View Full Version : does it still hurt if the male organ stops all function?

07-08-2007, 06:12 PM
I read some articles about shemale,and it states that shemale have both organs, however in many cases, only female organ works.male organ just hangs up.

question-in this case, if the personbeing hit testicles, will it still hurt?

07-08-2007, 06:50 PM
The 'shemales'(porn term) you talk of are intersexed people. If they have testicles, then I suppose there's still nerves in them, so yes it would hurt from the same things it'd hurt a man.

07-10-2007, 01:53 PM
Its already been clarified but i still wanted to add in.
A shemale is born a man who later in life becomes transgender.

What you are talking about, a person born with both sexes is a hermaphrodite. In these cases, a testicle can form where ovaries would form normally in a woman and never descend or you can get one testicle in a sack and one ovary where it normally happens. and so on.