View Full Version : Cups
01-21-2007, 11:16 PM
when I first started wearing a cup for baseball I thought that a cup would protect your balls from anything. Now I hear differently. How much protection does a cup really offer? How do you feel about ballbusting videos with cups? do you think they are still in a lot of pain? Also do you envy girls for not having to wear a big bulky piece of plastic between their legs to protect their private parts during sports?
01-22-2007, 11:22 AM
I don't know what kind of cup you are using (hard or soft, good fit, etc) but in my experience a cup will pretty much totally protect you. I'm talking about a hard cup that is deep enough not some cheapo crap.
As for videos wearing a cup... I hate that! I hate to see a ballbusting video where you can tell the guy is wearing a cup. That's stupid and pointless.
That reminds me of a fond memory. When I was in high school one time we were at the park with some girls, I didn't even know them or anything, but we were playing soccer. Somehow the subject came up about cups and this really cute girl wanted to know if they really worked. I said, I'm wearing one now, you want to see how well it works? So she said yes she wanted to test it. So I spread my legs and let her kick me. She didn't kick very hard so I said, do it again, harder. She kicked hard this time, but I said come on, is that the best you've got! So she kicked me one more time, and this time I fell on the ground in pain. You see, I wasn't really wearing a cup, I just said that to trick her into kicking me. Then she crouched down by me and was comforting me, saying Oh I'm sorry, are you OK? I hope I didn't damage you! So I said, I think I'm OK it hurts though, I wasn't really wearing a cup! Then she laughed and said, I know! I could tell the first time I kicked you, but I figured, if you were gonna let me kick you in the balls, that's your problem!
Anyway... I really should have gotten that girl's number...
01-22-2007, 11:33 AM
have use lots of cups with my bf, from cheap to the most expensive that there is and he NEVER wants to use one again. He said they did NOTHING at all and he couls still feel every kick. As far as sites using them, as long as I cant hear it, I dont care
01-23-2007, 08:37 AM
have use lots of cups with my bf, from cheap to the most expensive that there is and he NEVER wants to use one again. He said they did NOTHING at all and he couls still feel every kick. As far as sites using them, as long as I cant hear it, I dont care
It depends what is the cup's use. Where they soft plastic ones or a martial-art ones?. The steal martial-art ones are kick proof unless moved. I mean toataly "digging into your pelvis" kick proof.
01-23-2007, 11:04 AM
It depends what is the cup's use. Where they soft plastic ones or a martial-art ones?. The steal martial-art ones are kick proof unless moved. I mean toataly "digging into your pelvis" kick proof.
I never knew u could get a 'soft' cup. Wouldnt really see the point. We have used matrial arts and Cricket 'cups' all of which have been VERY hard
01-23-2007, 07:18 PM
Suzie threw the softball and glove onto the sofa and
headed for the bathroom. “I’m taking a shower” she
said. “I can’t believe I got all sweaty and dirty and
we didn’t even win.”
Andy shared her disappointment, especially since he
had walked in the winning run as the team’s primary
pitcher. They had been dating for over a year. They
were very into each other. They shared many things in
common. Andy and Suzie were athletic. In addition to
the softball, the played tennis, racquetball, and a
little golf. And they were a good match in bed, too.
Suzie knew about Andy’s ball-busting fetish. They
played on that and other themes all the time. When it
came to the co-ed softball team, however, Suzie was
competitive. She hated to lose. And today, she
wanted to bust Andy’s balls for losing the game.
Andy cared, but not nearly as much. Watching his
pretty, blonde-haired girlfriend strip off her shirt
got his mind off the loss. He peered into the
bathroom as Suzie reached around to unfasten her
sports bra. She frowned at him one more time and
closed the door.
Andy felt his cock starting to stiffen. He knew she
was angry, and when she
was angry she was at her best sexually, Andy knew. He
decided to push her to see where it went.
Andy took off his shoes and socks. He then stripped
off his team shirt and shorts. Wearing only his
jockstrap and the cup he always wore for softball he
entered the bathroom quietly where Suzie had stepped
into the shower. She didn’t know he was there until he
reached into the shower and grabbed her large, firm
breasts with both hands.
Suzie swatted his hand away.
“Come on,” Andy said. “You can’t tell me you’re not
“I don’t fuck losers. Especially ones that can’t
pitch. You don’t seem to have your accuracy today.”
“You’re one to talk. The game would have been over if
you had thrown that other guy out. God, how hard is
it to throw from second to first!” Suzie had made an
error in the game, too. It wasn’t one that cost them
the game, however, like Andy’s pitching.
“You couldn’t hit the first baseman today, let alone
his mitt,” Andy added, fanning the flames.
Suzie peeked out from behind the shower curtain. She
had gleam in her eye. “Maybe I didn’t have a good
enough target.” Suzie threw the shower curtain back,
revealing her trim, sleek, athletic body. Andy licked
his lips and moved toward her, but she brushed past
him and put on a clean bra and thong underwear. Then
she grabbed Andy’s hand and led him out of the
“Let me pitch in the next game,” she said
submissively to Andy, hoping to get his permission.
Andy was, after all, team captain.
“Sorry, girls don’t pitch,” Andy responded,
“But I’ve been practicing sweetie.” She smiled and
moved closer to him, not hiding the possibility that
she’d trade seduction for a chance to pitch the next
game. She reached her hand over his jockstrap and then
reached into it, clasping his balls under the cup.
“Want to see the progress I’ve made as a pitcher?”
“Sure,” Andy stammered.
“When we’re on the field,” she began, “throwing at
baseball mitts seems so impersonal. So one time when
I was practicing with my friend, Chrissy, she told me
that she imagines she is throwing the ball at her
ex-boyfriend. And you know how good she is.”
Andy murmured in agreement. Chrissy was good in more
ways than one. The tall blond had huge tits and
sensational cleavage. During practice, most of the
guys would intentionally throw the ball away from her
so that she would have to run to catch it, bouncing
every step of the way. Andy was imagining those big
tits as Suzie told the story.
Suzie went on without letting him talk. “But I found
I couldn’t imagine a face that well. So I cut out a
picture of an old boyfriend of mine and put it in a
mitt. I hit it every time. And I can hit you every
time, too, when I have the right target. I’m going to
show that I can pitch. I bet that I can hit your balls
from across the room.”
Andy’s laughed.
“You don’t think I can?”
“No way -- and besides, you’re not getting the
Suzie rubbed up close to Andy and cupped his ballsack
through the jockstrap again, gently. She whispered in
the little girl voice that he loved so much. “Come
on, sweetie. I’ll make it worth your while. I’ll
pitch the equivalent of two innings. If I don’t hit
your balls, I’ll give you the blowjob of your dreams.
Actually, we’ll do that even if I do hit them!”
“That’s a lot of throws. Anyone can get in one lucky
“All right. I’ll hit them at least twice.”
Andy hesitated as he quickly tried to figure the odds.
Suzie was a pretty good athlete, but she still threw
like a girl. While he was thinking, Suzie licked his
neck. Andy found himself nodding yes. His brain
wasn’t doing the thinking anymore.
“Ok, here are the rules,” Suzie said. Let’s use the
basement as it is the biggest room in the house. And
there’s hardly anything we can break down there. And
the neighbors won’t hear you moaning when I hit you
with the softball!
We’ll set the room up like a softball diamond, with a
home plate, three bases and a pitcher's mound in the
center. Instead, though, you are going to be located
at the ‘mound.’ Like that, Andy?” She giggled.
“We’ll use the big black leather loveseat down there.
That will go right in the middle of the field on the
‘mound’ and you are going to sit in it with your legs
spread for easy access.”
“I’m going to be at home plate, not on the mound, but
I’m still the pitcher. I’ll get to throw the ball at
your groin. If I miss your balls three time in a row,
it’s an out. Three outs and the inning is over and
you win it. We’ll play two innings.
Andy nodded. She continued: “if I’m as bad as you say I
am, you’re looking at 18 pitches aimed at your balls,
love. But if I’m not as bad as you say, this could go
on for a while, and it could really hurt.” Suzie
smiled. “Think you can handle it?”
“Before I commit, what happens if you do get a hit and
nail me with your pitch?” Andy asked.
“Well let’s see. If I hit your balls I have to go
around the bases. You have to get out of the loveseat
– if you can (she smiled) – and pick up the ball. And
you have to tag me to get an out. It’s another way
for you to end the game faster.” Another evil smile.
“And you can’t close your legs, sweetie. If you dodge
a pitch, close your legs, turn your body away, or
cheat, it’s a redo. And if you do that, I get to
approach you half way to the mound. If you do it
twice I’m going to be in kneeing range! And if so, I
get to deliver a penalty knee to your balls instead
and we start the strike count over.”
Andy seemed a little uncomfortable with this
possibility, but he agreed and the game began.
Suzie practically skipped down the stairs to the
basement and Andy followed. They set up the room.
“Now, you sit down in the loveseat and spread your
legs for me. You have to give me a good view. Let’s
start by having you keep your jockstrap and cup on for
a few practice shots.”
Andy spread his legs. Suddenly, he felt vulnerable.
One lucky shot with that heavy softball could really
Suzie went on. “And close your eyes for the first few
pitches. I don’t want you flinching. That wouldn’t be
fair, would it?”
Andy took one last look at his girlfriend, now wearing
only a bra and panties, before
closing his eyes. The sight excited him. Even if he
did get hit in the balls a few times, this would be
worth it. He was already feeling a tingling sensation
and she had not even pitched the first ball. Andy
waited for what seemed like an hour. He was about to
say something when he heard Suzie shout “Play ball!”
The sound of her voice startled him but he held his
ground. He heard her grunt and then felt the ball land
on his left foot. Then he heard Suzie mutter
“Damn” under her breath.
Andy smiled to himself. He had nothing to worry
about. He peeked out when he felt Suzie bend down by
his feet to retrieve the ball. “That was a good try,
honey,” he said sweetly.
“Don’t you worry, Andy.” I’m still warming up.
Again, Andy heard her grunt. This time the ball came
a lot faster and hit him square in the thigh. He let
out a little ouch.
“That’s better,” Suzie said. “I’m zeroing in.”
Andy wasn’t too worried about his balls, but he
suddenly realized that even if she missed them, she
could still do some damage. His leg was smarting a
little bit. He hardly noticed when he heard Suzie’s
next little grunt.
The ball caught Andy’s groin square. The cup made a
hollow “pop” when it was hit dead on by the softball.
There was enough force behind the pitch to make his
testicles start to ache with the dull pain of a direct
groin shot. Andy moaned a little and reached down and
grabbed the cup, pushing it, to apply a little pressure
to his groin area to comfort his balls.
“Excellent!” Suzie said. She was smiling. “You’re in
big trouble, sweetie.”
“Just a lucky shot,” Andy responded, mocking her.
“That’s enough practice, I’m ready to start gunning
for your nuts, lover! Ready for some pain?”
“If you say so.” Andy smiled.
“Let’s take that cup out,” she said. With that Suzie
walked over to her boyfriend and gestured for him to
stand up. Andy did, and once standing she planted a
kiss on his cheek and then rapidly raised her knee in
his still protected balls. Andy let out an ‘umph’ and
cried foul.
“I’m just having a little fun,” she said. She then
reached into his Bike jockstrap and pulled out the
cup. Andy was still wearing the jockstrap, but had no
protection now. “You’re gonna wish you had this,” she
said and smiled as she threw the cup into the corner.
Suzie return to home plate softball in hand. Andy
returned to the cushy leather loveseat and spread his
legs. “Close your eyes,” she said. And then Andy
heard the grunt of a fast pitch.
The pitch caught Andy in both balls right on. It was
a perfect pitch, directly in the spot Suzie was aiming
for at the base of Andy’s jockstrap. Andy barely
noticed the pain at first. He was more surprised than
anything else. In fact, he hardly understood what had
happened until he heard Suzie squealing in delight.
“Yes!” she shouted.
Then the pain overtook him. He felt a little
nauseous. He bent forward in the chair and grabbed his
aching balls through the jockstrap’s pouch. The fabric
of the jock had done a little to soften the blow, but
without the cup, not nearly enough. By this time,
Suzie was at smiling and casually walking the bases
around the room. Andy struggled to his feet but it
was too late. She scored a run and there were still
no outs, not even a strike.
Suzie took the ball back from her boyfriend and
returned to home plate. “You have to give me a
minute,” Andy stammered. “No way! You’re just trying
to break my timing.”
“But nothing,” she said and she gave him a little pat
on his ass. “Remember, girls can’t pitch.” She said,
mocking his earlier statement.
Andy bit his lip hard and ****** himself to remain
seated in the chair, ready for another series of
pitches. He heard Suzie chuckle, “I think I’ll try a
fastball this time.”
He could hear her grunt louder this time, and he heard
the ball whistling toward him. It exploded against
the head of his dick and then dropped to the floor.
This time the pain was immediate. The force from the
ball knocked him back onto the sofa.
“Damn, a little high. Strike one.” Andy opened his
eyes and watched his naked girlfriend run over to him.
She picked up the softball and returned for another.
“I don’t think I can do anymore,” Andy said weakly.
“What kind of sissy are you? I’m just getting warmed
“But you could do some damage down there.”
“Of course I could, honey. That’s what makes it fun.”
Suzie hugged him close and ran her hands over his
ass. She pushed her body against his sore balls.
Suddenly, they didn’t hurt so much anymore.
“All right.” A little sweat was pouring off Andy’s
face as Suzie kissed him lightly. But he knew that a
couple more shots could put him out of commission for
a while.
As he was thinking this, Andy heard Suzie wind up
again. SPLAT! The ball smashed into his right nut.
This time the pain was immediate and Andy collapsed
onto the floor. When he opened his eyes, he saw Suzie
doing a little victory dance around the bases. Andy,
clutching his balls through the jockstrap again,
decided not to even try and tag Suzie as she went
around the bases.
He was about to stammer a “You win” when Suzie said
“Come on, there are still no outs.
“No. You win. You can pitch,” he said weakly.
“I know that. But we had a deal. And I need the
practice honey.” And Suzie was suddenly back ready to
pitch. “But since I have proven my point, I do think
we’re going to need to go a little easier on your
tender bits. Let’s put that cup back in.” She picked
up the hard protective cup off the floor and walked
towards her boyfriend. She grabbed his jockstrap and
then refitted the cup. When she finished she hugged
Andy and then gave him another swift knee in the nuts,
for good measure. Andy grunted and cried foul again.
“Come on, I’m not letting you off Scott free. You
can take one knee in return for getting the protection
back into your jockstrap.”
Suzie and Andy resumed play, and Suzie’s accuracy was
tremendous. Even with the cup in place, Andy was in a
too much pain to quickly pick up the softball and tag
his girlfriend out. She scored five runs before Andy
had finally accumulated sufficient outs to end the
At the end of the inning, Suzie sat next to her
boyfriend on the loveseat and looked down at his
groin. “How do your balls feel?”
“A little sore,” Andy said, “but not nearly as bad as
when you kneed me naked in the shower last month.”
“We’re gonna have to change that,” Suzie said with
another evil smile.
“Ok, I know that the softball is a little scary for
you. So why don’t we continue the game with something
lighter. Suzie when upstairs. She opened a closet
full of sporting goods equipment and grabbed bag full
of tennis balls, racquetballs, and golf balls. She
then grabbed a regular white jockstrap. “Take that
jockstrap and cup off and put this on. I want to make
sure I can see my targets.” Andy complied.
When the second inning started, Suzie started with
blue racquetballs. These were even easier to aim than
softballs. The first three nailed Andy in the balls.
After discovering how likely impact was, he flinched
for the fourth pitch, turning his body away from the
“No fair!” Suzie yelled, moving one half the distance
to her boyfriend’s already painful groin. And when
she had just let the pitch go, Andy instinctually did
it again.
“You’re balls are going to regret that.” Only a few
feet away now, Suzie moved towards Andy. Since it was
the first time she got a “penalty shot,” she surprised
Andy, putting her hands on his shoulders and bringing her
knee up into her boyfriend’s cloth jockstrap-clad
It had happened too quickly for Andy to respond. He
first felt a sharp pain in his crotch, as if he had
indeed been hit by the softball like before. But
there was more force behind the knee, and an intense
hollow ache followed and brought him to the ground.
If it weren’t for the jockstrap, the game would have
ended there, but it provided a little elastic
protection from the blow.
“I’ll let you recover a little while from that one.”
Suzie said. Andy just moaned, continuing to clutch
his balls.
“No, I’ll be alright,” he replied. It took a few
minutes, but the game continued. Tennis balls were
heavier than racquetballs, Andy learned, and they hurt
Suzie pitched one and the ball again exploded into
Andy’s precious jewels. He saw stars and fell. Suzie
stood over him. “You know, it’s getting easier.
They’re getting a little swollen and bigger and easier
to hit”
After another direct hit that left him in the
loveseat, but clutching his balls through the
jockstrap Andy stammered the plea, “give me a few
“Fine, sweetie,” Suzie said. After a few more moments
of silence and some moaning on Andy’s part, Suzie
asked, “did I bust your balls a little too hard,
Two of Suzie’s next three shots with tennis balls
missed their mark. But one hit Andy’s limp penis,
visible through the white jockstrap. But then the next
ball seemed to imbed itself into Andy nutsack. He
barely moved by this time.
Suzie bent over him to pick up the ball, giving him a
clear view of her in the process. He smiled through
his pain and even stirred a bit. But he asked for
more time to recover again, still on the black leather
loveseat, leaning over towards his balls and clutching
them in both hands over the jockstrap. “Don’t think
for a second we’re done. There’s more in store for
you.” She smiled. After a few more throws they moved
on to the golf balls.
These were not as bad as Andy expected. Except for a
few lucky shots, the golf balls didn’t pack as much
punch as the tennis balls. That was, at least, unless
Suzie was able to nailed one testicles alone and
perfectly and hard, which she did a few times.
After about 25 more pitches, Andy had finally
accumulated three outs and the match was over.
Suzie, always one to keep a promise, came through at
the end. When the second inning was over, she
comforted her sore boyfriend, massaging his aching
balls through the jockstrap. When she initially
grabbed his balls, she was a little rough. This was
very painful at first after what Andy he had been
through. So he protested a little. “Your balls must
really hurt for you to ask me to stop massaging them,”
Suzie said.
“That’s not what I meant!” Andy said. “Please don’t
After a little longer, the pain subsided and Suzie
gave Andy the best blowjob and ball massage ever. Next
week, she took over as the softball team’s pitcher and
remained in the position until Andy and Suzie’s
rematch. . .
01-23-2007, 07:24 PM
I think you are *crazy* not to wear a cup for serious busting. The thrill of ballbusting for most people isn't the pain; it's the anticipation and the circumstances. Cups, soft cups and jockstrap are not optional equipment in this sport.
As for multimedia, has done a few cup and jockstrap videos. Scott at Velvet Kick did some a few years ago but nothing recent. Mistress Kat9 did a great video, ballbusting picnic, too.
There is definitely a minority following of BB with "protection." They're the smart -- and probably still fertile -- ones! If anyone wants to trade vids in this category, email
01-23-2007, 07:41 PM
Here are a few pics
01-24-2007, 02:45 AM
The sound of a cup is so alien to ballbusting. I myself find that it sours a clip if I hear it. Its kind of telling me that its all false.
have use lots of cups with my bf, from cheap to the most expensive that there is and he NEVER wants to use one again. He said they did NOTHING at all and he couls still feel every kick. As far as sites using them, as long as I cant hear it, I dont care
01-24-2007, 02:58 AM
I've never used a cup for BallBusting, and I don't think I am the exception. I'm fertile, my balls are in good health, I still get erections and I am very much convinced that the cup creates a very false sense of safety for both the Ballbustee and the Ballbustress. What happens when the cup is removed and the session continues?
Good and Proper BallBusting is about respect and skill. It ain't about smashing the gonads out of anyone.
Too much of the crap arsed mentality is floating around with regards to BallBusting. I know there is a load of non doers who love to just watch and they crave for this shit. But |I can assure you that it is not the way Ballbusting should be going.
I've taken kicks that have exceeded the impact speeds that I have had from playing , cricket and hockey, whilst wearing a cup and I'm still at it.
So that what you have stated is WRONG!!!
Ballbusting is many things for many people. More so if one is a participant in the actual activity aspects of it. Pain is not necessarily a negative aspect, pain is a sensation and diferent people have different responses to it.
A ballbusting high for me is beyond the immediate discomfort zone.
Why trade videos? Buy 'em from the source and Ballbusting content will be all the better for it.
I think you are *crazy* not to wear a cup for serious busting. The thrill of ballbusting for most people isn't the pain; it's the anticipation and the circumstances. Cups, soft cups and jockstrap are not optional equipment in this sport.
As for multimedia, has done a few cup and jockstrap videos. Scott at Velvet Kick did some a few years ago but nothing recent. Mistress Kat9 did a great video, ballbusting picnic, too.
There is definitely a minority following of BB with "protection." They're the smart -- and probably still fertile -- ones! If anyone wants to trade vids in this category, email
01-24-2007, 03:09 AM
Yes there are many types of cups and protections but they never stop the sensations absolutely with regards to impacts. In fight situations they are always uncomfortable and the balls need to be compacted safely behind the the cup, within its confines. They, the balls, will rest against the inner wall of the cup more than likely and thus are not isolated from the transfered ****** of impacts.
In self defence training, I have been dropped by an impact with a box on and I took a good while to recover. I've been impacted harder, without one on and recovered whilst stepping back and was able to put the training partner on the floor as they came with a blow to in theory, 'take me out'.
The cup is a dangerous false sense of protection.
It depends what is the cup's use. Where they soft plastic ones or a martial-art ones?. The steal martial-art ones are kick proof unless moved. I mean toataly "digging into your pelvis" kick proof.
01-24-2007, 03:15 AM
I'm sure the Copyright owner of these would like to remind you of a thing or two about the laws of Copyright.
Any of these ladies kicking a guy with a cup rather than a jockstrap, would potentially end of with bones damaged within their feet and or serious bruising.
Here are a few pics
01-24-2007, 09:20 AM
Couldn't agree more with tonyr! There is nothing like the sound of a foot catching a man's privates flush and a cup just doesn't sound right!:( You very well could also get a feeling of false protection until it is too late.:cryingblu The most important thing with a partner is that you establish your limits and respect them so no one gets hurt!:thumbup If you are wearing a hard cup, it raises the chances of your partners foot being injured, which you certainly don't want.:( I am almost sixty and still enjoy a good bust when I can and "the boys" still don't seem to mind!:wooow
01-24-2007, 03:18 PM
... The thrill of ballbusting for most people isn't the pain; it's the anticipation and the circumstances. Cups, soft cups and jockstrap are not optional equipment in this sport. ...
To each his own- you certainly have a right to your own opinion and use of equipment. But I don't think you can speak for "most" people regarding their motivation for ballbusting or their opinions on protective gear since you haven't talked to most people or even know who most people are. Most people don't even share their opinions on a forum like this- you only read the words of a few of the literally thousands of those interested in the subject. I can tell you that every one of the guys I work with at Cali Mean Girls has NO INTEREST at all in wearing a jock or cup. Even guys who don't work with us on the website but who have signed up for personal videos have expressed disdain for cups, although we would certainly allow them if that's what they chose, although the girls would be required to wear closed toe shoes or boots for their safety.
01-25-2007, 01:03 AM
have use lots of cups with my bf, from cheap to the most expensive that there is and he NEVER wants to use one again. He said they did NOTHING at all and he couls still feel every kick. As far as sites using them, as long as I cant hear it, I dont care
ok so I understand what you guys are saying about a cup being a false sense of security, because the girl will be like oh you have a cup on so I can kick you as hard as I want. And I'm sure at some point a ball slips out to the side, or you get kicked from the back and it gets through the cup. But assuming you are taking the same force of a kick I doubt a cup is going to hurt your situation, I mean im sure there is some degree of protection. I have not been busted using one but I can say that using a tennis ball in a sock to hit my balls without a cup hurts so bad its unbelievable. If I put a cup on and hit it with a tennis ball in a sock I can barely even feel the force, and none of it hurts my balls whatsoever. I'm sure it depends on the angle the cup gets hit and all that but still I doubt a cup makes it hurt worse...think of how many serious injuries have been avoided in sports because a cup has been used. Also my fetish involves the pain of the hit, if a guy is wearing a cup in a video I don't feel like he is receiving true testicular pain and it does not excite me as much. I am not saying he should risk his balls because I am not in the video I cannot make that call, I'm just saying id rather see one real hard true kick than 100 fake kicks.
01-25-2007, 06:49 PM
Think about the tennis ball in comparison to the female foot, bare or all the more, clad. A tennis ball will just more or less bounce off a cup. A foot, bare or clad, will make more of a statement.
I accept that cups are used in at least a few ballbusting productions.
That is the realm and choice of those involved in that production.
For me, the cup moves the whole thing away from ballbusting, which is consentual and a wonderful interactional skill form and into the areas of assault and sadism, or also, just false.
ok so I understand what you guys are saying about a cup being a false sense of security, because the girl will be like oh you have a cup on so I can kick you as hard as I want. And I'm sure at some point a ball slips out to the side, or you get kicked from the back and it gets through the cup. But assuming you are taking the same force of a kick I doubt a cup is going to hurt your situation, I mean im sure there is some degree of protection. I have not been busted using one but I can say that using a tennis ball in a sock to hit my balls without a cup hurts so bad its unbelievable. If I put a cup on and hit it with a tennis ball in a sock I can barely even feel the force, and none of it hurts my balls whatsoever. I'm sure it depends on the angle the cup gets hit and all that but still I doubt a cup makes it hurt worse...think of how many serious injuries have been avoided in sports because a cup has been used. Also my fetish involves the pain of the hit, if a guy is wearing a cup in a video I don't feel like he is receiving true testicular pain and it does not excite me as much. I am not saying he should risk his balls because I am not in the video I cannot make that call, I'm just saying id rather see one real hard true kick than 100 fake kicks.
01-25-2007, 09:03 PM
For sports, cups make a ton of sense. I played football in highschool and college and on more than one occasion was glad the thing was invented. However, for people paying to have ladies tapdance upon their sensitive area, or the people paying to see such acts, the presense of a cup seems a tad pointless. Maybe I'm missing the point, but something of the whole thrill comes from the general vunerability.
01-26-2007, 08:35 PM
who knew this subject would create such a serious debate? It was just one man's opinion. Notice, all the pictures are of jockstraps, NOT cups. If I am the only one who think jocks (almost always) and cups (sometimes) are a smart idea, then so be it.
01-26-2007, 09:04 PM
To each his own. A jockstrap traditionally has been used to hold a protective cup in place. It's not much diferent from stretchy jocky underpants. I own both jockstraps and boxes. The jockstraps are often used when in a bust session, the box never is. My boxes/protective cups are used in non ballbusting activity This isn't anything macho, it's because I like the sensations of ballbusting and a box will interupt them.
It is a serious debate because despite ballbusting being fun, it is a serious activity. There are many women that will ballbust a guy but there are but a few by comparison, ballbustresses. With Ballbustresses, a box is not a requirement because they are fully versed in the arts of ballbusting and will not loose themselves in the action and create damage.
who knew this subject would create such a serious debate? It was just one man's opinion. Notice, all the pictures are of jockstraps, NOT cups. If I am the only one who think jocks (almost always) and cups (sometimes) are a smart idea, then so be it.
01-28-2007, 03:58 PM
I have tried to wear a cup when wrestling around with my gf and she really worked my balls over for trying to protect them. She grabs the cup and goes back and forth beating my nuts up inside, and then she pulls it away from the body and slams it against my balls as they drop out. I have tried a couple of times and she beat the fight out of me every time.
01-29-2007, 07:56 PM
I have tried to wear a cup when wrestling around with my gf and she really worked my balls over for trying to protect them. She grabs the cup and goes back and forth beating my nuts up inside, and then she pulls it away from the body and slams it against my balls as they drop out. I have tried a couple of times and she beat the fight out of me every time.
Similar experiences here. my gf will give me a series of knees with and then without the cup in. I have a soft cup, too. And in that situation, it provides a little cushion, but not too much! You can't take the cup out with the soft cup, tho. Jockstrap are fun as well. Have a whole bunch of them ranging from leather ones to athletic styles, and it's much better to get kneed, kicked and punched with them I think
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