View Full Version : The List - A BustedNuts Ballbusting Tale
07-04-2007, 06:40 AM
The List
A BustedNuts Ballbusting Tale
Part One: Derrick Swanson
Chapter One (
Chapter Two (Coming Soon)
Chapter Three (Coming Soon)
Chapter Four (Coming Soon)
Part Two: Eric Winchester
Hey guys, long time lurker, first time poster. I had a story in mind that I thought I might like to take my hand at the other day, so I just want to see what you all think. If you enjoy it, I guess I'll keep going. If not, well, whose to say. This is the first installment to 'The List', and though it does start off slow on the ballbusting side of things, rest assured it's coming. Don't know about you but I enjoy a nice healthy build up. :D So without further ado, here it is.
Part One: Derrick Swanson
Chapter One
Laura drove her knee hard into Derrick’s groin, scanning his face with more than a hint of glee for the unmistakable signs of a well-placed blow to the testicles. This, of course, was always Laura’s favourite part. That few seconds of realisation the moment her leg makes contact with those two, soft, terribly exposed, dangling orbs. That single instant he knows there’s nothing he can do. That a monumental amount of pain is just around the bend.
His eyes widen, as if to leap out of their sockets. His jaw drops, as if to scream, yet all he can mutter is a soft gurgle or grunt. His body curls inward, attempting to absorb the blow, knowing only too well his efforts are futile. Somehow his hands find their way to his crotch, cradling the fleshy package as a sick feeling rises in the pit of his stomach. His legs give way, his body muscles turned to gelatine. Finally, as pain engulfs him, he keels over, collapsing to a pathetic heap on the floor. There, by her shoes, foetal position assumed, she towers over him. He whimpers slightly as a smile creeps on her face. A soft moan. A testament to woman’s triumph over man.
For that is the power of a kick to the balls.
At the edge of her bedspread, Laura sat cross-legged, looking over the list a third time. Each name seemed to stare coldly back into her beautiful, green eyes. Mocking her. Every instance still vividly clear in her mind. She brushed her silky, shoulder length brown hair from her face, allowing it to rest comfortably behind her ears. Her full lips motioned subtly, glistening under the bedroom light as she muttered each name under her breath. She folds the tattered piece of paper in her hand along the creases already marked delicately, her fairy large, well rounded breasts rising slowly with her breath from behind a loose, black t-shirt. In one swift motion she slides the paper into her back pocket, rested against her perfect ass, only accentuated by her exceptionally tight, blue jeans. She uncrosses her legs, restlessly. Agitated, or perhaps just all too ready to carry out her plan.
Perverts. The lot of them. Well, most of them. Certainly, they were a bunch of jerks, deserving of any punishment they might get. It was simply her job to make sure said punishment was received.
It’s no secret that Laura North had had a bad track record with men. And it was also no secret that she was incredibly good looking, sporting a body any young woman her age would kill for. Unfortunately, as is often the case for eighteen year old girls as beautiful as she, Laura also attracted a substantial amount of unwanted attention from the hoards of her male, sex crazed classmates.
Never the one to make a scene, she had eventually learned to simply ignore their advancements. Their musings and often derogatory outlook of her. For years she had carried on throughout high school, focusing on her studies while being treated as merely the finest piece of ass this side of the meat market. She had put up with even their occasional and painfully obvious attempts to grope her ass or cop a feel of her tits. The local gentry were not opposed to making friendly competition out of the art. Over the years however, her non-compliance with their immature games was instead interpreted as willingness. The already low level of respect she had commanded depleted so far as to accept even a blatant slap on the ass whilst passing through the hall.
It wasn’t until she began to seriously stand up for her own rights that it was far too late to redeem the respect she had lost. She was an object to them, nothing more. The boys advances became more serious. More sexual.
And enough was enough.
The muffled gurgle of a toilet flushing. Laura looked up as the bathroom door creaked open to reveal Liz, standing by the doorway in her bright t-shirt and red panties, applying toothpaste to her brush.
‘You okay?’ she asked, stuffing the toothbrush into her mouth.
‘Yeah.’ Laura replied.
Liz bent over the sink her head hidden from view to gurgle and spit. Laura’s eyes shifted to her curvatious hips and firm, round ass encased within the skin tight, red panties. Liz entered the room once more, sitting down beside Laura. She placed her hand gently upon her thigh.
‘And the list?’
‘That’s everyone’ replied Laura, ‘I’m sure of it.’
She leaned in and kissed Liz softly, sucking slightly on her lower lip. Liz hesitated, her eyes drawn to Laura’s pocket, the list edging its way out.
‘We’re really gonna’ go through with this?’ she enquired.
‘Yeah.’ Laura muttered. ‘We are’.
Laura’s top hit the floor, joined shortly after by her pants. As the two engaged in passionate embrace, the knowledge that the days ahead would see their life’s suffering at the hand of men be brought to a halt gave them comfort. And there, on the floor of her bedroom, a tiny piece of folded paper peeked out from the back pocket of a rogue pair of jeans. A name scrawled in black ink.
#1. Derrick Swanson.
End of Chapter One
07-04-2007, 08:24 AM
Part One: Derrick Swanson
Chapter Two
Derrick Swanson cautiously eyed his history teacher at the front of the room, prattling on about concepts he could never hope to conceive or even so much as care about. His attention was drawn elsewhere. The girl in front leaned forward on her stool as she jotted down notes, displaying a perfect view of her tight, bubble butt, accentuated by the tightest pair of jeans he’d ever seen. His dick swelled, erection growing as his mouth practically watered by the sight of such an ass. The pair of jeans hugged those legs tightly, her cooch on display in clear view just below her buttocks.
The lecturer turned to scribble notations on the board, allowing Derrick fresh opportunity to seize the day. In one swift motion, he leaned inward, hand out stretched. His erect penis pressed against the desk edge as he cupped his hand under the girl’s ass, slipping his finger inward, roughly rubbing against her pussy.
Laura tightened up, almost leaping out of her seat as Derrick withdrew his hand quickly from her crotch. She swivelled around, eyes wide and mouth open in utter disbelief as Derrick and his surrounding friends simply chuckled amongst themselves, the occasional high five between desks. Her blood boiled. She burned red with anger, fists clenched.
‘Is there a problem, Ms. North?’ a voice chimed from the front of the room.
Laura turned around to face her teacher, barely finding the words to reply.
‘No sir,’ she managed, ‘no problem.’
‘Then I would suggest, Ms. North, that you pay attention in class rather than ogle young men all day.’
A small wave of laughter rang throughout the class as attention was once drawn back to the lecture at hand. Laura shuffled her desk forward, enraged, and removed a small piece of paper from her back pocket. She unfolded it promptly and drew her pen to number one on the list. The nib quickly and aggressively began to stroke over each letter, the name now accented in bold text.
She turned to her left to face Liz. She pointed to the writing in bold print.
‘Derrick Swanson’.
Liz glanced at the paper sheet, before returning her gaze to Laura.
‘Today,’ Laura mouthed.
Liz nodded.
- ~ -
The sound of water spraying against the cold, wet floor was heard all around, a thick layer of white steam lingering about the locker room. Teenage boys sat by their lockers, changing back into their regular clothes after a days football practice. One by one, men removed their towels, allowing their ridiculous flaccid genitals to flop about as they showered together, each all too willing and proud to show off their cocks to the room if only for bragging rights.
A large, muscular figure emerges from the steamy shower, wrapping his towel around himself once more upon running it through his wet hair. Derrick Swanson. Star quarterback of his team and a walking cliché. Derrick was the epitome of your average high school jock, from his chiselled jaw and rock hard abs to his rather lacking intelligence and out of control sex drive. He was widely praised by his classmates for not only his skills on the field but supposedly legendary skills with the ladies. His ability to score with any chick, whether she wanted to be scored with or not, was known school-wide.
The locker room door swings open, drawing the attention of the guys almost immediately. Footsteps are heard, the sound of feminine shoes connecting with cold tile as a lone silhouetted person approaches amidst the haze.
There’s no mistaking her. Those hips. Those breasts. That walk.
Her. A girl. In the men’s locker room.
Laura continues to stride forward, a sense of determination in her eye, as boys all around her murmur and stumble, hurriedly attempting to hide their shame from view. Others still stand tall or even ‘accidentally’ remove their towels, spying yet another chance to fulfil their voyeuristic needs. But Laura takes no notice. Keeps looking ahead. Her eye on the prize. The room parts ways. They’ve seen who she wants. Laura North is on the warpath for Derrick Swanson.
Finally she reach’s him. Stands but inches away in her tight jeans and loose t-shirt. Brushing her hair from her face she looks up at him, right into his eyes, standing a measly five-foot six to his towering, near six-foot self. He looks down at her, smiling sleazily and flexing slightly with only but a towel to cover himself.
‘Laura,’ Derrick grinned, ‘Back for another finger or did you come for somma’ the Dick?’
He glanced quickly around the room for approval, which he was quickly indulged in by obnoxious laughter. Laura continued to stare straight into his eyes, smirking slightly. She grabbed hold of him and rammed him into the locker behind him, pressing her entire body to his.
‘You know, Dick,’ she spoke softly, her lips inches from his, letting him feel her warm breath as she grinded herself against his towel, ‘We’ve been playing these little games for too long. And that little finger trick you pulled in class today? Well that was the last straw.’
A bulge emerged as she felt his hardon grow against her thigh.
‘So what do you say we just get all this sexual tension out of the way, Dick?’, she leaned in closer, flicking his earlobe a little with her tongue, ‘Whatta’ ya’ say we just fuck?’
Shocked at first, an even wider smile began to grow upon Derrick’s face amongst other things. He looked her straight in the eye.
‘Right now?’ He asked eagerly.
‘Right now.’
‘Right here?’
‘Not here.’
‘Then where?’ he asked, ready to sink his teeth into this new piece of meat.
‘Follow me,’ she replied devilishly, stroking her hand from his chest to his now evident erection as she made her way out the back exit from the locker room.
‘Fuck yeah.’
And with that, he happily and all too eagerly obliged, raving and hooting heard all round as the locker room of boys, who could not believe what they had just witnessed, began to cheer his name. Convinced they had just witnessed their idol’s sexual charisma at work, the entire room began theorising as to just how Derrick would give her snatch the pummelling of a lifetime. Little did they know that it would not be Derrick who’d be doing the pummelling.
The door creaked open audibly as the two entered the women’s locker room. It was dark, cold and empty. Secluded. As Laura had intended. The female football team never trained on Tuesdays. And certainly never at the same time as the male team. Derrick began to put his hands to work, grabbing Laura’s ass with one hand and reaching around to squeeze at her right breast with both uncomfortable and misinformed technique. But she could put up with it just a few seconds longer.
‘Not yet,’ she said, removing his hands from her body, ‘not here’.
‘C’mon babe,’ Derrick insisted, repulsively, using his ‘magic fingers’ once more, ‘I wanna’ fuck you so bad.’
Laura rolled her eyes. If this was how he treated all his women in the sack, she thought it a marvel he got any at all who were willing participants. Then again, he wasn’t particularly known for choosing willing participants when it came to sex.
‘In here,’ Laura spoke, as she opened a toilet cubical, edging her way back in.
‘In a fuckin’ toilet?’ He asked.
‘In a fuckin’ toilet.’ She replied. ‘Now lose the towel and lets do this.’
‘You are one kinky bitch,’ he grinned, practically tearing off his towel and hurling it across the room as he entered the cubical.
His pulsating member stood tall and proud. Easily eight inches and thick like a tree trunk. A sight to behold that even Laura had to briefly admire. His balls hung loosely, fresh from the shower, between his legs. Two, large, egg shaped objects ready to be put to work. And a workout they’d receive.
Laura pulled Derrick in closer toward her as he wrapped his enormous arms around her tiny waist. She could feel the heat from his huge cock against her body. He took her by the chin and pressed his lips forcefully to hers, practically ramming his tongue down her throat. Laura thought she would surely throw up. But luckily for her she wouldn’t have to deal with this asshole any longer. Now was time for the fun to begin. Her very favourite part. Her revenge.
Laura drove her knee hard into Derrick’s groin, scanning his face with more than a hint of glee for the unmistakable signs of a well-placed blow to the testicles. She got them. Derrick’s eyes immediately widened, his jaw hanging loosely in disbelief as he looked down to see his nuts grinding between his abdomen and her knee. He clutched them firmly in his hands and managed to grunt one single word as pain over came him and he collapsed into a huddled mess by her feet.
End of Chapter Two
Edit: Hmm. Apparently you can't edit the main post after a reply has been sent. Oh well. Guess that little contents won't go to use after all.
07-05-2007, 06:01 AM
Part One: Derrick Swanson
Chapter Three
Derrick lay there motionless, clutching his testicles in pain, his naked body pressed against the cold, cubical floor. His mind began to fill with rage as Laura used her feet to calmly remove one shoe at a time. With every ounce of strength left in his body, he pulled himself to his knees, grasping the nearby toilet seat for leverage. Laura simply sighed.
‘This’ll be a lot easier on you if you just lie down and hear what I have to say.’
Derrick winced, the throbbing pain in his balls still lingering. He cupped them gently, a flame in his eye. Noticeably struggling to regain his footing, he attempted to stand, lifting his left knee slowly.
In one swift motion, Laura sharply planted her foot into Derrick’s swollen sack. She felt the warmth of his loose scrotum beneath her toes as his testicles parted upon impact. Derrick let out a high pitched squeal that was immediately cut short, as though he had lost his voice. Laura felt her crotch dampen. This pain. This revenge. It excited her.
Derrick keeled over, limply, resting his head against Laura’s thigh as she continued to twist and press her toes against the young man’s aching balls. After what seemed like an eternity, she released her foot from his groin, allowing him to lay speechless along the floor once more. There he sat, flat on his stomach, body sprawled across the cubical ground as he cradled his most prized possessions. His head tilted to one side, he could see her bare feet before him. Those feet that had caused him such pain.
He was dazed. Confused. Enraged. In agony.
Laura squatted down slowly, gently patting his ass before running her fingers through his hair. She directed his eyes to hers, hand placed below his chiselled chin. She smiled sadistically.
‘Poor baby,’ she mocked, attempting to hide her grin.
She reached her remaining hand around him, sliding it between his buttock’s. She took his balls gently, letting them roll about her palm as she caressed them.
‘You poor boy,’ she spoke, ‘your balls have taken quite a beating. Here, let me rub them better for you.’
His eyes widen as she tightened her grip and twisted abruptly. Derrick let out a gurgled moan, flailing about on the ground. She removed her grip upon his genitals, her hand back at her side. She stared into his eyes coldly. Emotionless.
‘You’re pathetic,’ she hissed. ‘A worthless piece of shit.’
Derrick whimpered softly as he watched Laura’s face disappear from view. She circled him, like a shark to its prey. He closed his eyes, hoping it was all a bad dream, but the excruciating pain immediately drew him back to reality. His stomach tightened. He felt sick. He heard her voice, but the words barely registered.
‘You fuck with girl’s like me and receive nothing but praise in return.’ She said, ‘You belittle us. You demean us. You treat us like shit – like objects – and expect our bodies to be handed to you on a silver platter in return.’
He felt her foot upon his waist as she rolled his limp body over. His hands fell to either side of him as he looked up at her, too weak to move. His swollen, red balls hanging loosely beneath his eight-inch semi, like a wilted flower.
‘And when we don’t give ourselves to you. When someone actually has the balls to turn down a quick fuck with the worlds biggest dick,’ she continued, ‘you take matters into your own hands.’
She slammed her foot between his legs. He moaned in pain, coughing and spluttering as his manhood sent a shooting pain throughout his entire body. He squirmed slightly. She enjoyed every second of it.
‘You raped them.’ She spat, ‘You raped them, didn’t you, you sick fuck?’
He stared up at her pleadingly, pain consuming him.
‘Answer me.’
He grunts.
‘Answer me, you sonoffabitch!’
She drove her pointed toe into his battered balls; they felt spongy and bruised beneath her feet. He shrieked. She kicked. Again. And again. His vision blurs, tears in his eyes. His mouth opens and shuts weakly, but no words come out. Like a fish gasping for air on dry land.
‘Didn’t you?!’ she screamed, sharply raising her leg for another blow.
‘Yes!’ he groaned, brought to tears ‘Yes, I raped them, you bitch! I fucked those skank’s brains out!’
Crunch! Laura landed another full force blow to his testicles once more, pressing the ball of her foot against each nut aggressively, grinding them into the tiled floor.
He squirmed about in pain, crying and spluttering for her to let go. She released the pressure against his throbbing nads slightly, maintaining a firm grip with her toes.
‘So you admit it?’ she questioned, slowly twisting her foot into his crotch.
‘Yes!’ he cried.
‘You raped them!’ she pressed harder.
‘Yes! Yes! I raped them! Fuck!’
She released her foot, allowing him rest. She twirled her toes about, massaging his testicles, the slightest touch causing Derrick to squirm about uncontrollably in agony.
‘And given the opportunity,’ Laura continued, ‘you’d have raped me too, wouldn’t you?’
‘No!’ he cried.
‘C’mon, Dick,’ she mused, grinding his balls into the floor further, ‘The slapping, the groping… today in fucking class, Dick?’
He shrieked in pain, flailing about aimlessly attempting to remove her foot from his groin. Tears streamed down his face, his jaw open wide.
‘I drive you wild, don’t I Dick? You want to fuck the shit out of me, don’t you, Dick?’
He burst into tears, his shrivelled cock resting against her ankle as she continued to grind his purple balls into the floor.
‘Alex Staedler’s party?’ she yelled, ‘You saying you didn’t try to get in these pants? Didn’t try to have your way with me?’
She pressed down harder. His testicles like a pair of pancakes, flattened against the floor, on the verge of popping out of their sack.
‘You tried to **** me, didn’t you, you asshole?’
He twisted and squirmed, pain and hatred consuming him.
‘Didn’t you?!’
She rammed her foot down harder.
‘Yes, you fucking bitch!’ Derrick cried, her foot easing up. ‘And I woulda’ too. I woulda’ if it weren’t for that fucking whore friend of yours!’
She released her foot, stepping back so as to get a better look at him in this state. Sprawled across the cubical floor, butt naked, head propped up against the toilet seat. Tears and saliva trickling down his face, his eyes puffy and pink, full of hatred and rage that seemed to pierce her with their gaze. His penis, no longer quite so impressive, lay dead across his leg. Flaccid and quivering atop his enormously swollen testicles. Derrick’s purple, bruised scrotum hung weakly, it’s contents near mush.
‘So long as we’re being honest with one another, Derrick,’ Laura muttered as her deserving victim coughed and wheezed, ‘Why don’t you tell me all about Elizabeth Greene.’
‘Who?’ Derrick hacked with utter contempt.
‘Oh, you know, Liz. That ‘whore friend of mine’. The one who failed where I succeeded in escaping your own, private booty call. I believe you’ve more than met.’
The cubical door swung open, Derrick’s mind swam with wonderful thoughts. He was saved. Help was here. They’d heard his screams. They’d see what was taking place here. They’d take this bitch away. Lock her up.
No such luck.
Derrick’s eyes widened in horror. Hope of rescue faded.
Liz stood tall and proud by the cubical door, smirking at the sight of her pathetic, incapacitated ******. She slinked forward, nylon rope in hand. She locked the cubical door, turning to face Derrick. She grinned.
‘You didn’t think we’d let you off that easily did you?’
End of Chapter Three
Out of interest is anybody enjoying these at all? Is it worth my continuing?
07-05-2007, 06:29 AM
Most definitely...please continue
07-05-2007, 09:07 AM
Most definitely...please continue
:loveeyes Please do continue! this is great, 2 pissed of women taking their anger on a guy keep it going :loveeyes
07-05-2007, 01:40 PM
You're writing an excellent story. :bananajum Please do continue.
07-06-2007, 02:25 AM
Part One: Derrick Swanson
Chapter Four
Laura propped Derrick up against the cubical wall, lifting his limp, naked body from the cold tiled floor as he let out soft gurgling sounds. Liz crouched down and eagerly set to work, her black miniskirt riding up her leg as she began binding his hands to the metal toilet roll dispenser. She made sure to make it extra tight, the nylon digging deep into his skin, rubbing his wrists raw. But the rope burn paled in comparison to the aching sensation in his balls.
He sat there, legs spread wide, too weak to move, hoping it’d all be over soon. He stared up at his captors whilst they eyed his shrivelled manhood, dangling weakly between his legs. His testicles practically pulsated, laying swollen and bruised against the floor, each throbbing motion sending jolts of pain throughout Derrick’s body. His eyes rolled in his head, his mouth opening and shutting, trying to find the words.
‘Why are you doing this?’ he whimpered.
Liz finished tightening the final knot before stepping into view, kneeling before Derrick’s battered body. She looked him in the eye, smirking.
‘Not such hot shit now, are you?’ she hissed, allowing her knee to find its way between Derrick’s legs, pressing against his purple sack. ‘Not such fucking hot shit at all.’
She shifted her weight abruptly, applying her full body weight to her knee. To Derrick’s balls. He squealed, his high pitched cry resonating throughout the empty locker room. She grinned, slapping him across the face as she stood to her feet.
Laura chuckled, rubbing her now thoroughly lubricated pussy, hidden away behind that pair of tight jeans. It excited her. Breaking a man. But what’s more, she loved to watch her girlfriend as she sadistically toyed with him. Caused him pain. She eyed her up and down. That short red hair. That tiny waist. Those long, silky smooth legs she so effortlessly applied to his groin. It was delicious.
‘We’re doing this, Derrick,’ Liz continued, clearly enjoying this state of power, ‘because someone has to teach you a lesson in respect.’
‘That’s right. Someone’s gotta’ teach you, Dick,’ Laura chimed in, squatting down between Derrick’s spread legs, eyeing his jewels, ‘That when you abuse it, you lose it.’
She grabbed hold of his package firmly, preparing to squeeze. Her mere touch sent a shooting pain throughout Derrick’s body, his stomach tightening. He opened his mouth to scream, awaiting his punishment.
Laura tightened her grip.
‘No, please!’ Derrick snivelled, behind tears, ‘Wait, please!’
Laura continued to twist. Derrick shrieked, flailing about frantically, unable to move, bound to the metal dispenser. Liz placed one hand upon her shoulder.
‘Hold on,’ she mused, ‘lets hear him out.’
Laura released her tight grip upon his balls, still cupping them in hand.
‘Never again,’ Derrick begged, ‘I won’t do it again! I’m sorry! I’m sorry, I won’t do it again, please. Please, just let me go. I won’t do it again.’
He lay there crying, tears streaming down his face. Laura looked up at Liz. The expression on her face said it all. Pathetic.
‘The great Derrick Swanson,’ Liz spoke, ‘Reduced to a snivelling girl.’
‘You’re right, Dick,’ Laura said, her words echoing in his mind, ‘You won’t do it again. And not just because by the time we’re through with you, you’ll have learned your lesson about fucking with the women in this school. But because by the time we’re done with you, no girl will ever want to let your disfigured, shattered manhood near her body ever again.’
‘We could just let you off with a warning, Derrick,’ Liz spat, ‘but then you wouldn’t have learned anything. Everybody has to pay the price for their actions. And you have a lot to pay for.’
Derrick’s eyes widened. He shook his head in fear, knowing what came next. But he couldn’t stop it. Laura gripped his testicles firmly, squeezing them hard. She dug her fingernails deep into his fleshy eggs as he rolled about in agony, screaming. The pain was unbearable. His muscles spasmed and his stomach wrenched. She yanked harder, stretching them further from his body. He shrieked. She twisted. He spluttered. She grinded. She felt each nut individually, squeezing them between her thumb and forefinger. Laura couldn’t help but laugh as she watched him there. The first of many men that had caused her so much trouble, and she had him by the balls. To think he had fallen so hard, become so helpless, all thanks to those two, tiny orbs in the palm of her hand.
Finally she released. Standing to her feet to join her partner. The two of them stood there, watching the man before their feet as he continued to spasm on the floor. Still feeling the devastating effects of a woman’s power in his genitals. He moaned, releasing a series of pain induced snorts and grunts.
‘Bitch!’ he hacked, anger taking over, ‘I’ll kill you, you fucking bitch!’
He struggled against his shackles, attempting to break free in a fit of rage.
‘Help!’ he screamed, ‘Help me! Fucking hel-anngh‘
Derrick coughed and spluttered, as Liz removed her foot from his groin, readying another swing. She connected with a satisfying slapping sound echoing all around. The sound of his testicles rising beneath her foot. The sound of them slamming together in their silly, skin pouch. The sound of pure agony. It was music to her ears.
She drove her foot back into his nuts, landing a perfect drop-kick. Again. And again. Each time she connected, the pain doubling in scale. An amazing sensation overcame her. She couldn’t stop. She kicked again. Again. A sixth time. Seventh. Ten times. It was such a rush. The feeling of absolute control. Of power. Liz felt her crotch dampen. She’d never been so turned on and yet, at the same time, so enraged. She took Derrick by his matted hair and rammed his face forcefully under her skirt, burying his nose deep against her damp panties.
‘Is this what you want you sick fuck?’ she screamed, ‘You want it? Take it you prick! How does it feel now?’
Laura had never seen Liz act in such a manner. So confident. So forceful. So in charge. So appealing. It drove her wild. She rubbed her cooch more quickly. Harder, as Liz buried Derrick’s face deep into her snatch harder and harder.
Finally she let go, his head slamming back against the cubical wall. He coughed and wheezed, gasping for air desperately. His dick began to throb, meekly standing to attention. He desperately attempted to hide it, rolling to one side, hands still bound tightly to the wall.
‘We hope you’ve learned your lesson, Dick,’ Laura spoke up, wrapping her arm around Liz’s waist, ‘because if we hear you ever, ever so much as look at another girl in that way again, we will come for you. And we wont be as kind as we have been this particular afternoon’
Liz grabbed hold of Derrick’s arm, lifting his limp body. He hobbled up to his knees, by the toilet edge, a now painfully obvious erection staring up at them above a pair of black and blue balls.
‘And don’t even think of telling people what happened here today, Dick,’ Laura continued. ‘Because if you do, well. We’ll let them know.’
‘That you tried to **** us.’
‘It’s our word against yours, Dick.’
‘Who’re they gonna’ believe? You?’
Laura crouched down, right next to him. She whispered behind an evil grin into his ear; ‘Or two, helpless, little, girls?’
She stood back to her feet, chuckling. Derrick winced as Liz gently propped his dangling testicles against the toilet rim.
‘Oh and Dick,’ Laura spoke, ‘Just in case you had any doubts,’
Liz lowered the toilet seat carefully, positioning Derrick’s aching, swollen balls beneath it. Trapped between seat and rim.
‘Just in case you thought someone might believe you,’
Liz grabbed his hardon forcefully, placing it over the toilet seat edge. She grinned. A tear rolled down his cheek.
‘We did take out one little insurance policy.’
And then he saw it. Laura slid her hand into her pocket to reveal a little black box. A tape recorder. And it was switched on.
‘Let me play you my very favourite part,’ Laura smirked, rewinding the tape.
Liz placed the toilet seat lid over the top of Derrick’s erect penis, creating a manhood sandwich of his genitals against the porcaline toilet.
Laura pressed play. Click!
* Ksht-es! Yes! I raped them! Fuck! *
Derrick’s eyes widened. Liz placed her foot upon the toilet seat cover. Laura smiled. She placed her foot upon the toilet seat cover. Derrick struggled, trying desperately to free himself. Liz raised her well toned, silky smooth leg, her moist, red panties just visible from underneath her skirt. Laura raised her long, juicy leg high, accentuating her perfect ass from behind blue, skin tight jeans.
Two feet came crashing down upon the porcaline, seat lid.
The next morning at school, Derrick Swanson could be seen limping meekly about the corridors. It was theorized and, widely accepted, that these were simply the signs of one epic afternoon’s worth of sex. Some students even claimed to have heard his moans and screams of pleasure upon their way past the women’s locker room. More still claim to have spied his hideously crooked and disfigured penis in the showers after football practice; his price for the greatest sexual encounter of this or indeed, any lifetime. But such talk was often regarded as nothing but hearsay.
Oddly enough Derrick refused to talk about his afternoon with Laura North, and preferred her name to go unmentioned. The students found such behaviour odd in their kingpin of chauvinism, accompanied by his sudden lack of readiness to grab a girls ass in history class. It was a popular school joke or rumour that the almighty ‘Dick’ had lost its balls. They would never know how truly close to the mark they were.
Laura too, came to school with a limp that day, interestingly enough from actually having the greatest, most animal-lust driven sex of her life. But not with Derrick Swanson as the rumours would have one believe, but rather Elizabeth Greene. Her lover.
Forever watching from the shadows, Laura continued to make sure Derrick kept in line, although her presence was unnecessary. One look in the direction of his shattered manhood was all he needed to be reminded of the promise he’d need keep. Reminded of his ordeal. The day he’d been emasculated by the hands of two, young girls.
And he would not be the last.
For Derrick Swanson, was only number one on The List.
End of Chapter Four
All feedback appreciated before I begin the next part in this tale. :D
07-06-2007, 06:09 AM
Teriffic story, please continue.....
07-06-2007, 10:55 AM
Great Job :D
07-07-2007, 12:53 AM
Part Two: Eric Winchester
Chapter One
As early as Laura could care to remember, she had been fascinated by testicles. Never attracted. Fascinated. They just seemed so inherently ridiculous. Dangling there. Flopping about between a man’s legs all day. Terribly exposed. Terribly frail. Just waiting to be taken advantage of.
Still, to this day, she could remember the very first time she had seen a man take a hit to the nuts. Her father. Growing up, Laura had not had an easy childhood. Her father, besides being a deadbeat, was a raging alcoholic. And an angry drunk. Often he’d return home wasted, the smell of booze still lingering on his breath from a night out with the boys, whilst her mother attempted to juggle a career and family. He beat her. Whether Laura was in the room or not, it didn’t matter. Too many times she had sat, sobbing in the corner, watching her mother’s body tossed about like a rag doll as she received each succeeding blow.
But there was one time that had really stuck with her. That monumental occasion which tipped the balance in her mother’s favour. Rekindled her self esteem. Her confidence. Her father returned home one Saturday evening, drunk as per usual. An argument had ensued, a certain fire in her mothers eye like she had never seen before. She was fed up. Sick and tired of his abuse. Young Laura had ran to her usual corner, hugging her stuffed animal tightly, knowing only too well what was coming next. The argument became heated. His father boomed angrily, slurring his words as he raised his fist. Laura closed her eyes as he backhanded her mother. A tear rolled down her cheek.
But then, a sound unlike any she had heard before. A dull ‘thud’ followed by a low gurgle. Her father’s moan. She opened her eyes to see her mother’s foot planted firmly in his crotch. His pants bunched up. A bulge clearly visible, hanging weakly over her mother’s ankle. He keeled over, grasping that strange bulge between his legs, gasping for air. She raised her head, dropping her stuffed toy as an inquisitive look crept upon her face. She wasn’t sure what was happening exactly. But she knew he was in pain. She knew her mother enjoyed it. She knew she enjoyed it.
Her father rose to his feet, legs shaking, wobbling like a plate of her favourite strawberry jelly. He looked mad. Madder than he had ever been. He raised his fist once more to swing. Too slow. Her mother swiftly swung her arm forward, seizing his groin within her hand. That strange bulge. She twisted hard as he squealed, whimpering like a little girl. Like she had done not weeks ago after scraping her knee. She stared at her mother. So confidant. So in control. She stared at her mothers hand. Her own palm. Could she really bring a man so large to his knees with the power of only this palm?
When all was said and done, later that day, her father having left for a prolonged talk to some strange men in suits, her mother had attempted to place what she had seen there, that day, into perspective. And whilst many words were thrown around that she was not entirely sure she understood, there was one thing her mother had said that stood out vividly in Laura’s mind. That boys, it was said, had something different down there. A silly little thing called a ‘penis’. And with every ‘penis’, it was also said, there must come a pair of testicles.
Balls, her mother had called them. Balls.
And with this information at hand, accompanied by what she had witnessed that evening – well, it didn’t take a genius to figure out that those ‘balls’ hurt.
‘Who do we target next?’ Liz asked eagerly.
‘You sound like you’re enjoying this.’ Laura smirked.
‘Aren’t you?’
‘Well,’ Laura giggled, ‘I can’t say I didn’t love seeing that douchebag, Derrick get what was coming to him.’
‘And I can’t say I didn’t love watching you. You were awesome in there,’ Liz blushed, smiling, ‘and, well, later that night.’
The two leaned in closer over the library desk, their exquisite, rounded breasts pressing against the table edge. Liz gazed longingly into Laura’s deep, green eyes, biting her lower lip slightly. She motioned in, kissing her, her brilliant red coloured hair clashing against Laura’s shoulder length, brown rock-chick style do. Laura felt Liz’s moist lips against hers, her tongue massaging her own gently.
A flash of light!
The two pulled away abruptly, confused.
Another flash.
A weedy, young man stood before them, digital camera raised as he snapped a quick shot or two, a brilliant flash of light emitted with each click. He lowered his camera slowly, a grin creeping upon his face, baring a row of metal along his gawky teeth. He chuckled to himself. An irritating chuckle as he pushed his glasses further up the bridge of his nose with one finger.
‘Eric!’ Liz screamed, ‘Fuck off you little rat!’
Laura watched as the boy bounded off to his computer desk in a hurry, quite obviously pleased with himself, eager to upload his new prize to the local shared drive. She turned to face Liz, fuming.
‘I know who next,’ she said firmly, ‘our next little target’.
She spread her list across the table, the ink used to etch out Derrick Swanson’s name still fresh. She ran her finger down each name slowly, scanning them all until she found it. Her finger stopped. Liz leaned over.
‘Number six,’ Liz grinned.
‘Eric Winchester’.
End of Chapter One
And so begins part two.
07-09-2007, 01:16 AM
Nice story man. Really shows how much control the chics can get.
07-09-2007, 01:58 PM
Hey man, love the story - the idea of two hot girls having a shit list of men to bust is awesome. Looking forward to hearing about poor Eric's fate!
07-10-2007, 10:06 AM
I like it. Well Done!
07-10-2007, 10:25 AM
Great ones :ibow4u:
07-10-2007, 09:35 PM
Bleh. Been having a pretty busy and eventful week.
Just posting to let you know that the next chapter should be up sometime soon now that I've got some time to myself. Probably later today or tomorrow.
Thanks for all the kind words, guys.
07-12-2007, 03:31 PM
good story. i have one in mind but i want to get it write before i put in down in a forum.
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