View Full Version : wrestling

12-06-2006, 04:26 PM
There is some great erotic wrestling at http://www.ultimatesurrender.com/updates/full0.php ..the girls really go for it with lots of crotch grabs. Shame I have not found any M/f wrestling sights where they go for it like this. Any one seen any?

12-06-2006, 11:15 PM
i was saw a vid of a chick weilin dragoon who was pretty brutal. the vid got deleted off youtube and nobody knows where to find any more of her.

12-07-2006, 06:49 AM
matrock.com might be what you are looking for...

12-07-2006, 03:35 PM
Thanks Lil, i find matrock a bit too fake for my liking although there are some great looking bodys both F and M.
Have you ever engaed in any wrestling or play fights then Lil?

08-02-2007, 08:12 AM
Yes, back when I got started, I'm more direct now ;)

08-02-2007, 03:38 PM
Please tell a little of what you have been up to and the thoughts you have.

For me though I still like a good no holds bard wrestle.. supose we all have our strange little things.. we wouldn't have anything to talk about otherwise would we?