View Full Version : Pregant?!?!?!
10-10-2006, 03:06 PM
I know this discussion may be a little off topic, but i was wondering if any of you could perhaps help me out on this little problem of mine. See my g/f and and me aside from having our bb sessions have sex as well. Seeing as she is 19 and im 21 we're not exactly ready for a baby. Well enough of the backround, my girlfirend was supposed to have her period last weekend, and it still hasn't came So im freaking out about her being pregant but there are a few factors in my favor so heres what happened in chronological order
We did it the monday prior to that weekend whilst I was wearing protection, but it broke and a little precum may have gotten in there but as soon as it happened i pulled it out and replaced condoms w/e. thats when i think i might of gotten her. the next few days she didn't feel good and felt like she may go on her period anytime now. Around ... thursday she went and did a 500 fly (she is a swimmer and that is a very tough grueling swim) and well friday sat. and sunday rolled around and still it is tuesday and there is no period.... anyone think she's pregant? I heard it may be to early for take home pregnancy tests to work
10-10-2006, 03:28 PM
I know this discussion may be a little off topic, but i was wondering if any of you could perhaps help me out on this little problem of mine. See my g/f and and me aside from having our bb sessions have sex as well. Seeing as she is 19 and im 21 we're not exactly ready for a baby. Well enough of the backround, my girlfirend was supposed to have her period last weekend, and it still hasn't came So im freaking out about her being pregant but there are a few factors in my favor so heres what happened in chronological order
We did it the monday prior to that weekend whilst I was wearing protection, but it broke and a little precum may have gotten in there but as soon as it happened i pulled it out and replaced condoms w/e. thats when i think i might of gotten her. the next few days she didn't feel good and felt like she may go on her period anytime now. Around ... thursday she went and did a 500 fly (she is a swimmer and that is a very tough grueling swim) and well friday sat. and sunday rolled around and still it is tuesday and there is no period.... anyone think she's pregant? I heard it may be to early for take home pregnancy tests to work
Wait a week or two and try then. There is a million and one reasons why a girl misses a period, but remember it only takes ONE sperm to get a girl pregnant, not a million :)
abused berries
10-11-2006, 12:48 AM
i guess this thread is proof that you can engage in ballbusting and still remain potent.
i believe prenancy tests work about a week and a half after the apparent missed period.
also, ill say what i always say when these things come up, no matter what dark corner of the internet they appear or what forum. if she is pregnant and wants to have the kid, make sure it is actually yours. nothing personal. just dont be "that guy."
05-31-2007, 08:35 AM
I know this discussion may be a little off topic, but i was wondering if any of you could perhaps help me out on this little problem of mine. See my g/f and and me aside from having our bb sessions have sex as well. Seeing as she is 19 and im 21 we're not exactly ready for a baby. Well enough of the backround, my girlfirend was supposed to have her period last weekend, and it still hasn't came So im freaking out about her being pregant but there are a few factors in my favor so heres what happened in chronological order
We did it the monday prior to that weekend whilst I was wearing protection, but it broke and a little precum may have gotten in there but as soon as it happened i pulled it out and replaced condoms w/e. thats when i think i might of gotten her. the next few days she didn't feel good and felt like she may go on her period anytime now. Around ... thursday she went and did a 500 fly (she is a swimmer and that is a very tough grueling swim) and well friday sat. and sunday rolled around and still it is tuesday and there is no period.... anyone think she's pregant? I heard it may be to early for take home pregnancy tests to work
Looks like she should have been a little rougher with your eggs in the first place!
Busted Balz
05-31-2007, 05:36 PM
:thumbup Congratulations.
05-31-2007, 05:48 PM
She should crush your nuts as punishment for doing this to her and to prevent it from happening again :D
05-31-2007, 07:19 PM
Shes surely pregnant. Give her a pill of Norlevo only if this happened less then 24 hours ago. I recomand you see a doctor the day after you use the product.
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