I am always on the look out for new Ballbusting stories and I found this site !http://www.****************************:bananajum
Hi Fluffygirl,
Heres a tale I thought up while waiting for a bus today. I hope you, and a few others, like it.
Oh and you've got a great name!
Plain clothes policewoman Melody (though her sexy clothes would never be described as plain!) has tracked down a kidnapped young woman, Leonie being her name, being held by four men for ransom. She frees her from the celllar she’s trapped in, but as they leave the house they are spotted. But the men are soon to regret their meeting with Melody.
The mans hand took hold of Melodies shoulder, “I wouldn’t mind having some fun with her” he said to his three friends, all of whom laughed as they eyed lustfully Melodies curvy body, sexily attired in tight jeans and crop top. Not thinking a girl could be any threat he was taken completely by surprise as Melody raised her fist above her head and brought it down good and hard right into his crotch. Gasping with pain he bent over, while Melody turned to the man to her left, and before he overcame his surprise at this turn of events she dropped to one knee and delivered a textbook karate punch to his genitals. “Isn’t this fun”? she said with a smile.
With both men doubled over and clutching at their crotches she turned to the other two. One moved forward, his arms outstretched to grab her. But with his body, or more particularly his crotch, unprotected, Melody spun through 180 degrees to slam her foot into his balls. He let out a strangled cry, the force of the blow knocking him back before he bent forward with his knees buckling as he grabbed at his abused groin.
If he’d thought first the last man would have realised that Melody was a formidable opponent, but his pride stopped him accepting that he should be afraid of a girl. It was an attitude that was to cost him dear. With a loud cry that he was going to “smash her pretty face in” he aimed a punch at her, expecting to knock her out. After all, she was just a girl.
Melody might be a girl but she knew how to fight and she knew where it hurts. Seeing the man swing his fist she simply stepped back, then as his blow went harmlessly through the air in front of her she stepped forward and landed a fearsome kick between his open legs, the instep of her booted foot coming up under his testicles and smashing them against his body. Before he fell she grabbed his ankles, pulled them into the air to drop him on his back and then delivered a kick to his manhood with all the force her beautiful and strong leg could muster. He immediately lost consciousness. When he awoke in a hospital bed he’d find the skin of his scrotum had turned black with the blood from his shattered testicles, and a doctor, female unfortunately, informed him he was no longer a man.
Meanwhile, at the fight the man Melody had hit first leapt at her, reaching for her throat. Melody was amused by his stupidity at leaving his whole body vulnerable. “Men” she thought to herself “they really are pathetic”! And with that she brought a knee up like a battering ram into his balls, then before he could clutch at his groin she grabbed them in her right hand. Hearing one of the men whose groin she had already violently abused approaching her from behind, she glanced over her shoulder and kicked backwards into his crotch and for the second time he was bent over, tearful and nauseus as grasped at his balls.
Leoni, a pretty young blond, was agog with amazement. “Wow”!
Melody turned back to face the man whose balls she held, looking straight into his fear filled face, “Enjoying youself baby”? she said, winking sexily at him. Then she gave his scrotum a hard pull, twisted it and squeezed with all the strength she had.
And Melody had a lot of strength in her hands! A beautiful but strong woman who had learnt martial arts since she was a little girl, her tall body was in perfect physical shape, sexy and strong.
Though the man in her grip could not apprecite her beauty, her long black hair, her shapely body and pretty face, all he could do was cry at the appalling pain between his legs. Though it wasn’t just the terrible agony that he cried from, it was also the fear, accurate as it happened, that the organs he’d wanted to use on Melody were now of no use to anyone! Melody released her grip, and as the weeping man sank to the ground she patted his head, “There there, don’t take on so”.
The man Melody had hit with the back kick made an effort to raise himself erect, fighting against the pain in his groin, raising his hands and clenching them into fists. But all this did was make the genital area an easy target for Melody, and she took full advantage. She kicked his nuts so hard his heels were lifted off the ground, the top of his body slumping forward. Melody held the position for a few seconds, “Ooh, that must hurt”! Then she withdrew her leg and as he fell, semi-conscious, to the ground, she turned to face the last man.
This was the one she had earlier caught with a spinning kick, and now he was ashen faced with fear. Leonie, meanwhile, was overwhelmed with excitement, “Kick his balls ”! she cried, her fists clenched, her face aglow with pleasure.
Melody smiled at her, then, standing right in front of the man, placed her hands on her hips, and with her legs apart, leaned back to thrust her imposing boobs out. “Scared of a girl little man”?
Indeed he was. Terrified! He turned away, about to run, but Melody stepped forward and he felt he wouldn’t be quick enough to escape this fit young woman. So in desperation he kicked out at her. As soon as his leg swung back to gain momentum for the kick Melody realised his intention, and caught his foot in her hand. Holding his leg at right angles to his body she kicked him in his balls, her foot connecting with the loosely swinging sac with terrible force. Having released his leg Melody watched as the man, having first screamed when her blow landed on his balls, now burst into tears as he clutched at them.She would have let him sink to the ground, but Leonie, in a voice aquiver with excitement, said “Let me have a go”!
“Sure”. Melody hauled him to his feet and pushed him towards the other girl, his arms limp by his side, no longer having the strength to try and protect himself.
And Leonie kicked him in his balls! Melody was surprised by the vigour and enthusiasm that Leonie delivered the kick with. And it was a cruel blow, the tip of Leonies boot penetrating as far as it was possible to go into the mans testicles, crushing them, and as he fell she put her hand into his face, pushing him to the ground.
“Nice one”! Melody complimented her, and both girls exchanged a high five.
“I want you to teach me how to fight like you”! said a smiling Leonie.
“Why not, you’ve already made a good start”! Melody responded.
“Take a seat Melody” invited Chief Inspector Julie Morgan as the young policewoman entered her office.Inspector Morgan, an attractive woman in her early forties, continued. “I've looked at the report on your arrest of those guys who attempted to steal the lorry laden with whiskey. You handled them a little, shall we say, roughly”.
“They resisted arrest” Melody replied, and with a grin added “How many of your cops could collar four guys? Though I did have a little help”.
“Ah yes, your friend Leonie. I hear your teaching her to fight, evidently effectively. Well, at least the guy she kicked only has a pair of very painful testicles to nurse as she can't kick as hard as you, which brings me to my next point.. It's not just that you take down the crims so violently it's the part of their anatomy you concentrate your attack on”.
Melody grinned broadly. “Nothing pacifies a bloke as well a kick in the nuts”!
“After twenty years as a cop I'm aware of that as I've left a few guys with sore crotches but not quite like you do”. Inspector Morgan paused and looked at a report that had arrived from the hospital. “You ********* two of them and a third is having surgery, they hope they can save his balls”.
“Oops” Melody said with another grin.
“This is not funny” Inspector Morgan said, though she couldn't hide a smile herself as she spoke.”Your not being disciplined, but can I ask you to try not to kick them quite so hard in future”?
With that she dismissed Melody, and as the younger woman got up to leave spoke to her once more. “Unofficially, nice work”!
The incident about which the women had spoken occurred the previous Saturday evening. Melody had been off duty and had met her friend Leonie, not herself a cop, to go out for a drink. And as they passed a trailer park she noticed the entrance had been ****** open and low, furtive voices could be heard. Being off duty she didn't have her radio to summon assistance so entered the trailer park herself, telling Leonie to stay back. Leonie was having none of that and followed her. And what they found was four men removing crates of whiskey bottles from a trailer and loading them into a large van. And the expression on the mens faces when Melody boldly stepped out in front of them was one of total amazement!
“Hi guys” she said in a cheerful voice, “I'm the heat and your all nicked”.
They stared at her, mouths open, for a second, then started laughing.It was beyond their comprehension that this stunning vision of beauty, who, even dressed as she was in black jeans and white t-shirt, looked more like a glamour model than a cop, was telling them they were under arrest.
“Ok kid”, one said, grinning broadly as he spoke, “you've had your fun, now get out of here before we make you regret bothering us” The other three laughed, one saying she could bother him all she liked.
“Maybe I didn't make myself clear” Melody addressed them again, “But I'm a cop and your all under arrest”.
“That's it bitch”, the man who had spoken to her before said, making a grab for her throat, acting on the assumption that a bit of rough stuff would teach this uppity female, cop or not, a short, sharp, lesson. But it was Melodies reaction that was a sharp lesson, as she kneed him in the groin. Good and hard, and after letting out a loud yell, the man staggered back, bent over and whimpering.
“A bit of police brutality” said Melody, with a wink and a smile.
The other men looked in shock at their friend, and quickly one informed Melody she was going to regret her action. “No guys gonna look at you by the time I'm finished”! He spat in a voice filled with rage. And with that he aimed a punch at her lovely face.
Now this would be a good point to describe Melody more fully. She's a strikingly beautiful woman of twenty six, five feet nine inches of curvy womanhood, with naturally curvy black hair. Oh, and she's practiced ju-jitsu and kung fu since she was a toddler. And when the over confidant male attacked she knew from how he pulled his arm back that he intended to punch her in the face, and so with graceful ease she stepped back, out of its way. But that backwards step was only with her right leg, so after the mans fist swept through the air in front of her head, she used that same leg to kick him with, and the impetus created by the distance, and with her strength and skill, meant the power behind her blow was awesome. And its target could not be a more vulnerable one! With a loud smack the instep of her foot hit his testicles from underneath, not only shattering them, but ******* the ruined organs up into his abdomen, the impact lifting his feet off the ground. He uttered a strangled scream, and as he fell he clutched at his crotch and realised his balls were not there anymore, and a mixture of terrible pain and shock saw him slip into unconsciuosness.
The remaining two men looked at each other, both amazed and horrified that a mere woman could do this. A woman! Had they thought about it they might have considered that going quietly would be a good idea but their male pride meant all they could think of was putting this female in her place. So, acting together, they charged at Melody. She responded by simply lifting a leg and the nearest man ran into it, her heel smacking into his crotch, bending him over in pain. This manouvre meant the other man was now behind her. But she didn't turn to face him, as, glancing over her shoulder she saw that he intended to grab her throat from behind. So she let him get his arms around her neck, then raised a fist into the air, swivelled her hips out of the way, and brought the back of her clenched fist down into his balls. Smack! And before he could clutch at his pain filled groin she grabbed his scrotum and began to squeeze.
It was at this point that Leonie involved herself. The man who had initially tried to attack Melody had recovered enough from the blow she'd delivered to his balls with her knee to pick up a wrench the men had used to force open the lorry and, with a snarl, made to atack her with it. Leonie had been watching the action with increasing excitement, Melody had been teaching her to fight and she was eager to show what she could do.So, when the nearby oaf raised the wrench she shouted at him, “Hey, creep, your not supposed to hit girls” and as he turned to face her she kicked with all her strength, right into his balls! And though the petite Leonie did not have the strength or experience of Melody it was still a fearful, skillfully delivered blow. Dropping the wrench the man bent over with his hands buried in his wounded crotch, and she struck again, this time with a sweeping kick to the side of his face with her right leg, then another kick with her left to the other side. Rocked back against the lorry he was about to sink to the ground but his diminutive tormentor wasn't finished with him yet. As he'd staggered back his arms had fallen limply to his side, leaving his groin unprotected, and Leonie, with a malicious grin, took careful aim, and kicked him in the nuts again, and a superb kick it was! The poor man staggered, to weak to even clutch at his injured groin, cried briefly, then dropped to the ground and and slipped into unconciousness.
“Well done”! congratulated Melody. “Sorry baby”, she now said to the man who's balls she still held, “I'd forgotten about you. But don't worry”, she winked sexily as she looked into his tear filled eyes, “we're 'gonna have some more fun”. And with that she increased her grip to a vice like intensity, pulverising his testicles into a useless mush, then she quickly span through 180 degrees, literally dragging the wailing male by his balls. She stopped, released her grip, clenched her fist again and brought it up to break his nose, and then turned to face him. He was now totally defenceless, almost delirious from the agony between his legs, and could offer no attempt at defence as she held him by his shoulders, drew a leg back, and with studied concentration slammed her knee like a battering ram into his crotch!
“I know that wasn't necessary” she said to him as he sank to the ground, “But I couldn't resist it”!
And now there was just one hapless male for the girls to finish off. In case you don't recall, he was one of the two who charged at Melody in unison, and he had been stopped by her side kick. Still bent over, his hands on his crotch, as much from an instinctive desire to protect his manhood as from the pain that still festered there, he looked nervously at the sweetly smiling ladies, but the lust for them he felt only moments before was gone. Now he was terrified, terrified for his balls! And with the beautiful, ball busting babes either side of him there was no escape. So, nursing a hope he might have some chance of getting past the smaller Leonie, and then flee, he turned to fully face her, raising his fists.
Leonie grinned mischevously at him. “C'mon wimp, not scared of a little girl like me are you”? But scared he certianly was! Yes, scared of this lovely little lady, all five foot four of her, sexily attired in stretch jeans and tightly fitted blouse. She moved her hips in a swaying motion, ran a hand through her blond hair and licked her lips like she was trying to seduce him, then blew him a kiss. “Are you a man or not”?
What he most wanted was to remain a man, with still functioning sexual organs! And if he had any chance of achieving that it was to make it past her and then run. Deciding that with his greater weight he might be able to knock her aside he ran at her, intending to barge her out of the way. At first he thought he'd done it as Leonie stepped out his way, fearful, he thought, of being knocked over. Unfortunately for him it was a little trick on her part, and as he brushed past her she placed a hand between his legs from behind, and, you guessed it, grabbed his nuts. Not squeezing to hard, just enough to keep him under control, she dragged him round so he faced Melody, and relaxing her grip, gave him a kick in the bottom that propeled him toward her friend.
“You are a little minx”! Melody laughed at Leonie, as the man managed to stop himself, just in front of her. Melody then grabbed his wrists, applied judo holds to nerve points that made it impossible for him to resist as she pulled his arms up high, leaving his whole body defenceless from attack by her knees. And the part she kneed wes, unsurprisingly, his crotch. Wham! Good and proper. And as he bent over, moaning,she turned him round and pushed him back toward Leonie.
He now made a desparate attempt to fight back, swinging a fist at the smaler girl, but it was a hopelessly inempt blow. She dodged it with ease, placed a leg behind his and pushed on his chest, sending him to the ground, and then sat across his stomach, he being on his back. With her back to his face she took hold of his balls and looked over her shoulder at him. “Ooh, what are these?” she asked with mock innocence, “What happens if I squeeze them”?
“No! Please!” he begged, frantic with fear for his manhood. And as Leonie ignored his pleas and squeezed those tender organs, his face contorted with agony, teeth gritted, tears rolling down his face.
“I think it's time we finished” Melody said, “I don't think he wants to play anymore”. And she walked over, took hold of the mans feet and lifted his legs into the air. Leonie, realising what she intended, released her grip. For his part the man did not realise Melodies intentions, and relief overwhelmed him. His crotch hurt like hell, but he thought his equipment was still intact. And then an eruption of agony exploded between his legs! Melody, while holding his legs at right angle to the ground, had kicked him with all the force her beautiful leg could muster. And she couldn't have hit her target better, the toe of her booted foot went right into his testicles, completely crushing them. Blood poured from them into his sac, turning it black!
Melody let go of his legs, and Leonie rose, looked at the hysterical, weeping male, and patted him on the head. “That was fun lover, we must do it again sometime” she said with a grin.
Melody then said she'd better report these guys, and the two girls hugged. Leonie began singing 'Girls just wanna have fun', Melody joined in, and they walked away for that drink. As Melody said, they'd earned it!
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