View Full Version : ball pinch
04-19-2007, 12:10 PM
This is my first post here
I would like to share this story that happened to me many years ago. I was in my late 20’s and I was a senior analyst at a large firm. One of the perks of my job was that I good to check out the new female trainee and summer hires first. I was interested in one new hire and I was hoping she was not be in my group so that I could date her.
I was lucky she was not in my. We were total opposites she was tiny, quiet and very reserved. I was at a foot taller that her, loud and arrogant. I got what I wanted in this relation ship at first as I was the dominate partner. I choose the movies, the restaurants, the trips, etc. My girlfriend’s only request was that I stop playing ruby on the weekends. She hated ruby and she hated my ruby friends even more. Outside of work ruby and my ruby friends were my whole life.
Within a month of meeting her I no longer played rugby and no longer saw my rugby friends. She had totally conquered me. Her weapon of choice was a hand job/ ball message. She would massage my balls everywhere, in my home, in the elevator at work, on the backset of her parent’s car, at sporting events, etc. Her small little right hand placed on my balls could get me do anything she wanted. Her ball messages were better that regular sex and BJs. She could message my balls for hours. However I became was her total slave. I had a choice ruby or message. Goodbye rugby.
At the same I was getting pressure from my friends to play rugby so they invited us to a rugby party to convince my girlfriend that they were ok. We went to the party however I did not tell her that it was with my rugby friends before hand. She was very upset but she did not express any anger until we gone home. Before bedtime I thought I was getting my usual message however this time I felt a sudden pain. Instead of message she was using to fingers to pinch my balls in one spot. She had long sharp nails which it the past were caresses my balls. The pain I felt was tremendous and I felt parts of my body going numb as she shifted the spot of her pinch. I got a long lecture about not telling her that about the party and the pain associated disobeying her. I know I pasted out from the pain.
The next morning she was very sorry and told me that everyone makes mistakes. She offered to give a special soapy message in the shower. Llike a dummy during this message I confessed to her that I was playing rugby that afternoon. The pain started immediately from two pinches on my balls. I never felt pain like this. I had been kicked in the balls in the past but that was noting compared to the pinch. Parts of my body were numb and I pasted out from the pain. When I awoke I was in the shower with no clothes. Needless to say I did play rugby that day. I did not see her for two weeks for my punishment. I was like a drug addict without drugs. I was totally addicted. I was amazed at the power of her tiny right hand had over me. I am still surprised I was not fired from my job. All I could think during my two week punishment was her.
To be continued
04-19-2007, 01:51 PM
Nice story! Thanks for sharing!
04-28-2007, 11:59 AM
I love to have the shape of my balls distorted by pinching an individual ball between thumb and crooked first-finger or poking a finger into one trapped on a fist...and have previously posted several photos of my pinched balls at
Many internet pics show some slight ball pinching but actually distorting the ovoid shape of one's eggs is a wonderful ball-pain producer...if the ball-owner can stand it. I don't know how to make a working link to that thread and post (#39) but with the info here you should be able to get there. You might be able to copy the URL above and paste it into your browser.
When my hands get tired of pinching, I often use some other type of clamping or constricting devise on my if they are isolated into their own pouch of scrotum so one's attention can go back and forth between them...while one ball recovers the squeeze can be applied to the other...or you can do both at the same time. :-D
Let's see some pics of your shape-distorted nuts if you can.
The Geezer
05-09-2007, 09:36 AM
The second part of my ball pinching girlfriend. This takes place about a month after the above episode. I learned my lesson so I thought. I was over my girlfriend‘s parent house when I asked my girlfriend father a question. He was an avid golfer and the company I worked for owned one the most pretiougous nyrtu club in the area. They would often let the junior members of the firm play a round of golf for free. I decided to ask my GF father to play a round of golf with me. I assumed it would earn my some brownie points.
Of course the only date I could get was on the Saturday that my GF’s cousin was getting married. I had forgotten about this. When I asked my GF father to free play golf at the Country Club he was like a little kid on Christmas day. Then his wife reminded him of their niece‘s wedding on that same day. He kind said that he could be late for the wedding. Both my GF and her mother had a strange look their faces. My GF mother asked my GF if she knew about this golf date. My GF said no. My GF mother then called her husband into the kitchen because she needed helping reaching something for a high shelf. (My GF mother was about 5’2 and well built and a former Army nurse, her husband was about 6 feet tall). My GF father asked his wife if the item could wait and she said no. They went into the kitchen, and shut the sliding door. A few second later I could hear my GF father soft moan of pain. I knew that he was getting his balls pinched. About five minutes later the moaning stopped and my GF’s parents emerged from the kitchen. My GF fathers head was very red and he told me because of the wedding he could not go golfing with me. I told him that was the only date I could get but I could try to switch to an early tee time so he could make the wedding. My GF mother shot my GF a quick stare and my GF interrupted me stating that she needed my help getting stuff from her old bedroom for her new apartment. We went upstairs and she told me that she could wait no longer wait; she needed to rub my balls. She got me hard and then all of a sudden I got pinched in the balls in two places. The pain was enormous. I then got a lecture on how dare I ask her father to go golfing without asking her first. Also I was idiot for forgetting about her cousin’s wedding. Also I was getting extra punishment for trying to rearrange the tee time once her father said no. This time I did not pass out from the pain since I got a break every few minutes, however me punishment session lasted for about half hour.
When we back downstairs I told my GF parents that I could not rearrange the tee time and I could not take him golfing this time. He agreed that the date I chosen would not work. Mother and daughter smiled and winked at each other. I looked at my GF father and I though his facial expression said welcome to the Club.
05-11-2007, 12:33 AM
Great story. One of the things my wife has began doing lately is pinching my balls. To see and feel them distorting and changing shape is mind-blowing. I sometimes have to hold them tightly trapped for her. Then I feel them squeezing down into my gripping fist as she works them over. I can't let go.
When she separates and work on them individually they lose a lot of size and feel unbelievably small... until the swelling starts.:cryingblu
08-02-2007, 08:10 AM
This final part of my life with my ball busting girlfriend. Everyone knew she controlled my life with her tiny right hand. That right hand could cause me much pleasye and a great deal of pain.
To continue, one Friday my girlfriend, Kelly, came over to my house with a gift. On most weeks she moved into my house on Friday and left Monday morning. She was pretty excited for me to open my gift. I open my gift and found 10 brand new silk panties. I was bit surprised and asked why I got her pantities for a gift. She responded that I was being silly, the pantities were for me. She explained that I would love the feel of silk against my balls when she messagaged them. She asked me to try them on. I still had some dignity left and I said no. She gave me a fake love of disappointment and proceeded to give a kiss while messaging my balls with her right hand. After minute she asked me if I changed my mind and I said no. I got a second kiss this time however my right ball was totally smashed between her fingers. A couple minutes later I had on pink panties. She told me to go to bed so could message my injured ball. A new thing however was for the first time she placed he panty clad pussy on my face while giving me a hand job. I reacted negatively to her pussy since the odor of having her period and not showering after she left the gym before coming to my house was too much for me. I got a lecture about the understanding women bodies and I was quickly knocked out but her thighs squeezing my head. On Monday morning when I got out of the shower and getting dressed for work she was waiting for me with my new pink panty. I gave no resistance. She also told that I had to learn respect for women so placed one her soiled femine napkins in my panty to teach me a lesson. I was warned not to remove it. During lunch she came by my office to check on my panty status. She found the napkin smiled, told me I was a good boy, giggled and said goodbye stinky on the way out. I had hit rock bottom. I knew I had to get out this relationship but I just could not do it just yet.
Thing remained the same for the next few months I received pleasure when I was good and pain when I was bad. I also got a few more girly outfits and was introduced to a strap on. Kelly called me her Bitch with Balls
Something happened that changed my life a few weeks later; many of the senior managers in my company were killed in an accident in Europe. The top three officers were not on the trip, but many VPs were gone. We a small but growing consulting firm with a major personal crisis. I was temporarily promoted to VP of Administration and my job was to recruit people to fill the openings ASAP. I worked all the time for weeks and had no time for Kelly. I think I found the strength to get out. I had one position to fill, the most important. I needed to find someone to head our new European group. This one decision was make or break moment my career. I had not seen Kelly in month. However one Friday she showed at my house un announced and I let her in. She said she missed me and she would change. We had great sex and she gently massaged my balls until I fell asleep.
She concerned for my health and she thought it was good idea if she moved in to keep me healthy. Thing had changed, I would get home late she would have supper and massage my balls. She asked about my last position to fill and I told I could not tell her anything except I had narrowed it down two candidates. I was glad she was at my house. She helped me relax and get some sleep. Our pattern was the same; she would rub my neck and balls while I focused on red pendant that covered her cleavage. It was very relaxing.
I needed the help, I could not decide between the two candidates, both of which were in house. Richard had more experience but a bit of a bully. Sara was younger, smarter and I was not sure how our European customers would react to a woman leading our branch. Richard was the safer choice. The safe choice would help my career. I had to think about me. I was set to recommend Richard to the Chairman but I started getting multiple reports that he was screwing up. Everybody was complaining about him. At first I thought people were trying to mess up his promotion. This was strange since me and him were the only ones that knew he was the odd on favorite to get the job.
I asked him to visit me, which he hated to do, and he was three houses late for the appointment. What was going on? I decided to give Sara the job. I told the chairman, he agreed and told me to take a couple days off and the announcement would be made on Monday. Sara was told on Wednesday I was off until Monday. I told Kelly and she was happy and suggested we go to parent’s townhouse in the mountains on Friday.
We drove three hours to the townhouse and we had a great time on Friday and Saturday. On Saturday we went to bed early and I was awoken by a sound downstairs. Kelly told me it was her sister Linda and she was up with new boyfriend. She knew I did like Linda but she assured me we would not have much contact.
Around 11 PM Linda knocked our door and told Kelly that she we were all set. Kelly told me that we had to go downstairs and I said no. I was shocked when she grabbed me by my balls and dragged downstairs. When I got downstairs the room was dimly lit and I saw Linda with a man in pink panties with hands tied behind his back with handcuffs.
I was shocked to see that it was Richard. During my period of confusion Kelly tied my hand behind my back with handcuffs. To say the least Richard and were both in shock standing there in pink panties. Linda came over to me and told me she had been waiting a long time for time for this and she proceeded to kick me in the balls.
Richard demanded to know what was going on. Linda told him to wait a minute and that I had an announcement to make about the job. I refused and Linda proceeded to squeeze my balls until I told Richard that he did not get the job. Richard was furious and screamed to me that he was the best person for the job. I screamed back that he was until he screwed up in the last month. Linda spoke up saying Richard screwing up was her fault. She did her best to mess him up. She said the poor boy was in love with pussy, tits and hand jobs. She had really messed him up. She cost him the promotion. She was responsible for him be late for my meeting with him.
Richard then asked how she knew to set him up. Kelly piped in that I told her everything. I denied that. She told me that I did. She told me the ball messages and the staring of the pendant I was actually hypnotized every night. I told her everything. What I did not tell her she found in my briefcase. I told the briefcase was locked. He told me combination to me. I guess I told her. She also told me that she planted the idea to promote Sara in my brain every night . I was setup like Richard. I was completely used
Linda chimed that we were the two biggest losers she had ever seen. She grabbed both of us by the balls and squeezed. We both screamed and she said that was unacceptable, so Kelly took off our panties and stuffed them in our mouths. The rest of the night was a squeeze and kick fest for the girls. The small break we got was when Richard and I were ****** to perform sex acts on each other. We could hear the camera clicking.
The final act was we were dressed in French maid outfits and screwed with strap-ons.
We both got kick to the balls and we were out. My balls were shattered.
When we awoke the next afternoon Richard and I were ducted taped in a 69 position. When we got out of this we noticed the girls were gone and so were our clothes and wallets. We had our maid outfits as only clothing. There was note that we had to be out the townhouse by 5 or the police would show up.
We waited until 5, it getting dark, and I drove Richard back to him home. Linda had driven him up to the mountains. It was a very long drive, we said nothing and we glad we not noticed or run out of gas.
When I got home I found the Kelly left me a note, with my clothes and wallet. There was one picture of me giving Richard a BJ.
The note read, Dear Bitch with no Balls. You are the biggest loser I ever met. I was going to dump you before the accident at your company. However that gave us a great opportunity to use you one more time. Thank you for promoting her sister Sara to VP.
I have left the company and plan on moving. Please do try to contact me. I want to remind you that we have plenty of pictures.
That day was the last saw or heard from Kelly for a long time until I saw her at the mall a couple of months ago with two kids.
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