View Full Version : ballbusting => acne and hairloss
The testicles produces hormones, testosteron (but maybe some other hormones, do not know). Can ballbusting distort that production of hormones so too much testosteron will be produced so you will go bald en have acne?
10-23-2006, 03:42 AM
Cant actually see that happening. Baldness isnt caused by testoterone overdose, its actually pased on by a defective gene that women carry, but generally only affects men, thos so women, as well, go bald, just not as 'nicely'
10-23-2006, 04:20 AM
I thought I had acne and a big time receeding hairline because of the upward ****** generated when being ballbusted (kicked), placing undue pressure on my folicules and pores. The force being recieved travelling upwards through the body until it has nowhere else to go and thus tried to escape via my head.
Thank you Julie for such an insight.
Forever Yours
(Old Baldy and Zits an' all, TonyR):Baahaha: :D :ibow4u: :iluvu: ;)
10-23-2006, 12:03 PM
I don't know about Baldness but my acne totally disappeared when i begun being ballbusted by my ex-girlfriend!! I think it's a cure actually (ok, it could be just a coincidence... who knows?)
10-23-2006, 11:26 PM
This might stop your hair loss :Baahaha:
10-26-2006, 06:13 AM
Male Pattern Baldness is genetic. For many years they thought is was X-linked; however, it is the combination of the gene and testosterone. No testosterone, much less baldness. ********** will significantly slow the hair loss.
10-26-2006, 10:54 PM
Aye, although you still need to be genetically predispositioned towards hair loss, it is the levels of virilisation of free testosterone to andro-testosterone that seems to decide the rate at which it occurs (well, it's one of the biggest variables, anyway)
So if ballbusting increased your testosterone production then you could suffer more hairloss, but I can't see that happening as a likely event... In my not-very-medical analysis, you'de be more likely to end up with less testosterone being produced rather than more - and that should only be after causing quite serious damage.
10-27-2006, 02:27 AM
Well actually acne and hair loss can be caused by DHT. Testosterone is either broken down in the body to DHT or arimitized into estrogen. You need a genetic predisposition for the DHT to have this effect. Also DHT levels need to be significantly high before these problems become an issue. Pressure to the testis will not cause a significant elevation in test so the answer is NO
10-27-2006, 05:24 PM
All you married women out there, you know what you need to do... To put a stop to your husband's unsightly hair loss....
POP HIS NUTS! :loveeyes
10-29-2006, 09:35 PM
can't say I've heard of that before. :)
Thanks for all your replies.
I got a testicle injury due to ballbusting for over more than 6 years now. I squeezed too hard and now i frequently fell uncomfortable in my lower belt (!!!).
For those 6 years I also suffer acne and hairloss so now I think my injured ball now produces too much testorone or other weird hormones.
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