View Full Version : New British Law-No More Dom Content Allowed!?!?
Johnny Ola
01-09-2007, 05:20 PM
This is news on a potential new law to be voted on in the British parliament this year. If it is passed, it will make it against the law to view, within Britain, stills and images from videos with content depicting what can be classified as violent sexual porn irregardless of performers giving their consent. That will more than likely apply to content viewed via most fem/dom sites.
To petition only takes a moment. To do so, click on the link below and register your opposition to such a potential law. The petition will close on the 20th of Feb 2007. Over 1300 British Citizens and Residents have voiced their opposition. (
Imagine, if you are in Britain, you may well be breaking the law soon to visit and download from this GREAT Site and others like it!
01-09-2007, 05:33 PM
All you GB Ballbustresses and Bustees, plus those of you who just like to view content, better take this one seriously
It's in the pipeline and it is very much for REAL!!!
Kellsey Yuequi
01-09-2007, 06:36 PM
Wow, so it has at least one good side to be French ;)
ariane V
01-09-2007, 09:03 PM
Wow, so it has at least one good side to be French ;)
j'suis pas sûr de ça, ça risque de débarquer chez nous aussi :(
Et avec ou sans Sarkozy d'ailleurs ...
:cryingblu Bienvenus dans le meilleur des Mondes :cryingblu
no smoking, no drinking, no fucking, no fast driving, just slowly dying ... :(
Allez vive la vie, enfin ce qu'il en reste :thumbup
01-09-2007, 10:16 PM
Yes Ariane,
If this is truely the way it is going, then it is not crazy to see such a scenario.
No viewing of Consentual Ballbusting. No link sharing?
I'd better stock up on all that I can NOW!!;) But I'm not smiling.
What next? No Ballbusting ALLOWED? Don't Speak? Don't SMILE? Don't LOVE?
It's true craziness.
In France, you have a tradition of protest. In the Britain, this is sadly projected to us as the French being typically troublesome. In Britain, protest has been turned into pure one upmanship against your fellow human. He buys a car, you buy a better car and so on. Materialism has become the protest and what a waste that now is. The thing is that they are paying through the nose to show off at the neighbour. Meanwhile, we are being shown that we are no longer are capable of making judgements and choices for ourselves.
It would be nice to see a crack down on the paedophiles, who seem to have the art on getting very leanient punishment for their vile actions.
No, by pass them and let us concentrate on the consenting adults.
Total Stupidity and an embarassing demonstration to the rest of the world. Many will be laughing but also watching and waiting to see if this comes to their nation.
Is the same or similar on the horizon in France?
There are existing provisions and far better ones that can be implimented to address any of the concerns that stronger consentual adult material generates.
j'suis pas sûr de ça, ça risque de débarquer chez nous aussi :(
Et avec ou sans Sarkozy d'ailleurs ...
:cryingblu Bienvenus dans le meilleur des Mondes :cryingblu
no smoking, no drinking, no fucking, no fast driving, just slowly dying ... :(
Allez vive la vie, enfin ce qu'il en reste :thumbup
01-09-2007, 10:20 PM
That is quite funny but I'd not relax and get too comfortable. This type of action has a habit of travelling.
Wow, so it has at least one good side to be French ;)
01-10-2007, 03:02 AM
It's truly scary that this sought of thing is happening. True there should be restriction per say to what is availabe, i.e. no exploitation of those under the legal age, etc but an individual should be able to choose what they view. Sounds like some goody two shoes has been sitting behind their little desk in their cubicle for too long, been bored from play too many games of solitaire (etc) on the PC; instead of contributing some actual good to this world and come up with another REDICULOUS F.F.F.F.F.Flaming law to control the human race by. WHAT IS THE WORLD TRULY COMMING TOO.
01-11-2007, 06:36 PM
They brought this in as a response to a case where a man asphyxiated a female friend then kept her in the freezer for some time. While obviously a horrible event, it is clever of the government and pressure groups to do this because if one objects too much it might look like one was not taking this young woman's violent death seriously enough, or was putting one's own desire to get off on non-mainstream porn ahead of 'public safety'.
Undoubtledly, violent films and pornography put ideas in people's heads, but it is harder to argue whether the minority who act violently do so on account of these influences, or whether they would have behaved in much the same way without seeing these things.
Britain used to be a country that prided itself on the liberty of it's citizens: but this liberty is slowly being eroded - as witnessed by the curbs on free protest introduced recently. The best minds and morals of this country created the American constitution - a liberal and libertarian document the British themselves never got around to enshrining as law - I guess they just thought the culture would prevail...
So it is up to us put-upon 'fetishists', 'masochists' and 'perverts' to continue defying those who wish to limit our freedom and silence our free speech.
In that spirit I include a picture of a girl stepping on the balls of a satyr.
01-12-2007, 10:44 AM
j'suis pas sûr de ça, ça risque de débarquer chez nous aussi :(
Et avec ou sans Sarkozy d'ailleurs ...
:cryingblu Bienvenus dans le meilleur des Mondes :cryingblu
no smoking, no drinking, no fucking, no fast driving, just slowly dying ... :(
Allez vive la vie, enfin ce qu'il en reste :thumbup
Oui, vive la france - vive la liberté.
C'est un de nos biens plus valuables - la liberté!
Mais naturellement quelqu'un qui lutte contre cet bien:
la politique
01-12-2007, 11:02 AM
Ah, now I'm even more proud to be an American :bananad:
01-12-2007, 01:12 PM
This is just so absurd.... they're trying to forbid the acting ( performance of fantasies. If this is the case, then they should forbid as well many TV series, movies and cartoons that depict far more violence without actors actually being naked.
01-12-2007, 02:50 PM
Oui, vive la france - vive la liberté.
C'est un de nos biens plus valuables - la liberté!
Mais naturellement quelqu'un qui lutte contre cet bien:
la politique
A Woman can't walk topless down the street of any city.
Not that it's very common, but it is legal here!
01-12-2007, 03:23 PM
and its good to have the forum back up
this looks like another ill conceived piece of legislation from our very poor government, one to add to Iraq, the handgun ban (after which gun crime rose) and the total falures of the CSA and Tax Credit systems.
I am thinking of moving to the USA.
a disillusioned Agnetha
ariane V
01-12-2007, 05:18 PM
A Woman can't walk topless down the street of any city.
Not that it's very common, but it is legal here!
je vais allé m'exiler au Québec :)
Women can walk topless in the street in Québec too, Cutponies ? :D
01-12-2007, 06:08 PM
Look, let us please not be fooled by the little diferences between nations.
A woman can walk topless in one region, nation or city or she may not.
The sour scenario on the horizon for all nations is these types of laws quietly being slipped in without the majority of people fully realizing what has happened or the increasingly wide remit to which these laws can be applied.
Law, is a play on words. How it is enforced and interpreted is a different matter all together.
We are moving closer and closer towards a global centralised system. With that, there will be inevitably a cross fertilisation of individual nouances of individual nations. Also it is inevitable that there will be a fair amount of suppressions. A law like the one that is the issue in this post, needs to be viewed beyond our immediate observation of it. It is about more than just not being able to access ballbusting content. It will have sufficient flexiblity in it, to be applied across other issues as well.
Ariane's initial reply, in this thread, is sadly being overlooked because of its dual language. She has hit the nail so squarely on its head.
If this proposed law is accepted or not accepted by parliament, there surely are more of a similar end effect cueing up to be passed.
And that is not just applicable to Britain alone. The last five years on our planet is clear proof of that.
It is slowly becoming a, 'nowhere to run to, nowhere to hide', type of world.
That is applicable to those doing nothing wrong.
01-12-2007, 06:19 PM
I fully understand how you feel Agnetha. I can see more countries legistslating for greater control over all the various forms of media featuring sex related imagery and beyond.
and its good to have the forum back up
this looks like another ill conceived piece of legislation from our very poor government, one to add to Iraq, the handgun ban (after which gun crime rose) and the total falures of the CSA and Tax Credit systems.
I am thinking of moving to the USA.
a disillusioned Agnetha
01-12-2007, 07:39 PM
je vais allé m'exiler au Québec :)
Women can walk topless in the street in Québec too, Cutponies ? :D
Qui. En toute les villes.
01-12-2007, 07:46 PM
The sad fact is the British Government feels it knows best and feels it can not trust its citizens to lead their own lives in the way that they wish. The state has become all pervasive, it wishes to control every aspect of our lives through legislation, taxation and spin.
It is apparently OK to drink 24 hours a day and indulge in violent behaviour, take drugs and turn to violent crime to fuel your habit but not to enjoy moderately violent sexual acts. You can be prosecuted for SM play if you leave bruises on your partner even if it was consensual. You can watch any number of violent westerns, police and war films with gratuatous violence which by logical extension of the proposed legislation should be banned. If films showing sexual violence leads to immitation why not other genres.
Some people living out their fantasies will progress to murder or serious assault even if they never see violence acted out in films. There will always be those people who begin to loose their grip on reality and act on what ever impulse comes to mind, rather than accepting that there are those who are beyond control or the normal restraints society imposes the government feels the need to add another criminal offence to the hundreds they have already created.
As far as I am concerned my sexual practices are my own business and as long as they don't involve minors or an unwilling or coerced third party then f**k the government and the interfering busy bodies who feel a sex life revolves around the missionary position and the lights turned off.
01-12-2007, 08:00 PM
Ah, now I'm even more proud to be an American :bananad:
Freedom of expression in U.S.A.?
Let's see now;
How many weeks did Congress waste on "The Wardrobe Malfunction?"
Movie critcical of Reagan moved to Pay T.V.
Fahrenheit 911 pulled from network T.V.
Dixie Chicks boycotted.
Movie blaming Clinton and whitewashing Bush for 9/11 aired without disclaimers
Eunuch Archive Forum ****** to move to Canada for legal reasons
Groundswell of support for Anti Gay legislation
Regular attempts , some successfull to ban Harry Potter from school libraries, not to mention the same for Tarzan ( He and Jane are "Living in Sin" doncha know? Except that they're not. They were married by the Archbishop of Canterbury no less)
Teletubbies boycotted.
Valerie Flame
Valerie Flame's Husband
Many (most) aspects of the Patriot Act
Rush Limbaugh vs Michael J. Fox (Why isn't Rush facing charges for his drug escapades?)
Importation of life saving drugs forbidden. Buy American or die. Even some types of INSULIN, which are made only in Canada and Great Britain
****** teaching of Creation Science
Several PAIN RELIEVING DRUGS BANNED, even for terminally Ill patients!
Need I go on?
American's are in more danger now of letting their freedoms pass away than at any time since the McCarthy Era.
01-12-2007, 09:43 PM
Freedom of expression in U.S.A.?
Let's see now;
Regular attempts , some successfull to ban Harry Potter from school libraries
Are you serious?
Holly crap!! I almost bought that book once... well, good thing I didn't, that leaves my mental sanity unharmed. :jumpsmile
... nonetheless, this world is going crazy.
01-13-2007, 03:09 PM
Are you serious?
Holly crap!! I almost bought that book once... well, good thing I didn't, that leaves my mental sanity unharmed. :jumpsmile
... nonetheless, this world is going crazy.
The character Cho in the last few books. Some people wonder if she'll ever get together with Harry. I guarantee that she won't. She got married. Married my brother in fact!
P.S. I'm NOT joking
01-13-2007, 03:42 PM
Freedom of expression in U.S.A.?
Let's see now;
How many weeks did Congress waste on "The Wardrobe Malfunction?"
Movie critcical of Reagan moved to Pay T.V.
Fahrenheit 911 pulled from network T.V.
Dixie Chicks boycotted.
Movie blaming Clinton and whitewashing Bush for 9/11 aired without disclaimers
Eunuch Archive Forum ****** to move to Canada for legal reasons
Groundswell of support for Anti Gay legislation
Regular attempts , some successfull to ban Harry Potter from school libraries, not to mention the same for Tarzan ( He and Jane are "Living in Sin" doncha know? Except that they're not. They were married by the Archbishop of Canterbury no less)
Teletubbies boycotted.
Valerie Flame
Valerie Flame's Husband
Many (most) aspects of the Patriot Act
Rush Limbaugh vs Michael J. Fox (Why isn't Rush facing charges for his drug escapades?)
Importation of life saving drugs forbidden. Buy American or die. Even some types of INSULIN, which are made only in Canada and Great Britain
****** teaching of Creation Science
Several PAIN RELIEVING DRUGS BANNED, even for terminally Ill patients!
Need I go on?
American's are in more danger now of letting their freedoms pass away than at any time since the McCarthy Era.
lol...It's all an act you idiot. The same people that act like they're offended by Janet Jackson's tits are same people that are having affairs with there spouse or getting arrested on child pornography charges. The US is nowhere near letting it's freedoms pass. We have a shitty president and everybody knows it, once we see a "regime change" so to speak, thing will get a lot less fucked up.
Please think before you post. :) :bananawin
01-13-2007, 08:33 PM
lol...It's all an act you idiot. The same people that act like they're offended by Janet Jackson's tits are same people that are having affairs with there spouse or getting arrested on child pornography charges. The US is nowhere near letting it's freedoms pass. We have a shitty president and everybody knows it, once we see a "regime change" so to speak, thing will get a lot less fucked up.
Please think before you post. :) :bananawin
Let me continue
Warantless wiretaps
Library Records can be seized without a warant
What didn't Congress get done during the wardrobe debate
FCC audits of "Liberal" press
"Liberal" acedemics under seige
One of the two new Supreme Court Judges didn't disclose he had a financial interest in a Civil Case. Confirmed anyway
Terri Schiavo
Terri Schiavo's Husband
What Congress didn't get done during Schiavo Hullaballo
Seperation of Church and State under seige
Driving while Black
Showing a wallet while Black
Bachelor party while Black
I Repeat
Wake Up!
01-13-2007, 10:48 PM
I understand what you are saying but it is important to remember that the idea of regime change is very limited and very minute. One political party may win an election and another may lose, but that is all that goes on in terms of change.
lol...It's all an act you idiot. The same people that act like they're offended by Janet Jackson's tits are same people that are having affairs with there spouse or getting arrested on child pornography charges. The US is nowhere near letting it's freedoms pass. We have a shitty president and everybody knows it, once we see a "regime change" so to speak, thing will get a lot less fucked up.
Please think before you post. :) :bananawin
01-13-2007, 10:53 PM
And so you should.
That is not the issue.
The issue is one of genuine civil liberties versus contrived and notional ones.
Ah, now I'm even more proud to be an American :bananad:
01-13-2007, 10:58 PM
If only it was all an act.
If it was so, we'd come out of the cinema, theater, or get up from the tv to make coffee and then enjoy some good old fashioned ballbusting.
What we are dealing with is real life with real people. We all would be wise to focus on the changes as a series of jigsaw pieces being slowly placed into position.
lol...It's all an act you idiot. The same people that act like they're offended by Janet Jackson's tits are same people that are having affairs with there spouse or getting arrested on child pornography charges. The US is nowhere near letting it's freedoms pass. We have a shitty president and everybody knows it, once we see a "regime change" so to speak, thing will get a lot less fucked up.
Please think before you post. :) :bananawin
01-14-2007, 12:01 AM
Since Bush and The "Christian Coalition" have come into power Civil Liberties in the U.S.A. have been slowly eroded away. You used to score a perfect 164 on the international Civil Liberties index (As did we), Since 2002 you've dropped to 125. That puts you in the same league as Poland, Portugal, Panama. You only have to watch Fox T.V. to realize how much has changed Since 2001. We have many issues here up North, but eroding freedoms are not one of them. Again
01-14-2007, 02:42 PM
So true!!!:thumbup
It's all about control, total and absolute control.
There are many factions and interests but they are very much unified on gaining total and absolute control. The sad thing is that many feel that this type and or style of heavy weight legislation will never be applied in their country.
What they are failing to comprehend is that all of these control freaks are a global set up and are working to see their plans and desires implimented globally.
'Got a solution, then create the problem to justify the convienient solution.'
The sad fact is the British Government feels it knows best and feels it can not trust its citizens to lead their own lives in the way that they wish. The state has become all pervasive, it wishes to control every aspect of our lives through legislation, taxation and spin.
It is apparently OK to drink 24 hours a day and indulge in violent behaviour, take drugs and turn to violent crime to fuel your habit but not to enjoy moderately violent sexual acts. You can be prosecuted for SM play if you leave bruises on your partner even if it was consensual. You can watch any number of violent westerns, police and war films with gratuatous violence which by logical extension of the proposed legislation should be banned. If films showing sexual violence leads to immitation why not other genres.
Some people living out their fantasies will progress to murder or serious assault even if they never see violence acted out in films. There will always be those people who begin to loose their grip on reality and act on what ever impulse comes to mind, rather than accepting that there are those who are beyond control or the normal restraints society imposes the government feels the need to add another criminal offence to the hundreds they have already created.
As far as I am concerned my sexual practices are my own business and as long as they don't involve minors or an unwilling or coerced third party then f**k the government and the interfering busy bodies who feel a sex life revolves around the missionary position and the lights turned off.
01-14-2007, 02:56 PM
Nice attatchment.
I was not aware of this.
Perhaps he had a freezer fetish or perhaps he and she fell out and he succomed to murder. Murder doesn't need a fetish or some pre-meditated influences, such as S&M Porn for it to happen. One only needs to think of the body bags coming back from Iraq, and the leaders who have systematically amplified the situation into what it is now. Are they now not guilty of murder?
They way they are turning this world, it make me wonder what the fuck they are watching!
I will make the point yet again. This type and style of 'we think for you' legistlation, is not just going to be exclusive to the UK.
They brought this in as a response to a case where a man asphyxiated a female friend then kept her in the freezer for some time. While obviously a horrible event, it is clever of the government and pressure groups to do this because if one objects too much it might look like one was not taking this young woman's violent death seriously enough, or was putting one's own desire to get off on non-mainstream porn ahead of 'public safety'.
Undoubtledly, violent films and pornography put ideas in people's heads, but it is harder to argue whether the minority who act violently do so on account of these influences, or whether they would have behaved in much the same way without seeing these things.
Britain used to be a country that prided itself on the liberty of it's citizens: but this liberty is slowly being eroded - as witnessed by the curbs on free protest introduced recently. The best minds and morals of this country created the American constitution - a liberal and libertarian document the British themselves never got around to enshrining as law - I guess they just thought the culture would prevail...
So it is up to us put-upon 'fetishists', 'masochists' and 'perverts' to continue defying those who wish to limit our freedom and silence our free speech.
In that spirit I include a picture of a girl stepping on the balls of a satyr.
01-14-2007, 03:08 PM
CutPonies, this is so true.
How many average working people throughout, the so called developed world, are aware of the full and intricate wording of legistlation passed in their respective countries?
These power crazed global desiring controllers are slipping this style and type of 'we think for you', legistlation into all the countries of the world in various ways.
The average working person, is too busy just trying to survive. If the mainstreme media doesn't inform them of something, they are none the wiser.
Who owns and controls mainstreme media?
Freedoms are at the liberty of the powers that be. All the more so when they can cover so many bases required for most people to live.
Since Bush and The "Christian Coalition" have come into power Civil Liberties in the U.S.A. have been slowly eroded away. You used to score a perfect 164 on the international Civil Liberties index (As did we), Since 2002 you've dropped to 125. That puts you in the same league as Poland, Portugal, Panama. You only have to watch Fox T.V. to realize how much has changed Since 2001. We have many issues here up North, but eroding freedoms are not one of them. Again
01-14-2007, 03:35 PM
"The state has no place in the nation's bedrooms"
The Right Honourable Pierre Elliot Trudeau, P.M. 1969
Remember him? The guy P.O.T.U.S. Nixon refered to as an "'expletive deleted 'hole" and "Commie 'expletive deleted' hole" on the tapes.
Remember Nixon? Enemies List, Watergate. 'I'm not a Crook'. Great Admirer of McCarthy. Greatley admired by Cheney and Rumsfeld.
We need more P.E.Ts and fewer (none) R.M.Ns and G.W.Bs
01-14-2007, 05:44 PM
I was either at junior or the early stages of secondary school when all the issues and mudslinging took off with regards to Pierre Trudeau. Now, as all the real issues are finally starting to unfold with regards to what is really going on in our world, now I fully can understand why such issues with regards to Pierre Trudeau happened. The silent hand works none stop.;)
Gil Scott Heron, has a song titled, 'The Revolution Will Not Be Televised', how true is this?
This might be a ballbusting and related things forum and many might be wondering as to this thread. But I think it is too important to ignore or get lost in rhetoric expousing the virtues of one nation against another when it is so blatantly obvious that the one world government is very much in the final stages of full effect. The Revolution is not being Televised, it is LIVE and so in the faces of the masses. Very much a sad case of Eyes Wide Shut.
Thank you Bro Cutponies, at least you are willing to see it and say it, but too many are just wondering along thinking and hoping that the repressions will not come to be. They won't if humans exercise their rights. They will if they sit on the fence and merely hope or convieniently ignore.
"The State has no place in the nation's bedrooms"
More so, has the state even any place in the state anymore? From what I am observing, the state has forgone its rights to govern the state. We just have to be honnest as to who and what entity now nears closer and closer to governing the world.
This is a forum about Ballbusting and related things. It is a part of life for its participants. Some get annoyed when the subject matter strays. Others may have just realised that this issue is at the heart of ballbusting and beyond. Then there are those who have know this all along.
Irregardless, we must stand up and make it known everytime when such actions step on the foot of consentual adult practices where consent has been given by consenting adults, be it in the bedroom across to the creation of such content and across to the viewing of such content by consenting adults.
"The state has no place in the nation's bedrooms"
The Right Honourable Pierre Elliot Trudeau, P.M. 1969
Remember him? The guy P.O.T.U.S. Nixon refered to as an "'expletive deleted 'hole" and "Commie 'expletive deleted' hole" on the tapes.
Remember Nixon? Enemies List, Watergate. 'I'm not a Crook'. Great Admirer of McCarthy. Greatley admired by Cheney and Rumsfeld.
We need more P.E.Ts and fewer (none) R.M.Ns and G.W.Bs
Johnny Ola
01-14-2007, 07:39 PM
Backlash was created in 2005 by the Libertarian Alliance, the Spanner Trust, the Sexual Freedom Coalition, Feminists against Censorship, Ofwatch and Unfettered to collate evidence for an informed debate on censorship and to fight plans to criminalise ownership of material the Home Office finds abhorrent.
It is committed to raising awareness about why the plans are wrong, won't work and about the inevitable unintended consequences if government plans go ahead. It has been lobbying MPs, the media and opinion formers to stop this ill-considered law going ahead.
01-15-2007, 01:42 AM
$20 worth of junk and a determined rebel can do as much damage as $200,000,000 of high-tech gear manned by trained military professionals. The government knows this. But it takes a lot to trigger that level of rebellion in someone, and people's trigger points vary. Any government will inevitably cut civil liberties until it hits resistance. Then it drops a firebomb. Burn out the rebel, along with anyone who happens to be nearby (women and children included). Puts the fear of god into any would-be rebels, thus raising their trigger points and allowing the government to achieve a greater level of oppression over the citizens. Revolutions only happen when the majority is pushed past the trigger point.
Will banning femdom push enough citizens above the trigger point? Nope.
Will it even push one person past the limit? Unlikely.
Should it trigger a revolution? Nope. No one cares about bans like that. They don't affect reality. Go ahead, ban it, I'll look at it anyway.
It just creates a 'black market'. History shows that a government tends to profit from a black market as much as anyone. Thus the advocates and the government are essentially allies (though neither would ever admit it).
So where does that leave us -- the consumers? Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Same as always.
01-15-2007, 01:19 PM
I actually agree that pornographic videos/pictures of certain types of violence should be illegal, i.e. murders and rapes. However, I don't agree with sending people to prison for owning these. For that reason, I signed the petition against the law, as the penalties (up to 3 years in prison) are much too severe.
On the plus side, I don't think the law will affect the BB community, as the government did specify that only pictures/videos showing depictions of murder, ****, or serious disabling injuries would be included (as well as sex with animals and dead people). Ball kicking is not any of those things.
David B.
01-16-2007, 08:05 PM
I couldn't agree more David.
But aren't there existing laws and powers to deal with such sickness already?
I actually agree that pornographic videos/pictures of certain types of violence should be illegal, i.e. murders and rapes. However, I don't agree with sending people to prison for owning these. For that reason, I signed the petition against the law, as the penalties (up to 3 years in prison) are much too severe.
On the plus side, I don't think the law will affect the BB community, as the government did specify that only pictures/videos showing depictions of murder, ****, or serious disabling injuries would be included (as well as sex with animals and dead people). Ball kicking is not any of those things.
David B.
01-17-2007, 03:05 AM
There seems to be a lot of hypothtical policical discussion on this. AlthoughI can rant on about the anti-democratic inclinations of government with the best, this post is just to remind of recent history.
The UK already has the relavent censorship legislation enacted and the authorities have already used it. This is just an attempt to include the internet. Please check the Operation Spanner records to be found at BME and the eunuch archive to find out what they did the last time round.
Ironically this event was what told me I was not alone - just not allowed to communicate with any one who understood what I was on about!
Please sign the petition now. There are good people who have already done time over this issue. Many others will suffer isolation and mental torment if this censorship is extended to the masocistic fetish community on the web
Many thanks.
01-17-2007, 02:24 PM
I couldn't agree more David.
But aren't there existing laws and powers to deal with such sickness already?
Hello Tony,
As I understand the law, at the moment it is illegal to publish criminally obscene material, but not illegal to own it. As long as you do not distribute it to others, you cannot be prosecuted.
The way I would handle things is to treat possession of ultra-violent pornography the same way that police currently treat possession of Class C drugs, such as cannabis: that is, normally a warning, and a small fine and/or community service. I believe it is completely wrong to propose imprisoning somebody for looking at photos of consenting adult actors, no matter how much I may disagree with material the actors are engaged in.
I think it is a question of knowing where to draw the line. I believe in freedom of speech, but at the same time there are certain things I don't want broadcast. For example, I don't want to switch on the TV and be presented with racist, or homophobic or sexist material, because I think that kind of material demeans everybody. By the same token, I don't want material published which makes **** or murder available for the sexual pleasure of onlookers, as these are extremely serious and widespread problems in our society.
David B.
01-18-2007, 04:29 PM
I see very much with what you are saying David.
Pehaps they should include mainstream television and cinema.;) :D
Hello Tony,
As I understand the law, at the moment it is illegal to publish criminally obscene material, but not illegal to own it. As long as you do not distribute it to others, you cannot be prosecuted.
The way I would handle things is to treat possession of ultra-violent pornography the same way that police currently treat possession of Class C drugs, such as cannabis: that is, normally a warning, and a small fine and/or community service. I believe it is completely wrong to propose imprisoning somebody for looking at photos of consenting adult actors, no matter how much I may disagree with material the actors are engaged in.
I think it is a question of knowing where to draw the line. I believe in freedom of speech, but at the same time there are certain things I don't want broadcast. For example, I don't want to switch on the TV and be presented with racist, or homophobic or sexist material, because I think that kind of material demeans everybody. By the same token, I don't want material published which makes **** or murder available for the sexual pleasure of onlookers, as these are extremely serious and widespread problems in our society.
David B.
I actually agree that pornographic videos/pictures of certain types of violence should be illegal, i.e. murders and rapes. However, I don't agree with sending people to prison for owning these. For that reason, I signed the petition against the law, as the penalties (up to 3 years in prison) are much too severe.
On the plus side, I don't think the law will affect the BB community, as the government did specify that only pictures/videos showing depictions of murder, ****, or serious disabling injuries would be included (as well as sex with animals and dead people). Ball kicking is not any of those things.
David B.
Obviously murder is non consensual, but maybe not other activities you mention.
Like ****. There are women who advertise on the web inviting people, male and/or female, to abuse them (not just obscure sites, but such as Yahoo 360) Though of course the fact that they want it means it isn't ****, as that requires force or the threat of it. Like with us, ballbusting by a woman isn't assualt as we desire it. Sometimes even pay for it.
The point of my rambling is that I'm suspicuos of this proposed law. I would, of course support any measures to stop abuse of a sexual or violent kind. But I suspect that this going to be an attempt to constrain the activities of sites like Femdom.
01-18-2007, 09:50 PM
This is so Bro Try,
Some have faith that it, the proposed law and subsequent actions will be just targetted at what David as so rightfully stated are vile and nasty stuff by vile and nasty people. I just think it is important to realise that laws are a big play on words which are open to a far wider range of impact and enforcement than they are often initially projected to be for. I think it wise to be very wary and suspicious.
Obviously murder is non consensual, but maybe not other activities you mention.
Like ****. There are women who advertise on the web inviting people, male and/or female, to abuse them (not just obscure sites, but such as Yahoo 360) Though of course the fact that they want it means it isn't ****, as that requires force or the threat of it. Like with us, ballbusting by a woman isn't assualt as we desire it. Sometimes even pay for it.
The point of my rambling is that I'm suspicuos of this proposed law. I would, of course support any measures to stop abuse of a sexual or violent kind. But I suspect that this going to be an attempt to constrain the activities of sites like Femdom.
01-21-2007, 01:54 PM
I just think it is important to realise that laws are a big play on words which are open to a far wider range of impact and enforcement than they are often initially projected to be for. I think it wise to be very wary and suspicious.
Hello Tony and Try,
I suppose the main safeguard with any law is the CPS will not prosecute unless it is sure it can get a conviction, which means convincing a judge and jury of the merits of the case. For that reason, I would have thought any material taken to court would need to be extremely strong. I'm not even sure that some of material the government has mentioned that it thinks it is combating actually exists anywhere, that is, actual snuff movies or movies showing real rapes or coerced actors.
With regards to ****, I don't think it will affect sites like for example The English Mansion, which routinely has strap-on play, in which the sub protests a bit and acts as if he is unwilling, or ****** bi. After all, The English Mansion has not been prosecuted for publishing this material for years, so I wouldn't have thought that anyone could be prosecuted for viewing it. Since the material appears to be legal to be published in this country, that seems like an obvious defence should a viewer of this material be taken to court.
I don't personally agree with sending people to prison for any kind of non-violent crime (apart from drug-dealing and certain types of theft and harassment), and certainly not for just looking at videos or photos, so I suppose my personal position is I support some of the aims of this proposed law, but not the way the government is going about it.
David B.
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