View Full Version : Amazons
08-12-2007, 06:30 PM
Traditional and modern amazon scenarios...
08-12-2007, 06:42 PM
more of the same...
08-12-2007, 06:51 PM
more of the same.
Even more?
08-16-2007, 10:21 AM
this might be everyguys fantasy......
10-21-2007, 11:19 PM
More Amazonian type themes
10-21-2007, 11:25 PM
even more themes about powerful amazons...who enslave men.
10-27-2007, 07:09 AM
very good pics
10-28-2007, 05:12 AM
I always find it very arousing when 3-4 girls grab a man and his genitals and threaten to cut them off. Man can not resist. Neither he can allow this to happen nor he can live with out it. It is a great delima. I always have these fantasies.
11-02-2007, 10:34 AM
Great pics! Thanks:thumbup
11-03-2007, 07:46 AM
These are great. Where did the forth picture in the first set come from?
11-05-2007, 06:09 AM
Thanks :thumbup
11-07-2007, 05:07 PM
really a nice thread:)
11-08-2007, 01:48 PM
I'm not sure about the title ( I dont have the time to find out right now), but there was this great pilot for a series starring John Saxxon back in the 70s.
The second half of the pilot was about the cast being captured by a tribe of Amazon woman that kept men as slaves through the use of corporal punishment and a drug that made them feraful and docile. It was the first time that I saw anything like this so open and out there on the small screen, and it had a powerful effect on me when I was younger.
I know that i can find info on the movie, and I'll see if I can find some good images as soon as I can.
"Ypu don't act like a proper Dink, Dink."
11-23-2007, 01:23 PM
That is Frans Mensink artwork. He only posted a very low resolution of this art on his site, some time ago. I wished he had done more.
These are great. Where did the forth picture in the first set come from?
11-23-2007, 01:34 PM
Some more, and more to come.
11-24-2007, 05:52 AM
I find third picture very erotic. Please post more pictures like it.
12-04-2007, 10:09 PM
more of the same...
Impressive post. :thumbup
12-16-2007, 11:13 AM
more and more and more...
12-16-2007, 11:18 AM
can you say, "more?"
12-16-2007, 11:22 AM
and what about some more?
12-16-2007, 11:29 AM
...I will make them a bit smaller.
12-16-2007, 11:59 AM
some more of that stuff
12-16-2007, 12:04 PM
Lots more to upload.
12-16-2007, 09:50 PM
put on more pics
12-19-2007, 09:19 PM
Is there a limit on the total amount of jpegs we upload?
12-26-2007, 09:55 AM
Being captured by a woman and getting to learn to get whipped by her... Like a man! 'cause if she is an amazon she will be treatingher man captive as a woman would treat her dog: teaching him how to get whipped by her like a man!
01-02-2008, 04:50 PM
why not rig tocock and balls to jump leads
01-27-2008, 11:07 AM
Thanks To All , Great Pics-
02-21-2008, 02:44 PM
even more themes about powerful amazons...who enslave men.
What the movies are the second and the last pics?
03-10-2008, 12:58 PM
Very good pictures, thank you sheldon
03-10-2008, 04:57 PM
Very good the pic of the nurse and the men with head over hills!
03-14-2008, 10:57 AM ( (
03-14-2008, 11:36 AM
People always find the most interesting pictures. =)
03-15-2008, 06:31 AM ( (
03-17-2008, 12:59 PM
This is my first aportacion hope that is your pleasure
Greetings .-
Acasado ( ( ( ( (
Make clik on the image to see bigger
03-17-2008, 03:46 PM (
I love the comments in this one
03-21-2008, 09:49 PM
Great pics thanks
03-26-2008, 02:54 AM
thax a lot fopr the pics :thumbup
03-28-2008, 11:14 AM
great pictures! :ibow4u:
Thx a lot! :thumbup
03-31-2008, 03:45 PM
Great cartoons posted here!
04-04-2008, 09:21 AM
Does anyone have a link to Vintage Femdom ie from the 80's. There was some great stuff in that era that I can't find on the net.
04-07-2008, 08:06 AM
sorry don't know origin
04-13-2008, 06:36 PM
It is great to see this thread continued! Thank you very much.
04-18-2008, 09:02 PM (
I can think of worse ways to go ;)
04-19-2008, 08:20 AM
I can think of worse ways to go ;)
No kidding
04-19-2008, 05:31 PM
Talk about dying doing what you love...
04-20-2008, 03:01 AM
hi. I am new member this forum and forum is high quality.:thumbup
04-20-2008, 08:02 AM
some more links./ amazon fetish stories and combat, check out the
cock and bull story under thevalkyrie .com super hot chick killing a strange
looking animal.:thumbup ( (
:cool: = cool
04-20-2008, 09:02 PM
This entire thread is awesome.
05-03-2008, 09:07 PM
Hello. I am new member too and this forum r0x!
05-04-2008, 08:09 PM
Hi! Someone in this forum knowns movies of Amazon Women killing men? Thanks!
05-07-2008, 03:05 AM
excellent, sorry I can't contribute ....:(
05-07-2008, 02:29 PM
I'm waiting for more posts! If I found some, I'll post.
Thanks for all!
05-10-2008, 02:55 AM
does anyone know where do get full stories of these amazon pictures
I found them on some yahoo groups free samples section but I have been trying to be a member to one of these groups, however it seems as if most of these groups are either not working or domant its so frustrating I need a fix:cryingblu or I am about to loose it.
:cool: = cool
05-10-2008, 03:33 AM
Hi! Someone in this forum knowns movies of Amazon Women killing men? Thanks! ( (
the youtube movie clip was taken from the hundra movie series of the 80's
I wonder what happened to this movie concepts the seems to be very small production of this types of movies this days:(
:cool: =cool
05-11-2008, 07:09 AM
It' very interesting this kind of Drawings
05-12-2008, 07:38 PM ( (
the youtube movie clip was taken from the hundra movie series of the 80's
I wonder what happened to this movie concepts the seems to be very small production of this types of movies this days:(
:cool: =cool
Thank you my friend!
05-12-2008, 07:39 PM
It' very interesting this kind of Drawings
I like theese drawings too!
Traditional and modern amazon scenarios...
Really great pics, thanks, hcs
ahmad hassan
05-19-2008, 03:26 PM
Some more, and more to come.
05-19-2008, 08:32 PM
I'm not sure about the title ( I dont have the time to find out right now), but there was this great pilot for a series starring John Saxxon back in the 70s.
The second half of the pilot was about the cast being captured by a tribe of Amazon woman that kept men as slaves through the use of corporal punishment and a drug that made them feraful and docile. It was the first time that I saw anything like this so open and out there on the small screen, and it had a powerful effect on me when I was younger.
I know that i can find info on the movie, and I'll see if I can find some good images as soon as I can.
"Ypu don't act like a proper Dink, Dink."
I don't think the film ever got named (not in this thread anyway)... it was "Planet Earth," from 1974,
05-20-2008, 05:18 PM
can you say, "more?"
Wow, I love the last one of this set, youngmales2.jpg. Sometimes -- a lot of the time -- it's the *concept* behind a picture or drawing that matters a lot more than the technical execution, and this is a classic example.
05-20-2008, 05:33 PM
some more of that stuff
Can anyone translate the French dialog in the swimming-pool cartoon in this set? I'd love to know what the ladies are saying.
05-22-2008, 12:30 PM
This game was released a couple of years back I personally like playing with tanya and millena because they have the coolest fatalities and you need to finish the game to unlock most female characters including different costumes.
Strictly for blood gore and intense violence lovers.
mk cult lifetime fan.
:cool: = cool
05-22-2008, 12:39 PM
chicks fighting with guys screen .
05-22-2008, 08:40 PM
chicks fighting with guys screen .
I love Sexy Killer Girls!!!
05-22-2008, 09:29 PM
chicks fighting with guys screen .
Why is it that video games do not have girls kicking their male opponents in the balls?
This game was released a couple of years back I personally like playing with tanya and millena because they have the coolest fatalities and you need to finish the game to unlock most female characters including different costumes.
Strictly for blood gore and intense violence lovers.
mk cult lifetime fan.
:cool: = cool
cool pictures!
05-23-2008, 06:17 AM
Why is it that video games do not have girls kicking their male opponents in the balls?
hope you enjoy this from wwe raw video game series. (
if you are loking for ball busting game you can check out Urban Reign video game PS2 , XBox platforms namco productions plenty of ball busting action moves possible once you unlock your female characters or you can fight against the sexy suin yi the co-leading female character it wont take long before she start beating you and busting your balls character.
:cool: =cool
05-24-2008, 07:23 AM
[quote=dicksta;46616]hope you enjoy this from wwe raw video game series. (
:thumbup I love when she grabs is balls and twists them sending him rolling around on the mat.
05-30-2008, 02:33 AM
Hi everyone, I'm a new member of this forum, and i'm interested of all about amazons and female warriors too.
I just had an outlook on the forum in general and I think it is very interesting.
05-30-2008, 04:30 AM
Nice pictures !
05-30-2008, 08:47 AM
Great pics, I'm new here, so can't wait to be able to open attachements...
05-31-2008, 06:01 AM
OOO very nice, wonderfull:iluvu:
06-14-2008, 08:22 AM
Below pictures Courtesy of nerraw.[the d trump of computer animation]. I love this guys work
not only the story line but the presentation of his subject.
come on guys lets share some pictures to keep this thread alive:)
:cool: = cool
06-22-2008, 12:59 PM
Very nice!Thank you!:bananajum
06-24-2008, 07:33 AM
:ibow4u: grande post parabéns pelas fotos muiiito boas msm
06-27-2008, 04:21 PM
Below pictures Courtesy of nerraw.[the d trump of computer animation]. I love this guys work
not only the story line but the presentation of his subject.
come on guys lets share some pictures to keep this thread alive:)
:cool: = cool
Beautiful pics! If possible, post more, please!!!
06-29-2008, 09:19 AM
mucho gracias
07-01-2008, 12:08 PM
very nice pictures
07-05-2008, 03:58 PM
I hope this links will keep you guys beasy..:thumbup
Hope you guys enjoy this amazon links plenty of free good quality pictures
and render images. checkout the archives section under man killers it has hot amazon comic heroines kicking ass. ( (
:cool: = cool
07-09-2008, 02:33 PM
I want to be an Amazon's prisoner!!!
08-07-2008, 02:27 PM
:D some more amazon links for sexy amazon babe lovers.:thumbup ( ( (
:cool: cool
12-23-2008, 11:16 AM
amazon mix figthing.
12-23-2008, 11:23 AM
this picture is related to the above one the it is created by a guy named dicgomez i have been trying to track his work but it seems like its difficult to find does anyone know where to find more of his work i think his work is:thumbup fantastic:bananad:
12-23-2008, 11:38 AM
Good! I'm especially looking for "Tales Of Amazons pt1 & 2 - Argon's Story". Nobody got it plz?
12-23-2008, 10:05 PM
12-24-2008, 10:04 PM
this picture is related to the above one the it is created by a guy named dicgomez i have been trying to track his work but it seems like its difficult to find does anyone know where to find more of his work i think his work is:thumbup fantastic:bananad:
I agree they are fantastic. If you have more I would love to see them.
12-28-2008, 08:14 PM
Involves tickle torture, but also bondage, using men's sperm...
01-04-2009, 07:19 AM
I'm not sure about the title ( I dont have the time to find out right now), but there was this great pilot for a series starring John Saxxon back in the 70s.
The second half of the pilot was about the cast being captured by a tribe of Amazon woman that kept men as slaves through the use of corporal punishment and a drug that made them feraful and docile. It was the first time that I saw anything like this so open and out there on the small screen, and it had a powerful effect on me when I was younger.
I know that i can find info on the movie, and I'll see if I can find some good images as soon as I can.
"Ypu don't act like a proper Dink, Dink."
The movie was called 'Planet Earth' and was intended to be a pilot for a new TV series.
01-04-2009, 07:23 AM
The movie with John Saxon was called 'Planet Earth'. It was a pilot for a TV series.
01-04-2009, 01:25 PM
Hi, I do have quite a few pics from Nerraw etc. but I do not have a clue if they are copyright protected. Any idea how to find out and what are the associated risks? (I know: no risk no fun ... but it would be good to know anyway)
01-05-2009, 12:41 PM
Hi, I do have quite a few pics from Nerraw etc. but I do not have a clue if they are copyright protected. Any idea how to find out and what are the associated risks? (I know: no risk no fun ... but it would be good to know anyway)
well you said it no risk no fun besides most of this websites or artist could use some free advertising I am not saying one should break the law but most websites are Surprisingly generous with their material so lets :letsplay :thumbup you know what I mean
01-31-2009, 04:31 AM
01-31-2009, 10:54 AM ( (
02-01-2009, 01:14 PM
Incredibly hot, in more ways than one. Czarina, you do great manips! How about some Amazons milking bound men?
02-18-2009, 09:00 PM
i love them. thanks
02-19-2009, 07:00 AM
Amazing work, Czarina! Maybe you can do some for me? Check out my thread.
02-19-2009, 03:38 PM
Amazons schoolgirl overcomes the boy.
And, semen is squeezed and carried out by playing with the penis.
The penis is cut out as proof of victory at the end and it maintains it.
02-23-2009, 05:23 AM
The only female ito fight in the arena soon proves to be more than a match for her male counterparts. The consumate ease with which she dispatches each and every boy who dares challenge her serving well to dispell any doubts in the gladiatorial community as to the skill, prowess and of course superiority of girl warriors.
02-24-2009, 06:36 PM
Amazones defeated the man.
The penis is cut into the proof of victory.
02-24-2009, 11:07 PM
HOT images, MAMORU! Thank you for posting.
03-02-2009, 02:39 PM
why don`t we live in a world dominated by AMAZONS
03-02-2009, 02:44 PM
more of the same...
03-03-2009, 02:31 PM
Amazons are such a turn-on!! These pics are awesome, thx:)
03-07-2009, 05:49 AM
I seem to remmber back in the 90's the film director James Cameron announcing (or rumoured to have annouced) that he was thinking about a big-budget historical film about amazons warriors. Considering the strong amazon like characters in his Terminator 2 and Aliens films it could have been a possiblilty.
Why oh why was it never made?! A big budget film with decent and good looking actresses would be amazon heaven! I'd better start writing that script......
03-19-2009, 09:43 PM
some cannibalistic amazons!
03-19-2009, 09:46 PM
some cannibalistic amazons.
03-20-2009, 01:39 PM
Some more, and more to come.
i can't even view the images. no permission
03-21-2009, 05:53 AM
i can't even view the images. no permission
che impressione.......
03-23-2009, 11:54 PM
Hope you like
03-24-2009, 03:15 AM
awesome PICs! wow:iluvu:
03-29-2009, 04:29 AM
this girl warrior is wanking a macho off with amazons' method:loveeyes
03-29-2009, 08:41 AM
beautiful pic i love it
03-30-2009, 01:22 AM
some amazons pics like the one in my avatar, already posted under cartoons, hope everybody like and post something in return
03-31-2009, 11:02 AM
i can't even view the images. no permission
AFIK you have to post several times before being allowed to open the attachements!
04-10-2009, 05:43 PM
some amazons pics like the one in my avatar, already posted under cartoons, hope everybody like and post something in return
wow thats impressive thanks for the images ;) amazon chicks are superhot.
04-10-2009, 11:40 PM
some amazons pics like the one in my avatar, already posted under cartoons, hope everybody like and post something in return
Those are the best. Thanks
04-11-2009, 05:09 AM
i found this link its a amazon mix fighting websites with good story and images (
04-18-2009, 04:03 AM
really a nice thread
05-14-2009, 10:47 AM
The girls of the only female gladiatorial academy challenge the boys of the male schools to mortal combat to finally prove just which sex makes the superior warriors. Fighting naked the girls invoke such uncontrollable lust in thier male adversaries that, disorientated with desire and unable to defend themselves, they are slain to the last without so much as even injury to the worthily victorious gladiatrices. Bitches!!
05-15-2009, 12:50 PM
Good! I'm especially looking for "Tales Of Amazons pt1 & 2 - Argon's Story". Nobody got it plz?
You can find the hooole thing here for free:
27 pages of amazons destroying men
05-16-2009, 01:32 PM
Wow thx! Good to have an answer :thumbup
05-20-2009, 02:28 AM
targeting amazons (sorry for quality)
05-20-2009, 03:32 AM
targeting amazons (sorry for quality)
improved e8ebb871
05-30-2009, 07:48 PM
I wrote this a long time ago but thought I'd share it here.
Amazons in Training
Kayla stood proudly in the first rank of young warriors, her naked, well-oiled body glistening in the sun. Soon, she would be the first to receive the short red tunic, iron helmet, bronze breastplate, heavy shield and short sword that was her birthright as an Amazon. Soon the Mother Priestess would rise and address the girls, but there were still a few moments for her to relive her victory over that sow Arian that morning, the wrestling match that had decided once and for all that she, and not Arian, would be the first to receive her weapons and armor from the Mother Priestess.
As the two acknowledged leaders of the trainees, Kayla and Arian had agreed, with the approval of their instructors, to schedule their combat for the last day of training. That morning, all the hatred they felt for each other had spilled over, turning what should have been a sparring match into a bitter battle.
They had stood across from each other on the floor of this same arena, naked as they were now, with all the girls of their youth brigade watching. Warily they circled each other, the cheers of the girls ringing in their ears, half for Arian, half for Kayla. At last though, Arian had lunged forward, attempting to seize Kaylaıs hair. Sheıd ducked, and slammed her shoulder into Arianıs exposed breast. The bigger girl had sat down hard. Kayla leapt at her, knocking her to the ground, but as she went under her, Arian reached up and grabbed Kayla by one breast, her other hand yanking at the smaller, lighter girlıs cunt hair. Kayla screamed as Arian benched pressed her into the air, holding her up by her tit and pussy hair, then hurled her away.
³So, you want to fight dirty, bitch?² shouted Arian, kicking dust into Kaylaıs watering eyes. Blinded, Kayla groped for her adversary. Crack! One of Arianıs big feet slammed into Kaylaıs jaw, sending her flying back into the dust. Arian followed up her advantage, seizing the smaller girl by the hair and pulling her to her feet. Thunk. A heavy fist sank into Kaylaıs taut midsection. But now Arian made a mistake. Thinking her oppenent was nearly finished, she pulled Kayla to her in a bearhug. Kaylaıs tits were crushed painfully against her opponents chest, and she fought to breath. Arian cinched her hold tighter, spreading her legs for leverage. And Kayla found her opening. With all her might, she lifted her knee into her adversaries cunt. She could feel the lips split as her knee ****** her way up, feel the tickle of pubic hair, feel the hard cap of her need slamming into the fleshy nub of Arianıs oversized clit.
Arian slumped in her arms. Again, Kayla felt her knee slam into the tiny, sensitive target. How proud Arian had been of her large pleasure button, ******* it on all the other girls like a cock. Arian fell to the ground, curling in a ball to protect herself. Kayla pounded her heel into the girlıs kidney, then seized her by the hair and pulled her into a kneeling position.
³Please . . .² gasped Arian, but Kayla felt no mercy. She slammed the heel of her hand into Arianıs face, felt the satisfying crack of her nose at it shattered. The bigger girl fell on her back, massive tits heaving as she gasped for air. Kayla knelt over her, spreading the lips of her pussy and releasing a golden stream of piss.
³Behold how I spray her face, just as the puny male who captures her will spray her face with his loathsome seed,² cried Kayla. At last, two of the instructors pulled her off her beaten foe.
Kaylaıs pussy began to drip at the thought of the thrashing she given her opponent. Too bad theyıd pulled her off before she could force the bitch to eat her cunt. But here reveries were interrupted as the Mother Priestess rose to address the women.
³Tomorrow, we will raid the villages of the Hitani barbarians. Like most uncivilized societies, they entrust weak, foolish males with the protection of their homes. We fight the Hitani, because they are the weakest of our enemies and you girls must learn the art of combat as only a true fight can instruct you. Now, let me tell you of the Hitani. They fight naked, armed only with spears. Like most males, they place inordinate value on the cocks and balls. Indeed, they believe that their balls are the source of their bravery, so that when one of them slays another (for they fight among themselves as often as they fight outsiders), it is their custom to eat the balls of their slain enemies. Conversely, because each man believes the power of his balls will live on in the body of the man who eats them, they carefully prepare their stones for battle. Each man oils up his prick and balls, then binds them with a leather cord that pushes them up and out. This will only make it easier for you, our new scouts, to harvest your first pair of balls and be promoted from scout to warrior.²
As the Mother-Priestess spoke, Kayla thought back to the first man she had seen, just a few weeks ago. The instructors had take the girls to a clearing in the woods, far from the village. There, his wrist and thighs tied to two stout trees, was a naked Persian lad. At first, the girls hung back, slightly afraid, for even bound the hulking male was larger than they, his powerful arms and chest covered with thick slabs of muscle (the sight of which, to her disgust, made Kaylaıs pussy tingle). Then, her eyes were drawn downward towards the dark forest of his crouch. She stifled a giggle. How could anyone walk, let alone fight with such a ludicrious growth dangling between his legs? The heavy dangling balls drooping between his thighs, the snake like hose rearing its single-eyed head as the sight of some 50 naked, sun bronzed girls worked its inevitable effect upon the hapless victim hanging before them. Seizing the initiative, Kayla walked up to the boy. She hesitated, reluctant to touch such a revolting thing, then balled her hand into a fist and slammed it into the Persianıs cum-filled stones. He shrieked like a pagegirl at that, his body going taut then collapsing so that only his bonds held him up. His erection immediately receded, as he hung there moaning.
³Good, Kayla,² said one the instructors. ³You have found your enemies weak point.
Encouraged by Kaylaıs success, the other girls moved in closer. Eager to prove her leadership, she grabbed at the heavy ball sack and yanked. The boy screamed, louder than before, then fell back as if dead. Cold water revived him. Arian pushed her way from the crowd.
³Let me.² But rather than attack his balls, Arian began to slap open-handed at the thickening hose. Fascinated by this unexpected effect, Arian continued to spank the ladıs bursting cock. He began to shake and quiver all over, his body dancing in time to her blows. His prick began to jump, seemingly of its own accord, then suddenly, to the surprise of the girls, thick white foam shot out to a distance of several feet, spraying all over Arianıs tan belly and hands, even dripping down into the red hairs of her cunt.
³Animal!² she cried. Blind with rage, she resolved to use the most devasting weapons a naked girl could against an opponent. Dropping to her knees, she seized his still-swollen manmeat in her teeth. The boy screamed as her teeth cut into his glans, his estacasy turning into unimaginable pain. Like an animal, Arian tore at him, twisting her head and yanking it back as hard as she could. Now his devastated cock pumped blood, not seed, and the boy tried in vain to bring his hands down to protect his savaged organ. Arian rose and spit the severed penis back into his face, so that his own cock flesh and blood dribbled down his chest.
This sight so inflamed Kaylaıs passion that she threw herself onto the shrieking man, rubbing her own naked, wet darkly furred patch against his thighs, lifting her right leg high so that her knee slammed into his balls with each of her primal thrust until she exploded in orgasm and he lasped into a merciful unconciousness. Two of the instructors pulled Arian and Kayla off the Persian.
³Well, even if itıs rather damaged, Iıll show you how to claim a cock and balls,² laughed the lead instructor. She pulled from her belt a thin, long knife with a wickedly curved blade, tucking the curved blade behind the swollen balls of her victim. A quick upward tug, and his whole package dropped neatly into her outstreched hand. The other instructors then revived the boy, who lived just long enough to see the smirking bitch whoıd shaved away his manhood lift her trophy above her head in triumph.
05-31-2009, 02:14 PM
You can find the hooole thing here for free:
27 pages of amazons destroying men
Now that's entertainment! Wish he'd do more.
06-06-2009, 02:58 AM
cool post!
are there any more movies?
06-11-2009, 06:13 AM
More of my story...
Amazons in Training: First Battle.
A few days later, Kayla and her brigade marched forth to their first battle. Each of the young women was eager, and hoped to win recognition by harvesting the biggest collection of cocks and balls, some to be saved as trophies and others to be eaten as delicacies.
Though they had been awarded their armor, each of the girl's was not permitted to fight as a warrior until she had claimed her first cock in battle. Instead, the youth brigade was armed as scouts, with only a helmet, spear or glaive, a light shield and heavy belt from which hung the fearsome curved emasculation knife, with which an experienced warrior could carve a man's cock and balls from his body with a single stroke.
Kayla's group marched out an hour before the main force, taking a wide detour behind the enemy encampments to cut off any retreat.
Some hours later, the main Amazon force made contact with the ****** of the Hitani. As Mother-Priestess had predicted, the Hitani troops were naked and lightly armed. Their practice of binding their cocks and balls meant that most of them were erect, their bloated pricks bobbing obscenely as they marched out to meet the Amazons.
Though the Hitani outnumbered the Amazons by nearly 2-1, their lack of armor and poor training made them easy victims for the superior women warriors. Only a few minutes after the heavily armed phalanx of Amazons crashed into the poorly dressed ranks of their center the Hitani broke and ran, leaving behind hundreds of dead and wounded men. Still the Amazons pressed forward, spears plunging into naked flesh, swords hacking at limbs as they wheeled to crush the right flank. Many more men fell before the onslaught. The lucky ones died immediately.
Now a trumptet sounded, and a second group of Amazons moved forward, knives at the ready. A few isolated pockets of Hitani still fought, but soon they too, fell. Now the killing began in earnest as the Amazons broke ranks and fanned out across the field, ********** every dead body or wounded male they found with few exceptions. The rare Hitani warrior who managed to slay an Amazon were taken alive and intact to use as breeding stock, for it followed that they were the strongest and best of an inferior sex and race, albeit one needed to propagate.
Miles behind the main conflict, Kayla and her friends could hear the cries and screams of the Hitani men as their prized cocks and balls were torn from their bodies. But now they could hear something else--confused jabbering, pounding naked feet along the path through the wooded area where the girls lay in ambush. Then, she saw them. Three naked Hitani warriors, armed only with short spears, running as fast as they could. Kayla waited until they were only a few feet from her, then leapt from her cover. The Hitani stopped, hesitated, then emboldened by the sight of only one girl scarcely more equipped than themselves, moved toward her. As the first lifted his spear, Kayla slashed down with her glaive. She'd meant to hit his head or spear arm, but by lucky miscalculation her sharp blade sliced neatly through his erect penis! The warrior stood there, open mouthed, looking in shock at his cherished cock lying on the ground before him. His two companions hesitated at the sight. He fell to his knees, dropping his spear and seized his cock, pathetically pressing it back against his groin and weeping in disbelief. Kayla whirled to face the next warrior, sweeping the butt of her spear upward and into his lemon-sized balls. He too, dropped his weapon to clutch at his unprotected groin. The last Hitani lunged forward with his spear. Kayla blocked the blow with her shield, then drove her own blade into his unprotected belly, so the he fell mortally wounded, but alive. She returned attention to the male she whose balls she had merely busted. He looked at her, still clutching his aching nutsack. A swift kick sent him tumbling onto his back, leaving his balls again exposed. She drove the butt of her weapon right into one of the orbs, pinning it to the ground. He screamed as his testicle exploded inside him. Quickly, she planted a foot on his throat and stooped over him, drawing her cutting knife. She slipped it behind his scrotum and yanked, but she was still new to the knife and only succeeded in slicing off his ruptured ball. Cursing, she cut him again, this time removing most of his penis. A third slice at last removed the final trace of his manhood, which she held up for him to observe as he died. Kayla next moved to the gut wounded man, seizing him by his erect prick and hoisting him from the ground. This time, the cut was perfect and his hips fell back to the earth, leaving his still erect cock and balls dangling from her hand. She added it to her belt, then moved to the last Hitani who was still clutching his dick against himself in the forlorn hope it might somehow reattach itself. Laughing, she slammed the pommel of her knife into the side of his head so that he fell, dropping his penis. Woozy from the blow and loss of blood, the man was helpless and Kayla grasped his balls firmly and tugged them away from his body. The knife slipped in behind his balls, and she yanked it upwards. His balls and sack seperated neatly from his body and Kayla added it to her collection of booty. Three cocks and the sun was still climbing! Kayla planted a foot on the emascualated body of her victim and cried out in triumph.
06-19-2009, 05:33 AM
Lost Among the Hitani
Kayla stood in the clearing, three freshly cut cocks and balls dangling from her leather belt. All around her was quiet. Where were the other girls of her brigade? She looked down at the naked corpses beneath her. Goddess, how her pussy was on fire! Would that there was a young page girl here for her to mount. Still, somehow she had been cut off from her unit. The wisest course, she decided, was to head back towards the main Amazon unit, rather than wander here in the wilderness trying to find her own unit.
Kayla set off down the trail, the severed male organs bouncing against her thighs. The sounds of the battle were dying now; most of the Hitani were dead, their cocks and balls trophies of the war-bitch Amazons, their women ****** to lick the cunts and assholes of the victors before being slain themselves (for no woman who submitted to a man was worthy to live, according to The Amazons). Many of the older Amazons, who had already been credited with many cocks, spit their winnings on sticks and warmed them over the burning Hitani huts to share with a favorite pagegirl before bedding her, grinding their hairy cunts against the smooth labia of the younger girls until both exploded in orgasm.
All this was unknown to Kayla as she made her way back towards her on lines. She walked along a path that lead to the remains of the Hitani town. She rounded curve, and nearly crashed into the Hitani warrior fleeing in the opposite direction. For a second, both stood there, mute with surprise, analyzing their opponent. Even in her limited experience, Kayla could tell this warrior's cock would be a great prize. His erection was nearly as long as the long blade of the cutting knife; each of his long-hanging balls was as big as her fist. Eager to win such a prize, she lunged at him.
Unlike most Hitani, this one was armed with a metal sword captured from some more civilized enemy. He blocked her blow. Frustrated, she lunged again, but again he parried. Still, with his shorter weapon he dared not go on the offensive. Kayla had the advantage, which she tried to press home. He manuevered defensively, his cock and balls bobbling with the effort. She swung again only to find her glaive blade sink into the branch over head. Cursing at being so made a fool of, she pulled her sword and charged him. They fought back and forth, but he was naked and shieldless, so that while Kayla could not land a death blow, he was soon nicked and cut and bleeding, so that at last, he collapsed before her, seemingling unconcious. She let out a whoop, and squatted over his protrate form. She dropped her sword and shield, then grasped his cock in her hands and began to draw the cutting knife from her belt.
But as she grasped his huge organ in her hand, she could feel it pulsing with life. She paused, and stroked it a few times. Of course, the Hitani warriorıs cock had been erect since early that morning, and his huge balls were bursting with his unspent seed. A few flicks, and his cock began to dance. Kayla was fascinated, just as sheıd been fascinated by the Persian boy. She released the knife handle, and her fingered her pussy. Some imcomprehensible force emanating from her cunt took control over her mind and body, ******* her to turn so that her opening poised over the huge member of her prisoner. Panting with desire, she lowered herself onto the massive piece of manmeat. It hurt as it crashed through her virginal walls, but that only made her thrust more urgently. Only a few strokes, and her cunt exploded in ecstacsy. And then two things happend. First, the violence of his own orgasm revived the supine warrior and he thrust up into her, cooling her hot pussy with pulsating jets of white seed. And second, two of Arianıs best friends, Lina and Massy rounded the curve of the road.
Next: Kaylaıs Crime
"By the cunt hair of the Goddess," cried Lina, staring at the Hitaniıs prick, which was still gorged due to his ball bindings, "thereıs enough man meat to feed every page girl in the village." Her hand went to the deballing knife at her belt.
"Wait." Massy grabbed her wrist. ³Donıt you see? This is our chance to avenge our beloved Arian. See how this bitch is taken by a man?"
"No!" cried Kayla, "I took him! Soon my knife would have claimed his prick and balls!"
"Ha, bitch. You know the penalty for an Amazon who is defeated by a man, let alone defiled thus! We will tell how we rescued you from this animal as he raped you after defeating you in combat. Lina, grab the severed pricks from her belt. Weıll claim them as our own as well." Kayla rose from the body of the Hitani, his monstrous prick withdrawing with a loud plop.
"Bitches . . ." she looked for her sword, but had dropped it too far to grab it. Lina advanced, slamming the boss of her shiled into Kayla's face. She fell back, ***********.
"Now, let us harvest this Hitaniıs cock and balls," said Massy. She reached down and grabbed his cum-coated prick. "Goddess, it feels like it's alive!" Indeed, the Hitani's cock was twitching with excitement.
"He wants us to ******** him," laughed Lina. "Quickly, you take that one. I'll get Kayla's trophies." Lina pulled the pricks from Kayla's belt and fastened them on her own.
"Let's play with these a bit," said Massy. She wrapped her fingers around the groggy Hitani's gigantic balls and squeezed. He screamed in agony.
"Goddess, they're so big I can only crush them one at a time!" She grabbed the other ball and squeezed it. The Hitani continued to wail, though his prick stiffened and jerked in rythm to her cruel abuse. Suddenly, a shadow fell over her. It was the Mother Priestess, accompanied by her guards and a few Hitani prisoners, each tied together by a rope around their balls, their hands tied behind their heads.
"What happens here?" she demanded.
Massy spoke. "We found this brute defiling our sister's cunt after defeating her in combat. We were abusing his worthless cock and balls before claiming them as a trophy."
The Mother Priestess waved her hand. "If he has defeated an Amazon, then his cock and balls will be spared for one year so that he might live in the breeding pit. As for Kayla, she has been defeated by a male. Her cunt has been defiled with his loathsome cock. She is no longer an Amazon. She too, must be cast into the pit as a sperm harvester, filling her bucket with the cum of these prisoners. Poor Kayla. It would have been better had he killed her."
Lina and Massy bowed.
"Since you have witnessed her shaming, you will be the ones to prepare Kayla for her servitude to the cocks of men. Lina, hold her down. Help her," she motioned to two of her guards, who grabbed Kayla by the arms and legs, Lina lowered herself on Kayla's chest.
"Massy, shave her cunt." Massy took the cutting dagger from her belt and began to scrape aware Kayla's cunt hair. The cold steel of Massy's knife revived Kayla. Before she could speak, Lina shifted so that her asshole covered Kaylaıs mouth. Almost involuntarily, Kayla's tongue began to probe the wrinkled pink spot of her captor as Massyıs knife and fingers danced across her cunt, which leaked for the copius spendings of the Hitani warrior.
When her cunt was naked, the Mother Priestess took the knife from Massy and knelt between Kaylas legs. She spread open the young warrior's cunt lips, seeking out the delicate bud of her clit. Kayla tried to squirm away, but the other women held her down. Mother Priestess pressed the cold steel against her hooded button, then flicked the blade. Kayla was no longer an Amazon.
06-20-2009, 10:23 AM
HOT Amazons tales! Thank you for posting.
06-21-2009, 12:44 PM
another classic nerraw masterpieces i like the contrast of modern clothing and primitive background settings... 3rd last picture
06-21-2009, 01:42 PM
HOT Amazons tales! Thank you for posting.
i often like to read stories like this with hot pictures of amazon babes it makes the stories more interesting this is taken from the actiongirls movie series which will leave you exploding cream for months...:thumbup
06-24-2009, 06:38 AM
The last of the story...
In the breeding pits
Now I will tell you of life in the breeding pits. The 10 Hitani warriors who had been taken prisoner were lead down a long stairway into a dark dungeon in the center of the Amazon fortress. The severed cocks and balls of the men who had preceded them into the breeding pits decorated the walls. Each man was shackled in a small cell. Besides Kayla, two other Amazon warriors had been stripped of their names, to be referred to interchangably as bitches. Like her, their cunts were shaved and the clits cut out. Some twenty guards were also present, one of whom was Arian.
"Bitch," she said when Kayla was brought before her. "Because of your breaking my nose, I missed my first battle. Because of you, I collected no cocks, and am ****** to remain here in this prison as a mere guard with barely more prestige than a shaved-cunt slut like you. Every day I will wip your tits, cunt and ass!"
Each of the guards was naked, save for a leather belt from which hung a short whip and a cutting knife. They worked naked because of their low status, for none of them had ever claimed a cock in battle, but for another important reason as well. For there were only 10 Hitani to provide enough sperm for the entire village! Some of that sperm would be wasted by producing males, so that bitches like Kayla had to harvest as much come as possible. Much female flesh had to be displayed to keep the cocks of the Hitani slaves hard. Often, the guards would lick each otherıs pussies in front of the men, for this was almost certain to produce an erection.
Once the male was suitably erect, a shaved-cunt bitch would enter his cell, her cum bucket ready. She would stroke or suck the slave to a climax, catching his spendings in her cum bucket. At the end of the day the cum buckets, sloshing with sperm were taken to the Amazons selected to breed. Of course, the women who were bred were among the most successful Amazon warriors, women who had taken at least 100 cocks in battle and it was unthinkable that a cock should ever defile their pussies. A favorite page girl would insert a hollow dildo full of cum into the warriors cunt and empty it. Each day the process was repeated until all the breeding women were pregnant. Throughout their pregnancy, the warriors were fed the cocks and balls of their enemies, for ironically the Amazons believed this helped to produce more girl children. Indeed, there may have been some truth to it for most women did bear strong daughters. By mating their best warriors only with the few men able to defeat one of their warriors did the Amazons maintain the strength of their people.
And what of the poor males? Their balls were drained three, four, even five times a day. Each orgasm became a painful ordeal, their cocks were rubbed raw. Of course, each man eventually reached a state were his balls were drained and shriveled like raisens, his cock limp and lifeless. When this happened, the guards would punish him most cruelly, whipping his cock, smashing his balls with their fist, ****** his ass with their whip handles. The slaves would beg for mercy, trying desperately to produce an erection, but it was useless. And so their cocks and balls suffered unspeakable torments. Kaylaıs Hitani was a particular favorite for torture, as his cock and balls were the biggest and juiciest. At last, though, the guards would leave him in his cell, his aching balls swollend and purpled, his limp cock shrunk to a tiny stub. In a few days, though, his cock would return to life and the process would begin again.
This had been going on for some weeks when Kayla made an alarming discovery: she was not bleeding. Her brief encounter with the Hitani's cock had left her pregnant. For this reason, she decided she must escape from the horrors of the slave pit, for she endured nearly as many whippings as the male slaves. She knew her only chance was to organize the prisoners and other bitches as her allies. For this reason, while the guards slept, she spoke with her Hitani, teaching him the language of the Amazons until he was fluent enough to understand the fate that awaited him as it awaited all males--********** and death. He communicated this by whispering through cracks in the wall to the Hitani, who all agreed they must somehow escape this fate and they were also motivated by vengeance for their comrades and families. Kayla was also able to rally the shaved-cunt bitches, pointing out that as the Amazons had disowned them, they owed their former companions no loyalty. In addition, Arian's cruelty made most of them hate her with a special passion.
Revolt in the Breeding Pit
It was about a month later that Kayla's chance came. A Hitani army, bent on revenge, had been ambushed by a single brigade of Amazons and more than 1,000 cocks had been taken without a single casualty to the war-bitch women. Mother Priestess had declared a day of feasting, ordering that the 1,000 cocks be shared amongst the Amazons. Indeed, so excited was she at this great triumph that she opened up her personal stock of smoked and salted cocks she had set aside for the winter to ensure that each woman in the tribe had her fill of man-meat.
Of course, there was no cock-meat for the women in the breeding pit, not even the guards, for they were lower even than a pagegirl in the Amazon hierarchy. All that day, Kayla had taunted Arian, reminding her how she would get no cock-meat that night. Arian beat her, of course, but Kayla continued to tease her from her bloodied mouth and through her pain. Finally, at the end of the day, she went to her Hitani warrior. She knelt before him, and took his cock into her mouth, licking his shaft and balls, flicking his peehole with her tongue, smearing his organ with her own blood from where Arianıs beating had split her lip. As soon as he was erect, they put their plan into action.
The Hitani began to scream as though in agony. Above his din, Kayla cried out
'Behold, Arian, even a shaved-cunt bitch enjoys fresh cock-meat to night." As soon as Arian heard this, she ran to the cell. Through the vision slit she could see blood on the Hitani's cock and could only assume that Kayla was cutting him with her teeth and tasting his delicious cock-flesh which was forbidden. She hurled open the door and charged in, blind with range. Just as Arian was about to bring her whip down on Kayla's back, she spun and turned in a single move, her cum-bucked clenched in her fist. The heavy bucked caught Arian square on the chin, sending her collapsing to the floor ***********. Kayla seized the knife from her belt and drew it across the prostrate girl's throat. Then she sliced away her Hitani lover's bonds. They charged into the hall. Two more guards came at them but Kayla was too quick for them. Her knife found one of the guards throat. The other guard lunged at the Hitani, who caught her arm and slammed it into the wall, breaking it. He seized her knife and slit her throat. Quickly, the other shaved-cunt bitches seized the fallen guardıs knives and opened up the cells, releasing the Hitani. Five more guards came charging down the hall, but they were now outnumbered and easily dispatched. Now the group moved towards the guards barracks. Here, though they had not been allowed cockmeat, the guards had been celebrating with wine and the taste of each others pussies. They lay, dozing peacfully, with their cunts in each other's faces. The slaves and bitches disposed of them quickly. Kayla's Hitani (whom she now knew to called Heb) lamenting that his prick was too spent to properly **** these bitches.
Now Kayla led her party up the stairs towards the unsuspecting guards of the fort. In a rare display of sloppiness, the guards outside the doors to the dungeon had left their post to enjoy the celebration. The prisoners burst forth and headed for the guard's barracks. Here the Amazon warriors, gorged on cockmeat and addle headed from wine, were sprawled about naked. There were about twenty of them, each with a page girl grinding her pussy against the cunts of the older women. All the women, even the page girls, were slaughtered, though two of the Hitani also lost their lives.
The rebels soon found the armory, and ranged with themselves with such weapons and armor as they could, though the Hitani still preferred to fight naked and refused the shields and armor they were offered. Now Kaylaıs band was in command of the fortress. But what would they do next?
High atop the tower along side the fortress gate a single Amazon stood, bemoaning the fact she was missing the celebration. How she wished a sweet page girl was here, rubbing her childish sweet pussy against the warrior's own hairy cleft and dropping morsels of cockmeat into her mouth. A slight noise roused her from his sad thoughts. There! In the courtyard, an unmistakably male body sneaking across the courtyard, making for the gate! With a cry, the Amazon seized her trumpet and sounded the alarm. Next, she coolly slotted an arrow to her bow. The figure below was running back to the central tower. She let fly the arrow, which pierced his back and sent him falling to the ground.
From the central tower, Kayla and Heb watched the Hitani warrior attempt to make it to the gatehouse.
'Damn," cursed Heb. "We cannot escape. Now we must fight." Hurridly, the door was barricaded. Inside, the defenders armed themselves with bows. The two shaved-cunt bitches stayed to fire from the arrow slits beside the doors. Kayla and Heb lead the seven remaining Hitani up to the top of the tower where they could unleash their arrows into the courtyard below.
In the temple, Mother Priestess reclined on her couch, naked. A young page girl licked her cunt. On a raised dias, two other page girls performed a noisy 69 on each other for her amusement. A plate of fresh cocks, roasted in honey and covered with sesame seeds lay on the table beside her and a flagon of wine as well. She bit into one of the lightly crispy cocks, savoring the taste. Some Amazon tribes she knew of would eat an entire man, but to her it was a point of pride that her tribe took enough cocks that they could afford to let the rest of the male carcass rot. She smacked her lips and lifted another cock to her mouth when a warrior rushed in.
"Mother Priestess, something has happened in the tower! The alarm has sounded, and when we went in the courtyard we found the body of a man. One of my warriors went to claim his cock, and arrow pierced her breast for she naked in celebration and not dressed for battle."
Mother Priestess rose, shoving the page girl away. "By the teats of the Goddess! It's not possible! A few shaved-cunt bitches and some sperm slaves! How can they have seized the tower!"
"I donıt know," cried the Amazon. "How many of our sisters have they slain? How many sweet pussies will we never taste again?"
"10,000 Hitani cocks could not pay for this outrage! Every Amazon will be avenged 100 times over! We will wipe out the Hitani forever!" shouted Mother Priestess. "Call out my Temple Guard! They'll make short work of them."
Back in the keep, Kayla helped Heb and the other Hitani with the ritual binding of their balls. Despite their abuse and exhaustion, the Hitani were soon hard. Heb turned to address his men. "See here!" he cried. "See how proudly our cocks take stand against the war bitches! Tonight, I promise you, your cocks will taste the pussies and asses of these war bitches! The deaths of your comrades and families will be avenged. I call on you to defend your cocks like a true Hitani! Let no one take your balls!"
The Hitani cried back, "Never will we surrender our cocks and balls! See how strong they are! How proud! Tonight, we will use our cocks as men should!"
Outside, the Temple Guards massed. These were the Amazon's elite, even more accomplished than the breed warriors. Each of these women had taken at least 200 cocks in battle. They were armed with full armor, covered head to two in iron and bronze. They fought with two swords, one of them a larger version of the cutting knife with which they could emasculate an enemy without even wounding or killing him first. They were only 50 in number, so rigorous was their training, so expensive their armour and weapons.
The first assault began. The temple guards streamed through the outer gates, bearing with them a great battering ram. They ranged into two columns, each bearing part of the battering ram. They slammed the huge ram like a giant cock attempting to breach a virgins tight cunt, but the Amazons who had built the tower knew their business and the door did not yield. From above, the Hitani warriors and rained arrowns down on the attackers, while the women did the same through the arrow slits. Most of the arrows bounced off the Guards heavy armor, but three or four fell, arrows having pierced through their unprotected faces or through the small gaps in their armor. They dropped back, only to return with several ladders. Behind them, a hastily summoned band of archers began to fill the sky with arrows that ****** the Hitani to hide behind the parapets of the castle. Now the Guards raised up the siege ladders and began to climb. Just as the first Guards head appeared on the battlements, a young Hitani leapt foward and shoved the ladder. It fell backwards, and three more Guards died. He ran to another and shoved it as well, sending four Guards to their deaths before he fell, his body pierced by a dozen arrows. A third ladder came up, and a Guard woman leapt on the the battlements. Heb seized the ladder and threw it back into the now panicking Guards. 10 of their number were dead, slain by men and bitches! How could it be? They streamed back out of the courtyard, their pride overcome by fear. The one Guard atop the battlements lunged at Heb, who parried her blow. Now Kayla was on her, her sword smashing the Guardıs head so that she fell to the ground, woozy and weak. Rough Hitani hands seized her and stripped away her armor. Crying out in victory, a Hitani mounted her, his huge prick tearing apart her virginal cunt. A second Hitani worked his prick into her bowels, fucking her until their pricks exploded cum into her. Two more Hitani took their places until the Guard's cunt and ass leaked rivers of blood and cum. Then they threw her over the wall as a warning to the other Amazons.
Mother Priestess was beside herself with rage when she learned of her defeat. Her Temple Guards assault turned back by men and bitches. It was almost dawn, and her Amazon warriors were now massing to renew the assault. Many, however, still dallied with their page girls, unaware of the battle. So when the sun rose, Mother Priestess had 100 regular warriors, some 30 Temple Guards and a few dozen scouts. She used most of her ****** to seal off the tower, preventing any possible escape. Then she sent in another assault team with scaling ladders. First came a shower of arrows and rocks hurled from catapults. Atop the battlements, one more of the Hitani died. Now there were only four of them.
Now the Amazons moved in. But the courtyard was crowded, and the regulars were less heavily armed. When the archers had to stop firing for fear of hitting their own troops, the Hitani struck back, loosing their arrows from behind the safety of the battlements. Below, Amazons fell four and five at a time. At last though, they managed to throw up several scaling ladders. Again the Hitani fought them off. The Amazons fell back, more than 30 of them left in the courtyard which was now so choked with bodies that it was all but impassable. Now Mother Priestess was more enraged than ever. She ordered the outer gatehouse torn down, and a great siege tower rolled up to the keep. The huge tower rolled forward, crushing the bodies of the dead Amazons. Dozens of Amazons rushed out, easily overwhelming the six Hitani, though many Amazons were slain. At last, though only Kayla, Heb and the two shaved cunts were left. Mother Priestess had given strick orders that they be taken alive, though their taking cost many an Amazon her life. By the end of the battle, fully 150 Amazons would never claim another cock. Never before had so many Amazons been lost in battle.
Mother Priestess ordered the four fugitives brought before her. Each was bound, and the Amazons had beaten Heb's balls with the flats of their swords. Huge and purple, they dangled before Mother Priestess, who took in a deep breath as she beheld their great size. The two shaved cunts were brought forward. They were impaled before Kayla and Heb's eyes. Spears were inserted into their naked cunts, then lifted so that they were spitted like capons and it took an hour for them to die.
"Bring me a knife!" Cried Mother Priestess. "So, bitch," she addressed Kayla, "you have found this cock to be to your taste! I have heard how you used your hands to milk the other Hitani, but always your mouth on this one. You will enjoy his cock one last time." She moved forward and seized Heb's cock in her hand. "I will claim this cock, these balls as my own." Heb flinched at her touch, so sore were his balls. Mother Priestess toyed with his erection. Then she squeezed his balls hard so that he shrieked. "See how he shrieks like a pagegirl? He is weak! How could you be so weak as to unite with this male slave? Look at this ridiculous organ. Look at how erect his cock is, even as it goes to its doom. He wants to *********, to be revealed as worthless scum! What an honor to have his prick severed from his body." Mother Priestess slipped the knife behind Heb's mighty balls. She jerked it up, slicing his scrotum slightly as he screamed in pain.
"Beg for me to take your cock, slave!"
"Never," cried Heb through his pain.
Mother Priestess sliced deeper into his ball sack. "Beg me to take your balls!"
The pain was great, but Heb refused. Mother Priestess pulled the knife again, and it sliced into one of his huge balls.
Heb could stand it no longer and cried out "Please Mother Priestess, slice off my cock and balls! I beg you, destroy my manhood! Yes, divine one, claim my cock and balls as your own! Dine on my cockflesh!"
Mother Priestess felt her cruel cunt explode in orgasm. Never before had a male begged her to take his cock! In the future, she would have every seed slave beg for his **********. As she came, the knife slipped from her hands. She picked it up and began to slice again. The blade sliced through his scrotum, blood gushing as his mighty balls were cut from his body. Now the sharp blade cut into the base of his erect penis. At last, his entire package dropped into her outstretched hand. Now she turned, bearing the still erect cock in her hands. She went to Kayla, and ****** the severed cock, all 12 inches of it, into the girls throat. She began to gag as its length slid down her throat. Heb cried out as he realized what they were doing, but he was now a cockless slave, unable to do anything to save his lover. She choked and gagged on the huge organ, until at last she died, strangled by her lovers cock. Mother Priestess pulled it from Kaylaıs throat and stood before the dying Heb. She neatly spitted his cock and held it over a flaming torch held by a pagegirl. When the cock was roasted, she bit into it. Heb's last vision was of Mother Priestess eating his cock, the cock that had killed his lover, the cock that he had believed to be the source of his manhood and his might. He looked upon the destruction of his mighty cock, and then he died.
06-24-2009, 09:07 AM
another classic nerraw masterpieces i like the contrast of modern clothing and primitive background settings... 3rd last picture
are there any more on the web? nerraw seems to be disappeared, hope his works don't
06-26-2009, 12:03 PM
are there any more on the web? nerraw seems to be disappeared, hope his works don't
agreed i dont know what happened to his work but i found some old html free files from his website i might have posted 1 or two of the following files before ( ( ( ( ( (
06-26-2009, 12:11 PM
I dont like promoting other peoples work for nothing but i think the closet thing to a modern day amazon movies will be the actiongirls series of movies its fantastic you will be exploding non stop (
06-29-2009, 09:57 PM
very good pics _514lo.jpg
06-30-2009, 01:24 AM
A modern day Amazon and her trophy collection.
07-02-2009, 05:22 AM
I like these Amazon V Hitani stories but do the Hitani have an inexhaustible supply of woman fodder to send to be slaughted by these bitches. By my reckoning the elite guard alone (a mere 50 warriors) have dispatched no less than 10,000 men with no doubt three or four times as many again being accounted for by their less experienced but far more numerous sisters in arms. Can the Hitani survive? and why don't the Hitani women just ******** and enslave their testicle obsessed men and join the Amazons?
As to the breeding pits I would have them run by captured Hitani virgins who would be required to both milk and ultimately emasculate and kill any spent males as required by their Amazon captors. A task they would take to most willingly I would have thought!
Good hunting girls and may many a Hitani manhhod grace your trophy belts.
07-02-2009, 06:20 AM
I like these Amazon V Hitani stories but do the Hitani have an inexhaustible supply of woman fodder to send to be slaughted by these bitches. By my reckoning the elite guard alone (a mere 50 warriors) have dispatched no less than 10,000 men with no doubt three or four times as many again being accounted for by their less experienced but far more numerous sisters in arms. Can the Hitani survive? and why don't the Hitani women just ******** and enslave their testicle obsessed men and join the Amazons?
As to the breeding pits I would have them run by captured Hitani virgins who would be required to both milk and ultimately emasculate and kill any spent males as required by their Amazon captors. A task they would take to most willingly I would have thought!
Good hunting girls and may many a Hitani manhhod grace your trophy belts.
Well, in my head, I see these as being told from the Amazon POV, and perhaps they exaggerate their triumphs a bit...;)
Besides, it's more fun this way.
07-02-2009, 04:20 PM
10 + ...!!!!
07-06-2009, 07:03 AM
Amazons fantasy
07-06-2009, 07:11 AM
Amazons fantasy
07-08-2009, 01:17 AM
In traditional Amazon stories, something always bugged me. How do Amazons reproduce? Barring magic... it has to be:
1.) Sperm Slaves - The most logical way, but no less stimulating.
2.) Taking the sperm of fallen enemies - Hotter, but less reliable, save for raiding random villages every few years.
3.) One King - There was a story about an island of women descended from pirates who had a single sperm donor who was recycled every five years. He impregnated the whole island for five years, then was nutted and let go. It's too bad we all can't have that much fun, huh? Best case scenario.
Found it:
07-09-2009, 09:47 AM
Hope you don't mind creamy, but a little take on your stories.
07-20-2009, 09:54 AM
You're telling me that sexually dominant female warriors proving their superiority over the male is not a popular erotic fantasy? Come on let's have some more postings guys and gals.
07-21-2009, 02:13 AM
i wish i had a mistres like sharon i would let her cut my testiculs whenever she wanted i dont think theres a man who can resist:ibow4u:
07-21-2009, 11:10 AM
You're telling me that sexually dominant female warriors proving their superiority over the male is not a popular erotic fantasy? Come on let's have some more postings guys and gals.
Ok, fair enough! Here goes:
07-22-2009, 06:03 AM
You're telling me that sexually dominant female warriors proving their superiority over the male is not a popular erotic fantasy? Come on let's have some more postings guys and gals.
Heck yes. I wrote those Amazon stories and posted them to the eunuch archive years ago. They need a little cleaning up, but there are a few more I'm going to edit and post here. (Not to toot my own horn, but those stories obviously work for me and I hope some others).
07-22-2009, 06:22 AM
up up up up!
some amazons pics like the one in my avatar, already posted under cartoons, hope everybody like and post something in return
07-22-2009, 05:00 PM
Some more artwork from the amazing diegomez:
07-23-2009, 06:17 AM
To quickly summarize, after an Amazon victory over the hapless Hitani (a tribe of male warriors) a slave revolt resulted in the death of many Amazons before the perpertrators were captured; our hero Heb was nullified by Mother Priestess, the leader of the Amazons, and his Amazon lover was choked to death with his severed cocked and balls. Blaming the Hitani for her Pyhrric victory, Mother Priestess has sworn to harvest the genitals of 10,000 Hitani in revenge.
But she has lost many of her best warriors in the revolt; other Amazon tribes, jealous of her long dominance, have heard of the weakened condition of her tribe and made war on her.
Mother Priestess's tribe fends off the rival Amazon's attacks, but her losses are again heavy. Still, nothing can sway her from her determination to make war on the Hitani.
Because of her heavy losses, Mother Priestess is ****** to emancipate her female slaves and press her young page girls, many of whom are only 12 or 13 into battle. But the Hitani's balls have been broken by their repeated losses to these war bitches. They fall back, abandoning their towns and cities before the Amazons who manage to collect a few cocks from the old and very young who remain behind. At last, deep with in Hitani territory a battle takes place. The Amazons, exhausted, out of supplies and outnumbered are beaten by a stroke of bad luck. Two Hitani armies march out to meet them but become seperated during a thunderstorm. The first army collides with the Amazons and is all but destroyed. Hungry, tired and cold, the Amazons are unable to control themselves and, breaking their formation and dropping their weapons, begin to harvest and eat the cocks of their victims. While they are thus engaged, the second Hitani army falls on them. The Amazons, usually so disciplined, are caught by surprise. Disorgnanized and outnumbered, they are routed. Many are raped by the seemingly constantly erect Hitani; others are hauled off into slavery. The surviving Amazons retreat, constantly harrassed by the Hitani. Now the Hitani army, bloated like an excited cock by new recruits excited by their great victory, mercenaries seeking booty and even renegade Amazons from other tribes besiege the Temple of the Goddess. Inside, Mother Priestess has only a few pagegirls, scouts and warriors. Outside, two young pagegirls are cut off from the Citadel. This is where the story resumes.]
Maeya and Harla lay in their secret cave, a small hollow in the side of a hill overlooking the beseiged city. They had violated their curfew a few days before and crept off to their secret trysting place to finger and lick each others sweet pubescent pussies without being molested by the older girls. That very night, the Hitani and their allies had made their camp outside the walls of the Amazons citadels. For a day Maeya and Harla had hidden away. Now it was dusk, and they contemplated the odds of returning to their sisters.
The valley below crawled with enemy warriors. Hitani warriors, some naked, others wrapped in the furs they wore when not actively fighting were everywhere. along with renegade Amazons--mostly the disgraced guards and shaved cunt sex slaves of other tribes--and a few male mercenaries.
:We'll never make it," said Harla, near tears.
"Nonsense," said Maeya. "We are true Amazons, even if we're only page girls, and more than a match for any of those worthless Hitani."
"But Iım so hungry," said Harla. For the girls had had nothing to eat since the day before.
"Shhh, love, weıll enjoy fresh-cut cocks for our supper." She cuddled up to the naked girl and kissed Harla tenderly.
Suddenly, they both started. A twig had snapped. The girls peered into the gloom. A woman emerged from the thicket, clad in a leather skirt and metal breastplate. A short sword and ********** knife hung from her belt. A renegade! Behind, two Hitani warriors followed. Even flaccid, their cocks were as long as most menıs full erections and their low-hanging balls were the size of henıs eggs.
"Here we are. A nice quiet spot away from prying eyes." The woman undid a lacing, and her breast plate fell away, exposing her sun-browned tits and large, dark nipples. She quickly stepped out of her skirt and smiled at the two Hitani. Slowly, majestically, their heavy cocks rose as blood rushed to their organs at the sight of the Amazons shaved cunt and shapely tits.
"Goddess, what they say of the Hitani is true!" cried the renegade. "What monstrous pricks! I fear they will tear me apart."
The Hitani laughed, promising they would give her only pleasure. "Good," said she, dropping onto all fours. "Then give me a prick to suck, and stick the other into my bowels, for since my so-called sisters mutilated my cunt I take my greatest pleasure from being sodomized." Eagerly, the Hitani moved to her. One fed his huge cock into her mouth, moaning as her lips and tongue embraced it. The other spat on his hand and lubricated his cock.
"Your ass is as loose as any cunt!" he cried as he went balls-deep into her with his first stroke. "Truly, you are a complete slut!"
"Mmmmmmmmmmm," replied the renegade, letting the other Hitani's cock slip from her mouth. "Never before has my ass been so filled! Tear up my insides! Fill my bowels with your precious hot seed!"
The first warrior guided his erection back to her mouth. "Pay homage to my cock, bitch! How good it is to find one of your kind who worships the glory of our mighty cocks!"
Maeya felt her gorge rise. How could anyone, even a shaved cunt, allow herself to be used thus?
Now the renegade closed her eyes, her moans of estacasy muffled by the huge piece of manmeat stuffing her face.
The Hitaniıs eyes closed, too, as both men neared the moment of climax.
"Now's our chance! Let's kill them!"
"How?" whispered Harla. "We've no weapons!" In reply, Maeya brandished a heavy branch she picked up from the floor of the cave. But Harla had a better idea. As the two girls rushed from their hiding place, she grabbed up the renegade's sword from where it had fallen to the ground when she stripped. They attacked the oblivious Hitani first, even as they shot their cum into the renegade.
Maeya slammed her wooden club into the Hitani in the renegade's ass. He fell backwards, his cock still spurting gobs of white goo into the air. Harla drove her blade into the shoulder of the other Hitani. He screamed, and fell forward, his now useless arm flapping.
The renegade leapt to her feet, bubbles of fresh cum dripping from her lips, down her chin and onto her tits.
"Bitches!" she cried. "I'll teach you vile cunts to desecrate such lovely cocks and interrupt my pleasure!²
Maeya swung the club again, knocking the renegade to the ground. Harla leapt on her, driving her blade into her throat.
"Quickly, lets harvest these cocks!" cried Maeya. She grabbed the ********** knife from where it lay on the ground. She leapt onto the Hitani whom she had clubbed. He lay dazed on the ground, staring blankly into space. She straddled him, her cunt inches from his nose. He could still have risen and overpowered the small girl, but instead the Hitaniıs eyes focused on the hairless slit in front of his him. He could see the pink slash of the young girl, pearls of moisture forming on her naked labia with the excitement of taking her first cock. As he gazed at the perfect beauty of her cunt, he realized that, deep within his very balls, he longed for the cut, for the liberation from his maleness that would come. Truly, there would be no greater honor than to have the strength of his balls live on in the heart of this war bitch. His penis was unworthy to enter her sacred cunt--only by being eaten was his prick worthy of this perfection that kneeled over him. His cock remained hard--indeed, it grew harder, so that it seemed he would explode if she did not cut it first. He felt her slender hand grab his cock and lift it; he felt the cold steel against his scrotum. He was barely aware as the sharp knife began to slice into his nutsack. Then, proudly, joyously, he felt his cock again explode in tribute to the goddess who claimed his balls. She cried out as his seed erupted, smearing her arms, her face, the slight swellings of her immature breast. He came and came, as though his cock, knowing he would never come again, was determined to put forth as much spume as a man could spurt in his lifetime, all in one come. His balls were still contracting, still exploding in orgasm as the knife sliced through his scrotum. Another powerful spasm seized him as the knife now cut into his jerking prick. Aaaaah, the agony and joy as he shouted out his thanks to the girl who took his manhood! "Yes, war bitch! Harvest my cock and balls! Claim them as your own! See how I cum in tribute to you as you unman me!"
Now the last thin bond of flesh that attached him to his cock was sliced through, and the girl stood and turned. She held forth his still spurting cock so that his own blood and cum splattered his face, dribbling between his lips as he cried out in his ultimate triumph and defeat. He could feel his life flowing out between his thighs. He coughed up his own sperm and spoke.
"Ahhh, little war bitch. Please eat my balls that my strength live on in you!" Then he fell back, his hands clutching at his empty groin.
Now the girls turned. The other Hitani had risen and stood behind them, one arm dangling uselessly.
"Murdering cunts!" he cried. "You will pay for this! I swear on my own balls that your cunts and asses will taste my mighty cock!" He lunged forward, sweeping his good arm that caught poor Harla off guard. She fell to the ground, blood gushing from her nose.
The sight of her lover on the ground enraged Maeya. She rushed forward, ducking under the Hitani's still windmilling arm and sank her nails into one of his outsized balls.
"Whore spawn!" he shouted, grabbing at the girl's slender wrist and trying to break her grip on his exposed manhood. Maeya gave a powerful downward yank. The pressure and stretching of his defenseless ball made the Hitani scream in pain. He fell to his knees, crushing Maeya beneath his weight. She lost her grip on his ball. But Harla was up now, still staggered, but aware of the danger facing her blonde-haired lover. She stumbled towards him, swinging her sword blindly. She caught him a weak blow, which made the Hitani turn to face her and rise up, freeing Maeya's arms. Again, her small hands sought the Hitani's balls, which she grabbed in one hand and began to punch with the other. The Hitania smashed his fist into her face. Maeya felt her nose give, tasted her own blood on her lips. Another blow like that and she'd be unconcious. But Harla came to her rescue, slicing into the Hitani's thick arm as he drew it back for another blow. With both arms crippled, the Hit!ani was unable to protect his outsized balls, which suffered greatly at Maeya's dainty hands. She pounded his purpling balls until they felt pulpy as old fruit in her hands. The Hitani was now in such shock he could not even scream in pain, let alone resist the whirlwind who was crushing his manhood.
At last, Maeya released his broken nuts.
"Hitani scum, did you see how your fellow came when I cut off his cock? Shall you come in tribute to my cunt as well?"
"Yes!" cried Harla. "Let's make him cum even as we unman him!" Harla seized the Hitani's partially wilted cock and began to stroke it. It ballooned up again, dancing in her hands and she rubbed beneath the mushrooming head. Maeya picked up her knife and rubbed blade up and down his massive shaft and along the folds of his ballsack. At last, he, too, began to spurt, his semen tinted red from the blood of his shattered balls. As his orgam neared its greatest intensity, Maeya sliced off his penis.
"Worthless Hitani! I know of your belief that your balls will live on if eaten by an enemy. But your balls are so mushy they are not worth eating!"
The girls laughed at the now sobbing Hitani, who lay cradling his broken balls and bleeding stump.
Harla held the cock of the first Hitani in her crotch, swinging the shaft from side to side.
"Look! I'm a Hitani! See my mighty cock? See how powerful it makes me!"
The two dying Hitani were ****** to endure this humiliation as the girls danced around, clutching the severed cocks to their hairless pussies. At last, Maeya dropped to her knees and began to nuzzle at her lover's pussy, pushing the cock and balls away.
Oh, how the Hitani who's cock Harla held wished he could have his penis back that he might stroke it as he watched the two Amazons lick and suck each other. But it was too late, for there was his cock, now lying on the ground!
At last, the two girls began to feast on the cocks. They ate the balls raw, like oysters. They butterflied and roasted the cocks over a small fire.
At last, filled with cockmeat and sleepily content, they lay together, delicately fondling each other.
"We must move on. Some one will find these bodies and our hiding place," said Harla. Maeya agreed, and the two young girls disappeared into the night, ready to claim still more Hitani cocks.
07-23-2009, 01:32 PM
thanks for the story-creative and hot
08-16-2009, 10:05 AM
Traditional and modern amazon scenarios...
There a very good pictures of male victims and scenes of cruel amazones.
So it must be in real life.
All women must be have a right for holding men als slaves as much they can
give them food and drink for living.
And if they are unable for that by to much slaves it´s time to slaughtes some
of the oldest slave.
I like pictures in that way.
Thank you.
08-17-2009, 01:50 PM
victoriouos amazon... will she collect some prize? ( (
08-17-2009, 01:57 PM
cruel assault (
08-19-2009, 11:29 PM
cruel assault ( Wow! Where'd you find this one?
08-20-2009, 02:20 PM
Wow! Where'd you find this one?
a few more amazons, but not many...
08-21-2009, 07:49 AM
a few more amazons, but not many...
Thank you for the quick response! ( (
Wonderful image manipulations. very exciting watching the women torturing them.I admire the artistry and expert maniplulation, and thanks for a wonderful fanatsy!
08-29-2009, 02:13 PM
victoriouos amazon... will she collect some prize? (
If she isn't going to make trophies of those babies and stut around with them adorning her naked thigh then she's not a REAL Amazon!
08-29-2009, 02:16 PM
cruel assault (
Nice drawing but surely at least one of the girls should have stuck him through the balls?
09-05-2009, 04:28 AM
would you like to fight this hot amazon chick she is ready for battle. (<O:p</O:p (<O:p</O:p (<O:p</O:p (<O:p</O:p
i wish we had more amazon art drawings like these ( ( (
09-21-2009, 06:38 AM
Ok this pic might look a little weird, with part of the pic blacked out in an odd manner, but that's because it was originally an advertisement picture. So I got rid of the advertisement elements.
The couple in this pic are actually embracing each other, but I can't help but notice that it sort of looks like they are in combat, you just gotta use your imagination a bit.
09-21-2009, 02:44 PM
Hi, I`m fan of this kind of work
09-24-2009, 10:07 AM
There is a 3D artist called Skullcrusher who makes amazing animations of athletic women squeezing men between their legs, I'll try to find some pics...
09-28-2009, 10:13 PM
thanks to all members fot this great thread
09-29-2009, 08:48 AM
There is a 3D artist called Skullcrusher who makes amazing animations of athletic women squeezing men between their legs, I'll try to find some pics...Wow thank you everyone for all these wonderfull drawing and pictures
10-04-2009, 06:10 PM
thanks for this wonderfull work
10-05-2009, 04:06 AM
Are there any battlefield scenes of Amazons slaughtering armies of men with suitable female supremacist fervour?
10-05-2009, 06:49 PM
l am new here . can someone tell me how l can open the thumbnails because the site has some restriction l can't solve.thanks
10-20-2009, 08:52 AM
I like very much
10-21-2009, 09:19 PM
You Go-AMAZONS-Thanks for all the great stories and pics:o
10-22-2009, 07:49 AM
A battle between amazons and a male army.
A battle between amazons and a male army.
The amazons will win! Female power will rule the world!:ibow4u: Resistance is futile.
10-30-2009, 08:11 PM
helpless slave (
Adult Image Hosting (
11-09-2009, 03:38 PM
Wow. These pics are awesome. Thx to all
lovely, thank you very much. :)
11-15-2009, 06:10 AM
yea, really great pics!
11-22-2009, 08:27 PM
Mighty Amazon [/URL] ([URL=][URL=]Adult%20Image%20Hosting) Click Image to Enlarge Adult Image Hosting (
11-24-2009, 10:22 AM
awesome pic congratulations
11-25-2009, 02:47 PM
great stuff
11-26-2009, 10:36 AM
Found them!
11-27-2009, 08:47 AM
Found them!
GREAT! Where did you find them?
Thank you!
11-28-2009, 09:13 AM
tribute to nerraw ( (
11-28-2009, 09:48 AM
Do you have more from Nerraw?
11-29-2009, 07:57 AM
Do you have more from Nerraw?
These are sensational! Please post more if you have them.
11-30-2009, 10:09 AM
Numerical superiority is no match for Female Superiority.;)
11-30-2009, 11:13 PM
The amazons will win! Female power will rule the world!:ibow4u: Resistance is futile.
I agree, the Amazons will win... I am male slave to emascultated.
12-02-2009, 01:19 PM
A series of 3 pieces commisioned by a guy who was following my work on Deviant Art - before they threw me off that is!
In the first frame we see the lithe, fit young amazon taking out as many of her male opponents as she can bare-handed; crippled by vicious strikes to the testicles the men are left incapacitated for use later...
The second frame shows our warrior woman in full flow. Trained to take every opportunity to use her natural female advantage she goes straight for the groin. Severed balls taken in open battle like this are the most prized trophies an amazon can own.
And finally we see the captured prisoners being dealt with. Those crippled by groin-strikes or foolish enough to surrender are bound and ********* by the amazon who captured them before being sold into slavery. Although not as prestigious as balls taken in combat, a girl's collection of the severed testicles of captured prisoners is still the standard by which an amazon is measured.
12-03-2009, 12:56 AM
nice. thanks.
12-03-2009, 06:36 PM
Great stuff! There should be a dedicated website for you art!
A series of 3 pieces commisioned by a guy who was following my work on Deviant Art - before they threw me off that is!
In the first frame we see the lithe, fit young amazon taking out as many of her male opponents as she can bare-handed; crippled by vicious strikes to the testicles the men are left incapacitated for use later...
The second frame shows our warrior woman in full flow. Trained to take every opportunity to use her natural female advantage she goes straight for the groin. Severed balls taken in open battle like this are the most prized trophies an amazon can own.
And finally we see the captured prisoners being dealt with. Those crippled by groin-strikes or foolish enough to surrender are bound and ********* by the amazon who captured them before being sold into slavery. Although not as prestigious as balls taken in combat, a girl's collection of the severed testicles of captured prisoners is still the standard by which an amazon is measured.
12-04-2009, 12:57 PM
Great stuff! There should be a dedicated website for you art!
Thanks Sheldon - and everyone else too - can't offer you a website but you'll find more of my work in the Ballbusting section of this forum at
12-19-2009, 11:38 AM
This is the work of jan meier's modern gladiators anyone here know where to find more of this work:thumbup
12-20-2009, 01:48 PM
These are great, I love amazons!
12-21-2009, 09:02 AM
This is the work of jan meier's modern gladiators anyone here know where to find more of this work:thumbup
Here is the link:
12-22-2009, 12:43 PM
Here is the link:
thanks, fantastic link i love it:thumbup
12-29-2009, 11:23 AM
i know, she's not dressed like a traditional amazon being totally nude, but the photographer thought this girl could be the dominant female in person, something like a victorious woman standing on a defeated man and showing him what he'll never have, what do you think?
i fell in love with her smile, her boobs and her pussy lips... (
12-29-2009, 03:24 PM
i know, she's not dressed like a traditional amazon being totally nude, but the photographer thought this girl could be the dominant female in person, something like a victorious woman standing on a defeated man and showing him what he'll never have, what do you think?
i fell in love with her smile, her boobs and her pussy lips... (
That's Petra Morgan aka Daisy. She has busted balls for BallBusting World, BallBusting Goddess and has done some other dominance related websites.
12-30-2009, 06:40 AM
That's Petra Morgan aka Daisy. She has busted balls for BallBusting World, BallBusting Goddess and has done some other dominance related websites.
i found this pic on deviantart, and i believed the photographer took a photo of a model by himself, did't know she is a professional ballbuster...
but i was a little right, she is an amazon somehow, dominating defeated men after busting, ;)
01-02-2010, 11:31 AM
Nonetheless, this picture is superb and very welcome.:bananajum
01-03-2010, 09:02 AM
some amazons by nerraw ( ( ( ( )
01-03-2010, 09:05 AM
fighting amazons ( (
01-04-2010, 08:01 AM
01-04-2010, 08:02 AM
01-04-2010, 08:03 AM
01-04-2010, 08:05 AM
01-04-2010, 08:05 AM
01-04-2010, 08:07 AM
01-04-2010, 08:08 AM
That was my 2cents to contribute.....Happy new year
01-04-2010, 12:26 PM
Excellent work, gilzara!:bananajum
01-06-2010, 02:49 AM
Really hot women!
01-08-2010, 04:19 AM
some amazons by nerraw ( ( ( ( )
i always loved nerraws work nice classic pictures thanks:):thumbup
01-08-2010, 04:51 PM
Muito bom mesmo!
01-08-2010, 07:00 PM
nice pictures
01-13-2010, 06:57 AM
01-29-2010, 07:48 PM
more pics.
01-29-2010, 07:54 PM
the above, my first post of the year.:jumpsmile:jumpsmile
01-30-2010, 02:34 AM
Have a look at these lovely ones:
They're simply fantastic.
01-30-2010, 07:54 AM
This is my hidden fantasy
01-30-2010, 09:17 AM
GOOD STUFF! Thank you!
more pics.
01-30-2010, 10:19 AM
amazon threatening captive male (
02-03-2010, 07:05 AM
very good thread - thanks alot
02-08-2010, 08:43 AM
Well ,
I`ve always been fascinated by ********** fantasies , it`s not easy to find this subject on the net , i was happy when i found the `cruella` website with all the ********** pictures and the `eunugh ` site with the stimulating stories.
Hope i can find more on this subject here ?
02-18-2010, 05:36 AM
i love Gisele
02-18-2010, 05:38 AM
from here :
02-18-2010, 05:39 AM
02-28-2010, 06:25 PM
naked men used by amazons!
03-06-2010, 12:05 PM
nice amazon watered down free stories and pictures enjoy :thumbup
03-13-2010, 09:25 AM
naked men used by amazons!
:bananad: Another great one. Thanks again.
03-14-2010, 07:29 PM
Warrior goddess.
04-04-2010, 08:56 AM
Great Thread! From my boyhood Wonder Woman fetish to Xena WP, I love media depictions of Amazons that hint at the darker Amazon fantasies that inhabit my mind. For me, the strong, physically superior Amazon is one of my ultimate fantasies!
04-18-2010, 04:21 AM
More Amazonian type themes
woowww they are awesome pics
04-20-2010, 10:51 AM
[quote=mankraken11;76596]Warrior goddess.
More please!
04-20-2010, 01:31 PM
sweet ... thanks
05-10-2010, 05:00 AM
A nice portrayal of some very fiesty and scantily clad women warriors slaughtering the male opposition in a veritable orgy of triumphal female supremacism!! Bring it on Girls!
05-12-2010, 02:31 AM
A nice portrayal of some very fiesty and scantily clad women warriors slaughtering the male opposition in a veritable orgy of triumphal female supremacism!! Bring it on Girls!
very nice, where did you find it?
05-12-2010, 06:01 AM
very nice, where did you find it? This is the link to the battle scene. it is a great piece of work but the scene is a bit confusing in that it seems to depict barbarians and knights in battle with eachother and the Amazons engaged in slaughtering anything male they happen across. Anyway I'm sure the girls will be the last ones standing and that would make a great scene to follow this one.
05-12-2010, 04:37 PM
The follow up scene to the final battle would be the luckless captives marched off to slavery coffled balls to neck of the man in front.
05-13-2010, 12:40 AM
Great site idea! Wondering why I can't click on the pictures though.
05-15-2010, 11:54 AM
A nice portrayal of some very fiesty and scantily clad women warriors slaughtering the male opposition in a veritable orgy of triumphal female supremacism!! Bring it on Girls!
This is indeed a remarkable contribution:bananajum . Thank you:) .
05-23-2010, 01:09 PM
just one more upping
some amazons pics like the one in my avatar, already posted under cartoons, hope everybody like and post something in return
06-03-2010, 07:57 AM
Great stuff!
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