View Full Version : rapidshare passwords..

06-10-2007, 12:37 PM
hey, i found a site on the net when i was searching for free rapidshare accounts.. it was driving me crazy to wait for rapid when downolading videos from it..

anyway, http://www.freerapidaccount.com/free/?r=363795

the link is here, you go there, choose a membership type, 1 month or 3 months..
you need 5 referrals for 1 month account.. and you need 12 referrals for 3 months..
so, you go there and become a member, then you refer 5 person to be member.. i read it it is not fake.. so lets try.. when we take our accounts, i will download all videos from "links and videos" thread..:ibow4u:


06-26-2007, 09:12 PM
Don't believe it, I clicked it and it was just crap.