View Full Version : Is it Wrong....
02-24-2007, 07:48 PM
After looking at youtube and some websites with stories on, I see a few videos and stories about boys (Minors) being kicked in the balls or ballbusting stories about them. The videos on youtube are sometimes under the phrase 'ballbusting' (although not too many) and the stories apear on various websites with stories about ballbusting.
I was wondering myself ewhat people thought about such a thing, is it wrong? if you into ballbusting and like seeing or reading about minors being kicked in the balls, is it paedophilic?
I am of the personal opinion that it is wrong and that if you are turned on by ballbusting and then look at videos, pictures or read stories about boys being 'busted' or kicked in the balls and enjoy it then there is something wrong with that. (By stories I don't mean adult men saying "I got into ballbusting when my sister/cousin/friend kicked me in the balls when I was whatever age")
What is other people's opinion on this, I been wondering if this is actually accepted in the ballbusting community or is it seen as being weird and undesirable.
02-25-2007, 03:31 PM
Boys being ballbusted is probably seen as a "jackass" style stupid act of self-perpetuated harm and viewed as entertainment by the masses, however anything involving a sexual fantasy, be it ballbusting or anything else incorporating a minor in a situation, in my book is wrong.
02-25-2007, 09:23 PM
There is nothing "self-perpetuated" about a boy kicked in the balls by another individual. This is claerly wrong.
(By stories I don't mean adult men saying "I got into ballbusting when my sister/cousin/friend kicked me in the balls when I was whatever age")
Its something I wonder about - after all, I guess most (if not all) of us had our first time kicked in the balls before we were 18, so how can we tell if the story is memory or fantasy?
02-26-2007, 01:19 AM
i just think back to when I was in junior high and all the girls were going for the nuts. i dont think there's anything wrong with it if you think of it that way. plus it's not like you're imagining yourself having sex with the youngins.
02-27-2007, 08:00 PM
Again, by Stories I do mean fiction fantasy stories, not real stories, the different being usually real stories about being 'busted' as a youngster come from questions such as "how did you get into ballbusting?" which to me seems to be something asked more out of interest, plus there is not much detail in them.
Where as fantasy stories, usually have more detail and can be quiet brutal, and those kind of stories featuring young boys are wrong.
Youtube also has some questionable videos of boys being kicked in the balls, (although I am not sure how innocent they are, but with tags such as "ballbusted" or "kicked in the balls" I don't think it is jackass style self-perpetuated.
I once came across a yahoo group about boys being kicked in the balls, looking for yahoo groups on ballbusting (although the group has thankfully been closed now)
Anyway, I am glad to see others view it as wrong too, I would be troubled if others seen it as okay.
02-28-2007, 05:57 AM
If you are aroused by a child, you have bigger problems than can be addressed here.
03-06-2007, 12:14 AM
After looking at youtube and some websites with stories on, I see a few videos and stories about boys (Minors) being kicked in the balls or ballbusting stories about them. The videos on youtube are sometimes under the phrase 'ballbusting' (although not too many) and the stories apear on various websites with stories about ballbusting.
I was wondering myself ewhat people thought about such a thing, is it wrong? if you into ballbusting and like seeing or reading about minors being kicked in the balls, is it paedophilic?
I am of the personal opinion that it is wrong and that if you are turned on by ballbusting and then look at videos, pictures or read stories about boys being 'busted' or kicked in the balls and enjoy it then there is something wrong with that. (By stories I don't mean adult men saying "I got into ballbusting when my sister/cousin/friend kicked me in the balls when I was whatever age")
What is other people's opinion on this, I been wondering if this is actually accepted in the ballbusting community or is it seen as being weird and undesirable.
As someone who is actually in therapy dealing with childhood abuse I don't think it's wrong. I don't like the idea of kiddie porn, in fact I hate it because I was in it, but at the same time I think that if you watch kids it's got to do with what happened to you, reliving that trauma of the first time. Who is anyone else who hasn't been through that to say what is ok?
I come here and relive my abuse from this perspective, but who am I to condemn someone who relives it from another perspective? Neither one is healthy that's for sure, but I can't just erase what happened to me and how it has changed me, but thank fuck I'm not into kids, I think I'd hang myself if I thought I was.
03-06-2007, 03:14 AM
This perpetuation of stuff that is being classified as BallBusting is TOTALLY WRONG!!!
It has no place in 'Our Arena' and we will be wise to disassociate ourselves from it at every opportunity.
03-09-2007, 08:57 PM
Please give your answers careful thought.
I know that the interest of "ballbusters and getting busted" as a sexual turn on is more than right, in the context of adults discussing foreplay and sexy/sexual play with other adults.
I am not a DR., therapist or any type of clinition, however I am 100% certain that MOST of the participants in the busting scene, have had positive pre and early pubescent experiences with getting "squared", whether it was by the opposing player during a sport of some type, or through early interactions with girls in our peer group.
These interactions have influenced and shaped our present day sexuality to some degree, but to suggest that the memories of the events is somehow paediophillic, is absurd.
We, in the scene, and for the larger part, those of us posting in this forum, are only interested in consenting adult interactions.
:machine: Shatteredballs needs to take a time out and this thread needs to be closed.
This is as bad as farting out loud at a formal dinner.
03-10-2007, 01:23 AM
This is a very interesting discussion!
Hmm, I have read such stories before. Dare I say it - I may actually speak for some majority of the BB fans out there. But when you start reading a 'story' you need to realize, over 90% of all BB stories out there are ficticious to begin with and most all readers realize this from the point of initiating the fantacy. Now that we've established that fact, I'll give my perspective on the issue at hand.
When I read a BB story, no matter how old the characters are or what happens to them. I persue the satisfaction of taking the same perspective of the narorator and the victim, even when they are both one and the same which is usually the case. (I realise I am just explaining the finality of this but there is a good reason.)
By taking on the perspective of, say, a fourteen year old boy in a story. That enables me to capture fantacies of when I actually started taking BB seriously, which was around the age of 14-16. I do not see that these characters actually exist, and in doing so I disconnect my mind from any form of accepting this fantacy as something that could, ever, happen in real life.
I do not get off on the pain of another (much less a young kid), but instead, the thought that I am the main character in every story I read. I believe this is often the case for much of the BB story fans out there.
How this is interesting for me however, is that, I have often asked myself this before but have never actually been able to put my real position on the matter out there. Yes, it is wrong to begin with that 'kids' should ever be featured in any form of erotic thought-proceses or fantacies. But when you eliminate the 'thirdperson' perspective by converting the text into a 'firstperson' account of whats happening as if from memory, it is, as they say. "No harm, no foul."
I will not rationalize for the majority of the real sick people out there that think in such ways and look to adopt my opinions and counterpoints. But I can say with some certainty that, most males, who are into BB. Only get off on recieving punishment from a strong 'women' figure and not a 'girl'. I cannot however speak for our female counterparts. :o
03-10-2007, 11:09 AM
For me writing stories with minor characters was somewhat an act of catharsis which let out the repressed memories and fantasies of my own childhood. My stories are not written from the point of view of an adult taking pleasure in abusing minors, but from the point of view of a boy who gradually acquires his BB fetish in the way similar in many aspects to that of his actual prototype (that's me) getting his own.
03-15-2007, 01:27 PM
That sounds like a ridiculous attack by bored people.
03-15-2007, 06:13 PM
if its questionable then its wrong.. best to avoid it all together its gonna be hard enough to explain ur situation let alone you got kids mixed up...
03-16-2007, 12:07 AM
This perpetuation of stuff that is being classified as BallBusting is TOTALLY WRONG!!!
It has no place in 'Our Arena' and we will be wise to disassociate ourselves from it at every opportunity.
Thank you, Tony, for stating your opinion clearly and succinctly, rather than blowing up. We greatly appreciate it. :)
My personal opinion: I get no kick out of seeing kids busted. I agree with Tony. Such things really have no place in 'our arena'.
But I have to say that I also agree with nichojinx. Stories that portray the position such as if I, the reader, were the kid getting busted do indeed take me back to the glory days of youth, when busting was playing on the edge. It got me hard as a rock 15 years ago, and it still does. And I don't think that's evil. I think it's natural.
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