View Full Version : First try at a story
06-22-2007, 04:03 PM
Living my Dream
It had been a long day, and John had been able to arrange for the kids to spend the weekend with his folks. He figured he would be able to relax a little and get some work done around the house that needed to be done. Friday evening went just as John had thought it would, Tracy had gotten home from her aerobics class and they had eaten some dinner while relaxing in front of the television. Tracy finally turns to John, says she is going to take a shower to get ready for bed. John replies with a fine, and thinks to himself how nice it will be to go to bed early and get caught up on some long over due sleep.
Tracy returns in just her towel, “Your turn.” So John does as usual and goes to take his. He comes out of the bathroom still drying his hair. Boy was he surprised as he dropped his towel from over his head, there was Tracy standing in the middle of their bedroom. His eyes slowly moved from the floor up her body. Tracy had on her Mary Jane clogs, black lacy topped thigh-highs, short free-flowing black skirt, and a white dress shirt blouse unbuttoned to reveal a black bra, and John could do nothing but just stand there. Tracy noticed the rise on John as she walked behind him, and revealed the pair of metal handcuffs.
“Tonight I make your dreams come true,” she says as she cuffs John’s hands behind his back. He did not understand. John started to think about what she might have meant, and then he was awaken from his “trying to remember process” by a playful slap to his buttock.
Tracy walked back around her husband. She softly cupped John’s balls and played with his cock, stroking it a couple of times. Tracy came up close; the head of John’s cock was rubbed with her skirt, and she brought her nyloned knee up to the bottom of John’s balls. She knew her husband loved the feel of nylon on his balls. Tracy softly rolled her knee back and forth so John could feel her nylons. John thought he was about to cum right then. She slowly walked around him, teasing him with soft touches.
“Down on your knees!” said with another slap to his buttocks. John could not believe what his wife was doing, but he did as he was told. He had gotten Tracy to play a slightly rough, but that was it. Tracy walked back in front of John, and placed her hands on each side of his face. John’s whole body was tingling, not knowing what was going to occur next. Tracy pulled so they were looking eye to eye.
“Remember your dream you told me about?” John finally remembered telling her about a fantasy dream where it started out with him helping a woman stranded on the side of the road that was dressed a lot like she was tonight. While he was looking at the engine of her supposedly broken down car, two other women walked up and held a gun to him. The lady whom he was going to help told him to get down on his knees and put his hand behind his head. Then she kicked him a couple of times in the balls, while he was on the ground from the pain, they bound his hands, covered his head, and loaded him up in the car. After which they made him part of a male slave group that they used for their fun.
“Yea,” was all John could softly get out, because by now, his was nervously excited, and Tracy could tell.
Tracy herself was getting excited. She started out doing all this for her husband, but she loved the female domination thing going on. She had never really kicked a guy in the nuts before. Sure, she had played with John a little rough, but now she wanted to know what was like as a woman with a man at her feet and on his knees from the pain, she had caused in his balls. She again looked right into John’s eyes, for she wanted to see the excitement and reaction of John as her little foot caused him so much pain.
So Should I continue?
06-22-2007, 04:24 PM
Yes, please continue.
06-22-2007, 07:22 PM
Excellent set up. Please do continue.
06-23-2007, 05:02 AM
Absolutely continue. Can hardly wait for the rest of the story.
06-23-2007, 04:07 PM
Nice start!
06-25-2007, 02:22 AM
“I LOVE YOU,” Tracy says as she begins to bring her leg back and plant her foot forceful into John’s balls. Tracy could not believe how sexually exciting that was. She stood there with her foot still in her husband’s groin, and then she finally recognized John’s muffled moans, realizing she had John’s face tightly held into her wet unclothed pussy. John could not have anticipated the pain that was now moving up from his groin or the excitement of his dream actually coming true. This had been a fantasy that he had play with since Jr. High, and now his wife was making it real.
Before John had a chance to recover, Tracy pulled John’s head out from between her legs. She wanted to see it all again as her foot connected with his balls.
“Two,” she counted each time her foot made contact, “three, four, five.” She pushed John back to put him onto the floor to watch him experience his dream. Plus she was really enjoying the fruits of her labor. Tracy let John roll back and forth on the floor saying something about his balls and the pain for while. Tracy, finally having enough of this male sob story, rolled John onto his back. Sitting down on John’s chest, she removed one of the clogs.
“No more, PLEASE, No more!” she could hear her husband plead, “my balls, my balls.”
As Tracy grabbed her husband’s balls and force them to the bottom of their sack, “YOUR balls, YOUR BALLS, These are my balls!” With that she takes her possessions in one hand and her free clog in the other, “and from now on always WILL be!” as she whacks them with the heel of her clog, John could do nothing but scream and plant his face in his wife’s ass.
“DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME!” Tracy made it crystal clear what answer she wanted from John as she whacked his balls again.
“YES” John got out.
“Yes, what?” with another whack.
“That’s better,” with another whack as she climbs off John.
Tracy let John curl up, trying to protect himself, and moaning about his (realizing his mistake) her balls. Which she could not help but laugh at, all the while, she was thinking of other new fun roles and things they were going to be able to do together now. Now that she really enjoyed making John’s dream come true.
Tracy now wanted some sexual satisfaction. John, as she could tell, was about to bust from excitement. “Standup!” she told her husband. John tried. Tracy grabbed him by the balls and gave them a slap, “I said Standup!” Which with a little help from Tracy tugging on his balls, John got to his feet.
“Would you like to get some now?” Tracy asks as she rubbed against her husband’s hard cock. John could only nod his head. “You’re going to have to convince me you know who is in control here!” With that, she takes a little rope, and tied it around his balls. The other end she tied to her wrist, “This is if you try anything funny. I WILL (with a little tug) make sure you know I have you by the balls. Do YOU understand?’
“Yes” John replied quickly.
“Yes, what?” Tracy asks with a slap to the nuts of John.
“Yes, Ma,am,”
Tracy removed the cuffs, and told John to get on the bed and lay on his back. Tracy gets on all fours, placing her wet spot right above John’s face. “Now make me shudder like I have made you! If you need a little coaching, I’ll let your balls know!” With a little slap, “Love me with that wonderful tongue of yours” Tracy ordered.
John enjoyed doing this for his wife, and always did. So without any more “coaching” he began. Tracy almost immediately burst with the most powerful orgasm she had ever had, but she was not going to stop John that quickly. John continued, and even thou he was doing a great job; Tracy would ever occasionally give a playful slap just for herself. She also would reward her husband by bending down and please him with a little mouth action ever once in a while. She had never seen her husband’s cock so overly excited. After so many orgasms that she had lost count, and she was really trying so she would be able to brag herself for her husband, she turned to John “You have done very well. Would you like to cum now?”
Tracy turned and mounted her husband. John moaned in ecstasy as his member slid into his wife’s moist sweet spot. His eyes rolled back into his head as Tracy rode him. It did not take John long to cum, and his body had given everything it had. Tracy fell to the bed along side her husband. As John laid there thinking that his dream had been fulfilled, Tracy had decided that John was now her male slave (John had never told her how his dream ended), and she was already thinking of ways to keep HIS (and now her) dream coming true.
To be continue, if still good?
06-25-2007, 02:31 PM
Very interesting story, a bit like being a fly on the wall of real life husband and wife bb. Nice subtle humour too. I hope there is more to come.
David B.
06-26-2007, 06:43 PM
absolutely, keep going. Now that he has her interested in cbt, will she get devises to help? Friends to help? How far will she go? Dont keep us hanging!
06-27-2007, 03:29 PM
Very nice! Please keep it up. I'd love her to do more non-kicking stuff to him (Like the idea with the rope around his ball.) :thumbup
06-27-2007, 07:13 PM
Nice ending
07-02-2007, 03:13 PM
The next morning, John awoke and started to get out of bed. His balls were so sore, and just as he got to the edge of the bed they got a little tug. John had forgotten that his balls were still tied to his wife’s wrist. Tracy arose slightly as he untied himself. She said something about the laundry and the trash. John told her that he would take care of it. John made it to the shower and gently washed especially his slightly red and swollen nuts. Afterward, John slowly walked to the living room. His balls had never been worked over as they had been the night before. As he got to the recliner, it took everything he had to just sit down. John reached for the remote and got caught up in the college football pre-game show. After a couple hours, Tracy made her way from the bedroom, and ran her hand through John’s hair as she crossed to the couch.
“My legs are sore from last night,” Tracy says as she begins to giggle, “Anything sore with you?” John could tell she was wearing nothing but her robe after her morning shower.
“Not at all,” John replied and both knew likewise.
“I’ll have to do better,” Tracy gives John the first hint of what was to come, but John did not think anything of it.
Tracy gets up and moves to the kitchen. “JOHN!” she yells as she makes her way back to the living room.
“Yes, dear” John answers.
“What about the laundry, the dishwasher and the trash?” asks Tracy with enough behind her voice John knew he should get to them.
“I’ll get to them in a little bit,”
“I know you will, but you are going to learn to do things the first time you’re asked. Get down on your knees!”
“Sweetheart, I told you I’ll get to them.”
“You’re only making your punishment more severe. ON YOUR KNEES!” John slowly moved to the floor and on his knees. “Spread’em!” Tracy commanded.
“Sweetheart that is enough. We can play like last night again another time.”
“Spread’em and put your hand on the back of your head, NOW!”
John pleaded, “But Honey, my balls are still sore and I don’t think they can take any more of this!”
“I’d shut-up and take my punishment because you’re only making it worse.” John decided he would go ahead and keep playing along with his wife. Therefore, John assumed the position Tracy had commanded.
“From now on THIS is how I want you when I tell you to present the balls to me.” Tracy brought her foot back, and John closed his eyes waiting for his punishment. It never came. He waited for what seemed forever. He began to open his eyes, and that was what Tracy was waiting for herself. Whack! Tracy’s barefoot made contact with John’s unprotected balls. “I told you they were now MY balls and would be from now on!” Immediately John’s balls lit in a fiery pain. He rolled forward and brought his hands down to comfort his torture male members, and could only mutter a deep moan. Tracy just stood over her husband; enjoying the sight of a man in pain at her feet. Too soon for John, Tracy grabbed his hair and pulled his head up from between his own knees. “Move your hands back behind your head, and don’t move your hands until I tell you I’m done and this is for the laundry,” Tracy says as her foot makes contact again. John’s stomach is starting to feel queasy. Tracy continues to hold her husband’s head up for him, “and for the trash,” WHACK! “and the dishes,” WHACK!
“Done!” Tracy let’s her husband know he can comfort the painful orbs between his legs. John had to lie in the middle of the living for a while before he could move. When he could finally get up off the floor, John went and did the small chores through the lasting pain from his groin. After making sure he had done all of them, John made his way back to the living room.
Tracy and John sat watching television for the rest of the morning and into the afternoon as close to normal as John could imagine. Until Tracy asks, “How about we play a game?”
Do I continue?
07-02-2007, 03:26 PM
In case it re-produced the whole story, and not just your question.
07-02-2007, 04:05 PM
Please continue!
This story is excellent. Your writing is vivid and clear. I visualize everything they do. Tracy does all the things I wish my wife would do to me. I have often asked my wife to bust me; instead she gives me the look, the bitch, and the nag when she is unhappy with me or I have somehow ;>} overlooked her honeydoos. Apparently I have to earn ballbusts. You have created the dream marriage. :ibow4u:
07-02-2007, 06:54 PM
The story is set in the past, but sometimes you have Tracy speaking in the present tense
“My legs are sore from last night,” Tracy says as she begins to giggle, “Anything sore with you?” John could tell she was wearing nothing but her robe after her morning shower.
"Says "and "begins" should be "said","began"
Other that minor (and common) mistake this story is perfect, and I look forward to the next installment. Thank You for sharing it.
-ex teacher CP
07-03-2007, 05:25 AM
I would agree that in a hypertechnical pedantic sense you are qualifiedly correct. But even you, I presume, would agree that such truly inconsesequential solecisms are inconsequential in such a high quality and vivid story as this.
FWIW, I have an earned doctorate in a field which is not in any sense medical, religious, or educational, but is highly academic and practical as well as remunerative. Incidentally grammar and the communicative skills are highly prized and rewarded. And no, I did not teach except when it was necessary to convince 12+ persons of the virtue of our position.
07-03-2007, 07:27 AM
I would agree that in a hypertechnical pedantic sense you are qualifiedly correct. But even you, I presume, would agree that such truly inconsesequential solecisms are inconsequential in such a high quality and vivid story as this.
FWIW, I have an earned doctorate in a field which is not in any sense medical, religious, or educational, but is highly academic and practical as well as remunerative. Incidentally grammar and the communicative skills are highly prized and rewarded. And no, I did not teach except when it was necessary to convince 12+ persons of the virtue of our position.
I did say that it was a "teeny" mistake. I'm looking forward to the rest of the story.
07-03-2007, 09:21 AM
Dude, that is, by far, my favorite BB story of all time! More more MORE!:bananajum :bananajum :bananajum
07-04-2007, 04:49 AM
I might have come on a little strong, but I really liked this story and Stang's writing. FWIW, I still do, just to keep my past and present tenses straight. ;-)
07-04-2007, 05:26 AM
The editing time limit was a little too fast for me.
As an addendum, my last post should say:
I really want to see this kind of writing (Stang's) continue.
This forum is truly fortunate to have several excellent erotic writers. Budding authors need a lot of encouragement. Sometimes even the most minor and constructively intended criticism can discourage them. I prefer to support them as much as their writing can justify. Only if a really good writer has a distracting or worse signature do I comment. Even then a private message is more tactful.
Incidentally, your own work is quite good. I'm not a devotee of the theme, but I do appreciate your talent, effort, and product. You do it very well.
07-11-2007, 08:26 PM
“Sure, what do you have in mind?” John was afraid to tell his wife no today, and thought he would get time to recover from all the ball play.
“A game I thought of called Between the Legs,”
John was afraid of how this sounded, and again, to tell his wife no, so he asked, “How do we play?”
“We take two decks of cards and shuffle them together. I’ll deal two cards face up, then one more. If the third card is between the other two, I am going to kick you in the balls one time. If it matches or is outside the two others, I will slowly stroke your penis the number of times on the card, with a Jack being 11, Queen being 12, King 13, and an Ace 14 strokes. And we play until you cum.”
John being afraid what might be his punishment for saying no, replied, “Sounds like fun!”
“Good I’ll go get the cards.” Tracy said and jumped up with a little spring in her step. She came back into the living room, took the cards out of the boxes, and with a cute smile, started shuffling. John sure hoped the cards fell his way. Tracy stopped shuffling, “Are you ready?’
“As ready as I’m going to get,” John got out.
“Good, this is going to be fun!” They were both standing in the middle of the room, when Tracy threw the first to card on the little sofa table. John was so happy to see a four and a seven. “Damn,” as Tracy saw a Jack hit the table. John was stand there already with a stiff cock as Tracy slowly wrapped her hand around it and counted off eleven. John wouldn’t have thought of how close he was to cumming already. Tracy let the next two cards hit the table, a three and a Queen. Tracy smiled and John held his breathe as a nine fell between the two cards.
“No, no, NO!” John pleaded.
“Be a man, John! If you can take the reward, then take the punishment.”
John knew he had to take his lump, or kick. Therefore, he slowly spread his legs. John loved looking at his wife’s breast, and that was what he was focused on as her foot crushed his nuts into his pelvic bone. John tried to keep standing. He wanted to see how much he could take. Tracy got an idea. First, she thought she obviously didn’t kick her husband hard enough, the other; John should get something for taking a good kick like that.
“Hey, as a reward, every time you take a kick and keep standing, I will deal a card face down on the table. If at anytime you would like to use one of those to switch out the middle card to try and save yourself a kick, you can.”
“Can’t refuse that generosity,” John thought and said.
“O-kay,” as Tracy went on with the game. They continued with the game, rewards and punishments. Tracy got were she wanted to do different punishments and rewards. She would give a good knee to the balls, hold John’s cock out of the way of a slap at the balls, or punch them like a punching bag. And what could John do or say. “Hey, you only said kicks.” However, Tracy also mixed up the rewards: Strokes with her hands, strokes between her breast, between her legs, with her tongue, and finally a little oral action. John was enjoying the pleasure and pain mix, even thou his balls hurt like nothing before. Tracy also loved the different action, and she knew John would be pleasing her in a little while. After having to reshuffle a couple of times, John finally cam during one of his rewards, and he would always remember this first game of Between the Legs and it was the Queen of Heart that pushed him over the limit.
“My turn,” Tracy said as she watched John tremble from the overload she had caused. John wanted to return the massive pleasure shot that Tracy had given him. He knew he would have to use his tongue and mouth to do it too. So he got her to the floor and ate her, as he had never done before. Tracy squirmed and bucked all over that floor. John made sure Tracy was equally rewarded. At last, John could give no more, and Tracy couldn’t even think any more.
“I’m going to take an afternoon nap,” Tracy said as she made her way to the bedroom, leaving John lying on the living room floor.
“I’ll make it there in a minute,” John replied. John decided he had to put some ice on his swollen members. He fell asleep in the recliner with an ice bag on his groin.
How is it still?
07-12-2007, 02:58 PM
thought the story was good.
04-27-2010, 10:31 AM
Really liked your story, to have a wife like that would be awesome. Thanks for the story I enjoyed it.
04-30-2010, 07:32 AM
great story!! second time iv read it now:)
05-01-2010, 06:33 AM
Nice story, thank you:)
05-02-2010, 03:00 PM
this is an awesome story i wish there were more like it out there
Alec Anaconda
05-04-2010, 01:40 PM
This is a very nice story, so far, especially for a first try.
Your action is realist enough to convince me that it’s based upon experience.
Please keep going.
Earlier in this post there was some discussion about if it was appropriate to point out potential improvements or not.
Clearly, your ideas are far more important than technical matters, Stang1969, but what are your thoughts on this?
Will you welcome constructive suggestions?
If so, do you prefer forum or private message?
Alec Anaconda
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