View Full Version : Nut Stomping Safety
07-11-2007, 08:04 PM
I asked this in the nut stomping thread, but I figured it might be good to start a new thread for this.
My gf and I have done a small amount of trampling with a board and stuff, but we are looking to do more intensive sessions. I was just wondering if anyone has any advice on doing it safely, and can give some definitive answers to just how much one can take without getting seriously injured?
07-12-2007, 05:11 PM
174 views but no reply?
Is there a reason no one ever replies to questions like these?
07-12-2007, 05:17 PM
My wife and i have done some serious trampling, kicking, kneeing squeezing etc. as you can find if you search the links video spot for our videos and I've had no injuries :-D
My wife stood on my nuts with boots on our kitchen table and stomped several times, no injuries :)
07-12-2007, 06:29 PM
BustedCouple, thanks alot, I enjoyed your videos. We have done the kicking and slight trampling stuff too, I was just wondering about doing more actually standing on my nuts, and it seems to have worked out ok for you.
BTW, are you only giving your videos to people that privmsg now?
07-12-2007, 11:35 PM
174 views but no reply?
Is there a reason no one ever replies to questions like these?
In my experience, most people on forums like this are talkers, watchers, and wanna-bees, not do-ers.
07-13-2007, 05:55 AM
In my experience, most people on forums like this are talkers, watchers, and wanna-bees, not do-ers.
Bad mood this morning? :D For my part I always hesitate to give advice because I am not a doctor. My wife has stomped, crushed in a vice/wrench, and pierced through both my testicles with multiple needles, and I still function and was able last month to get her pregnant.
BUT we both knew full well that we were taking a risk with everything she did. That was part of the excitement for us. That she had the power to destroy them, and that I was willing to let her.
07-13-2007, 08:10 AM
Bad mood this morning? :D For my part I always hesitate to give advice because I am not a doctor. My wife has stomped, crushed in a vice/wrench, and pierced through both my testicles with multiple needles, and I still function and was able last month to get her pregnant.
BUT we both knew full well that we were taking a risk with everything she did. That was part of the excitement for us. That she had the power to destroy them, and that I was willing to let her.
No- not in a mood- I was responding to a specific question with the reason I believe there is little advice but plenty of "views". Most people on this forum (and other BB forums) are here to collect pictures and dream. Compare the number of views to the number of real contributions in any thread here. Of course it's particularly noticeable with NEW material (not something found elsewhere or something captured from TV or DVD). Over the course of any given couple of months we probably have here 3 or 4 cartoonists, 3 or 4 guys sharing short home movies, 5 or 6 story-writers, and 5 or 6 pay site representatives (I am one) who share the occasional "trailer" or picture.
Most everybody else is just collecting.
07-13-2007, 03:38 PM
Most everybody else is just collecting.
That is too bad. I just joined here, and it looked like a fairly active group. Hopefully maybe things pick up more over time.
07-13-2007, 11:17 PM
07-17-2007, 03:16 PM
My wife stands on and stomps on my balls all the time while they are lieing on a hard surface. I have had most of her body weight on them and never had a problem. As mentioned before though, not all balls are the same so do this with caution.
07-18-2007, 01:48 AM
Hi all,
I must admit I am one of those who mainly view the posts without contributing to it. BUT I decide (regarding a theme I am not convinced that I can write a qualified post) somethimes it is better not to post at all.
As mentioned I mainly read posts, and believe me It is kind of hart finding the good posts out of a big amount of crap! So better no post than shit!
To come back to the topic:
As I wrote several times: I 've done full-weight-standing-on-balls several times with different partners. My advice:
1. make everything very slowly. Put the weight slowly on the balls
2. Consider your partners weight!
If she is 40 to 50 kgs - little or no danger
If 50 to 65 kgs - you are really getting close (or beyond) limits!
If more than 65 kgs - let it be with your partner and find a girl of 50 kgs
for this single event!!!
Have fun
07-18-2007, 04:20 AM
Hallo Tinchen & Others,
It depends on whether the girl is barefoot or wearing boots or shoes (or high heels... :loveeyes). The smaller the surface-area, the higher the pressure on the balls! I've heard the 50 kg. figure before, but it wasn't specified over what surface the force was applied... On the other hand, I know from experience that my testicles hang low in the ballsack, and will move about when pressure is applied by a shoe or a boot - they will spill to the side and try to run away from danger! :Baahaha: Only if the boots are very big, or have large soles, would they succeed in trapping both balls under them at the same time.
By the way, I'm wondering how does one write a grant proposal for such research? :wooow And how does one get enough volunteers to acquire statisticallly relevant data? You would have to take a large and a-select sample of men, pressure their balls beyond the breaking point (the infamous 'pop'), and measure the force at which the damage occurs... Wow!!!
Probably the most cruel way to do this would be to put the guys testicles in a vice and slowly apply the pressure, while taunting and ridiculing him and telling him what you are going to do to him... It would depend on the size of the vices' claws whether the balls would be compressed over the whole surface or whether they would 'spill out' from the sides.
Actually I would LOVE to be on the receiving end of such a treatment, but I'm still gathering courage and don't know whether I would be prepared to go ALL the way... would depend on the sexy-ness and nastyness of the girls performing the research project, I guess!
- Jon
PS: Ich hab vor neun Jahren einige Zeit in Köln und Bonn gewohnt, und hab dort auch eine weile studiert. War wirklich eine fabelhafte Zeit und die Deutsche Gesellschaft, die Kölner kneipen und vor allem die wunderbar hübsche Mädel und Frauen hatten mich fasziniert. Leider war es üblich um English zu benutzen, wo ich studierte, also hab ich nur bedingt die Deutsche sprache gelernt... Aber einiges an deutsch-kenntnis ist immer noch da!
Tschüss! Bitte nicht vergessen dass schöne wetter zu geniessen!
Hi all,
I must admit I am one of those who mainly view the posts without contributing to it. BUT I decide (regarding a theme I am not convinced that I can write a qualified post) somethimes it is better not to post at all.
As mentioned I mainly read posts, and believe me It is kind of hart finding the good posts out of a big amount of crap! So better no post than shit!
To come back to the topic:
As I wrote several times: I 've done full-weight-standing-on-balls several times with different partners. My advice:
1. make everything very slowly. Put the weight slowly on the balls
2. Consider your partners weight!
If she is 40 to 50 kgs - little or no danger
If 50 to 65 kgs - you are really getting close (or beyond) limits!
If more than 65 kgs - let it be with your partner and find a girl of 50 kgs
for this single event!!!
Have fun
One of the nice things about standing on them on a soft surface,like a bed is that they sometimes slip out - that seems to cause more pain and reaction than the standing itself. Yummee!
07-18-2007, 07:58 PM
Hey Lil,
Yeah that's right... as the balls slide out from under the foot, the cords between the testicles and the body get stretched and twisted. MAJOR PAIN :ibow4u:
Take care with your guy!
One of the nice things about standing on them on a soft surface,like a bed is that they sometimes slip out - that seems to cause more pain and reaction than the standing itself. Yummee!
07-19-2007, 05:48 PM
Thank you for the direct advice, as well as advice others have given. She is between 40-50kg, so it sounds like we should be safe. We will of course go slow, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't doing anything that would for sure be dangerous.
Thanks again everyone!
Hi all,
I must admit I am one of those who mainly view the posts without contributing to it. BUT I decide (regarding a theme I am not convinced that I can write a qualified post) somethimes it is better not to post at all.
As mentioned I mainly read posts, and believe me It is kind of hart finding the good posts out of a big amount of crap! So better no post than shit!
To come back to the topic:
As I wrote several times: I 've done full-weight-standing-on-balls several times with different partners. My advice:
1. make everything very slowly. Put the weight slowly on the balls
2. Consider your partners weight!
If she is 40 to 50 kgs - little or no danger
If 50 to 65 kgs - you are really getting close (or beyond) limits!
If more than 65 kgs - let it be with your partner and find a girl of 50 kgs
for this single event!!!
Have fun
07-20-2007, 07:59 AM
Thank you for the direct advice, as well as advice others have given. She is between 40-50kg, so it sounds like we should be safe. We will of course go slow, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't doing anything that would for sure be dangerous.
Thanks again everyone!
So please tell us about your experiences afterwards...
And remember, no one can tell better abouth your limits than yourself.
And one last advice: time is a factor as well. So you should't play with high weights for too much time, since this may weaken the tesicle.
07-20-2007, 03:21 PM
I have had my balls stomped on quite often, without any permanent damage; but it was only barefoot crushing.
I use to kneel aside a low table (the type you usually find in a sitting room), laying my package over it (usually, only the balls rest on the table!). The Lady climbs on the table, and approaches, facing me; she can of course tease my cock, or try to bend it to the table, but serious things begin when she starts gripping my balls with her toes and curling them. She envelops each ball with the toes of one foot, and then she folds her toes vigorously.
If you have decently sized balls, this is not actually too painful, but it brings you to attention.
Serious things start when, still having your balls blocked under her toes, she starts elevating herself on her tiptoes! Her weight is transferred to the part of her feet that actually press on your balls. The higher she lifts herself, the heavier the load on your balls is…
She can of course rotate her feet, with your balls underneath; she can also transfer her weight from one foot (and one ball) to the other…
She had me climaxing a couple of times without any other contact than her feet over my balls and slowly massaging the base of my cock… (and myself stroking her legs and her thighs, and trying to lick her…)
As I mentionned in the title, no accident occured...yet.
BTW, she weighs @ 55 kilos.
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