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10-21-2006, 10:52 PM

I'm just wondering which site to join next, i'm currently joined to ********************* and just finished at femaledom.com. But there's a few i'm unsure on (current content? have been a member of some of these previously) any suggestions?

Few am thinking of:

www.mistressmonika.com (http://www.mistressmonika.com)
www.britishbitches.com (http://www.britishbitches.com)
www.velvetkick.net (http://www.velvetkick.net)
www.vulneraballs.com (http://www.vulneraballs.com)
www.ballbustingbibabes.com (http://www.ballbustingbibabes.com)
www.ballbustingchicks.com (http://www.ballbustingchicks.com)
www.ballbustingparty.com (http://www.ballbustingparty.com)

and there's loads from ******************** (http://********************) e.g:

http://********************/3729 (looks good, should have a site to join)
http://********************/7075 (fan of slapping, def when girls sat on you)

There's a lot more from the clips site.

Anyone have any recommendations of site's or good clips they've had?

Thanks. :)

10-22-2006, 02:12 PM

I'm just wondering which site to join next, i'm currently joined to ********************* and just finished at femaledom.com. But there's a few i'm unsure on (current content? have been a member of some of these previously) any suggestions?

Anyone have any recommendations of site's or good clips they've had?

Thanks. :)

Well, I have a recommendation, but some would say I'm a little biased. ;)

10-22-2006, 06:37 PM
^ Ha yeah. I've had a look at it but i'd only join a site that had some nude bb in it.

10-22-2006, 08:38 PM
Alan, u biased, u have to be joking :D

I woildnt join a site that had nude BB in it, but we are all different :)

10-23-2006, 06:05 AM
^ yeah i don't mind some of it, but there's alot out there that are fake e.g. wearing a cup. So if it's nude there's no faking lol. www.suburbansensations.com (http://www.suburbansensations.com) i think is fake,. Never nude but always hard, plus they had a cup test video? so shows they have one.

10-23-2006, 01:17 PM
I have noticed that guys seem to thnk that 'cups' are like bullet proof vests for their balls, but when I kicked my bf when he had one one, he just said "NEVER again" coz it did bugger all and actully hurt him more in a different way"

10-23-2006, 05:12 PM
I quite like this one:


10-23-2006, 05:18 PM
^ yeah i don't mind some of it, but there's alot out there that are fake e.g. wearing a cup. So if it's nude there's no faking lol. www.suburbansensations.com (http://www.suburbansensations.com) i think is fake,. Never nude but always hard, plus they had a cup test video? so shows they have one.

I don't know about wearing cups but kicking balls is very hard and most of the shots miss. At least, that's usually the case when I've been kicked.

1. The balls are not in the space directly under the legs. If she kicks there, she's missed them.

2. The muscle of the thighs performs quite a good protective barrier and cushions most of the shots.

On most of the occasions I got a really really hard bust, it was done from behind with me bending over with my legs spread. From that position, she can really drive it in hard. And after a really really good bust, I cannot get straight back up again. Instead I was rolling around.

By the way, the balls aren't the only area in the body that should be given a kicking. I know this forum is about ballbusting but why do I seem to be the only one around who actually likes kicks to the whole body?

10-23-2006, 07:49 PM
I like that also. There use to be a quite good clip on myspace of all places where two girls just kick the crap out of a guy. I mean, face, ribs, balls, legs, all over. I think it was listed under face busting, and it had that, but it was a good beat down. Couldn't figure out how to save those clips though.

As far as ballbusting goes, well yes, most is somewhat staged. Look, as much as we like to imagine it, a couple of good solid kicks to the balls with any swiftness and its all over. So I am not sure how any guy that has ever had a solid hit to his nads is goig to actually beleive a 25-30 minute tape of repeated hard kicks to the balls is anything but staged. There a good number of tricks that can be used and you have mentioned a few of the common ones. The thing is, a two kick story line isn't going to sell many videos, and we mostly want our fantasy indulged.

I don't know about wearing cups but kicking balls is very hard and most of the shots miss. At least, that's usually the case when I've been kicked.

1. The balls are not in the space directly under the legs. If she kicks there, she's missed them.

2. The muscle of the thighs performs quite a good protective barrier and cushions most of the shots.

On most of the occasions I got a really really hard bust, it was done from behind with me bending over with my legs spread. From that position, she can really drive it in hard. And after a really really good bust, I cannot get straight back up again. Instead I was rolling around.

By the way, the balls aren't the only area in the body that should be given a kicking. I know this forum is about ballbusting but why do I seem to be the only one around who actually likes kicks to the whole body?

10-23-2006, 08:20 PM
...As far as ballbusting goes, well yes, most is somewhat staged. Look, as much as we like to imagine it, a couple of good solid kicks to the balls with any swiftness and its all over. So I am not sure how any guy that has ever had a solid hit to his nads is goig to actually beleive a 25-30 minute tape of repeated hard kicks to the balls is anything but staged. There a good number of tricks that can be used and you have mentioned a few of the common ones. The thing is, a two kick story line isn't going to sell many videos, and we mostly want our fantasy indulged.

Well that was one hell of a generality you just posted. I don't try to speak for "most" guys myself- only the few I know. But there's a reason that we only use a handful of male models at Cali Mean Girls even though we get literally dozens of offers a week. Most guys can't take it. The guys we use repeatedly can. End of story. No cups, no padding, no "tricks". Yes, the girls often miss and many girls are hesitant to kick full force- at least at first. But our guys receive dozens of solid kicks per video with a good percentage of them connecting well. People are different and some guys can take more than others. That doesn't imply trickery or deceit by any means- just diversity in motivation, pain thresholds and pain capacity.

10-23-2006, 10:36 PM
I have noticed that guys seem to thnk that 'cups' are like bullet proof vests for their balls, but when I kicked my bf when he had one one, he just said "NEVER again" coz it did bugger all and actully hurt him more in a different way"
Thanks for testing this out and getting back to us with a full report. :)

The California Mean Girls (http://www.calimg.com/) site looks like it might not be in the same vein as the ones the original poster is considering, but we would all do well to keep it in mind.

10-24-2006, 01:00 PM
Well that was one hell of a generality you just posted. I don't try to speak for "most" guys myself- only the few I know. But there's a reason that we only use a handful of male models at Cali Mean Girls even though we get literally dozens of offers a week. Most guys can't take it. The guys we use repeatedly can. End of story. No cups, no padding, no "tricks". Yes, the girls often miss and many girls are hesitant to kick full force- at least at first. But our guys receive dozens of solid kicks per video with a good percentage of them connecting well. People are different and some guys can take more than others. That doesn't imply trickery or deceit by any means- just diversity in motivation, pain thresholds and pain capacity.

By the way, I didn't say I couldn't take it. I was just saying that most of the kicks miss the prime target.

I would like to know how you manage to find the girls, by the way.

10-24-2006, 06:30 PM
A cup will greatly reduce the chance of damage but it fucking well hurts all the same. I have never used a cup with regards to ballbusting but I wear one when playing cricket and I definately prefer the sensation of being kicked by a BallBustress, when bare than being hit by a cricket ball whilst being protected.
Direct and heavy hits with regards to ballbusting are for me very pleasurable. Slaps and flicks and near misses leave me feeling very discomfortable. The sensations whilst recieving these type of deliveries I don't enjoy, just the fact that I am being in a session.
The idea of being kicked at full force is appealing from a viewers perspective. It is not a safe or wise reality for either the ballbustress or the bustee. Ballbusting should be about fun and enjoyment. Roleplay can be used to create a scenario of being punished or tortured, etc.
A cup is very much a false sense of security. Remove it during a session and the Ballbustress has to make the adjustment with regards to force delivered. If she doesn't then the dude better be able to handle some new realities.

I have noticed that guys seem to thnk that 'cups' are like bullet proof vests for their balls, but when I kicked my bf when he had one one, he just said "NEVER again" coz it did bugger all and actully hurt him more in a different way"

10-24-2006, 07:21 PM
In the context of producing ballbusting movies, it is inevitable that there will be an element of creative license. This is often partly due to the fact that any performers tollerances are forever varying. Also, the kick that actually will drop a guy is often the least interesting/dynamic visually from a cinematographical/viewers perspective. All the same I admire most of my competition for being there and trying to move 'Our Thing' forwards.
Our audiences are caught in two worlds. One is the wish to be entertained. Two is to be gratified and gain relief. I am very much convinced that too high a percentage of Ballbusting followers are not actually ballbusters as in have delivered it or recieved it. Delivering Ballbusting is really about the art of precision. Recieving it, is the art of acceptance. This is not always how we would like it to be. I have been in personal sessions where I have recieved direct kick upon direct kick for three hours plus. Then I have been in sessions where the first little warm up tap told me that the session wasn't to be for that day. These aspects of human variation we can't control and shouldn't want to. This fact automatically reduces the amount of potential ballbustresses and ballbustees immediately. It is further reduced when you put them in front of a camera It ain't about getting your revenge on men. It ain't about getting damaged. That's called assault and productions that were do go down that route will be illegal in most parts of the world.
As for the guys who want to be in a filming session, they usually are wanting to be in a personal ballbusting session. A ballbusting film session is a completely different dynamic from a personal ballbusting session. It is like having sex with partners and having sex in front of a camera often with other persons being in the room whom are not part of the sexual act. Very few humans have the ability to perform in front of a camera, regardless of what they are doing. If you liked being kicked whilst being on all fours that's fine if that is what the prodcution requires. What if the direction requires you to be on stood up to be busted and you hate being stood up to be busted. I hope that point is being understood. I would be ******* people to do what they don't want to. So that further eliminates potential peformers.
The guys have to be able to take it and act at the sametime. I'm not saying that they must bluff the reaction from a kick, etc. What tey must be able to do is perform under production condtions, directions, time contraints, whether they like the ballbustress or not. The same goes for the ladies. Not many ladies can kick on the spot repeatedly and generally perform at the sametime. Many say yes, but I too often end up with one half of the formula at a studio and end up having to phone around for ages, or put myself in the front the camera yet again, if the guy hasn't shown.
filming ballbusting is not an easy task exactly due to the nature of the action and the previously mentioned fact that getting what the viewer considers to be good action is not necessarily good ballbusting sensations for the dude getting kicked. Still we all try our best and that is where it shouldbe at.
Perhaps, if we all had more subscribers and purchasers of our material rather than the endless file swapping and sharing, we all, the producers of ballbusting material could advance our creations even more so.

I like that also. There use to be a quite good clip on myspace of all places where two girls just kick the crap out of a guy. I mean, face, ribs, balls, legs, all over. I think it was listed under face busting, and it had that, but it was a good beat down. Couldn't figure out how to save those clips though.

As far as ballbusting goes, well yes, most is somewhat staged. Look, as much as we like to imagine it, a couple of good solid kicks to the balls with any swiftness and its all over. So I am not sure how any guy that has ever had a solid hit to his nads is goig to actually beleive a 25-30 minute tape of repeated hard kicks to the balls is anything but staged. There a good number of tricks that can be used and you have mentioned a few of the common ones. The thing is, a two kick story line isn't going to sell many videos, and we mostly want our fantasy indulged.

10-24-2006, 07:41 PM
You've really hit the head of the nail. The forum is full of big time critics and I am all the more convinced that most followers of ballbusting are viewers rather than do-ers. I can live with that. What pisses me off is they way too many try to disrespect the efforts of the producers with not a scant regards of some of the realities. The performers, the one's that will actually go in front of the camera are far and few. Then add the factor of having to perform on the day irregardless of how you feel and that reduces the number even further.
As for being kicked at full force. It is not just the balls I would be concerned about with full force kicking, more so if she was wearing footwear, it would be all my veins, blood vessels, etc. I like a good kick, accurate and all that. I don't like the thought of being injured and would not want to make anyone else go through that. What so many seem to ignore is the pleasure principle of ballbusting. It is in theory painful but if delivered right and one being in the right state of mind, PLEASURABLE.
Keep up the good work, Bro Tamakeri.
Forums sadly generates so little in terms of client base, but still we try to educate and inform. Too amny seem to be out in search of violence. Ballbusting is anyting but about violence.
Please raise the mental level forum-ers.

Well that was one hell of a generality you just posted. I don't try to speak for "most" guys myself- only the few I know. But there's a reason that we only use a handful of male models at Cali Mean Girls even though we get literally dozens of offers a week. Most guys can't take it. The guys we use repeatedly can. End of story. No cups, no padding, no "tricks". Yes, the girls often miss and many girls are hesitant to kick full force- at least at first. But our guys receive dozens of solid kicks per video with a good percentage of them connecting well. People are different and some guys can take more than others. That doesn't imply trickery or deceit by any means- just diversity in motivation, pain thresholds and pain capacity.

10-24-2006, 07:45 PM
************************** (http://**************************)

good content aswell

10-24-2006, 08:10 PM
I am a member of femaledom and nothing compares to this site in regards of quality, most beautiful girls and updates.:thumbup

I am also a member of britishbitches which is ok. They use prostitutes they just do what they are told and seem to have no probs in grabbing nude ballz:thumbup

Also I am a member of surburbansensations and find it great even do i could use some more chicks grabbing nude ballz.:)

Have been a member of calimg.com and can only say STAY AWAY. Never seen so amateurish tacky videos and bad acting girls like on that site. Really money out of the window.

Thinking about joining velvetkick but have read much bad about that site. From what i read they have charged money making stills of 2 plastic dolls doing ballbusting:Baahaha: Need to check out if you get value for your buck these days.

10-24-2006, 08:40 PM
I didn't mean to generalize, and I don't wish to start an argument. I am sure you have found some guys that for whatever reason can take more abuse then others, and wish to use them in your movies. I am aware they exist and I have seen it personally it in a limited way. But as you have pointed out, most men can’t and they can’t because there body is signaling them, by pain messages that they are in danger of injury.

With out going in to details I will say that I work in the medical field and I see the injuries that result from blunt force trauma to testicles on occasion. Generally this is as a result of sports. The protective cups that are required are not simply to avoid pain. They are required to assist in avoiding significant damage. I just think it should be said to say to those who wish to participate in this fetish that the full force kicking and punching to the testicles as displayed in some of the movies, sometimes going on for 20 to 30 minutes, while great fantasy material, can in reality be dangerous. That’s why “most” sites that produce such videos use a variety of methods to further the fantasy visually, but reduce the actual impact to the testicles. And it’s why they are required in most cases to sign release forms. Medically, even a few full force kicks or blows to testicles may cause injuries, it just depends on lots of things, and its a risk one should be aware of. That being said, motorcross and soccer cause injury too.

My point is this. Fantasy is great. Real life is real life and I think it’s responsible to say that if you wish to actually experience ballbusting, for real in your life, proceed slowly and start with someone you trust a lot. I participate and it’s a hard fetish for me. I take kicks, punches, slaps, pulls, etc. A good kick square on will drop me to the floor and after the pain wave has passed it arouses the hell out of me. But even that kick isn't a full leg swing. For me anyway. All things considered, if the testicles are not restrained and can move and seperate in the sac, while there is always some risk, you will probably hurt like hell but your balls will be okay. Probably. One never can be certain. But that's a kick or two. Not a half hour of repeated and full leg kicking and punching to the testicles.

I started slow and I found the right mix and I do it with someone I trust. I wouldn’t let even someone I know and trust deliver repeated full force kicks and punches to my testicles for 20 or 30 minutes. But I still like the movies that show this. I've been to play demonstrations where I have seen guys take 8 or 10 good kicks during a play session. That's the most I've seen in real life. I agree when you say some guys have a higher limit for ballbusting. But just a small caution, if you're starting out, start slow and understand there is a difference between what you see in "most" the movies and safe real life play with this fetish.

Well that was one hell of a generality you just posted. I don't try to speak for "most" guys myself- only the few I know. But there's a reason that we only use a handful of male models at Cali Mean Girls even though we get literally dozens of offers a week. Most guys can't take it. The guys we use repeatedly can. End of story. No cups, no padding, no "tricks". Yes, the girls often miss and many girls are hesitant to kick full force- at least at first. But our guys receive dozens of solid kicks per video with a good percentage of them connecting well. People are different and some guys can take more than others. That doesn't imply trickery or deceit by any means- just diversity in motivation, pain thresholds and pain capacity.

10-24-2006, 09:26 PM
Well at least we now know your warped perspective on prostitutes.:confused:
'They just do as they are told'
Dude, a woman is a woman, irregardless of her profession and her being a prostitute has her no lowly than Cindy Crawford, Naomi Campbell, The Queen, my mother, your mother, Angelina Joilee, Madonna, or Mrs Bush or Mrs Blair.

That's why very few women have time for forums. Get real, Dude. Very few women would have a problem grabbing a pair of bollocks, be it in passion or in hate as in with male chauvanist pig with a big problem with regards to prostitutes. Ballbusting is fun and enjoyable but if you seriously think that it is the absolute then you are wrong. That's another aspect of men many women can't stand. The one themed perspective. Try being what Millie Jackson termed as, 'An all the way lover'. Women will do much with balls but you try licking the pussy as well.:bananajum

You're quick to slag off sites but try and get your head around the fact that variety is the spice of fucking life. If you like a site then by all means praise it. If you don't like a site then rap with the webmaster first rather than jumping on the spineless bandwaggon going fuck all nowhere and spreadding false negatives. You're even slagging negaitive shit about sites that you haven't even been a member of. Get real or better still be in my next production and I'll hire a prostitute and direct her to kick your balls clean out the top of your empty head. Afterall, they're only prostitutes and, they just do as they are told.':eek:

I am a member of femaledom and nothing compares to this site in regards of quality, most beautiful girls and updates.:thumbup

I am also a member of britishbitches which is ok. They use prostitutes they just do what they are told and seem to have no probs in grabbing nude ballz:thumbup

Also I am a member of surburbansensations and find it great even do i could use some more chicks grabbing nude ballz.:)

Have been a member of calimg.com and can only say STAY AWAY. Never seen so amateurish tacky videos and bad acting girls like on that site. Really money out of the window.

Thinking about joining velvetkick but have read much bad about that site. From what i read they have charged money making stills of 2 plastic dolls doing ballbusting:Baahaha: Need to check out if you get value for your buck these days.

10-24-2006, 09:36 PM
Have been a member of calimg.com and can only say STAY AWAY. Never seen so amateurish tacky videos and bad acting girls like on that site. Really money out of the window.

You are certainly welcome to your opinion, fouraces- everybody has one. But the reason the Cali Mean Girls aren't great actresses is because they AREN'T actresses. They are quite literally the girls next door. We don't bring them in based on their acting resume. And we aren't going for any screen writing or cinematography oscars either. The guy running the camera is the next guy to be kicked, and there is no script. We are simply trying to produce REAL and occasionally humorous ball-busting. I think we do pretty well with those as our goals. We do have a very nice camera.

10-24-2006, 09:49 PM
I have come to the brutal conclusion that our punishment for being doers rather than ****ers is to be endlessly slagged off in the forums. If we were to make a production that had a woman distroying a guys balls for real, we'd upset soemone, perhaps even the guy whose balls were being distroyed against his will. If we were to show ballbusting a loving theme, it would upset someone. Perhaps that is what it is really all about, do and upset someone. Other than that, I'm at a total loss as to why the non-doers revel so much in being critical. Then perhaps that is all non-doers can do, is but criticise. Keep on doing what you and I and all the other content creators are doing. Gladly there are those whom appreciate our efforts and if they have a problem, they come to us first rather than taking the spineless route of attacking in the forums and trying to damage the efforts of doers.
Ballbusting needs the perspectives of those that do it and are pratically into it rather than the frustrated critic, whom needs to concentrate of the efforts of Hollywierd productions.

You are certainly welcome to your opinion, fouraces- everybody has one. But the reason the Cali Mean Girls aren't great actresses is because they AREN'T actresses. They are quite literally the girls next door. We don't bring them in based on their acting resume. And we aren't going for any screen writing or cinematography oscars either. The guy running the camera is the next guy to be kicked, and there is no script. We are simply trying to produce REAL and occasionally humorous ball-busting. I think we do pretty well with those as our goals. We do have a very nice camera.

10-24-2006, 10:24 PM
I for one apprciate it when members to the forum post their opinions about a site they have subscribed to. I generally trust it a bit more. The owner of a subscription site has a natural bias and a financial interest in talking up what ever they offer in order to attract subscribers. Sometimes its a good site and sometimes it isn't. I've had both experiences. Having someone else that has been there give an opinion is another thing I can consider before I decide to join or not. Some sites, like Amazon, actually encourage average folks that have used its site to post a review.

So, anyway, fouracres, I appreciate the time you took to give your opinion. That's part of what belonging to a forum is all about.

I am a member of femaledom and nothing compares to this site in regards of quality, most beautiful girls and updates.:thumbup

I am also a member of britishbitches which is ok. They use prostitutes they just do what they are told and seem to have no probs in grabbing nude ballz:thumbup

Also I am a member of surburbansensations and find it great even do i could use some more chicks grabbing nude ballz.:)

Have been a member of calimg.com and can only say STAY AWAY. Never seen so amateurish tacky videos and bad acting girls like on that site. Really money out of the window.

Thinking about joining velvetkick but have read much bad about that site. From what i read they have charged money making stills of 2 plastic dolls doing ballbusting:Baahaha: Need to check out if you get value for your buck these days.

10-24-2006, 11:59 PM
I agree. People should be able to post their opinions without being attacked for them. I for one like the idea of being dropped with one kick. I understand why the videos cannot be made that way, and I still appreciate the efforts of people making the videos. BUT if there was a site where people were being dropped by one kick I am likely to join it. This is because I like the idea of a woman kicking me in the testicles and me not being able to fight back. If I can stand there and take numerous kicks I am obviously able to fight back and it is no longer exciting to me. That is my personal reason for liking ballbusting. I understand based on an art form and a cinematographers perspective this is not the way to go, but I am not watching the video for these reasons. I have been a member of calimg and enjoyed it while I was. Especially because they do work with many attractive "girls next door" as mentioned earlier. As far as "do'ers" are concerned I do have respect for anyone that is able to perform in a room filled with other people not involved. That is one thing that I am sure is not easy. For suburban sensations it seemed like in some videos the guy was actually in more testicular pain than other videos. It is not that I am disrespecting his work in the other videos I am just saying that the ones where it looked like his testicles were in more pain were more exciting to me. Ballbustingworld is a great site for the drop with one kick, especially in the video how to break a man. The guy on the web site is unbelieavable and on that video you can see him shaking on the ground trying to breathe after being kicked in the testicles. After this devastating kick he is obviously in no condition to move, let alone fight back.

10-25-2006, 02:42 AM
I am a member of femaledom and nothing compares to this site in regards of quality, most beautiful girls and updates.:thumbup

I am also a member of britishbitches which is ok. They use prostitutes they just do what they are told and seem to have no probs in grabbing nude ballz:thumbup

Also I am a member of surburbansensations and find it great even do i could use some more chicks grabbing nude ballz.:)

Have been a member of calimg.com and can only say STAY AWAY. Never seen so amateurish tacky videos and bad acting girls like on that site. Really money out of the window.

Thinking about joining velvetkick but have read much bad about that site. From what i read they have charged money making stills of 2 plastic dolls doing ballbusting:Baahaha: Need to check out if you get value for your buck these days.

calimg IS amatuer girls, almost All other sites use actresses or call girls, no matter WHAT they say. What I like about Calimg is that its REAL, more than can be said for Britshbitches, Spikey Step, Ballbusting bi girls and a few others. If u want REAL girls doing REAL BB with REAL reactions from then, then calimg is def worth a look :) NOT saying ur not allowed ur opinion, just using my right to voice mine :)

10-25-2006, 08:06 AM
You are certainly welcome to your opinion, fouraces- everybody has one. But the reason the Cali Mean Girls aren't great actresses is because they AREN'T actresses. They are quite literally the girls next door. We don't bring them in based on their acting resume. And we aren't going for any screen writing or cinematography oscars either. The guy running the camera is the next guy to be kicked, and there is no script.

Give me a break and stop the sales speech will ya. Been there and seen it so please dont explain me how your girls look like or how they perform without a script because the point is they dont look like they like ball-busting at all. You are right the girls on caligm does show they are not actresses. Actually they show they dont have a clue what they are getting paid for. So my point was there IS no point in that site.

We are simply trying to produce REAL and occasionally humorous ball-busting. I think we do pretty well with those as our goals. We do have a very nice camera.

Yes the video clips is quite humorous but if i wanted humorous i would visit blockbuster and rent a comedy. The clips on that site has nothing REAL about them in giving the member any value of real ball-busting. I still say STAY AWAY from that calimg site its a vaste of money. You have been warned!

10-25-2006, 08:25 AM
calimg IS amatuer girls, almost All other sites use actresses or call girls, no matter WHAT they say. What I like about Calimg is that its REAL, more than can be said for Britshbitches, Spikey Step, Ballbusting bi girls and a few others. If u want REAL girls doing REAL BB with REAL reactions from then, then calimg is def worth a look :) NOT saying ur not allowed ur opinion, just using my right to voice mine :)

Sure please do voice your opinion julie:) Everyone who actually paid to be a member does indeed have the right to voice his or her opinion about what is inside:) So again there is no REAL reactions and NO REAL BB on that site. That is if you ever been into the members area. Watching that guy react and those girls standing there like they dont have a clue is funny shit do. But it belongs on a youtube or something similar as nobody should be charged to get turned off. It still stands DO NOT go there and get your wallet raped for no reason! Thanks for feeling the need to discuss my opinion do.:thumbup

10-25-2006, 10:29 AM
Everyone like something differnt, years ago i didnt knwo i liked ballbusting until i saw Velvet Kick, so i like the site, this wa when femaledom jsut started to i also like that site afte i found it doing a search on aol, but let get real for a minute which site doesn't use actresses and actors, even sites with amature girls they are still acting for a director not to say they are not enjoying waht they are doing, just look at penny flame from brother love, she is in fetish porn and hardcore porn, lesbian porn all kinds of porn, so since she is just "acting" does that mean she doesn't enjoy fucking, i think not! Granted some people would do almost anything for money but most people won't do something they cannot stand. So as far as im concerned i try to join a new site when ever a subscription runs out of the site i am currently a member of, so i can find what I like, i use to be a member of trample.com but it wasnt my favorite site so i changed memberships with anything you buy there is alway buyers remorese so you are jsut going to have to try diffent sites out for yourself.

10-25-2006, 01:50 PM
I did subscribe to calimg for a few months but when my subscription "expired" I didn't renew for a number of reasons.

1. Too many sandals and flip-flops. Takameri even has a woman kicking him with sandals in his avatar. I dislike sandals and flip-flops.

2. One criticism of the videos is that far too often you didn't get a good enough view of the shoes, or of the woman wearing them. I want to primarily see the woman and her shoes, not the man and his balls.

3. Another site that is strictly "ball" busting rather than women beating up men. Every kick is aimed at balls. Now, Takameri, can your guys take having their feet stomped on, a girl standing on your foot and twisting around on it. Can you take a good kicking to the shins? You can take being winded by a big kick to the stomach? A kick in the face? I tell you, I have taken all these. And they can be just as painful as a hard kick to the balls. Remember, most of the people watching are men - they are not fascinated by balls, they are fascinated by the woman kicking them. At least I know that I am.

4. I guess there's a time when I've seen enough and want to be in the action. Especially once October comes in and the boots reappear.

You still haven't answered me as to how you get the girls in to do the kickings? Do you really ask random neighbours? Do you advertise? Use friends of friends? Or do you hire professional "dommes"? My guess is that it isn't the last of those because you have said they are "girls next door" so how the hell do you find them?

10-25-2006, 02:30 PM
I did subscribe to calimg for a few months but when my subscription "expired" I didn't renew for a number of reasons.

Responded to me_no_wimp by PM

life is pain
10-26-2006, 12:56 AM
Whether real or staged I'm always appreciative of the models involved in most bb sites. I say most because I haven't seen them all and on some sites I wish I hadn't seen them at all. But regardless to that, I am appreciative because they had the balls to show themselves and... well, thier balls on these sites for the rest of the world to watch and at risk of ridicule while more than a few of us would blush if even one person we didn't know found out we were just 'into' this fetish.

Why does the ballbusting have to be real anyway for us to like it. Whether it's hard or soft, the still pictures amount to about the same. I can't really speak for the videos because I have dial-up and hate waiting for long downloads.

As for suggesting sites:

This one first and foremost for the picture quality and talented eye-candy. Although some of the material from Heather has been too much for me to handle.

http://footfighters.com and others in the footmode production site are good in showing a variety in kicks and attacks. While I sometimes wish they would do nude ballbusting, having the clothes on makes for a better fantasy. The kicks and punches are pulled when you see the video clips, but I personally don't mind because it only reeeeeally matters when I get MY balls kicked.

http://Kickinggirls.com is much like footfighters but it's slightly newer (2005) and every one of the girls on there has given me an instant hard-on. But the file sizes are huge. I haven't downloaded a picture yet that was under 500k. Using dial-up that sucks (maybe one day my area will have dsl available).

http://misslexi.com is just o.k., but there are only 12 or so ballbusting sets and no new pictures have been added since mid 2002. Still, there is a trial period which more sites should offer and she does private sessions and does them affordably. Even though she lives about 1500 miles away from me, it seems realistic given the information about her and reasonable I could set up session and get kicked in the nuts proffessionally.

10-26-2006, 03:33 PM
Just had a look at kickinggirls and they all seem to be barefoot.

How do the guys in the videos not flinch when they are about to be kicked? For me it's an automatic reflex. Do they shut their eyes? Or are the girls just perfect at landing a kick when the guy isn't expecting it?

Actually I found this site by following a link from a couple of clips from a video called "busted by FBI" where a woman (I think she was called Angel) is kicking this guy in the balls with trainers (sneakers to many of you). Those kicks are so swift and fast, and look deadly even though the guy is wearing jeans (a bit too protective in my opinion).

Was a bit disappointed in joining the site though - couldn't really find what I wanted on the video front but did find these forums.

10-26-2006, 09:40 PM
Just had a look at kickinggirls and they all seem to be barefoot.

How do the guys in the videos not flinch when they are about to be kicked? For me it's an automatic reflex. Do they shut their eyes? Or are the girls just perfect at landing a kick when the guy isn't expecting it?

Actually I found this site by following a link from a couple of clips from a video called "busted by FBI" where a woman (I think she was called Angel) is kicking this guy in the balls with trainers (sneakers to many of you). Those kicks are so swift and fast, and look deadly even though the guy is wearing jeans (a bit too protective in my opinion).

Was a bit disappointed in joining the site though - couldn't really find what I wanted on the video front but did find these forums.

Dear me_no_wimp,

Sounds like you dident find the clips with Angel when you where a member:)
Here is the link to Angels video and the guy is pretty nude and unprotected: http://www.fdmovies.com/busted-by-fbi-p-92.html

I am not sure what type of video you where looking for or when you where a member but if you could be specific i can try and find out for you what you couldent find in there. People can easyli get lost in there trying to find something specific in our +3000 video clip archive :)