View Full Version : Stop!!!
06-19-2007, 06:29 PM
Everyone on this forum should take a look at this!
I write this to give warning!
I am a man of God. I used to be very perverted, I was into ballbusting and other sources of pornography. I was punished for my sins over four months ago. I would perform self-busting on myself, I would squish my balls by sitting on them, this would strain my upper legs, but I had no idea how much.
It was the last day of wrestling season, the last tournament, and my last match. I was taken down, and was injured with a torn hamstring, a pulled SI joint, and something else happened to my pelvis on the front side of my left leg.
I continued my usual sinning of self-busting, masturbating (wasting my seed), lusting (committing adultery in my heart), looking at pornography, and other sexual sins like these. My injury would get better, but VERY slowly. It took about 2 or 3 weeks just to be able to walk without pain. But as I continued these sins, more injuries would appear. I ended up having two pulled hamstrings, two pulled SI joints, and that thing with my pelvis on both legs.
I would pray for them to be healed, but I only wanted it to happen, I didn't actually believe that it would happen. So it didn't. I recently realized why I was injured. So that I would get closer to God and gain faith in Him. I know this because I became desperate for healing, and started reading the bible a lot, looking for answers.
I found in the book of Matthew that Jesus healed the blind, sick and crippled. He healed believers and nonbelievers. He saw very little faith in His hometown, and did a few miracles there, because of their lack of faith.
So I gained a lot more faith in God. I prayed the other night for the healing of my injuries, with faith. They were a ton better, but not 100% better. I didn't know why my injuries were not healed completely and instantly. I thought I knew why I was injured (to get closer to God).
So I was looking for answers. Last night I was reading some verses from the Bible. It said that God will forgive us of our sins, but will not undo the physical damage of them. When I was originally injured, I thought it was because of my sinning. But I completely forgot about that. I was reminded last night.
I finally understood everything. I was just so blown away of how everything happens for a reason, and how mysterious and glorious God works.
I was in great sin and darkness.
I was punished with injury.
I continued sinning.
So I received more injury.
I realized that I was injured so that I would get closer to Him.
I gained faith and a better relationship with God.
So I was healed greatly, but not completely.
I looked for answers for my confusion.
I realized that it was my sinning that had started this whole mess, and that God punished me so that I would look for faith to heal me, so I gained faith in God and grew closer towards Him. Then He healed me greatly, but not completely so that I would look to see why I wasn't healed 100% instantly, and so that I would read those verses, and see why I was punished, and that I WAS punished, and so that I would turn away from my sins.
Ultimately, I was punished for my sins, and God did this so that I would gain faith in Him, stop my sins, and gain a wonderful relationship with Him.
I stopped these sins two days ago (June 17, 2007).
I will be healed for the continuation of this.
I warn you all of your sinful lifestyle.
I know it can be greatly hard.
But when it is the hardest, and you don't give into temptation, is when it gets easy.
Jesus is my best friend.
He forgave me.
He can be your friend too, and He can forgive you too.
All you have to do is ask.
God bless :)
06-19-2007, 07:14 PM
Now, if you see it fit to spread your doctrine on here, then I'm sure that you will understand when people reply negatively. You should be prepared for that.
I don't believe what you have said to be true. The events you have described are delusions by any other name. Personally, I have no religious beliefs whatsoever. Perhaps there's a God, pehrps there isn't. But I'm currently more than happy to enjoy ballbusting for the foreseeable future. As much as I hate to disrespect other people's religious ideas, you have no less disrespected mine by stating all of this to be true and urging me to follow you. I very much doubt that God tore your hamstring so you would stop looking at porn. If that were the case, there would be a LOT of bad hamstrings in the world. I'm sorry to read about your confusion, because this must be a very difficult time for you. I hope that one day you can find some answers.
Take care,
Busted Balz
06-19-2007, 08:11 PM
Amen Brother.
06-19-2007, 08:23 PM
I know this is not a religious forum but I'm bored so I am going to start the debate.
I am sorry that the fonts will not stay consistent. (Stupid computer problem)
Translation issues:
Leviticus 11:4-6 talks of a coney and how it is unholy to eat because it chews its cud and has hooves. A coney is a rabbit by the way.
Leviticus 11:13-19 talks about bats that are an unholy bird to eat. Someone needs to take a biology class.
Leviticus 11:20 says that all four legged birds are unclean and should not be eaten. Birds all have 2 legs even flamingos.
A few Discrepancies:
2 Kings 8:26 Ahaziah was 22 when he became king.
2 Chronicles 22:2 Ahaziah was 42 when he became king.
2 Samuel 6:23 Michal daughter of Saul of no children in life.
2 Samuel 21:8 Michal daughter of Saul had five sons.
Matthew 1:16 Jesus' worldly grandfather is Jacob.
Luke 3:23 Jesus' worldly grandfather is Heli.
Matthew 28:1 talks about the Sepulchre where Jesus was buried but Matthew lists 2 women, Mark 3, John 1, and Luke says over 5 women went there.
Matthew 28:2 the women see one angel, in Mark a young man, in Luke two men, and in John two angels.
Matthew 27:32 the sign above Jesus in the Crucifixion reads, "This is Jesus The King of the Jews, in Mark "The King of the Jews, in Luke "This is the King of the Jews, and in John "Jesus of Nazareth the King of the Jews"
Differences between the new and old testament
Deut. 20:13-14 shows God's love of murdering everyone.
Numbers 31:17-18 shows God's love of virgins and sex with children.
Exodus 32:27-28 shows God's love of murdering everyone.
1 Chronicles 13:9-10 God loved Uzza so much for saving his ark He killed him immediately like any loving god would.
Exodus 11:10 God has power over free will by controlling Pharaoh. God does not have this power in the new testament.
Exodus 12:29 God kills all the first born except for Pharaoh. Women, children, all first born for doing what God ****** Pharaoh to do.
1 Samuel 15:3 More of God's anger. Kill them all and I'll sort them out.
James 2:24 says that by works are you saved and not by faith. Then again James is more Catholic than Protestant. Many Biblical scholars do not believe that James should be in the Bible, but I don't believe Revelations should be in the Bible so to each his own.
Ephesians 2:8-9 Says by faith are you saved and not by works.
James 1:13 God cannot tempt man (more James crap).
Genesis 22:1 God tempted Abraham.
John 1:18 + John 6:46 + 1 John 4:12 They all say no one has seen God.
Genesis 32:30 + Exodus 33:11 + Isaiah 6:1 + Job 42:5 talks about Moses, Jesus, King Uzziah, and Job seeing God face to face.
The best has yet to come.
Exodus 15:3 God of war in the Old Testament.
Romans 15:33 God of peace in the New Testament.
Exodus 34:14-26 says what the real ten commandments are. In fact they are the only commandments in the Bible that are reffered to as the ten commandments and they have nothing to do with what most people think.
God never tells the Israelites that he is the only god and that all the other gods are false until late in the Old Testament. In the Old Testament He says that divorce is alright but in the New Testament God says that he never wanted people to divorce. It is like God has to comprise his beliefs with the Israelites to ring them in like a salesman and then once they are in the group for a while they are told what God really wants.
I cannot honestly say that God is not real. All I can say is that the bible is full of Shit.
Does anyone wish to rebuttal?
i am jacks username
06-19-2007, 08:30 PM
06-19-2007, 09:48 PM
Now, if you see it fit to spread your doctrine on here, then I'm sure that you will understand when people reply negatively. You should be prepared for that.
I don't believe what you have said to be true. The events you have described are delusions by any other name. Personally, I have no religious beliefs whatsoever. Perhaps there's a God, pehrps there isn't. But I'm currently more than happy to enjoy ballbusting for the foreseeable future. As much as I hate to disrespect other people's religious ideas, you have no less disrespected mine by stating all of this to be true and urging me to follow you. I very much doubt that God tore your hamstring so you would stop looking at porn. If that were the case, there would be a LOT of bad hamstrings in the world. I'm sorry to read about your confusion, because this must be a very difficult time for you. I hope that one day you can find some answers.
Take care,
I agree 100% with this statement. Especially "As much as I hate to disrespect other people's religious ideas, you have no less disrespected mine by stating all of this to be true and urging me to follow you." Which i find a tactful way of dealing with these kind of situations. :thumbup
abused berries
06-19-2007, 09:58 PM
if you have 2 torn hamstrings from self-busting, youve got to ease back a little, man! holy cow.
Everyone on this forum should take a look at this!
I write this to give warning!
I am a man of God. I used to be very perverted, I was into ballbusting and other sources of pornography. I was punished for my sins over four months ago. I would perform self-busting on myself, I would squish my balls by sitting on them, this would strain my upper legs, but I had no idea how much.
It was the last day of wrestling season, the last tournament, and my last match. I was taken down, and was injured with a torn hamstring, a pulled SI joint, and something else happened to my pelvis on the front side of my left leg.
I continued my usual sinning of self-busting, masturbating (wasting my seed), lusting (committing adultery in my heart), looking at pornography, and other sexual sins like these. My injury would get better, but VERY slowly. It took about 2 or 3 weeks just to be able to walk without pain. But as I continued these sins, more injuries would appear. I ended up having two pulled hamstrings, two pulled SI joints, and that thing with my pelvis on both legs.
I would pray for them to be healed, but I only wanted it to happen, I didn't actually believe that it would happen. So it didn't. I recently realized why I was injured. So that I would get closer to God and gain faith in Him. I know this because I became desperate for healing, and started reading the bible a lot, looking for answers.
I found in the book of Matthew that Jesus healed the blind, sick and crippled. He healed believers and nonbelievers. He saw very little faith in His hometown, and did a few miracles there, because of their lack of faith.
So I gained a lot more faith in God. I prayed the other night for the healing of my injuries, with faith. They were a ton better, but not 100% better. I didn't know why my injuries were not healed completely and instantly. I thought I knew why I was injured (to get closer to God).
So I was looking for answers. Last night I was reading some verses from the Bible. It said that God will forgive us of our sins, but will not undo the physical damage of them. When I was originally injured, I thought it was because of my sinning. But I completely forgot about that. I was reminded last night.
I finally understood everything. I was just so blown away of how everything happens for a reason, and how mysterious and glorious God works.
I was in great sin and darkness.
I was punished with injury.
I continued sinning.
So I received more injury.
I realized that I was injured so that I would get closer to Him.
I gained faith and a better relationship with God.
So I was healed greatly, but not completely.
I looked for answers for my confusion.
I realized that it was my sinning that had started this whole mess, and that God punished me so that I would look for faith to heal me, so I gained faith in God and grew closer towards Him. Then He healed me greatly, but not completely so that I would look to see why I wasn't healed 100% instantly, and so that I would read those verses, and see why I was punished, and that I WAS punished, and so that I would turn away from my sins.
Ultimately, I was punished for my sins, and God did this so that I would gain faith in Him, stop my sins, and gain a wonderful relationship with Him.
I stopped these sins two days ago (June 17, 2007).
I will be healed for the continuation of this.
I warn you all of your sinful lifestyle.
I know it can be greatly hard.
But when it is the hardest, and you don't give into temptation, is when it gets easy.
Jesus is my best friend.
He forgave me.
He can be your friend too, and He can forgive you too.
All you have to do is ask.
God bless :)
So why are you still browsing the ballbusting forum? Is that part of your repentance? I have sore legs, and for good reason. But I don't consider it punishment, I consider it a good weekend!
Busted Balz
06-20-2007, 05:35 AM
Lily you naughty girl :D
06-20-2007, 06:11 AM
Snake linux, thank you for saving me the time! :D
Also I would like to add, that anyone who believes theres an all loving all powerful being that created this world the way it is, has got more wrong with their brains than their balls.
If I see someone being the victim of a crime, and I am say, a NINJA perfectly capable of stopping the criminal yet I choose not to act, doesnt that make me evil?
So what then is the excuse of someone who could keep the crime from ever happening with a poof of magic?
This is not the place to spread your religious beliefs my friend. If you want to believe them fine but like others said, imposing them on others and implying we should suffer punishment for our CONSENSUAL PRACTICES is downright rude.
06-20-2007, 11:46 AM
religion is for people that like being brainwashed...
john b
06-20-2007, 05:18 PM
religion is for people that like being brainwashed...
thats my word rooster.
06-20-2007, 05:50 PM
Christianiyu is nothing else than a lot of bullshit. I'm a full blown ateist and a great sinner, but never experienced any bad luck what so ever.Spam!
Busted Balz
06-20-2007, 07:06 PM
Everyone on this forum should take a look at this!
I write this to give warning!
I am a man of God. I used to be very perverted, I was into ballbusting and other sources of pornography. I was punished for my sins over four months ago. I would perform self-busting on myself, I would squish my balls by sitting on them, this would strain my upper legs, but I had no idea how much.
It was the last day of wrestling season, the last tournament, and my last match. I was taken down, and was injured with a torn hamstring, a pulled SI joint, and something else happened to my pelvis on the front side of my left leg.
I continued my usual sinning of self-busting, masturbating (wasting my seed), lusting (committing adultery in my heart), looking at pornography, and other sexual sins like these. My injury would get better, but VERY slowly. It took about 2 or 3 weeks just to be able to walk without pain. But as I continued these sins, more injuries would appear. I ended up having two pulled hamstrings, two pulled SI joints, and that thing with my pelvis on both legs.
I would pray for them to be healed, but I only wanted it to happen, I didn't actually believe that it would happen. So it didn't. I recently realized why I was injured. So that I would get closer to God and gain faith in Him. I know this because I became desperate for healing, and started reading the bible a lot, looking for answers.
I found in the book of Matthew that Jesus healed the blind, sick and crippled. He healed believers and nonbelievers. He saw very little faith in His hometown, and did a few miracles there, because of their lack of faith.
So I gained a lot more faith in God. I prayed the other night for the healing of my injuries, with faith. They were a ton better, but not 100% better. I didn't know why my injuries were not healed completely and instantly. I thought I knew why I was injured (to get closer to God).
So I was looking for answers. Last night I was reading some verses from the Bible. It said that God will forgive us of our sins, but will not undo the physical damage of them. When I was originally injured, I thought it was because of my sinning. But I completely forgot about that. I was reminded last night.
I finally understood everything. I was just so blown away of how everything happens for a reason, and how mysterious and glorious God works.
I was in great sin and darkness.
I was punished with injury.
I continued sinning.
So I received more injury.
I realized that I was injured so that I would get closer to Him.
I gained faith and a better relationship with God.
So I was healed greatly, but not completely.
I looked for answers for my confusion.
I realized that it was my sinning that had started this whole mess, and that God punished me so that I would look for faith to heal me, so I gained faith in God and grew closer towards Him. Then He healed me greatly, but not completely so that I would look to see why I wasn't healed 100% instantly, and so that I would read those verses, and see why I was punished, and that I WAS punished, and so that I would turn away from my sins.
Ultimately, I was punished for my sins, and God did this so that I would gain faith in Him, stop my sins, and gain a wonderful relationship with Him.
I stopped these sins two days ago (June 17, 2007).
I will be healed for the continuation of this.
I warn you all of your sinful lifestyle.
I know it can be greatly hard.
But when it is the hardest, and you don't give into temptation, is when it gets easy.
Jesus is my best friend.
He forgave me.
He can be your friend too, and He can forgive you too.
All you have to do is ask.
God bless :)
So God punishes ballbusting and seedwasting with a torn hamstring? It looks like the punishment would be a little more fitting of the sin. Why is it when religious zealots feel guilty about something they believe the least bit of “bad fortune” is punishment from God? Stop blaming the creator for things you bring upon yourself by making poor choices in life. That’s like the smoker saying God gave him lung cancer as punishment for smoking. Oh wait, I think the punishment for smoking is a torn ACL.
06-20-2007, 07:33 PM
Now, if you see it fit to spread your doctrine on here, then I'm sure that you will understand when people reply negatively. You should be prepared for that.
I don't believe what you have said to be true. The events you have described are delusions by any other name. Personally, I have no religious beliefs whatsoever. Perhaps there's a God, pehrps there isn't. But I'm currently more than happy to enjoy ballbusting for the foreseeable future. As much as I hate to disrespect other people's religious ideas, you have no less disrespected mine by stating all of this to be true and urging me to follow you. I very much doubt that God tore your hamstring so you would stop looking at porn. If that were the case, there would be a LOT of bad hamstrings in the world. I'm sorry to read about your confusion, because this must be a very difficult time for you. I hope that one day you can find some answers.
Take care,
I am not disrespecting anyone's beliefs. And my injuries were a result of sin, I did it myself. But it happened for the better, and for a reason. I was prepared for negative answers, I did not find yours to be that negative. I am not too sure what you meant by "I'm sorry to read about your confusion, because this must be a very difficult time for you. I hope that one day you can find some answers."
So why are you still browsing the ballbusting forum? Is that part of your repentance? I have sore legs, and for good reason. But I don't consider it punishment, I consider it a good weekend!
I came on here to give warning, and to see what people had to say.
Snake linux, thank you for saving me the time! :D
Also I would like to add, that anyone who believes theres an all loving all powerful being that created this world the way it is, has got more wrong with their brains than their balls.
If I see someone being the victim of a crime, and I am say, a NINJA perfectly capable of stopping the criminal yet I choose not to act, doesnt that make me evil?
So what then is the excuse of someone who could keep the crime from ever happening with a poof of magic?
This is not the place to spread your religious beliefs my friend. If you want to believe them fine but like others said, imposing them on others and implying we should suffer punishment for our CONSENSUAL PRACTICES is downright rude.
This is to everyone, what I wrote was to give warning to everyone, not to offend, so all because I am talking about God, don't immediately start being rude and take everything the completely wrong way.
About that ninja question, if you are able to stop someone from being harmed then you definitely should. Otherwise you are extremely selfish, and you are a mean person.
If I knew who you were, and saw someone mugging you, I would most definitely help you and stop that person, even though you have been very mean to me and my God, because I would be just like you and I am a kind-natured person and care more about others than myself.
religion is for people that like being brainwashed...
I am not brainwashed. But check to see if you are.
Answer them honestly.
It's kind of funny that you call me brainwashed. Because it's the school system and media that teaches evolution, the Big Bang Theory, and completely ignores and is against God.
Christianiyu is nothing else than a lot of bullshit. I'm a full blown ateist and a great sinner, but never experienced any bad luck what so ever.Spam!
Well, I feel sorry that you feel that way. I am against atheism, but you don't see me cussing you and what you believe out for it, do you?
06-20-2007, 07:43 PM
So God punishes ballbusting and seedwasting with a torn hamstring? It looks like the punishment would be a little more fitting of the sin. Why is it when religious zealots feel guilty about something they believe the least bit of “bad fortune” is punishment from God? Stop blaming the creator for things you bring upon yourself by making poor choices in life. That’s like the smoker saying God gave him lung cancer as punishment for smoking. Oh wait, I think the punishment for smoking is a torn ACL.
No, I punished myself. My injuries were a result of my sin, I brought it amongst myself. I strained my legs by sinning, I got hurt from my strained and tightened legs that were caused by my sinning. I was certainly not blaming God for something I did to myself.
And just to let you know, these injuries are a big deal to me because skateboarding is my passion, and I haven't been able to do it for over almost 5 months now. Otherwise, my only concern would be not being able to run or wrestle.
Busted Balz
06-20-2007, 08:11 PM
I think you are proving my point here. You are calling a bad decision sin. Doesn’t sin mean that your actions were wrong to something you believe in? A something that is all powerful and all mighty? You broke that something’s rule so you got hurt.
06-20-2007, 09:29 PM
I am no expert but I don't agree with a lot things in
First of all his sources are highly questionable. No reputable researcher uses google searches as their sources. For example the
"Pharmaceuticals cost so much only because drug companies need more money to invest in finding cures for disease." (This is a true or false question)
"American's pay...sometimes 30,000% of the actual cost of the ingredients."
Duh, that is called Research and Development costs, which do not support the author's conclusions.
"Inflation is a natural side effect of a healthy, growing economy."
If you ask any and I do mean ANY reputable economist about the reason why we have or need inflation he will tell that unemployment would go through the roof if we got rid of inflation. This is what has happened in Germany since they were afraid of inflation because of the events from WWII. As a matter of fact there is a curve known as the Phillips Curve that shows how inflation and employment are inverse.
"All the clean hydrogen we need to power the world is already contained in crystals at the bottom of the ocean called gas hydrates."
This is like Global Warming. There is no evidence to prove that the hydrogen in the gas hydrates are a feasible source of energy or that they are clean. Need evidence not conjecture.
"In 1945, the U.S. dropped two atomic bombs on civilian populations in Japan in order to force Japan's surrender and 'save a million lives.' "
There is not even a source of this. How can someone state something as big as this and just expect us to eat it up like we are morons. It is possible that Japan was about to surrender but there is no evidence that we knew about it, hence the claim is unfounded. Show me the proof.
"There is no cure for cancer."
This is true. If there were cures for cancer doctors would make millions curing patients. It is like having the secret of youth but not capitalizing on it. What moron would do that?
Jesus, he needs to read a book.
06-20-2007, 10:57 PM
I am no expert but I don't agree with a lot things in
First of all his sources are highly questionable. No reputable researcher uses google searches as their sources. For example the
"Pharmaceuticals cost so much only because drug companies need more money to invest in finding cures for disease." (This is a true or false question)
"American's pay...sometimes 30,000% of the actual cost of the ingredients."
Duh, that is called Research and Development costs, which do not support the author's conclusions.
"Inflation is a natural side effect of a healthy, growing economy."
If you ask any and I do mean ANY reputable economist about the reason why we have or need inflation he will tell that unemployment would go through the roof if we got rid of inflation. This is what has happened in Germany since they were afraid of inflation because of the events from WWII. As a matter of fact there is a curve known as the Phillips Curve that shows how inflation and employment are inverse.
"All the clean hydrogen we need to power the world is already contained in crystals at the bottom of the ocean called gas hydrates."
This is like Global Warming. There is no evidence to prove that the hydrogen in the gas hydrates are a feasible source of energy or that they are clean. Need evidence not conjecture.
"In 1945, the U.S. dropped two atomic bombs on civilian populations in Japan in order to force Japan's surrender and 'save a million lives.' "
There is not even a source of this. How can someone state something as big as this and just expect us to eat it up like we are morons. It is possible that Japan was about to surrender but there is no evidence that we knew about it, hence the claim is unfounded. Show me the proof.
"There is no cure for cancer."
This is true. If there were cures for cancer doctors would make millions curing patients. It is like having the secret of youth but not capitalizing on it. What moron would do that?
Jesus, he needs to read a book.
Actually, that is why doctors don't cure cancer patients. Doctors get maid a great amount of money using x-rays and chemotherapy. Every cancer is different. The causes of cancer is what doctors use to "cure" it. X-rays are radiation and chemotherapy is poison that destroys your body's immune cells and doctors use it in hope that it will destroy the bad cancer cells as well, even if it destroys your cancer, it destroys your body as well, leaving you extremely vulnerable. Also, doctors are only taught is to prescribe medicine and to perform surgery.
Since every cancer is different, there are many different ways for them to be cured. But the most basic way to reverse a cancer is to drink 10 glasses of water a day, eat 100% organic food, and since almost everyone has a cell phone or a computer, get a EMP protector.
Anyway, that's just my opinion on that matter, lol.
06-21-2007, 06:04 AM
About that ninja question, if you are able to stop someone from being harmed then you definitely should. Otherwise you are extremely selfish, and you are a mean person.
If I knew who you were, and saw someone mugging you, I would most definitely help you and stop that person, even though you have been very mean to me and my God, because I would be just like you and I am a kind-natured person and care more about others than myself.
Are you too brainwashed to understand METAPHOR? Let me make it clear. Ninja = God. Person being harmed = everyone being harmed on the planet. And like you just said a KIND NATURED being would save them. So is your god not kind natured or does he perhaps not exist?
06-21-2007, 04:00 PM
Are you too brainwashed to understand METAPHOR? Let me make it clear. Ninja = God. Person being harmed = everyone being harmed on the planet. And like you just said a KIND NATURED being would save them. So is your god not kind natured or does he perhaps not exist?
We were given free will. We were given this planet. It is sin that causes all the harm, wrong doing, and bad things in the world, because that is what sin is. Things like that happen because of a result of sin. Everybody sins. So why is God to blame for all the bad things that we do and create?
Why are you are being a jerk to me? I am being nice to you even though you are being mean to me and my God. I haven't been mean to you at all, and you've been doing the opposite. You need to grow up dude.
Busted Balz
06-21-2007, 05:16 PM
We were given free will. We were given this planet. It is sin that causes all the harm, wrong doing, and bad things in the world, because that is what sin is. Things like that happen because of a result of sin. Everybody sins. So why is God to blame for all the bad things that we do and create?
Why are you are being a jerk to me? I am being nice to you even though you are being mean to me and my God. I haven't been mean to you at all, and you've been doing the opposite. You need to grow up dude.
You need to practice what you preach and turn the other cheek dude.
What do you expect when you start spewing this fictional crap where it is not wanted. You might want to look at your profile before you keep on witnessing to us.
06-21-2007, 08:02 PM
if you have 2 torn hamstrings from self-busting, youve got to ease back a little, man! holy cow.
I am trying to imagine how that is even possible... :confused:
Seriously, does anyone actually believe that this guy is religious? Surely he's just trolling.
Maybe what he needs instead of (good?) imagination is a real-life partner who can show him what busting can really be like.
06-21-2007, 09:52 PM
Everyone on this forum should take a look at this!
I write this to give warning!
I am a man of God. I used to be very perverted, I was into ballbusting and other sources of pornography. I was punished for my sins over four months ago. I would perform self-busting on myself, I would squish my balls by sitting on them, this would strain my upper legs, but I had no idea how much.
It was the last day of wrestling season, the last tournament, and my last match. I was taken down, and was injured with a torn hamstring, a pulled SI joint, and something else happened to my pelvis on the front side of my left leg.
I continued my usual sinning of self-busting, masturbating (wasting my seed), lusting (committing adultery in my heart), looking at pornography, and other sexual sins like these. My injury would get better, but VERY slowly. It took about 2 or 3 weeks just to be able to walk without pain. But as I continued these sins, more injuries would appear. I ended up having two pulled hamstrings, two pulled SI joints, and that thing with my pelvis on both legs.
I would pray for them to be healed, but I only wanted it to happen, I didn't actually believe that it would happen. So it didn't. I recently realized why I was injured. So that I would get closer to God and gain faith in Him. I know this because I became desperate for healing, and started reading the bible a lot, looking for answers.
I found in the book of Matthew that Jesus healed the blind, sick and crippled. He healed believers and nonbelievers. He saw very little faith in His hometown, and did a few miracles there, because of their lack of faith.
So I gained a lot more faith in God. I prayed the other night for the healing of my injuries, with faith. They were a ton better, but not 100% better. I didn't know why my injuries were not healed completely and instantly. I thought I knew why I was injured (to get closer to God).
So I was looking for answers. Last night I was reading some verses from the Bible. It said that God will forgive us of our sins, but will not undo the physical damage of them. When I was originally injured, I thought it was because of my sinning. But I completely forgot about that. I was reminded last night.
I finally understood everything. I was just so blown away of how everything happens for a reason, and how mysterious and glorious God works.
I was in great sin and darkness.
I was punished with injury.
I continued sinning.
So I received more injury.
I realized that I was injured so that I would get closer to Him.
I gained faith and a better relationship with God.
So I was healed greatly, but not completely.
I looked for answers for my confusion.
I realized that it was my sinning that had started this whole mess, and that God punished me so that I would look for faith to heal me, so I gained faith in God and grew closer towards Him. Then He healed me greatly, but not completely so that I would look to see why I wasn't healed 100% instantly, and so that I would read those verses, and see why I was punished, and that I WAS punished, and so that I would turn away from my sins.
Ultimately, I was punished for my sins, and God did this so that I would gain faith in Him, stop my sins, and gain a wonderful relationship with Him.
I stopped these sins two days ago (June 17, 2007).
I will be healed for the continuation of this.
I warn you all of your sinful lifestyle.
I know it can be greatly hard.
But when it is the hardest, and you don't give into temptation, is when it gets easy.
Jesus is my best friend.
He forgave me.
He can be your friend too, and He can forgive you too.
All you have to do is ask.
God bless :)
You sure there wasn`t any additional brain injury? LOL Cuz you sound retarded to me. Fucking jewbag
06-21-2007, 10:01 PM
Actually, that is why doctors don't cure cancer patients. Doctors get maid a great amount of money using x-rays and chemotherapy. Every cancer is different. The causes of cancer is what doctors use to "cure" it. X-rays are radiation and chemotherapy is poison that destroys your body's immune cells and doctors use it in hope that it will destroy the bad cancer cells as well, even if it destroys your cancer, it destroys your body as well, leaving you extremely vulnerable. Also, doctors are only taught is to prescribe medicine and to perform surgery.
Since every cancer is different, there are many different ways for them to be cured. But the most basic way to reverse a cancer is to drink 10 glasses of water a day, eat 100% organic food, and since almost everyone has a cell phone or a computer, get a EMP protector.
Anyway, that's just my opinion on that matter, lol.
LOL, this is hilarious. What you are saying is that people are willing to pay more money for chemotherapy and x-rays than a cure for cancer. What a load of bullshit.
"The causes of cancer is what doctors use to "cure" it. X-rays are radiation and chemotherapy is poison that destroys your body's immune cells and doctors use it in hope that it will destroy the bad cancer cells as well"
So let me get this straight. You believe that X-rays cause and stop cancer. You believe that we are giving ourselves cancer with x-rays and chemotherapy after we have already got the cancer. I have never heard of anyone getting off an x-ray table (and I have been on many) and saying, "Man, I'm little dizzy. I need to lie down." They aren't drawing blood. X-rays don't hurt anything. In fact they are so weak that they occasionally have to be taken again because the doctors can't see anything. You will get more radiation from being out in the sun for a couple of hours than an x-ray.
Reversing cancer, LOL. That's just gold. I have got to tell my friends. That's just too much, lol.
That's like saying drink this miracle juice and you can go back in time just like superman. Hilarious :Baahaha:
06-21-2007, 10:37 PM
Hate to be off topic on an already off topic subject. But, it's amazing how fast the thread grew. lol
I am trying to imagine how that is even possible... :confused:
Seriously, does anyone actually believe that this guy is religious? Surely he's just trolling.
Maybe what he needs instead of (good?) imagination is a real-life partner who can show him what busting can really be like.
I couldn't agree more! Let's bust his balls!!!!:bananad:
06-22-2007, 06:08 AM
We were given free will. We were given this planet. It is sin that causes all the harm, wrong doing, and bad things in the world, because that is what sin is. Things like that happen because of a result of sin. Everybody sins. So why is God to blame for all the bad things that we do and create?
Why are you are being a jerk to me? I am being nice to you even though you are being mean to me and my God. I haven't been mean to you at all, and you've been doing the opposite. You need to grow up dude.
So god couldnt make people good natured without giving up their free will? Sounds like a limit to his abilities to me. Thus he is not omnipotent. Thus the bible is false.
Or how about this, what if there were no disease, no hunger, no lightning killing people, fires, floods. These disasters are not because of free will.
They're because the world is an imperfect place. Why would an all powerful all loving being create these things.
And its you sir who are being a jerk. This is a ballbusting forum. I dont go into your church forums and post crap about how you should all have your balls kicked do I? I've had self righteous automatons like you spewing this crap at me all my life. I've even been beat up in school by gangs of you church goers for being a devil worshiper because i wore all black and listened to marilyn manson. So forgive me if i'm a bit sick of your god. take it where it belongs, in your mindless churches of zombies believing illogical tripe because its comforting..
06-24-2007, 03:08 PM
YAWN, I think its funny for a subject on God to arise in a forum like this but since the cat is out of the bag..... THERE IS NO GOD. Anyone who doesnt know this is just kidding themselfs. People want to believe in something more than life so a "GOD" is created. I always hate how the "believers" blame everything good on "GOD" and everything bad on the "devil." I'm rambling.... Long story short I recomend anyone who wants to get kicked in the nuts to go out and get a good kick while you still can cause you only live once. And if there was a GOD and you are going to heaven you can bet there arent any girls willing to kick you in the cherries up there. One of the main reasons I enjoy ballbusting is because I believe that everyone should live life to the fullest which means that I enjoy everything to the extreme. Extreme joy, extreme happyness, extreme speed, and also extreme PAIN. You cant possibly feel any more alive then after a hard kick in the rocks.
YAWN, I think its funny for a subject on God to arise in a forum like this but since the cat is out of the bag..... THERE IS NO GOD. Anyone who doesnt know this is just kidding themselfs. People want to believe in something more than life so a "GOD" is created. I always hate how the "believers" blame everything good on "GOD" and everything bad on the "devil." I'm rambling.... Long story short I recomend anyone who wants to get kicked in the nuts to go out and get a good kick while you still can cause you only live once. And if there was a GOD and you are going to heaven you can bet there arent any girls willing to kick you in the cherries up there. One of the main reasons I enjoy ballbusting is because I believe that everyone should live life to the fullest which means that I enjoy everything to the extreme. Extreme joy, extreme happyness, extreme speed, and also extreme PAIN. You cant possibly feel any more alive then after a hard kick in the rocks.
That was beautiful...Maybe there is a special place in heaven for us ball busters. Oh, by the way, sinners are forgiven by God for their sins. All you have to do is ask. Just in case that story is true. I do believe you should try things that give you pleasure. Why would we be given the gift of feeling so much pleasure, if we're not supposed to use it? What kind of trap is that?! I once heard that men have orgasms to produce sperm to fertilize the egg. Women's orgasms only produce pleasure. No egg, no anything. Just MUCH pleasure.... Yippee skippee!
06-27-2007, 08:44 AM
I thought God was a forgiving and loving God. Isn't that the jest of what Jesus said?
06-29-2007, 03:54 PM
That was beautiful...Women's orgasms only produce pleasure. No egg, no anything. Just MUCH pleasure.... Yippee skippee!
Lily that's what we (men) just dream about You Women every night. :loveeyes
06-29-2007, 04:17 PM
I'm not sure who is more retarded. The person who posted this thread or all you idiots replying and giving him exactly what he wants.
07-02-2007, 06:38 PM
well they say God created us in his would seem that God enjoys getting some ballbusting action also
07-03-2007, 04:13 AM
well they say God created us in his would seem that God enjoys getting some ballbusting action also
Yes, I'm sure she does!
07-04-2007, 08:57 AM
I'm posting an open challenge to God! Me and Him stand up and take kicks to the nuts from a hot but neutral woman. Last one left standing rules the Universe!!!!!!
07-07-2007, 05:37 PM
I think that you are must more crazy now than before if you really believe in what you are saying
Lily that's what we (men) just dream about You Women every night. :loveeyes
And we as well. Men are beautiful, and fun to play with!!!!:)
07-09-2007, 01:27 PM
AND THE ANSWER TO YOUR QUESTION. Is because the whole groin kick in the movies started during the feminism era in 60's along with general male bashing you see on TV to try and show that women are stronger and to humiliate men. With their double standards the same feminists block the showing of females being hit in the groin saying it sends the wrong message while encouraging male groin kicking to show self defense. You see some feminist want female superiority rather then equality (which is what we should all aim for)
Well there’s the answer. and bottom line, its definitely WRONG either sex to do it but it certainly is a double standard, you cant even watch a film these days without male bashing in it.
Although some movies do show it and if you don’t believe it:
Stomp - (
Kick - (
Slam - (
Real Life Soccer Bust - (
Grab - (
Kick - (
Punch - (
Slam - (
Grab - (
Stomp (
Hit - (
Kick - (
Punch - (
Hit - (
Kick - (
Kick - (
Smash - (
Fall - (
Reaction - (
Punch - (
Kick - (
Uppercut - (
Kick - (
Song (no bust) - (
Punch - (
Kick - (
Bike - (
Kick - (
Knee- (
Game - (
Grab - (
Kick - (
Kick - (
Hit - (
Kick - (
Anime - (
Uppercut - (
Playful kick - (
Knee - (
Kick - (
(20 secs) - (
Knee - (
Pole - (
Kick - (
Bike - (
Kick - (
Hit - (
Threat - (
Muppet Comedy - (
Kick - (
Kick - (
Knee - (
07-09-2007, 02:19 PM
Shut up.
And stop making new user names to post this crap.
Shut up.
And stop making new user names to post this crap.
I don't bust my guy to actually hurt him. My goal is giving him the most intense sexual experience possible. I don't care about being equal, superior, inferior, or any other shit. Just pleasure........:bananad:
07-11-2007, 09:25 PM
I agree with him ballbusting is perverted and wrong and god has sent me many messages and punishments for what i've done and i try to resist the temptation whenever it comes to me after this message i will not come back to this board.
About the whole faith debate thing heres how i see it.
#1. faith is not brainwashing by any means it provides a good basis on which to live your life and makes you happier inside and brings you joy and a sense or meaning and purpose.
#2. if god is real and you are an atheist you will probably go to hell, if like you say god is fiction then guess what the person who believes in him and the person who doesnt are in the same boat the same fate will befall them. there is no advantage whatsoever to the atheist.
#3. open your eyes you morons ever notice little coincidences in your life like oh thats odd, well after 1 million of those most normal people come to the conclusion that they are not coincidences at all but god communicating with us if you look for the signs they will be there. A few years ago i doubted gods existence and asked him for a sign in prayer a few days later i had recieved 3 different signs that proved god exist they were not coincidences. I am not some stupid idiot like atheist think people who believe in god are. I am ranked 11th in my class of 380 at my high school and pursuing the ib diploma for all those who are smart enough to have heard of it know how rigorous it is.
i first became interested in ballbusting when i was about 13 after seeing many guys get kicked in the nuts by girls and saw all the attention he got and how most popular kids got kicked in the nuts and i had never been hit there so i started to desire to get kicked in the nuts by girls and started to fantasize about it. i know i have sinned and am trying to come clean.
liberal atheists can go to hell when they try to help all they do is screw everything up worse.
If you are so saved, why are you looking at a ball busting forum? I am so using my God given pleasures! MMMMMMMMMMMMMM! Oh my God! I think I need to...oooohhhhhh! i just did...
07-12-2007, 01:00 AM
There is an unfortunate tendancy for some who find religion (regardless of which it is) to suddenly feel that it is their duty to save the world from the very things that they themselves enjoy doing. It is similar to making ammends but done purely to make themselves look somehow like a super good person. They feel that by trying to save others from something that they now see as sinful because they enjoy it, then they can show how much of a good person that they are and deserve praise and admiration. This is a common phenomenon that doesn't just happen on boards such as this but repeatedly everyday.
The saddest part about these poor deluded souls is that they feel the best about themselves and their misguided efforts when others do not fall immediately inline with them. They use this to show just how much the world is in need of THEIR special efforts. And because this is done in some sort of mission from god sort of way, anything that they need to do (lie, cheat, steal, or cause harm to others) is forgiven because it is their mission to save the sinner.
In case you feel that I am saying this out of some sort of anti religion viewpoint, that is not true I have much respect for someone who actually follows both the letter AND the spirit of their beliefs. I don't know of any main stream religion where narcissism is seen as one of their goals.
07-13-2007, 06:03 AM
I agree with him ballbusting is perverted and wrong and god has sent me many messages and punishments...
How shocking that you agree with yourself. how pathetic you feel that making multiple logins helps serve your point. The 1 post count gives it away m'kay?
#1. faith is not brainwashing by any means it provides a good basis on which to live your life and makes you happier inside and brings you joy and a sense or meaning and purpose.
Certainly hasnt caused any wars lately... And give logic a chance! it gave you one.
#2. if god is real and you are an atheist you will probably go to hell, if like you say god is fiction then guess what the person who believes in him and the person who doesnt are in the same boat the same fate will befall them. there is no advantage whatsoever to the atheist.
Theres the advantage of living in the real world and being open minded to learning. You are giving a half-assed version of Pascal's wager. i suggest you look it up its fraught with flaws.
#3. open your eyes you morons ever notice little coincidences in your life like oh thats odd, well after 1 million of those most normal people come to the conclusion that they are not coincidences at all but god communicating with us if you look for the signs they will be there...
Wow what a pious attitude you have there. Couple of things: Claiming to see signs and hear voices is a sign of mental illness. Also, what do you say about all those whose communications from god instruct them to do righteous murder? Let me guess: They're not truly hearing from god, but YOU are. What a convenient and unprovable system of comfort and delusion you have there also.
I'm not going to dignify this statement with a response.
You never did respond to my statement way back when about the flaws of saying theres an all powerful all good being out there when the universe is obviously flawed. To be all powerful means ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE. Your god, according to your bible, should be able to prevent disease, hunger, war, ****, and murder, all without denying us of freedom. If he is incapable of doing this, he is not omnipotent. If he is unwilling to do this, he is evil.
BTW what church do you go to so I can go to their message boards and post spam under multiple logins about how they should get their balls busted?
07-13-2007, 09:15 AM
liberal atheists can go to hell when they try to help all they do is screw everything up worse.
This guy is quite the tard.
Oh, and please, USE COMMAS!!! Reading what you are trying to say is almost as painful as trying to make sense out of the sentences.
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