View Full Version : A Wife’s prerogative
11-10-2006, 06:15 PM
Women should be allowed to control their husband’s libido, and ultimately, decide when it should be terminated. There are many women that have a low sex drive, and whilst they love their husbands, they don’t get that much enjoyment from sex and merely put up with it for their husband’s sake.
Particularly as people get older, it is unreasonable for a woman to have to endure the sexual demands of her husband merely to satisfy his lustful appetite, but similarly, it is not fair for the man to become sexually frustrated when he is not being satisfied. The obvious answer is to reduce the male sex drive until a situation is reached where sexual activity is neither a burden nor a source of frustration.
Testosterone is the major contributor to a man’s libido, and of course the balls are a major contributor to the creation of testosterone. Therefore, either through the use of chemicals or more physical means, the effectiveness of the balls, and subsequently a man’s sex drive, can be controlled or reduced. As the dominant sex, the destiny of a man’s libido can literally be in a woman’s hands.
My husband introduced me to ballbusting many years ago just after we got married. I never really did understand his infatuation with what seemed like a rather perverse sexual activity, but it seemed to please him and I played along to stop him going on about it all the time. At first he wanted to try different techniques, squeezing, kicking, me using my knee, role-playing where I was the dominant partner and he needed to be ‘punished’ for whatever reason. At first it was quite amusing, and he really enjoyed this foreplay.
But it didn’t take me long to realize the effect I could have on him, using his balls. I now had control. This was probably something that my husband hadn’t anticipated, and in hindsight, probably now regrets, as it backfired on him. He was looking at ballbusting as a way of getting what he wanted, but didn’t think it would turn against him!
In the beginning, ballbusting really turned him on and he was always on at me to ‘act the part’, what I realized was that I could also turn him off! By squeezing harder than he liked, it had the opposite effect. In other words, it killed his erection. I did actually enjoy squeezing his balls and making him squirm!
The tables had now turned, I had control. If I wasn’t in the mood when he started his advances, a good hard squeeze for several minutes was enough to subdue his libido and I could get a good night’s sleep.
Over time, his balls have shrunk, along with his sex drive. I think the regular busting has had an effect on them – they are no longer hard, but soft like sponge. He is not as sexually demanding as before. He rarely wakes up in the mornings now with an erection, which suits me fine.
I am now thinking of a more permanent solution, and hence, I started searching the web for information about ********** and came across various websites like this, that much to my amazement, appear to have a huge following around this unusual and bizarre male fascination with **********!
Well, it’s late, I’ve drunk far too much wine and will probably regret sharing this with you in the morning, but what the hell, I‘d be interested in hearing what any other female members have to say on the subject – or men for that matter.
11-10-2006, 06:57 PM
what a complete croc of shit
11-11-2006, 03:21 AM
In general, I agree with Julie.
What my wife did to my package earlier this week will forever be etched in my memory as "A Night To Remember." In furtherance of that, she is searching for pointier high heels to use in trying to launch my nuts into orbit the next time she kicks them. As she gets further into her forties, she is more and more aggressive with her main man-servant, also known as her husband. In any case, she still very much loves both her husband and his equipment, and wants to keep them around for her further pleasure.
11-11-2006, 05:28 PM
I have a simpler solution than the one originally proposed. Take my best friend, who is twice my age: if she wants it, she gets it, if she doesn't, she'll still be my best friend, but I'll put it to some other chick.
Another simple solution: a friend of mine had her boyfriend die a few years ack. She lost interest around then in having sex with her husband. Si they fought a whole bunch and telled, and now they have the agreement that they can sleep with other people i they feel like it, but they are staying hitched.
Ooh! Yet ANOTHER easy solution: don't let dummies get married!
abused berries
11-12-2006, 03:22 AM
I have a simpler solution than the one originally proposed. Take my best friend, who is twice my age: if she wants it, she gets it, if she doesn't, she'll still be my best friend, but I'll put it to some other chick.
Another simple solution: a friend of mine had her boyfriend die a few years ack. She lost interest around then in having sex with her husband. Si they fought a whole bunch and telled, and now they have the agreement that they can sleep with other people i they feel like it, but they are staying hitched.
Ooh! Yet ANOTHER easy solution: don't let dummies get married!
11-12-2006, 04:48 AM
Women should be allowed to control their husband’s libido, and ultimately, decide when it should be terminated. There are many women that have a low sex drive, and whilst they love their husbands, they don’t get that much enjoyment from sex and merely put up with it for their husband’s sake.
Particularly as people get older, it is unreasonable for a woman to have to endure the sexual demands of her husband merely to satisfy his lustful appetite, but similarly, it is not fair for the man to become sexually frustrated when he is not being satisfied. The obvious answer is to reduce the male sex drive until a situation is reached where sexual activity is neither a burden nor a source of frustration.
Testosterone is the major contributor to a man’s libido, and of course the balls are a major contributor to the creation of testosterone. Therefore, either through the use of chemicals or more physical means, the effectiveness of the balls, and subsequently a man’s sex drive, can be controlled or reduced. As the dominant sex, the destiny of a man’s libido can literally be in a woman’s hands.
My husband introduced me to ballbusting many years ago just after we got married. I never really did understand his infatuation with what seemed like a rather perverse sexual activity, but it seemed to please him and I played along to stop him going on about it all the time. At first he wanted to try different techniques, squeezing, kicking, me using my knee, role-playing where I was the dominant partner and he needed to be ‘punished’ for whatever reason. At first it was quite amusing, and he really enjoyed this foreplay.
But it didn’t take me long to realize the effect I could have on him, using his balls. I now had control. This was probably something that my husband hadn’t anticipated, and in hindsight, probably now regrets, as it backfired on him. He was looking at ballbusting as a way of getting what he wanted, but didn’t think it would turn against him!
In the beginning, ballbusting really turned him on and he was always on at me to ‘act the part’, what I realized was that I could also turn him off! By squeezing harder than he liked, it had the opposite effect. In other words, it killed his erection. I did actually enjoy squeezing his balls and making him squirm!
The tables had now turned, I had control. If I wasn’t in the mood when he started his advances, a good hard squeeze for several minutes was enough to subdue his libido and I could get a good night’s sleep.
Over time, his balls have shrunk, along with his sex drive. I think the regular busting has had an effect on them – they are no longer hard, but soft like sponge. He is not as sexually demanding as before. He rarely wakes up in the mornings now with an erection, which suits me fine.
I am now thinking of a more permanent solution, and hence, I started searching the web for information about ********** and came across various websites like this, that much to my amazement, appear to have a huge following around this unusual and bizarre male fascination with **********!
Well, it’s late, I’ve drunk far too much wine and will probably regret sharing this with you in the morning, but what the hell, I‘d be interested in hearing what any other female members have to say on the subject – or men for that matter.
11-12-2006, 05:14 AM
Hi Julie,
It's Buzz-Ballbust Universal Ballbusting Protection Agency!!! Ballbusting Space Ranger.
Wow, Julie, you really mean you could smell that one all the way in NZ!!!.
What a load of Hypersonic Shit!!! to stick in 'da forum'.
They could sell that one to N.A.S.A. Why do they bother?:confused:
Why can't they be for real. This type of crap is bringing ballbusting down.
Guys are feeling inadequet all because they can't take a kick as hard as some stupid drug induced git with a major personality defect. The lust for seeing suffering has over ridden the process of looking at something and actually registering what is there, what the eye has actually seen. Ballbusting is now the bandwaggon. People whom have never joined a site and only have seen a few freeload examples from a site, jump into a forum and slag it to bits. Mind bending!!!:confused: :confused:
We've got Pedos openly pumping their sick machinations.:cussing:
We've got jackasses doing the negative promotion on a site that they supposedly have been a member of and then when asked by the webmaster to contact them in private and discuss the problem they had with the site's content, they do not contact him and he then finds out through checking the membership roll, that they have never joined the site.:confused: :confused:
Ballbusting need not Hypersonic Shit!!!
Ballbusting Space Ranger, Over and Out.
what a complete croc of shit
11-12-2006, 08:18 AM
I'm not that frequent a visitor these days, but I can lurk with the best of them !
There have been a few quite odd posts recently and I agree with TonyR's points.
nel ball's post is not worth reading. I'm sure that in the Sara era this person would have been shown the exit.
11-12-2006, 09:43 AM
We've got jackasses doing the negative promotion on a site that they supposedly have been a member of and then when asked by the webmaster to contact them in private and discuss the problem they had with the site's content, they do not contact him and he then finds out through checking the membership roll, that they have never joined the site.:confused: :confused:
Errhm If he dident get back to him with his details how the hell could he look him up on the membership roll?
tonyr u should consider not lying so much and not bitch on people who has an opinion on "the video they rented".
You probbably never been there so you know jackshit of what we paid to see. Your a complete fucktard trying to stir shit up!
11-12-2006, 11:22 PM
Errhm If he dident get back to him with his details how the hell could he look him up on the membership roll?
tonyr u should consider not lying so much and not bitch on people who has an opinion on "the video they rented".
You probbably never been there so you know jackshit of what we paid to see. Your a complete fucktard trying to stir shit up!
Gentlemen, please!:cussing:
11-13-2006, 03:13 PM
It was U??:confused: :confused: :confused:
As for 'Fucktard'. Take a good look in the mirror.;)
As for, 'trying to stir shit up!' I'm all the more familiar with one's forum history. I understand.
You and others need to raise your level. The forum will be even better and adult consentual ballbusting at large will benefit.
Definately it will if the Schoolgirl fantasy crap is not part of the scenario. It brings the attention of the authorities. You are aware that forums are actively monitored? More so since all that global terror, sort of thing.
Good man, toodle pip.;)
Errhm If he dident get back to him with his details how the hell could he look him up on the membership roll?
tonyr u should consider not lying so much and not bitch on people who has an opinion on "the video they rented".
You probbably never been there so you know jackshit of what we paid to see. Your a complete fucktard trying to stir shit up!
11-13-2006, 06:53 PM
So I see that you really like to argue with people. :Baahaha:
11-14-2006, 03:01 AM
Women should be allowed to control their husband’s libido, and ultimately, decide when it should be terminated. There are many women that have a low sex drive, and whilst they love their husbands, they don’t get that much enjoyment from sex and merely put up with it for their husband’s sake.
Miss nel_bells, your couple looks not very compatible on the sex subject. Maybe you should consider choosing a guy who can control his libido.
I read your story and poor guy, not only he doesn't have is play fun sex but get abused for your selfish reason to calm his sex. If I were him, I would left this couple right away.
11-14-2006, 04:03 AM
Damn right. Understand, its not just the argument, its also knowing that some serious issues and happenings are too often ignored.
Watch for the Agent Provacteurs in any forum argument. I am not one, gladly.
They'll stir it up everytime with scant regards to the actual issues or facts that are being discussed in the debate.
I may be in Vilnius, in the spring.
Until then and beyond, think long , hard, and accurate before posting. 'The word is mightier than the sword'
So I see that you really like to argue with people. :Baahaha:
11-14-2006, 12:41 PM
:wooow tonyr are you kidding me?
If the owner of calimg has said that to you then he lies more then his members videos sucks so that's ALOT! The ONLY time i wrote to him was inside that thread where I as a recently paying member expressed my bad experience paying for his crap videos.
I have never been in contact in writing with the owner of that site so my question still remains
how the hell could he look him
up on the membership roll? (as you claim he did) or is it just you and your ignorrance who claims this?:D
11-14-2006, 12:46 PM
Valid point perhaps. Best thing to do is speak to Al. I'll confer with you more in detail later. I have the vice squad with me looking at some replies on the schoolgirl crap.
:wooow tonyr are you kidding me?
If the owner of calimg has said that to you then he lies more then his members videos sucks so that's ALOT! The ONLY time i wrote to him was inside that thread where I as a recently paying member expressed my bad experience paying for his crap videos.
I have never been in contact in writing with the owner of that site so my question still remains (as you claim he did) or is it just you and your ignorrance who claims this?:D
11-17-2006, 01:58 AM
what a complete croc of shit
I agree, actually.
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