View Full Version : Ball Busting games
06-18-2007, 11:26 AM
Hi folks i was curious of what crazy games u and ur partner have made mixing ballbusting and sex together? I wuld really appreciate the post's i'm in the middle of getting my girl into ballbusting and trying to make it enjoyable for the both of us.
06-20-2007, 11:20 PM
that's a good idea for a thread starter.
also, im trying to get my partner into bb.
how did you guys start out?
i havent been with her long, and im not sure how i should bring it up....
any personal experences, or ideas would be great.
06-21-2007, 09:14 AM
me and my gf quite often go a walk down to the park when its a nice day and the other day we went into the little play park area, and she sat on the swing and sed stand in front of me, so i like a fool did and got the full force kick while she was on the swing and a knee afterwards as well.
nice bit was that she was wearing a skirt and saw all the way up it as she swung!
06-21-2007, 10:39 AM
The way i got my partner into bb was by making pinching her nipples everytime she crashed when we would play racing games. she would get and anoid and i told her i was punisher her and motivating her not to crash so then she said fine i get to squeeeze ur balls. i of course said ok:jumpsmile . I found it took awhile to slowly get her used to doing the occasional hit there and then make it more frequent so that she wasn't weirded out. i'd say incorporate it into games. Thats what i'm going for here what type of bb games do ppl play with there partners? dice cards poker and if so what is the set up of ur game.
one that i have is texas hold em except the chips have diff values
white = flick
red = squeeze
blue slap
black kick
the # of chips determines how many and how long u get to do it. the catch she has to use her chip winnings(if she wins) before during or right after sex if she waits then she loses her winnings. if i win then i get to direct sex doing what ever i want. Its a win win for her and me
i hope this answers ur q about how to get ur girl into it.. how long have u been with here because that will also change ur tactic if its only a cuple months then take it very slow until about 6 months then u can safeky proceed a little faster with bets and games
06-24-2007, 08:22 AM
Another game that couples can play is ballbusting strip tease guy gets kicked in the balls if he is willing to continue girl removes article of clothes until they get down tot he nitty gritty.
Anybody else do differently??? looking forward to some feedback and games thx.
06-24-2007, 03:18 PM
the best way to get a girl to hit you is to wrestle with her. Just fun stuff but put her in a position where the ONLY thing she can do is hit you in the baby makers. This is by far the best way for a number of reasons.
06-24-2007, 07:39 PM
One way to tell if she is already into it or not is to grab her from behind while she is standing. If she doesn't threaten to kick you, lift her up in the air until she does. If she doesn't threaten to do that, she is either not into it or she likes you too much.
06-25-2007, 07:40 AM
One way to tell if she is already into it or not is to grab her from behind while she is standing. If she doesn't threaten to kick you, lift her up in the air until she does. If she doesn't threaten to do that, she is either not into it or she likes you too much.
guess that last thing is just the problem:cussing: but being mean to her just for the bb sounds a little cruel to me:wooow
06-25-2007, 12:46 PM
I like the idea of playing cards and different chips equal different things.
I had a g/f for a while...when we would sit around talking or whatever, if I gave her a hard time or shot her a friendly insult, she'd just say, "give me your balls," meaning uncover them or undress. Of course I would even if sometimes I pretended I wasn't going to, and she'd slap them. It was lots of fun and a good way to make it even when I was verbally out-doing her.
06-25-2007, 06:31 PM
My GF likes to crush my nuts at the checkout in the supermarket - I have to keep a straight face & not make a sound :)
06-28-2007, 06:46 PM
wow i've never been into public busting would be too embarassing if we got caught.
07-01-2007, 10:35 AM
My gf and I have come up with many games. Most are endurance games, ie: how many kicks does it take for her to make me fall to my knees, etc. We also have one where she has a set amount of time to make me give up by doing whatever she wants. We then have awards for whoever wins.
07-02-2007, 01:18 AM
ive been going with my gf for 2 yrs now.
i like the ideas of getn her intrested with games.
i think she likes me too much to want to hurt me lol.
07-02-2007, 06:43 PM
Wow, some very good ideas.
The most complex and longest game my wife and I've played is a variation of monopoly. I start out with a lot less money than normal. I can pay my rent by accepting busts to the balls. We decide how much each hit is worth before starting. I can instead borrow money from the bank but must pay interest. Each time I pass go I must pay the bank my $200 and then 10% interest in hits to the nads. Can be very soar after a long game.
Another game we sometimes play is backgammon. Every time I send her to the bar I get a painful reward. Heaven help me when I win.
We started out by playing different games and making silly bets. The only way I could get her into it.
some good bb games would be fun
07-22-2007, 03:07 AM
These are all some really good ideas. I couldnt think of a better way to spice up monopoly or a game of cards than some high stakes gambling. ;)
10-29-2007, 09:24 PM
If you have ever been in one of those corn mazes. Lots of dead ends. Well lots more fun with two people before it gets crowded. One person gets to lead, the other person follows but gets a heavy piece of corn still on the plant. Every time the leader goes into a dead end the other person gets a free hit. just an idea...
10-30-2007, 12:53 AM
My old girlfriend and I started this game one time at summer camp, where we'd squeeze each other between the legs and the first one to let go of the other loses.
What we'd do is like while we were on the bus, we'd put our bags on our laps, the she'd put her hand down my pants and I put my hand up her skirt and we start squeezing. And the challenge while on the bus was for us to keep straight faces so as to not attract suspicion.
BTW: I never won a single game. And even after I would let go, sometimes she'd still be squeezing just for fun!
10-30-2007, 10:15 PM
kick for every duplicate
brutal squeeze for a word not in dictionary
knee for every word not possible
she takes off an article of clothing for every x points
u can substitue w/e u want
not the best game but w/e...
11-25-2007, 09:47 PM
i used to date a girl who knew a little about my fetish. I told her it wasn't entirely unpleasant to feel pain down there and she got into squeezing my balls during sex. i was only able to tell her because i knew she was kind of into it. she would crack up every time someone got hit in the balls in a movie or on tv. she also used to mock-knee the guy she dated before me when we used to hang out together. anyway, once we were in bed and she was on her hands and knees on top of me. she was in her bra and panties and i was naked and she was teasing me a little bit. she put her knee right up against my nuts and started asking me questions like "are you attracted to other girls?", "how much do you love me?", etc. and every time i gave an answer she didn't like she would press her leg down harder on my balls and keep asking the question until i answered correctly. of course i knew the answers she wanted, but i resisted giving them as long as i could. she would also slam her knee into me if i didn't answer quickly enough. i can still see her on top of me with my arms pinned down, her knee squashing my balls, smiling and saying "i really like this game!". once later on i tried to get her to play again, but she didn't remember what i was talking about. she must have been in a sadistic mood, because usually she was pretty shy about kicks, knees, or anything besides squeezing. anyway, this thread just reminded me of that experience. later.
01-06-2008, 08:53 AM
This is a game i've been creating for my wife and I. If you play it please let me know how it went.
The Royals
The game is played with a standard deck of cards. The game is won by the princess when she gets two Queens. The game is won by the male if he gets three Queens.
Hierarchy of Royalty Cards:
Queen – highest card. The princess gets to choose what she wants the male to do for her.
Ace – spankings. Princess spanks male.
King – kicks. Princess kicks male.
Jack – masturbate. Male must masturbate in front of princess while she squeezes.
Game Play
The games starts with the princess getting half the deck and the male getting the other half. The princess turns over her cards until a royalty card shows, then the male does the same. The higher royalty card wins the hand (Queen is the highest). If the male wins the hand nothing happens. If the princess wins then all royal cards are played and sum of the number cards (2-10) are totaled. When there are no numbered cards the total is one. If the princess won with the Queen then the total is the number of minutes she gets whatever she wants. If the princess won with the Ace she gives the male spankings equaling the numbers. If the princess won with the King then the total is the number of kicks. Then the same is done with the male’s cards, for trying to oppose her and failing. (Example: the princess first shows a 2 and then an 8 and then an Ace. The male shows a 3 then a 9 then a King. The princess wins and totals the 2 and 8 to give the male 10 spankings. Then the male’s 3 and 9 are totaled and she gives him 11 kicks.)
When two royals equal each other:
When the two royals are the same then the princess turns over more cards until another royal is shown. Then the male does the same. This continues until a royal wins the hand. Again, if the male wins then nothing happens. If the princess wins then ALL cards are played. When the princess wins and a Jack tied then the sum is the number of times the male must count to as he masturbates and the princess squeezes him. (Example: if the first royalty she had was a Jack (male also had a Jack) and her number cards totaled seven, and then she had the winning royalty which was a King with total number cards of three. The male would count to “7 princess” and get 3 kicks. The first card he showed was a Jack and the next card was a 3 and then another Jack the male would count to “4 princess” while being squeezed.) When the two royals played against each other are Queens then only the winning player for that hand can use their Queen card(s) towards wining.
Winning the Game
When the princess gets two Queens she wins. On winning she gets whatever she wants and decides if another game is played. The male is not allowed to cum. If the male wins by getting three Queens he is allowed to cum however the princess wants him to, or he can beg for another game.
Player Runs Out of Cards
When a player runs out of cards they lose the game. If the princess has no more cards then the male wins. If the male has no more cards the princess turns over her cards and does what the royalty cards stipulate until she has two Queens or runs out of cards.
Example Play
Game One: princess turns over number cards equaling 15 and a Queen. The male then turns over number cards equaling 10 and also a Queen. The princess then turns over number cards equaling 7 and an Ace. The male then shows a King. The princess wins the hand and takes his cards. Now she has 15 minutes with the Queen from her hand and 10 minutes from the Queen from his hand. He will receive 7 spankings from the Ace in her hand and 1 kick from the King in his hand. She has won the game with the two Queens.
Optional Rules
Ace of Spades – spanked on the balls.
Ace of Clubs – spanked on the penis.
Ace of Diamonds – spanked on the butt by hand.
Ace of Hearts – spanked on the butt with a paddle.
King of Spades – kick from behind while on all four.
King of Clubs – kick from behind while standing.
King of Diamonds – kick from the front while standing.
King of Hearts – kick from the front while kneeling.
Jack of Spades – squeezed from behind while on all four.
Jack of Clubs – squeezed from behind while standing.
Jack of Diamonds – squeezed while lying on his back.
Jack of Hearts – squeezed while standing.
01-07-2008, 06:34 AM
I and magni-FYKA play a dice game:
2 throws, the first is a location, the second an action. This is the scheme:
male female action
1 dick lips bite
2 balls neck punch
3 dick left tit squeeze
4 balls right tit suck
5 balls groin massage
6 balls groin lick
Obviously i use the last two columns while she uses the first and the third!
Last thing: she adores when it's 2-3 or 4-3 or 5-3 or 6-3 (ballsqueeze) so whenever she wants she can switch any action with the squeeze!
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