View Full Version : Cowboy boots?

03-03-2007, 09:42 PM
Anybody have any hot clips or stories with chicks busting balls wearing cowboy boots?

They were all the rage when I was in high school, and I remember distictly having a conversation with one of my buddies about those "cowboy bitches" , his words, and how they kicked balls. In fact one of the most feared ballbusters in my school wore those metal tipped cowboy boots all the time. Once on a bus ride she turned to another guy sitting in my row, he was playing with her necklace or something, and said " I rack, with steel toed boots on." He said she wasn't wearing steel toed boots, and she responded that she would remember that he fucked with her, and she would rack him later. He pretty much left her alone after that.

That was the best threat I ever heard. It even beats out, " Do you want to wear your balls for earings?" also on the bus when I was in middle school.

I have always been turned on by chicks in cowboy boots ever since. I have written and posted a couple of stories on the board at VK, but maybe I am the only one who has this fetish?

Any stories, movies or pics?