View Full Version : BB Cartoons 2
06-28-2007, 11:03 PM
Sorry, but that other thread is ridiculous. It's a picture exchange with more dialogue than a Kevin Smith film and less pictures than War and Peace.
Incidentally, the third pic in may not actually be BB. Ragdoll (the bloke getting raked) removed his own naughty bits because A) he's insane and B) they got in the way of his contortionist gimmick.
06-29-2007, 01:23 PM
this will be much better, thank you
06-29-2007, 08:24 PM
06-30-2007, 12:02 PM
She doesn't think much of your starting a thread with the same name as another.
Neither do I!
My P.M.s are full of "What's going on?"
Thanks for the confusion A** H***!
P.S. We'll see who prospers and who withers!
P.P.S. The reason there are few pictures is because I custom draw them! Like to see you try!
She doesn't think much of your starting a thread with the same name as another.
Neither do I!
My P.M.s are full of "What's going on?"
Thanks for the confusion A** H***!
P.S. We'll see who prospers and who withers!
P.P.S. The reason there are few pictures is because I custom draw them! Like to see you try!
Hi CP, got your PM which alerted me to this thread, and nice bit of wordplay on my name! If Richter isn't impressed by the original cartoons thread, well thats his opinion but many seem pleased to use it. And if he's not an artist himself he won't be aware of the time and effort that goes into producing original pictures.
Oh and who the heck is Kevin Smith?
06-30-2007, 10:55 PM
Kevin Smith is a film maker whose films are very dialogue-based. They have a lot of talking. Chasing Amy, Mallrats, Clerks I & II.
FYI, I don't claim to be an artist and I don't plan to have a flame war or extensive conversation on a fetish messageboard. I'm just dropping off some pics I like because I've gotten some pics I like from this board.
06-30-2007, 10:57 PM
Also, keep in mind I'm not claiming anything original about these. In fact, most of these are already represented in the current thread. Sometimes a reader's digest version with a lot less talking is nice though. In case you notice some are different, a couple I recolored or tweaked to my liking. The kinderqueen pictures for instance creeped me out that it was a green skinned guy.
06-30-2007, 10:59 PM
A few more.
06-30-2007, 11:00 PM
A few more again.
06-30-2007, 11:02 PM
I hope this isn't considered spamming. I just wanted to upload all the pictures at once in one thread so they were easy to find.
06-30-2007, 11:04 PM
And the last one for right now.
07-01-2007, 04:05 PM
And the last one for right now.
If you didn't like the original Ballbusting cartoons, fine. You have that right. Have the courtesy to let this thread die. Start another if you must, but call it ballbusting cartoons 2.
I don't think you realize how much confusion you've caused, and how much trouble you've caused me. I've had to re-assure fans who clicked on this thread thinking it was the other, and wondering what happened.
If you did in the real world what you did here you'd be up on charges of copyright infringement and counterfeiting.
Don't make me take this up with Sharon. Members have been banned for doing less than what you've done!
Castratrix's pet
07-01-2007, 05:06 PM
Richter, we already had and have an excellent thread called Ballbusting Cartoons. Other members here seem to like the other one very much and to also like cutponies cartoons.
So why did you have to confuse things by starting another cartoon thread and even calling it Ballbusting Cartoons? If you didn't like the first one, you could have helped "improve" it by adding material to it you thought was better.
I think you should have worked within the system and just added your material to the existing cartoons thread. To have two competing threads of the same name and subject seems rather stupid to me. The way it is now seems both stupid and confusing to me.
07-01-2007, 07:46 PM
ok i understand what he was doing here and i appreciate it. this thread is to simply put cartoons in for people to enjoy...the other thread is more of a cutponies request and posting thread that has alot of chitchat that goes on...this is more of a post pictures not talk thread. should it have been named something else? sure. but no use crying over spilled milk.
07-01-2007, 08:48 PM
If you didn't like the original Ballbusting cartoons, fine. You have that right. Have the courtesy to let this thread die. Start another if you must, but call it ballbusting cartoons 2.
I don't think you realize how much confusion you've caused, and how much trouble you've caused me. I've had to re-assure fans who clicked on this thread thinking it was the other, and wondering what happened.
If you did in the real world what you did here you'd be up on charges of copyright infringement and counterfeiting.
Don't make me take this up with Sharon. Members have been banned for doing less than what you've done!
This is total crap CP. This (that) isn't your thread, although certainly you have been a major poster here (there) for quite a few months. You didn't start it, and as I remember, you weren't even posting here for well over a year after the thread was started. What right do you have to threaten people to "take it up with Sharon" to get somebody banned? If there is actually a rule posted on Sharon's board about similarly named threads, then maybe he violated something. I remember that Sarah (back in the day) certainly wanted to keep things tight like that- but Sarah and Sharon parted ways over exactly that kind of regimentation if I'm not mistaken. I don't see any possible harm he could cause by doing what he did, whether it was intentional or not.
And just where do you get off on the copyright infringement and counterfeiting claims. He didn't insult your artwork or your posting, he didn't copy it or misrepresent it- he didn't delete any of your posts and it isn't and never was "your thread". If you actually have "fans" that are in turmoil because they can't find the thread, I suggest you send them a link to it so they don't have that issue.
This isn't about you, dude. I think you may be in a little deep. Just my opinion.
07-01-2007, 10:57 PM
This is total crap CP. This (that) isn't your thread, although certainly you have been a major poster here (there) for quite a few months. You didn't start it, and as I remember, you weren't even posting here for well over a year after the thread was started. What right do you have to threaten people to "take it up with Sharon" to get somebody banned? If there is actually a rule posted on Sharon's board about similarly named threads, then maybe he violated something. I remember that Sarah (back in the day) certainly wanted to keep things tight like that- but Sarah and Sharon parted ways over exactly that kind of regimentation if I'm not mistaken. I don't see any possible harm he could cause by doing what he did, whether it was intentional or not.
And just where do you get off on the copyright infringement and counterfeiting claims. He didn't insult your artwork or your posting, he didn't copy it or misrepresent it- he didn't delete any of your posts and it isn't and never was "your thread". If you actually have "fans" that are in turmoil because they can't find the thread, I suggest you send them a link to it so they don't have that issue.
This isn't about you, dude. I think you may be in a little deep. Just my opinion.
In the real world, what would happen to someone other than Rowling who published a book, whatever it's theme or content, called "Harry Potter and---"?
I don't object to this thread. I object to its name! And I never claimed ballbusting cartoons as my own!
07-01-2007, 10:59 PM
ok i understand what he was doing here and i appreciate it. this thread is to simply put cartoons in for people to enjoy...the other thread is more of a cutponies request and posting thread that has alot of chitchat that goes on...this is more of a post pictures not talk thread. should it have been named something else? sure. but no use crying over spilled milk.
You're not the one who's P.M.s are full of "What happened to all your 'toons? What happened to the thread, etc.?"etc.
07-02-2007, 02:58 AM
In the real world, what would happen to someone other than Rowling who published a book, whatever it's theme or content, called "Harry Potter and---"?
I don't object to this thread. I object to its name! And I never claimed ballbusting cartoons as my own!
Sorry CP- Rowling is pretty specifically and uniquely identified with "Harry Potter and the ..." and I'm sure she actually has legal copyright to back her up.
Again- In my humble opinion- You ARE NOT specifically and uniquely identified with "ballbusting cartoons". Bad comparison.
Sorry to bust your bubble, but there are guys who are "legendary" in the world of ballbusting cartoons- Knave (E.M.) comes to mind for one. This is NOT meant as a dig against you or your style- I know you have a following. But "ballbusting cartoons" doesn't immediately bring to mind "cutponies"- at least for me. I am NOT confused by a similarly named thread and have difficulty understanding people who would be. It's just not that hard to figure out. At the risk of repeating myself- this is not about you- it's a friggin thread about cartoons.
07-02-2007, 06:05 AM
Sorry CP- Rowling is pretty specifically and uniquely identified with "Harry Potter and the ..." and I'm sure she actually has legal copyright to back her up.
Again- In my humble opinion- You ARE NOT specifically and uniquely identified with "ballbusting cartoons". Bad comparison.
Sorry to bust your bubble, but there are guys who are "legendary" in the world of ballbusting cartoons- Knave (E.M.) comes to mind for one. This is NOT meant as a dig against you or your style- I know you have a following. But "ballbusting cartoons" doesn't immediately bring to mind "cutponies"- at least for me. I am NOT confused by a similarly named thread and have difficulty understanding people who would be. It's just not that hard to figure out. At the risk of repeating myself- this is not about you- it's a friggin thread about cartoons.
When people hear "Harry Potter", they don't automatically think J.K. Rowling. When they hear J.K Rowling they most emphatically think "Harry Potter".
The character "Cutponies" is most certainly associated with ballbusting cartoons, tho' not vice-versa. It's not a question of legality. It's a question of discourtesy. Richter had every right to open a new thread. He had No right to take the name of another thread, Did he even think for a moment that it might cause confusion? So what if you're not confused, others are. so what if you don't care for my pics, others do. You might notice that when you click on the forums list it shows the latest contribution, and lists the name of the thread. Now people don't knowto which "ballbusting cartoons" is being refered. Richter, in doing what he did showed himself arrogant, uncaring, unimaginative, and an intellectual thief (in fact if not in law)! In short an ASSHOLE!
P.S. You're not much better, Posting in a font colour that makes it almost impossible to read! arrogance and discourtesey
07-02-2007, 08:01 AM
and I have been following this thread, I think that it has run its course.
Perhaps Cutponies, you would like to start your own "Cutponies ballbusting cartoons" thread so that your artwork can be on the pedestal you seem so adamant to want. Requests from members can go there too.
For "the rest", have a "ballbusting cartoons" thread. I hope that Knave won't mind being part of "the rest" though.
I feel that no artist can hope to claim any exclusivity or art is surely just an extension of their ego.
And by the way, from a personal point of view: Cutponies, your pictures don't do it for me, they seem repetetive and without emotion.
Aggie xx
07-02-2007, 08:17 AM
and I have been following this thread, I think that it has run its course.
Perhaps Cutponies, you would like to start your own "Cutponies ballbusting cartoons" thread so that your artwork can be on the pedestal you seem so adamant to want. Requests from members can go there too.
For "the rest", have a "ballbusting cartoons" thread. I hope that Knave won't mind being part of "the rest" though.
I feel that no artist can hope to claim any exclusivity or art is surely just an extension of their ego.
And by the way, from a personal point of view: Cutponies, your pictures don't do it for me, they seem repetetive and without emotion.
Aggie xx
You can take or leave my art. Lots of people don't like it. My one and only peeve about all this is that Richter, whatever he thought of Iron-Horse's thread had no right to suborn the name "Ballbusting Cartoons"
07-02-2007, 12:27 PM
Wow dude, it's a forum. He can name a topic whatever he wants.
07-02-2007, 12:43 PM
Hey, came across this site with a lot of bb cartoons. I'm posting a few here from it.
The post confusion doesn't even matter anymore. This CP guy has managed to turn this thread into the exact same thing as the previous thread (not "his thread"). Now it's a lot of people chit-chatting and no pictures. I would gladly change the name of it to stop this, but I don't see an edit button. If a mod can change this, I encourage it. BB Cartoons, BB Cartoons 2, Various Cartoons, or whatever. It seems to me that if this CP guy wants his own thread, he should start his own thread. If I had my "work" posted and for people to view, I'd want them to see it all in one page, not have to go through 126 pages of mindless arguing to get to see a single pic.
btw, the first one is animated and really cute. The preview seems messed up, but it works fine if clicked.
07-02-2007, 03:06 PM
Hi guys,
As I got a PM from Cutponies about the name thing and as the starter of this thread have suggested to rename it I have done so to BB Cartoons 2.
Now everybody kiss and make up:)
07-02-2007, 07:34 PM
I 2nd what Tamakeri said!
Get a life.
07-03-2007, 01:02 AM
I'm in favor of this new thread. I quit paying attention to the old one because it became over ran with to much dialog. There would be 2 or 3 pages without one toon pic posted.
Is the thread to post toons or discuss them. There are threads dedicated to pics only. Maybe there should be a pic only toon thread.
07-03-2007, 06:43 AM
Agreed. The other thread is text, long periods of dry spells, and then a new ********** pic every now and again. It's not even ballbusting's all about eunuchs. Not that I have anything against those types of pics, but really, I'd prefer the title to actually describe the thread content.
A polite suggestion to Cutponies, if he considers a secondary thread a personal slight, would be to start a unique thread for his own work. "Cutponies' Art" or something similar. That way nobody would get lost on their way to see his new stuff and people would know what type of pictures they were getting when they clicked there instead of getting ********** when they're seeking ballbusting. It would also help keep all the requests flying his way more organized, which could only be helpful to him.
Anyway, that was a huge swerve off topic. Mostly I'm curious where TedKord (Blue Beetle fan, much?) got those wonderful Kamitora pics that I've never seen!? If there's more of that out there, I definitely want some!
And just to keep this thread on topic (not a lot of text...just a lot of pics), here's a few from my own collection.
07-03-2007, 10:34 AM
Where do you find all those great pictures?
07-03-2007, 02:20 PM
ok i understand what he was doing here and i appreciate it. this thread is to simply put cartoons in for people to enjoy...the other thread is more of a cutponies request and posting thread that has alot of chitchat that goes on...this is more of a post pictures not talk thread. should it have been named something else? sure. but no use crying over spilled milk.
totally agreed :thumbup
07-03-2007, 04:45 PM
ok so ummm...yeah stop posting regarding the fight over the name of this thread...the only way to B*%$# about it is to actually post something. (I'm sure i speak for all when i say we'd appreciate it.) if you don't bad things may happen
:machine: :machine: :machine: :machine: :cryingblu:cryingblu :cryingblu :cryingblu
07-03-2007, 11:49 PM
this new tread is great!:bananad::bananad::bananad:
here's some pictures
07-04-2007, 09:26 PM
Wow. There sure are a lot of my toons on this thread all of a sudden.
I certainly hope anybody who wants to see my work knows they can find me at:
I don't see the need to repost them. Especially without so much as a nice mention of where to see more :)
07-05-2007, 12:02 AM
This thread is looking good
07-05-2007, 01:58 AM
Spam! thumbs up!Spam!
lookin good lads
07-05-2007, 10:28 AM
She doesn't think much of your starting a thread with the same name as another.
Neither do I!
My P.M.s are full of "What's going on?"
Thanks for the confusion A** H***!
P.S. We'll see who prospers and who withers!
Geez, take a chill pill! It's okay to not be the center of attention once in a while. Myself, I LIKE having a variety of artists.
07-05-2007, 11:45 AM
You're right Knave.
Knave is an amazing BB artist. As far as I'm concerned, he's the only one I would considered a professional in that very narrow field. I've been checking out his blog for a long, long time and I would be remise not to endorse. Amazing stuff, my hard drive is full of it.
He has a fantastic library of images for sale as well as great free ones. The for sale ones are right around the quality you would expect from a gifted independent artist at a comic book convention, but all focused towards bb.
Here's hoping this rousing endorsement gets me a free set of one of his comics. :)
07-05-2007, 04:22 PM
this thread is already vastly superior to the original. cutponies is the worst fucking artist i have ever seen in my life. :D
bleep master
07-05-2007, 06:34 PM
hey richter,
thanks for the thread and the pics..
bb cartoons 2 rocks
07-05-2007, 07:57 PM
this thread is already vastly superior to the original. cutponies is the worst fucking artist i have ever seen in my life. :D
And I never claimed to be. I'm a photogrammatist, retired, and I do retouching and manipulations on the side. Example
this thread is already vastly superior to the original. cutponies is the worst fucking artist i have ever seen in my life. :D
This is getting out of hand. This is a forum, kindly provided by Sharon free of charge, for lovers of BB to communicate. Submitting creative material, be it illustrations or drawing is something to be encouraged. No work will gain the approval of all, mine included, but by aggressively attacking the work of some we will discourage others from sending drawings or stories we might enjoy. And it takes a bit of courage to expose your work to public scrutiny so we should respect all who have the nerve to do this, irrespective of whether we think its good.
07-07-2007, 04:52 PM
These are some great cartoons. Keep it coming!:bananad:
07-08-2007, 08:43 AM
some more pictures
07-09-2007, 11:13 AM
You're right Knave.
Knave is an amazing BB artist. As far as I'm concerned, he's the only one I would considered a professional in that very narrow field. I've been checking out his blog for a long, long time and I would be remise not to endorse. Amazing stuff, my hard drive is full of it.
Thanks for the glowing review Richter!
07-09-2007, 11:28 AM
Hi everyone,
My Girlfriend and i are new here, we just got into this thing. We both love these cartoons, so thanks for posting!
i just wanted to add, we have this fantasy of a world where Female warriors
destroy wimpy men's balls
on a sort of quest to get rid of the those not fit to breed. We would appreciate any cartoons which feature such themes-- strong, warrior Women, men being defeated and their balls busted, etc.
07-09-2007, 06:03 PM
While strong sexual urges develop in males from visual stimuli, women are a little more sophisticated than us and actually develop it further back in the brain where they process information, lending stronger satisfaction from more complete fantasies. I recommend, for her, a stop at, which is filled with amazon stories doing exactly what you described.
For us Y-chromosome bearers, here's a clip of Stripperella racking a guy (after all, cartoons are animated too)
07-09-2007, 06:17 PM
Oh, I found this one and like it. It's compilation of all the busts in Tekken 5.
Some of them are "oh yeah, I guess that hit in the ball region" but there's some where they stomp on nads and twist their foot like they're putting out a cigarette (a favorite with my wife and I actually).
07-10-2007, 04:30 AM
Warrior women, Cuckollie? Do these fit the bill?
07-10-2007, 03:28 PM
07-13-2007, 11:28 PM
old danger girl comics have some bb
07-14-2007, 06:40 AM
yeah right
07-15-2007, 11:34 AM
Great drawings, thans for posting.
07-15-2007, 03:29 PM
nice pics. it's good to actually be able to look at some bb cartoons without going through pages of dialouge! :jumpsmile
07-17-2007, 04:13 AM
It's look like so hurt
I hope I can take these
07-18-2007, 03:31 PM
why can't i see the pictures?
Here's some. Also there is my blog where I post a lot too (see bottom signature).
07-23-2007, 10:32 AM
some other pics
07-23-2007, 05:53 PM
Here's a few comics you might enjoy
07-31-2007, 11:04 AM
Here are some more for you.
07-31-2007, 10:09 PM
These toons are fantastic. Knave especially...his nutcracker suite one maybe the only depiction of my dual fetishes of balerinas and ballbusting I have ever seen. Thanks for sharing, guys!
06-26-2010, 06:02 AM
these are some of the best pics i've seen in a while
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