View Full Version : Evolutionary control device

11-12-2006, 05:52 PM
Just found this on the net

11-12-2006, 07:22 PM
Just found this on the net

I would that this thread, like it, was acaully written by a guy, as ANY woman knows it would have hurt like almighty hell if the same had happened to us, and we also know that now perm, lasting, damage would have been done, that too is a male fantasy, u only have to read half the threads on this board to realize that :)

Plus, I still fail to see what is so funny about little kids hurting themselves in this way. Kicking a guy, who WANTS to be kicked, is FUN, seeing a kid hurt themselves in such a horrible way is neither fun OR funny

11-12-2006, 09:56 PM
read as 'revolutionary' thought something more along the lines of chastity belt, etc...

but yeah, not much of a new concept, i think the darwin awards have awarded those who have removed themselves from the gene pool without actually killing themselves...