View Full Version : Improvised AKA: On The Cheap BDSM Gear

02-05-2007, 03:06 PM
Being a newbie here I'd thought I'd post s few cost cutting ideas I found in relation to "toys".

C&B Restraints: For metal cock rings try either a hardware store or a farm/tractor supply store. Most sell them various sizes for things like hoists block&tackle or tack/harness repair. They are also great places to get D-rings and small snap links to make restraints or to attach chains/leashes.

Cock Collars, this is a bit more obvious but the pet dept or pet shops in the area for cats or "toy" dogs. Also their is a former Soviet surplus item known as a "Dog Collar" Sling that has 2 small removable leather collars on either end which are just the right size for use as either a cock or ball collar.

An improvised "Gates of Hell" can be made by buying a D-sized Mag-Lite/Baton Carrier from a police equipment supply store/catalog. Be sure to get one with a leather snap open belt loop to add the rings mentioned above.

Urethral Probes- I found some old smooth glass swizzle sticks of various diameters and lengths at a flea market but I'm sure any place like a bar/retraunt supply store or dept store that carries wet bars and assecories will have some.

Anyone else have any sources or ideas they want to share?

02-07-2007, 07:26 PM
Take a rigid plastic container (one with a fair to medium opening) and some regular plastic tubbing. Some mayo jars work real good. Press the tubbing through the bottom and lube up the balls so they are pulled in through the opening by the vacuum. The pressure can vary from mild to insane pain. Use common sense so that you don't damage them unless that is your thing.

I took a sports shaker bottle from GNC and placed a generic penis pumper sleeve (some adult places sell them separately) on it. Put the tubing (bought at Home Depot) through the bottom and it performs perfectly. :thumbup

02-15-2007, 10:52 PM
I'm looking for ideas on how to make a wide clamp device to put on my sac to stretch it out. I made a clamp using two pieces of PVC pipe to pull from behind my balls, but I would like something to clamp just the outside edge of the sac when stretched out wide.

02-23-2007, 04:01 PM
For those seeking inexpensive solutions to CBT and BDSM equipment, one of the simplest and inexpensive hummbler type devices can be made with three wooden dowels 18 to 24 incheds in length and about 3/4 inches thick and a small supply or rubber bands. Broom or mop handles are ideal for cutting into the dowels.

Just twist a rubber band or two two dowels at one end and slip the testicles between the dowels and twist another rubber band or two on the other end of the two dowels You can play with the location of the rubber bands moving them up as you see fit. Try to get as much of the scrotum through as you can. Now if you want to go hard attach the third dowel over the trapped testicles and twist on a couple of rubber bands as you see fit.

To get the Humbler in place have the "victim" squat and turn the dowels perpendicular to the body and slip one end between the legs. As the person is squatting turn the dowels so both ends are behind the knees.

If you immobilize the "victim" hands they are in a bad and painful situation.(which is the whole point of CBT/BDSM)


01-08-2011, 09:01 AM
You can have an improvised humbler from a special type of clothes hanger. It's the type that has two long relatievely flat pieces of wood or plastic that clamp together uesually by manipulating the hanger part. Usually there is a slightly larger gap in the middle where the scrotum can be clamped in without causing too much pain.

http://www.organizeit.com/images/woodslacth.jpg (http://storage.organizeit.com/search?p=R&srid=S9%2d1&lbc=organizesit&w=pants%20hangers&url=http%3a%2f%2fwww%2eorganizeit%2ecom%2fpowoodsl ac%2easp&rk=9&uid=24295268&sid=2&ts=custom&rsc=7P-Y0E9WsvWbe:P0&method=and&isort=score&site=organizesit&view=list)

01-09-2011, 02:21 AM
Very good idea, have used it several times. Wood and metal ones are recommended vs. plastic ones.

One may want to twist slightly the metal wires between one of the wooden clamps and the articulation to tighten the system.