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View Full Version : the way that ballbusting is part of my life

07-19-2007, 07:52 AM
hi everyone!

i’d like to tell you about my personal ballbusting experiences....they probably are a little different than most of yours....but anyway, the thought of being kicked in the balls has aroused me, or at least fascinated me since even before puberty. it's part of my sexuality, and i love it :)

ok, so here’s the story about the very special way of how ballbusting is part of my life....

some of you will be shocked to hear this, but the center of my ballbusting life has to do with....well, my mom. i know, i know, that sounds weird, but that doesn’t mean at all that i’m lusting for my mom or something like that. so please don’t simply label me as a pervert or something. i will tell you all about it, and hope that after reading it, you will understand it a little bit more. it is all true and i didn’t have to exaggerate in any way. this is just exactly the way it all happened so far....

for some time now, my mom does this to me more and more. she knows i enjoy it, but not that it's something sexual for me. i told her that i just like the feeling, and she believes me. it's honestly not like i'm 'into' my mom, and of course i would prefer some other woman to
do this....but she's just perfect in the way she busts me. ok, if she was ugly or fat or something, i probably couldn't really enjoy it. but fact is, she looks stunning for 46 years. so in the situations where she busts me, i see her only as a beautiful woman who has just kicked my balls up my throat. i love her feminity.

it started while fooling around with her (we have a great relationship in general), when she sometimes threatened me with "blue balls" and started pretending to kick me, and that really turned me on. until one day she finally gave me a light but effective knee to the balls....from this moment on, i started provoking her in every way i could think of. and in fact, it then became somehing like an obligatory part of our 'fooling-around', that she gave me a knee or a backhand. so one time after she kneed me, i simply said something like "come on mom, is that all?....try again!" of course, she thought i was kidding. until she realised that i really wanted her to do it again. and she did....harder. then i told her that i actually love the feeling, and it wouldn't really
hurt me. it would give me more of an "intense feeling, that feels just
great"....and she believed me all of it.

since then she knows she can kick me as hard as she wants, whenever
she wants....and she does. i love the way she acts when she busts
me....the way she laughs, the way she stands over me while i'm
whincing on the ground....her whole arrogant attitude. she's my
personal perfect ballbuster.

my favourite memory happened half a year ago....she was washing the dishes and we were fooling around like always. and then she crouched
down to pick up something, and her thong was sticking out of her pants and visibly disappearing down between her cheeks (if she weren't my mom, i would have loved the view). so i made some stupid joke about her "fat butt" and knew that she would bust me in some way for that. she stood up, came in front of me and smiled. and then....WHAM! she smashed the full bottle of dish soap (!) right into my balls. i slowly went to my knees, moaning in pain. she started to laugh in tears and said "sorry honey" over and over again, even though she knew i enjoyed it. and then she crouched down to me and gave me a long hug, while she was still laughing. and during this hug, i was having the most intense ejaculation i ever experienced. fortunately she didn't notice.

i guess no one else has such a relationship to his mom. but all i wrote here is true, without any exaggeration. i hope none of you is going to label me as a pervert or something, only because i enjoy a sexual
feeling with my mom (without her knowing). but like i said at the
beginning - and you can believe it or not - but i'm not lusting for my mom. i do think that she's an incredibly sexy woman in her 40s, and when she busts me, i enjoy her feminity and beauty. and for my personal ballbusting interrests, she's the perfect ballbuster.

so, that's it. that's the ballbusting part of my own life....:)

07-19-2007, 05:12 PM
Do you masturbate thinking of your mom?

You can show us a picture of your mom and we will consider if your'e weird or not.


If you enjoy it, there's nothing wrong!

07-20-2007, 03:06 PM
While I dont have any of these feelings towards my ACTUAL mom, I have always loved pretending my wife was my mom, and often call her Mommy while she's busting the hell out of me. So no you're not a pervert in my opinion, I think its similar in nature to the ballbusting kink. Our mom is the first strong female figure in our lives after all.

07-21-2007, 12:15 AM
I dont know about the whole mom thing. Definitally not my cup of tea. But she seems like a good ballbuster.

07-21-2007, 08:33 AM
agent mouse - check your Private Message box!

07-24-2007, 10:01 AM
Do you masturbate thinking of your mom?

You can show us a picture of your mom and we will consider if your'e weird or not.


If you enjoy it, there's nothing wrong!

i do masturbate after she kicked me, and do think about the (bb-)situations with her. but i don't think of her body or something. like i said before, i enjoy her beauty and do think that she's sexy. but that only interrests me while she busts me.

oh yeah, and i don't mind showing you guys a pic of her. this is one of her that is already online (it's from my mom's sister's blog), so it's ok for me to post it....

07-28-2007, 05:13 PM
i had to wait more than a week until i finally got busted by my mom again (usually it happens at least 2-3 times a week)...it's not like i haven't tried to provoke her, and she knows i enjoy it. but i can't go to her and simply say "hey mom, would you please kick me"....it has to fit in a certain situation for her to do it. so i was very impatient the last couple of days for the next bust :(

and yesterday it finally happened....she was sitting on the small couch in our living room with crossed legs. we were talking, and as soon as i noticed how our conversation turned into playful teasing again, i slowly approached her during our talk. i then was standing right in front of her with spread legs. my mom of course knew that i'm kinda challenging her to kick me....and then, when i somehow made fun of her again, she swung out her leg (still sitting) and buried the top of her boot into my nuts (she was wearing boots similar to the ones she wears on the pic of her that i've posted here before). it was great. she got me good! my testicles were aching just the way i like it....painful, but still very enjoyable. but as always, the best part was my mom's acting....she kept sitting there with crossed legs, while i was bend over her and moaning. she softly took my face with her right hand and said in a childish-sarcastic voice "oooh, sorry....are my baby's balls hurting now?" and i slid to the ground, while she was lighting herself a cigarette and then walked off....i love her arrogant acting when she busts me!

as soon as she had left thru the door, i ran to my room and jacked off like a maniac....:jumpsmile

08-10-2007, 12:59 PM
lots of backhand slaps to my balls in the last couple of day by my mom. some hurt only a little, and some a little more ;)....

one was great....we were at one of her cousins birthday party, and when i was in the kitchen, which is a pretty small one, she wanted to pass by me to use the toilette. i tried to make room for her, and when she passed me, she gave me a HARD backhand right to the nuts. in front of everyone else, but no one noticed it!....the pain immediately shot thru my testicles and lasted for about 5 minutes. a had to be very careful not to make it seem obvious that i was in such pain. when my mom came back, she gave me a smile, and when she passed by me, she brushed her hand against my crotch and whispered (still smiling) "are you ok?"....and without giving me a chance to answer, she was gone, and started to talk to her cousin and some other guests again. that was so hot! :loveeyes

08-10-2007, 02:13 PM
i don't think you're a pervert. as long as it's enjoyable for both of you it's okay.

08-19-2007, 05:13 PM
i'm very happy about how my mom randomly busts me from time to time, without knowing it's something sexual for me....she knows i enjoy it, and whenever i provoke her, she knows she can bust me. most of the times she just smacks my balls with her backhand, which sometimes hurts only for a couple of minutes, and sometimes a little more. and if i'm lucky she gives me a hard knee or even a real kick to the balls....

but i probably will never have her grabbing and squeezing my nuts. there's no way for me to get grabbed by the balls by her, without her knowing it sexually arouses me. and i'd rather die than let her know this!

or is there any way to get a woman to squeeze your balls, without letting her know it turns you on? i mean, exept pissing her off so much that she does it out of anger....

08-19-2007, 08:19 PM
do you think your mom would bust harder if it was someone elce because she may hold back some on you? I would let her try on me.

08-21-2007, 12:23 PM
Your mother already knows that you find her attention sexually exciting. How could she slap, pinch and smack your testicles and not notice that she was exciting you? Maybe you could encourage her by giving her an appropriate tool for the job asd a present. How about a small pvc spanking paddle, steel high heeled shoes (yes, they do exist), a short flexible cane, or something else useful?


08-22-2007, 06:23 PM
do you think your mom would bust harder if it was someone elce because she may hold back some on you? I would let her try on me.

well, i've see her knee her ex-brother-in-law in the balls, and he was in absolute agony. but some of the knees/kicks/smacks i recieve from her are brutal as well....there have been alot of times when her busts made me think my nust were crushed. ok, could she bust me harder if she wanted?....of course. but is it nessecary?....i don't think so. then pain she usually causes in my testicles feels great just the way it is....;)

08-23-2007, 02:38 PM
agent mouse, you are not a pervert, you are a lucky one i think... :) it is ok both for you and there is no problem. you re saying you re not thinking it is your mom, just a beautiful feminine woman... and you re right, she is beautiful, dominant looking and feminine. the real matter is that what you re thinking in your brain.. our real sexual organs are in our brains.. we are fetishists.. our bains works good on arts.. and our sexual feelings are all some arts..

just enjoy... and share these events with us..;)

08-24-2007, 03:53 AM

I have a lot of agreement with Eggs. Just continue to share your experiences with us. An awful lot of us got our starts with cousins :iluvu:, and neighbor ladies :iluvu: , and sisters (I guess you can tell I didn't have any sisters). Not as many had the benefit of mothers like yours. Please continue to share with us. Your stories are most enjoyable.



08-24-2007, 07:51 AM
agent mouse, you are not a pervert, you are a lucky one i think... :) it is ok both for you and there is no problem. you re saying you re not thinking it is your mom, just a beautiful feminine woman... and you re right, she is beautiful, dominant looking and feminine. the real matter is that what you re thinking in your brain.. our real sexual organs are in our brains.. we are fetishists.. our bains works good on arts.. and our sexual feelings are all some arts..

just enjoy... and share these events with us..;)


I have a lot of agreement with Eggs. Just continue to share your experiences with us. An awful lot of us got our starts with cousins :iluvu:, and neighbor ladies :iluvu: , and sisters (I guess you can tell I didn't have any sisters). Not as many had the benefit of mothers like yours. Please continue to share with us. Your stories are most enjoyable.



thanx to both of you! :thumbup....what you two said made me feel much more comfortable about the whole thing with my mom. and of course i will keep sharing all of my future and past experiences with you....:)

09-18-2007, 11:54 PM
Well it seems that Moms kicking their boys in the boys seem to be getting more popular.

Here is a webshot of a mom who was half play fighting with her son and ended up kicking him between his leggs.


If you look at the pictures right before it, the mom seems to be in a real fighting stance and the looks on her face like she might be worried about her son hurting her.

Here is a youtube of a Mom who was wrestling with her son or a boy and squeezes his balls after he puts her in a headlock. She grabs his pelotas around forty seconds in.


If you are not hard when you play fight your mom you should get a little rough with her the next time you playfight or confront her the next she trys slapping you in the balls. If you are not disabled after the slap, try firmly standing on her feet so that she can't knee or kick your balls, and give her a little real gentle slap on the cheek and see what develops. Maybe give her a little slap and then ask her if that is all she has got and say that slaps are more suited for her fat ass than your plumms. I asked if you got hard
when you are playfighting because if you pin her legs down with your feet and she can't knee you, she will probably try to slap you. If you make fun of her for giving you a harmless little slap, she might try to squeeze your balls, and you probably do not want to have a hard on for that.

10-07-2007, 08:12 AM
I know a lot of people on here have told you that whatever gets you sexually excited is okay. I'm not going to parrot what they are saying.

What you are doing is incestuous. You are teasing your mom to play (howbeit violently) with your genitals to give you a form of sexual pleasure. That's sick.

Your mom really is to blame. This is a form of molestation.

Back off on this. Run away from it. Don't goad your mom into doing things to you that you find sexually arousing. Doesn't the idea of having sex with your mom gross you out? Don't you know it's wrong? Shouldn't doing sexual things with your mom gross you out? Doesn't you think it's wrong? You should. You obviously derive sexual pleasure from getting hit in the testicles.

When you get married some day, you can ease your wife into playing with your testicles. But don't let your mom do it. That's just wrong.

10-07-2007, 12:25 PM
I know a lot of people on here have told you that whatever gets you sexually excited is okay. I'm not going to parrot what they are saying.

What you are doing is incestuous. You are teasing your mom to play (howbeit violently) with your genitals to give you a form of sexual pleasure. That's sick.

Your mom really is to blame. This is a form of molestation.

Back off on this. Run away from it. Don't goad your mom into doing things to you that you find sexually arousing. Doesn't the idea of having sex with your mom gross you out? Don't you know it's wrong? Shouldn't doing sexual things with your mom gross you out? Doesn't you think it's wrong? You should. You obviously derive sexual pleasure from getting hit in the testicles.

When you get married some day, you can ease your wife into playing with your testicles. But don't let your mom do it. That's just wrong.

Agree 100%...that's your mom dude!

10-09-2007, 04:01 AM
@ Balloney

I wouldn´t call their actions incestuous. Ok he is getting sexually aroused, when his mom busts his balls, but it´s definitly not a sexual action for her, besides that she doesnt even know hes getting aroused by this.
Just imagine a mom gives her son face-slap to punish him for whatever, but her son is a crazy fucker like us and likes to be slapped in the face by women and maybe even provocates his mom to do it, is that in****?
I dont think so:)

10-09-2007, 08:53 PM
Didn't he say he told his Mom he liked it, and she still did it?

A mother frequently hitting her child's genitals just aint right, whether he likes it or not.

10-19-2007, 08:01 PM
Didn't he say he told his Mom he liked it, and she still did it?

A mother frequently hitting her child's genitals just aint right, whether he likes it or not.

yes, i told her i like it. but she doesn't know it's something that gives me sexual pleasure. she thinks i simply like the feeling, like getting a back massage. that's it.

10-19-2007, 08:02 PM
@ Balloney

I wouldn´t call their actions incestuous. Ok he is getting sexually aroused, when his mom busts his balls, but it´s definitly not a sexual action for her, besides that she doesnt even know hes getting aroused by this.
Just imagine a mom gives her son face-slap to punish him for whatever, but her son is a crazy fucker like us and likes to be slapped in the face by women and maybe even provocates his mom to do it, is that in****?
I dont think so:)

thanks. you got it.

11-18-2007, 05:47 PM
yesterday i received the hardest kick ever by my mom.

we were kinda playfighting as often, and i (accidentally) pushed her away and she ran into the cupboard and fell to the floor. i felt bad and wanted to apologize, but i started to laugh at her (not nice, i know)....my mom calmly stood up and came in front of me, looking pretty annoyed. i purposely stood there with slightly spread legs (not enough to make my desire too obvious) and she threw out her leg, slamming the top of her foot into my balls. i had never expected such a hard full force kick by her (maybe she gets used to busting me), and i immediatly went to the floor. i curled up in the fetal position and moaned, and my mom just stepped over me and left the room. my testicles were on absolute fire, and this time the pain was almost unbearable to be honest.
it was the very first time my mom kicked me in the balls purely out of anger, instead of playfighting as usually. that's probably why she kicked me FULL FORCE this time. for a few moment i even thought she seriously crushed my nuts, or something like that.
about 5 minutes later, my mom came back to check on me. she crouched down to me, fondled my back, and told me to breathe deeply like she always tells me. but this was the first time she didn't giggle or smile....she was being dead serious. and then, before she left me alone again, she said something incredible....she said "well honey, i guess this time you didn't enjoy it that much"....and in fact, i was in such deep agony that i unfortunately could hardly enjoy my arousement.
i difficulties to sleep last night, because almost every movement caused pain im my testicles. today i have something like a swelling, and i can feel my balls pounding all the time. i tried to touch them to see what they feel like, but they are so damn sensitive right now, that it hurts to much to touch them. opposed to yesterday, my mom giggled and smiled today when she saw me limping and sitting down overcarefully, and at least THAT was a big turn on (my mom's rection to my testicle-pain can be so incredibly sexy), and i could even enjoy it. i guess as soon as the pain is gone (or at least much less), i will fully enjoy my sexual excitement about the whole thing, as i usually do....;)

11-19-2007, 10:06 AM
Awesome. Great story.

11-19-2007, 11:46 AM
This may seem odd to many out there...but ball busting, extreme genital bondage, testicle weights are foreplay for me. I love extreme ball busting sessions. Up until now I have largely gotten them from Professional Mistress, and long ago from a female cousin...she introduced me to extreme genital pain...and I have been hooked ever since.

If any of you lovely ballbusters out there want to give me a run for my money, please feel free to contact me. cbtpetehstn at yahoo dot com. I am in Houston Texas. And I am 100% for real.


11-20-2007, 05:32 PM
Dude, you need to get help. This is your Mom! You get aroused by your Mom. With billions of people in the world, why are you into your Mom?

11-21-2007, 10:10 AM
Dude, you need to get help. This is your Mom! You get aroused by your Mom. With billions of people in the world, why are you into your Mom?

Now you're parroting yourself. He know's its his mom, repeating that isnt going to change how he feels.

I dont think you ever said your age, but so long as you are not a child, (you dont sound like one) and you're not progressing to such acts without clothes, I don't see anything wrong with it.

This is not a common attitude towards such things, but ballbusting in itself is viewed as 'sick' to many people.

11-21-2007, 10:30 AM
I would LOVE to meet your MOM!!! My balls are hers to kick and kick!!!

11-21-2007, 05:29 PM
Now you're parroting yourself. He know's its his mom, repeating that isnt going to change how he feels.

I dont think you ever said your age, but so long as you are not a child, (you dont sound like one) and you're not progressing to such acts without clothes, I don't see anything wrong with it.

This is not a common attitude towards such things, but ballbusting in itself is viewed as 'sick' to many people.

thank you, and yeah i'm old enough, so don't worry ;)....and of course i'm not interessted in anything including nudity and my mom. i can't say it often enough, i'm not into my mom sexually in a traditional kinda way....i don't wanna see her naked, and i don't want to participate in ANY sexual intercourse with her.

i'll try to explain it once again....
95% of the time, my mom is just my mom, who i love and get along very well with. but we also have this teasing-thing together. we playfight, we make jokes, make fun of each other, and even wrestle sometimes. it's a very special thing between only her and me. and yes i do admit, that during these situations i do get sexually aroused. i didn't choose her to be the woman who i share these playfights with, which i enjoy so much. and now i'm simply able to see her feminity and beauty as a woman, and nothing else than a woman. not my mom. i've never seen (neither in real life nor in a video) any other woman, who acts and reacts in a more perfect way than my mom does. for my personal fetish-interests, she is incredibly perfect in the way she does. and the fact that she doesn't even know it arouses me, makes it even more interesting to me. i also do admit, that when she busts me, i really enjoy it if she's dressed in a sexy way (which happens only coincidentally....if i have luck)....like in the picture of her that i've already posted in this thread (short skirt and knee high boots)....but i especially enjoy the feminine curves and sapes of her body. i love it when she leaves me on the ground moaning in pain, and i see her incredible buttcheeks bouncing up and down, while she walks off :loveeyes....yes i do admit, i really find her butt very very sexy. so what? :cool: and i love the things she says and how she says them, during theses situations....when she uses her baby-voice and says "oohh, poor boy....did i hurt your babies?", or when she's laughing as though she's sorry and hugs me while saying "i'm sooo sorry, honey" in a sympathetic way over and over again, or when she's totally arrogant and just steps over me and sits down with crossed legs while i'm writhing on the floor (and sometimes i can enjoy the beautiful thighs of her crossed legs when she's wearing a short skirt and knee high boots). this all are roles she plays, in a game that she thinks the two of us are playing. but she doesn't know that indeed it is the fulfilling of my fetish-dreams.
a couple of times all of this was even enough to make me ejaculate right in front of her, after she's busted me (of course without letting her notice), and those times felt incredibly awsome and i hope it will happen again. but usually i just jerk off right after it. yes, i do think of her and the bb-situation(s) with her while masturbating. i think of the whole event that has just happened, and i do think of her beauty and the beauty of her feminine body.
my fetish consists of 50% physical feeling (the very special and unique pain a man can feel in his testicles) and 50% psychological feeling (the woman's attidue before, during, and after the bust....her whole acting and reacting)....that combined/realized with a woman that i find attractive, is the essence of my ballbusting fetish. and my mom fulfills all of these aspects. so why the hell should i be a totall dumbass, and NOT enjoy it?!

11-22-2007, 02:33 PM
I think that you being busted by your mom is erotic but I personally would not be turned on by being busted by my mother. When I was younger though, I enjoyed being busted by my sister even though I was not sexually attracted to her in anyway....so, as to whether it is wrong or not, I couldn't say. But, I do enjoy reading about it. thanks for sharing

11-25-2007, 04:52 PM
yesterday, the most perfect thing ever happened to me....

my mom’s sister, her two kids, and a married couple that they are friends with were at our house for lunch. we were sitting in our dining room, chatting and eating. after the meal, we all moved to the kitchen. at the kitchen table there weren’t enough seat possibilities, and i wanted to stand up for my mom, and get myself a chair from the dining room. but my mom just said “no, it’s ok....just stay there”, and sat down on my lap....i was totally surprised. it was a whole new experience for me to feel her ass on my lap. i felt incredibly excited, and my heart started to bounce like crazy. but sadly after only 2 or 3 minutes, she stood up again to make some coffee for us all.

i started to think about how i could get her in the future to sit down on my lap again, and right in the middle of my perverted mind's plans, my mom sat down back on my lap again. i couldn’t believe it. i had thought that she just wanted to sit down (on my lap as the only free seat) for a moment, and get another chair after she’s made the coffee. but after she stood up again to get herself and her sister an ashtray, and then immediately sat back on my lap again, i knew she planned to keep my lap as her seat for at least some time. and that made me very very nervous, but in a very very pleasant way....

that day, she was wearing some thin white pants, that she usually wears onyl in summer or at home. i was wearing my adidas tracksuit pants. so there wasn’t very much of cloth between us. i really could feel her ass cheeks grinding on my groin.

about 15 minutes went by, during which i got more and more aroused with every second passing by. i could literally feel how the semen in my testicles were building up and begging to come out. and then my mom stood up to make another round of coffee. and suddenly i was having an idea. something like a brainwave....i excused myself to the toilette and walked off. i had to be quick, so i could sit down back on my seat before my mom would. in the bathroom i took one of my mom’s hair bands, and tied it around my balls, so they would tighten up. as i put my pants back on, i placed my cock looking up, so it wouldn't be in the way. before i went back into the kitchen, i went to the small junk room, were we have all our food stock, and took a can of beans or lentils or what ever....when i returned, i tried to hide the can under my shirt. i sat down, and without letting anyone notice, i placed the can between my legs, and put my balls right on it. i kept my legs together tightly, so the can (or my balls) wouldn’t slide away.

i had no idea whether it would work any at all or not....but from the moment my mom sat down on my lap again, i was in pure heaven. her ass bumped onto my balls, and really gave me some kind of punch....with her butt. but that was only the very first moment. from then on, her whole body weight caused an incredible pressure on my nuts. my mom then crossed her legs and started to jiggle her foot....every little movement of hers caused my nuts to get even more brutally squashed between her cheeks and the can. i was feeling a delightfully agonizing pressure on my testicles the whole time without any break, only interrupted by occasional movements causing even more pain....it was HEAVEN. and all that was caused by the butt of a woman, who was sitting on my lap with crossed legs, in an incredibly feminine and sexy way. and she didn’t even realize what she was doing to me.

so now, after about ½ hour, i was nearly going insane from my arousement. i hadn’t have jerked off for a couple of days then, so my balls had been fully loaded. and then, my mom dropped her coffee spoon....she bent down, to pick it up, and with this movement her ass grinded my balls onto the can once more. during the short time (something between 5 and 10 seconds) she was bending down, sitting on my lap, i looked down at her lower back (i was in sexual trance right then), and saw the triangle of a black thong disappearing down into her butt cleavage. that (very sexy and delightful) view probably gave me the rest. and then, as she got up again, causing her butt cheeks to press down on my nuts one more time, i was having an ejaculation. it was more like an explosion :wooow....it happened parallel to her movement of getting up again. as if her butt had squeezed the cum out of my balls....just like out of a bottle of ketchup. and this ketchup was now spread across my belly (underneath my shirt of course).

during my orgsam i couldn’t help but letting out a slight moan, wich my mom could hear. she asked me what’s up, and i just said i need to go to the bathroom. she let me stand up, and i walked off and cleaned myself up. i felt like i had just finished several hours of "real" sex. i felt more satisfied (sexually) than ever before. but i also felt kinda sad, cause i knew (and still know) that something perfect as this will probably never happen again. at least not as awsome....

11-25-2007, 08:56 PM
Wow dude, that is incredible. Thanks for sharing, I love to hear your stories between you and your mom. Do you think your mom would ever like the idea of you shooting a load from her causing pain to your nuts?

11-28-2007, 02:02 AM
Wow dude, that is incredible. Thanks for sharing, I love to hear your stories between you and your mom. Do you think your mom would ever like the idea of you shooting a load from her causing pain to your nuts?

thank you.

maybe in her personal sexlife (though she hadn't have a boyfriend for some time now), she likes the idea of stimulating a guy by causing pain to his testicles. i don't know. it's absolutely possible. but not with her son of course. if she knew that she arouses me with it, she'd stop immediately, and our relationship would be very different, not to say distroyed. i'd rather die than let her know about my "little sectret"....

11-30-2007, 05:04 AM
since last sunday, when this incredible thing happened (my mom sitting on my lap and causing pressure on my nuts till it made me cum....see above for the story), i masturbated at least about 10 times in the last 5 days, thinking exclusively of this event. nothing else ever caused such an awsome orgasm before, and nothing else ever turned me on as much as the memory of it. i can't believe how much my mom arouses me with her actions, her beautiful body, and her attitude.

call me a pervert or whatever you like. i don't care. she doesn't know, and i'm not planning to ever let her know. nobody gets hurt, so why should i not fully enjoy the most pleasuring sexual feelings i ever experienced? yes, my bb-fetish might be the center of my sexual world, but that doesn't mean there's nothing else besides it. i love and enjoy "usual" sex as much as any other would. i've had great sex with my last girlfriend, and that was without ballbusting.

but right now i can't imagine anything more sexually pleasuring than the things my mom does to me. i don't expect anyone (not even you, here on a fetish-forum) to understand or comprehend my relationship to my mom. but some time ago, i just let go all of my doubts and remorse, and simply accepted my sexual feelings towards all of what i combine with my mom in a sexual way. i decided to cross the border, and now there's no way back´for me. i haven't had any feeling of regret so far....:rolleyes:

i see my mom as an incredibly sexy 46 (almost 47) year old woman. she has a beatiful face, and is in good shape. she's not too skinny and not too plump. but what has always aroused me the most on her body (especially now after the thing last sunday), is her butt...it felt so damn good to have her soft big butt cheeks grind on my lap, and then even cause such an intense and awsome painful pressure on my nuts. and i loved it that right when she pressed her cheeks onto my balls even more and squeezed the cum out of me with her butt, that right during this most explosive orgasm, i was seeing her thong between her cheeks above her pants. my mom mostly wears thongs (as much as i can see), and they often show up above her jeans or through her white pants/dresses. i think that's incredibly sexy....:loveeyes

so that you can understand what i'm talking about, i have some visual aids for you. maybe that makes you realize that there IS NO WAY for me to avoid being turned on by my mom. it' a picture i took about 3 months ago. it was a total coincident that i saw her like that....she was sleeping in her bed, and the blankets fell off from her, and the door to her room was widely open. i HAD to make a snapshot of this most delightful view. and yes, when i masturbate and think about the situation when my mom busted me, i usually look at that special picture.

so now, here is a candid shot of the beatiful butt cheeks that squashed my balls intensly last sunday, and gave me the best orgasm ever....


yes, it was this ass, covered only by a thong like that and some thin white pants, which grinded onto my groin....how could i NOT be aroused to no end by this?!

anyways, as for now, i'm looking forward for the next kick, knee, punch, backhand, or whatever in the nuts by my mom. hopefully i don't have to wait too long....;)

11-30-2007, 02:41 PM
Wow that does sound incredibly hot, and i would not have believed that ass was 46 years old.

But I gotta say, I'm starting to think your mom knows your secret more than you think she does. Sitting in your lap gives it away. I think she knew full well what she was doing. (except about the can and the hair band)

12-02-2007, 02:00 PM
well i got into enjoying seeing a guy get busted because my mom was always grabbing my dads balls to get him to do things he didn't want to do...so the thing with ur mom is hott..in fact in family busting is hott

12-05-2007, 06:29 AM
Wow that does sound incredibly hot, and i would not have believed that ass was 46 years old.

i have some more pics like that of her ass. if anyone wants to see them....?

But I gotta say, I'm starting to think your mom knows your secret more than you think she does. Sitting in your lap gives it away. I think she knew full well what she was doing. (except about the can and the hair band)

i very much doubt that. maybe she had noticed that i was ercted, but that shouldn't be a problem since it is a very normal male reaction to a female body pressing on your lap, and that doesn't necessarily mean that he is actually turned on by this female (though in my case it was like that)....as long as she didn't notice that i was having an orgasm, i'm very sure that she won't start to believe i feel turned on by her, and everything will still be fine for me....

12-06-2007, 01:04 PM
i have some more pics like that of her ass. if anyone wants to see them....?

i very much doubt that. maybe she had noticed that i was ercted, but that shouldn't be a problem since it is a very normal male reaction to a female body pressing on your lap, and that doesn't necessarily mean that he is actually turned on by this female (though in my case it was like that)....as long as she didn't notice that i was having an orgasm, i'm very sure that she won't start to believe i feel turned on by her, and everything will still be fine for me....

Would love to. :) But dude, mothers don't ordinarily sit in their son's laps. Most would be very uncomfortable doing it and certainly wouldnt for a long period of time. I think she did it on purpose to tease you.

12-09-2007, 04:45 PM
Would love to. :) But dude, mothers don't ordinarily sit in their son's laps. Most would be very uncomfortable doing it and certainly wouldnt for a long period of time. I think she did it on purpose to tease you.

that's true, mothers usually don't sit on their son's lap. and as i said in my story, i was surprised myself. but the relationship between me and my mom is indeed very unusual in general. and i'm not talking about the ballbusting thing. sometimes we are very much more like buddies. and yes, it's absolutely possible that she wanted to tease me. but not in such an obvious sexual way, which you're probably thinking of....

12-10-2007, 09:49 AM
Like others, I must say that your mother is much more aware of what is going on than you think, or would like to think.

Seriously, how naive is it for you to say you "know" she doesn't know it is more than just some type of "game" to you?

What kind of mom does that type of junk with her son, then especially sitting on his lap for a long time while he has a tent in the pants, in front of company.
(I do have a slight suspcicion that you may be a troll, making up all these stories; but I must admit they are nice to read.)

I have a few questions though.
How long ago did you start having this type of relationship with your mom? When did it happen? How did it happen? Did you just ask her to kick you?
What would you do if you knew your mom knew (and was turned on by it also.) How far would you go?
You should set up a camera to record what goes on whe your mom kicks you..

I don't know I have lots of questions and comments especially since in the back of my mind I think the whole story is a load of shit and is just some type of fantasy or just simply a troll making up bullshit.

12-11-2007, 05:08 PM
Like others, I must say that your mother is much more aware of what is going on than you think, or would like to think.

Seriously, how naive is it for you to say you "know" she doesn't know it is more than just some type of "game" to you?

What kind of mom does that type of junk with her son, then especially sitting on his lap for a long time while he has a tent in the pants, in front of company.
(I do have a slight suspcicion that you may be a troll, making up all these stories; but I must admit they are nice to read.)

I have a few questions though.
How long ago did you start having this type of relationship with your mom? When did it happen? How did it happen? Did you just ask her to kick you?
What would you do if you knew your mom knew (and was turned on by it also.) How far would you go?
You should set up a camera to record what goes on whe your mom kicks you..

I don't know I have lots of questions and comments especially since in the back of my mind I think the whole story is a load of shit and is just some type of fantasy or just simply a troll making up bullshit.

i'm sorry you don't believe me, but that's your problem. i have no idea how i could "prove" the authenticity of my stories to you guys. all i can do, is say it once more....i don't lie in my posts. period.
about your questions....you just have to read the very beginning of this thread.

anyways....as i promised, here are some more candid pics of my mom's adorable butt....

12-11-2007, 09:39 PM
i'm sorry you don't believe me, but that's your problem. i have no idea how i could "prove" the authenticity of my stories to you guys. all i can do, is say it once more....i don't lie in my posts. period.
about your questions....you just have to read the very beginning of this thread.

anyways....as i promised, here are some more candid pics of my mom's adorable butt....
Hide a videocamera in your house somewhere to record your mom while she kicks you and changes and stuff.. :)

01-08-2008, 03:13 AM
why did you stop posting messages ?:( i really enjoyed reading ... please post some more ... and if u can some pics with your mom`s feet if i`m not to rude .. ty :D

01-08-2008, 10:55 AM
Whether the stories you've told are fantasy or fact, I don't know. I'm not one to judge people based on their sexual preferences(being in to bb and all), but you clearly have something... odd... going on with your mom. I'm not sure whether or not it's reciprocal, but you're clearly sexually attracted to your mother. The fact that you're aroused by her physical figure clearly shows that you view her as you do other women. As I said, I'm not one to judge, but this mom thing is deeper than just you enjoying a hit to the balls.

01-08-2008, 04:53 PM
why did you stop posting messages ?:( i really enjoyed reading ... please post some more ... and if u can some pics with your mom`s feet if i`m not to rude .. ty :D

well, first of all i've just been very busy over christmas and stuff. but i never intended to completely stop posting (though i have to admit, the fact that some people have doubts about the authenticity of my posts kinda held me back a little)....

oh, and i planned on posting more pics anyway....;)
i don't have any shots of her feet though....but how about some pics of her beautiful legs?

01-09-2008, 05:34 AM
that will do for the moment :D i can`t ask you for more if u say u don`t have any ... but in the near future i hope u`ll have some :D tks for the reply

01-09-2008, 06:16 PM
Just because we (I) think they might be at the very least exaggeratted doesn't mean we don't liek reading them ;)

01-09-2008, 08:51 PM
your mother likes you taking pictures of her ass? or do you sneak around the house with a hidden camera lol.

i just find this thread really weird, like I can't decide if its fact or fiction.

Since no one has asked this:

Where is your father?

01-10-2008, 12:58 AM
Nothing related with my family (Or at least, that's what I believe!).
When I was about 22, a friend handed me a book before a night train trip. The book was the kind of paperback you can buy in every railway station. It told the story of a lady spy who has special methods in gaining information from male ennemies: mainly crushing their balls until they spoke.
I was alone in my sleeping compartment, and I masturbated all night long!!!

Next step has been to buy the other books with the same heroin.

Next step has been to get my g/f doing the same to me...

01-10-2008, 05:16 AM
your mother likes you taking pictures of her ass? or do you sneak around the house with a hidden camera lol.

i just find this thread really weird, like I can't decide if its fact or fiction.

Since no one has asked this:

Where is your father?

no, of course those pictures are candid. yes, i'm a perverted freak....happy now?

seriously, i don't care if you find this (me) weird....there are tons of people who find all of us (ballbusting-fetishists) weird. it's always the same....people who differ from the mass, are considered as "weird", even by lots of those who are considered weird themselves by the rest of the mass....
tell you what: humans ARE weird....humans are crazy, humans are complex.
humans are all different, and that's a good thing.

i don't have a father....is this weird too? :cool:

01-10-2008, 06:22 AM
your mother likes you taking pictures of her ass? or do you sneak around the house with a hidden camera lol.

i just find this thread really weird, like I can't decide if its fact or fiction.

Since no one has asked this:

Where is your father?

Agent Mouse told he was living with his mom. should we ask where was his dad? i don't think so.. and he doesn't have to tell this kind of things to us..

he is sharing something from his life. and we all respect him. i think these all are fact.. but fact or fiction, we like agent mouse's thread.. if you don't like this thread, so dont read please..

agent mouse, we respect you,we like your stuff and we are waiting for your posts, your new stories.. ;)

01-10-2008, 07:21 AM
Agent Mouse told he was living with his mom. should we ask where was his dad? i don't think so.. and he doesn't have to tell this kind of things to us..

he is sharing something from his life. and we all respect him. i think these all are fact.. but fact or fiction, we like agent mouse's thread.. if you don't like this thread, so dont read please..

agent mouse, we respect you,we like your stuff and we are waiting for your posts, your new stories.. ;)

thank you very much, E.F.C.! :)

i don't have a problem with telling more about the backgrounds, like there being no father....if it helps some of you believing my posts more. but even if you don't believe me (which would make me sooo sad :cryingblu [sarcasm]), i hope you guys can still enjoy this thread in some way....otherwise (like you [E.F.C.] said), just don't read it. but i don't think it's necessary too write posts here about how weird and creepy me & my thread are....

01-10-2008, 01:35 PM
lol i made my account just to tell u , to start posting more stories of u and u`r mom and maybe some pics of her bare feet ... ou and 1 more question that i forgot to ask u the last time ... did she ever ballbusted u with her bare feet ? :D :X ty and hope u`ll reply ...:ibow4u:

01-10-2008, 04:18 PM
... did she ever ballbusted u with her bare feet ?

yes, several times. on page 2 of this thread, there's the story of the worst kick i recieved from her, and i remember she was barefoot then. but most times she knees me or just smacks me with her backhand (both go from light to very hard)....

oh, but i remember one time, when i was lying on the floor on my back, with my legs spread and bent at the knees, i made some stupid joke about her (of course purposely, to get busted by her), and she came smiling and gave me a (not very hard, but VERY effective) stomp on my nuts with her sole....and that time she was also barefoot.

01-11-2008, 05:39 AM
way to cool :X ... i`d give anything to trade places with u :D ... hope u post more and more stories ... i can`t w8 :X ... U`r the best :ibow4u:

01-12-2008, 07:55 PM
ok first, here are two pics of her adorable thighs....
http://img205.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=92659_2007102714153270558_122_359lo. jpg
i love it when she gives me a good effective knee to the balls, and is dressed like this. i find this mini-skirt/knee-high-boots combination incredibly sexy....:loveeyes

and here you can also see her foot, though not bare....

hope you like 'em....:)

01-12-2008, 08:24 PM
Does your mom wear that kind of stuff every day? Looks like she is abou tto go out and hit the clubs or something

01-13-2008, 04:33 PM
Does your mom wear that kind of stuff every day? Looks like she is abou tto go out and hit the clubs or something

no, you're right. she doesn't dress like that every day. the mini skirts and knee high boots are indeed what she wears for going out and stuff, but also sometimes for work. what she actually wears most of the time are jeans or some other kind of pants, or usual skirts and dresses.

01-13-2008, 11:05 PM
... because I am coming to Austria! Rock on Agent "Danger" Mouse.

01-14-2008, 12:57 AM
Can you post stories again? It's been a long time now :(

Pics would be nice too.

Try to somehow get a pic of her kneeing you or something.. Set the camera in the middle of a bookcase so it isn't noticeable and set a timer (no flash).. I don't know.. do something :D

01-14-2008, 04:59 AM
it`s hard taking photos of his mom kneeing him ... but more stories would be very nice :D hope to hear them soon ... as for the photos of her bare feet steel w8ing ... btw she has some nice legs tks for sharing :ibow4u:

01-15-2008, 10:56 AM
agent mouse, you are really great! i am waiting for your new stories...

01-15-2008, 01:49 PM
Great storys and pics i would let your mom bust me anytime as well

01-25-2008, 10:09 AM
niiiiiice,continue continue your bb stories,your mom it's fantastic

01-27-2008, 03:38 AM
ehi,agent mouse,are you here?how are you?where are you?

01-27-2008, 06:02 PM
ehi,agent mouse,are you here?how are you?where are you?

don't worry, i'm still here....;)

01-27-2008, 07:09 PM
yesterday, finally after a long time, a real nice busting happened....

in the morning i was in the bathroom, brushing my teeth and all that, and then my mom came in and started to wash her hair. she was wearing her blue homedress, which she mostly wears when she's doing some cleaning around the house. it's her housewife's dress, nothing special, but at least it's pretty short....;)

we were talking about this and that, and then started joking around. once again, this led to teasing each other, and i got hard by the thought of the potential oppurtunity of getting busted. i was wearing only boxers, so it wasn't very smart to grow a hard on now....while she was turned around to the bath tub, i placed my erection pointing up and kept my t-shirt over it. that was still very risky, i know, but there was no way i could have NOT had an erection....:jumpsmile

so now i was trying to provoke her, and one thing led to another....after several tries, i finally said something that was playfully and rude enough to get some action from her....she turned around, looking at me with a slight smile, and i knew from this look on her face, that she finally got it....she finally understood, that i wanted to play "the game" again. the innocent game she thinks we're playing together, which is indeed a sexual adventure for me. an experience that arouses me more than anything else, everytime she plays this "game" with me....:rolleyes:

anyways, she stepped forward, and i tried to stay as cool as possible. she approached me slowly, and as she stood right in front of me, she grabbed my right shoulder with her left hand, and pressed me against the wall. she had a shampoo bottle in her right hand, and provokatively waved it right in front of my face. then she slowly moved it down, looking me in the eyes, still smiling slightly. she reached back a little, and then (still pushing me against the wall with her left hand) she SLAMMED the bottle (which was obviously full) right into the center of my ballsack. the pain was so sharp, it felt like my testicles were both on fire....:cryingblu

i wanted to curl up on the floor, or at least double over. but my mom kept pushing me against the wall. she obviously enjoyed the look on my face from the deep pain. then she gave me a kiss on my forehead, and let me go. i immediately sat down on the floor and tried to deal with the pain. my mom just turned around, and slowly went back to the tub and continued to wash her hair. i love it when she ignores the pain she has just inflicted on my testicles....:iluvu:

as i was on the ground, with both my balls feeling like cracked walnuts, i looked up to my mom....she was bent into the tub, washing her hair. her dress was riding up her butt, revealing her black thong and her adorable cheeks. it was beautiful....:loveeyes

i reached up to the samll box next to the washbasin, where i had put my cell phone, and grabbed it. what for, you ask? to take a picture of the beautiful view, of course! finally a picture of her arrogant sexiness right after she has busted my balls!

so here is what i was seeing, while i was on the ground with massively aching testicles....

after about 5 minutes she went out of the room, without saying anything. another 5 minutes later, i went to my room and jacked off to the picture and the memory. an hour later, my mom was making some silly jokes about how i looked after she hit me in the balls, and i was so horny again, that i went to my room to masturbate once more....:wooow

that was a good way to start the day!

01-28-2008, 01:19 AM
agent mouse,

Wow! Hot story. :bananajum Thanks for sharing it with us.


01-28-2008, 05:42 AM
Nice story,but I prefer kicks,knee,punch and grab

01-28-2008, 08:39 AM
Nice story,but I prefer kicks,knee,punch and grab

good for you to know what you prefer, but what do i care? in this thread i'm only telling what happens with me & my mom, that's it.

01-28-2008, 01:50 PM
Provoke your mom some more.. do it everyday :D

01-28-2008, 06:30 PM
Nice story, and I love the added pics, keep up the good work! I envy you. . .

01-29-2008, 03:28 AM
he makes him himself me like for you, I did not want to offend you, it was only to information title

01-30-2008, 09:21 AM
very nice story agent.. thanks a lot...

if i were you, i woluld always tease her and make her bust my balls... at least 3 busts a day :)

01-30-2008, 02:00 PM
Agent Mouse, for starters, who cares what other people think. If they are on this board then they themselves are considered freaks by the mainstream anyway so who are they to judge? Although I don't get excited about my Mom busting me I do get excited thinking about your Mom busting me so keep the stories coming. Also, if you could I would love to see a better foot shot. Other than that, keep up the good work reporting back to us about the ballbusting.

01-31-2008, 11:56 PM
Agent Mouse, for starters, who cares what other people think. If they are on this board then they themselves are considered freaks by the mainstream anyway so who are they to judge? Although I don't get excited about my Mom busting me I do get excited thinking about your Mom busting me so keep the stories coming. Also, if you could I would love to see a better foot shot. Other than that, keep up the good work reporting back to us about the ballbusting.

thank you very much! good to know there are people here who really appreciate my thread....:)

02-01-2008, 08:31 AM
Thanks alot agent mouse, especially for the pics, looks like your mums got pretty nice ass...;)

02-01-2008, 10:55 AM
Agent Mouse, for starters, who cares what other people think. If they are on this board then they themselves are considered freaks by the mainstream anyway so who are they to judge? Although I don't get excited about my Mom busting me I do get excited thinking about your Mom busting me so keep the stories coming. Also, if you could I would love to see a better foot shot. Other than that, keep up the good work reporting back to us about the ballbusting.
quote with he

02-02-2008, 10:39 AM
quote with he


02-10-2008, 03:55 PM
ei,good news?new bust?

02-10-2008, 05:48 PM
wow:cussing: :cussing: :cussing: :cussing: :cussing: :cussing: :cussing: :cussing:

02-12-2008, 03:39 PM
Is this your moms Yahoo profile?
Kimmy_The_Mommy (http://360.yahoo.com/profile-spaiEr86cqtbLXyLW89fKaSE__RK3a5bBA--)

The quote she is saying, "be nice to me, and maybe i won't kick you in the nuts.... ; )"

Then in the first blog she talks about how her son has a but fetish, not just anyones but hers. In her blog she says that she also found candid photos of her in thongs.

Then it also says that she lives in Austria as do you.

Just wondering that maybe she is on to you more then you know. I love your stories. :thumbup

02-12-2008, 10:10 PM
Wow, that is like spot-on when it comes to his stories of his mom.

02-12-2008, 11:31 PM
Is this your moms Yahoo profile?
Kimmy_The_Mommy (http://360.yahoo.com/profile-spaiEr86cqtbLXyLW89fKaSE__RK3a5bBA--)

The quote she is saying, "be nice to me, and maybe i won't kick you in the nuts.... ; )"

Then in the first blog she talks about how her son has a but fetish, not just anyones but hers. In her blog she says that she also found candid photos of her in thongs.

Then it also says that she lives in Austria as do you.

Just wondering that maybe she is on to you more then you know. I love your stories. :thumbup
Wow if that is really her I'm gonna feel bad for agent mouse when someone sends his mom a link to this thread.

02-13-2008, 04:49 AM
lol u`r right :D .. omfg ... :( that`s sad ..... but i`m not rly sure .... there isn`t nothing mentioning the ballbusting .... and from what agent muse said he`s more into ballbusting then the actual " but " :) ... hope to hear a reply soon ... and some pics of the bare feet :D :D

02-13-2008, 10:03 AM
Is it your mom? The profile says she lived in Naples till 1986. She is 46 as you said.

02-13-2008, 10:14 AM
Wow if that is really her I'm gonna feel bad for agent mouse when someone sends his mom a link to this thread.

I was trying, how do I talk with her? It's not obvious.

02-13-2008, 01:20 PM
[/URL]I was thinking about it and it is really weird. Why does she call herself kimmy the Mommy?? It seems like a pedo name. And she talks about her son in this way. She wrote in the profile "be nice to me, and maybe i won't kick you in the nuts.... ; )".

The whole thing is really not appropriate for a teacher. Think about her students visiting her PUBLIC page about her son taking pictures of herself in tong and masturbating.

I really can't believe that she is so stupid to write that sort of things in a public page. For an adolescent son is plausible to come in a forum and talk about his (fantasy??) ballbusting mom but not for a 46 years old woman.

I think that [URL="http://femaledom.com/forum/member.php?u=17820"]agent_mouse (http://360.yahoo.com/profile-spaiEr86cqtbLXyLW89fKaSE__RK3a5bBA--) made the page

02-14-2008, 05:18 PM
let me analyse this for you....

-ok first of all, her profile NAME and PICTURE are definiteyl not her, that's for sure (look on the first page of this thread, there's a picture of how my mom does look like).

-yes, age and location are the same as my mom's.

-it says she has a 17 year old son and a 25 year old daughter....i'm not 17, and i have two sisters, neither of them being 25.

-my mom has only one sister and a brother, both being younger than her and not any near the age written there.

-my mom doesn't have any cats.

-my mom does not have any tattoos. if there is one on her "privacy", then it must be right on her privacy and not on the side of it as written, cause i've seen my mom in very revealing thong panties before, and there was no sign of a tattoo.

-it says she has found the picture in my room....yes, i do have lots of candid pics of her, mostly of her in thongs. BUT, they're all digital ones, and on my PC....so there are no physical photographs as described in the story.

-yes, i do admit that i have sniffed her thongs before. but i don't think i ever took one with me, let alone letting it lie around in my room.

-i never let hankies lie around, especially not the ones i use for masturbation.

-the conversation mentioned there, in which the son tells about how he finds women in thongs sexier than anything else....i never had such a conversation with my mom, nor any similar one.

sooo, i gotta admit that when i first saw this, i was kinda shocked and thought "oh no, please not!"....but now i must say i'm pretty sure it's not her.

02-14-2008, 06:33 PM
guys guys guys!

let me analyse this for you....

-ok first of all, her profile NAME and PICTURE are definiteyl not her, that's for sure (look on the first page of this thread, there's a picture of how my mom does look like).

-yes, age and location are the same as my mom's.

-it says she has a 17 year old son and a 25 year old daughter....i'm not 17, and i have two sisters, neither of them being 25.

-my mom has only one sister and a brother, both being younger than her and not any near the age written there.

-my mom doesn't have any cats.

-my mom does not have any tattoos. if there is one on her "privacy", then it must be right on her privacy and not on the side of it as written, cause i've seen my mom in very revealing thong panties before, and there was no sign of a tattoo.

-it says she has found the picture in my room....yes, i do have lots of candid pics of her, mostly of her in thongs. BUT, they're all digital ones, and on my PC....so there are no physical photographs as described in the story.

-yes, i do admit that i have sniffed her thongs before. but i don't think i ever took one with me, let alone letting it lie around in my room.

-i never let hankies lie around, especially not the ones i use for masturbation.

-the conversation mentioned there, in which the son tells about how he finds women in thongs sexier than anything else....i never had such a conversation with my mom, nor any similar one.

sooo, i gotta admit that when i first saw this, i was kinda shocked and thought "oh no, please not!"....but now i must say i'm pretty sure it's not her.

oh yeah, and my mom is not a teacher.

02-15-2008, 04:57 AM
hi agentmouse,i had see that she hisn't your mom,the,story is different,good luck with bust by your mom,try to catch a kick if you can please,bye

02-16-2008, 03:56 AM
agentmouse, yes, she is not your mom. and what if she was? would it be a problem?

i think the real problem was the saying of aniMALE:
"I was trying, how do I talk with her? It's not obvious." over the saying:

" if that is really her I'm gonna feel bad for agent mouse when someone sends his mom a link to this thread."

why a person would do this? agentmouse is sharing his real stories with us. i like his stories. i think most of us like..
we are a community and sharing usually a secret fetish. (most people we live with doesn't know our fetishes and we can't tell them i mean) and we talk about our fetishes here freely. this forum is one of our freedom areas...

PLEASE SAVE OUR FREEDOM here... and thank to agentmouse for sharing his life with us...

thank you agentmouse.. i respect you. and i like your stories...

02-16-2008, 06:43 AM
agentmouse, yes, she is not your mom. and what if she was? would it be a problem?

i think the real problem was the saying of aniMALE:
"I was trying, how do I talk with her? It's not obvious." over the saying:

" if that is really her I'm gonna feel bad for agent mouse when someone sends his mom a link to this thread."

why a person would do this? agentmouse is sharing his real stories with us. i like his stories. i think most of us like..
we are a community and sharing usually a secret fetish. (most people we live with doesn't know our fetishes and we can't tell them i mean) and we talk about our fetishes here freely. this forum is one of our freedom areas...

PLEASE SAVE OUR FREEDOM here... and thank to agentmouse for sharing his life with us...

thank you agentmouse.. i respect you. and i like your stories...

thank you very much, EggsForCrush!

i have no idea why someone on THIS forum would want destroy everything for me....? that'd be reeeaaally mean....:(
but since this woman is not my mom, i don't care anyway....

respect back to you, E.F.C.! :thumbup

02-19-2008, 01:22 AM
ei,agent mouse,you ok?new bust?

03-06-2008, 03:02 AM
ei agentomouse,are you ok?your stories are great

03-07-2008, 09:26 AM
sorry, i hadn't have an internet connection for a month....

03-07-2008, 02:27 PM
argh,1 month,new bust?some kick or knee?tell,tell,i love your storiesand your mom,your stories are great.
But you have 28 years and your mother 46?it's right?

03-10-2008, 05:26 AM
I think your stories are really exciting. Would love to hear more from you, and I think your mother is hot. I'd love to be busted by her.

03-12-2008, 10:57 AM
Agent_mouse, one more thing, instead of trying to defend yourself from those who are judging you just ignore them. It's not worth the time. I think for most of us it isn't acceptable to have our mom bust us but for you it's OK. I also think most of us are fantasizing about your mom being a ballbuster no matter who she busts. I love hearing about woman closer to my age that are into kicking balls, so many are young it's nice to hear about a middle aged woman. Thanks for your stories and pics. She is hot and I think I can speak for most of us that we would love to be in your place so if she ever wants more pairs of balls to crush let us know.

03-12-2008, 03:48 PM
i agree with magnum at all

03-13-2008, 05:51 AM
Agent_mouse, one more thing, instead of trying to defend yourself from those who are judging you just ignore them. It's not worth the time. I think for most of us it isn't acceptable to have our mom bust us but for you it's OK. I also think most of us are fantasizing about your mom being a ballbuster no matter who she busts. I love hearing about woman closer to my age that are into kicking balls, so many are young it's nice to hear about a middle aged woman. Thanks for your stories and pics. She is hot and I think I can speak for most of us that we would love to be in your place so if she ever wants more pairs of balls to crush let us know.

thanks alot, Magnum.

i have one new experience to share (again with a pic!), but right now i don't have the time to write it down, so....be patient!;)

03-13-2008, 04:37 PM
uao,i'm impatient,you are much luky to have a mother like yours

03-15-2008, 11:26 AM
With Pics?
Oh yeah give us more of your moms gorgeous ass:thumbup

03-15-2008, 01:25 PM
yes i get excited when i see a new story and pics from you

03-23-2008, 11:18 PM
Thank you very much for sharing these experiences with us I eagerly check for updates every day... cannot wait for more :D :letsplay ON!

03-24-2008, 10:29 AM
Waiting for your next experience with glee, Cant wait to read what your mom does to you. It was one of my fantasies to be busted by an elder woman. Sadly it never happened.:jumpsmile :wooow

03-24-2008, 10:02 PM
thanks for the kind words and the patience so far....:)

ok, as i said/promised, there's been a great bust that i will share with you. and since then, there's been even another one! and i managed to get pictures of my mom's beautiful ass either times! so, here are the stories of the busts....

the first one happened already 2 weekes ago....my mom had just finished to renovate my sister's former room (she already moved out some time ago), and was now clearing away the garbage that was left. i was there too, helping her a little (not really), and chatted with her. every time she bent down (which was almost all the time), i got harder and harder. i think i did a perfct job by taking THIS picture of her....


lovely, isn't it? :loveeyes....as she was crouched down for a while, i took a pencil that was lying on the floor, and let it drop down into her butt cleavage....to provoke her, of course, my mom reacted immediately by jumping to her feet and pulling the pencil ot of her butt crack. she turned around and started to wrestle with me (all in a playful manner, of course), and that's when i was totally turned on. there were several times, when she brushed against my hard-on, and i'm pretty sure she must have noticed it. but after some struggling, and some pretended weakness from me, she managed to pin me to the ground on my back. she took my wrists in each of her hands, and pushed them to the floor on the sides of my head, and sat down on me, on my crotch! it was so sexy and arousing to be in that position with her....lying under her, unable to move, completely under her control, and having her on top of me, looking down into my eyes....:iluvu:....unfortunately i (obviously) couldn't take a pic of what i was seeing then....i could look into her shirt, and see her sexy breasts hanging down in her bra. i was very turned on, but my balls were begging to be hit. and that's when she stood up, one foot between my spread legs (i was still lying on my back), and one on the oustide. then she reached back with her leg, swung it forward, and smashed her bare foot between my legs and full force into my balls. it was a perfect hit....sweeping, fast, and ending with an explosion. the pain in my testicles was heavenly agonizing. my reaction was tyoical (and natural, a.k.a. not acted)....i rolled to my side, writhing and moaning. my mom did what every person who's just won a fight would....she put her flip flops back on, and continued to do her stuff. i kept lying there in pain, and watched her adorable body for some time, before i walked to my room, and jacked off as usual....:wooow

ok, the secong one hapened last week....my mom and me were going out with her brother and his new girlfriend. we went to a pub where they had pool tables, so we played. the constant bending over the tables while playing, caused my mom's jeans to slide down more and more. one time, as it was her turn, i managed to take this pic....


and another one, right after she had just pulled up her pants back, after they suddenly had slid down a lot for a few seconds....


for the second game, i was in ateam with my uncle's girlfriend. after about the half of the game, it was my turn, and my mom was sitting right behind me. as i was bent over the table, i felt my mom's cue between my legs, touching the inside of my left thigh. i expected to get hit, but instead, the cue started to gently move around in my groin! i looked back to my mom, smiling, and she just smiled back and said "let's see how good you are with a little distraction"....i immediately grew hard (even though i had been hard several times before during this evening....her THONG! i just love it!), and was very nervous from my arousal. but i acted cool, and continued. i hesitated as much as possible, to make it last longer. it was incredible how she moved the cue around in my genitals! :wooow....after about the over over next time it was my turn, i was again right in front of where my mom was sitting. as i bent over the table, i spread my legs a little more as you usually do. i noticed her cue between my legs again, but didn't say anything. nothing happened, so i played. and then, right as i was about to hit the white ball, i felt the cue exploding in my left testicle. of course i totally fucked up my shot (opposed to my mom!), and i had to crouch down and moan, while my mom just laughed and said "haha! sorry honey, but i'm afraid that counts!"....then she simply stood up, tapped my back and said "everything ok with you?", and without giving me a chance to answer (not that i was able to), she took her turn and played. my left testicle was kinda throbbing for the rest of the night. about 5 minutes after that shot, i managed to get one last pic, while she was bent over a usual table....


(if you wonder where my uncle and his girlfriend have been during all this....when they weren't playing pool at the moment, they were making out)

well, that's it for now. hope you can enjoy it. i did....;)

03-25-2008, 02:35 AM

Thank you for another one of your excellent accounts. I very much enjoy reading about your experiences. :bananad:


03-25-2008, 03:39 PM
nice stories

03-25-2008, 08:04 PM
Thanks for the new relation, no pun intended :)

03-25-2008, 11:37 PM
your stories are my favorite things on this website, and I like the fact that you include pictures in your posts

03-26-2008, 06:26 PM
your stories are my favorite things on this website, and I like the fact that you include pictures in your posts

glad to hear that....:thumbup

in the last couple of weeks i have taken several candid pics of my mom's buttocks, if anyone is interested....

03-26-2008, 07:02 PM
glad to hear that....:thumbup

in the last couple of weeks i have taken several candid pics of my mom's buttocks, if anyone is interested....
hey im a new member but long time reader of this topic all i got to say is do you have to ask you know by now we all need it so post please:jumpsmile

03-26-2008, 07:13 PM
hey im a new member but long time reader of this topic all i got to say is do you have to ask you know by now we all need it so post please:jumpsmile

haha, yes that's true. i'm still shy, in spite of my fans....:o

ok, i will upload them....;)

03-27-2008, 12:00 AM
I can't wait

03-27-2008, 09:10 PM
ok, here are some of the promised pictures i took. they're becoming more and more, cause i'm pretty much trying to take advantage of every oppurtunity....

about 3 weeks ago, in her car....

about the same time ago, in our living room....

and here we were waiting at a railway station (everybody was staring at her)....

more to come....;)

03-27-2008, 11:23 PM
awesome, I love thongs. Any more stories?

03-28-2008, 01:01 AM
I have a story to contribute, 100% true, and my first contribution to the forum (sorry!)

When I was in my last year of highschool (I was 19, I took an extra year to get courses I missed), I had a friend who I will name Nikki (18 years old). I was pretty avid in the BB community at this time and often tried to get my female friends into instant messaging chats about play fighting and who would win and stuff like that, and this one turned out perfectly.

After I pretty much said "oh you could never win don't even pretend, even if you fought dirty theres no way" it turned into a full on $10 bet that if she could make me give up, with the rules being no biting, no pinching, and she gets 2 free shots (not to the face), she wins. So one night before we were going out to a party we both got a little drunk and she mentioned the bet.

She ended up saying her 2 free shots would be a knee and a kick to the balls, which didn't surprise me at all. She took the first knee extremely lightly, and I gave almost no reaction which made her laugh and say "Oh I feel bad I can't do it hard", but afterwards I told her she could try it again. Her next shot was decently hard and as it was my first real shot to the balls sort of took the breath out of me. She asked me "Did that one hurt? I feel kind of bad I won't take the other one" But I quickly said, no no it didn't hurt at all, I didn't realize you weren't strong this bet was easier than I thought! Well that goaded her into giving a powerful knee for the next shot which I struggled to stay standing for, and after that one I even said "Alright I feel bad, that one didn't even hurt enough to take me down, you can have one more because you said I wouldn't be able to take it and I'm still standing", and she gave one more harder than all the other ones and it put me down on the sofa and that was the end of that hahaha

The best part is, I did get this on tape. Unfortunately, because you see both me and the girls face I can't share it, I've been on forums where personal videos have been released to youtube and xtube and such where everyones response was "if you don't want a video on youtube, don't share it with strangers", so I can't post it sorry guys and gals! If you do have personal vids you likewise don't want out I would possiblly trade. I hope you liked the story either way!

03-29-2008, 06:20 PM
i would take a real hard busting from your mom and if i could kiss her ass it would be even better what would you do if she told you to kiss it after a busting?

03-30-2008, 12:15 AM
^ What kind of question is that????!?!?!?

03-30-2008, 06:19 AM
^ What kind of question is that????!?!?!?

It is a perverted question. I await agent_mouse's answer...

03-30-2008, 03:51 PM
It is a perverted question. I await agent_mouse's answer...

sorry, but i won't reply to that question.

04-01-2008, 12:45 AM
Don't be sorry, I wouldn't answer it either.

04-09-2008, 06:53 PM
just a small candid vid i made of my mom's thong sticking out....

http://rapidshare.com/files/106251434/mom_thong.mpeg.html (http://rapidshare.com/files/106251434/mom_thong.mpeg.html)

it's a little dark, i know....:o

04-11-2008, 04:09 AM
nice,good work:thumbup

04-11-2008, 12:16 PM
just a small candid vid i made of my mom's thong sticking out....

http://rapidshare.com/files/106251434/mom_thong.mpeg.html (http://rapidshare.com/files/106251434/mom_thong.mpeg.html)

it's a little dark, i know....:o

Near the end she starts pulling up her jeans/pulling down her shirt.. did she catch you? She seemed to do it as if she was startled not just pulling it back up for the hell of it.

04-12-2008, 09:44 AM
Near the end she starts pulling up her jeans/pulling down her shirt.. did she catch you? She seemed to do it as if she was startled not just pulling it back up for the hell of it.

haha, no she fortunately didn't catch me, but it was actually me who was kinda startled then, so i stopped filming....;)

but yeah, she usually only pulls it up when she notices it. otherwise her thongs are visible most of the time....

04-12-2008, 07:51 PM
i wish your mom would bust me real hard

04-13-2008, 06:33 AM
i wish your mom would bust me real hard

i bet you do.

04-13-2008, 03:23 PM
No new stories/pics/vids?:o :wooow

04-14-2008, 07:33 PM
the only thing new i can tell you, is that she flicked me in the nuts a couple of days ago....i was sitting on the couch, and my mom was about to go out. she came to me to say goodbye, and in front of me she bent down to me and gave me a kiss on my cheek....and then, while still bent over at me, she smiled at me and gave me a hard flick right to the nuts. i leaned forward in pain, and my mom just fondled the back of my head, and left.

i think i've never been flicked in the ball before, and i hadn't expected it to cause such sharp pain, even though it didn't last very long. but i was wearing only some basketball shorts, and her fingers really shot against my testicles....

it was nice, but nothing too great. the only thing that made it special, was that she was dressed really sexy while doing it, since she was going out....short skirt and knee high boots. really lovely....:loveeyes

04-22-2008, 06:37 PM
here's a video of my mom shooting a gun (not what she usually does in her spare time)....

http://rapidshare.com/files/109665173/shoot.wmv.html (http://rapidshare.com/files/109665173/shoot.wmv.html)

i always enjoy it to see her from behind....:loveeyes hope you do the same....;)

question: is it a problem on this forum that i sometimes post pics/vids of only her ass in thongs, with no relation to ballbusting? i hope not....:(

04-22-2008, 07:47 PM
That video is amazing

04-23-2008, 01:30 AM

The video is good in that it shows how hot your mom is.

OTOH, I can't tell anything about the handgun--you know, make, model, caliber. Let's have some details man. :D

And don't be so defensive about your mom shooting for fun. A lot us of do.

poolman2 :)

04-23-2008, 04:42 AM
First of all I have to say thank you for sharing your stories and pictures. This is an amazing thing you've got going on.

But seriously, do you really think your mom does not realize that this is a sexual thing? I mean, both common sense and a little research on the internet will tell you so. What I think is that she does know what it means to you but will not tell you or admit it. Why is that ? - to not create any awkward situations or to stop the thing you have going on, because she likes it. To her, it may be a proof that she is still very appealing, also to younger people ( which she definitely is ! ) or the simple fact that she likes being a little dominant and to bond with you/share a intimate secret.
The way you are doing it seems to be right - not ask directly to be busted ( I think this would ruin the surprise moment and the way you have to "work" for the reward, and you could also be looked at strangely. - In my eyes, getting a jolly out of being busted now and then and asking for it are very different things.

So keep it up the way it is ;)

04-23-2008, 12:21 PM
agentmouse brot, the video is really good.. thanks so much..

i think it is not a problem that pics doesnt include ballbusting.. the topic "who would you like to be busted by" includes lots of pics etc.. that way...

thank you brot...

04-26-2008, 07:20 AM
Have you had any new busts by your mom recently. It must be incredible to be busted by your mom. Please give us more details.:)

04-26-2008, 09:02 AM

The video is good in that it shows how hot your mom is.

OTOH, I can't tell anything about the handgun--you know, make, model, caliber. Let's have some details man. :D

And don't be so defensive about your mom shooting for fun. A lot us of do.

poolman2 :)

i have no idea what kind of gun it was. i'm not into guns at all. i didn't shoot, i just joined her. a friend of hers invited her, and she did this for like the secong time in her life.

like i said, personally i don't like :autogun at all. though i have nothing against shootig cans and posters for stress relief....

04-26-2008, 09:27 AM
But seriously, do you really think your mom does not realize that this is a sexual thing? I mean, both common sense and a little research on the internet will tell you so. What I think is that she does know what it means to you but will not tell you or admit it.

of course she's not that naive, but i still think does NOT know that gett off the way i actually do....that i masturbate after everytime she busts me, for instance. but she definitely knowingly teases me and likes this. she probably enjoys her dominant role during our playfights. and it very obviously amuses her a lot to give me a backhand or even a knee in the nuts in front of others, and to watch me trying hard not to let anyone notice....

To her, it may be a proof that she is still very appealing, also to younger people ( which she definitely is ! )

that's 100% the case. i notice this all the time....she really enjoys being a tease.

The way you are doing it seems to be right - not ask directly to be busted ( I think this would ruin the surprise moment and the way you have to "work" for the reward, and you could also be looked at strangely.

i agree. it's better for me not to make my desire too obvious, even if she knows it somehow. a little self deception can be a good thing....;)

05-11-2008, 07:50 AM
ehi,are you ok?new bust?

05-12-2008, 05:12 PM
hi everybody,

right now i'm in my 4th day of recovering, from the probably hardest kick my mom ever gave me. now, 4 days later, it feels like my pants are filled with gravel while walking, and i generally feel sick in the stomach.

but it was a great experience, and i have no problem with the consequences.

i will tell the story soon, so be patient....;)

05-13-2008, 06:35 AM

05-13-2008, 10:06 AM
I adore the Mommy thing and think it is so much fun! I wish you could get her to really get into it and do ome femdom stuff with you I think that would be sinfully hot!

I really enjoy dommy Mommy and would love to chat with you about getting her to do some humiliating thing or jsut having some fun with ya.
I would love to see her in some sexy clothes around you, I bet that would just tease you silly and then she could bust your balls good for starring haha

Just my thoughts but keep the video and pics coming youare a true inspiration to me

05-17-2008, 09:05 AM
ehi,how are you?

05-20-2008, 04:11 AM
I'm waiting for your story of this great kick by your mom

05-20-2008, 01:51 PM
Please we cant eait to hear :wooow

05-24-2008, 09:16 PM
how are you mouse hows your will you know guy part

can you please give us a update or maybe which i hope you will soon the story i'm geting upset we havnt got an update yet :cryingblu must you make us wait any longer :cryingblu

05-25-2008, 03:43 PM
Maybe he is at the hospital.

05-26-2008, 03:49 PM
see your a star here we all cant wait

05-26-2008, 07:10 PM
i know, i know, i know....you had to wait long. and no, i haven't been at the hospital. it was bad, but not that bad.

anyways, here's the story....

my mom was working out as i just came home, and i sat down in the kitchen (where she was doing her work out) and made myself a snack. we were talking while she was at it, and i was looking at her great body and getting horny. everytime she was stretching out her butt, letting her thong peeking out of her sweatpants, i felt my boner pressing against my shorts.

i started to provoke her by saying she should take a shower as soon as possible (she was really sweaty), and she immediately countered, and there we were again teasing each other and making fun of each other....

one thing led to another, and we started to wrestle. i was soooooo aroused being so TIGHT to her body while wrestling with her. and i used every chance i got, to grab her wonderful ass cheeks. at one point my face was even pressed against her butt for about 20 seconds, and it was pure heaven to smell her sweat. then she head her thigh pressed between my legs for some time, and my boner clearly pressed against her thigh. but she didn't react in any way....

after some time, i overpowered her, and she was on the floor on her back, and i was sitting/lying on top of her and holding her arms down. i did the old "so, what're you gonna do now?", and it actually worked....she smiled and gave me a fairly hard knee to the balls. it gave me a very pleasuring ballpain, but i tried to hold my position. and indeed, she gave me another one, even a little harder....now i rolled off of her.

she stood up, breathing exhausted, but seeming like she's ready for round 2. she asked "you okay?", and about a minute later i managed to stand up. i was so incredibly turned on, that i started to wrestle her again.

so, after some struggling, we were on our feet facing each other, and i was holding her forearms tightly. she couldn't move back any more, since she had the wall right at her back. then she did something that really turned me on....she raised her right knee, and moved her foot forward, symbolically threating me with a ballkick, if i didn't let go of her. of course i didn't, and provoked her even more.

then she did it....she swung her bare foot into my balls. a wonderful feeling. the perfect ballpain. i still didn't let go, and she actually gave me another one. awesome. then she said "i won't stop until you let go, do you get me?", and indeed, she kept her leg up in the air. now i knew this would get better and better. i gasped for breath and just said "forget it, you can't stop me that way"....

she gave me 3 hard kicks in a row, which had been 3 of the most pleasuring hits my testicles have ever received....very very painful, but even more arousing. and her instep was the bearer of it all. i could feel myself pre-cumming into my shorts....:wooow

so then, she suddenly had this very annoyed look on her face. and with a gesture that said something like "aah, fuck it", she gave me a kick, that was probably harder than i could have ever imagined....:eek:

my body's first reaction was, that i couldn't breathe at all anymore. then i slowly slid down to the floor. between my legs it felt like my testicles had been puverized. the sounds that came out of my mouth must have sounded as though i was dying a slow and agonizing death. my mom just arrogantly said "i warned you....now you only got what you deserved, honey", and sat down at the table. there she was, crossing her legs, lighting herself a cigarette, and watching me writhing and moaning on the floor....i would have loved her atttude, if i hadn't been in so much pain.

minute after minute went by, and the pain seemed to get only worse. after every third or forth loud groaning sound that came from me, my mom said things like "now come on honey, i'm sorry, ok....try to breathe regularly, and concentrate on something else". a small part of me wanted to grab her and strangle this arrogance out of her, but even in this most painful situation, i somehow knew how hot it was, and that at least i could fully enjoy it later....

then i felt the pain shooting into my lower stomache. i was on all fours and retching, which made my mom stand up and stop being so cold. i couldn't hold it back anymore, and so i threw up onto the kitchen floor....:cryingblu my mom crouched down to me in shock, while i was vomitting out a little more of my snack from before. my mom was fondling my back, and after she digested her first shock of my body's reaction to her kicks, she started to laugh and said something like "my god, did i really literally kick your balls UP YOUR THROAT??....(*puke*)....oh god, i hope you keep your balls in at least!"....hottest joke ever!

(for those who speak german, here's what she originally said: "mein gott, hab ich dir grad wirklich deine dinger in den leib hineingetreten??....(*kotz*)....oh gott, ich hoffe du behältst wenigstens deine eier bei dir!")

well, afterwards, it was kinda interesting having felt pain coming from my testicles, finding its way out of my mouth. like i posted before, i experienced bad pain for several days, and my testicles had never been that swollen before. i could hardly move my thighs without causing very sharp pain in my balls. but i loved my mom's half-worried half-amused questions about my nuts. though it was very hard for me to masturbate during that time, but still i couldn't stop jerking, since i was turned on by the whole thing all the time....;)

now i'm completely fine again, and ready for the next action....

that's it. enjoy.

05-26-2008, 11:40 PM
I will be honest here. I initially thought that your arrangement was hot, then weird, then hot again. But lets cut to the chase. I think you have come to the point where you want her to grab you. If she is willing to slap you and flip you in the sack, as well as brush your crotch off, she is probably willing to grab you by the pelotas. If you can keep pushing though the pain to get kicked and kneed between the legs, I think you can suppress a errection enough to not have it be weird. Aside from the point that she has probably felt your boner several times during your sessions, and shrugs it off as coincidental or as something that you are unwilling to admit to. Do you have the muscles to pick her up and hold her upside down? or pick her up and hold her sideways? I would think that she might try to slap you if you did that, and if you could somehow manage through the pain, she'd get fed up and grab you by the sack. Pull her close enough that she can move her hand, but not give her the space to wind up and punch your balls. I am thinking that if you can get her against a wall and stand on her feet, and restrain her non-dominant hand, but press up against her other hand is able to do nothing else but squeeze., she will give you the squeeze that you relally want. Maybe a light slap across her face after she tries to knee/kick you, but before she has the room to move to do it again without you pinning her down. I look forward to your threads.

05-27-2008, 11:28 AM
great!your mom is hot!post photos of her nude feet and her legs

05-30-2008, 04:19 AM
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05-30-2008, 04:38 AM
nice story

05-31-2008, 12:25 PM
Last summer I hit on a hot russian tourist for a month... damn she was hot. I remember one night we were in her hotel room, I was trying to get her in bed, but she wasn't in the mood. So I began teasin her, she didn't liked it at all and asked me what was my problem... I remember saying " I just want some action " Then she smiled, came closer to me and whispered in my ear " Here's a lil' of bit action " whith this words she grabed my showders and rammed her knee hard into my balls... I was stuned... she kept her knee in my balls for a few seconds, then walked away with a smile on her face... she sat on the bed infront of me and said " Like the action? Be a man and get a hold on yourself... not your balls, ( as I was clutching my flaterned nuts ) we'll have sex when I said so " she paused for a moment, smiled again and continued " I'm saying "so", unless I'd broken them, but from experience I know that they are hard motherf*ckers... c'mon now... "
I was in heaven and in hell at the same time, I coudn't ignore the pain in my balls, but I wanted to have sex with her, so I took deep breath and pretend I was ok. I layed next to her and began undresing, she also began. We started kissing and rolling around the bed, finishing with the best sex in my life so far. The morning came and as we were having breakfast she apologised for the knee that night, I told her it was ok, I'd deserved it. She giggled and told me never again to push her that far or I might lose my balls, she giggled again. That sounded very scary to me, so I'd never akted like a jackass infront of her again. We had sex a few more times and eventually the summer ended, we took a long goodbye kiss and she took off for Russia. I hope we meet again, but is not likely, because she said she loves to travel to diferent parts of the world and never to the places she had been.
I like ballbusting, but I think I'm scared when it comes to my balls. I like it before having sex, it really turns me on, but I don't like the "hart" stuff and such.

I had been busted a few times before... at school, when I teased the girls.

Once I was chasing this really hot and skinny girl with currly hair ( All I remember, she was wearing tight jeans, white t-shirt and a really painful trainers :) ) so as I was on her back, and staring at her perfect ass she turned around and kicked... I'm sure she wasn't aiming for my balls, but she got them pretty well. It was a snap and sharp hit that got both my balls. I grab my balls almost emediately, the pain was unbelievable but I didn't hit the groung. She just smiled, said something like " Suits you right! ", turned around and continued running. Although I dreamed about her kicking me again that didn't happen.

Other time... I was kind of flirt-fighting with one of the most beautiful girls in our school about who to enter the classroom first, after the teacher unlocks it ( they locked the rooms from time to time, and the teacher had to unlock it before the class ) and I jumped at her trying to scare her... it worked she turned her head away, but raised her leg and my nuts landed square ot her foot. Again she doesn't ment to hit me in the balls, but she did. Pure accident. She did not even realised that she had busted my balls, because she didn't saw the hit. As I landed on the ground ( with broken balls ;) ) I tryed to hide the pain ( It was the most painful hit I ever got ) I tryed not to look embarased or hit, because there were my whole class amd if I'd grabed my balls they were all going to laught at me, so I sayed still a couple of minutes and then went to the WC, which was quite close to the classroom. There I let out a loud "aahhhhhh my baaaalllssss... " and grabed them. I stayed there a few more minutes and I walked back in the classroom, sat on my desk and acted like nothing has happened... I remembered that my balls ache for 3 days. One kick and I was disabled for 3 days. She was well known for geting out of tough situations by kicking of kneeing guys in the balls, but I didn't knew that then.
She had kneed me once more in the last year we were together at that school. It was near summer, we were playing with water pistols near the WC, to refuel the pistols quickly. I must say I was very good in this game, in the end I always was the dryest... so I had completely soaked her and it seemed she was mad about it ant tryed to hit me with her fist, but I dodged it and shoot her even more with water, she snaped and backed me to the wall in the bathroom, I put my hands up trying to apologise to her but rather understandint I got her hard knee up my balls. This time she didn't got them good and it wasn't much paiful, but I pretendet it was, just to leave me alone. Since that day I totaly fell in love with her, but I was scared to tell her and when the summer came we separated, she went to a different school and I'd never saw her again except for few times when she came back to our town to see some old friends. A few months later her best friend told me that she had liked me since 1-st grade but she was scaret to let me know too, that's how we ended just friends.

Once in 5-th grade I think, I really liked my English teacher, she was young about 25, nice long black hair, big tits, nice legs and married - my type of woman :D :( . I often dreamed about her and me, but that was it. One day as I was walking down the stairs to the lower floor, I was looking back and didn't saw her - going up the same stairs also looking back, and we kind of bump in each other, but in that moment she was just lifting her knee up to get to the uper stair and there it made contact with my sack. We both were stuned, she realised what had just happened, because I put my hands to protect my kneed balls. She smiled and said " Better watch where you are going young man, cos' you'll need those when you get older ". She began giggling and walked away, Man I was turned on. The pain wasn't great, but the feeling can not be discribed. The same year I became one of her best students and we became very close, but she hadn't busted me since.

In 6-th grade, in our class came one very beautiful and tall girl, also she was well built, long legs, bib breasts, nice long blond hair - teenager's dream girl. We all tried to hit on her but we just did'n know how to act with girls like that. I remember one time someone told her that I was saying rude things about her and she got mad at me. As I was runing in the hallway she grabed me by the arm, I tried to brake free, but her grip was stong, she pressed me to herself, I remember that my head was between her big breasts, so as I was distracted she kneed me full force in the balls, in that same second she pushed me and kicked me right where it hurts - again in the balls, I was shocked, but she wasn't over with me, she took one step closer and grabed me by the balls... she squezzed hard and got my atention... " Why are you talking this sh*t about me, why ?!!? " she shouted at me... I managed to say quietly " I'm not, please, honestly I'm not... " She calmed down just a bit, let me go and said " I'm sorry, obviously it has been a mistake, I'm sorry" she repeat " but if you say something rude about me... you know what is going to happen" with that she smiled and turned around. Time passed and we became close friends ( nothing more ) and we often talked about kicking kneeing punching in the balls as a means of self-defence, she tought that this was the best and only way to deal with rude men. I even asked her once: " Do you feel pain when someone hits you down there? " She said that noone had ever hit her there, but once she had fell on the frame of her bike and the pain had been enormously big.

Back in grade school we had this nice girl, whose hobby was to squezze guys nuts. We were like 1-st or 2-nd grade and noone knew that balls hurt, but she did :jumpsmile She chased us, corners a guy, and as we were told NEVER to hit a girl we did nothing, she just reaches down and grabes the nuts. She was good at her hobby. she was a real Ballbuster, kicks, knees, punches, you name it, nobody messes with her.

In 8-th grade we trained swimming, the boys were in the one side of the pool, the girls in the other. As I swim very well I always teased the girls and quickly got back to the "boys side", all day long :) but once I was distracted by the blonde girl I told you early about, and one of the girls got me by the back of my swinsuit, I turned around and asked her " so you got me, what are you goin to do now, ha " she smiled looked down at my crotch and whamed her knee deep in my balls. It wasn't "whaaam" in the right meaning of the word, because in the water the reactions are slower, but it hurted. Also I overreacted and dived in the water with hands between my legs. This girl had a crush on me, but I didn't like her very much. Once we were playing hide and seek, I was seeking, and counting to 50 at that moment, when she came back me and grabed my balls from behind with the words " better count to 100 " and went away.

In High School things weren' much different, I knew most of the girls in my class, and in the school, I had date more of them, and became quite close with everyone.
I'll never forget Eve. The most beautiful girl in the world ( at least I tought that before meeting the Russian :loveeyes ). I totaly loved loved loved her. She always wore sexy clothes, tight pants, always thongs, sexy bra, short skirts, you name it... always looking classy. We went out for a couple of weeks but things didn't turne the way we planed them and we broke up, but remained very close friends. One day we were play-fighting she was trying to get something from me. I got her both hands with my both hands and said " what now, you can't do much a?" as usual she smiled and returned " I can fight dirty, you know..." and kneed me right in the balls. It was a light knee but it took me all by surprise, I again overreacted and grabed my balls, she was smiling, I was smiling, and we both burst in laught.

Back there I dated this hot blonde girl, she was very good in bed, and I liked her very much. Before we had sex, she sometimes climbed on top of me and kneed me light in the balls, and always asked me if it had hurt in good or bad way... I always said " good way " and then we had wonderful sex. I think she was also in to it, but I never said to her my secred. I guess from that moment I began enjoying light ballbusting before sex, it really turns me on.

I don't remember was it 9-th ot 10-th grade we had another beautiful English teacher, 24-25 years, long legs, blonde hair, small but good looking tits, wasn't married, but she had a boyfriend - again my type of woman ;) . The whole school was hiting on her :D she was a slut. On time I was way-over drunk ( we sometimes drink in the toilets, rather than smoking ) and I had to pee, but by misstake I went to the ladys room, as I was unzzipig my jeans in the middle of the room, my English teacher steped out of one cabin, she must tough that I was going to **** her, and she swing her leg back, then her knee forward and up with lightning spped dead in my drunken balls. I fell to the floor like a sack of popatoes, and clutched my balls with my hands. I was too drunk to say anything. Then she must figured it out, that I was there by misstake, and helped me up on my feet. She giggled and told me "Look how dangerous for your balls is going to the wrong rest room. Don't do that again if you want to have kids one day" with that she left with a mean smile on her face. She left our school few months after.

There are much more times when my balls had suffered, but I think that's enough for one day... hope you like the story of my life, although it's not in full lenght :bananawin

05-31-2008, 02:15 PM
Cool stories. Thanks for sharing.

06-01-2008, 01:13 AM
In 7-th grade, we had this girl Ann. She was good looking, nice ass, normal size brasts, blonde hair and always smiling. Once we were at a party and we danced slow blues, then I "accidently" grabed her by the ass, she looked at me with anger in her eyes, as she was expecting some kind of explanation for my act, but all she got from me was my satisfied smile... She waited a couple of second and said " OK then..." and rammed her knee in my balls and before I could do anything she sliped her hand down my pants and grabed me by the balls. She began squezing hard wispering in my eyer " Do not touch me again, you heard me ! " she squezed harder then let go and left. I sat on the nearest sofa and rested for the end of the night. She hat threatened me several times like " stop bothering me or I'll cut your balls off " . " enough is enough come here so I can kick you in the balls " . " you'll pay me one day... with your balls " but she couldn't got me again.

In 8-th grade we went on a holiday in different town. We checked at the hotel and everyone went to their rooms. In the evening we threw a big party, but 2 of us boys got bored and went to annoy the girls who had stayed to their rooms. We crushed at a room where there were 3 girls, but noone knew them, they weren't from our group. One was really hot blonde, the other was red haired with big tits and the third I don't remember well. They were a couple of years older than us and very sexy looking. We tryed to excuse ourselves misstaking the room, but they insisted that we stay and have a litle fun with them. They suggested that we play stip poker( or some kind of cards game ).We agreed, and in a few minutes the results were: they were drunk and only had their thongs and bra on; we were drunk but lost nothing of our clothes. They must tought that we had cheated in some way ( we did not ) and wanted to play different game, we again agreed, but they didn't say what was it... one of them, I think it was the "red babe", got behind me and sait to the others " I'm ready ". I asked her " ready for what? " she answered " You'll see". The 3-rd got behind my friend and also said she was ready. Then the blonde girl smiled and said " And are You Boys ready for ...This ! " In that moment the girls which behind us grabed our hands and the blonde one ****** her kick first in my balls, then in my friends. Then one more time, they giggled as the blonde girl said " Lets make them 3 for luck " and kicked us for the third time. They let us go, and we hit the ground holding our balls. As they were laughting the "red babe" said " This is a lesson never to cheat on girls, or your nuts will pay the prise " They continued laughting and soon after that they threw us out with the words " If you find a spare set of balls in your luggage you're free to come back any time ". Althoug it hurt like hell it was very sexy to watch how a blonde sexy girl only with thongs and bra on (they were red) kicks you in the balls.

06-01-2008, 04:04 AM
I found these photos few hours ago... they show kind of what happened to us http://www.oahukane.com/mat_sep091.jpg http://www.oahukane.com/mat_sep092.jpg

06-01-2008, 10:15 AM
@ Bladenb4,

i don't want to sound mean or anything, and this is not meant as an attack on you. but why do you post your stories in here? i mean, they're not really related to anything in this thread (except ballbusting in general, of course).

i created this thread to tell about my experiences with my mom busting me, and maybe for others with similar experiences to tell them here.

i really don't wanna be an ass, but please create your own thread. thanks.

06-01-2008, 05:04 PM
Mouse, you said your mom was talking to you in German when she busted you. You type in English very well, how?

06-01-2008, 05:24 PM
my mom at a party yesterday....

(her sister in the middle, and some friend of hers on the right)


at the end she was pretty drunk and in a really good mood. at one point i made fun her, and she was in front of me (she laughed about it too, so she wasn't seriously angry) and took my face in her hand, said "i have such an impudent son!", and gave me a fairly hard knee to the balls, right in front of about 4-5 of her girlfriends (and her sister)....i was bending down and trying to stay on my feet and not to moan too much, but it was very clearly obvious that i was having aching testicles (which felt once again adorably good by the way). her girlfriends were all laughing at this, but they were also kinda shocked. they were like (though still laughing) "my god, you can't do that!", and "was that on purpose?!"....while my mom was just like "aaahhh, that's ok with him, he's very strong"....i loved it when some of her girlfriends then came to me to comfort me, and how they were smiling about it all the time, and how they asked me about my balls....

was a really hot night!!!:iluvu:

06-01-2008, 06:09 PM
Mouse, you said your mom was talking to you in German when she busted you. You type in English very well, how?

well, i'm from austria (vienna), and we all speak german over there. it's my main language (and very very little italian), and i learned english in school. i don't know how good or bad my english writings are....i think they are ok at least. but thanks.

06-01-2008, 09:03 PM
:ibow4u: thank you for the update hope you have more updates for us soon :cryingblu as allways ty for posting your bust :bananajum

06-01-2008, 09:29 PM
well, i'm from austria (vienna), and we all speak german over there. it's my main language (and very very little italian), and i learned english in school. i don't know how good or bad my english writings are....i think they are ok at least. but thanks.

Yes, you type in English very good. So good, that I originally thought you were American. Thanks alot for the update!

06-01-2008, 09:32 PM
well, i'm from austria (vienna), and we all speak german over there. it's my main language (and very very little italian), and i learned english in school. i don't know how good or bad my english writings are....i think they are ok at least. but thanks.
Not to insult you, but you speak English as well as most Americans. Only kidding, you indeed speak it quite well.

06-03-2008, 07:29 PM
I will be honest here. I initially thought that your arrangement was hot, then weird, then hot again. But lets cut to the chase. I think you have come to the point where you want her to grab you. If she is willing to slap you and flip you in the sack, as well as brush your crotch off, she is probably willing to grab you by the pelotas. If you can keep pushing though the pain to get kicked and kneed between the legs, I think you can suppress a errection enough to not have it be weird. Aside from the point that she has probably felt your boner several times during your sessions, and shrugs it off as coincidental or as something that you are unwilling to admit to. Do you have the muscles to pick her up and hold her upside down? or pick her up and hold her sideways? I would think that she might try to slap you if you did that, and if you could somehow manage through the pain, she'd get fed up and grab you by the sack. Pull her close enough that she can move her hand, but not give her the space to wind up and punch your balls. I am thinking that if you can get her against a wall and stand on her feet, and restrain her non-dominant hand, but press up against her other hand is able to do nothing else but squeeze., she will give you the squeeze that you relally want. Maybe a light slap across her face after she tries to knee/kick you, but before she has the room to move to do it again without you pinning her down. I look forward to your threads.

this is actually one of my biggest fantasies, to get my balls finally grabbed by her....and hard! but i will be honest what the main problem here is....i totally CANNOT supress an erection under these circumstances. NO WAY. unfortunately....:(

but i really liked your ideas. well, maybe someday, somehow....we'll see.

06-07-2008, 10:16 AM
well, i'm from austria (vienna), and we all speak german over there. it's my main language (and very very little italian), and i learned english in school. i don't know how good or bad my english writings are....i think they are ok at least. but thanks.

your english is very good.

06-11-2008, 05:14 AM
ehi,new busts?

06-11-2008, 08:41 AM
[QUOTE=agent_mouse;47371]this is actually one of my biggest fantasies, to get my balls finally grabbed by her....and hard! QUOTE]

Tell her you are backing Austria to win the Euro 2008 and put down 100 on them.

06-15-2008, 02:56 AM

it's you?

06-15-2008, 04:22 AM
I think thats him:

Why didn´t you tell us about your sister dude;) ???

06-15-2008, 06:02 AM
Post more stories.
Just My Opinion

06-15-2008, 06:18 AM
I think thats him:

Why didn´t you tell us about your sister dude;) ???

oh jeez, i've been asked that before, and i already said it's not me. but ok, once again, and then hopefully this mystery is solved....


period. ok, folks?

06-15-2008, 06:41 AM
oh jeez, i've been asked that before, and i already said it's not me. but ok, once again, and then hopefully this mystery is solved....


period. ok, folks?

They are likely joking.

06-15-2008, 07:33 AM
They are likely joking.

i hope so....;)

06-15-2008, 08:41 AM
They are likely joking.
Kickme, you're getting lazy, you need to attach the signature.

06-15-2008, 03:37 PM
Kickme, you're getting lazy, you need to attach the signature.

what the hell?? you two have the same name?? how's that possible??

06-15-2008, 04:19 PM
what the hell?? you two have the same name?? how's that possible??
This forum has no administrator, so kicme000 is able to make an account under my username. He's very immature

06-21-2008, 03:51 AM
new bust?tell we agentmouse,your mom had kick you after last story?

06-28-2008, 06:09 PM
ehi,good news?

06-30-2008, 01:47 AM
I realize that this might sound a little self serving, but you should pose for a fotograph with her play-kneeing or play kicking you in the nutts. You don't have to show it to us. It would be up to you to find an excuse for why, but you could. Maybe her end up putting it as her computer desktop background or something. That would be hot.

07-02-2008, 04:19 PM
agent mouse,are you ok?

07-02-2008, 04:20 PM
agent mouse,are you ok?
^what he said nad any more updates :jumpsmile

07-03-2008, 10:40 AM
I'm pretty sure he would update us if there was something worth typing. Stop badgering him guys, for Christ's sake. :soomad

eric B
07-03-2008, 11:49 AM
I love this thread. I would love to get busted by a middle-aged woman, especially my mum. How much more humiliating could you really get?

07-03-2008, 03:25 PM
ball squeezing and/ os slapping and and I am begging. You guys are really tuff to take getting bussted... OMG.
Maybe I can get a lady to give me a tiny bust on the weekend.. just a little tap with her foot.. I'll start on my knees so I dont have far to fall.

07-17-2008, 01:00 PM
sorry to bump but hey ya moouse hows it been going any new updates for us :confused:

07-17-2008, 01:09 PM
Mouse commented in the videos thread today. At least we know all is well with him.

08-09-2008, 12:04 PM
hey ya mouse how have you been any new updates ?

10-03-2008, 07:04 PM
wow I just found this thread...very hot
mouse..u there
would love to see updates

10-04-2008, 10:18 AM
I don't want to be a killjoy or moaner or anything, but there's off topic and there's off topic. Thongs don't even have anything to do with legs. I'm sure there will people interested here, but I don't see why I, having posted ballbusting stuff, should have to trawl through this irrelevant tosh. Please keep these for a thong thread. These thread titles don't seem to have any meaning anymore. There should be a separate thread for straightforward porn and all that soulless CBT stuff too.


ok, here are some of the promised pictures i took. they're becoming more and more, cause i'm pretty much trying to take advantage of every oppurtunity....

about 3 weeks ago, in her car....

about the same time ago, in our living room....

and here we were waiting at a railway station (everybody was staring at her)....

more to come....;)

11-26-2008, 02:10 PM
agent mouse where are you?

01-02-2009, 09:02 AM
i tink that agentmouse is or at the hospital for a kick by his mother or he had lost this site link

01-02-2009, 10:12 AM
i tink that agentmouse is or at the hospital for a kick by his mother or he had lost this site link

Or maybe, he still have a enormous pain for lose one of his balls. :D

01-02-2009, 01:15 PM
There will be no judgment from me in the ballbusting taboo.

No matter what it is, I'd be a total hypocrite to judge anyone based on their sexual feelings.

--End Statement--

01-29-2009, 02:45 PM
maybe agent mouse is ko for a strong kick:Baahaha:

02-01-2009, 02:27 AM
Hey agent mouse,

Are you the same guy on youtube (mousemayo) who has videos of his sister busting him???????????? Cause that guy mousemayo is also from Austria!!!!!!!!!

02-01-2009, 02:36 AM
I think of no, memory that this same question was already asked

04-27-2009, 03:15 AM
I'd really love oyu to continue posting your stories

05-26-2009, 11:42 PM
yeah please post more and let us know about the grabbing try and if your face has touched her ass more i would love my face in her ass mmmmmm

05-29-2009, 02:08 PM
It's been over a year since the OP posted. I don't think he's coming back.

06-13-2009, 08:27 AM
Agent Mouse
Are you OK We are all awaiting your next bust and pictures :o

06-24-2009, 05:06 PM
I'm strictly in ballbusting, being busted, as opposed to **********, slave-dom etc.. There is just something SO HOT about a sexy woman standing over you after she just hit you in the balls. The look on their faces knowing the pain you are obviously in. My partner tells me how wet it gets her as I roll on the floor protectively holding my poor balls. She also knows that if she offered me her sweet pussy in return for another solid knee in the balls I'd take it in a second. If the second was too much, she'd gently hold my gasping mouth to her muff and let me lick her till the pain subsided enough to perform....Below is an old but fine story I found illustrating the less violent/domination side ballbusting that I hope many of us enjoy -Oh

PHYSICAL PLEASURES (http://bbstories-number2.blogspot.com/2007/08/physical-pleasures.html)

<DIV class="post-body entry-content">
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07-11-2009, 04:14 AM
i hope this thread does not die agent mouse please post some more

07-24-2010, 01:15 AM
wow what happened to you agentmouse?

07-24-2010, 04:46 AM
whattt? really strange

08-18-2010, 01:29 PM
I REALLY love this guy's shared experiences. I really wish he would start posting again

08-18-2010, 05:27 PM
I dont understand how anybody believes this...
Its obviously just a fantasy of this guy..

07-15-2012, 03:45 PM
Do you enjoy the chastity belts too? and do you like the idea of being locked up by your mom? that would be hot too

07-08-2015, 06:28 PM
any updates?

08-04-2015, 05:17 PM
any updates?

Really ???? :)