View Full Version : What psychological effects might come from male circumcision?

Castratrix's pet
09-24-2006, 10:46 AM
I'm wondering if and how being circumcised as an infant might effect a man psychologically and emotionally as an adult. We think very young infants and newborns don't consciously remember and that being circumcised as an infant won't effect the man as an adult. But is that really true?

I'm a man and was circumcised as a newborn infant. I wonder if that had anything to do with my now having femdom ********** fantasies as an adult, and I started a thread about that.

Here are some things I know and some things I'm guessing.

Here in the USA some procedures that would normally be done by a doctor are often done by a trained nurse or physician's assistant, one of them is circumcising boy babies in some hospitals.

I was born in the middle of the 1950's, almost all boy babies were circumcised and I think it was often done by one of the nurses. I was a premature birth so my circumcision was done when I was several weeks old. At that time the standard nurse's uniform was still the classic, crisp, white, long sleeve nurse's uniform. In such a case I imagine the nurse would have rolled up her sleeves ro do the circumcision.

There's no way to know for sure, or to find out. I know I'm doing some guessing here. But I have wondered if I was circumcised by a female nurse wearing a classic long sleeve nurse's uniform with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows when she circumcised me. If so, might that have had anything to do with me as an adult developing femdom ********** fantasies and a fetish for women wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows? Might it have effected me psychologically in that way?

Yes, I know I'm doing a lot of guessing here, and there is no way to know. But it is possible I guess, and it is something I have wondered about.

10-16-2006, 08:34 AM
I seriously doubt it.

In such an early age there is no memory at all. Further more, the infant is unable to realize the situation it is in and therefore it is unlikely that infants have traumas that affect their adult life.

Nowadays infants get pain killers that make them totally oblivious to the procedure.

Keep in mind that the nerves are not completely developed, making the penis as sensitive as normal skin.

10-17-2006, 07:08 AM
There is always the possibility, but I'm circumcised from childhood and I dervive no fantasies from, either it or **********.

10-17-2006, 07:23 PM
Keep in mind also that hundreds of thousands of boys are circumcised every year in this country, many of them multiple weeks after birth, and, well, if the fetish was that widespread, this site'd be even more popular, no?