View Full Version : Damaged balls
06-08-2007, 11:10 PM
Has anyone here either damaged or had their balls damaged? My ex used to stand on my nuts full weight (she was about 115 or so lbs) many times, and after this (it has been 5 years since we broke up) my nuts are softer, a little smaller, and the sac is watery. Anyone else ever had that happen to them?
Has anyone here either damaged or had their balls damaged? My ex used to stand on my nuts full weight (she was about 115 or so lbs) many times, and after this (it has been 5 years since we broke up) my nuts are softer, a little smaller, and the sac is watery. Anyone else ever had that happen to them?
Does everything still work? I think that ballbusting should be done carefully. Permanant damage is not good. Pain is good. But you don't have to ruin a guy to have a LOT of fun. I love my boyfriend's balls and I want them to be in good condition, for further abuse!
Busted Balz
06-09-2007, 06:16 PM
Lily you are so evil :iluvu:
did you go to the docter or anything =/
it doesn't sound so good..:confused:
06-09-2007, 06:40 PM
My wife has been abusing my balls almost once a week for about 4 years now. She has squished them several times with a vise, a wrench, stomped on them, and had them restrained until they turned dark purple. I told her from the beginning that I was so in love with her I wanted them to belong to her. also, because I had wronged her in the past, I wanted her to know how comitted I was, so I long ago signed a document she wrote basically giving her legal ownership of my balls, and the right to destroy them.
I know it wouldnt hold up in court hehe, but it was symbolic, and I think she has acted as if it were all settled since then. I'm certain i'm very damaged and hope she wil damage me more some day. I do hope though that i'm still capable of getting her pregnant, but we'll just have to see.
06-09-2007, 07:00 PM
My wife has been abusing my balls almost once a week for about 4 years now. She has squished them several times with a vise, a wrench, stomped on them, and had them restrained until they turned dark purple. I told her from the beginning that I was so in love with her I wanted them to belong to her. also, because I had wronged her in the past, I wanted her to know how comitted I was, so I long ago signed a document she wrote basically giving her legal ownership of my balls, and the right to destroy them.
I know it wouldnt hold up in court hehe, but it was symbolic, and I think she has acted as if it were all settled since then. I'm certain i'm very damaged and hope she wil damage me more some day. I do hope though that i'm still capable of getting her pregnant, but we'll just have to see.
sounds cool..
she loves to be sadistic
06-09-2007, 07:01 PM
Has anyone here either damaged or had their balls damaged? My ex used to stand on my nuts full weight (she was about 115 or so lbs) many times, and after this (it has been 5 years since we broke up) my nuts are softer, a little smaller, and the sac is watery. Anyone else ever had that happen to them?
how is your testosterone levels?
and how is your sex drive?
06-09-2007, 07:18 PM
sounds cool..
she loves to be sadistic
Yes, I believe and am hoping that when and if she gets pregnant, she is going to be even harsher. :iluvu::iluvu: (she has promised a hundred times after all)
06-10-2007, 02:36 AM
Your chances of having kids is likely to be greatly reduced if your nuts have taken serious abuse. Good luck though.
06-10-2007, 02:47 AM
Your chances of having kids is likely to be greatly reduced if your nuts have taken serious abuse. Good luck though.
I have never seen any studies that support this. Do you have any scientific medical references to offer that relate or are you just making an assumption ?
06-10-2007, 07:50 AM
Has anyone here either damaged or had their balls damaged? ... after this ... my nuts are softer, a little smaller, and the sac is watery. Anyone else ever had that happen to them?
I've been abusing my balls for about fifty years now (and certainly the older I have gotten, the more severely I "play" with them) and have done both terrible and wonderous things to them during that span of time. What I used to see as severe has usually become quite vanilla as I repeated and repeated those early techniques...I'm always working my imagination to try to think up new and always more severe techniques to amuse myself. Although my body doesn't produce as much goo as it used to, my balls still hurt when I start to get rough with them and they still seem to work before I finish with them. (I don't know whether I could still fertilize an egg or not, but who cares at my age...all I care now is that I can still get the pleasure that I do when I settle in for a session of abusing the old guys).
I don't think that my balls are any smaller then they used to be but I do notice that even though they are both turgid and hard when I start to manipulate them, after a few minutes of squeezing, one gets noticeably softer and even though I then really get rough with it, it doesn't produce that deep gut-wrenching pain that it used to...the other one still does though no matter how hard I squeeze it. It's as if my ball has a slow leak and as I continue to work on it, the inner fluid slowly leaks out. Deflated, I can squeeze it as hard as I can manually without letting up. Even those extremely sensitive "pressure points" near the epididymous aren't as sensitive as when my ball is turgid. I don't know WHY it deflates but it seems that when it's deflated, there isn't as much "stretching" of the tunic as when it is squeezed while it is "full" and that the pressure on the tissues inside the tunic are less. It doesn't totally "empty" because when I squish it back and forth between my fingers, I can feel the tissues inside it move around.
Even though I work my other nut too, it doesn't appear to "leak", always staying hard and producing as much pain as it ever did, even with medium pressure. It is impossible for me to squeeze it as hard as I squeeze my deflated ball.
Looking back over my last twenty years of ball-play, and possibly just because I'm right handed, I've always given my right ball the most severe workouts and worked on it the longest...and it's the one that deflates. Still I usually work myself up with that less sensitive ball and when I am ready to get off and end a session, I switch my attention to my more sensitive ball to bring myself to that wonderful peak and finally make the goo flow. Those several times that I have been able to climax while manipulating both my balls simultaneously have been surreal...I wish I could do it that way every time I try.
By the way, once I've climaxed, I find it extremely hard to continue ANY ball manipulations because the pain becomes much less pleasurable ...perhaps it's psychosomatic or even all mental but once I climax, my play time stops. (Several hours later, my deflated ball is again turgid and hard and is again sensitive enough to pressure that I have to start to squeeze it slowly.)
I wouldn't worry much about damaging your own nuts too much. As I said I've done amazing things to my old eggs and they still seem to work. I think one's balls could be damaged in severe cases but I don't think any man could permanently damage his own balls accidentally as he "plays" with them (unless he intends to do so). I also believe that a play partner would be caring enough not to do any permanent damage.
Good luck with your nuts and put 'em through hell if it makes you feel good. I have and they still do whenever I wake them up :-).
The Geezer
06-10-2007, 09:18 AM
I've been abusing my balls for about fifty years now (and certainly the older I have gotten, the more severely I "play" with them) and have done both terrible and wonderous things to them during that span of time. What I used to see as severe has usually become quite vanilla as I repeated and repeated those early techniques...I'm always working my imagination to try to think up new and always more severe techniques to amuse myself. Although my body doesn't produce as much goo as it used to, my balls still hurt when I start to get rough with them and they still seem to work before I finish with them. (I don't know whether I could still fertilize an egg or not, but who cares at my age...all I care now is that I can still get the pleasure that I do when I settle in for a session of abusing the old guys).
I don't think that my balls are any smaller then they used to be but I do notice that even though they are both turgid and hard when I start to manipulate them, after a few minutes of squeezing, one gets noticeably softer and even though I then really get rough with it, it doesn't produce that deep gut-wrenching pain that it used to...the other one still does though no matter how hard I squeeze it. It's as if my ball has a slow leak and as I continue to work on it, the inner fluid slowly leaks out. Deflated, I can squeeze it as hard as I can manually without letting up. Even those extremely sensitive "pressure points" near the epididymous aren't as sensitive as when my ball is turgid. I don't know WHY it deflates but it seems that when it's deflated, there isn't as much "stretching" of the tunic as when it is squeezed while it is "full" and that the pressure on the tissues inside the tunic are less. It doesn't totally "empty" because when I squish it back and forth between my fingers, I can feel the tissues inside it move around.
Even though I work my other nut too, it doesn't appear to "leak", always staying hard and producing as much pain as it ever did, even with medium pressure. It is impossible for me to squeeze it as hard as I squeeze my deflated ball.
Looking back over my last twenty years of ball-play, and possibly just because I'm right handed, I've always given my right ball the most severe workouts and worked on it the longest...and it's the one that deflates. Still I usually work myself up with that less sensitive ball and when I am ready to get off and end a session, I switch my attention to my more sensitive ball to bring myself to that wonderful peak and finally make the goo flow. Those several times that I have been able to climax while manipulating both my balls simultaneously have been surreal...I wish I could do it that way every time I try.
By the way, once I've climaxed, I find it extremely hard to continue ANY ball manipulations because the pain becomes much less pleasurable ...perhaps it's psychosomatic or even all mental but once I climax, my play time stops. (Several hours later, my deflated ball is again turgid and hard and is again sensitive enough to pressure that I have to start to squeeze it slowly.)
I wouldn't worry much about damaging your own nuts too much. As I said I've done amazing things to my old eggs and they still seem to work. I think one's balls could be damaged in severe cases but I don't think any man could permanently damage his own balls accidentally as he "plays" with them (unless he intends to do so). I also believe that a play partner would be caring enough not to do any permanent damage.
Good luck with your nuts and put 'em through hell if it makes you feel good. I have and they still do whenever I wake them up :-).
The Geezer
isn't having frequent erections a good measuserement to see if the testosterone production in the 'testes' are still in function?
like morning erections?
I wonder if balls could even get bigger due to regular beatings.
like callous on a fist when boxing on a heavy bag.
does anybody knows this or has experienced this with yourself or someone else?
06-10-2007, 10:56 AM
Yes, I believe and am hoping that when and if she gets pregnant, she is going to be even harsher. :iluvu::iluvu: (she has promised a hundred times after all)
OMG you guys are so not going to believe me, but my wife just took a test this morning and is PREGNANT! I kid you not. We're both very much surprised a bit that there wasn't such a hard time getting her so with what we've done so far.
I know this is so ironic what with my above post yesterday that everyone's gonna think i'm kidding, just know i'll continue to post to these boards whether she does get harsher as she gets pregnant-er. :D:iluvu::D:iluvu::D:iluvu::iluvu:
06-10-2007, 12:01 PM
woohoo!!! this symbols my balls doom :D
Princess Kiki
06-10-2007, 12:53 PM
if there is serious damage to your balls, then you need to see a doctor pronto. Ballbusting should not permanently destroy your internal organs. If the person who is performing cbt on you has caused health issues that only shows she doesn't have proper experience.
06-10-2007, 02:40 PM
Has anyone here either damaged or had their balls damaged? My ex used to stand on my nuts full weight (she was about 115 or so lbs) many times, and after this (it has been 5 years since we broke up) my nuts are softer, a little smaller, and the sac is watery. Anyone else ever had that happen to them?
Simply a question, after separating, have you had another partner who kept busting your balls, or have you stopped?
If you have stopped being busted, and if the aspect of your balls has not got worse, you should not worry as long as things remain stable!
help please
06-10-2007, 03:41 PM
i somehow managed to cause myself permanent testicular pain (a mild pain all the time otherwise known as orchitis) after some prolonged sexual experiences that did not involve the abuse of my testes.
This is one of the reasons that I am very reluctant to actually have ballbusting done to me.
I know for a FACT because I studied it a lot that repeated trauma to the testicles can cause many serious problems.
Take bikers for example, because their testes constantly hit the seat of their bikes repediatly they can get calcium deposits (stones) in their testes.
and that is due to very soft impacts. Imagine what prolonged ballbusting could do?
also trauma to the testes destroys both spermatogenic and testosterone producing cells. The sperm generating cells do not regenerate, so they cant be replaced.
"Even a medium force trauma will cause the destruction of spermatozoa-production cells. It will not cause sterility because those cells are in massive quantities, however those cells do not regenerate, it is permanent damage. And if hit many times or too hard, it may cause infertility, because the sperm count/mobility must be acceptable in order to get a woman pregnant by natural means.
-Will also reduce spermatozoa production as a result of hormonal changes, one of those changes is testosterone reduction.
-May rupture major blood vessels, and draining the scrotum will be needed. Or microscopic veins, this will permanently destroy cells indirectly"
significant Decreases in testosterone will alter many aspects of your life negatively.
In a month or so im getting an ultrasound to find out what is really going on, because my erections are also weaker then they used to be and im only 20.
I hate to say it but i have repeaditly come to the conclusion that ballbusting is very unhealthy physically speaking.
I think the safest way to do it would be to have her wear some kind of boxing gloves or padding on her feet or you can wear some kind of mild padding.
It is beyond me how some of you guys can take the risk with stilettos let alone the pain.
also you can repair circulation and capillary damage in the genital tissues including testes with leech oil.
06-10-2007, 04:17 PM
I know for a FACT because I studied it a lot that repeated trauma to the testicles can cause many serious problems.
Take bikers for example, because their testes constantly hit the seat of their bikes repediatly they can get calcium deposits (stones) in their testes.
and that is due to very soft impacts. Imagine what prolonged ballbusting could do?
I totally agree with you.
yes and in all these articles,and there are many of them,they even say that the difference in fertility between someone who doesn't ride mountainbikes and those who do ride bikes frequently is very large.
so yes.imagine what repeated kicks will do to your testicles.
you got some more tips for circulation repair than only leech oil?
they are very welcome ..
06-10-2007, 04:26 PM
if there is serious damage to your balls, then you need to see a doctor pronto. Ballbusting should not permanently destroy your internal organs. If the person who is performing cbt on you has caused health issues that only shows she doesn't have proper experience.
that's for sure.
and there are quite some dominas who fit in the category'don't know what they are doing'.
they are just out there to earn and to kick and make men feel hurt.
06-10-2007, 04:53 PM
Iyou got some more tips for circulation repair than only leech oil?
they are very welcome ..
I meant you got more advice?
not tips...
tip of the tale:-P
06-10-2007, 05:25 PM
I still have as big a hard on as ever, and wake up with an erection a lot of mornings. So I dont know if my nuts are really damaged or what, but I love the abuse my fiance dishes out on them.
help please
06-10-2007, 06:46 PM
ok guys, this is going to be a long post and im sorry, but I feel a need to say some things which are close to my heart. If you take the time to read it I'm sure you will find something that can help you with your life.
No, im not a doctor I am a third year undergraduate and my major is biology,
which helps me some, but the main reson I know this stuff is because I have long had a very strange relationship with sex that caused me to damage myself by accident. This has caused me to look deeper to find out more.
I am a 20 year old male, normal in all respects except for my relationship with sex. Now ive had my ballbusting fetish for a long time, and I believe i got it from a childhood experience. Needless to say I have been very guilty because of it and it has become a sort of addiction for me.
Not only that I am very guilty when I masturbate or "spill my seed" for that matter so I keep myself from doing it as much as I can. This is because I practice certain forms of yoga that use the sperm energy.
Well as you can imagine this gave me a lot of problems especially in my late teens. Since I would go long periods without any sexual release when I would masturbate I would sometimes go crazy and do it for hours before cumming. this resulted in giving me something called a varicocle which is an abnormal vein around a testicle, this happend after about 2 hours of masturbating without ejaculation.
And I didnt learn my lesson because I caused another varicocle on the other testi after rubbing it for like 30 min without release.
Well Varicocles usually dont cause problems but can be a factor in infertility in some cases.
Needless to say I still did not learn my lesson, and while masturbating again for a long period without ejaculation I caused myself to have nonbacterial prostatitis and chronic testicular pain. I have had this condition over a year and it is slowly getting better, prostatitis is supposibly incureable although some chinese doctors and one in New york have cured patients. I also had weak erections and semen leakage. I now know my condition can be cured but it is still going to take a lot of work. The sexual organs are very sensitive and take a very long time to heal, compared with most of the body
What did I learn from all this? I learned that nonorgasmic semen retention is unhealthy for the mind and body. I also learned that ejaculation rarely satisfied my lust. I also learned that thoughts of ballbusting stimulated my body to go into "fight or flight mode" (too much adrenaline release) and aroused me more then any other kind of stimulation.
Then I got into the habit of masturbating every day which made my health a lot worse, and at this point i deceided to really do something. I cleaned up my act a lot and started studying how to heal damaged sex organs intensely. I started taking certain herbs, reduced my ejaculation frequency to no more then 3 times a week, and started doing a particular practice.
Well needless to say Im about 50% better and it sure has taken a lot of time and effort, but im geting there.
One practice that is helping me immensley is learning how to have male multiple orgasms. Did you know men can have multiple orgasms without ejaculation and go for as long as they want? These orgasms are tremendously healing to the prostate gland as they cause its smooth muscles to contract in a manner that ejaculation usually does not. Having these orgasms helps with or eliminates the "ejaculation compulsion" many men have. This practice can be triggered through a variety of different practices.
In my findings the best are KSMO(key sound multiple orgasm) and the tailbone breathing technique. Do not use the PC muscle technique as it causes prostate nerve disorders.
In sum if you want to heal disorders/damage of the sex region do some of these things the more the better
1. limit your ejaculation frequency depending on your age, the younger you are after age 16-18 the more you can ejaculate, however do not restrain yourself from ejaculating if you feel the need as that is very bad for the prostate, and testes, especially if you watch porn/ballbusting and dont ejaculate when you feel the need to. Do not ejaculate more then once a day this sis very bad for the prostate and leads to prostatitis.
2. eat certain foods/herbs/supplements
3. learn to have and practice as often as you like male multiple orgasms
4. limit your exposure to materials that make you too aroused (if you experience headache,dizziness, excessive heating or shaking etc)
5. DO not allow yourself to get blue balled too frequently, as this is very bad for testicular health, if it happens it can be helped by taking herbs/foods that increase circulation such as ginger, garlic, onion, parsley, gingko, ginseng, hawthorn, l-arginine
for particular conditions you can take particular herbs that can really help you A LOT
well im too tired done for now but please feel free to hit me back if you want to know more, have questions etc. i know a lot of what i say seems like it cant be true but give it a try and see for yourself.
help please
06-10-2007, 06:54 PM
ps a hard erection and having white thick ejaculate are signs of good sex health as well as being able to last a long time without getting soft or blue balled
waking up hard is a very good sign:Baahaha:
you know how to limit your ejaculation by...
1. how good it feels, the better the ejaculation feels the more likley it is spaced adequately from a previous ejaculation
2. how many contractions you have, you should have at least around 7 if it is a healthy ejacuation, if you have less have less ejaculations until you can acheive at least 7 (although this can vary in the indivuidual)
3. how much semen comes out the more the better, if only a small amount comes out or it is watery and clearish have less ejaculations
06-11-2007, 12:52 AM
you know how to limit your ejaculation by...
1. how good it feels, the better the ejaculation feels the more likley it is spaced adequately from a previous ejaculation
2. how many contractions you have, you should have at least around 7 if it is a healthy ejacuation, if you have less have less ejaculations until you can acheive at least 7 (although this can vary in the indivuidual)
3. how much semen comes out the more the better, if only a small amount comes out or it is watery and clearish have less ejaculations
I would add another criterium: I you remain (almost) fully hard after having ejaculated, you may allow you another one.
06-11-2007, 12:53 AM
...No, im not a doctor I am a third year undergraduate and my major is biology ...
A word to the wise ... In my humble opinion, taking medical advice, no matter how well intentioned, from a 20 year old undergrad college kid studying biology would be a very foolish thing to do. If you think you have issues with your testicles you should see a licensed, experienced urologist, preferably one who is "board certified". Same thing if you have penis issues or fertility issues of any kind. This is not the time to be using herbs as primary care. If you play regularly with ball-busting with any degree of intensity, you should probably know your urologist on a first name basis. I do, and I do. If you are in the Los Angeles area I would be more than happy to give you a recommendation to mine.
06-11-2007, 01:03 AM
That is very very good advice.
A word to the wise ... In my humble opinion, taking medical advice, no matter how well intentioned, from a 20 year old undergrad college kid studying biology would be a very foolish thing to do. If you think you have issues with your testicles you should see a licensed, experienced urologist, preferably one who is "board certified". Same thing if you have penis issues or fertility issues of any kind. This is not the time to be using herbs as primary care. If you play regularly with ball-busting with any degree of intensity, you should probably know your urologist on a first name basis. I do, and I do. If you are in the Los Angeles area I would be more than happy to give you a recommendation to mine.
06-11-2007, 01:38 AM
My girlfriend tortures my testicles from time to time, but she is very enthusiastic in it. In last time, I feel my balls are a little bit more sensitive and don't endure so much than before a year. But everything work as well as before, so it't ok I think.
06-11-2007, 02:47 PM
My balls are quite veiny after 5 years of my wife torturing my balls, but as of this week I still managed to get her pregnant. :D
We both have been well aware she was risking my fertility somewhat, and I love that she was so proud to have that choice and chose to do so happily.
She also says she is going to be harsher now that she is pregnant already and we only want one child.
06-11-2007, 03:07 PM
ok guys, this is going to be a long post and im sorry, but I feel a need to say some things which are close to my heart. If you take the time to read it I'm sure you will find something that can help you with your life.
No, im not a doctor I am a third year undergraduate and my major is biology,
which helps me some, but the main reson I know this stuff is because I have long had a very strange relationship with sex that caused me to damage myself by accident. This has caused me to look deeper to find out more.
I am a 20 year old male, normal in all respects except for my relationship with sex. Now ive had my ballbusting fetish for a long time, and I believe i got it from a childhood experience. Needless to say I have been very guilty because of it and it has become a sort of addiction for me.
Not only that I am very guilty when I masturbate or "spill my seed" for that matter so I keep myself from doing it as much as I can. This is because I practice certain forms of yoga that use the sperm energy.
Well as you can imagine this gave me a lot of problems especially in my late teens. Since I would go long periods without any sexual release when I would masturbate I would sometimes go crazy and do it for hours before cumming. this resulted in giving me something called a varicocle which is an abnormal vein around a testicle, this happend after about 2 hours of masturbating without ejaculation.
And I didnt learn my lesson because I caused another varicocle on the other testi after rubbing it for like 30 min without release.
Well Varicocles usually dont cause problems but can be a factor in infertility in some cases.
Needless to say I still did not learn my lesson, and while masturbating again for a long period without ejaculation I caused myself to have nonbacterial prostatitis and chronic testicular pain. I have had this condition over a year and it is slowly getting better, prostatitis is supposibly incureable although some chinese doctors and one in New york have cured patients. I also had weak erections and semen leakage. I now know my condition can be cured but it is still going to take a lot of work. The sexual organs are very sensitive and take a very long time to heal, compared with most of the body
What did I learn from all this? I learned that nonorgasmic semen retention is unhealthy for the mind and body. I also learned that ejaculation rarely satisfied my lust. I also learned that thoughts of ballbusting stimulated my body to go into "fight or flight mode" (too much adrenaline release) and aroused me more then any other kind of stimulation.
Then I got into the habit of masturbating every day which made my health a lot worse, and at this point i deceided to really do something. I cleaned up my act a lot and started studying how to heal damaged sex organs intensely. I started taking certain herbs, reduced my ejaculation frequency to no more then 3 times a week, and started doing a particular practice.
Well needless to say Im about 50% better and it sure has taken a lot of time and effort, but im geting there.
One practice that is helping me immensley is learning how to have male multiple orgasms. Did you know men can have multiple orgasms without ejaculation and go for as long as they want? These orgasms are tremendously healing to the prostate gland as they cause its smooth muscles to contract in a manner that ejaculation usually does not. Having these orgasms helps with or eliminates the "ejaculation compulsion" many men have. This practice can be triggered through a variety of different practices.
In my findings the best are KSMO(key sound multiple orgasm) and the tailbone breathing technique. Do not use the PC muscle technique as it causes prostate nerve disorders.
In sum if you want to heal disorders/damage of the sex region do some of these things the more the better
1. limit your ejaculation frequency depending on your age, the younger you are after age 16-18 the more you can ejaculate, however do not restrain yourself from ejaculating if you feel the need as that is very bad for the prostate, and testes, especially if you watch porn/ballbusting and dont ejaculate when you feel the need to. Do not ejaculate more then once a day this sis very bad for the prostate and leads to prostatitis.
2. eat certain foods/herbs/supplements
3. learn to have and practice as often as you like male multiple orgasms
4. limit your exposure to materials that make you too aroused (if you experience headache,dizziness, excessive heating or shaking etc)
5. DO not allow yourself to get blue balled too frequently, as this is very bad for testicular health, if it happens it can be helped by taking herbs/foods that increase circulation such as ginger, garlic, onion, parsley, gingko, ginseng, hawthorn, l-arginine
for particular conditions you can take particular herbs that can really help you A LOT
well im too tired done for now but please feel free to hit me back if you want to know more, have questions etc. i know a lot of what i say seems like it cant be true but give it a try and see for yourself.
great post !!
a question.
what's your advice ? not having more orgasms than 3 times a week
or go along as how you feel?
by the way where did you get all this info?
and point 2.
what foods?supplements are a bit out of order cause the latest scientific data seems to be ,that people who are taking vitamins and minerals, do infact die a little earlier than those who don't use pills.
not talking about ginkgo etc
but about zinc multi vitamins and things alike
06-11-2007, 03:11 PM
A word to the wise ... In my humble opinion, taking medical advice, no matter how well intentioned, from a 20 year old undergrad college kid studying biology would be a very foolish thing to do. If you think you have issues with your testicles you should see a licensed, experienced urologist, preferably one who is "board certified". Same thing if you have penis issues or fertility issues of any kind. This is not the time to be using herbs as primary care. If you play regularly with ball-busting with any degree of intensity, you should probably know your urologist on a first name basis. I do, and I do. If you are in the Los Angeles area I would be more than happy to give you a recommendation to mine.
a 20 year old kid can have his knowledge from people who do know and have lots of experience in this urologist doesn't know everything either.
that he is 'only' 20 years old doesnt mean he got his act/brain together.
you will be surprised how intelligent and wise young people can be.
always keep an open mind to what a person says no matter what their age, sex or occupation may be.
06-11-2007, 03:29 PM
a 20 year old kid can have his knowledge from people who do know and have lots of experience in this urologist doesn't know everything either.
that he is 'only' 20 years old doesnt mean he got his act/brain together.
you will be surprised how intelligent and wise young people can be.
always keep an open mind to what a person says no matter what their age, sex or occupation may be.
By definition a 20 year old kid can't have "lots of experience", and can't have spent very many months gathering information from others either. Ask yourself how many pairs of damaged balls he has seen, treated, handled, and studied. Now compare that to your (my) urologist, and tell me who has the "experience". Nobody knows "everything". A smart guy goes with the best possible information available. If you think your best source of information is some un-named kid on the internet who clearly has issues, go for it dude.
My posting was prefaced by "a word to the wise..." You can be wise or you can be stupid. Your choice.
06-11-2007, 03:30 PM
a 20 year old kid can have his knowledge from people who do know and have lots of experience in this urologist doesn't know everything either.
that he is 'only' 20 years old doesnt mean he got his act/brain together.
you will be surprised how intelligent and wise young people can be.
always keep an open mind to what a person says no matter what their age, sex or occupation may be.
Tamakeri had a great point. The guy's age isnt the issue, just that you should not rely on medical advice you read on a forum (which should be common sense). You don't even really know if its a bio student anyone can make stuff up on the internet. He wasnt being closed minded you SHOULD consult a licensed urologist if you want your balls to keep functioning thru ballbusting.
06-11-2007, 04:01 PM
Tamakeri had a great point. The guy's age isnt the issue, just that you should not rely on medical advice you read on a forum (which should be common sense). You don't even really know if its a bio student anyone can make stuff up on the internet. He wasnt being closed minded you SHOULD consult a licensed urologist if you want your balls to keep functioning thru ballbusting.
if you want your balls to keep functioning in excellent/good order you should not be involved in this ballbusting at all.
and the 'kid'does have a BIG point ,when saying that bikers have significant damaged testicles.
that is scientific engaging into ballbusting may not the wisest thing to do.
I can't imagine an urologist saying to a man it is ok to let your balls be regularly busted by your/a woman.
that does not make any sense does it?
06-11-2007, 04:06 PM
By definition a 20 year old kid can't have "lots of experience", and can't have spent very many months gathering information from others either. Ask yourself how many pairs of damaged balls he has seen, treated, handled, and studied. Now compare that to your (my) urologist, and tell me who has the "experience". Nobody knows "everything". A smart guy goes with the best possible information available. If you think your best source of information is some un-named kid on the internet who clearly has issues, go for it dude.
My posting was prefaced by "a word to the wise..." You can be wise or you can be stupid. Your choice.
when you are wise you don't engage into ballbusting at all .am I right or what?
this 'kid' does has a point.a very good one.
and the best possible information is when your urologist tells you to stop you from letting your balls getting busted.(meaning, the kid is right)
it's like you are a smoker and go regularly to your doctor to see how your lungs are functioning.
but if he ain't advising you to quit smoking...
he aint no good doctor.period.
I do think though that having many orgasms is NOT bad for the prostate or testicles.
science claims that men with many orgasms have the least of prostate cancer.
If I'm correct. :-P
use it or loose it.
like our muscles.
06-11-2007, 04:38 PM
does posting the same thing twice make you feel important or something?
Yeah smarty a good urologist will advise you not to do it for safety any idiot knows that.
We know its unsafe but a lot of us here are going to do it anyway. It doesnt take a biology student to tell you that ballbusting will probably cause damage so no the kid does not have a 'great' point.
Especially given that he also gives advice on how he thinks you should handle things, which no good doc (or student doc) will say is a good idea to take anonymous advice from a forum, when you should in fact CONSULT A DOCTOR IN PERSON FOR THE ADVICE IF YOU WANT IT.
BTW you're acting like we disagree with his advice against ballbusting. I think its pretty obvious we are talking about the other detailed instructions and such, but it seems you need things spelled out, so yeah, we know you shouldnt ballbust. The rest of it is meaningless because it doesnt come from a doctor.
But feel free to keep doing what anonymous forum posters tell you in regards to your health but you really have no place criticizing someone for suggesting you seek professionals.
06-11-2007, 04:42 PM
LOL wait, i just caught, that first you jump on someone for saying don't take the dude's advice as medically certain, then you say you disagree with his medical advice on frequency of orgasms? Do you just like to bicker cause you just contradicted your whole point?
help please
06-11-2007, 09:00 PM
I am only telling you all what has helped me from experience.
If you dont want to hear what I have learned that has helped me fine. I am
not saying you should do what I say.
i am only saying this stuff for those who want to know as i was asked specificaly, in fact testes since you are the only one who seems interested ill just personal message you from now on if you want to know some more "useful pointers'"
Considering I have been to 3 different urologists who kept on trying to give me antibiotics for "nonbacterial prostatitis" without avail you can see why I try a more natural approach.
Urologists can help with diagnosis through ultrasound, antibiotics for infections, and surgery when it is required. They also perscribe such smooth muscle relaxers such as alpha blockers to ease pain and such. And of corse things like viagra.
The problem is that many male urological problems is that many but not all such therepies are not useful for things like prostate abrasion, nerve damage, and weak erections. Things like viagra WILL NOT heal your problem but will only hurt you more in the long run. Much of modern medicine only masks the sympptoms and does not heal the damage.
Many urological surgeries cut nerves that are responsible for erection and sexual function, this is very well documented. If you are so worried about me BSing you why don't you go take a class on neurobiology to find out how well inguinial nerves heal after being severed. This is why many men who get vasectomy's and penis enlargement have weak erections.
The simple fact of the matter is that by using natural remedies you can heal a lot of damage done down there without the need of dangerous surgery when it is not absolutely necessary. There are herbs that work better then viagra, and that wont damage you either.
Some of what I say is simply proven by science so it does not matter who it comes from. Take my simple suggestion of leech oil it contains substances that are some of the most powerful anticoagulants, and bloodflow promoters known to man. That is a fact it does not matter if it comes from a urologist or a three year old. Again go search for yourself.
Keep in mind not all urologists are the same and some do go further, and can provide a lot of help like frederico guercini, but most dont.
And tamakeri please this is a ballbusting forum so its pretty funny to find you pointing out that I have "issues"
help please
06-11-2007, 09:14 PM
"Same thing if you have penis issues or fertility issues of any kind. This is not the time to be using herbs as primary care"
Well tamakeri in my humble opinion you probably dont know that much about herbs
Great job contradicting yourself, yes it makes perfect sense to not take my advice and take yours instead because you are so much more qualified then me
Ever hear of HE SHOU WU shown in studies to TRIPLE sperm count and increase quality in many cases.
06-12-2007, 01:19 AM
"Same thing if you have penis issues or fertility issues of any kind. This is not the time to be using herbs as primary care"
Well tamakeri in my humble opinion you probably dont know that much about herbs
Great job contradicting yourself, yes it makes perfect sense to not take my advice and take yours instead because you are so much more qualified then me
Ever hear of HE SHOU WU shown in studies to TRIPLE sperm count and increase quality in many cases.
I have not contradicted myself at all. I never claimed that I was qualified to give medical advice. I said I will take the advice of my board certified urologist over the advice of a 3rd year biology undergrad when it comes to primary care of testicular, penile and fertitility issues. I stand by that. Neither your nor Testes' massive infusions of awesome knowledge and undeniable logic have managed to persuade me otherwise. I guess I'll just have to live with having great erections and all the sperm (and resultant children) that I need.
06-12-2007, 03:07 AM
1. If you are not hard when waking up, forget about masturbating the whole day!
2. If you do not ejaculate with at least four visible shots of fluid, delay the next masturbation with the number of days needed to reach four.
3. If, during masturbation, you loose your hardness, stop and wait until the next morning hardon. (A bit hard to enforce!)
4. But, on the other hand (!), if you remain fully (or almost fully) hard after having ejaculated, you are entitled to another go, but you should do it as quickly as possible. Remaining hard means that when you are standing, your member is straight and stands by itself higher than horizontal. You should continue stroking it immediately, regardless of the "refractory period". If the latter is to violent and if stroking makes you loose your hard-on, rule nmr. 3 applies immediately. Never forget to apply rule nmr. 2 to this second ejaculation!
5. Never stop stroking your member, especially the glans, until you have reached the very end of your ejaculation!
Any more ideas ?
06-12-2007, 09:59 AM
I am only telling you all what has helped me from experience.
If you dont want to hear what I have learned that has helped me fine. I am
not saying you should do what I say.
i am only saying this stuff for those who want to know as i was asked specificaly, in fact testes since you are the only one who seems interested ill just personal message you from now on if you want to know some more "useful pointers'"
Considering I have been to 3 different urologists who kept on trying to give me antibiotics for "nonbacterial prostatitis" without avail you can see why I try a more natural approach.
Urologists can help with diagnosis through ultrasound, antibiotics for infections, and surgery when it is required. They also perscribe such smooth muscle relaxers such as alpha blockers to ease pain and such. And of corse things like viagra.
The problem is that many male urological problems is that many but not all such therepies are not useful for things like prostate abrasion, nerve damage, and weak erections. Things like viagra WILL NOT heal your problem but will only hurt you more in the long run. Much of modern medicine only masks the sympptoms and does not heal the damage.
Many urological surgeries cut nerves that are responsible for erection and sexual function, this is very well documented. If you are so worried about me BSing you why don't you go take a class on neurobiology to find out how well inguinial nerves heal after being severed. This is why many men who get vasectomy's and penis enlargement have weak erections.
The simple fact of the matter is that by using natural remedies you can heal a lot of damage done down there without the need of dangerous surgery when it is not absolutely necessary. There are herbs that work better then viagra, and that wont damage you either.
Some of what I say is simply proven by science so it does not matter who it comes from. Take my simple suggestion of leech oil it contains substances that are some of the most powerful anticoagulants, and bloodflow promoters known to man. That is a fact it does not matter if it comes from a urologist or a three year old. Again go search for yourself.
Keep in mind not all urologists are the same and some do go further, and can provide a lot of help like frederico guercini, but most dont.
And tamakeri please this is a ballbusting forum so its pretty funny to find you pointing out that I have "issues"
great post again !
it's obvious that this post could just as well have been writen by a 50 year old with lots of golly ;)
vasectomy ..I could never believe that it is completely safe to let someone cut your spermtubes.
when you see what effects those tiny needles used in accupuncture have on the body.
let alone cuttng off your testis tubes.:cryingblu
06-12-2007, 10:03 AM
LOL wait, i just caught, that first you jump on someone for saying don't take the dude's advice as medically certain, then you say you disagree with his medical advice on frequency of orgasms? Do you just like to bicker cause you just contradicted your whole point?
it is not I totally agree or I diagree everything you know.
question:are you looking for someone to get your testicles but severly?
you are definitly in need for it seems:jumpsmile
06-12-2007, 10:04 AM
1. If you are not hard when waking up, forget about masturbating the whole day!
2. If you do not ejaculate with at least four visible shots of fluid, delay the next masturbation with the number of days needed to reach four.
3. If, during masturbation, you loose your hardness, stop and wait until the next morning hardon. (A bit hard to enforce!)
4. But, on the other hand (!), if you remain fully (or almost fully) hard after having ejaculated, you are entitled to another go, but you should do it as quickly as possible. Remaining hard means that when you are standing, your member is straight and stands by itself higher than horizontal. You should continue stroking it immediately, regardless of the "refractory period". If the latter is to violent and if stroking makes you loose your hard-on, rule nmr. 3 applies immediately. Never forget to apply rule nmr. 2 to this second ejaculation!
5. Never stop stroking your member, especially the glans, until you have reached the very end of your ejaculation!
Any more ideas ?
this is what we need here,
good post crushee
in my experience walnuts and all kinds of other nuts are very good for the testicles.
the fatty acids and minerals and maybe other substances these nuts make the testicles fill out really well.
as well as seeds .pumkin and sunflower seeds.
(this is good advice for the ladies too by the way.testes and ovaries have 'some' things common)
my 2 cents..
06-12-2007, 11:12 AM
I totally agree with you.
yes and in all these articles,and there are many of them,they even say that the difference in fertility between someone who doesn't ride mountainbikes and those who do ride bikes frequently is very large.
so yes.imagine what repeated kicks will do to your testicles.
you got some more tips for circulation repair than only leech oil?
they are very welcome ..
it is not I totally agree or I diagree everything you know.
question:are you looking for someone to get your testicles but severly?
you are definitly in need for it seems
Okay genius there's your contradiction in black and white, you said you totally agree with him then you said you don't totally agree with him.
You asked him for circulation repair tips when you SHOULD ASK A LICENSED MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL that question is my point do you have ANY reason not to?
I think your last comment was supposed to be an insult, though I'm not sure as it made little sense, but if you read anything else around here you'd see I have a wife who busts the hell out of my balls and I love it.
06-12-2007, 11:25 AM
Okay genius there's your contradiction in black and white, you said you totally agree with him then you said you don't totally agree with him.
You asked him for circulation repair tips when you SHOULD ASK A LICENSED MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL that question is my point do you have ANY reason not to?
I think your last comment was supposed to be an insult, though I'm not sure as it made little sense, but if you read anything else around here you'd see I have a wife who busts the hell out of my balls and I love it.
get out of my way son.
you're using my oxygen
05-03-2012, 05:32 PM
I will have to echo the sentiments here.
Recognize that ballbusting is a destructive physically and spiritually activity.
If you are damaged physically or spiritually by this activity, you can repent and pray to God for healing.
Reconsider your commitment to this activity.
05-04-2012, 08:17 AM
I will have to echo the sentiments here.
Recognize that ballbusting is a destructive physically and spiritually activity.
If you are damaged physically or spiritually by this activity, you can repent and pray to God for healing.
Reconsider your commitment to this activity.
I sincerely wish you luck if you choose to seek out this for your method of healing. Or, faith, if you don't like the word luck.
There aren't any admins or mods anymore, but can we please stay on topic?
05-04-2012, 08:55 AM
I will have to echo the sentiments here.
Recognize that ballbusting is a destructive physically and spiritually activity.
If you are damaged physically or spiritually by this activity, you can repent and pray to God for healing.
Reconsider your commitment to this activity.
It's people like you that caused me to leave church when i was a teen, and realize there is no God.
Why you ask? Because of that fundamental view that you (Christians in this case) hold that you are absolutely right, and everyone else is absolutely wrong.
Take your proselytizing and your self-righteousness, and shove em ... in the overhead compartment.
05-04-2012, 10:07 AM
It's people like you that caused me to leave church when i was a teen, and realize there is no God.
Why you ask? Because of that fundamental view that you (Christians in this case) hold that you are absolutely right, and everyone else is absolutely wrong.
Take your proselytizing and your self-righteousness, and shove em ... in the overhead compartment.
That is why canadian's go to hell :D
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