Aiko watch the foreign boy with great interest. Chouji lays on the ground eyes wide with curiosity. Chouji looks down and remarks, “I think I put my hand in something.”
Aiko questions, “Um what’s your name?”
Chouji begins to tell them his name but the sound is inaudible as a crow caws as he speaks.
“Hmmm not that strange well then we shall call you Ni…”
“Chouji I go by Chouji.”
“Then Chouji it shall be.”
Valeria states, “Well I’m Valeria and that’s Aiko nice to meet you I guess.”
Chouji questions, “What do you mean you guess?”
Aiko interrupts, “So where are you from?”
“Wow we don’t get many people from there. Other realms yes but Earth, only really skilled mystics. How did you manage to arrive here?”
“I uh got set on fire by accident.” Upon hearing this information the trio stands up and begins to walk towards the north. The only audible sound being their footsteps. Chouji asks, “So am I really in Hell?”
Aiko and Valeria continue to walk they don’t answer at first. Aiko replies, “Yes. Hell, like the other realm is just another plain of existence. Also like others realms we can get sick, hurt, or even die. When anyone dies on any realm they go to another realm, the afterlife. No one has ever seen that realm but it has been confirmed.”
“Wild. Hey I was wondering, are there a lot of demons here?”
“Yes there are. But to tell you the truth your lucky that we found you.”
“Why is that?”
Valeria stoically answers, “Because we’re at war. The humans are fighting the demons and currently things have reached the boiling point.”
“But your helping me.”
“Currently there are several demon groups that are friendly with the humans. These groups are several were beast factions, the light elves, the dark elves, trolls/orcs, dwarves, and Halflings. The enemy demons are the succubae, dragons, vampires, and a whole lot more.”
“So it’s Lord of the Rings but cooler.”
“Lord of the what?”
“Nothing. So we’re we going?”
Aiko looks back a little as she walks. She states, “We’re going to see a local ruler, a duke.”
“There’s a duke here?”
“Yep. We need to do a mission for him and while we’re there we need to find out what to do with you.”
“Huh say what?”
“Well we will probably let you stay since you made the effort to come here.”
Valeria interjects, “Or we send you home or kill you.”
Aiko reacts, “Valeria! Don’t joke like that!”
“What calm down he knows I’m kidding.” As Valeria and Aiko speak Chouji thinks of the possible outcomes. The thought of the guillotine made him feel very uneasy. His mind wanders to many various outcomes of execution.
Chouji questions, “So how long until we reach the duke?”
“About a day and a half.”
“Damn and we walk all the way?”
So the trio would travel the land east to the duke they need to see. As the two traveled with their new companion they began to bond, slowly at that but they were still bonding. As they arrived at the city Chouji stood there in awe. It was built like a town in medieval times. Stone house, different types of mills, horses, and a huge castle where the duke stays. Chouji states, “That where the duke stays?”
Aiko replies, “Yes, he’s a very popular ruler.”
“Come on we have to meet him now.”
Chouji walks with the two women through the city. He looks around and sees the various decorative flags of the nation he is in. The image of a knight riding horsebacks on a green background hanging around the castle became quite foreign and familiar. The group approaches a large double door that two armored guards open for the guests. As Chouji enters he sees a lavish marble room with giant pillars and royal retainers standing at attention. The knights around the room were wearing full armor wearing even their helmets. Aiko and Valeria kneel down and look submissive. Chouji continues to stand looking around the palace. Aiko elbows Chouji in the leg signaling him to kneel as well, he follows suit. The duke looks at the trio and speaks, “Good day Aiko, Valeria.”
Aiko replies, “Thank you your majesty.”
“Please keep it formal I know you girls too well. And who is your friend there?”
“His name is Chouji. He’s from the earth realm.”
“Ah we have a crosser do we?”
Valeria states, “Yes he seems harmless but we need to do with him.”
“In good time. First I want to speak with about my request. Aiko, Valeria, I want you to go to a nearby country and meet with the ruler there and find out the situation. We’ve heard that Tiennan was recently attacked I want you to form a small party and travel there and report back on the war effort.”
Aiko continues, “Yes your majesty.”
“Call me Dimitri.”
“Yes lord Dimitri.”
Dimitri sighs and places his hand against his head. He continues, “Now as for the boy, most crossers arrive here are trying to get way from something.”
Chouji replies, “You could say that.”
“Now we have three options here. One we execute you to preserve security. Two we send you back. Three you stay here. I’d hate to have to send you back with knowledge of our world and I don’t really feel like killing you so would you like to stay?”
“Sure I wanted to come here for a while now.”
“Excellent. Here’s an idea how’d you like to accompany these two young ladies on there mission? You would gain knowledge of our land on your trip.”
“Hell yes!”
Aiko interjects, “Sire it’s too dangerous for him to follow us along!”
“Nonsense Aiko. He’s a young boy as I recall we’re the sex that usually looks forward to adventure. No offense to the women here, just common male hormones. What say you Valeria?”
Valeria states, “Eh I don’t care.”
“Well looks like you have a new traveling partner.”
Chouji interrupts, “Excuse me I have a question. Why go to war with the demons if you seem so friendly with them?” After Chouji asks the question the room fills with an awkward silence. Aiko starts to speak but Dimitri cuts her off.
“It’s all right Aiko he doesn’t know. I tried to bridge the gap between human and demon many times and as you can see some people liked it and some didn’t. Several skirmishes happened and lives were lost. A small group of orcs infiltrated the castle and tried to destroy it. They were all killed but at the cost of many people, including my wife.\ So we are on the verge of war, but I hope one day that both sides will come together in peace. Do you understand now?”
“Yeah, I think I do.”
Aiko states, “We should get going.”
Dimitri continues, “Well farewell friends, and good luck to you on your journey.” The groups bows and stands up. They turn around and head for the entrance of the castle to prepare for their trip.
Persephone walks through a dark hallway to her own personal torture chamber. The succubus was quite good at finding information and making it so the enemy soldiers no longer felt like fighting. If she managed to capture the male fighters or even certain female ones it spelled immediate danger. She opens the door to the room and walks in. The room itself is very dark with an orange glow from various candles and fires. Many torture devices were across the walls and tables, most of them used to sexually assault her victims. Persephone had medium length black hair that laid across her face hiding half of it. Her red eyes caught the glow of the flames and gave her a more vicious look. She wore modified dominatrix clothes that went beneath her armor showing she would always be ready for anything the enemy threw at her. She walks towards the end of the room and sees a female snake demon chained down to a table on the wall. The snake woman had a light purple skin tone and dark hair. Her torso and top features looked primarily human except for noticeable differences. However past her groin area her legs connect and form an rather large tail, matching her skin tone complete with scales. Persephone approaches the terrified woman.
There was one thing she liked about catching the female demons helping the humans, she could torture them as much as she wanted but many of the female demons had an ability to grow certain appendages. This was prominent amongst the lesbian tribes or more animal tribes. Persephone reached out and grabs the snake woman’s balls and squeezes. They are bound tightly with twine and have turned to a darker shade than the rest of her body but are still alive. Persephone looks up and speaks, “Your name is Ran Xian Nai correct?” Ran Xian nods with a ball gag in her mouth. “You were captured a week ago and you haven’t been able to, shall we say, release in that whole time right?” Ran Xian nods again. Persephone responds, “That’s a pity.” She rubs her thumb and roughly rubs the front of the woman’s balls. Persephone moves he free hand to stroke the erect cock of the snake woman, she manages to get her to the edge rather quickly. Persephone continues, “Here’s something you already know but it’s fun for me o say. If your cock, no matter how erect goes back into your body like it normally does when not in use you can’t cum?” Persephone stops stroking and starts to push hard against the snake woman’s cock. Ran Xian groans into the ball gag, she knows what the succubus is planning. With a final push her erect cock slides into her body. Persephone reaches over and grabs hold of a small metal belt she places it along the waist so it covers the area the denied futa’s penis emerges from. She clasps it along her waists and locks it tight. Persephone exclaims, “Nice and tight. The first day of denial is really rough and the week after, assuming you aren’t *********, is even worse. Well now shall I begin?”
Persephone reaches down with her left hand to the demon’s pussy, she starts to play with her clit to edge her up. She bends down and licks her bound balls, Persephone rakes her right hand nails and teeth along the ball sack. As she rakes her teeth she takes the right ball halfway onto her mouth and starts to bite. She even manages to poke her canine tooth through a little of the skin causing a small amount of blood to emerge. Ran Xian groans in pain as all this is going on, her cock trying to escape. Persephone stands up and grabs her balls roughly. With them in her left hand she brings her right close to them and holds her middle finger back. Persephone flicks her finger hard into the balls fifteen times. She begins to get board and extends her knuckles a little. She slaps her knuckles hard against the balls for a little but it eventually turns into a series of hard punches. Persephone stops punching and looks at her victim, there are tears emerging and she drops the woman’s balls. They don’t fall down entirely due to the twine but landing on her thigh still hurt a small amount. “Don’t cry now this isn’t even the hard stuff,” states Persephone. She reaches back and grabs Ran Xian’s balls hard and squeezes as hard as she can. Persephone digs her thumb into the right ball and until it looks about to burst. “Scared I’ll pop it? Are you afraid of me now?” questions Persephone. Ran Xian shakes her head and moans a tear slides down her face. Persephone lets go and licks the tear up. Persephone walks around and places her high heel against Ran Xian’s balls she starts to grind her heel making a slight imprint on the futa’s ball sack. Persephone eyes light up and she gets an idea. She walks over to her work bench and gets a ball spreader and some leather attachments. She returns and undoes the twine around the snake woman’s balls. The markings of the twine leave a visible indent and is painful when removed. She moves the balls around making the blood flow return causing pain and fear for the victim.
Persephone finishes stretching the balls and spreads them into her hand, she places the spreader around them and closes it. She locks it up tight and adds a leather attachment to it, this one separates the two balls and makes it a tighter fit. She plays with the balls a little and tries to twist them. The band around her balls made it hard to twist but the attempt still hurt extremely so. Persephone teases, “Do your balls ache? Are they too blue for you?” Persephone reaches to her belt and pulls put a pocket vibe. She attaches it to the snake woman’s clit and starts to turn the power on. Persephone continues, “Don’t you hate that silly rule about not being able to cum while your cock is away? I’m sure you do.” Persephone smiles an evil smile and she begins to mount the snake woman. Ran Xian has a slight idea of what she’ll do but doesn’t ant to believe it. First off Persephone knees the poor woman several times to soften her up. Then the image that scared Ran Xian cold. Persephone raises her balls up to her vagina and traced the outline with the bulging sack. Now Ran Xian already had pretty big balls but the binding made them a little more compact, however Persephone wasn’t interested in making it more compact but more painful. She starts to put the snake woman’s balls into her vagina. The spreader made them long enough to fit and they where large enough to stay put. Ran Xian thrashes about as best she can moaning and tears welling up in her eyes as Persephone finally thrusts the testicles into her pussy. Persephone yells madly while she thrust up and down on her victim’s balls. She is literally fucking her balls to death. Persephone wasn’t going to ******** this one, she liked hurting her, plus the futility of ********** a creature that has the ability to regenerate limbs would be ridiculous. Persephone begins to pick up tempo as she thrusts onto the snake woman’s balls. This goes on for several minutes with Ran Xian struggling to get away. Persephone close to cumming herself dismounts the woman, she looks over and reaches far away she pulls back a candle. Persephone removes the spreader from the futa’s balls and lets them fall down. She lifts the balls up and gives a dirty look to Ran Xian. The snake woman shakes her head no violently as Persephone shoves the bottom end of the candle into her pussy. Her balls rested neatly on the stiff candle. Persephone gloats, “This wont neuter you but it will hurt like living hell.” Persephone turns the vibrations up on the pocket vibe still inside Ran Xian. Ran Xian’s eyes began to roll back into her head, the constant denial is maddening and she felt the heat from the burning candle coming closer. She clenched her teeth as she heard Persephone fingering herself and was in the throws of orgasm. Ran Xian closed her eyes as a ear rolled down and prepared for the approaching flame near her balls.
Chouji walks with the two women, he is carrying many supplies with the them. He wonders if they have enough for the trip. Chouji asks, “Is this going to be enough?”
Valeria responds, “No. We’re going to have to stop in other towns for supplies, this is just to last us until we reach those towns.”
“Ah. So we’re leaving now?”
“No we need to see a friend who will probably be willing to help us. Then we leave tomorrow.” The trio arrive outside of a local bar. Chouji looks at it with a sense of reminiscence. It was similar to many old bars from fantasy movies. Old design, made of wood, had an old European feel to it. “Here we are.” They enter and Chouji looks around seeing the various humans and several demon creatures talking and drinking and just enjoying themselves. Valeria states, “There he is.”
“There who is?”
Chouji doesn’t need a reply as he sees the two women looking at a large muscular ogre. There is a large battle ax by his side, it matched the little armor he had on. He didn’t really need armor, the long red hair, horns, and tan muscular body were enough to show he meant business. Valeria states with a smile, “Hi Akuma.”
10-06-2006, 12:10 AM
Well thought I'd bump my topic up some more just so everyone knows that Ch 2 is up, just check out the above topic :) Plus I wanna add another devil girl, any and all comments accepted, including flames and so forth.
10-28-2006, 01:06 AM
K with my midterms done now I might actually have some time to write again, I'll need some more time for this chapter and lastly a Happy Halloween to one and all :D
10-28-2006, 10:08 AM
K with my midterms done now I might actually have some time to write again, I'll need some more time for this chapter and lastly a Happy Halloween to one and all :D
Happy Halloween to you too! :bananad:
11-25-2006, 02:51 AM
Happy Food day to one and all! Well two days late food day but whatever, havenn't forgotten to update but school sucks...well actually homework and slacking off sucks but...yeah... Still working on ch. 3 having a little trouble with the ********** scene (I.E. makes me feel icky inside) but I'm still going through with it. Hope to post again soon.
11-26-2006, 01:01 AM
Oh my gosh, it's a bird! It's a plane! No, it's-- Hey, is that ThanxMan? What's he doing with a cape and a skintight outfit with the underwear on the outside?
For the ********** scene, think of it from the woman's POV if you are not doing so already. If she enjoys it and doesn't get squeamish, you can borrow that. (I know "she" is actually fictional, but if you think of it from the male fictional character's POV, that will DEFINITELY make you wannah write about something else. ;)
Try putting her in a long-sleeved shirt, with the sleeves rolled up just past...
11-26-2006, 10:25 AM
Oh my gosh, it's a bird! It's a plane! No, it's-- Hey, is that ThanxMan? What's he doing with a cape and a skintight outfit with the underwear on the outside?
For the ********** scene, think of it from the woman's POV if you are not doing so already. If she enjoys it and doesn't get squeamish, you can borrow that. (I know "she" is actually fictional, but if you think of it from the male fictional character's POV, that will DEFINITELY make you wannah write about something else. ;)
Try putting her in a long-sleeved shirt, with the sleeves rolled up just past...
Lol. :Baahaha:
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