View Full Version : Guacamole Pain

06-15-2007, 07:54 PM
Well, I got a bit of a fantasy come to life today.

My girlfriend and I were making guacamole for an upcoming party, alone at her house. We began to get romantic midway through (before adding the onion and after adding the chili peppers). Her hand slid down my pants and started to massage my boys, which resulted in me soon being doubled over in burning pain. She had used her fingers to scrape out the seeds from the peppers and apparently still had some juice on them. For about the first 10 minutes she thought it was just hilarious. She eventually showed some concern and the little ordeal ended with her pouring milk on my... fun parts in her bathtub. I guess women's intuition always is right; it worked. Thankfully, I could explain my stiffness to the events before the pain :p