View Full Version : Experiences that made me the way I am

05-30-2007, 07:40 PM
Disclaimer: The following are true stories that happened while I was a kid. I myself was a kid when they happened. I'm just thinking back, remembering what made me the way I am now. There were some pretty warped things that happened and I'm sure they affected me long-term. I'm curious if you guys had similar experiences. Trying to understand what makes us like this stuff. These are in no way fantasies that an adult should entertain.

The earliest ballbusting-related memories I have are just being very very afraid of being hit in the nuts. I remember learning at a young age (probably 8 years old or younger) that the testicles are the source of the male hormones that make a male, well, male. Also, that they are what allows you to make babies. I also remember girls in grade school in arguments saying things like "I'll rip your nuts off and make you a girl!" and stuff like that. So, I was well aware of the importance of testicles to being a man, and I had some idea that they were fragile. I remember as a child seeing movies or TV shows where someone gets hit in the nuts. Invariably there is a "crunch!" sound effect, or the guy talks in a high voice. I got the idea in my head that when they were hit in the balls, their manhood was damaged, or maybe their balls were crushed or something. I don't remember how, but I heard that testicles could be popped, ruining them. It was disturbing to me at the time and I was really scared of anything like that happening to me. I got the idea that testicles were very fragile and a simple kick in the nuts could break them, effectively un-manning the poor victim. Can you blame a kid for getting this impression, given some of the ridiculous portrayals of ballbusting found in pop culture, and lack of real information or education?

So, I started off with a sort of paranoia of being hit in the balls or having my balls damaged. One thing that made things worse was in grade school, there was a girl who went to my bus stop who liked to threaten guys with a kick in the nuts. She was my sister's friend. She used to threaten to kick me in the nuts for any minor annoyance or argument. This just made my fear worse.

It wasn't until junior high that I actually was hit in the nuts by someone. I was in choir, and there was a girl named Sarah that had a crush on me. She actually asked me to "go out" with her. She was very loud and obnoxious, and I didn't like her all that much, but I agreed to go out with her. She was a girl who would threaten guys with a kick to the nuts, and she would sometimes actually do it. I saw a few guys get lightly kicked in the nuts by her when they teased her, but they usually were laughing even though in pain, or they recovered quickly. I was kind of surprised, and I started to realize that being kicked in the nuts wasn't as bad as I had feared. I realized my own nuts were tougher than I thought they would be. However, I was still mortally afraid of the embarassment involved with being kicked in the nuts by a girl.

One time, we were at a choir competition where we were taken on a bus to another school. We arrived late and had to change quickly. There was only 1 small practice room, and the guys started changing. The adults weren't supervising us very well at all, because 2 or 3 of the girls decided to get brave and came into the practice room with us, including my girlfriend Sarah. There was some giggling and we felt very embarassed, letting the girls see our boxers, and seeing the girls in their underwear, but most of us turned the other way or at least pretended not to look. Sarah, however, started changing right in front of me, like she wanted me to see her in her bra and panties. I didn't know what to say or do so I just stripped down to my boxers and started putting on my tuxedo, while she was putting on her dress. While I was in my boxers I glanced at her a few times, and she said something like, "quit staring at my boobs!". Trying to be clever, I said "What boobs, you're flat!" Big mistake, she hesitated for a moment, then she snap-kicked me in the nuts. I have to say, my first kick in the nuts was quite a doozy. I was only in boxers and she really got me good. I was so embarassed I tried to pretend like it didn't hurt, and I said "you missed!" We were running late and it was an awkward moment, so we just finished dressing and went to our performance. I was kind of scared because I felt this sharp pain I wasn't familiar with, and the fingers of pain reached up into my stomach. I wondered if she had damaged my nuts, but I was way too embarassed to let anyone know.

Later, after the performance, I went in a bathroom stall and checked myself to make sure everything was intact. It's stupid, I know, but I didn't know any better. After that, everyone was going out to the bus. Everyone was kind of excited by the performance, and we were talking and laughing and stuff. Sarah came up to me, and put her arms on my shoulders, I thought she was going to give me a hug. She kneed me in the nuts! It hurt really bad and this time I couldn't pretend it didn't. I didn't say anything but I think she could tell. I sat on the bus and she came and sat next to me, and said "are you OK? I'm sorry!" and was being really nice to me. She said "I'm sorry, were they already sore? I hope you're OK, I heard if a guy gets hit too hard he can't have kids!" She asked me how much did it hurt, where did it hurt, how did it feel, etc. She seemed obsessed with it, but I didn't want to talk about it. After that I kind of avoided her and ended up breaking up with her.

My next experience was still in junior high. I was at a family reunion camping and one night we were out in the meadow playing hide and seek. I had a cousin my age, we were both around 15, and there was kind of a sexual tension between us. I know it sounds gross, but I guess I didn't know better at the time. It was mostly curiosity. We kind of had a crush on each other and liked to tease each other or talk about how babies were made, tell perverted jokes, etc. At one point, I don't remember what I said, but she said "I should kick you in the nuts!" and I said, if you do, I'll hit you in the boob! She faked like she was trying to kick me but I was running away and avoiding her, and faking punches at her boobs to scare her, but just pulling up short. At one point, she moved while I was doing a fake punch, and I ended up really hitting her in the boob. I was stunned and started to say, "I'm sorry!" but she reacted faster than me, and kicked me in the nuts really hard. I went down, and all my cousins laughed. It was really embarassing.

After the family reunion I went home with her family to stay the summer with them on the farm. I was going to work on the farm with my uncle to earn money in the summer, or something like that. It was supposed to be a good experience for me, I was kind of a problem teenager. I don't think anyone knew I was being perverted with my cousin or they might not have thought it was such a good idea lol. The car ride in the suburban was long and boring. Me and my cousin claimed the way back seat. At one point I was lying on the floor trying to sleep while my cousin was sitting on the bench reading a book, with her feet up on the seat in front of her. When she put her feet down, they were resting on my stomach, and she said "oops sorry" but I said "no that's OK" so she left them there. She would periodically get uncomfortable and put her feet up again, then take them down after a while. Well, being a perverted adolescent, I got the idea that if I moved up a foot or so, when she put her feet down they would be resting on my groin. I pretended to be sleeping, and gradually tried to shift my body upwards into position. I got in place, and after a while, she put her feet down again and they landed smack dab on my groin. Unfortunately, I let out a giggle, giving me away, and she said "you wierdo!" and pulled her feet back, hesistated for a second, made sure the others weren't looking, and stomped her heel down on my groin. I pretended like it hurt and made a face, and cupped my groin with my hands, but she actually only hit me on the pubic bone area, missing my nuts, unfortunately. I rolled over on my side and that was the end of it. We both knew we had to be careful not to go too far with our perverted games. It's like there was an unspoken understanding between us, we both wanted to touch and explore each other's private areas but we knew it was bad and we would get in trouble if we got caught, so we only did it in seemingly innocent ways or seemingly by accident.

For example, later during that stay there was an incident when we were both up late playing Nintendo. We were playing the original Final Fantasy game, in the basement, in the dark, in our pajamas (which for me was boxers and an undershirt). I was sitting on the couch with my legs length-wise on the couch and my cousin was on the floor. We were taking turns. It sounds stupid, final fantasy is a 1 player game, but we were taking turns. It was late and we were tired but trying to stay up. When it was my turn she sat on the other end of the couch, facing me, with her legs up on the couch next to mine. I started thinking perverted again, and started poking at her side with my feet. She was really ticklish, and she was laughing. I kept moving my feet, attacking one side, then the other, then on an impulse I tickled her right between the legs. She squeaked and I said, oh sorry I didn't mean to do that, pretending like it was an accident. She attacked me back with her own feet, tickling my stomach, then tickling between my legs, saying "oops sorry" but like me, she actually had done it on purpose, obviously. I didn't say anything, because I was nervous, but I decided to up the ante, and I spread my legs a litte like an invitation. Amazingly, she seemed to understand my signal, and she placed her bare foot squarely on my groin, feeling around with her toes, giggling quietly. I knew she was intensely curious about what boys had between their legs - She had no brothers, had never seen a boy naked, and had actually asked me before if boys had 2 balls or 3, because she didn't know. Anyway, for a second or two she explored with her foot, the only thing separating her bare foot from my privates being the thin fabric of my boxers. This was the most pleasurable thing that had happened to me up until then in my life, and I was absolutely silent, almost like I was afraid if I said anything the moment would end. Despite my nervousness, I started to get an erection. If she had kept feeling around longer, I might have had my first ejaculation, but no such luck. In her feeling around with her foot, she got one of my nuts under her toes and kind of pressed on it, meanwhile watching my face and grinning like she expected a reaction. I winced when she pressed, but didn't say anything, so she pressed harder, grinding my nut into my pelvis, like she was testing the limits to see what would hurt. I just winced, but didn't want to make any noise, at this point I was scared to death of being caught. She ground down on my nut for a couple seconds and I made a pained face, then she pulled back her foot a few inches, watching my face as if for approval, and then slammed her heel into my groin. I went OOF! and clutched my groin, and she giggled and said "Sorry, did that hurt? I forgot boys are sensitive there!". I said "yeah, that hurt really bad, you shouldn't do that or I might not be able to have kids!" She said "oh, sorry, I didn't know!", sounding genuinely sorry.

She had actually racked me pretty hard and we stopped, probably afraid of being too naughty. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, that was the last time we did anything like that. I guess it's a good thing I didn't get into some sexual thing with my cousin. She was at least as perverted as I was and probably would have let me. Then I would be even more messed up than I already am! LOL...

Anyway, those are some of the experiences that I think affected me growing up. Just wanted to share, see if you guys had similar experiences or if I am just wierd, or what. There have been other experiences but these are the ones that stand out the most in my mind. What to you think???

05-31-2007, 02:52 AM

I think you should stop thinking of yourself as a pervert, or even having an unusual young life.

I grew up as an only child on a small farm in a semi-rural area. Fortunately I too had a comely female cousin, and she was even a few years older than me. I also had a twenty something neighbor lady. And both of them loved to bust balls. I already had a foot fetish. It didn't take long to learn to like ball busting. I also had a great time. But no adolescence will ever be perfect.

Eventually after finishing professional school, I got a girl friend I wanted to keep. We have been married over 20 years, have children, and a good life. She also busts my balls regularly and does a variety of wonderful things to me with her feet. Incidentally, she did not have those interests before meeting me.

I have never thought of my self as being perverted. I'm just a little kinky--well, maybe a lot kinky. I'm fairly prominent in my community. And I keep my sexual proclivities between myself and my wife.

So, testiclats, stop the introspection; get on with life and enjoy it. :bananawin


05-31-2007, 05:04 AM
I have an idea, maybe this will make you feel better. I hope.
Do you want to touch children?
Do you want to have sex with corpses?
Do you want to molest animals?
If the answer to these are no...
Then your not a pervert. Your a man who as a child developed a fascination about something that translated into sexual desire. And as long as another person willingly wants to help you release your lust, because they care about you, then everything is fine. I just read in the paper the other day there is a guy going around asking women to kick him in the nuts. He just walks up to them on the street and says will you kick me in the nuts? Its terrible. That guy is a pervert, not because he likes ballbusting, but because hes trying to force a woman to do that to him. SO hold your head up man, your not a pervert.

05-31-2007, 07:14 AM
I don't really know why I'm interested in this sort of thing, except to remember that when growing up I encountered a number of mainstream television shows from the 1970s that depicted scenes of bondage etc. Even as a seven year old my parents had caught me attempting some self-bondage and after questioning me learned that I had seen a similar scene on the 6 Million Dollar Man show.

06-01-2007, 09:35 AM
What is pervert and what is not, varies from person to person. Some people think that even if you are into oral sex, you are pervert. Some others(especially old fashioned girls) say that even if you think of sex generally you are pervert. So every person is pervert according to one theory or another. It depends also the society.Who gives a fuck, what everyone says? I don't... My girlfriend like me being prevert.

Let me tell you something from my experiense. I have been working in bars and nightclubs as a barman in London and this helped to get laid with a lot of girls from different nationalities. Most of them like a bit of pain. ALL like to get fucked hard, 100% like to be spanked in the ass, and 80% like to spanked in the cunt and 100% want to get raped in a role play form!!! Say to your girlfriend, tonight am gonna **** you,she is gonna be all-wet, waiting for that moment.
So... we like some also attention and maybe pain to our organs. Where is the problem?

06-02-2007, 02:08 AM
I had quite a few ballbusting experiences at school. There was one blonde girl called Kim who I had a crush on. Obviously, I did everything that I could to hide it. Once, when I was about 14, I stole her pencil case and she was chasing me around for it. She managed to corner me and was walking towards me with her hand out, I smiled in a 'you got me kind of way' and held out her pencil case. Just before she could get hold of it, I flicked it over head to a mate standing behind her. This is a ballbusting site, so you know what happened next, I was 14 and dumb and didn't have a clue. While I stood there laughing, she just stepped forward and absolutely booted me between the legs, no holding back. The toe of her shoe connected with my balls and she stepped back. I stood, slightly hunched over for what felt like an eternity, tying not to react... then the pain registered and I just fell to the floor in the fetal position, mouth open, eyes shut. She just stood above me watching me. My friend put her pencil case on the floor and ran away.

A few years later, Kim kneed me in the balls for no reason while our whole class was waiting to begin lessons. She just walked up to me, she'd hiked her skirt up (it was sort of knee length and quite tight), so she'd probably planned this, and stood staring me in the eye. I staightened up, and met her gaze unflinchingly and, Thud! her knee hammered into my unprotected balls really hard, the pain was horrible. No pause this time, I made a sort of squeaky grunting noise and hit the floor, she was already walking away and everyone in my class was laughing at me. I still don't know why she did it. Eventually the teacher came to let us in and told me off for messing around on the floor. Fortunately, I had recovered enough to stand up by then or I'd have been nursing my balls in detention!!

06-09-2007, 05:27 AM
Great storys, whish I had some

Busted Balz
06-09-2007, 03:53 PM
I remember learning how sensitive my balls were at an early age. I wasn’t really sure why or mine were the only ones that were. It’s really weird when you think about discovering your balls since they don’t grow there later on but are there from your earliest memories. I remember wondering what they were for since they didn’t’ seem to serve a purpose at that time. I did know when I bumped them it hurt and when I would squeeze them the pain would go up into my abdomen. I guess it would have been good if someone had explained all this to me or if there was someone I felt comfortable asking way back then.

06-11-2007, 02:24 PM
I remember one incident from when I was at an age barely into double figures at school. On the days that we had Physical Education classes, all the boys and girls in my class would undress and dress at opposite corners of the same classroom, to put on our sports gear (almost certain this would not happen today, but this was the 1980s).

I was sat round a table with about 3 male friends when a female friend came over and sat on top of the table and overheard a silly comment from one of the guys. Her response was to say, "screw for you, screw for you", and proceeded to screw her big toe in the crotches of my three friends.

I can hardly remember anything from when I was this age, but I remember this very clearly, so maybe it struck a chord with me, even before I became more aware of bb around the age of about 12. I'm going to recreate something based on the big toe incident with an adult model for one of my videos in a few weeks, so let's see if that brings forward any more memories.

David B.

06-12-2007, 03:53 AM
I think it's interesting that Testiclats says he had a fear of having his balls hurt. I remember feeling exactly the same way when I was a kid, worrying whenever I was around some of the 'rougher' girls that they would kick me in the balls. Subsequently I have conquered that fear, like most of us that inhabit this forum, but it took a long time to turn it around into a fetish.

And no, Testiclats, you're not a pervert. None of us are here, in my opinion. My wife likes to be tied up, blindfolded and fucked silly; does that make her a pervert? No. Just a damn good sport!

06-29-2007, 12:21 AM
One of the experiences that made me like this fetish was when I was at my friend's house, during the summer in between 6th and 7th grade.

She was wearing a green shirt, jeans, and these green socks with little darker green leaves on them. I was in her room and we were arguing for about 10 minutes because I told her some band she liked was stupid. I wasn't expecting it, and she kicked me right in the balls. I fell to my knees and held them. She told me to say I was sorry, but I would never say such a thing, so she pushed me onto my back and put her foot on my chest. She told me to say I'm sorry again, but I refused. She stood on my chest, I didn't really feel her on top of me because the pain in my balls was too much. She then put her foot on my neck and started to choke me slightly. I couldn't do anything about it because I was so hurt, and I was so scared she was going to choke me to death, that I sputtered out I was sorry. She got off of me and laughed a little, and went back to watching TV while I laid there in pain.

After that I couldn't get it out of my mind for long time, and as you can see I still remember it to this day. It was one of the experiences which lead me to like these fetishes. After that day I started to like ballbusting and girls' socks a lot more than I did.

06-29-2007, 09:19 AM
I'm not sure what got me into bb. I know when I was younger a few girls I went to school with and a couple that lived in my neighborhood would play a round with me, though it seemed it was out of their curiosity.
When I was about 9-10 there was a girl that lived next door to me. We would hang out and play almost everyday. In my backyard there was this huge bush/tree in the corner up against the house that we would play in or climb. It was surrounded on three sides by a wood fence and the house so we could do anything without someone sneaking up on us. She would always try to grab me and pull my shorts off. On more than one occasion she just asked me if she could play with balls because "she didnt have them and wanted to see what they were like". Of course I didnt have a problem with that. She'd grab my balls and squeeze them and slap them. I'd wince and try to pull away but she thought it was funny and she'd always pull me back towards her and squeeze harder until I'd collapse on the ground. She did this alot and even though it hurt for a bit I think sub-conciously I liked it.
There was another girl that moved in a couple doors down about 3 years later. We would just hang out and throw a football around. She was a bit of a tomboy. We were sitting on her front porch one day and I was sitting with my back against her front door. She wanted to go inside for a minute, but like a little jackass I wouldnt move to let her in. I was sitting with my knees up and legs spread just a bit. Well I dont know what got into her but she put her foot right on my groin and started pressing down (barefoot by the way). She told me to move out of her way. It really didnt hurt, in fact it felt good but I didnt want her to know that. I told her no and she pressed down harder twisting her foot. "Wow this feels great!", I thought to myself. Finally after several minutes like this I guess she really wanted in the house and she pulled her foot back and kicked me right in the balls. "Ok that didnt feel so great", I thought. I rolled out of the way and she went in. By the time she came back out the pain had gone and I wanted some more..hehe. Several times after that I would purposely block the door and she would do the same thing...until she moved away.
Nothing else really happened until I was about 19-20 and I got into a relationship with this cool little goth chick. She got me into the harder stuff that I'll explain in a story sometime.
Now I'm married and my wife and I have some good bb times...also to be explained in SEVERAL stories to come. But I can say that getting busted by my wife has been the best ever. Probably because we've had years to build up trust and learn the limits.
This being my first post I'd like to say this is an awesome site.

06-29-2007, 07:55 PM
I can think of only one thing that got me into ballbusting and thats wrestling. I don't know why but when I was in 7th grade and started watching wrestling I would get so turned on when the female wrestlers would hit the male wrestlers in the balls. I actually never realized that it was out of the ordinary to feel that way until I said something to a couple of friends on my bus about how much I wanted this girl to kick me in the nuts. They made fun of me and couldn't understand why I felt that way. To this day I don't even know why I feel this way.