View Full Version : Self Bust Thread
04-18-2007, 10:43 PM
lets start a new Self Bust Thread. A Thread only to put self busting ideals, so people can find out an easyer way than looking all over
04-20-2007, 06:56 PM
Sounds like a good idea. I have tried over the past several months to get discussions going on different mehtods of self inflicted ball beating methods.
One of my personal interests has been to inflict or leave a lasting pain (for several hours or a few days) in the testicles. I have tried many forms of CBT but never been successful. Everything ends with the ejaculation.
Would certainly like to hear expereinces of others.
john b
05-17-2007, 05:13 PM
ive also been trying to casue longer lasting pain, but cant seem to do it.
i would also appreciate other peoples self busting methods and techniques.
one of my favorites is the baseball inside of a sock.
05-22-2007, 07:23 AM
i know one wich can hurts alots...
you put your balls on the edge on the toilet, and then put down the lock, and the you just sit your ass down, like when you sit on the toilet. and if you want more pain you just relax with your legs and but down your bodyweight more on the toiletseet.
its nice for your legs but not for your balls...
hope u understand, coz my english sucks, but its very nice to do it.
05-22-2007, 02:02 PM
hahaha i love this thread! sometimes when someone can't come to me to get kicked for real I will give them self-busts to do to themselves.
some are as simple as squeezing the nuts at the base and then slapping them hard.
another one is called the pendulum and involves putting something a bit heavy on a string and swinging it into the nuts until the momentum stops!
:Baahaha: :Baahaha:
05-23-2007, 05:21 PM
Vittoria, it would be stimulating to receive a specific self ball busting instruction from you. I would be willing to try it and post the results.
I am always intersted in new techniques. Most I have tried that were suggested by others did not seem too do much for me. Thanks.
05-23-2007, 10:15 PM
Well I just lie on my back in a big room and throw an American football up into the air and aim for my nuts. If you can't play quarterback, then this method isn't for you. It works just fine for me.
05-24-2007, 01:20 AM
^ teen guy does it ever land like pointy nose end first? :-S
05-24-2007, 10:38 AM
Well I just lie on my back in a big room and throw an American football up into the air and aim for my nuts. If you can't play quarterback, then this method isn't for you. It works just fine for me.
If you are not a quarterback perhaps you are a basketball player. Sit on a hard floor and bounce that ball on your balls!!!!!
05-24-2007, 10:41 AM
Vittoria, it would be stimulating to receive a specific self ball busting instruction from you. I would be willing to try it and post the results.
I am always intersted in new techniques. Most I have tried that were suggested by others did not seem too do much for me. Thanks.
Oh yes. Stimulating for me to direct your ball crushing as well!
I do love the idea of a guy using women's heels to bust himself. It's so funny to me!
However this time I want you to do something different. Take a shoelace and wind it around each one of your balls and around the base of both nuts.
Then take the sneaker the shoelace came from and slap yourself with the bottom of the shoe upwards, as hard as you can!
Pics would be great too :D!!!!!
hahahahaha i'm laughing at the thought of this!
05-24-2007, 12:44 PM
this was posted here before and believe me it really works well. stretch your balls out onto something flat and then take about a dozen or so hardcover books and stack them one ata time onto your balls try to see how many books you can stand and then when you reach your threshold see how long you can stand your limit of books time yourself and try to beat the time :thumbup
05-24-2007, 03:25 PM
this was posted here before and believe me it really works well. stretch your balls out onto something flat and then take about a dozen or so hardcover books and stack them one ata time onto your balls try to see how many books you can stand and then when you reach your threshold see how long you can stand your limit of books time yourself and try to beat the time :thumbup
what was your threshold? how many books until you couldnt take it anymore? and then how long did you last with it?
05-24-2007, 06:49 PM
Vittoria, I have done the sneaker/shoe method numerous times. It does hurt, but it is bearable. I have even tried a mallet on the trapped testicles on a hard surface. Fun but not lasting pain. Any other suggestions?
One of the most difficult problems to overcome in self inflicted BB is the hesitation at the last moment that detracts from the force of the blow.
05-26-2007, 10:14 AM
I posted this before, but this works for me.
I have a 3 1/2 cardboard tube, the diameter just large enough to allow a pool ball to drop freely.
Place the bottom of the tube over one or both of your balls, reach up & drop the pool ball. This method ensures that you will NOT be able to lessen to blow.
Put your legs together & drop the ball from increasing heights (squeeze the tube). For some real pain put your bare balls on a table or desk. The pool ball will bounce when it hits your nuts. This is the best method I've found.
Vittoria, the best way to increase pain is to be directed to do it by someone else. I would love to recieve instructions from you! (or... maybe I wouldn't, it depends on what the instructions are...)
05-26-2007, 10:15 AM
sorry, 3 1/2 foot long cardboard tube. You can place it over you penis too.
05-29-2007, 10:19 AM
Vittoria, I have done the sneaker/shoe method numerous times. It does hurt, but it is bearable. I have even tried a mallet on the trapped testicles on a hard surface. Fun but not lasting pain. Any other suggestions?
One of the most difficult problems to overcome in self inflicted BB is the hesitation at the last moment that detracts from the force of the blow.
yes I agree and that is why I love the pendulum method because once you let go there is NO TURNING BACK!!!!!! :D :D
This idea has me giggling. Put your balls in a mouse trap! :Baahaha:
05-29-2007, 10:22 AM
I posted this before, but this works for me.
I have a 3 1/2 cardboard tube, the diameter just large enough to allow a pool ball to drop freely.
Place the bottom of the tube over one or both of your balls, reach up & drop the pool ball. This method ensures that you will NOT be able to lessen to blow.
Put your legs together & drop the ball from increasing heights (squeeze the tube). For some real pain put your bare balls on a table or desk. The pool ball will bounce when it hits your nuts. This is the best method I've found.
Vittoria, the best way to increase pain is to be directed to do it by someone else. I would love to recieve instructions from you! (or... maybe I wouldn't, it depends on what the instructions are...)
ahhaah I like this one! yes that would cause some serious pain. wish i could see a video!
I'll be dreaming up all sorts of nasty methods to put your nuts in pain!
05-30-2007, 08:14 AM
The old tennis ball tied in the end of a sock is a pretty reliable method. You can also whack your balls with the back of a hairbrush. Those little wooden paint stirrers that they give at paint stores,are good. As are wooden or plastic rulers. Any short stick or switch will usually do. A short piece of electrical cord is guaranteed to sting. Either end of a leather belt will do. Most plastic cooking utensils are good, and so are metal and wooden ones. I suspect any rolling pin would work well.
As an alternative to hitting your nuts, the vibration from a gas weedwhacker, leaf blower, chainsaw, etc. feels very interesting against your nuts (usually through your clothing, of course).
05-30-2007, 02:23 PM
The most painful self bust I have had was when I jumped onto the end of a rake. I took off a couple of inches from the handle so as not to hit my self in the face. The edge of the handle bounced off my left testicle and punctured my thigh. I was down for a good five minutes before I realized what happened. Moral of the story...not a good idea. Since then I have been slamming my marbles between the pages of a large book (like Moby Dick)
06-02-2007, 06:27 AM
vittoria.. would you like to give me some things to do to my balls too? i would realy love you to decide some things for me :)
06-02-2007, 12:52 PM
vittoria.. would you like to give me some things to do to my balls too? i would realy love you to decide some things for me :)
An excellent request! Today I'm in the mood for something classic. Take a rubber band and secure it around your balls so they become nice and tight. Then take a hairbrush and really whack them good with it. This type of order is best when I am there to watch and make sure you cause sufficient pain!
06-02-2007, 06:15 PM
An excellent request! Today I'm in the mood for something classic. Take a rubber band and secure it around your balls so they become nice and tight. Then take a hairbrush and really whack them good with it. This type of order is best when I am there to watch and make sure you cause sufficient pain!
oh i also think it would be best if you were here and watched me do it the right way.
But anyway.. i have done it now, and it really hurted, i could take about 4 hard punches before i had to stop. but ofcourse i did this 3 times, so it was about 12-15 hits. maybe im weak, i dont know... what do u think?
06-04-2007, 02:55 PM
oh i also think it would be best if you were here and watched me do it the right way.
But anyway.. i have done it now, and it really hurted, i could take about 4 hard punches before i had to stop. but ofcourse i did this 3 times, so it was about 12-15 hits. maybe im weak, i dont know... what do u think?
I would have to oversee the process to evaluate whether you cause sufficient pain or not! That definitely requires an in person judgement.
06-04-2007, 05:05 PM
I would have to oversee the process to evaluate whether you cause sufficient pain or not! That definitely requires an in person judgement.
cool, why dont you come over to sweden then?
i would love you to
06-04-2007, 06:43 PM
cool, why dont you come over to sweden then?
i would love you to
if i had a transporter like in star trek then i just might!
06-04-2007, 10:44 PM
I like to use a silicon gun ,just pad it out with some cloth and squeeze the trigger till it clamps down on your can squeeze as hard or as soft as you want,it gives the feeling of someone else grabbing and squeezing your sac,easy and most folk have some around the house.
06-04-2007, 11:32 PM
Sounds like a great idea Highlander. BTW, in the USA they are generally referred to as "Caulking Guns".
06-05-2007, 01:43 PM
Anyone seen this before? It looks like it is rather easy to make.
06-06-2007, 01:08 AM
and it looks efficient !!
06-10-2007, 09:36 AM
Anyone seen this before? It looks like it is rather easy to make.
hahahahah that clip is so funny! i love the way he rolls around on the floor after the hit.
:D :D
Busted Balz
06-10-2007, 06:04 PM
Vittoria you're so evil that's why :iluvu:
I want to hear more from here =P
you've got some great ideas
06-10-2007, 11:46 PM
I've tried many self busts but I always flinch or hold back ect. Would you mind coming up with one that I can't control once in motion or something that adds the pain gradually so I can force myself without flinching? And if it came from you it'd be all the more special. :)
06-11-2007, 04:53 AM
I've tried many self busts but I always flinch or hold back ect. Would you mind coming up with one that I can't control once in motion or something that adds the pain gradually so I can force myself without flinching? And if it came from you it'd be all the more special. :)
I agree! some things that we cant control would be cool.
how fun it is to bust your own balls, when you have that special lady with you..everything just gets better =)
I wish there were more ladies on this forum..
06-16-2007, 03:52 AM
Yeah, Vittoria is a very gogeous woman. She could kick my balls until I cry :)
06-17-2007, 12:54 PM
Hi, i dont know, is it right to post this on this treat? however, you can do it by yourself with plexi glass plates.
greetings tomm
Yeah, Vittoria is a very gogeous woman. She could kick my balls until I cry :)
I wish she would!!
06-17-2007, 07:16 PM
i always have the problem where i automatically flinch or hold back, but with squeezing i have no problem.
Busted Balz
06-17-2007, 08:14 PM
hahahahah that clip is so funny! i love the way he rolls around on the floor after the hit.
:D :D
Well it hurts :bananajum
06-21-2007, 09:43 PM
Try dipping your balls or cock into molten wax. It's great. If you do it yourself you have that little hesitation before plunging your goods into hot wax. How much will it really hurt?
Ordinary candles melt at a comfortable temperature but you can increase the temperature of the melted wax. Heat it until it's uncomfortable to dip a finger into it. Then put your cock or balls into it. Much hotter than it felt on your finger.
Get someone else to put your cock into it and it's better. There is still the anticipation but your don't have ay control for how deep our long your balls & cock are in it.
06-21-2007, 10:13 PM
How can a ball arouse you? If you bother hurting yourself at least make a real leg, use methyl cyanoacrilate ( super glue) to bond the pieces and electrical tape. Use a mould, some ppl know exacly what im talking about, for the less fortunate, try wet toilet paper sheets, its also a mould (cook in oven for 1-2 hours, 210 deg. farenheit temp once work done). Apply rubber or liquid latex as a the finishing part. If you want to give skin color to the latex use any organic colorant ( paint) but you need to mix it with acetone or else it will polimerise badly when u apply it on the surface.. add few mL of NaOH 6M to the whole thing. Any idiot with a few notions of anatomy/chemistry can make this in a day. If some are sick enough to make a pin up plastic leg I can answer questions on how to polymerise/prepare solutions. To order concentrated NaOH (lots come in white stones) contact a company. Ware gloves and eye glasses when you handle the solutions.
Now the hard part is to get a mechanical device to move the leg up and down! LOL! My best advice is, do like the nigger in the movie, use elastic, its the cheaper way to get mechanical tension on an object.
And remember, if they can make plastic action figures, you can make with plastic whatever you want.
07-27-2007, 10:28 AM
07-27-2007, 11:50 PM
Oooohhh I love all of these boys talking about how to inflict pain on their own nuts! Wonderful.
I wrote a ballbusting story. Gonna post it in a few min! Its about a cheerleading team that beats up the panty thief.
Mr. Farknocker
08-12-2007, 06:47 PM
Here's one of my favorites. Screw down the dowel so that the space is too small for your balls to slip through. Then push your balls through space between the dowels using your thumb. It gives me an incredible rush. The pain is so intense that my thumbs tremble while pushing my balls through. The pain also travels through most of your balls instead of just at one point too since the balls must squeeze through the dowel. You can set the level of pain by increasing/decreasing the space betweent the dowels.
09-26-2007, 03:01 PM
Vittoria you're so evil that's why :iluvu:
evil seems to be what people say! I'm actually a very nice girl but I like to do bad things.
:D :D
05-18-2008, 07:41 AM
Hi vittoria I stummbled upon your website some time ago,I really like you self busting methods,mainly music beat balls I came so hard! Is there any other self busting tricks you would recomend?
i had a pain full self but when i was younger
i was naked in my room on the floor put my list as far apart as i chould
with 2 hands i put my XBOX System as far in the air as i chould then droped it i was in pain for 15 mintues in tears a bit thats the only time i self bbed miss vittoria if your still around do you have a self bb for me :ibow4u:
11-14-2008, 12:52 PM
Right now I'm digging the book stack balls and the book close on balls methods!
We need more self busts in this thread!!!
Alec Anaconda
11-14-2008, 01:41 PM
Ok, this is sack busting more than ballbusting, but here goes.
1. Mix a thick paste of chilli powder and warmed massage base oil.
2. Rub vigorously into scrotum and external skin of the penis for two minutes only.
3. Wash your hands.
4. Cuss me because nothing is happening.
5. Muffle that yell.
Five minutes and gallons of cold water later, plan to do it again.
Disclaimer: chilli powder varies greatly in strength, as do pain thresholds.
Don’t come crying to me if you injure yourself.
11-15-2008, 03:26 PM
Ok, this is sack busting more than ballbusting, but here goes.
1. Mix a thick paste of chilli powder and warmed massage base oil.
2. Rub vigorously into scrotum and external skin of the penis for two minutes only.
3. Wash your hands.
4. Cuss me because nothing is happening.
5. Muffle that yell.
Five minutes and gallons of cold water later, plan to do it again.
Disclaimer: chilli powder varies greatly in strength, as do pain thresholds.
Don’t come crying to me if you injure yourself.
Cool i like this one. its so cruel!!!!! ever done it with bengay?
11-15-2008, 07:40 PM
If the guys not circumsiced, you can be extra evil and put the chilli powder paste of the inside of the foreskin. (its much harder to wash that way though).
11-16-2008, 10:45 AM
Cool i like this one. its so cruel!!!!! ever done it with bengay?
I have used bengay. It feels like an itchy sensation on the skin of the scrotum. I prefer pain or pressure to the testicles themselves. It is kinda nice on the head of my penis though, but it needs to be removed after ejaculation fairly quickly or it "itches". It is not painful ( to me ), but rather an annoying yet enjoyable sensation when applied only for a short time period. I hope that helps...
11-16-2008, 12:22 PM
squeeze my cock and balls betwenn plates :)
11-16-2008, 06:55 PM
Oh yes. Stimulating for me to direct your ball crushing as well!
I do love the idea of a guy using women's heels to bust himself. It's so funny to me!
However this time I want you to do something different. Take a shoelace and wind it around each one of your balls and around the base of both nuts.
Then take the sneaker the shoelace came from and slap yourself with the bottom of the shoe upwards, as hard as you can!
Pics would be great too :D!!!!!
hahahahaha i'm laughing at the thought of this!
I'll try this :P. I hope it won't hurt you too much to give even more self-busting instructions ^_^
11-16-2008, 06:58 PM
sorry, 3 1/2 foot long cardboard tube. You can place it over you penis too.
I would like to find a way to set up a pvc pipe to work for 4 feet of free-fall.
I'm still working on it... hard... :(
11-17-2008, 12:09 PM
I would like to find a way to set up a pvc pipe to work for 4 feet of free-fall.
I'm still working on it... hard... :(
If you can find something suitable (I used a bottle and varied the amount of water in it to increase the impact) then just tie a piece of string around it and let go! You can have any height, you just stop it dropping by holding the string. I guess another option is to drill a hole and put a dowel through that you pull out with some string. (useful stuff is string!)
If anyone fancies coming up with the mechanics I could quite easily design a circuit to operate a solenoid at a random interval to drop something on your nuts... :)
Alec Anaconda
11-17-2008, 02:22 PM
Cool i like this one. its so cruel!!!!! ever done it with bengay?
I’ve never seen Bengay for sale in Europe, but Deep Heat works much the same (Methyl salicylate). There is another, even better cream, containing nicotine, which works even hotter; I can’t recall its name.
I describe the effects at length in one of my Janice novels.
11-17-2008, 07:32 PM
If you can find something suitable (I used a bottle and varied the amount of water in it to increase the impact) then just tie a piece of string around it and let go! You can have any height, you just stop it dropping by holding the string. I guess another option is to drill a hole and put a dowel through that you pull out with some string. (useful stuff is string!)
If anyone fancies coming up with the mechanics I could quite easily design a circuit to operate a solenoid at a random interval to drop something on your nuts... :)
Not bad ideas at all! :).
Previously I've used tools such as:
-Shoes(Prefferably Pink Women's Tennis Shoes)
-Small Novelty Baseball Bats(The ones that are like 1 foot long)
-Paperweight Globes.
-Hair Brushes
-The Reflex Tool that doctors use ;)
Also, another tecnique - sit on something that has a flush and flat end on it. scoot to the edge until your balls hang. Make sure that then the balls go back, they hit the back(Works well on the side of the bathtub, on the edge of some beds, etc), and just hit them. This method can attack the balls from both ends, front and back.
Ballstretching method- Tie your balls to the foot of your bed. Place yourself in a comfortable position and slowly(SLOWLY) leg press away until you feel the need to come back.
11-18-2008, 09:47 AM
If anyone fancies coming up with the mechanics I could quite easily design a circuit to operate a solenoid at a random interval to drop something on your nuts... :)
To me the ideal thing would be to build a device which could be controlled by a computer, one where the height of the thing being dropped could be adjusted as well as when it gets dropped. This could then either be used with a mistress-program or for allowing a girl to bust your nuts over the internet.
11-18-2008, 02:51 PM
i posted this on another thread, but it seems like it fits in with this discussion.
I've designed a BallBusting machine that is simple, powerful and you can make it with parts that you may have, or any hardware store stocks.
This machine is adjustable to give as hard a smack to your ballz as you can stand. Or as lite as you want.
What you need;
1 hinge
2 rollers
loop bungee cords
1 foot 2X4 with 1" channel on bottom for rope to run thru
2'X2' base
heavy duty hose
a few screws
Just squat over this with ballz hanging, pull the rope and let go of the rope. This thing can really make your ballz fly.
Or, sit in chair, put this machine in front of you, pull rope, let go, and smash your ballz thata way.
Any questions?
11-18-2008, 02:59 PM
cool, very nice machine of ballbusting :)
11-18-2008, 05:30 PM
as a builder in a past life i can see how easy it would to make a swinging device using a shop store dummy leg, you could even use a womans leg with your own fav shoe, problem is buying just the one shoe, you could if the leg was bent use the knee part as well, just a thgt,cheers all
11-22-2008, 10:20 PM
squeeze my cock and balls betwenn plates :)
oh yea! i like this one!!!!!
11-22-2008, 10:21 PM
If anyone fancies coming up with the mechanics I could quite easily design a circuit to operate a solenoid at a random interval to drop something on your nuts... :)
did i just hear a bb machine???? i think this needs to be invented. like NOW!!!!!
11-22-2008, 10:23 PM
To me the ideal thing would be to build a device which could be controlled by a computer, one where the height of the thing being dropped could be adjusted as well as when it gets dropped. This could then either be used with a mistress-program or for allowing a girl to bust your nuts over the internet.
no wait! even better!! a bb machine that i can control via my computer to bust YOUR nuts on webcam! oh yes i need that now.
11-23-2008, 01:33 AM
With the PVC pipe idea, Get a short pvc pipe, and place an item (NOT SHARP) in the end of it. Now, you take the other end, but keep it level, up to one of your balls. Press the ball you want into the pipe, or if it's big enough, the whole package. Lift the pvc pipe, and it comes at you faster depending on how steep you lifted it.
WARNING: If you want to avoid drawing blood, use items that are NOT metal. SHIT. I don't quite care for drawing blood... :|
11-27-2008, 03:04 AM
hahaha i love this thread! sometimes when someone can't come to me to get kicked for real I will give them self-busts to do to themselves.
some are as simple as squeezing the nuts at the base and then slapping them hard.
another one is called the pendulum and involves putting something a bit heavy on a string and swinging it into the nuts until the momentum stops!
:Baahaha: :Baahaha:
ive never concidered it to be self busting when it is a womans will, and instruction guiding the activity. i always felt like she was using the available tools to bust me... me. it is a completley different head space from when masturbating, and watching vidio clips or looking at pictures and such that have nothing directly to do with you.
for about a year and a half (this was quite a while ago) i had a Mistress in germany, who was extreemly brutal, and often pushed me past what i would have wanted to do on my own, and did things i wouldnt have thought of or wanted on my own either. she had me put a metal ring around my balls, that had to be ****** on as it is, and would pound crush ect, till my balls were so swolen they were trapped in the ring. it was almost like a BB. wedding ring, and had me thinking about her every waking moment, as my balls ached nearly every day, all day for a year and a half!
i diddnt feel at all as if i was doing it to myself. it was just that she couldnt actually reach me in california from her home in germany. she even got a cell plan that allowed unlimited calling to the states so she could hear my suffering as it hapened.
but alass, she had a baby, and felt guilty about being a new mommy, and doing really vicious and perverted stuff at the same time. best long distance long term Mistress for me of all time.
11-27-2008, 03:13 AM
what was your threshold? how many books until you couldnt take it anymore? and then how long did you last with it?
i put a ring around my balls so they cant escape, and trap them between 2 hard surfaces, and apply my full weight. ive put them in front of me and used my hands to apply the weight, or put them under me and sit on them... either with just my body, or under a wodden plank. and it depends on the woman as to how long i can endure it. i also like my crusher, and vice too, as there is no saftey limit... the woman can always push it a little further.
i can also hold up 35 pounds with my balls.
11-27-2008, 03:33 AM
Oooohhh I love all of these boys talking about how to inflict pain on their own nuts! Wonderful.
I wrote a ballbusting story. Gonna post it in a few min! Its about a cheerleading team that beats up the panty thief.
i have 2 dumbells, the solid metal ones, 1 is 20 pounds, the other is 35, and i slam them into my balls to simulate a hard knee. and i have a jogging weight, that is basicly like a brass knuckles covered in rubber, but is smooth and curved on the striking end. the end you hold is straight across, so either end can have a slightly different effect. i can pound my balls holding it like a brass nuckles, or hold the edge and fling it with less impact but it is traveling alot more quickly, wich can be just as devistating.
and i dont have the flinching problem, i just find a womans will inspires me to go alot further than i usually go on my own. also i find that the woman will do things differently than i would plan to. different tools in different orders than i would choose, different timing, ect... and that also maximises the suffering, not knowing what is coming next untill i get the order.
12-02-2008, 04:04 PM
ive never concidered it to be self busting when it is a womans will, and instruction guiding the activity. i always felt like she was using the available tools to bust me... me. it is a completley different head space from when masturbating, and watching vidio clips or looking at pictures and such that have nothing directly to do with you.
for about a year and a half (this was quite a while ago) i had a Mistress in germany, who was extreemly brutal, and often pushed me past what i would have wanted to do on my own, and did things i wouldnt have thought of or wanted on my own either. she had me put a metal ring around my balls, that had to be ****** on as it is, and would pound crush ect, till my balls were so swolen they were trapped in the ring. it was almost like a BB. wedding ring, and had me thinking about her every waking moment, as my balls ached nearly every day, all day for a year and a half!
i diddnt feel at all as if i was doing it to myself. it was just that she couldnt actually reach me in california from her home in germany. she even got a cell plan that allowed unlimited calling to the states so she could hear my suffering as it hapened.
but alass, she had a baby, and felt guilty about being a new mommy, and doing really vicious and perverted stuff at the same time. best long distance long term Mistress for me of all time.
cool i like this story. what else did she have you do that pushed you so far?
12-03-2008, 12:22 PM
no wait! even better!! a bb machine that i can control via my computer to bust YOUR nuts on webcam! oh yes i need that now.
I would love that
12-03-2008, 04:12 PM
I would love that
It would be the most fun for ME!!!!!
12-03-2008, 04:59 PM
Vittoria, your ideas are wonderful. I would love to submit to performing some self-busting at your command. I would be happy to get some pictures, and possibly video for you.
12-03-2008, 07:24 PM
It would be the most fun for ME!!!!!
That would be nice..... very very nice.
12-18-2008, 06:18 PM
I tried the stack of books method. I had five books, all about as big as a dictionary, stacked on my trapped balls. I lasted about three minutes. By that point, the pain was getting so bad that it was hard to endure. The only way I could go on was to distract myself from the pain. I did this by focusing on fantasizing about Vittoria standing on my balls, crushing them as I begged for mercy, grasping as her gorgeous thighs. The extreme arousal this caused made me forget about the pain, and before long, from only the pressure on my balls, I was ejaculating to the thought of Vittoria crushing my manhood.
12-19-2008, 03:03 AM
no wait! even better!! a bb machine that i can control via my computer to bust YOUR nuts on webcam! oh yes i need that now.
That can be arranged... Depending of course on how fast your internet connection is.
Give me some time, I'll see if I can put something together.
12-21-2008, 08:26 PM
Vittoria, i will ready to obey ur ballbusting command.....
01-07-2009, 09:51 PM
I am ready for busting instructions as well Vittoria.:iluvu:
01-08-2009, 11:41 PM
That can be arranged... Depending of course on how fast your internet connection is.
Give me some time, I'll see if I can put something together.
show me what you can do! i want a ballbusting webcam machine!!
01-08-2009, 11:42 PM
I tried the stack of books method. I had five books, all about as big as a dictionary, stacked on my trapped balls. I lasted about three minutes. By that point, the pain was getting so bad that it was hard to endure. The only way I could go on was to distract myself from the pain. I did this by focusing on fantasizing about Vittoria standing on my balls, crushing them as I begged for mercy, grasping as her gorgeous thighs. The extreme arousal this caused made me forget about the pain, and before long, from only the pressure on my balls, I was ejaculating to the thought of Vittoria crushing my manhood.
YES! that is what i want. post pictures of yourself doing what I command! So you only lasted three minutes??? i think you can do better than that!
02-13-2009, 04:46 PM
sorry if this has already been posted , but today i found a new self busting thing :D , i`m very happy about it , you simply need a 5 kg weight , you then put it into a slipper , rest one side on smth and the other one on u`r balls , i can tell u it's rly great , of cours i`m only at the begging , it's my favorite thing , when my balls are stomped :X ... take care
02-14-2009, 02:41 PM
hello everyone.. im new to this site and i would like to share my input when my girlfriend isnt home.
what i like to do it take a wooden spoon or a glasses case and bust my balls.
also i find that busting by using high heels works very well as long as you can not hold yourself back
02-17-2009, 11:49 AM
my thoughts are on being busted by a sexy, turned on woman. I admitted to my last girlfriend that I liked having my balls squeezed and that the "mild" pain was a turn on. Luckily, she was "whatever you like." It was so nice to actually tell her and then find that she had no objections. Busting myself is cool, having her do it was sublime.
02-19-2009, 04:24 AM
hello to everyone!
maybe i miss it, but i haven't read a post where someone talk about the toilet seat method yet!
i used to knee in front of the toilet, place my balls and then just drop the seat
now i do the same thing, but i'm blindfolded and my gf drops the seat
so try this, close your eyes, drop the seat and think that is a lovely kick from Vittoria :D
02-22-2009, 01:04 AM
hahaha i love this thread! sometimes when someone can't come to me to get kicked for real I will give them self-busts to do to themselves.
some are as simple as squeezing the nuts at the base and then slapping them hard.
another one is called the pendulum and involves putting something a bit heavy on a string and swinging it into the nuts until the momentum stops!
:Baahaha: :Baahaha:
What do you think about tying balls to a ceiling fan switch it on not too fast and wank very fast before you balls get it, a hot woman controlling the switch would even better
i posted this on another thread, but it seems like it fits in with this discussion.
I've designed a BallBusting machine that is simple, powerful and you can make it with parts that you may have, or any hardware store stocks.
This machine is adjustable to give as hard a smack to your ballz as you can stand. Or as lite as you want.
What you need;
1 hinge
2 rollers
loop bungee cords
1 foot 2X4 with 1" channel on bottom for rope to run thru
2'X2' base
heavy duty hose
a few screws
Just squat over this with ballz hanging, pull the rope and let go of the rope. This thing can really make your ballz fly.
Or, sit in chair, put this machine in front of you, pull rope, let go, and smash your ballz thata way.
Any questions?
Yeah! This is very nice machine... have to do one to my self... big thx.
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