View Full Version : women much taller than men. All doctors are women.
Castratrix's pet
11-24-2006, 09:41 PM
The average man is about 5 feet nine or ten inches tall. I'm somewhat shorter than average at 5 feet seven inches.
The average woman is about 5 feet 4 inches to 5 feet 7 inches tall.
But what if the average woman was much taller than the average man? What if the average woman was around 6 feet 9 or 10 inches tall, and what if it was not uncommon to find a woman over 7 feet tall, say 7 feet 2 inches or 7 feet 3 inches tall?
Also, what if all doctors, all surgeons, physicians, and veterinarians were women and all medical and health care was totally and completely run and controlled by women?
Would surgery on men's male organs be more common? Would prostate surgery and would ********** be much more common, perhaps even routine?
What would that be like for men? What kind of world and society would that be and what would it be like for men?
Whether it is in that world or in our world, I wish I was married to a dominant woman surgeon or woman veterinarian, and you can guess the rest.
11-25-2006, 08:08 AM
If we were in a female dominated or controlled society, the final points you've mentioned could well be true and regular. The thing is would a female dominated society be any different from how it is now, in terms of political, economic, and social factors? Social implications are very much shaped by economic ones. Societies are shaped and manipulated into being, by design. Would a female lead world be with the same crap of the facade of the present supposedly male dominated world? Child birth is what seems to be a major factor in shaping the world as it stands. The mass population functions to this template on the whole. The Elites seem to cut it differently.
Matriachal lineage is of equal if not greater importance. The female of the elites is powerful by the fact that she is the link and propagator of the future generations. This by means of the knowledge of where they have come from and where they intended to go, provides a very powerful base of control. More so as most of the rest of the globe's population are so sadly ignorant. Partly through design but also through a willing ignorance.
How that would equate to being casterated I'm not sure. The fantasy is where you are at with regards to this. The reality of it, I don't think so. Both sexes need each other to breed. Then again, with antificial inseminisation and gentic engineering, perhaps we, the dudes may all soon getting our nads and tallywaggles snipped. The mass population at least.
The one's termed, 'useless eaters'. Afterall, we are forever running from the truth and are forever studpid to take up arms and fight wars that are just business ventures. We are so quick to rise for the most stupid of causes. Racism, sexism, other isms and not forgetting all the other 'Ologies. The bigshots wouldn't bother with it though.;) :D :Baahaha:
'The Truth is often more painful than a kick in da nads, but its good to know!'
Why do you wish to be caterated?
The average man is about 5 feet nine or ten inches tall. I'm somewhat shorter than average at 5 feet seven inches.
The average woman is about 5 feet 4 inches to 5 feet 7 inches tall.
But what if the average woman was much taller than the average man? What if the average woman was around 6 feet 9 or 10 inches tall, and what if it was not uncommon to find a woman over 7 feet tall, say 7 feet 2 inches or 7 feet 3 inches tall?
Also, what if all doctors, all surgeons, physicians, and veterinarians were women and all medical and health care was totally and completely run and controlled by women?
Would surgery on men's male organs be more common? Would prostate surgery and would ********** be much more common, perhaps even routine?
What would that be like for men? What kind of world and society would that be and what would it be like for men?
Whether it is in that world or in our world, I wish I was married to a dominant woman surgeon or woman veterinarian, and you can guess the rest.
Castratrix's pet
11-25-2006, 11:17 AM
Why do you wish to be caterated?
It is probably more feelings and fantasies than it is reality. I'm not really sure why I have the fantasies and feelings and fetishes that I have about women performing castrations, and me being ********* by a woman then personally serving and worshipping her. I don't think I really want to be ********* or even ********* by a woman, I might even be more afraid and so on of it than most men. I think there's a lot more to it than just being ********* by a woman.
I think there is something I am searching for through my femdom ********** feelings and fantasies, something much deeper and much more than just the physical and sexual thing of my testicles being cut out and my physical manhood destroyed at the hands of a woman. I have been trying to figure out and understand what it is I'm really searching for through my femdom ********** feelings and fantasies, and how to go about finding it. When I'm enjoying my femdom ********** fantasies, imagining it is being done to me, it is a kind of spiritual experience, the Castratrix becomes and is The Goddess, and there is something very spiritual about it to me.
I think the reason I fantasize about extremely tall women is that if women were so tall that they tower over even a tall man, is that women could easily overpower men and would be like Goddesses over men, it makes women more like Omnipotent Goddesses.
So I'm trying to figure out and understand what it is I'm really searching for through my femdom ********** feelings and fantasies, why am I searching for whatever it is I'm searching for through them, and how do I go about finding it.
I have written about this and about these feelings in some of my other posts here.
11-25-2006, 11:51 AM
Following the total collapse of civilization, We enter the Epoch of Femdom
I suggest that a few men (say 1/2 of 1%) would be kept for breeding. Selective breeding would render them short and docile. Sex with them would be for procreation only. Sex for pleasure would be Lesbian. So what would become of the other men?
They would be ********* and enslaved of course. Every Woman would be expected to have on the average one eunuch. I then envision the discovery of in-vitreo techniques which allowed mass production of males, say 10 to 1 relative to females, and who matured quickly. They would be raised in special schools untill puberty and then given to the females. Every woman would be a trained castratrix, and would be expected to perform the ********** herself. Indeed this would become the right of passage from girlhood to woman-hood. It would be unreasonable to expect every woman to have her own tools, so public facilities would be built where they could perform the surgeries. These would be open to the public, free of charge. Eventually certain dates would become traditional for **********, and festivals and contests would become the norm. However it would be a status symbol for those who had their own facilities. Women wouldn't think of going out in public with less than 4 attendant eunuchs. For economic reasons, clothing is not wasted on them. Besides, they all have an identity ring pierced into the glans of the penis.
Following an energy crises, automobiles would be replaced with human drawn pony- carts which further increases the demand for eunuchs, tho' in this case they would be referred to as geldings. To distinguse them from regular eunuchs, the would have a tail permenantly grafted, and they would be bred to have especially long penises. Their identy tags would be jewellry grade and attached by piercing to the stumps where their testicles had been. Of course they would also have to be mute, either by genetic alteration or surgery. These Ponies are raised for strength and are the only males on average taller than the females!
A technique will discovered to breed natural eunuchs, but this is supressed by the business interests who manufacture the ********** equipment.
11-25-2006, 12:30 PM
Cool Dude. Thank you for the insight.
It is probably more feelings and fantasies than it is reality. I'm not really sure why I have the fantasies and feelings and fetishes that I have about women performing castrations, and me being ********* by a woman then personally serving and worshipping her. I don't think I really want to be ********* or even ********* by a woman, I might even be more afraid and so on of it than most men. I think there's a lot more to it than just being ********* by a woman.
I think there is something I am searching for through my femdom ********** feelings and fantasies, something much deeper and much more than just the physical and sexual thing of my testicles being cut out and my physical manhood destroyed at the hands of a woman. I have been trying to figure out and understand what it is I'm really searching for through my femdom ********** feelings and fantasies, and how to go about finding it. When I'm enjoying my femdom ********** fantasies, imagining it is being done to me, it is a kind of spiritual experience, the Castratrix becomes and is The Goddess, and there is something very spiritual about it to me.
I think the reason I fantasize about extremely tall women is that if women were so tall that they tower over even a tall man, is that women could easily overpower men and would be like Goddesses over men, it makes women more like Omnipotent Goddesses.
So I'm trying to figure out and understand what it is I'm really searching for through my femdom ********** feelings and fantasies, why am I searching for whatever it is I'm searching for through them, and how do I go about finding it.
I have written about this and about these feelings in some of my other posts here.
11-25-2006, 01:16 PM
Cool Dude. Thank you for the insight. thats just crazy.
Castratrix's pet
11-25-2006, 03:08 PM
I've wondered what life in such a society would really be like, perhaps a society similar to what cutponies described in post#4 to this thread.
I imagine it more like our society was perhaps 150 or so years ago before women's liberation only with the roles reversed. Instead of being patriarchal and male dominated it would be matriarchal and female dominated.
I've wondered what it would be like for me a man to be married to a surgeon or a veterinarian in such a society.
I would like to hear from some of the women in this group about what they think such a society would be like and what it would be like living there, and what they think it would be like for a man living in that society. Also want to know what any of the women here think it would be like in that society for a man who is her husband and how she would treat and take care of him.
11-25-2006, 05:01 PM
I've wondered what life in such a society would really be like, perhaps a society similar to what cutponies described in post#4 to this thread.
I imagine it more like our society was perhaps 150 or so years ago before women's liberation only with the roles reversed. Instead of being patriarchal and male dominated it would be matriarchal and female dominated.
I've wondered what it would be like for me a man to be married to a surgeon or a veterinarian in such a society.
I would like to hear from some of the women in this group about what they think such a society would be like and what it would be like living there, and what they think it would be like for a man living in that society. Also want to know what any of the women here think it would be like in that society for a man who is her husband and how she would treat and take care of him.
Ah 1850's Ante Bellum
That's pre (U.S) civil war for all you illiterates
(that's can't read for all you can't readers)
It would be similar to the situation that actually existed, just with sex role reversal. The house slaves would be gelded of course (can't trust them around the mistress' daughters you know), and a few cleancut. The females would be spayed (otherwise they would **** the defenceless sons). Field ahnds would remain intact! The castrations of new slaves would be performed all on one day of the year, just as bulls were gelded when one year old. What about colts?
In this alternate history, a plague has wiped out horses. They are replaced by human pony boys and girls, except that only a few of the males are allowed to stay boys.
Hey Pet. In this reality would you prefer to be a house slave, and risk being nulloed? Or would you prefer to be a Pony-gelding (note you'd never be allowed to dress-horses don't wear clothes?:D
11-25-2006, 05:21 PM
You know, in truth, these points are tangent to why I find femdom/ballbusting so interesting. Throughout history, men have always been dominant. The irony that the phallus, considered by many a psychological symbol of power and superiority, is so anatomically weak in comparison to female gentalia (from the outside, anyhow) is what I find so erotic about ballbusting. For that instance, women have turned over historical symbolism, showing the flip side of physical strength rather than symbollic strength, which is cruel and exciting.
11-26-2006, 05:25 AM
What is crazy?
thats just crazy.
11-26-2006, 06:04 AM
All that you have said is very true.
The dominance of man is perhaps a big reflection of mans failure to be in balance with much around him. The suppression of the female and the female spirit and feminine energy is perhaps the main causes of much of the conflicts of our planet. Man, or certain men, are hellbent on absolute control, which is being enacted through political, econonmic and social means.
Much of the processes of supply and demand have been manipulated to the point that they are satisying a contrieved financial framework that threatens the very basis of humanity. Nature is one of the biggest victims of this process and as we are part of nature, we suffer in turn. All the care towards nature and the environment is being manipulated by the same contrivence and the message and the end results desired become even more confused. Much like the relationship between man and woman. Man the bread winner and woman the home maker is the standard belief but this across many non-westernized societies is not the historic norm. What is becoming obvious is that the dominant female, or perhaps more accurately, the positive female, be it in the woman herself or in female energy, is being challenged, suppressed and reduced to being purely marketing visualisation and not much else.
Yet as you have expressed, the female genitals are stronger and serve, at the moment to bring forth life.
Nature expresses the genitals of both genders around us, yet the male, in the bulit environment, generally only expresses the male form. More the imbalance. The major turning point will be if Man and Woman cease to interact at all on a sexual level. Much of the world, man and woman are in dishormony. Men are becomming subs for all the wrong reasons and women are becomming doms for all the wrong reasons. It is about the battle of the sexes rather than the harmony of them. Domination as an act is grossly misunderstood on both the physical and spiritual levels. Doms revel in taking their personal frustrations out onto subs who want their frustations beaten out of them. Or so they both think.
This is a big subject that can't be sorted out of summed up in just a few paragraphs.
I would greately like to see further input on this thread. It may be too deep for some and it may be appearing to be too far away from a kick in the balls, but it is far closer than most will like to think.
iaiftw please comeback on this one.:thumbup
You know, in truth, these points are tangent to why I find femdom/ballbusting so interesting. Throughout history, men have always been dominant. The irony that the phallus, considered by many a psychological symbol of power and superiority, is so anatomically weak in comparison to female gentalia (from the outside, anyhow) is what I find so erotic about ballbusting. For that instance, women have turned over historical symbolism, showing the flip side of physical strength rather than symbollic strength, which is cruel and exciting.
11-26-2006, 05:57 PM
Bro CutPonies,
da ways of da world.
You'se know where's its ats.
Be Cool and Stays Cool.:thumbup ;)
Following the total collapse of civilization, We enter the Epoch of Femdom
I suggest that a few men (say 1/2 of 1%) would be kept for breeding. Selective breeding would render them short and docile. Sex with them would be for procreation only. Sex for pleasure would be Lesbian. So what would become of the other men?
They would be ********* and enslaved of course. Every Woman would be expected to have on the average one eunuch. I then envision the discovery of in-vitreo techniques which allowed mass production of males, say 10 to 1 relative to females, and who matured quickly. They would be raised in special schools untill puberty and then given to the females. Every woman would be a trained castratrix, and would be expected to perform the ********** herself. Indeed this would become the right of passage from girlhood to woman-hood. It would be unreasonable to expect every woman to have her own tools, so public facilities would be built where they could perform the surgeries. These would be open to the public, free of charge. Eventually certain dates would become traditional for **********, and festivals and contests would become the norm. However it would be a status symbol for those who had their own facilities. Women wouldn't think of going out in public with less than 4 attendant eunuchs. For economic reasons, clothing is not wasted on them. Besides, they all have an identity ring pierced into the glans of the penis.
Following an energy crises, automobiles would be replaced with human drawn pony- carts which further increases the demand for eunuchs, tho' in this case they would be referred to as geldings. To distinguse them from regular eunuchs, the would have a tail permenantly grafted, and they would be bred to have especially long penises. Their identy tags would be jewellry grade and attached by piercing to the stumps where their testicles had been. Of course they would also have to be mute, either by genetic alteration or surgery. These Ponies are raised for strength and are the only males on average taller than the females!
A technique will discovered to breed natural eunuchs, but this is supressed by the business interests who manufacture the ********** equipment.
11-29-2006, 06:37 PM
he wanted one and didn't know how to make one
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