View Full Version : A girl want to know some ideas before she has her hubby's balls removed
11-15-2006, 02:43 PM
on how to destroy them before she has it done.Any ideas?
11-15-2006, 03:14 PM
on how to destroy them before she has it done.Any ideas?
its illegal
11-15-2006, 05:17 PM
Your post is vile.
11-15-2006, 05:23 PM
on how to destroy them before she has it done.Any ideas?
I agree, your post is ludicrous! Ball busting is one thing but what you're suggesting is sickening.
11-15-2006, 05:57 PM
depends on who ya ask.
11-15-2006, 06:10 PM
thats what i was asked and she is going to have it done in europe.
11-15-2006, 06:28 PM
thats what i was asked and she is going to have it done in europe.
I thought it was illegal! it's illegal here in the states,I quess not in europe.
11-15-2006, 11:43 PM
did u seriously think anyone would answer you in those regards...
11-16-2006, 12:15 AM
Come on people lighten up!
My suggestion is pop at least one of them! Many of the guys on this forum and I think, a lot of women in the world, wonder what it would look / sound / feel like to actually rupture a testicle.
If he is willing, pop one of them, preferrably by standing on it with your heel! Make sure to tell us how it goes!!!
11-16-2006, 10:27 PM
This is my favorite, too.
If she stands on one of them perhaps nothing will happen, depending on her weight. But doing this means both, she and he are willing tho take the risk of popping a nut. Is it illegal to take risks? What about this guys driving race cars,
or boxers or wrestlers or those girls with the skates (sorry, i forgot the name, since it is illegal in Europe...)
11-16-2006, 11:03 PM
This is my favorite, too.
If she stands on one of them perhaps nothing will happen, depending on her weight. But doing this means both, she and he are willing tho take the risk of popping a nut. Is it illegal to take risks? What about this guys driving race cars,
or boxers or wrestlers or those girls with the skates (sorry, i forgot the name, since it is illegal in Europe...)
its actually illegal WORLD wide in all westernised countries :) ********** that is, u cant compare THAT to 'taking a risk' :)
11-17-2006, 03:03 AM
Is it really?
I know of a girl in Italy who wanted her bf to give a nut for her, and he did.
They have his testicle in a glass of conservant (formaline? - I don`t remember)
so they are illegal - OK. I see.
If he agrees to give one of his nuts he might not worry about the law -
anyway if nothing goes wrong no judge will care, but:
Smashing a nut can also end deadly, and in this case soon it will become important for the girl...
So all of you: beware of going to far! Ballbusting is quite dangerous and could
really end deadly!!!! This is really true!
It seems OK to me to fantasize about this, but where to draw the line???
11-17-2006, 05:04 AM
********** is done all the time in the US for medical reasons it is sometimes done for psychological resons (e. g. for a sex change) and even occasionally for legal reasons (sexual criminals, though much of that is now "chemical"). I'm sure it is done all over the world for various reasons. Fortunately much of the rest of the world isn't so litigious as the US and hopefully they aren't as preoccupied with "political correctness" as the US.
Besides the regular medical establishment there have always supposedly been "cutters" who are probably quasi-medically qualified individuals who will remove testicles upon request. I'm sure that anyone who does this in the US now has the individual sign a zillion wavers of legal responsibility. I would imagine that anyone who is actually contemplating a real **********, has probably probably thought through most of these factors, and has done enough investigation to find a prudent way to accomplish his/her goal.
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