View Full Version : Skweeme latest idea
07-19-2007, 04:56 PM
I had my finger on the doorbell. I took a deep breath. What was I doing?
Visiting a woman, a stranger?
Who’d agreed to hurt me, hurt my balls? Who’d agreed to…torture me? Who seemed to be looking forward to…hurting me? Who’d said she’d make my masochistic fantasies come true? But this was what I so needed…
I paused. Reminding myself…
I’d always fantasized about some powerful female attacking my balls, Wanting to hurt me. Enjoying it. And…teasing me sexually…making me need to come, but not letting me. Enjoying her female power and my male vulnerability. Especially hurting my balls.
I’d always fantasized about it.
I’d shared this with some girlfriends at various points in the past, but none of them wanted to hurt me, really. They liked me. But not enough for that.
OK, one of them was a bit of a sadist. She didn’t mind hurting me. She enjoyed it. Enjoyed making me beg to submit while she squeezed my balls. And she liked teasing my cock when I was tied up. I think she liked that the best. But we weren’t right in other ways. I moved on.
Now my wonderful wife of 10 years knows about my “sexual preferences” but doesn’t share them. In all our other ways we’re great – compatible. But physically, she could easily be my Domme. We’re the same height, so when she puts heels on she towers over me. She doesn’t think she’s physically strong, but she is.
But despite my fantasies, I’d eventually come to admit it wasn’t in her nature to hurt me. Or it couldn’t be a part of our relationship. She squeezes my balls tight enough to be erotic as forplay, but hurting me she doesn’t want to do.
I just needed to have my balls tortured by a sexy woman who’d enjoy hurting me. Always had. Finally realised my wife couldn’t enjoy hurting me. Loved me too much. But frustrating to fancy her so much and to know that physically she’d be able to really hurt me if she wanted to. If she could.
So I was ringing the doorbell of a block of flats. I felt excited and I felt guilty. More guilty than excited, now I was here. And a bit worried.
I’d been having a good look around the internet for potential dommes in my area. There weren’t any. I’d had to travel further afield. That was probably a good thing. I wanted someone who put CBT – Cock and Ball Torture – near the top of their interests. Some Dommes just seemed to like to whip people or be into “humiliation” of one form or another. Only a few seemed really into ball torture.
Mistress Madeleine was one.
And here I was. Finger on the button. This could all be a big mistake.
I pressed.
“Hello?” she answered. “…hello?”
“I…err…hello! Sorry! It’s..err…Peter !”
“Oh! Hi Peter! Been looking forward to meeting you! Come on up, it’s the second floor”
She sounded more…I don’t know…friendly than I expected.
“I…” I began, but the intercom had switched off and the door buzzed. I pushed it open. It closed with a click behind me.
I walked up the stairs. Nice carpets. Quiet. Potted plants. I found her door, hesitated. I didn’t have to do this.
But I rang the bell. Heard the heavy clatter of high heels.
The door opened.
She smiled down at me.
“Hi! Come on in!”
She looked stunning. She was wearing stuff my wife wouldn’t be seen dead in, radiating an aura of pure sensuality that hit me in the gut and groin.
She grinned and opened the door wider.
“Please come in, Peter!”
She stepped aside. I found myself crossing the threshold.
She pushed the door closed behind me and fiddled with the locks. I just stared at her body, almost drooling with lust, as I watched how her muscles moved. She looked pretty strong as well as so sexy.
I couldn’t believe this was actually going to happen! Mistress Madeleine turned from the door and stood up tall, still smiling. I was embarrassed from staring at her. But her outfit said “Look at Me! My tits! My legs!”
“Are you OK, Peter? It’s alright! You’re in good hands!” she laughed.
I trusted her. That’s the thing…I trusted her. I surrendered. OK, I expected she’d be pushing my ballbusting limits a bit, going from erotic to painful. That was our arrangement. The level of intensity that I needed. But I hadn’t expected she’d want to go further, from painful to unbearable and keeping me there. That she’d actually enjoy really hurting me.
But I didn’t know that, then.
I grinned sheepishly, foolishly.
“Sorry! Just a bit…you’re…I’m…it’s just that …Wow! You look…you look…you’re…thank you! Thanks for seeing me!”
“No, thank You! Thanks for coming! Oops! I haven’t decided yet if you will, have I?”
She laughed and posed provocatively. Those tits. That look in her eyes.
I gulped. Just the fact that she was even thinking about making me ejaculate made me uncomfortably harder.
She pointed to a door behind me, smiling.
“Just go in there and take your clothes off then, Peter! So I can…you know…play with your balls…”
07-20-2007, 08:10 AM
I like where this is going. Wheres the rest? You got me wanting more now.
07-22-2007, 04:42 PM
I was tied to the bed with ropes on my wrists and ankles. I felt embarrassed, but excited. I had a hard-on but I hadn’t come here for sex. She was going to hurt me.
She sat down by my side on the bed. The ropes on my wrists and ankles hurt more as her weight settled down. I didn’t say anything. Then she gently gathered my balls in one strong-looking hand.
“So…just to be sure, Peter…? You want to feel what it’d be like if your wife squeezed your balls harder than she does?”
“I…yes! Yes please! I’d just like to…you know…see what it’d be like!”
“So I’m just going to start squeezing slowly, OK…?”
“Yes! Yes please!” my cock was getting so hard.
“And you tell me when I’m squeezing as hard as she does?”
“And then you want me to squeeze harder? Give you some real pain?”
“I…oh…yes please…Mistress!”
She smiled.
“OK! Just tell me when it stops being a turn-on and starts to really hurt OK?”
She started squeezing.
Slowly. In tiny increments, like a vice tightening.
“How’s that?”
“Oh! Yes!”
“What about…this?”
“Aaagh! A bit more!”
“A bit more? OK!” she smiled.
“No no no please! Aaargh!”
She relaxed her grip slightly.
“More about there, then?”
“Yes! Oh please…!”
“But would you like it if she did this?” she clenched my balls even tighter.
Now her grip was really hurting, but somehow I didn’t want her to stop. I was enjoying her cruelty.
“Ahh! Yes! Oh yes!” I was grinning like an idiot.
“Yeah? Well…how about if she did this?” she grinned back, then started kneading my balls together, hard.
I squealed, then lost my voice as the waves of pain crashed through me. I could hear her laughing.
Then she stopped, relaxed her grip.
“Well?” she laughed. “How would you like it if she squeezed them that hard? Eh? Every…” she gave them a hard squeeze and I yelped in pain “…every…day?” she squeezed again, laughing at my pain, enjoying what she was doing to me.
“What if she did this to you every day, Peter?” she began kneading them together hard.
I screamed.
Eventually she stopped.
I was sobbing. With relief and agony.
She leaned over me.
“Well? Tell me! Did you like that? Would you really like it if your lovely wife enjoyed hurting you as much as I did just then? I’m just…curious, you know?”
She laughed at me struggling to reply.
“Do you want to see how it feels when I do it harder?”
Her grip tightened.
I cried out in fear and pain.
07-22-2007, 08:25 PM
This looks like it’ll be worth following :thumbup
Like many here, I yearn to be taken further than I want to go – but only just. I’m completely smitten with the idea of a woman that *likes* to hurt balls BADLY :D
07-25-2007, 03:54 PM
She relaxed her grip and laughed at me.
“That couldn’t have hurt too much, now, come on! You want to find out what it’s like to have your balls squeezed really hard? Much much harder than your loving wife will do it for you?”
“No! Please! No…thanks…please…Mistress!”
My balls really ached. Really really ached. If I hadn’t been tied up I’d have been doubled up. But I’d always wanted this intensity of pain.
“Are you sure you don’t want to feel what it’s like? To have your balls squeezed really hard? I’d love to squeeze your balls harder, Peter!” she crooned, moving her hand up from my balls to my throbbing cock. She held it in her strong warm hand and began masturbating me.
I hadn’t expected this.
“If you let me squeeze your balls a bit harder…I could…wank you off afterwards?”
I’d only agreed to meet her for the pain, for her to just push my limits more then my wife would. And she’d done that. And it really hurt! I’d had my fantasy fulfilled. But…I was so turned on. My body didn’t feel like my own. It was energized. It was enervated. It was tied up. I was helpless. I was in agony from her squeezing my balls. I wanted her to release me now. My curiosity was sated, but not my lust. But my balls really hurt. My wife could squeeze quite hard, but her point wasn’t to hurt. And I didn’t want to be unfaithful. But still…
I groaned as she moved her hand back to my balls. I was in a pre-orgasmic glow.
“OK!” I gulped.
07-26-2007, 03:38 PM
ohhh man this is mee keep on going i am the guy with only dreams and some self CBT. My G/f is vanella and dont wanna hurt me but i have been talking to this woman who wants to hurt me and will enjoy doing so. she and i are going to be meeting soon and i am sooo looking forward to this story . keep up the good work
07-26-2007, 04:19 PM
She laughed.
She knew what she was doing to me. Her outfit and everything. Her body.
“OK? You sure? You want me know…wank you off after I’ve squeezed your balls really hard for a bit? I warn you now, I want to really hurt you, Peter, if you let me…before I make you have your orgasm. I’m just being honest. You sure about this?”
I wasn’t sure about it at all. I just remember thinking that I’d had enough. She’d squeezed my balls much harder than my wife ever would. Now I knew what it felt like.
It really hurt. Made me feel sick. I knew it would. I just needed to feel the pain. But I hadn’t expected her to be able to squeeze so hard. So much harder then my wife ever had ever done. It hurt too much.
“No! I’m sorry…I…wow! That was…thanks for…but…no?”
Her hand left my balls and went back to my longing cock.
“No? You sure?”
I gulped.
“OK!” I managed.
“OK what?” as she made me even harder.
“Oh God, oh please…!”
“Please what?” she grinned, her hand still stroking me.
She stopped. Laughed. Moved her hand back to my balls. Caressed them gently.
They were still hurting, but maybe not as much.
“Look, Peter, I’m dying to give you that orgasm you need so much. It’s OK. It’s not like having sex or anything, you know? You won’t be being …unfaithful or anything. But I want to hurt your balls a bit more first. OK?”
I realised she was right. Probably. But still…I was confused by my lust and my fear of how much she could – would – hurt me.
Her hand drifted slowly back to my erection. Grasped it. I groaned.
“Come on Peter!” she began gently moving her hand up and down, the muscles in her arms and shoulders flexing under her soft skin. She increased the tempo momentarily, causing me to gasp. Then she stopped, smiling.
“Do you want me to let you come?”
“I…oh god!..please…yes! Please make me come, Mistress”
She laughed.
“You sure, Peter? I want to hurt your balls some more first?”
“Yes! Yes please Mistress!”
“OK then! Thank you! I’m going to really enjoy this. I’m already a bit wet and tingly! Are you glad about that, Peter, that you turn me on?”
“Good! Here we go then!”
Her hand left my throbbing and dribbling cock and moved back to my balls. She took hold of just one of them between her fingers and thumb and even the gentle but firm pressure started to hurt again.
“Are you OK?” she smiled.
07-27-2007, 08:46 AM
This is great skweez!!!!! I hae been forwarding and sending the dom i am going to be meeting with post and story's from the site and after sending her your story she signed up keep up the good work
07-28-2007, 11:16 AM
I gulped. Nodded.
“Good! I’m really looking forward to seeing how much I can make you come! But first…”
She shifted position slightly and her other hand joined the first, with a little painful adjustment. Both balls were still hurting from her previous squeezing, but now my right ball was beginning to hurt much more. And she hadn’t started squeezing. Both thumbs were now ready to press down on my single ball.
“Here we go!” she grinned. “See how you like this!”
07-28-2007, 02:25 PM
She began to squeeze, both thumbs pressing into my aching testicle. I could feel the nails digging in.
I began to groan.
She laughed, and squeezed even harder.
Groans turned to squeals.
She increased the pressure.
I was screaming.
“Aaagh! No! Please, Mistress, please…!”
I was thrashing around, begging for mercy, pulling against my bonds to no avail. Her grip was nauseatingly intense.
Then her thumbs dug in even more, and she began to knead my agonised ball, nails digging in harder, tearing against tenderised flesh.
The pain was incredible, wave after wave lancing into my gut. My eyes were screwed tight shut and agony burst in bright explosions against the blackness.
I screamed and screamed for mercy.
But she wouldn’t stop. Just laughed in delight as she piled the pressure on even more. I couldn’t believe a woman could be so cruel!
She gave my ball one tremendous final squeeze, using all the power of her hands, arms, shoulders and weight as she crushed down on it.
My screams reached a desperate new intensity.
She held hard, sinews taut, for a few terrifying moments.
Then let go.
07-30-2007, 12:35 PM
She began to squeeze, both thumbs pressing into my aching testicle. I could feel the nails digging in.
I began to groan.
She laughed, and squeezed even harder.
Groans turned to squeals.
She increased the pressure.
I was screaming.
“Aaagh! No! Please, Mistress, please…!”
I was thrashing around, begging for mercy, pulling against my bonds to no avail. Her grip was nauseatingly intense.
Then her thumbs dug in even more, and she began to knead my agonised ball, nails digging in harder, tearing against tenderised flesh.
The pain was incredible, wave after wave lancing into my gut. My eyes were screwed tight shut and agony burst in bright explosions against the blackness.
I screamed and screamed for mercy.
But she wouldn’t stop. Just laughed in delight as she piled the pressure on even more. I couldn’t believe a woman could be so cruel!
She gave my ball one tremendous final squeeze, using all the power of her hands, arms, shoulders and weight as she crushed down on it.
My screams reached a desperate new intensity.
She held hard, sinews taut, for a few terrifying moments.
Then let go.
LOVE IT!!!! :) More pain! More pain!
07-30-2007, 02:05 PM
She smiled at me. I tried to smile back, but my right ball was still shooting pains of nauseating agony.
I was scared she might have injured me or even damaged me.
I was in absolute agony. Mistress Madeleine had wanted to hurt me and she’d done just that. She was stronger and crueller than I’d expected or even fantasized about.
She’d really enjoyed doing that, really really hurting me.
My eyes were awash with tears of pain and fear.
“Are you OK, Peter? Did that hurt you? Good! I enjoyed it and…and I’ve not finished yet!”
“No…please! Please Mistress! Oh…Madeleine…!”
She laughed at me again.
She then took my relatively undamaged left ball in both hands.
“What’s the matter, Peter? Can’t let this little one get away scott free, can I?”
She began squeezing, digging in both those strong thumbs.
The pain was even worse than before. Her nails had found a particularly sensitive area and she worked it hard.
I howled, screamed and begged for mercy but she carried on, laughing in delight.
07-30-2007, 02:54 PM
One of Mistress Vittoria's post seems to have been removed. That's a pity. I think her comments add flavour to the thread!
07-30-2007, 03:48 PM
She gave my ball one tremendous final squeeze, again using all the power of her hands, arms, shoulders and weight as she crushed down on it.
My screams reached an even more desperate intensity.
She held hard, sinews taut, for longer than last time.
She suddenly let go, frowning, and began to shake her hands and arms. Her breasts jiggled. Despite my pain, I realised I still had a hard-on.
“Cramp!” she said simply, irritated. She clenched her hands a few times, then smiled.
“That’s better! Now where were we…?”
I moaned in fear, but before I was able to plead with her she was bearing down with all her strength again, nails digging in punishingly, crucifying my testicle on the altar of her pleasure.
07-31-2007, 03:53 PM
She eventually stopped and let go of my agonised ball. I was still moaning and thrashing in pain but that terrifying pressure was released. Slowly the agony in my ball began to recede. My gasping breathing began to calm down. Now both balls were aching painfully, the last one obviously more so.
She moved her hand back to my cock. It had softened under her brutal onslaught. But now it was growing hard in her hot cruel hand.
I shuddered in pleasure.
She stopped, just holding my throbbing shaft.
I groaned.
She grinned.
“What’s the matter, Peter?”
“I…oh…please mistress! Are you going to…please…let me come now!”
“Oh don’t worry! I’m going to make you come. You might not enjoy it, but I’ll certainly make you come!” There was a glint in her eye. It worried me.
I didn’t understand what she meant about me not enjoying it. Of course I would! I was desperate! But even by then, I hadn’t realised what a sadist she was. She was going to show me what a cruel woman could do…
08-02-2007, 12:55 PM
Her hand began moving again. I gasped with pleasure.
“I bet your balls hurt now, eh, Peter?
“Oh! Oh god yes!”
She carried on. My orgasm was beginning to build. I was groaning, panting. I tried to relax, even though the pain of my balls was distracting. The pleasure was beginning to outweigh the pain.
“I’m going to make you come, Peter, and there’s nothing you can do about it” she said as her hand continued to pump up and down on my bursting cock.
She was right. There was nothing I could do about it. I didn’t want to do anything about it, though! I felt my orgasm beginning to surge and I gasped aloud.
She let go of my cock and sat back with a smile.
I groaned and my body trembled in frustration and lust.
“Are you sure you want me to make you come, Peter?”
“Oh! Mistress…please! Yes please Mistress!” I babbled.
“OK! Here goes!”
She moved her hand back to my drooling cock, caressed it. It jumped at her touch.
“Ready?” she smiled.
“Oh Mistress…please…yes please!” Her fingertips were lightly tracing round my glans. I was bursting to come.
“OK, then, if you insist!”
She wrapped her strong warm hand around my shaft. I sighed in relief and grinned at her like a fool. I should have known her better by now.
08-03-2007, 01:50 AM
She moved her hand slowly. I began to pant and groan, staring at her fantastic tits, at her strong arm muscles flexing under her soft skin as she wanked me off.
“That’s it, Peter! Come on!” she purred.
I groaned in response. My balls were still hurting from what she’d done to them. I still couldn’t believe she could be so cruel! But my body was melting into orgasm as she worked on my cock.
“God I can be such a bitch! I love it!”
I didn’t know what she meant, but something about the way she said it made my heart plummet even as she ****** me closer to ejaculating.
Then her hand let go of my cock and cupped my aching balls.
She laughed at my reaction.
“Said I was a bitch! This should make you come, Peter. Don’t say I didn’t warn you!”
Her hand clenched my tortured balls. I screamed in renewed agony and sexual frustration as she started squeezing.
And then she began tugging my crushed balls up and down and from side to side. The pain was unbelievably excruciating as she squeezed and tugged viciously.
But at the same time my desperate hard-on was being flung about this way and that, slapping against my stomach, her punishing arm, the skin pulled taut by her grip on my balls. In spite of the torture my balls were getting, I began to ejaculate. My come was splattering around as she carried on wrenching my balls and I carried on ejaculating. I was still screaming in agony.
She carried on squeezing and wrenching my balls, viciously ******* every last drop out of me until she was satisfied.
She let go and sat back with a wide grin.
“Told you you wouldn’t enjoy it, Peter, didn’t I?” she laughed.
I couldn’t reply. I was gasping for breath. I was in agony. Absolute agony. But also absolute worship. I was in awe of her strength, her brutality, her sensuality. Her cruelty.
08-05-2007, 03:35 PM
I was so relieved when she started to unfasten my ankles. Then my wrists.
She talked me back down. She was really understanding, really nice. But she wasn’t apologetic.
I’d got more than I asked for. More pain, more pleasure. How could I complain?
My balls were still hurting when I got back home.
As I closed the door I realised my wife was back before me.
“Hi, Petey!” she called out from upstairs. “You couldn’t fetch me a glass of water, could you?”
Well, one thing led to another.
I was about to make the final move in our usual husband/wife vanilla foreplay, my cock ready for her warm wet cunt. She’d gently squeezed my balls as usual a bit earlier and it’d really hurt but it made me really hard.
Then she astonished me.
“Peter…?” she purred. “Do you still want me to…tie you up? And…really hurt your balls? Really? I’ll do it if that’s what you really want me to do. I know I’ve been a bit…squeamish…but…if that’s what you want…I’ll do it! Do you want me to tie you up?” she giggled, but then took a sterner tone.
I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Telepathy or something.
I looked at her. My own gorgeous wife.
I couldn’t say “no” could I?
But I should have done.
I had to take a sick-note for a week.
08-06-2007, 03:48 PM
Was that ending a bit too corny? :autogun :wooow
08-06-2007, 06:36 PM
Feedback sort of "Petered" out toward the end of that story (sorry!). You didn't like it? :confused:
08-07-2007, 05:53 PM
No comments. OK.
08-07-2007, 07:06 PM
Sorry didnt reply sooner. I liked it but it's not the end. If he said no to his wife he won't ever get what he really wants. But if he says yes, he will be real tender and it will hurt more, but has to fake it in fear of scaring his wife into not doing it again. Hmm, dilema, what should he do?
08-08-2007, 03:01 PM
Glad you liked it, vandalcrow!
I think I've finished writing this one - but you're right, it's not the end of the story! I thought I'd leave it open for the reader's imagination to fill in - as yours has, obviously! Nice one! But then I just thought I'd hint at what had happened. But still letting you fill in your own details :D
08-18-2007, 11:15 AM
Came to this late.
The episodic nature seems to hark back to an older time where authors would produce each section to a publishers deadline for papers and magazines. Leaves time to imagine where you would take the story yourself. Fun.
Thanks for the stories. Only wish I had the ability to write myself
08-25-2007, 07:02 PM
Thank you Skweemee for this story.
You are the best!
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