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12-14-2006, 05:57 PM
Thanks guys. Her favorite is kicking. She likes to have me spread my legs, then she comes from behind and kicks me in the balls hard. She has kicked a few guys in the balls. I know a gal who kicked a guy so hard she ruptured one of his balls. She was wearing cowgirl boots and kicked him as hard as she could. She said he dropped to the ground, curled up in the fetal position and started puking. His friends took him to the ER where the one ball was removed. He tried to sue her but he was grabbing her and wouldn't leave her alone (he was drunk, obnoxious and very aggressive). The judge ruled it self defense. She is a tough chick. I know quite a few really beautiful and very tough gals (friends of my wife). I once told one of them I was going to kick her ass (I was only kidding of course) and she told me she would tear my nuts off, crush them and then hand them to me. She is definitely and ballbuster, she's told my wife on more than one occassion about crushing and ripping guys balls off. I don't think she ever has ripped any off but I know she kicked many guys in the balls in her younger gays. Funny thing I can'y get any of them to kick me, only one. They all say because I enjoy it they won't kick me. Oh well, my wife does just fine. Anyway, if I take anymore good pics I'll post them.
I think your confusing a fetish with the real thing.
the way you describe these women, I certainly do not want to be involved with them at all .they are irresponsible and possibly very dangerous.
if a man would punch one of your female friends out I would think it is fair play.I mean when one of your friends tries to kik a man fullforce.
it is just getting what you act as if t's cool what they do.
it isseriously assaulting a person instead of a fetish what you describe.
sick shit it is
turn it around.
if a woman is harrassing me is it allright to punch her so hard in het belly that she looses an ovarie?
I like justice.
for everyone...
but what you describe is way over the hill.kicking someone with cowboy boots.
that girl is really dumb .
12-16-2006, 02:08 PM
I think your confusing a fetish with the real thing.
the way you describe these women, I certainly do not want to be involved with them at all .they are irresponsible and possibly very dangerous.
if a man would punch one of your female friends out I would think it is fair play.I mean when one of your friends tries to kik a man fullforce.
it is just getting what you act as if t's cool what they do.
it isseriously assaulting a person instead of a fetish what you describe.
sick shit it is
turn it around.
if a woman is harrassing me is it allright to punch her so hard in het belly that she looses an ovarie?
I like justice.
for everyone...
but what you describe is way over the hill.kicking someone with cowboy boots.
that girl is really dumb .
I guess Ididn't make it very clear. The guy this gal kicked was basically assaulting her. She gave him plenty of warning believe me. Like I said, the guy tried to sue but the judge threw it out of court stating it was self defense. If you thinks it's OK for a guy to grab, harass and assault Women then you are the one with the problem. Should she have teken her boots off first? I thinks it's awsome, the fucker got what he deserved. If more women were as able to defend themselves like this maybe there would be less rapes etc. As far as the other gals go, I see nothing wrong with a gal that likes to kick guys in the balls. I mentioned that I couldn't get them to kick me so what does that tell you. I'm not sure why you are even on this forum. As far as my wife goes, one of the guys who she kicked slammed her head into a bar, he was arrested she wasn't. Same thing, self defense. Grow up Dude!
12-16-2006, 02:13 PM
I think your confusing a fetish with the real thing.
the way you describe these women, I certainly do not want to be involved with them at all .they are irresponsible and possibly very dangerous.
if a man would punch one of your female friends out I would think it is fair play.I mean when one of your friends tries to kik a man fullforce.
it is just getting what you act as if t's cool what they do.
it isseriously assaulting a person instead of a fetish what you describe.
sick shit it is
turn it around.
if a woman is harrassing me is it allright to punch her so hard in het belly that she looses an ovarie?
I like justice.
for everyone...
but what you describe is way over the hill.kicking someone with cowboy boots.
that girl is really dumb .
Oh one more thing, your profile says you are looking for a "warm and very cruel woman". Do you know what CRUEL means?:confused:
12-17-2006, 11:57 PM
Oh one more thing, your profile says you are looking for a "warm and very cruel woman". Do you know what CRUEL means?:confused:
Now, now, he's from Holland, eh? If he's from Amsterdam, "cruel" means "I am sorry, sir, but we do not serve marijuana in this coffee house, only coffee".
12-18-2006, 11:57 AM
Stop it! Your killing me Trouble. I forgot about them Holland guys. They like to stick there fingers in Dykes. My question is; will a Dyke kick you in the balls if you stick your finger in her:Baahaha: . As for the beer, of course. Don't worry I may not be easy but I'm a cheap date.
01-31-2007, 04:00 PM
Now, now, he's from Holland, eh? If he's from Amsterdam, "cruel" means "I am sorry, sir, but we do not serve marijuana in this coffee house, only coffee".
go lick bush his ass .asshole !
with your dumb way of thinking.
it is the ideal relationship.a combination between sadism but also a woman who has at the same time (not same moment)nice warm feelings for her man .yes those things can easily go hand in are fantasy-guys.a REAL cruel woman would cut your big mouth throats off. what do you know what cruel means.and hey asshole ,what do you know about me and about is a better place to live than the usa which trives on violence where kids shoot eachothers brains out because you dumb fucks think you got the right to defend yourself with your guns and pistols.which in reality only means that innocent people do get shot.
get your brain flushed out before commenting about my country .my father is from italy got something about that too?I hope your mistress rams your testicles in your throat.because you deseve that!
jeez now go wine to your asshole friends about me and my country.pimppussy.
with that picture of bush.are you a supporter of this liar?
you are arent't you?
fuck.bush is only out there for the money.he lies and you all swallow that crap.
abused berries
01-31-2007, 04:39 PM
go lick bush his ass .asshole !
with your dumb way of thinking.
it is the ideal relationship.a combination between sadism but also a woman who has at the same time (not same moment)nice warm feelings for her man .yes those things can easily go hand in are fantasy-guys.a REAL cruel woman would cut your big mouth throats off. what do you know what cruel means.and hey asshole ,what do you know about me and about is a better place to live than the usa which trives on violence where kids shoot eachothers brains out because you dumb fucks think you got the right to defend yourself with your guns and pistols.which in reality only means that innocent people do get shot.
get your brain flushed out before commenting about my country .my father is from italy got something about that too?I hope your mistress rams your testicles in your throat.because you deseve that!
jeez now go wine to your asshole friends about me and my country.pimppussy.
with that picture of bush.are you a supporter of this liar?
you are arent't you?
fuck.bush is only out there for the money.he lies and you all swallow that crap.
tell us how you really feel.
01-31-2007, 05:08 PM
tell us how you really feel.
are you offended you sick fuck?go join your army of darkness and call it liberty and justice and freedom of speech.and kill everyone who is not on your side.
tell us how you really feel.
piece of puke.
abused berries
01-31-2007, 08:23 PM
are you offended you sick fuck?go join your army of darkness and call it liberty and justice and freedom of speech.and kill everyone who is not on your side.
tell us how you really feel.
piece of puke.
i feel like feeding the trolls.
02-01-2007, 03:08 AM
are you offended you sick fuck?go join your army of darkness and call it liberty and justice and freedom of speech.and kill everyone who is not on your side.
tell us how you really feel.
piece of puke.
Wait, wait...I'm still trying to wrap my head around someone being called a 'sick fuck' on this forum. It kind of makes me giggle.
As a side note, I should hope we're killing people who aren't on our side. That's what you do in a war, regardless of who started it or their motives for doing so.
Now, seriously, mellow out. You don't like America, that's fine. No problems with that, personally. I don't much care for the stars and stripes either...but how it pertains to ballbusting, I do not understand.
bleep master
02-01-2007, 04:06 AM
are you offended you sick fuck?go join your army of darkness and call it liberty and justice and freedom of speech.and kill everyone who is not on your side.
tell us how you really feel.
piece of puke.
bleep sings:
what the world needs now, is bb, sweet bb, more than..
ah, whatever.. aren't there enough conspiracyforums around or maybe political discussion sites where you can provocate that you get banned?
bleep master
02-01-2007, 08:12 AM
are you offended you sick fuck?go join your army of darkness and call it liberty and justice and freedom of speech.and kill everyone who is not on your side.
tell us how you really feel.
piece of puke.
for you and everyone else that always knew that bush is and always has been nothing more than a marionette.. i found this for u
02-01-2007, 01:28 PM
Wait, wait...I'm still trying to wrap my head around someone being called a 'sick fuck' on this forum. It kind of makes me giggle.
As a side note, I should hope we're killing people who aren't on our side. That's what you do in a war, regardless of who started it or their motives for doing so.
Now, seriously, mellow out. You don't like America, that's fine. No problems with that, personally. I don't much care for the stars and stripes either...but how it pertains to ballbusting, I do not understand.
I actually haven't go a problem with the usa ,(although that stars and stripes fanatic shit is full of nationalistic crap.God loves america.and the rest of he world?crap.if you're into God or jesus you shouldn't even kill anyone.they know nothing about the words of Jesus.)but that guy starting to talk shit about holland(the country where I live) with his bush picture really agitated me..
look at the vietnamwar.they are only talking about the 58.000 americans who died there.whatabout the 2 millions or more vietnamese who who died and never asked for foreigners to bomb their country.
and as if everybody here in holland smokes weed.I can tell you, dutch people know more about the USA then americans know about any country in europe.anyway americans are a product of europe.but as an other guy said it's notabout politics here.but this guy really anoyed me to the bone.
Snoodles.war is full of shit anyway.not long ago in europa we al fought each other(germany against france, france against england ,you name it they did it).now we got another enemy which probably will be our friends in the future too(I hope).
bin laden was a product of the us politics.bush is friends with the family of bin laden.things are so woven in wrong ways.did you know that french commandos had bin laden up to two times in their sight?they didn' get permission from us commanders to kill this why's that?
do you trust the CIA?I don't know.there are things going on which are not healty.
02-01-2007, 01:32 PM
for you and everyone else that always knew that bush is and always has been nothing more than a marionette.. i found this for u
apologies to the americans if you feel offended.
there a lot of good people there .I know.
but you have to show repect to other people too.the world isn't less important outside your own borders.
you cannot kick ass and thinking you're ass never will be kicked does not work that way.
02-01-2007, 02:52 PM
apologies to the americans if you feel offended.
there a lot of good people there .I know.
but you have to show repect to other people too.the world isn't less important outside your own borders.
you cannot kick ass and thinking you're ass never will be kicked does not work that way.
There's a flaw in your logic. The world outside our borders is less important, just like the world outside Germany's borders is less important to them. Every country should place it's own well being above everyone else...within reason, of course. By the same token, it's people should really believe that their country is the best...if not, why live in it?
The problem isn't nationalism, the problem is extremism.
02-01-2007, 03:59 PM
There's a flaw in your logic. The world outside our borders is less important, just like the world outside Germany's borders is less important to them. Every country should place it's own well being above everyone else...within reason, of course. By the same token, it's people should really believe that their country is the best...if not, why live in it?
The problem isn't nationalism, the problem is extremism.
that's a uhum 'not wise' way of reasoning.
so if you don't think your own country is the best you have to go to the country you think is the best?you can keep on moving that do you know the US is the best?you don't know anything about other countries and their people(I think).we in europe are not so nationalistic as you in the usa are.we don't sing God bless holland or germany.the nazis had 'Gott ist mit uns' (Go is with us) on their know..
don't you call it extremism that the usa are medling in different countries in the world and suporting corrupt governments?
by your reasoning I dare to say to you that the US of A is not in a million miles not the best country in the world.what kind of justice system the usa has got?I know of better systems .only the rich have rights in your have to pay a lot of money to have a decent attorney.the poor get dumped for many years away in jail without som decent defence.way too many people haven't got a healt assurance because they cannot afford it.
in holland the differences between people are not so extreme.
come to Holland and see for yourself .
everybody who goes on a vacation to the us says when he or she comes back.we don't have it so bad here in holland.
02-01-2007, 04:08 PM
The problem isn't nationalism, the problem is extremism.
iraq is a mess due to the lies of the administration of bush.
afghanistan okay ,I can dig that,bin laden al qaida camps planning attacks etc.but not iraq.(why didn't your country assasinate bin laden while they had the chance?it stinks that's why.I already said that in a previous post)
in afghanistan you got those taliban animals.they are a kind of orcs(lod of the rings) in my opinion .they kill innocent people.but iraq.did you know that the usa did support sadam hussein when he was in that 10 year war with iran?
do you think they didn't know at that time about the violations of human rights in iraq? I don't know,but you have to look a little deeper before you say that your country is so great.or even more surprising to me, the best.which in my opinion is childish anyway to say such a thing.why would anything have to be the best or the greatest.everything has its pros and cons.
like a woman who wants to hear that she is the most bautiful girl.
it's childish.
02-01-2007, 04:10 PM
There's a flaw in your logic.
I have more flaws than only in my you we all have.:wooow
02-01-2007, 05:06 PM
go lick bush his ass .asshole !
with your dumb way of thinking.
it is the ideal relationship.a combination between sadism but also a woman who has at the same time (not same moment)nice warm feelings for her man .yes those things can easily go hand in are fantasy-guys.a REAL cruel woman would cut your big mouth throats off. what do you know what cruel means.and hey asshole ,what do you know about me and about is a better place to live than the usa which trives on violence where kids shoot eachothers brains out because you dumb fucks think you got the right to defend yourself with your guns and pistols.which in reality only means that innocent people do get shot.
get your brain flushed out before commenting about my country .my father is from italy got something about that too?I hope your mistress rams your testicles in your throat.because you deseve that!
jeez now go wine to your asshole friends about me and my country.pimppussy.
with that picture of bush.are you a supporter of this liar?
you are arent't you?
fuck.bush is only out there for the money.he lies and you all swallow that crap.Woah dude! You seriously need to smoke some of that opium you guys grow.
Is the Holland and actual country now? I’m sure they said it was a province of Germany when I was at skool. The Holland looks smaller than Utah on the map. How can that be a country?
God bless America.
02-01-2007, 07:32 PM
I try not to let people or things spin me up, but Testes you are getting close, there are things in the Good Ole US of A that do need changing, We need to let the rest of the world go to hell in a hand basket, we meddle too much, and we have polititians that do not vote for things American, they vote to give to much for foreign welfare, things need to improve here at home, and the money we give to the third world wogs would be better used here! I just wish the greasers from Mexico thought as you do and would go homew along with the Muslims, I am a Red Neck and proud of it! I have a small arsenal that will be my protection when things get that bad, unlike the Europeans prior to WW2 when they took all your weapons away! So when the Muslims come to knock your sister in the head for not wearing a burka, and cut your throat for looking at porn on the computer, who are you going to piss and moan to? the French? ha ha ha ha , they surrendered a long time ago. Now can we get back to ball busting?
02-01-2007, 08:38 PM
Silly me, being proud of the land of my birth. Yeah, it's fucked up, but find a better country. I dare you. Every country is fucked up. Each has it's pros and cons. In Germany it's illegal to play, produce, or own 'killerspeils.' That's violent videogames. Final fantasy is on the list, as is most everything else.
France? They're busy deciding who's revisionist history to teach in their schools and pretending that talking to Iran is working.
The British? Well, last I checked, everyone was railing against Tony Blair because apparently he's Bush's lapdog.
All countries have pros and cons. Mine is the best for me.
By your logic, any country that's ever done anything wrong is a horrendous, vile place. The sun never sets on the British empire, anyone? Rome conquered the world. Guess that rules out italy. Come on, man. Mellow out, or take it to a political rally.
02-02-2007, 11:45 AM
I try not to let people or things spin me up, but Testes you are getting close, there are things in the Good Ole US of A that do need changing, We need to let the rest of the world go to hell in a hand basket, we meddle too much, and we have polititians that do not vote for things American, they vote to give to much for foreign welfare, things need to improve here at home, and the money we give to the third world wogs would be better used here! I just wish the greasers from Mexico thought as you do and would go homew along with the Muslims, I am a Red Neck and proud of it! I have a small arsenal that will be my protection when things get that bad, unlike the Europeans prior to WW2 when they took all your weapons away! So when the Muslims come to knock your sister in the head for not wearing a burka, and cut your throat for looking at porn on the computer, who are you going to piss and moan to? the French? ha ha ha ha , they surrendered a long time ago. Now can we get back to ball busting?
you americans stole that ground from the have actually no right o speak at all!
and now you're complaining about the mexicans?man.your throat is more likely to be cut be your own fellow americans.what a joke.go play with your guns. you shouldn't have fought the nazis but joined are just like them.your country causes a lot of trouble in the world .
it was the russians who did the most damage to the nazi's not the usa.without you the nazi's would have lost anyway.and your country wasn't so interested to free europe.pearl harbor..
and those muslims..ha ! oh you are such great friends with saoudi arabia.why?they are not different than those other countries's all about the oil.and i repeat.your country threw more bombs on vietnam than.... yeah think about it .that is why you are a can't.
it is full of corruption.lok what you have done and try to do in southern america.the CIA(torturing people) evil groups comin out of your country.stay in your own country then and stop trying to steal things (oil)out of other countries.
02-02-2007, 11:51 AM
Silly me, being proud of the land of my birth. Yeah, it's fucked up, but find a better country. I dare you. Every country is fucked up. Each has it's pros and cons. In Germany it's illegal to play, produce, or own 'killerspeils.' That's violent videogames. Final fantasy is on the list, as is most everything else.
France? They're busy deciding who's revisionist history to teach in their schools and pretending that talking to Iran is working.
The British? Well, last I checked, everyone was railing against Tony Blair because apparently he's Bush's lapdog.
All countries have pros and cons. Mine is the best for me.
By your logic, any country that's ever done anything wrong is a horrendous, vile place. The sun never sets on the British empire, anyone? Rome conquered the world. Guess that rules out italy. Come on, man. Mellow out, or take it to a political rally.
this is too stupid to take serious .it' like talking to a child.
until now there are more then 3000 american soldiers dead in iraq.
for what?go on with your stupid things and keep on defending stupid and ignorant can you get.tell it to the death what you have accomplished.
02-02-2007, 12:07 PM
We need to let the rest of the world go to hell in a hand basket
you need to let the rest of the world live their own way of life and not trying to force yours onto them.
THAT is what you have to do.
your country is responsible for a quarter of the worlds environment polution.
I am tired of that stupid ,'proud to be american' crap.
God bless america.I doubt he will.bullshit as if he excists.
why would you be so proud?I can't see a good reason.only dumb people are nationalistic.nationalism causes wars.
02-02-2007, 12:44 PM
Woah dude! You seriously need to smoke some of that opium you guys grow.
Is the Holland and actual country now? I’m sure they said it was a province of Germany when I was at skool. The Holland looks smaller than Utah on the map. How can that be a country?
God bless America.
well,our fighters in K-1 still kick your big american fat butt.
how does that feel?
your little mike tyson wanted to join in but decided not to do so.
we all now why's that?.he would have gotten his big mouth kicked around.
and your muscle monster bop sapp gets clowned around too.
so small we are as a country.:thumbup
and to the redneck.isn't being a redneck the same as being a racist?
02-02-2007, 01:40 PM
You guys quit picking on him. He obviously is wacked in the head and gets all his info from the left side media. BTW, why is it that the U.S. has helped more countries and outsiders than any other country? Hmm. Why do so many flock to the U.S. to live? If little Holland ever is invaded or attacked we would be the first to your aid. You obviously listen to people who don't know much about anything. Educate yourself, do some research before you start spouting off. Let me know when your country decides to contribute something else to this world besides wooden shoes.:Baahaha:
02-02-2007, 01:42 PM
Since I don't frequent this board much anymore I'll probably never see your pathetic reply.:Baahaha:
02-02-2007, 02:21 PM
Since I don't frequent this board much anymore I'll probably never see your pathetic reply.:Baahaha:
patethic.look at your own on sided media dumb-head.
it's a wonder that you even know where europe is.
"your country"(which is not yours,it's a mix) is so big yet your brain is so shallow...
go on with torturing people .abu graeb fuckers.
yeah it was an incident hey?
true lies asshole !!
je zoekt het maar uit met je hoerige geldbeluste land
02-02-2007, 02:22 PM
You guys quit picking on him. He obviously is wacked in the head and gets all his info from the left side media. BTW, why is it that the U.S. has helped more countries and outsiders than any other country? Hmm. Why do so many flock to the U.S. to live? If little Holland ever is invaded or attacked we would be the first to your aid. You obviously listen to people who don't know much about anything. Educate yourself, do some research before you start spouting off. Let me know when your country decides to contribute something else to this world besides wooden shoes.:Baahaha:
attacked by who?
maybe by your fucking country.
many people here in holland think you in the usa are a bit wacko with your injustice jurisdiction.and prosecuting someone to get millions out of a person for a bullshit thing.
there are so many bullshit things in your's a long list.
ein bisschen krieg ein bisschen krieg.wollt ihr den krieg?ein bisschen krieg ein bisschen krieg
your country exists only a couple of centuries.
stolen from the indians.and now you are all talking about problems with the mexicans?
you ain't got the right to open your mouth.yu are immigrants yourself.runaways from europe.
leftovers from europe.
02-02-2007, 02:25 PM
Let me know when your country decides to contribute something else to this world besides wooden shoes.:Baahaha:
go eat your hamburgers's obvious that you don't know anything about holland.that's beacause you got your head stuffed in your ignorant ass.
go liberate tibet from the chinese if you're such brave people.
or is the yellow giant a step too big for your fat asses?
cause that is way wose than what sadam has done.
justice...what do you know about justice moron.
you're stupid country supported sadam when he was in that 10 year war with iran.
you think your government didn't knew then what kind of dictator he was in those days?
jeez.americans are or dumb or ignorant.
but now sadam didn't want to give you his oil bush decided to get it himself with his army of fat.
so... you are the one who is talking a lot of crock of shit.
don't come to me with that i am influenced by left media.
you have your brain flushed by those republicans with their propaganda machine.or even are one of them.(makes me think of that movie about those bodysnatchers,hehe)
go and get mccarthy out of his fucking grave and do some communist hunting.:autogun
02-02-2007, 02:31 PM
Please for the love of some god... shut up!! What in the hell does this have to do with nut stomping. Lets get back to the finer things inf life we can all agree on, A beautiful woman tormenting our balls!
02-02-2007, 02:35 PM
you americans stole that ground from the have actually no right o speak at all!
and now you're complaining about the mexicans?man.your throat is more likely to be cut be your own fellow americans.what a joke.go play with your guns. you shouldn't have fought the nazis but joined are just like them.your country causes a lot of trouble in the world .
it was the russians who did the most damage to the nazi's not the usa.without you the nazi's would have lost anyway.and your country wasn't so interested to free europe.pearl harbor..
and those muslims..ha ! oh you are such great friends with saoudi arabia.why?they are not different than those other countries's all about the oil.and i repeat.your country threw more bombs on vietnam than.... yeah think about it .that is why you are a can't.
it is full of corruption.lok what you have done and try to do in southern america.the CIA(torturing people) evil groups comin out of your country.stay in your own country then and stop trying to steal things (oil)out of other countries.
Holland was 'Stolen' by the Holy Roman empire. :bananajum
02-02-2007, 03:52 PM
Holland was 'Stolen' by the Holy Roman empire. :bananajum
that's right .and for 400 years :) .
you horny pussy..
they even made some cities like novio magus.which is now called nijmegen.
I want to steal your pussy !
02-02-2007, 03:55 PM
Please for the love of some god... shut up!! What in the hell does this have to do with nut stomping. Lets get back to the finer things inf life we can all agree on, A beautiful woman tormenting our balls!
uhm are right :o
if i only look at the palestines, i have to say you americans are angels compared to them.:ibow4u:
we all live on the same planet.if we don't get along than we will ultimately destroy ourselves.
abused berries
02-02-2007, 03:55 PM
this is all fairly ridiculous since trouble's original comment about holland was basically a compliment. he said that cruelty would be just coffee, not marijuana and coffee, in a coffee house, as if to say thats the worst thing that can happen in amsterdam. i fail to see the harm in that comment.
02-02-2007, 04:06 PM
this is all fairly ridiculous since trouble's original comment about holland was basically a compliment. he said that cruelty would be just coffee, not marijuana and coffee, in a coffee house, as if to say thats the worst thing that can happen in amsterdam. i fail to see the harm in that comment.
it was a negative comment on need to defend that.
and amsterdam is NOT, I repeat NOT typical for the rest of holland.
like naples is not like the ret of italy.etc
the centre of amsterdam has the red light district where the prostitutes are sitting behind the got weedshops everywhere.but ,no guns in shops.
02-02-2007, 04:41 PM
but some american things are very funny.
for example a scene out of the movie the shining:
Delbert Grady: Did you know, Mr. Torrance, that your son is attempting to bring an outside party into this situation? Did you know that?
Jack Torrance: No.
Delbert Grady: He is, Mr. Torrance.
Jack Torrance: Who?
Delbert Grady: A nigger.
Jack Torrance: A nigger?
Delbert Grady: A nigger cook.
Jack Torrance: How?
Delbert Grady: Your son has a very great talent. I don't think you are aware how great it is. That he is attempting to use that very talent against your will.
Jack Torrance: He is a very willful boy.
Delbert Grady: Indeed he is, Mr. Torrance. A very willful boy. A rather naughty boy, if I may be so bold, sir.
Jack Torrance: It's his mother. She, uh, interferes.
Delbert Grady: Perhaps they need a good talking to, if you don't mind my saying so. Perhaps a bit more. My girls, sir, they didn't care for the Overlook at first. One of them actually stole a pack of matches, and tried to burn it down. But I "corrected" them sir. And when my wife tried to prevent me from doing my duty, I "corrected" her.
maybe noodles needs to be corrected too.
but in a more sexual way..:cool:
02-02-2007, 09:38 PM
Testes man, go get some anger management!
You’ve confused me though. If the Holland is part of Germany how can you cite the Nazi’s if favor of this province?
And please don’t talk about stealing our Snoodle’s pussy – unless its your intention to replace it with a large cock and balls :D
02-02-2007, 11:19 PM
Testes man, go get some anger management!
You’ve confused me though. If the Holland is part of Germany how can you cite the Nazi’s if favor of this province?
And please don’t talk about stealing our Snoodle’s pussy – unless its your intention to replace it with a large cock and balls :D
Hm...I'm beginning to like the sound of this 'correction.' :jumpsmile
02-02-2007, 11:21 PM
that's right .and for 400 years :) .
you horny pussy..
they even made some cities like novio magus.which is now called nijmegen.
I want to steal your pussy !
Whoa...that was definitely out of left field. :wooow
02-03-2007, 05:43 AM
Testes man, go get some anger management!
You’ve confused me though. If the Holland is part of Germany how can you cite the Nazi’s if favor of this province?
And please don’t talk about stealing our Snoodle’s pussy – unless its your intention to replace it with a large cock and balls :D
forget about the nazi and who's better discussion.
i'm getting tired of it.(one way to stop agression,getting tired of it).
it leads to nothing.everybody lives where he lives :-P
I want to steal noodles' pussy and the rest ,which surrounds her pussy.
I will put my cock and balls in and against her pussy ,it's not replacing it.but it comes a little close to it.
02-03-2007, 05:47 AM
Whoa...that was definitely out of left field. :wooow
stealing your pussy?
mwah , some things are not right or left (read many).
if you think of terms of stealing is right Wing(?).then everybody in the world is right .
does the owner of the pussy think it is a bad idea? ;-P
02-03-2007, 06:31 AM
forget about the nazi and who's better discussion.
i'm getting tired of it
Hooray! I was just pouring gas on the fire because I’m sick and twisted like that.
I worked for 2 days in Rotterdam last week! And wotever u say, apart from the red-light area being smaller and less blatant, it’s pretty much the same as Amsterdam in the coffee house marijuana etc. sense.
As is usually the case, people are very anti the dominant nation (hence all the anti-US feeling in the world). It’s the same on the local basis too. Call an Irish, Welsh or Scottish person “English” and you’ll have a fight on yer hands. Call a Belgium, Dane or Dutch person “German” or a Canadian “American” and its similar. The feeling is much less strong the other way around in each case.
I’m not sure that this follows through completely when it comes to the Dutch though. Given that Holland is just a province of The Netherlands then why don’t Dutch people from the smaller provinces protest at being labelled as being from Holland?
And lets not forget, the Dutch can take no moral high ground in a debate about fucking up the world. Your very own William of Orange’s 17th century “Glorious Revolution” set up some of the most bitter conflicts that have ever raged in Western Europe. Hell, to this very day the protestant Orangemen march to celebrate his victory at the Boyne on “the twelfth” causing problems. In part, I think we can blame the Dutch for the sectarian violence in Ireland that would still be raging were it not for Al Qaeda having made blowing up innocent people rather distasteful to the IRA fund raisers in the US.
I could go on but I see no point.
It also has sod all to do with Nut Stomping. I’ll finish with this:
(1) My esteemed neighboUr “Trouble” was not taking the piss on this occasion. He mostly saves that for my “puny island nation” ;)
(2) Leave Snoodle’s pussy out of it.
02-03-2007, 08:16 AM
Hooray! I was just pouring gas on the fire because I’m sick and twisted like that.
I worked for 2 days in Rotterdam last week! And wotever u say, apart from the red-light area being smaller and less blatant, it’s pretty much the same as Amsterdam in the coffee house marijuana etc. sense.
As is usually the case, people are very anti the dominant nation (hence all the anti-US feeling in the world). It’s the same on the local basis too. Call an Irish, Welsh or Scottish person “English” and you’ll have a fight on yer hands. Call a Belgium, Dane or Dutch person “German” or a Canadian “American” and its similar. The feeling is much less strong the other way around in each case.
I’m not sure that this follows through completely when it comes to the Dutch though. Given that Holland is just a province of The Netherlands then why don’t Dutch people from the smaller provinces protest at being labelled as being from Holland?
And lets not forget, the Dutch can take no moral high ground in a debate about fucking up the world. Your very own William of Orange’s 17th century “Glorious Revolution” set up some of the most bitter conflicts that have ever raged in Western Europe. Hell, to this very day the protestant Orangemen march to celebrate his victory at the Boyne on “the twelfth” causing problems. In part, I think we can blame the Dutch for the sectarian violence in Ireland that would still be raging were it not for Al Qaeda having made blowing up innocent people rather distasteful to the IRA fund raisers in the US.
I could go on but I see no point.
It also has sod all to do with Nut Stomping. I’ll finish with this:
(1) My esteemed neighboUr “Trouble” was not taking the piss on this occasion. He mostly saves that for my “puny island nation” ;)
(2) Leave Snoodle’s pussy out of it.
holland =the netherlands and is not a's two words for the same thing/country.we called it usually ,nederland.that is how we say it.(you probably know if you come for work to rotterdam)
and amsterdam is not like rotterdam,in my opinion ,and that of many more dutch people.not in the centre anyway.much more coffeshops ,sexshops etc everywhere,you know that if you've been there.
oh and I am the last one to say that the netherlands/nederland didn't do bad things in the world.dutch had the biggest trade in slaves.correct me if I'm wrong:-).and in indonesia they committed faul acts too.I know that.
I am half italian so what should I feel?guilty about what holland did in the past or of what mussolini did or the mafia?or both?what said you live where you live.we are all individuals.that's why i don'tlike people coming up with I'm american .I'm what?does that make you a better person?no.even if 99% of the population of your country are assles you can stil be a very nice warm person.
I' getting tired again:
It's a lot of baloney and I'm tired.
I don't want to hear it!
We know you're tired. We're all tired.
- I'm tired and it's a lot of baloney.
- You're not tired, Bancini.
Take your hands off me!
Recreation time, gentlemen.
up to snoodles' pussy..
that is between me snoodles and her pussy.
are you an american?or are you a rolling stone that gathers no moss?
Young Psychiatrist: Have you ever heard of the old saying, a rolling stone gathers no moss?
McMurphy: Yeah.
Young Psychiatrist: Does that mean something to you?
McMurphy: Uh... It's the same as, don't wash your dirty underwear in public.
Young Psychiatrist: I'm not sure I understand what you mean?
McMurphy: [smiling] I'm smarter than him, ain't I? [laughs]
McMurphy: Well, that sort of has always meant, is, uh it's hard for something to grow on something that's moving.
Psychiatrist: Dr. Sanji?
Dr. Sanji: I don't think he's overly psychotic, but, I still think he's quite sick.
Psychiatrist: You think he's dangerous?
Dr. Sanji: Absolutely so.
02-03-2007, 08:20 AM
Hooray! I was just pouring gas on the fire because I’m sick and twisted like that.
that is why you are here at this forum..
but not only because of what you mention :-P
I won't say I am a more sane human.
02-03-2007, 12:07 PM
holland =the netherlands and is not a's two words for the same thing/country.
Wise up dude: Strictly speaking it’s not all Holland.
You are the only Dutch person I know (of hundreds) that thinks it is! Holland only joined the Netherlands in 1432
02-03-2007, 12:10 PM
are you a rolling stone that gathers no moss?
I am a rolling stone that has a REALLY thick layer of moss.
02-03-2007, 12:13 PM
amsterdam is not like rotterdam,in my opinion ,and that of many more dutch people.
Well that’s just a Dutch point of view. To the rest of the world Rotterdam is as close to Amsterdam and two cities can be. It doesn’t matter whether you compare Liverpool and Manchester, New York and Boston or Madrid and Barcelona to a local they are completely different. From the outside they’re far more similar to each other than they are to cities in different countries
02-03-2007, 01:16 PM
Hooray! I was just pouring gas on the fire because I’m sick and twisted like that.
I worked for 2 days in Rotterdam last week! And wotever u say, apart from the red-light area being smaller and less blatant, it’s pretty much the same as Amsterdam in the coffee house marijuana etc. sense.
As is usually the case, people are very anti the dominant nation (hence all the anti-US feeling in the world). It’s the same on the local basis too. Call an Irish, Welsh or Scottish person “English” and you’ll have a fight on yer hands. Call a Belgium, Dane or Dutch person “German” or a Canadian “American” and its similar. The feeling is much less strong the other way around in each case.
I’m not sure that this follows through completely when it comes to the Dutch though. Given that Holland is just a province of The Netherlands then why don’t Dutch people from the smaller provinces protest at being labelled as being from Holland?
And lets not forget, the Dutch can take no moral high ground in a debate about fucking up the world. Your very own William of Orange’s 17th century “Glorious Revolution” set up some of the most bitter conflicts that have ever raged in Western Europe. Hell, to this very day the protestant Orangemen march to celebrate his victory at the Boyne on “the twelfth” causing problems. In part, I think we can blame the Dutch for the sectarian violence in Ireland that would still be raging were it not for Al Qaeda having made blowing up innocent people rather distasteful to the IRA fund raisers in the US.
I could go on but I see no point.
It also has sod all to do with Nut Stomping. I’ll finish with this:
(1) My esteemed neighboUr “Trouble” was not taking the piss on this occasion. He mostly saves that for my “puny island nation” ;)
(2) Leave Snoodle’s pussy out of it.
Trouble has hit the jackpot! Now let's quit arguing with this self centered Dutchman and get back to BALLBUSTING
02-03-2007, 01:47 PM
Trouble has hit the jackpot! Now let's quit arguing with this self centered Dutchman and get back to BALLBUSTING
You heard the man now SOMEBODY STOMP SOME NUTS!
02-04-2007, 07:35 AM
Wise up dude: Strictly speaking it’s not all Holland.
You are the only Dutch person I know (of hundreds) that thinks it is! Holland only joined the Netherlands in 1432
holland is NOT a some more information.
the people here regard these days (we do not live in 1400!!!) holland the same as the netherlands.
like USA is the same as USBS(united states bull-shit)
I am getting tired of that belittling way you speaking you do.
this is how YOU americns think..and it's full of bullshit too !!
Holland and the Netherlands
What is the difference?
There is often confusion about Holland. Some people call the Netherlands, Holland, but it is not the same. Holland is only a small part of the Netherlands and like the Dakotas, Carolinas and Virginias, there are two Hollands.
"North-Holland" (Capital city is Haarlem) and "South-Holland" (Capital city is The Hague). MAP
Holland used to be an independent country. It had a "Count", its own coinage (until the 19th century!), its own measuring units and time - but it gave up that independence in the 16th century, when it allied with the Northern and Southern Netherlands against the armies of the King of Spain whom at the time was officially the "Count of Holland" and ruled over this whole area.
The main reasons for war were religious differences, disputes over taxes and the fact that when some cities wanted to break free, the King's army was quite brutal to civilians.
Eventually the Southern Netherlands gave up the fight and stayed occupied by foreign ****** until 1830. That area is now called Belgium. The Northern Netherlands fought on and won. Then, along with the counties of (Holland, Drente, Groningen, Friesland, Gelderland, Zeeland and Utrecht) became a free Republic, including the occupied regions of Brabant and Limburg.
All these counties (called provinces today, together with some new ones) are now called "The Kingdom of the Netherlands." MAP
Today the province of Limburg still has a Governor and to say to someone from Limburg or Friesland that he or she is from Holland, is considered an insult. They are not! They consider themselves to be from the Netherlands. They even have their own language.
People from other Provinces (except North and South Holland) will perhaps not consider it a real insult, but still they are not from Holland.
In summary, Holland gave up it's independence a very long time ago, so calling the Netherlands "Holland", is like calling Great Britain "England."
02-04-2007, 07:44 AM
Trouble has hit the jackpot! Now let's quit arguing with this self centered Dutchman and get back to BALLBUSTING
self centered?
look at yourself .you are the best in being self centered.
the winner is : the USA!!
why does the whole world don't like you?
cause you're so nice?because of your big mouths for sure.
stomping with your big boots through the whole world as if everything is yours.
and canadians don't like to be called US citizens .and not because the US is dominant.but because the US is not as good a country as CANADA is.
I would rather live in CANADA than in the USA.that's for sure.
you think way too high of shouldn' have made a mess of iraq .
02-04-2007, 07:48 AM
Well that’s just a Dutch point of view. To the rest of the world Rotterdam is as close to Amsterdam and two cities can be.
'just' a dutch point of view?
your opinion is 'just' your opinion.if you were right, than all the tourists wouldn't go to amsterdam wouldn't they?
you're ignorant man.and not 'just' a little.
if you can't show respect ,you won't get it back.
02-04-2007, 08:07 AM
Wise up dude: Strictly speaking it’s not all Holland.
You are the only Dutch person I know (of hundreds) that thinks it is! Holland only joined the Netherlands in 1432
provinciehoofdstadDrenthe ( ( ( ( ( (Fryslân)Leeuwarden ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( Haag (
you see? zuid-holland and noord-holland are provinces.
but when someone says I come from Holland.he says I come from nederland.
I live here my whole live . you are quite complacent in your kowledge of Holland for someone who only visits my country.
ouwehoer dat je bent zeg.kolere..
02-04-2007, 08:14 AM
Wise up dude: Strictly speaking it’s not all Holland.
You are the only Dutch person I know (of hundreds) that thinks it is! Holland only joined the Netherlands in 1432
who did you speak to?
peppi and kokki?
of hundreds.yeah you talked to hunderds of people about this subject.
you got a big mouth.that's for sure.
02-04-2007, 10:35 AM
Enough already!!!! This is getting ridiculous! Americans are not perfect, our mistakes are out there for all to see. We can be arrogant and self centered and our ignorance of other countries and cultures is appalling sometimes, but we are not alone in that. Not all of us agree with what Bush has done and we are trying our best to straighten the mess out. What I do know is that my father was badly wounded near Eindhoven in October 1944 while with the 101st, and that he left his best friends buried there, along with thousands of other Americans who are in cemeteries all over Europe. They came to free people, not conquer them. We have slowly lost our way in our dealings with other countries and I pray that someday we can be a influence for good again. It saddened my father to see what the US was turning into and there are many of us here trying to change the direction of this country, but please remember too the millions of Americans who came to Europe in WW II, and the thousands who are buried there, and that spirit of wanting to be a better partner in this world is still with many of us.
02-04-2007, 01:04 PM
old friend, i have not figured out if you are the kind of person that would suck his daddys dick for a quarter to fuck his momma, or whether you talk like aa shit salesman with a mouth full of samples! please keep it up so i can get rid of my confusion! Ray
02-04-2007, 02:01 PM
Testes is ruining the Nut stomping thread by being a twat. I apologise as I am guilty of fanning the flames. I didn’t want to continue to spoil one of the best threads here so I have made a new one. This way those that wish to ignore this crap can.
IMHO, I think the administration here should ban testes. He contributes only hate. He appears to be bigoted as well as stupid. My guess would be that he was so disliked at school that he simply wasn’t allowed to attend. I’ll also speculate that nobody here likes him either.
He even contradicts his own frigging argument that Holland and The Netherlands are one and the same:
Today the province of Limburg still has a Governor and to say to someone from Limburg or Friesland that he or she is from Holland, is considered an insult. They are not! They consider themselves to be from the Netherlands. They even have their own language.
People from other Provinces (except North and South Holland) will perhaps not consider it a real insult, but still they are not from Holland.
Please leave this board to the Ballbusting and stop insulting the rest of the world!
Better still just please leave this board
:soomad:soomad :soomad :soomad :soomad :soomad
The Rani
02-04-2007, 02:10 PM
Yes hands off my thread ASSHOLE!
Just look how constructive he was on the forum (Post #5 in thread
What a jerk.
I say ban him!
02-04-2007, 02:54 PM
Everyone send an IM to the Adminstrator
abused berries
02-04-2007, 08:15 PM
i think the racial slurs in this post were a bit much.
im not a big believer in banning people for what they say, but he doesnt seem to be contributing to the board in any way and only seems to want to engage in flamewars over the slightest things, such as trouble (a known joker) innocently saying that cruelty in amsterdam is not serving weed in a coffee shop. apparently that comment is enough for testes to launch a self-righteous anti-american tirade full of all the usual unhelpful and unsubstatiated cliches about whole groups of people.
02-04-2007, 10:51 PM
The Nut Stomping thread has long been one of my favorite. Now it's filled with material unrelated to ball busting. I don't want to read a thread of insults and name-calling. This forum has long been one of the best. He contributes hate and *******. :(
02-04-2007, 11:34 PM
i think the racial slurs in this post were a bit much.
im not a big believer in banning people for what they say, but he doesnt seem to be contributing to the board in any way and only seems to want to engage in flamewars over the slightest things, such as trouble (a known joker) innocently saying that cruelty in amsterdam is not serving weed in a coffee shop. apparently that comment is enough for testes to launch a self-righteous anti-american tirade full of all the usual unhelpful and unsubstatiated cliches about whole groups of people.
Couldn't agree more.
It's nice to have unrealted descussion to some degree as it makes it a more friendly place. How else will we get Trouble's view of the war in Iraq and the solution to the middle-east crisis with a ball kick?
Although starting to ban might be a "slippery slope" and also futile. They will reregister and log under a different name and address. What we realy need is administrative supervision that DELETES all the untasteful flamewars and bans spammers automatically.
Maybe even consider moderators from the senior members?
02-05-2007, 01:38 AM
Couldn't agree more.
It's nice to have unrealted descussion to some degree as it makes it a more friendly place. How else will we get Trouble's view of the war in Iraq and the solution to the middle-east crisis with a ball kick?
Although starting to ban might be a "slippery slope" and also futile. They will reregister and log under a different name and address. What we realy need is administrative supervision that DELETES all the untasteful flamewars and bans spammers automatically.
Maybe even consider moderators from the senior members?
I don't think it needs to go quite that far...I mean, it's not like we're a huge community. I think a simple ban would do the trick, although I'd rather just see the conversation deleted.
bleep master
02-05-2007, 03:51 AM
well, fact is: what he writes has nothing to do with the thread..
this is a ballbusting forum! as many times said before: TESTES, go look for a political forum where you can get rid of your words and thoughts.
i am not a fan of bush and the american gouverment, but why the fuck would i bother the people here on the board.. i'm gratefull that i have found a little virtual corner where people with the same interests share experiences, phantasies, files and time..
i don't want to be insulted by political wannabe journalism, like all day life is already full of it!
i hope testes gets the point and stops to argue, (it's a neverending story if we stay there), or the moderators ban him..
we all on the board can prevent if we just don't write back on such posts and let the departed talk to himself.. do not reply!
greetings to u all,
love the board
Wot a jerk. I vote for the firing squad. :soomad
:machine: . . . . . . . . . .:cryingblu
And he'd better leave Snoodle's pussy alone too! :cussing:
02-05-2007, 01:33 PM
Well said Skipper Bob!
02-05-2007, 01:43 PM
Can we keep a separate thread just for this idiot (:cussing: ) from Holland? I must admit it's funny to see someone get so worked up over nothing but maybe we can keep it out of the other threads.
Like this one?
:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
02-05-2007, 02:30 PM
I don't think it needs to go quite that far...I mean, it's not like we're a huge community. I think a simple ban would do the trick, although I'd rather just see the conversation deleted.
I second this. Maybe just deleting the unrelated conversation as a first warning.
But yeah, off-topic stuff sucks... specially politics or religion :soomad:soomad:soomad, its widely known that it leads to endless and disturbing conversations.
02-05-2007, 03:20 PM
Hello, I'm new here but I've stumbled across several of this guys posts already.
I'm also on many various forums online covering more vanilla subjects to BDSM ones similar to this site.
While I can understand and have seen posting on subjects where people get a bit hot under the collar due to conflicting opinions and/or are rude; behavior such as this is just pure and simple trolling either to aggrivate others or for attention.
IMHO, it serves nothing positive on any type of internet forum to allow it to continue. And, it will most likely prompt other newbies not to post.
02-05-2007, 05:59 PM
Wot a jerk. I vote for the firing squad. :soomad
:machine: . . . . . . . . . .:cryingblu
And he'd better leave Snoodle's pussy alone too! :cussing:
Yeah, that was a little creepy and out of left field...
02-05-2007, 06:52 PM
Hi all,
The posts regarding this "discussion" is now moved here together with the new threads made about this.
Please keep this discussion to this thread.
For those of you who dont want to discuss about this topic please dont write to or with the people in this discussion/thread.
02-06-2007, 06:46 AM
Yeah, that was a little creepy and out of left field...Even by our standards that testes guy is weird. He’ll be asking you to roll your sleeves up or something next!
Here's a free Avatar for him ;)
bleep master
02-08-2007, 07:46 AM
02-25-2007, 03:03 PM
Even by our standards that testes guy is weird. He’ll be asking you to roll your sleeves up or something next!
Here's a free Avatar for him ;)
hey you fucking piece of shit.
go fuck yourself.
hide behind your computer.that's what types like you are good at.
02-25-2007, 05:08 PM
:bananawin :bananawin:bananawin:bananawin
:bananawin :bananawin:bananawin:bananawin
02-25-2007, 06:20 PM
:machine: :cussing: :ibow4u: Spam! Spam! Spam!
02-25-2007, 08:26 PM
You know, I actually defended you when it was suggested you be banned from the board. Why are you causing trouble?
02-25-2007, 10:54 PM
Why are YOU a dumb ignorant asshole? You always go around insulting people like the dumb ignorant asshole that you are, yet you act as if there is nothing wrong with you.
abused berries
02-26-2007, 12:01 AM
youre supposed to troll in your special trolling thread. who let you out?
02-26-2007, 04:54 PM
Nobody ever got away with being such an asshole on this board before. I can only assume that the administration here has some sympathies for his anti-American stance (?).
The forum could do without people that only make negative contributions.
Thank you
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