View Full Version : True Stories?
07-06-2007, 12:39 PM
I'd like to start a new thread of actual experiences, yours or seen, bustee or buster. NOT fantasies or creative stories. Since it's my thread, I would especially like to know how incapacitated was the bustee, for how long. Like, could he/you truly not get up or function to save his life? Like, if he fell on the railroad track in front of a train, couldn't get up.
Alternatively, squeezed so hard you/he were equally helpless. Couldn't break the girl's grip.
I, (un)fortunately, have never been really busted. I've had girlfriends try to knee me in the balls, but they actually liked me & I think they held back -- the result being that it hurt a couple of times and I sat down to take a break, but that's it. I can't imagine a pain so bad you just collapse helplessly & uncontrollably. The worst pain I've felt or could imagine is a badly stubbed toe, which makes me hop instead of collapse.
07-06-2007, 05:14 PM
and welcome to the forum. I do not think that a specific thread is required to fulfill your fantasy. There are numerous stories scattered around the forum and all should have something to add to your knowledge.
To close, a positive contribution would be more relevant than an attempt to suck in posts to meet your need.
07-12-2007, 12:47 AM
I was getting a lap dance from this girl, a blond with long legs and double Ds. She busted me twice during the lap dance, and I did not even request it. First, she put her knee right in my crotch. She must have detected how gratifying that was to me, because later in the dance she busted me even fiercer. She reached down and squeezed my nutsack. She just totally squeezed my nutsack. I, of course, loved it, but I think she also liked it. It was her way of manifesting the superiority of the female sex.
07-12-2007, 05:26 AM
Ballbusting in real life is often less spectacular than in fantasy stories or in the (obviously scripted) video-clips. But i've actually been kneed in the balls by my lady boss - more or less by accident, not very hard, and only once (by her), but still...
It happened a few years ago while i was working as a management consultant for a government agency near Amsterdam - the executive in charge of the dept. was an attractive 35 years old female ("M."), who was quite dominant and even somewhat possessive towards her male underlings, especially me! I got to know her well, and there was some degree of sexual tension between the two of us. She was/is a lady who likes to tease guys and she's quite free-spirited. Sometimes (on casual fridays) I would show up at work in jeans and i noticed her on several occasions checking out my (noticeable) bulge... Her reaction seemed to be a mix of irritation and excitement - she even commented about it to her secretary at one time (with me rather red-faced and the secretary laughing out loud)!
Anyway, after about seven months at the project we had a party with several business partners at a restaurant/bar in Amsterdam. I had other engagements beforehand and I showed up quite late, wearing jeans + jacket. Boss lady M. was noticeably irritated as the occasion turned out to be rather formal, and i suspect she simply loved to "show off" her more senior personel to the relations present...
After dinner & party i was standing around at the bar with M. and two female workmates (one was M's secretary, a very fun and attractive blonde girl about 20 years of age). M. was standing directly to my right, the two other girls to my left. Obviously we had a lot to drink, and the ladies were flirting with me. M. brought up the subject of dress code and me wearing 'those jeans' again... suddenly she put her hand on my right shoulder, swiveled around slightly in front of me, and brought up her right knee straight into my balls!
Although I did have the impression that she didn't intend to do it very hard, and mainly wanted to impress the other girls and make her point towards me, she did it a lot harder than intended. I dropped my drink and doubled over in pain while the two other girls (after a short stunned silence) simply exploded in laughter! M. giggled a lot and was clearly enjoying my reaction, although she later enquired whether I was alright. She explained that she didn't intend to do it as hard as she did, but that she felt it was well deserved!
Anyway, although I did have to sit down from the pain, it subsided relatively quicky and the next day (after the drinks wore off, i guess) M. apologized profusely. Actually we had a good laugh about it.
Nothing more came of it, although in hindsight I could have suggested something along the lines of her needing more practice and precision in busting a guys' testicles... :Baahaha: Who knows what would have developed then. But... well... I was in a relationship at the time and I'm one of those serious guys who doesn't believe in playing around sexually, when you're in a serious commitment.
Well that's it (as far as Ms. ball-kicking boss-lady is concerned), hope you enjoyed it!
-- Jonathan
I'd like to start a new thread of actual experiences, yours or seen, bustee or buster. NOT fantasies or creative stories. Since it's my thread, I would especially like to know how incapacitated was the bustee, for how long. Like, could he/you truly not get up or function to save his life? Like, if he fell on the railroad track in front of a train, couldn't get up.
Alternatively, squeezed so hard you/he were equally helpless. Couldn't break the girl's grip.
I, (un)fortunately, have never been really busted. I've had girlfriends try to knee me in the balls, but they actually liked me & I think they held back -- the result being that it hurt a couple of times and I sat down to take a break, but that's it. I can't imagine a pain so bad you just collapse helplessly & uncontrollably. The worst pain I've felt or could imagine is a badly stubbed toe, which makes me hop instead of collapse.
I have never witnessed a real BB but I have seen lots of fake knees. Girls giving a guy a fake knee just to bully them. Very hot.
@ Jonathan: do you think it was of the alchohol she did it?
07-14-2007, 10:29 AM
No - although after a few drinks inhibitions tend to lessen, ofcourse, and I don't think Ms. M. would have done it "for real" without the drinks.
She actually hit me off-center, and mainly got my left bollock but precisely with her kneecap. It hurt really bad! It's strange that a large part of the pain is within the lower stomach, and that stays for quite a while, presumably because of the muscles on which the testicles are hanging.
I guess she enjoyed what she did to me - only later did she enquire if I was alright. The other two girls almost couldn't stop laughing! That was also a part of what moved her to do it as well, I guess, she clearly wanted to show the other ladies who was boss and to confirm her position as 'alpha female'.
Can't say I enjoyed it when it happened, but by the time we were leaving that bar I was hot as hell - a huge erection in my pants. Despite the pain...
- Jon
@ Jonathan: do you think it was of the alchohol she did it?
how tall was she?
did you went to the floor ?
07-16-2007, 01:32 PM
Well, I didn't get to measure her, but she isn't very tall... I would guess about 1.70 m. max (5 feet 7" for all you non-International-System-of-Units types). I'm 6 feet 1'' tall, but she didn't have any trouble getting at my testicles :jumpsmile she just rammed her knee upwards and bye-bye Jonathan...
And no - I did not go to the floor, but I doubled over because of the PAIN in the balls and in my abdomen. I did shuffle backwards to sit down on a bench which was against the back wall, and it took me a while before I could sit straight up. I felt somewhat nauseous. Later on I went to the washroom to check out my equipment, but apart from the pain in my ballsack and in my abdomen nothing was wrong - phew! Luckily it all still works...
I can't tell you too much about her, apart from the fact that I found her very sexy in a business-like/bossy kind of way. She had blonde hair just above her shoulders, beautiful blue eyes and a nice (but slightly overweight) figure. She used to wear a variety of nice outfits including business-suits and sometimes even long ensembles with a split on the side which showed off her great legs. Some people seem to think that women or girls need to look like plastic copies of the teenage-idol-of-the-day (like Britney Spears or Shakira or whomever) before they are attractive. I find that utter rubbish. There are a lot of girls and women who deviate (in their measurements) from those standards and are SUPERBLY interesting, sexy and exciting. :bananajum
- Jon
PS: If ANY of you ladies EVER want to try out what it feels like to knee or kick or hit a guy in the bollocks, please do not hesitate to PM me or write me an e-mail. I would love to get what you can dish out. Ofcourse we could meet in a public place, and/or with your girlfriends or husband present... Even if you're not Dutch and just visiting the Netherlands, that could be an ideal opportunity! I'm willing to take WHATEVER you consider fitting.
The experience above just stuck in my mind, and I would like to experience something similar again. No matter that I also love to fuck...
how tall was she?
did you went to the floor ?
07-19-2007, 01:04 AM
(BTW, this stuff happened a long time ago, so I'm remembering it best I can. I try not to exaggerate, but just for the sake of honesty, my memory isn't perfect. But it's dumb to read if I keep interrupting to be like "hmm then I forget exactly what they said." So this goes for this and any story, just realize that it's mostly true but some of the details might be off.)
So it was a random day during the summer before high school started, and I was hanging out at my friend Tommy's house. We were both 14 at the time. We were playing video games in the basement (Madden I think), like just sitting on pillows on the floor, and his sister wanted the tv. His sister was like 12 I think, and she was a whiny bitch.
We kept saying no, and eventually she went up to Tommy and pretended like she was gonna kick his nuts. He flinched a little but didn't give her the remote. Then next think I know she wound up and nailed him! He let out a big moan and then was like "god you bitch."
Jen was like "what?" and then kicked him again 3 times, like not as hard but real quick. Bam-bam-bam before he had a chance to cover up. Then Tommy caught her foot and was like "stop, i'll give you the fucking remote." She was like "good, that's what you get for being a jerk." His jaw kinda dropped while she was kicking him and he was groaning a lot and was in obvious pain. I didn't say anything cause I didn't wanna get kicked haha.
He was kinda being a jerk to her but he didn't deserve that lol. The funny part is I was wearing basketball shorts and started to get hard watching, but i don't think they saw. Tommy was definitely embarrassed and laid there holding his nuts for like 5 minutes, giving his sister dirty stares every once in a while. When we left to go upstairs he pushed her, and she brought her fist back like she was gonna punch him in the nuts again. I'm not sure if she was serious or not, but Tommy was ready anyways cause he already had his hands there and was like turned away to hide them. She just kinda pushed him back lightly and was like "just go upstairs."
Later he admitted that she does that a lot when she wants something. I told him to just beat her up next time haha. This was the first time I ever saw another guy get owned like that in the nuts by a girl. I remember thinking that at least when it happened to me once before it was an older and bigger girl... this was his little sister lol. And it happened in front of me too, so that musta been extra embarrassing to him.
We were playing basketball later and i tried really hard to nut him "by accident." I didn't want him to know i did it on purpose cause i didn't want him to know i was turned on by it. and plus it'd be kinda mean. on one rebound though i went up as he was coming down and i didn't think i got him but he like yelped and was like "dude, my nuts" in an annoyed voice and held them, and then put his hands on his hips and bent over with his eyes closed and took a couple deep breaths. i just said "sorry man" and laughed a little. haha. i was glad i got him though... i felt like he needed it once more... if his sister can do it i can do it too haha.
This is the first time I ever wrote about this or told it to anyone, it feels good to get it out.
07-31-2007, 01:20 PM
and welcome to the forum. I do not think that a specific thread is required to fulfill your fantasy. There are numerous stories scattered around the forum and all should have something to add to your knowledge.
To close, a positive contribution would be more relevant than an attempt to suck in posts to meet your need.
This is a forum where people come to play out all aspects of the ballbusting fetish. It becomes apparent after a while that this is a multi-facted fetish with lots of little niche areas. People enjoy ballbusting for their own, varied reasons, and different people enjoy different aspects of it. I don't see anything wrong with starting a thread in order to cater to one's own particular fantasy. In fact, isn't that kind of the point of this place???
What we do not need is people implying that new threads are not making a "positive contribution" to the forum.
In fact, does it not taste a bit hypocritical to imply this about someone who has chosen to start a thread of their own, instead of sniping at other people's?
How much of a "positive contribution" can anyone consider that to be?
08-03-2007, 09:34 AM
I had an experience in which I hurt my balls; but they weren't kicked by a girl, but rather I got hurt in the presence of one.
It was in the morning. I came an hour before school as I always did in that particular year because my homeroom teacher was a very hot twenty-something year old who had only been out of college for about two years, and I always came early to help her fix up the classroom.
I was arranging the desks. I came to this corner of the room where three desks were jumbled together, and were stuck to each other; you know, the legs got tangled with each other, etc. Anyway I began trying to separate the desks. At one point I tried to pry one desk free; I was standing at the corner of it. I succeeded, but I pulled so hard that the corner of the desk rammed right between my legs, and it hit both my balls.
I let out a sharp grunt of pain and immediately held my hands to my crotch. My teacher turned and asked if I was alright. I said 'yeah I'm okay, just embarassed.' She asked why I was embarrassed, and I told her how I find it embarassing whenever I hurt my balls while a female is watching; she didn't get it, said it was just "stupid male pride thing."
08-06-2007, 11:34 AM
and whilst not initially enamoured with the thread I do like some of the contributions.
To answer the post by jellylegs. I found the initial post quite juvenile, "tell me how badly you're balls hurt so I can W**k off" sort of angle. I didn't see it as positive coming from someone who's closest version of pain was a stubbed toe.
On a more positive note relating to the thread I have had one instance of a guy pass out. I was quite worried at the time (well sort of), if I can find the story in the archive I'll do a link. It also might illustrate the consequences of bb, I had to change jobs and move to a new area.
08-06-2007, 11:43 AM
and here it is, a long time ago now !
I was a couple of years out of college and was assigned to help on a training course at a local hotel with some regional managers from our firm. I got to organise the flipcharts, the overnight stays and the coffee (well it was the 80's).
Most of the first day I spent scribbling away on the charts while the chaps chattered away, not very exciting! After they'd had dinner the seminar turned to the competition and that as some of them had female sales reps, they were at an advantage. More specifically that this was discussed as a dirty tactic as the woman would/could use her charms/persuasiveness to make business go smoothly. I just kept taking notes until the manager from Surrey looked up at me and asked if I had any views, being the only woman in the room. I did of course and pointed out that only a certain type of man would be swayed. This caused huge laughter and various "dirty slut" comments, led by the Surrey chap, a very confident, overbearing man of about 40. I walked out to the bar in disgust. Not the best of days so far.
Later the guy from Surrey came over to see me complete with a bottle of champagne, profusely apologising, mainly to my clevage. I was getting annoyed. He just wouldn't go and wouldn't take no, thinking he had some right because of his position, and perhaps because I was young. It was clear what he wanted so I decided it was time to sort this out.
I put on a little of my seductive act, got his room number in 2 minutes flat an told him to be ready, naked in 10 minutes and that I'd give him the time of his life. He practically ran up those stairs.
On the dot I was at his door, still smouldering. He opened it with a flourish, and a bit of a wobble, (he'd had a few). What nearly threw me was the hair, he was covered! I'd never seen so much hair apart from on a dog, still, I smiled and pushed him backwards and onto the bed. There was just no way I wanted to be anywhere near intimate with him, but I wanted to teach him a lesson or two about how you shouldn't always get what you wish for (it was Christmas!).
Some more seductive noises about how powerful he was, and how I wanted to take all night and I knew from his eyes and his smallsize erection that he was mine!
I took his tie and tied one wrist around the bedpost and fondled his balls a little (that hair!). I took off my tights to tie the other hand and found two more ties in his wardrobe for his ankles. I stood back and looked at the naked hairball grinning up at me. I suppose I didn't look too threatening so I gave his balls a fairly hard squeeze and told him that I was really going to be a slut tonight, but first he had to be clean.
He was all for it saying he'd do anything, absolutely anything. I took out a clean hankerchief and stuffed it in his mouth as I pulled his balls downwards, only his eyes changed, going wide, I gave a nice firm squeeze and let go. His breath came in snorts a bit but I didn't care.
It was the hair that decided it, I had to shave him. I took out my scissors, lifted the now soft dick and began to snip away. He writhed about a little but I told him I might slip and put the cold steel against his right testicle. He went very still as I cut away at his hairs. I teased him all the while, saying that this would help him make the most of his assets and that dirty sluts did like their men clean. He did get erect a couple of times but the cold blades against his balls soon stopped that!
After a while the hairs got very short so I went to his bathroom and came back with his shaving brush, warm water and a razor. His face went pale and his breathing became very fast. I told him that it was time for a more personal service as I soaped his scrotum, using my nails to get the lather into all the right places. He squirmed a bit but the flash of the razor brought instant stillness so I could scrape away with ease. It took awhile to do but I shaved him all around his cock, around his balls but I left the hairs behind and on the front of his balls, and up his cock.
I dried him off and let him recover for a few long minutes, sat between his legs and just handling him lightly until he relaxed and got hard again, teasing that he was just perfect now for a slut like me, and that we had hours until brekfast. He mumbled through his gag and looked up at me like a child in a candy store. I glanced theatrically at his balls and said that ooops I'd been a silly slut and missed a bit. I quickly got sellotape from my bag and, without letting him see, pressed it all along the hairs I'd deliberately missed, from under his balls to about halfway up the underneath of his cock.
I played with him some more, his balls were so smooth and I'm sure he appreciated every little bit of their exposure to my hands and nails as I worked them around. He soon couldn't take more and I held his balls from underneath, and just as he made to come I yanked up the sellotape as hard as I could.
He fainted, I dressed and left.
Aggie x
08-07-2007, 01:32 AM
and here it is, a long time ago now !....
He fainted, I dressed and left.
Aggie x
Hallo Agneta,
I would never be able to have such a mischievous behaviour with a Female generally and with a colleague particulary. But what the Surrey boss got, seems to be much more a prize rather than a punishment.
However... compliments!:ibow4u:
08-08-2007, 05:53 PM
Like a lot of other guys my bb-fetish came strongly in high school. A girl in my class got a new pair of cowgirl boots, very fashionable at that time. I have always had a bootfetish, and fell in love with those boots :iluvu: She couldn't possibly not notice the attention I was giving her and her boots, and luckily she responded in a very, very nice way. It didn't take long before it was normal for her to be resting her boots in my lap and things like that while we were talking, I would say we were boot-flirting:thumbup Anyway, one day she tried to kick me in the balls by sailing on a chair with wheels into them, but missed. She cursed and asked me to stand still. I did, and that sparked about an 18 months ballbusting relationship. She seemed to love the fact that she could do whatever she pleased to me, at least as long as she was wearing her boots. We were a couple, but as soon as we were alone my balls were in for it. Unfortunately, as all good things does, it came to an end. To this day most of my fantasies comes from my experiences with her.
08-09-2007, 07:43 PM
about ten years ago my gf at the time was driving me to her familys house in maine. i think being driven around by a girl is kind of emasculating anyways. but i said something to her that she didnt like and she reached over and punched me really hard in the balls. it hurt bad and i wouldnt speak to her for about ten minutes. she thought it was funny and was like aww poor baby are you mad at me for hitting you in the nuts? and i said yeah actually, to which she replied"Aw just cut em' off!" and i said why so they wouldnt hurt anymore? "Exactly!" she said with a grin. hot. evil, but hot.
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