View Full Version : The man with 2 penises

Castratrix's pet
02-10-2007, 01:06 PM
I read somewhere that some types of sharks have a double organ. The way it sounded to me when I read it, it's like us guys having 4 balls and 2 cocks, and women having 4 overies and 2 cunts. Someone I told that to said, "Can you imagine how horney those things must be."

02-10-2007, 01:47 PM
I heard lizards also have two penises and if they haven't used one of them for an extended period of time, then they masterbate that side.

I think that it would be hilarious to see a lizard masterbating. Thats just my opinion.

02-10-2007, 05:35 PM
Snakes have two penises.

*off topic*

Also, the thing with the largest penis in relation to its body size (i forget what it is but its really small) have only one gender, so they have a penis fight to decide who gets to be the male when breeding.

Meh, I thought it was interesting, but then I'm a biology student:asleep